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Alternative assessments, also referred to as performance tests or authentic

assessments, are used to determine what students can and cannot do, in contrast to what they
do or do not know. In other words, an alternative assessment measures applied proficiency
more than it measures knowledge. Teachers focus on their communication skills and provide
authentic materials for many group activities to use alternative assessment strategies. Teachers
strengthen students’ participation in role-playing and other activities in order to capture brief
dialogues, dramas, discussions and presentations. The teachers have summarized the
observations of the students, solved the test elements, and put forward questions to solve the
learner's problems. English teachers have difficulties in making alternative assessments of
students’ oral skills, such as weak pronunciation and grammar, and students’ lack of vocabulary,
which makes their students less comfortable and motivated. Teachers also did not have enough
time to evaluate the certificates of all students.

Learning activities during the Covid-19 pandemic have changed the paradigm of
education and require all parties to change the learning system using online media. The results
of this study are several forms of assessment models that can be applied in the online learning
process, including online-based assessment, portfolio assessment, and character assessment.

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