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Category: Linux for DBA’s

Clearing the RAM on server

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This post is extension of my previous post

Sometimes situation arise when we try to start our db and we get error like not
suf cient memory available, so unable to start our database. so one other option
that we have is if there are no other DB on the host machine and if it is a Linux
OS, then you can use the below command to clear the RAM without restarting the
server machine –

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“sync; echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches”    
Rajat DBA'S Blog Blog at
The above command can be used in Production servers to clear RAM without
restarting the macine.

For more information please read the below article

How to Flush Memory Cache on Linux Server

(Please be Really careful while trying other options)

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By rajat sharma in Linux for DBA's, Uncategorized | March 12, 2016 | 125 Words | Leave a comment

using SED command to truncate

large trace/log  les
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In production environment we have to maintain trace les of past 15/30/45 days
Rajat DBA'S Blog Blog at

depending on the retention period, so if we see a log/trace le consuming more


then instead of deleting that le you might wanna truncate the le and retain only
latest ‘N’ number of lines. one good way to do this is by using ‘SED’ utility.

for example:

oracle@accord:/n01/ora ash1> ls
oracle@accord:/n01/ora ash1> du -sh *
445M logsweep_ora_201603.log
oracle@accord:/n01/ora ash1> sed -i -e :a -e ‘$q;N;8000,$D;ba’
oracle@accord:/n01/ora ash1> du -sh logsweep_ora_201603.log
804K logsweep_ora_201603.log

By rajat sharma in Linux for DBA's, Uncategorized | March 12, 2016 | 114 Words | Leave a comment

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How to delete user account in
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Redhat/Ubuntu Linux?
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Example1: Delete user account from a machine

userdel username


userdel surendra

The disadvantage of the above command is that it only deletes users login details
but not his home directory.

Example2: Deleting user account and his home directory from a Linux machine

userdel -r username

-r stands for remove home directory as well

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The disadvantage of above two commands are that they will not delete user les
Rajat DBA'S Blog Blog at
which are scattered across the machine such as his personal les, his mail spool

There is an excellent user deleting command with more options such as deleting
entire user les, the command is deluser. We will see some examples of this

Example3: Delete user account forcefully though user logged in.

deluser –force username

Example4: Delete user account along with his home directory

deluser –remove-home username

Example5: Delete user account along with his home directory and his personal
les which are located in different locations which you are not aware.

deluser –remove-all- les username

Example6: Delete user account and take backup of his les to a directory for future
use by the company.

deluser –backup-to DIR username

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Example: I want to delete user account Don and take backup of all his les to
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deluser –backup-to /var/backup don

Note: When you take backup, the backup le is created as /var/backup/don.tar.gz


By rajat sharma in Linux for DBA's | August 3, 2015 | 225 Words | Leave a comment

What Is Export In Oracle

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What is export ORACLE_SID

export, set and setenv commands are used in UNIX for setting value of a variable
or an environment variable. In order to understand the difference between the set,
setenv and export UNIX commands, the user should know the difference between a
normal variable and an environment variable.

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Let us  consider an example. In k-shell or bourne shell, a variable is de ned as
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shown below:

# FILE=”output.txt”

This means the variable FILE is assigned a value ‘output.txt’. This value can be
checked by doing “echo $FILE”.  This FILE variable is a normal or local variable.
 This assignment makes the scope of this variable  only inside the shell in which it
is de ned.  Any shell or a process invoked from the original shell will not have the
variable FILE de ned as shown below.


#echo $FILE



#echo $FILE

There are instances or situations where we would like to de ne a variable and it

should be accessed in all the shells or processes invoked by the original shell. This

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can be achieved by the export command in ksh/sh as shown below.
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#export FILE=”output.txt”

#echo $FILE



#echo $FILE


This FILE variable is now an environment variable. An environment variable is the

one which can be accessed across all the shells or processes initiated from the
original shell of the environment. So, in ksh/sh, a variable can be made an
environment variable using the export command.

set and setenv are the c-shell/tc-shell alternatives for setting a local variable and
environment variable respectively. The set command is used for setting local
variable, setenv is uesd for setting an environment variable:

The example below shows the set command usage:

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#set  FILE=”output.txt”
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#echo $FILE



#echo $FILE

The example below shows the setenv command usage:

#setenv  FILE ”output.txt”

#echo $FILE



#echo $FILE


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Rajat DBA'Ssharma
Blog in Linux for DBA's | May 16, 2015 | 326 Words | Leave a comment Blog at
By rajat

Why we set kernel parameters?

