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AE ae) 3c) BIC) Bic) 918) 101) 13(8) 141A) 15(0) 19 ic) 19(C) 2048) 23a) 261A) 251A) 2B(c) 29/4) 90/8) 3318) 46/4) 35(C) 2e(c) 391) an(B) 430) 44(0) 5c) 48(6) 49(C) 501A) 53(6) 54(0)§5(C) 58(0) 59(C) 608) 63a) 64 (0) 6510) 68(8) 69{0) 70(0) TIA TIA) 7518) 7e(c) 79(C) 808) 830) a4(C) aA) 88(c) 89(8) 90/0) 93(8) %IA) 9510) 980) 99(C) 1008) PART 1 1 Mon (A) He's planting some grass. (8) He’s painting a fence. (C) He's working on a machine, (0) He's moving a container, ay wa} ects Az ek (@) $a} Reon aque ak A, (c) wa} ing ae 2, (o) sib Soin gon ge 1 plant ct work an Bran WAC) container (238 au rg gene - we, Eh Ah (a) SA! OEE 811 HIB ALR BAelplanting some grass) 2401 oluioe 2h, (@) BA 28, YAP) ReIetOl MRIENE i Bt=(paintng a fenced qojorias og, (©) BI, WAP) 704 2882 working on a mactine) ze OL Bate va (0) BA 28. WAP B7IB BLT BlcImoving a consine 280] okie 982 2 wam (A) She's pushing a shopping cert. (6) She's removing her glasses (©) She's putting some bags on a shel (0) She's looking at some packages. (09 oy) 8) a we, (@) oy} ers we uc, (©) oP avo EE a BE (0) om san ame a AIC shell package 214 we 191 Se) — alge syed aa (a) BA 9, ot asl cart) B60) OLEH Oe, (0) BA OG, O71 Ors HR et=(romeving hor lasses) ojos 28 (6) SAV 28. FI AIL THEE 27 Steputing ome bags ona shal) 0) oI-2e OF, (©) Be, OR} AAI ame BE(Lookng at same packages) ‘21m. BkeIpushing a shopping (A) The woman is carrying some food. (8) The woman is wiping off a table. (©) The man is talking to a server. (0) The man ic picking up some silverware. 09 oi) Ba Lc, (e ony sea sta a (c) wai ser ofreim 2 (0) Sl ext 01 Ba, 1M wipe 2c silverware (ls, 838) 448, 2APIR sis 20) oj a AR! ate yen sa} (a) BA 92. O71 BAB LET teareyng some food) 2401 ohne et (8) SM 2s, Om AES GE BeAwiping off table) 220] oF Let so1 A Bstanding near a table) AONE Et (C) abt SOHAL Of} Iakn BIStalking wo a server) 26 Olas 2. (0) GA 28, EXPE AiR HOI 2 BEIpicking up some silverware) 260] LIE Of 4 wan © e (A) She's holding on to a handrail. (8) She's bending down to tie her shoe. (©) The entryway is blocked off (0) The stairs are being fixed. (a) omy se 9, (9) omy anaes ern am 2 (c) ses971 eat ue, (0) aeor F242 2c, IM old onto AE handrail. 42) bend ae, 24 tie 30+ block off WICC stair 19) Bay AL ~ Al (ay oe ot 2a. (8) SA Oe, KI BE wala sAeoending down) 280) o1Let IER Sem SI going up the sais) SAOIE 2, (©) A OE, BRENentryway?t 28 BEIBlocked off) EP 0} Use 2, (0) EA O81 mRHstarsI0) Sats ome ost AB BA A TER suefnotang onto a manarat) es fslore being fixes) 2401 5 mn (A) The curtain has been closed. (8) Some photos are displayed on a desk. (©) A travel bag has been set on a chair. {D) A light is hanging from the ceiling, (ay 318012840, (@) Aso} FL ARBED| aE, (c) ogo] 28 O42 () 230 OH 2 Off set ase kb) SC} hang 2, OIC celing Mt sat Avro At ~ Su Ato e424 (A) SA Se. rE(curtain)o| A (closed) APF Of 24 he soIES oer (@ BRAKE 93, ABIphotosO| AL POE Eton a desk) Alek rol ae oe (©) 2, ofettaitravel bagel Six} Po} (sot on a chai) seH010% 2, (0) SA} 2 eightO| AION oF $I thanging from the calling) BA0] OM Ee Oe, 6 wer (A) Aman is walking along a path. (8) An outdoor area is crowded with people. () Aman is removing his jacket and hat. (0) A walkway is lined with benches. (ay aay ey 2m (@) 19 3201 Ase Bet (0) AP won we 8, (0) 4 ueO| BAI uC 9 Isal FF path 2 be crowded with = BU) walkway Ma 191 58 ANS - Ae) Sh Abe BOF (2) EM Se, uni 21 Be(watking) SOI OIL) BF BIE (siting) 20108 28, (8) SN 2G. O14 B2ouldor area)O] MBES WUle(cronded vith people) 2401 OM es (©) SA SS, SEP AZIDE Ox war et=Iremovng his jacket and hat) B01 OIE (0) BE. WEIwalkway)o MRIBO! BAO etlined with bonchos) eS 8 BARRON Bie, PART 2 7 Mon Why were you late for work today? wasn (A) Its on my desk, (8) Because | got stuck in traffic. (Q Later this afternoon. 25 anol eeus? 19 m1 i 0K, () ap} wee. (com ot 78 late for work IM <2 got stuckin trafic 27 a, TesT6 143, HH S201 WE ORB BE Why ote (nh) $1 ©, AOI workOWs ie 7A! desk O}BAH 23, (8) BEL, BAO RE 01H BE ABO! 7 sRCION =A OFF our a (c) uo} 25, 23261 ltos| mio sone! ater OIE et, 8 aw Where's your apartment building located? cn (A) Not very often. (®) Twenty floors. (©) On Fifth Avenue. eMslowie 2S ofl 0197 (Waal AIRE ONLI, (@ zon 20.9. cosets, Of be located PIS avenue (A120 22, ~ 4 0}0)01 gE BE Where IF /y BOO} NAR Oe, PIE Be AGO eo cet IE okt your aE (@) 92 Gof 261 BS buldingDIAl 28 7158 twenty floors olga! 22, (c) 98, Aa OMNES GIA SE AL SWDHEHS HR az guMooa ti 9 W-8- Which flavor ice cream would you like? au (A) Yes, ina bowl. (8) I'l take chocolate, please. (C) The booth over there. of wo}. BONE? (a) 4, 2209, (3) Maas moe wie, (ola a8, 48 flavor | bowd $34.12 booth #4, (220) 22 sa SOE O)o|AE 1 Bie Which SHEE (f) Yes/No 371 9. Which SLEBOKS Yes/No BE0l Isao 290, (0) 3, PAM OASE aS we OL AE! Wok BANS. Sue 288 UE, (c) ED AeRtt= 28, Where SIRZOI Het BHtOLES oes 10 co Who's going to pick up Pablo from the airport? wea (8) A driver will pick him up at twelve. (8) They're my favorite airline, (©) At the baggage claim. ms prt oes ato al IR? (a) Ser zap ge 272, (Gy 7) 7 ove BB, (9918 eR, RT pick up (2) 2211). baggage claim 4512 2% % 44 OFS UR ARIES B= Who S18 (9) 2, BOO OF UN Aol FOIE Bie Sol Sete absQl igs BaHioeR 2, (6) 8 ol OEY, BIRO seportoL SUA 7H airlines O18! 2a, (6) Go} 96s, 20 sirportOl I a1! baggage claims olga 2 a Au Where's the train station? von (A) L always listen to that radio station. (8) An informative training session, (©) Right next to the university. reo oct 2? (a) Me at aie wea aA (e) ele 2 ARON, (} can we gs, Of Informative $212 training session 22:18, $8) right ext to it ot ug 21801 BRIE BE Where SIR (A) G01 Ws 2G), 229 stations MIS O12, (@) FA WS OB, BESl toing HHNIOR HO] RAH training SoiRt ou, (© we, 2HFR11 Ft Satooe BE Be Neo] aa Giclee BAR a2 W-8" When will the cleaning products be delivered? eaw (A) By truck (8) In two days. (C) A manufacturing plant. AARESE em MEELIO? ai exces (6) ore e042, (co ais aaa, 1a manufacturing plant 2:38! My Hee ARISE Whon SI (a) 223} MOURNE Se, HME Be How SASZON OE SHO] Ba 28 (6) a, MARA! he Ale SE MOL Of S2Ioh TAAL Anjos SustooR ar (©) 218 201 2EF, 221 prosuetsolN ea! 7Hs6t manutacturing pani 0188 29, 43 Ch We haven't received the electric bill yet, have we? wesr (A) Sure, Il tumn it on. (8) No, not yet. (O Actedit card. ofs| 71 aN Ws aN a? 0) 889, 17 BH, (6) 0442, ot, (o) AsBaER. Of elect bill (7835 2904 tur on “FE a 27H Al on SB ORE (a) @1 Go 26, AEBS electric) HA 7181 turn toni OF BoE, (@) Be, WIS DAMOl 4A OE RE ROL Nowa CEREE Lor 2] Biz Homa A (© $4 Got OE! BE BLOM Ge) Heat credit card