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1, Over time excessive alcohol use can lead to the development of chronic diseases and other serious problems including: High blood
pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems. Cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and colon.
2, example of challenges in the commitment of reducing the harmful effect of alcohol-The harmful use of alcohol is a serious health
burden, and it affects virtually all individuals on an international scale. Health problems from dangerous alcohol use arise in the form of acute and
chronic conditions, and adverse social consequences are common when they are associated with alcohol consumption. Every year, the harmful use of
alcohol kills 2.5 million people, including 320 000 young people between 15 and 29 years of age. It is the third leading risk factor for poor health
globally, and harmful use of alcohol was responsible for almost 4% of all deaths in the world, according to the estimates for 2004.

3, examples of policy option and interventions available for national action in the prevention and control of harmful use of alcohol-

The implementation of the global strategy will require active collaboration with Member States, with appropriate engagement of international
development partners, civil society, the private sector, as well as public health and research institutions. WHO States are dedicated to work together to
address the key areas of policy options and interventions, to interact with relevant stakeholder and to ensure that the strategy is implemented both
nationally and globally. The progress of the strategy will be assessed at the Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly in 2013.

4, 4 priority areas for global action in reducing the harmful use of alcohol-
public health advocacy and partnership
technical support and capacity building
production and dissemination of knowledge
resource mobilization.

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