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what is the use of kernel parameters?

Kernel parameters are used to con gure the operating system. Typically, when
con guring for Oracle this involves adjustment for memory on the machine and
how it gets allocated.


In order to install Oracle , we change kernel parameters on OS to tell OS to

release/con gure some resource like shared memory , Semaphore. To know what is
shared memory, semaphore etc


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Oracle, just like any other Operating System Process requires resources. It is bound
Rajat DBA'S Blog Blog at
to the system limits impossed by the kernel parameters. Parameters to regulate
the amount of shared memory, the amount of semaphores are important for Oracle
at runtime. If not properly set oracle simply stops working or do in erratically.

The list of kernel parameters to be set can be found at the installation guide of the
speci c platform.


OS kernel parameters

Oracle’s OS speci c installation instructions provide guidelines for the OS

con guration, but the settings for the OS parameters can make an enormous
difference in Oracle performance.

Because Oracle runs on over 60 different operating systems from a mainframe to a

Macintosh, it is impossible to cover every single platform.  However, the common
con guration issues for UNIX and Microsoft Windows platforms will be presented.

Server Settings for Windows Servers

Windows servers for Oracle are relatively simple when compared to UNIX-based
servers.  There are only a few major points to cover to ensure that the Windows
server is optimized for an Oracle database.  The larger Windows servers (e.g. the

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UNISYS ES7000 servers) can have up to 32 CPUs and hundreds of gigabytes of
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RAM.  They can support dozens of Oracle instances, but many third party
applications can hog server resources, causing Oracle performance issues.

Kernel setting for UNIX and Linux servers

In UNIX and Linux, there is much more exibility in con guration and hundreds of
kernel setting that can bene t database performance.  Table 14.1 lists some of the
most common kernel parameters that in uence Oracle:

Parameter Set By the

Description Default Value
Name DBA

The maximum size, in bytes, of a single

shared memory segment. For best
shmmax 1048576 YES
performance, it should be large enough to
hold the entire SGA.

The minimum size, in bytes, of a single

shmmin 1 YES
shared memory segment.

The maximum number of shared memory

shmseg segments that can be attached (i.e. used) by 6 YES
a single process.

This determines how many shared memory

shmmni 100 YES
segments can be on the system.

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Parameter Set By the
Rajat DBA'S Blog Description Default Value Blog at
Name DBA

The amount of shared memory that can be

shmmns N/A NO
allocated system-wide.

                                          OS Parameters

For details, the OS speci c Oracle installation guide should be consulted for
details.  One of the most common problems with Oracle server con guration is
sub-optimal I/O.  For example, the most important thing with Linux is enabling
direct I/O on the underlying le system. Without that being enabled, Linux will
cache les both in the system buffer cache and in SGA. That double caching is
unnecessary and will deprive the server of RAM resources.  The following section
provides a closer look by outlining some of the important Oracle parameters for

Swap Space

The amount of swap space available to the system helps to increase both the
number of processes and the amount of memory they can acquire without
exhausting the system’s RAM.  Remember that although swap is slower than
RAM, the system is intelligent enough to move data which is less likely to be
needed to swap, thus freeing up more RAM for data in higher demand.  In this way,
adding swap, a slower resource, can increase performance.
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If you nd your current swap allocation is lower than the Oracle recommendation,
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you need to increase the size of the swap partition or create a new partition on a
different disk.


Semaphores act as ags for shared memory. Semaphores are either set on or off.
When an Oracle process accesses the SGA in shared memory, it checks for a
semaphore for that portion of memory. If it nds a semaphore set on for that
portion of memory, indicating another process is already using that portion, the
process will sleep and check again later. If there is no semaphore set on for that
portion of memory, it sets one on and proceeds with its operation.  When it is
done, it switches that semaphore back to off.

Oracle speci es semaphore values for semmsl, semmns, semopm and semmni as

250, 3200, 100 and 128, respectively.  These can be found in the output of the
sysctl command in this same order.

# /sbin/sysctl -a | grep sem

kernel.sem = 250 32000     32   128

The values for the semaphores represent the following:

semmsl:  The number of semaphores per set

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semmns:  The total number of semaphores available
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semopm:  The number of operations which can be made per semaphore call
semmni:  The maximum number of shared memory segments available in the

The Oracle recommended values is a good starting point for these parameters, but
when running multiple Oracle databases on a system, semmsl and semmns may
need to be increased to accommodate the additional instances.