Ol! co 14 wean How did you enjoy your stay? wese (A) Thad a great time. (8) About seven thirty (© He leftit at work. orpate 6 B7IPABLIN? Gy a ge Ate sto, (@) 7ALs082. (0) Pt sEO1 Fa 2012, 18 at work 201 low sige ) 82. OFFS Be EIRENE Be eo ae BeICl BELO. 22 ug. (8) Wat ARIE OE! When LH ofweyt= BEI} es: (C) Pi Bo} SE ESI stoyOlA| } 7H? lott O18! E. leavers "ULCTate 5 SIAR! O| RADOIMES WricHete oe 3 45 was Who won the Employee of the Month award? \Ww-am (A) My dinner was delicious, thanks, (8) Just a few minutes after three o'clock. (©) It still hasn't been announced. ‘pri oteal eaition 880122 (ay x} AI eROLS, Barc (@) sala xk, (cooly ssn woe, Of8| the Employee of the Month OIS2152-518) award 2 announce 18 Aa P4481 FNS SE Who EE a) TU eA OF, 5-7) en Ee OL ALE Ie 888 siz giome oF, (ye aka eV, When Seo URE HOES (Cy 8, O10 PN) SAI PRET ws iO OF TECH FARO Sean BOO TE 16 W-8r Do you want me to reserve a ticket for you? y-co (A) I can't say that Ihave, (8) A higher ticket price (0) Yes, I'd appreciate that. pes el eR SIE? (ay A ni ee 8, & F720 coe, (C) 4, 2904 asARS aA, 1 reserve scl appreciate a/c! sa Lee (a) 2} ete et, 1 CHL OR Fa) OKERT EE of ojReI5) = B32 sim gIOER ost (6) Gol wis Og, Neo) ickete we O1Be Oe, (C) 2, 1S Ce tat SIs MEISE EOL Vesela HOE & 1-8 HED atc OL NOE “Et a7 Au Does your bus stop by the construction site? wean (A) Oh, I'm going by car. (8) A new building company. (Q Did you go on Tuesday or Thursday? SN EH H1A71 BH BI THER? (a), eset ks, (ela zee. () Si9801 4, oR BRI ELIS? 1 stop by Se"! construction site BAe ‘at [7] Ay eR) 7H OEE Be ANDOWS) Yes No 2 (8) BS, MAD} BAP OUR] TE BE BOL RNS BBA 2aclol Palos Baska gloOr ake (@) 21 G20} 2G), AZO} construction sitentAl BA HEB! uiling companys ol 2h (c) $84 GoH Ot. ae) stopoIy te 758 gow Olset Oss 18 ‘wes There's a discount on this stove, right? ws (A) No Lsell kitchen appliances. (0) He's an excellent cook. (0 Yes, its twenty-five percent off. TESTS 145; o) Ags ores, 7 1) 019, t= FU ROHS HE, (B) 2 cI saps, (c) oom te 1, 1M stove 5%, US appliances 7208 cook 22 Wal Hel OPE Aatete a7 oF (A) 284) 0} 2, ZI stoveOLA Ie 7s! Kitchen appliances o1get oe. (8) 4 HO} 2, BBE stoveOIA SHY 7Hs8!cookts OIE! SEL (0) AG, ASW} BeWHen] OFF Be BERL Yeseua CHEE! 250K WEIR} $21 BR SUERIOOE BI 19 eam Could you show me where the electronics department is? ‘wet (A) The show starts at eight rm. (8) Replace the batteries (©) Sure, follow me. -SRIREHD] OIL BEX] a1 AAHOIR? (ay age 7 aap ABRLIC, (ep weieun ate, (c) 22, uneioue, O11 electronics A438, 8)7b) replace BHOIC follow mec} a xe 280m oe (A) G01 WIS 9, ROI shows MO} 2 (B) 28 Slo} 951, EO electronicsta G1 7H bateros tt olga! 28, (cy 242, AxImANHON Sata Ble Sete: AION Sure 8! het gan ER EE 20 W-8r What's this shirt made of? cn (A) In Spain, | believe (8) Let me check the label. (©) Italso comes in blue. 0] iat tow BROIL? (9 api wiee, amlouse. (6) as a I, (C) mate usc Ft abet it A MOLE BE What 18 (A) 2 G10} Set ae madeoAl S88 7H in Spains oe 2 (@) BEL, AES] AOL PENOLA = Skew ha ete RICO} yanjog audiz Yous wi, (©) ia BOLE, ne OL Wer THEE blue OlET 146 2 ‘weAm Will the social media workshop end before von (A) No, the late shift. (8) The schedule’s online. (C) Lonly read newspapers, Abt olcot saab 2 6a eI BLE? (9 oka, ok eR. (@ wale HeHHOI UA 2019, (OWE Ape stauia, 11 Sucial medi 