To change this setting, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf le.  If there is already a line for
kernel.sem, edit the values given; otherwise, add a line in the same format as the
output above.  The line should look like this:

kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128

This line can be added anywhere in the le, but it is best to keep all the changes in
one place within the le.  Comments can be added by starting a line with a #

Shared Memory Settings

The parameters shmall, shmmax, and shmmni determine how much shared
memory is available for Oracle to use.  These parameters are set in memory pages,
not in bytes, so the usable sizes are the value multiplied by the page size, typically

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4096 bytes.  To con rm the page size, use the command getconf -a | grep
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shmall:  The total amount of shared memory (in pages) which can be allocated
on the system
shmmax:  The maximum size of a shared memory segment (in pages)
shmmni:  The maximum number of shared memory segments available on the

Given that the SGA for a database must be kept in shared memory, the value of
shmmax needs to be as big as the largest SGA.  The value for shmall needs to be
bigger than the sum of all your databases.  The value for shmmni needs to be at
least as high as the number of databases that are intended to be put on the system,
but in practice is generally much higher (Oracle recommends 4096.)

The quick install guide includes directions on checking these parameters.  If they
need to be modi ed, they can be set in the /etc/sysctl.conf le with entries like the

kernel.shmall = 2097152

kernel.shmmax = 2147483648

kernel.shmmni = 4096

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Keep in mind that shmall and shmmax are set in 4 KB pages, not in bytes.
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Other System Settings

A few additional settings are needed for Oracle.  These are not directly related to
the system memory, but are included in this section for completeness.

fs. le-max:  Controls the total number of les which can be opened at once
ip_local_port_range:  This controls the number of network connections which
can be allocated at once.  These are unrelated to the network ports on which
incoming connections are made
rmem_default and rmem_max:  Represent the default and maximum size of
the network receive buffer
wmem_default and wmem_max:  Represent the default and maximum size of
the network send buffer

Under most circumstances, the Oracle recommended values should be used for
these parameters.  These can be set in the /etc/sysctl.conf le.

fs. le-max = 6815744

net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500

net.core.rmem_default = 262144

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net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
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net.core.wmem_default = 262144

net.core.wmem_max = 1048576

While many of these settings can be changed dynamically, it is best to set them in
the /etc/sysctl.conf le and restart.  After restart, con rm that the settings are

By rajat sharma in Linux for DBA's | May 16, 2015 | 1,317 Words | Leave a comment

Btrfs File System

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Hi guys,

remember my post

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this article is about the technology behind that!!!

The btrfs le system is designed to meet the expanding scalability requirements of

large storage subsystems. As the btrfs le system uses B-trees in its
implementation, its name derives from the name of those data structures,
although it is not a true acronym. A B-tree is a tree-like data structure that enables
le systems and databases to ef ciently access and update large blocks of data no
matter how large the tree grows.The btrfs le system provides the following
important features:

• Copy-on-write functionality allows you to create both readable and writable

snapshots, and to roll back a le system to a previous state, even after you have
converted it from an ext3 or ext4 le system.

• Checksum functionality ensures data integrity.

• Transparent compression saves disk space.

• Transparent defragmentation improves performance.

• Integrated logical volume management allows you to implement RAID 0, RAID 1,

or RAID 10 con gurations, and to dynamically add and remove storage capacity.

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You can nd more information here :-
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Below is some real time requirement , we can understand the need of such

According to


I recently had a customer who wanted to reduce storage costs.  They had a 13TB
PROD database, and needed 40 copies of the database to support DEV and TEST
activities, totalling over 500TB.

We did some diagnostics on the databases, and worked out that only about 10% of
data blocks in a clone were ever updated, so deduplicating at lesystem or storage
block level could result in 90% saving.  The client was a large conservative bank, so
the preference was to use existing products from large vendors.  We evaluated
products from Delphix, NetApp SnapManager for Oracle, and Oracle ZFS
appliance, and ended up choosing the NetApp product due to a combination of
functionality, cost, and in-house skills.
Since then I have been wondering if we could have done it cheaper, and have done
a quick evaluation of the BTRFS lesystem which does allow deduplication at
lesystem level.
BTRFS is a “copy on write” lesystem and is listed as EXPERIMENTAL, so I don’t
think it is ready to use in a PROD environment, but is worth testing to support
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DEV and TEST environments depending on the cost of downtime.
Rajat DBA'S Blog Blog at