48 Of} ate tio} CS) 4 915401 6A ol BLAIKIE (i) 21) Glo 91,0 sic rao Ott 7H ate sie OAL 2. (8) el, Hao] Oe GAI BON BUTS BE Alea IRIE eleKt oj Sin SalsoR Belen NORE AF (©) 28 1 2F, BEBO] medionlA Bet 7858! newspapers Ol ae ou, 22 eau Which suitcase do you like better, the yellow cone or the red one? wesr (A) It’s an annual conference. (8) The yellow one is a good size. (©) [should book my flight soon. fet of oI oHBO1 Sok? ceINEI ID, Ok HE 219? (ay a eric (ey eel 70] arp aa, (c) ene ofa He. O18 suitease O84 conference e921 book APHIC} aad Coie ate et ese (ay 484 ev OEE, Of! | ORPIEO| C1 BEA] Be skGOl ‘el Sele SHE OfReIn| NORE oes (8) 2, BONA Mey AjsIOR Oye eI ya eA 7 ‘eet ol 21) MelecIOl BAINIOR Selo 2 (©) GO} OSL, E01 suiteasoOlA eA) 7H Might OU 3 23 uCn The parking area in front of the warehouse's been closed. aw (A) There're more spaces in the back. (©) Here's an extra uniform. (© No, just open the boxes. in @ Sxl80| mNSIOIS, (a) sat ct 8201 go, (8) ovtow RuBoIR. (0) one, 2 Ars Ov, fM parking area #518) warehouse ail extra #291 4) Apia EOL INE (ay a, 2 AIL NSIC EE ato SE HE ci sz azo) cia cpg Ae BLO BIE (6) 024 aetat> Se, ARN NSC EAEOL OF FL Ale 4801 aRatal BE SHOIER OB, (©) 214 2O} 2, WAIEO| warehouscOlA PY 7158 boxes O| 88 ott 24 W-Br These shoes look nice, don't they? (A) Ithink you should try this pair instead. (8) The clothing store near my house. (C1 Yes, it was nice to meet her. OL ni, an I? (1 ec Fg al eA OID, (@) Aa] aL NOH fF OL, (ou. ane HA wo 1 try 84801 SEC) pair £122 clothing aL uo] Bane Stshe oy ON (iy 24, M1 NE Avo] GAIA! POL Not ASN A Chet Aims Aol Wein Aluo| 2alelal BOB PAIR LiuaD SL come, (6) 3 Wo} EF, HPO] shoosOlA| Bel 7AB clothing store olga 231, (c) 201 8 Oe, BAI nice HI OIE 2 25 W-am Let's leave early for our lunch with the clients, cn (A) still have a lotto do. (8) A different menu item. (©) No, thaven't met him. -s2(591 tL SANG St a cA (ao olor IB, (o) GB oy ees, (c) one, 8 ao] ELIE FR client 24 es nae SL SUM (iy 2, mato AHL Mtoat HY Line MINAS OF! BIO} ‘eatcio PaPMoe 7iatahn ONE aE (©) 284 10} G1. YEO LunchOlA| ea 7HSeF menus ol! 28 (c) 2) ene 28, 18] LIke AON Of A= SEIT 2ou 26 \w-8r When will you sell your property? eau (A) There's a sale at the supermarket. (8) Yes, we liked it. (We don't have a real estate agent yet. ‘aaa em ato te? (a) aorze ee 8, (a) sal gon AL (0) of 5 a7 2ern HOR, 1 property #88), 25 realestate agent #4! S72 1a 2541 ARE ATERE Ae When See (a) oa 01 2, Pol sol te Het sale OFBE! Ot (@) YesNo 371 SE, When SIR-BORE= Yes/No Biol B7HssHO 22. (©) Be, #EY AR ARS BE gol OF YEA! Stole Fest auc Faiuoe BuNooE 22, 27 sco These business cards ae attractive wese (A) Offices open at nine am. (6) Yes, the design is profess (€) No, the keys are the same. oa sont. Un) a¥pate 2! ol a8, (0) 8715 ae Mans a, (one, mee eam, 181 business card attractive 2 wan al. Cat ie F821 professional 94 a 0 aa 92 ato AS (a) $i OI Ef, BES business cardsOs 28 7H! offices Boge! ost (e) 2, SIRO) WICH OL Yesak= EH HON AINE! OF, dla g9me we, (C) 918) 01 25, BNISYcardsOb eH 715 Keys OBA? 2, 28 W-am How long does it take to become a plumber? u-au (A) It happened last week. (8) A price estimate for metal pipes (© Are you interested in training for that job? gol: al Ald SI IE? (a) aAIO1 2 Bo) oR, (8) BD 71 eS, (oc) 2 =m) aol ao1 BoM? M1 plumber iss price estimate 71125880 uest6 147 M44 SHESHO| SIE HAI AIG ME How long MBE (1) BES} YBRIE OF, When SOF OgeIE BuOINS OB, (8) SF Sol 9G. AEA plumber SHY 758! metal pipe urge wer, (c) 2, NBO] = A BEI AlN BE akeON 2 =f BRON ‘Nol Que SHED IOS aI 29 cn Don't we have an extra table in the supply closet? wm (A) We're using it for the holiday party. (8) Yes, you can close it (©) Maria just ordered more paper. got ea] a LE? cay 321 era mel et ee, (6) 4. BoM te, (C) ojo as a A eHOID, fe extn a 08891, 42701 supply clase wa eye oRe (49 2, DOL ofS} EAH Ie ela ALON eta FL ta Gio of0| OLED! | OIA! BE PaO elm gone wet, (©) PAPE 25), HE closota} YEEAIO HHO] ANKE clove olga oe, (0) 2 GIol 28 P91 supply closetoIa BA 78% paper gaou., og 30 w-S* Where should | go when | visit New York? weam (A) Every month, (B) To the Botanical Gardens. (0) Twenty dol 98 WEBI O1COL 7mo} AR? (ay oe. (settee, (o) zoe, of botanical garden A a RON 70} IAS SE vnore Ie (4) Sat Mo Ost SIH RE How often 21RROF ofa guns ou, (8) 2, RON 7kMo} IAT ES NOL WENA EOI FARR gas Gentoo 2 (6) MEO) BARE OG, 75 BE How much SHR ORI sHolea 28, 18 31 \w-am Has someone booked a room for today's budget meeting? au (A) [really enjoyed the book. (8) Did you tur off the equipment? (©) The meeting is tomorrow. a>} 2 oly 88 B SIR PRL? (a) <1 2 MOTRIN BOIS (0) Mim Ie? (rae ur, ‘14 book 0 Dbuaget ta! equipment 2, 21 A S19} SI} RAI BE ASA) (A) FAP WS OE ARO! booked WHFS WROI RAYE book Boge ost (@) 2 Go} 26. EOI roomot ge) 7h ur of OIA Ot, (C) a, 2 one stots mote ote AYO] TI Be Sol Soke utolein AE BOI FE, PART 3 92.94 \v-Am Hello. 91 have a reservation for a rental ‘truck and I'm here to pick it up. -Cn Certainly. Thanks for choosing Canton Rentals. Before you can take the vehicle, you'll just have to fill outa few more | things for your rental agreement on this computer, eam OK, great. Hmm, 91 ‘my confirmation number, but 'm afrai idn't bring it. Ni-Gn That's nota problem. SH'Ilook it up in our database right now. Fist could you tell ‘me your last narme? + SHES, Set Mea ea sa eI ee ed 481712040 EO ck AAD I | arn sam ems | 9 sain 8, tare eee >on, | SNE SUE, ia wa I LE. 28,88 a | ‘ete FARA? O18 reservation flout HAN 7RIICE rental agreement 120). confirmation eumbor lnk pes BS database “o\eb4ol ws) sj 32 ‘What isthe woman trying to do? (A) Buy a computer (8) Reservea flight, (©) Mail a package (0) Pick up a vehicle Oe 8 slain SOP a REF @ aaxor ange (oy a 2H ta agpanit Bet ~ ofp ate oF AON OF ERIE WeI7IR OHA S121 ICN have a reservation for a rental truck and im hereto pick i pl 22 Be (DIOK, 33 What di the woman forget to bring? (A) Acredit card (8) A confirmation number (©) Some coupons (©) Some identification ons ke se 8 oR? 9 a8 eres ore 0) aes Of identieatin 8 808 a 5) orp} 7oHeAl ee 2 Ob} = ei CIA ao! YRS gst ee, eb hgh (see here you need my confirmation number, but I'm afraid | idn bringin Moos ate (BO 34 What does the man say he will do? (A) Search a database (8) Explain a contract (©) Talk to.a manager (0) Prepare a shipment ave 9a siteha Ba (8) oreo 81 (ey Aston are sn (0) mas 19 shipment es sea ayn as — PH DS EXPE OFS CHAO AE WH 25 ABH ACL ook up in our database right nowt BOBS AE (AVI! Poraphasng CSI ook it up» BS sareh 35-37 Nenu Excuse me, Ying? SAmy's office door is ‘losed, and she asked me to submit a request for