By rajat sharma in Linux for DBA's | April 16, 2015 | 388 Words | Leave a comment

some linux commands

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It would be helpful to go through below

links to understand linux commands
(written by arup nanda)

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File Types:
Rajat DBA'S Blog Blog at

When you see a le, how do you know what type of le it is? The command le
tells you that. For instance:

# le alert_DBA102.log
alert_DBA102.log: ASCII text

The le alert_DBA102.log is an ASCII text le. Let’s see some more examples:

# le initTESTAUX.ora.Z
initTESTAUX.ora.Z: compress'd data 16 bits

This tells you that the le is a compressed le, but how do you know the type of
the le was compressed? One option is to uncompress it and run le against it; but
that would make it virtually impossible. A cleaner option is to use the parameter -

# le -z initTESTAUX.ora.Z
initTESTAUX.ora.Z: ASCII text (compress'd data 16 bits)

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Another quirk is the presence of symbolic links:
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# le sp le+ASM.ora.ORIGINAL
sp le+ASM.ora.ORIGINAL: symbolic link to
/u02/app/oracle/admin/DBA102/p le/sp le+ASM.ora.ORIGINAL

This is useful; but what type of le is that is being pointed to? Instead of running
le again, you can use the option -l :

# le -L sp le+ASM.ora.ORIGINAL
sp le+ASM.ora.ORIGINAL: data

This clearly shows that the le is a data le. Note that the sp le is a binary one, as
opposed to init.ora; so the le shows up as data le.

Tip for Oracle Users

Suppose you are looking for a trace le in the user dump destination directory but
are unsure if the le is located on another directory and merely exists here as a
symbolic link, or if someone has compressed the le (or even renamed it). There is
one thing you know: it’s de nitely an ascii le. Here is what you can do:

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le -Lz
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Blog Blog at

This command checks the ASCII les, even if they are compressed, and lists them
in chronological order.

Comparing Files
How do you nd out if two les— le1 and le2—are identical? There are several
ways and each approach has its own appeal.

diff . The simplest command is diff , which shows the difference between two les.
Here are the contents of two les:

# cat le1
In le1 only
In le1 and le2
# cat le2
In le1 and le2
In le2 only

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If you use the diff command, you will be able to see the difference between the
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les as shown below:

# diff le1 le2

< In le1 only 2a2 > In le2 only

In the output, a “<” in the rst column indicates that the line exists on the le
mentioned rst,—that is, le1. A “>” in that place indicates that the line exists on
the second le ( le2). The characters 1d0 in the rst line of the output shows what
must be done in sed to operate on the le le1 to make it same as le2.

Another option, -y , shows the same output, but side by side:

# diff -y le1 le2 -W 120

In le1 only < In le1 and le2 In le1 and le2

The -W option is optional; it merely instructs the command to use a 120-

character wide screen, useful for les with long lines.

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If you just want to just know if the les differ, not necessarily how, you can use the
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-q option.

# diff -q le3 le4

# diff -q le3 le2
Files le3 and le2 differ

Files le3 and le4 are the same so there is no output; in the other case, the fact
that the les differ is reported.

If you are writing a shell script, it might be useful to produce the output in such a
manner that it can be parsed. The -u option does that:

# diff -u le1 le2

--- le1 2006-08-04 08:29:37.000000000 -0400
+++ le2 2006-08-04 08:29:42.000000000 -0400
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-In le1 only
In le1 and le2
+In le2 only

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The output shows contents of both les but suppresses duplicates, the + and –
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signs in the rst column indicates the lines in the les. No character in the rst
column indicates presence in both les.

The command considers whitespace into consideration. If you want to ignore

whitespace, use the -b option. Use the -B option to ignore blank lines. Finally,
use -i to ignore case.