some new computer monitors by the end of the day. | have the form here. Can | leave it with you? 01 Lean make sure she gets it. Bh middle of a phone call with & I'm not sure how long she'll be, inthe ient, and Wau That'd be great—thanks! * have to go | now to lead # training session, eereuannarave tee eer euataea at EE oe ere | nse 1M submit ASIC request AK) form iM make sure WIEN) 8) 35 Why did the man go to Amy's office? (4) To request some time off (8) To demonstrate a product, (0) To drop off some paperwork (0) To schedule an appointment SA oto ANP BOK! ORE #BLODTT (a) 718 SesioED (6) BS Ape (0) An aoe (0) 2a sal OFM drop of 8 3) 5, wi ‘af Eta] UH Be! ~ EXP} ooo} APPA fs} 804 EXP) ofoio| ANA BO] SK IEC, A HRY BLY | ABM OE 08 AIREIAET HCKAmy's olice doris closed '~ by the endof the dayin BoaE BBE (CIC vot oR, Porophrasing CIE submit a request ~ 2.91 crop off some paperwork TESTS 149) 9 isal 36 Why is Amy unavailable? (A) She is preparing ta travel (8) She is speaking with a client. (Q) She is attending a seminar. (0) She is working on a report. oo he Be om HEIDI (a) ofa ae im ac, (6) 2 wayein 2c, (o) Mower alsin 2, (0) Sue sao. 1 prepare lsc} attend tiie eng bea et ofo}ols oh + we of Ofc MFO ZIBB AHH Bel {She's inthe middle af 1 phone call with a clentolefar BOE Ie (BOI, asing_2Lin the middle of «phone cal + 8822 speaking 37 What will the man most likely do next? (A) Meet a colleague for lunch (8) Conducta training session ( ean a meeting room (0) Print some instructions ne rigo ate wi? (a) Ba 21 ERISA (6) 2a aA (©) mo asp (0) saa get ‘fe colleague S32 instruction 8,7) my AAR Bet - wai cio wa IAP Oe ANA 2 SHI aH Ie THORAC Have to {0 now to lead a traning session 2 BOSE AE (BOI, Paraphrasing Ulead E°| Conduct 38-40 M-cn Thank you for ealling Margo Publications. How may | help2 » Hi, 8 eureently subscribe to Business Reporters’ Weokly—and I'd like to renew it | saw that you're eurrontly offering 60 percent off an annual subscription? Cn Oh, 99m very sorry. but that discount ‘only apple to new subserintions. You could order a different magazine and receive the discount. Would you like to do that? 150 | Wa Hmm... uh, you know, already get to0 ‘many magazines. So Iiljust renew at the regular rate, MCh OK.*9l ean still m publications. f you change your mind, you can apply the discount to one of those. Of me PIO}AE1 (0) #8-zI8P| 1M revise W215} merchandise TEST 6. 183 es peel ete OT aS, 7 MY HALAL OB E04 SSALGOD MIGIAL BBE CHL ‘=F 4 SLA sIOKEAEEHet me make afew phone calls to the farms around hare and see if can get you some morelat #202 2 BEE (COR Paraphrasing! make a fow phone calls to the farms. ~ 2819| Contact some businosses 50-52 usw How was last night's employee award ‘ceremony, Mina? \weBr It was nice. 81 won a prize for ‘most products this year. ling the av Congratulations! But 'm not surprised— ‘you always have impressive sales ‘numbers. What was the prize? W-8r Tickets to the professional tennis tournament on Sunday. | Menu That's wonderfull W.8r 1 knaw. But i'm leaving for vacation this weekend, so | won't be able to go. u-Aw Too bad. What are you going to do with the tekets? ‘wes 891 was thinking that | would give them away. Would you be interested in going? eon, oma ASINS omoHe? 0 AMO(2, 7 Bate alt Ie WHOIS, 12 Sk stm ett Be OLEH, sel 8201 et EOL, HE BRBOIO? OIRO gate Ee EIA LINE EPO, starsat! Of | =2RE, 9)! ORNL 24 77 aa, YE ettas, aap Epa oferta IONE? | mm wet Boots, AI 2H aI OM? 181 award ceremony AJ impressive 218 BES solesnumbers Qi AS tournament ELIE give away 22011, UOC} be interested in ot 230124 50 What did the woman win a prize for? (A) Having the highest sales numbers (6) Providing excellent customer service (©) Working at the company for ten years {©} Reducing costs on a project, 154 ope Pa mn 8 a (aia el wR (3) one an AL (oavees (0) Bee a eh sg ota} ~ ost 2 01g la} AUtEON OFF aI AC} MRS WH won a prize for selling the most products this year) BEM AEE (AOI Paraphrasing Het soling the most products 1310 Having the highest sales numbors 51 ‘What will the woman do this weekend? (A) Visita branch office (B) Attend a conference (©) Joina fitness club (0) Go on a vacation no} OL RH a 0012 was ee @ eae (maa ss oe tg bent at — OFF ole ER A Of] MBL HALA of RON 7H Gt 2m leaving for ‘ovation this weekend)lei2 HOA SiS (DIKE, aranhsingHB°{leaving for» 8E2IGO on 52 ‘What does the woman say she will do with the prize? A) Display itin her office (8) Exchange it at the store (C) Offer it to someone else (0) Use itat a later date onp aioe soem ergeia wok? (09 AI ISP ( wea04 ais (c) cE RPL BEBE (0) Legon cle w A¥BSPI a ANGAHE Bet ~ mA Aloe B18 OF oHO} CHAI IER Mt BOIRCH! as thinking that | would give them away) YP SAI 2 2101 eIWould you be interested in gong?) HOW? Ome ae (CIC »Parapirasing 62% give them away 2821 Otter it to someone else 53-55, _ Wor S8Here’s your room key. I's 417, Just to the right afer yuu yet off the elevator. Hhope you have a nice stay in Centervillo M-Aw Thanks. #'m in town for @ conference, but have a little free time, This is my first visit hore. Ge In that case, 'd highly recommend visiting the Centerville Art Museum, l's famous {or its collection of twentieth-century paintings -Aw Good idea—I really enjoy modern art \W-Br 51 suggest buying your ticket ontine—that way you'll get a fiteen-percent discount. M-Au That's good to know. Thank you, | opie wARIUC. ar7RaloKe, semlcILs eat He SOIL MEDI EFDA ORAL BILE 2 ela ORO RE, OPA Bola, OFFS nis Shs, Of aWeH, etu ole 7A ee SAMI 20ub| 24 aOR Of oa wt Se azoNg, etl oles ae goIsriER, of dae gerpie alse a wat SUC, at oaks OIE we + 2010, eo muae aie 11 get off “08M 424 in that case 22! 2:90 recommend 61 be famous for 53 ‘Where does the conversation most likely take place? (8) In attain station (8) in ahotel (0) Ina theater, (0) n a computer store TH oo one 2-71? (ay a4 wan (os (0) ime oe at eb ug aes - ca ol A2tOL oH IRIOVA OP ARIE 41 7ENOEAOIere's your room key, Ws 417) 8 42 BONE ELEN, 54 Why does the man say, “This is my fist visit here”? (A) To explain his concern (8) To provide an excuse (©) Toask for permission (0) To request a recommendation ‘es opgot tg eae es ORE BRI (9) eat ast (o waa dats {c) sPi@ Pata (Fuso cnn concern 8) permissions 8/4 request 284+ recommendation $8! ats te 1s me} of REED WO ADEA Yd LA MBO FRO BE, O11 AIL BL Eli in own for a conerece, bt | havea ite fee tne? O20 Me ACE Bak 0} 07 Atk Bae IB AL wean fe 2! + SI UT Ae 0}, 55 ‘Why does the woman recommend making a purchase on the Internet? (A) More products are available. (8) Itis not necessary to wait inline, (0) The price is reduced (0) Shipping is free. 