The diff command can also be applied to directories. The command

diff dir1 dir2

shows the les present in either directories; whether les are present on one of the
directories or both. If it nds a subdirectory in the same name, it does not go down
to see if any individual les differ. Here is an example:

# diff DBA102 PROPRD

Common subdirectories: DBA102/adump and PROPRD/adump
Only in DBA102: a edt.buf
Only in PROPRD: archive

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Only Blog
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Common subdirectories: DBA102/bdump and PROPRD/bdump
Common subdirectories: DBA102/cdump and PROPRD/cdump
Only in PROPRD: CreateDBCatalog.log
Only in PROPRD: CreateDBCatalog.sql
Only in PROPRD: CreateDBFiles.log
Only in PROPRD: CreateDBFiles.sql
Only in PROPRD: CreateDB.log
Only in PROPRD: CreateDB.sql
Only in DBA102: dpdump
Only in PROPRD: emRepository.sql
Only in PROPRD: init.ora
Only in PROPRD: JServer.sql
Only in PROPRD: log
Only in DBA102: oradata
Only in DBA102: p le
Only in PROPRD: postDBCreation.sql
Only in PROPRD:
Common subdirectories: DBA102/scripts and PROPRD/scripts

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Only in PROPRD: sqlPlusHelp.log
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Note that the common subdirectories are simply reported as such but no
comparison is made. If you want to drill down even further and compare les
under those subdirectories, you should use the following command:

diff -r dir1 dir2

This command recursively goes into each subdirectory to compare the les and
reports the difference between the les of the same names.

Tip for Oracle Users

One common use of diff is to differentiate between different init.ora les. As a
best practice, I always copy the le to a new name—e.g. initDBA102.ora to
initDBA102.080306.ora (to indicate August 3,2006)—before making a change. A
simple diff between all versions of the le tells quickly what changed and when.

This is a pretty powerful command to manage your Oracle home. As a best

practice, I never update an Oracle Home when applying patches. For instance,

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suppose the current Oracle version is The ORACLE_HOME could be
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/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2/db1. When the time comes to patch it to, I
don’t patch this Oracle Home. Instead, I start a fresh installation on
/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2/db2 and then patch that home. Once it’s ready, I use
the following:

# sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> shutdown immediate
SQL> exit
# export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2/db2
# export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
# sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catalog

and so on.

The purpose of this approach is that the original Oracle Home is not disturbed and
I can easily fall back in case of problems. This also means the database is down and
up again, pretty much immediately. If I installed the patch directly on the Oracle
Home, I would have had to shut the database for a long time—for the entire
duration of the patch application. In addition, if the patch application had failed
due to any reason, I would not have a clean Oracle Home.

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Now that I have several Oracle Homes, how can I see what changed? It’s really
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simple; I can use:

diff -r /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2/db1 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2/db2 |

grep -v Common

This tells me the differences between the two Oracle Homes and the differences
between the les of the same name. Some important les like tnsnames.ora,
listener.ora, and sqlnet.ora should not show wide differences, but if they do, then I
need to understand why.

cmp. The command cmp is similar to diff :

# cmp le1 le2

le1 le2 differ: byte 10, line 1

The output comes back as the rst sign of difference. You can use this to identify
where the les might be different. Like diff , cmp has a lot of options, the most
important being the -s option, that merely returns a code:

0, if the les are identical

1, if they differ

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Some other non-zero number, if the comparison couldn’t be made
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Here is an example:

# cmp -s le3 le4

# echo $?

The special variable $? indicates the return code from the last executed command.
In this case it’s 0, meaning the les le1 and le2 are identical.

# cmp -s le1 le2

# echo $?

means le1 and le2 are not the same.

This property of cmp can prove very useful in shell scripting where you merely
want to check if two les differ in any way, but not necessarily check what the
difference is. Another important use of this command is to compare binary les,
where diff may not be reliable.

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Tip for Oracle Users
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Recall from a previous tip that when you relink Oracle executables, the older
version is kept prior to being overwritten. So, when you relink, the executable
sqlplus is renamed to “sqlplusO” and the newly compiled sqlplus is placed in the
$ORACLE_HOME/bin. So how do you ensure that the sqlplus that was just created
is any different? Just use:

# cmp sqlplus sqlplusO

sqlplus sqlplusO differ: byte 657, line 7

If you check the size:

# ls -l sqlplus*
-rwxr-x--x 1 oracle dba 8851 Aug 4 05:15 sqlplus
-rwxr-x--x 1 oracle dba 8851 Nov 2 2005 sqlplusO

Even though the size is the same in both cases, cmp proved that the two programs

comm. The command comm is similar to the others but the output comes in three
columns, separated by tabs. Here is an example:

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# comm
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In le1 and le2

In le1 only
In le1 and le2
In le2 only

This command is useful when you may want to see the contents of a le not in the
other, not just a difference—sort of a MINUS utility in SQL language. The option
-1 suppresses the contents found in rst le:

# comm -1 le1 le2

In le1 and le2
In le2 only

Summary of Commands in This Installment

Command Use

chmod To change permissions of a le, using the –

-reference parameter

chown To change owner of a le, using the – -

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reference parameter
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chgrp To change group of a le, using the – -
reference parameter

stat To nd out about the extended attributes of

a le, such as date last accessed

le To nd out about the type of le, such

ASCII, data, and so on

diff To see the difference between two les

cmp To compare two les

comm To see what’s common between two les,

with the output in three columns

md5sum To calculate the MD5 hash value of les,

used to determine if a le has changed

How we can delete the les which are few days(N days) old?
Ans:To save the disk space you might be deleting the old les or backup which are
1 week(2 weeks) old or depending on your Disk Space and other requirement.We
should automate these tasks as a DBA.We can do this as follows:

For Unix environment:

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Eg: If I want to delete les from a path which are 7 Days old:
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Write one shell script as given below:

#Removing 7 days old dump les
nd /u03/DB_BACKUP_TESTDB/expdp_fulldb_backup -mtime +6 -exec rm {} \;

Where: nd =>Finding the le; /u03/DB_BACKUP_TESTDB/expdp_fulldb_backup

-mtime=>Modi ed time,Here I’m giving 7 days(>6);-exec rm =>execute removing
for les. Now as per your convenience schedule cronjob for doing this task,For
example every sunday at 9 pm than:

00 21 * * 0 /u03/DB_BACKUP_TESTDB/expdp_fulldb_backup/remove_

Which command can be used to view le in readonly mode?

Ans:’view’ command can be used to view le in readonly mode.A very good option
to see cronjob le specially because at any this le should not get modi ed by
mistake as all your daily jobs will be scheduled using cronjob.
Eg: view

Which command is useful to see line by line display in Unix environment?

Ans: ‘less’ command is used to see line-by-line display(‘more’ for page-by-page

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display).I nd less more useful specially for seeing log les and to nd the errors or
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Warnings in the log les.

Which command is used to copy or synchronizing two Directories in a secure

way on any Unix environment?
Ans : ‘rsync’ command can be used to copy or synchronize two directories.It is very
important command and very handy tool for copying les fast for a DBA,Ofcourse
‘scp’ can also be use.But I really like using ‘rsync’ .Below is the example

Copy le from a local computer to a remote server:

Copy le from /www/backup.tar.gz to a remote server called

$ rsync -v -e ssh /www/backup.tar.gz

Copy le from a local computer to a remote server:

Speed: First time, rsync replicates the whole content between the source and
destination directories. Next time, rsync transfers only the changed blocks or
bytes to the destination location, which makes the transfer really fast.
Security: rsync allows encryption of data using ssh protocol during transfer.
Less Bandwidth: rsync uses compression and decompression of data block by
block at the sending and receiving end respectively. So the bandwidth used by
rsync will be always less compared to other le transfer protocols.
Privileges: No special privileges are required to install and execute rsync

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Q. Which command is used to schedule job without user intervention and
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Ans: Most of the time you login into remote server via ssh. If you start a shell
script or command and you exit (abort remote connection), the process / command
will get killed. Sometime job or command takes a long time. If you are not sure
when the job will nish, then it is better to leave job running in background. But, if
you log out of the system, the job will be stopped and terminated by your shell.
What do you do to keep job running in the background when process gets SIGHUP?

Say hello to nohup command

The answer is simple, use nohup command line-utility which allows to run
command/process or shell script that can continue running in the background
after you log out from a shell:

nohup command syntax:

The syntax is as follows
nohup command-name &

nohup /path/to/command-name arg1 arg2 &


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command-name : is name of shell script or command name. You can pass
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argument to command or a shell script.
& : nohup does not automatically put the command it runs in the background; you
must do that explicitly, by ending the command line with an & symbol.
Use jobs -l command to list all jobs:

jobs -l
nohup command examples

First, login to remote server using ssh command:

$ ssh

$ ssh

I am going to execute a shell script called

nohup &

Type exit or press CTRL + D exit from remote server:

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In this example, I am going to nd all programs and scripts with setuid bit set on,

nohup nd / -xdev -type f -perm

+u=s -print > out.txt &
Type exit or press CTRL + D exit from remote server.

By rajat sharma in Linux for DBA's | April 12, 2015 | 2,660 Words | Leave a comment

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