9 1IsaL OP eto: img 28 88 ORES PRIDE (ay a0 cere, () 8 Ma} 712 Isa) c) 201 ae (0) daxpt e201, ad ABA! BIR - of] HEL aN Fate OF Of A i CLO RS BaIPIOR NEI TOMA BION ‘25 4 eH suggest buying your ticket online—that way youd Geta fiteen-percent discount! SAMOS 312 (Ct arapvasing CRI get afteen-percent discount ~/AUEATe price is reduced i» Polina—great news! ®*Remomber the Web site we created for the Lee Dental Office? They were so impressed with our work that they referred us to several potential clients. \w-Amy That is great news. Our business has been | going realy wel lately. We finished! five ‘Web site projects last month alone, TESTS 155; Nich You know, S’since our business is growing | | faster than we expected, we should find an accountant who can handle our bookkeeping WA Hmm. #8've heard the Olson Accounting Firm’s good. I'l set up an appointment with them, Are you free on Thursday? M-cn Inthe afternoon, yes. ‘BAL, 88 440] owe! 9212 a HARE FERMGL IYO? 907} EN Oe BIA, ‘BS aM DENSON HS Aen FR, | of) Whe asi. 2 sot 92 eo] gate ‘ola, ast eH 221 gle MEME sraat0is, 13,92 AO OLE we ABE OL, 2315 BOIS APIA FatOHsO19, 1 GRE MONIRAN BRE OPM BBOIR. Ae) ete@ tones, 229) OMI? pain mp2, 8191 dental ofice xa} beimpressed with ~Ol OMS We refer Ato BAB BOI LC} potential lent 832% accountant 014) bookkeeping 71. setup an appointment 143 2 56 Which industry do the speakers most likely work in? (A) Home construction (8) Finance (© Web design (0) Health care anise oe era ae 21e7"7 (ay sa @ ae cc) were 0) 912 sy 0 AB PIR ~ SHO] BA fa} Se070) LP} ORO EO} at AIH MVOLES RAE 2) 2IALKEXHRemember the Web site we created for the Lee Dental Office?) BOF? OME IE (COKE 87 What does the man recommend? (A) Hiring an accountant (B) Changing operating hours (©) Purchasing office supplies (0) Revising a timeline 156 exo ABat= ae 98100 Ww smmrzgepl (8) Sa A ze ( 4P8e vue (0) Azis pep es ayaa Bel ~ wel $82 ‘et om HALA ARO HA EL AOL ISH, AI Hai BOHR ADLAIE FalolcHsince our business is growing faster ~ handle our bookkeeping) 2 O™e EZ (AOI »Paraphasiy A3Plfind an accountant 528001 Hing an areanitant 58 ‘What does the woman say she will do? (A) Pick up an application (8) Submit an invoice (©) Schedule a workshop (0) Make an appointment ate PONS akc wate? (ay a wt (@ steal avspl (o) Hag setup) co) 88 21 mig RAI 8 ~ Ofc orp ee MOLY Be APLAIPAD) WBE iz Suit (Ive heard the Olson Accounting Firm's goodiol HS GOI ZACK set up an appoiniment with themar BO AE (0) or, Porapeasiog URIS sat up an appointment » 91 Make an appointment 59-01 32148) M-Au Hi Carrie, my name's James Fitch, the personnel director at Regal Advertising. This is my colleague Sanjay Patel. | ech Nice to meet you, Carrie. Please tell us a little bit about your work background. » Well, I've worked extensively in graphic dosign. Here's my portfolio. M-aw Wow, your portfolio is impressive. What ‘would yau describe as your specialty? Aw Some of my best work has been on large billboards in cities around the word. lw-cr You were productive at your last job; why leave? Weam The work was exciting, but it was only | short-term contract work. I've heard that | Regal offers full-time positions. That | shows me that Regal really values thelr employees. ! appreciate that. |e tke, 74 a8 on a MAO, 2d SHO QAIvAS Ba BLE, OEM S29 000] ERIC | SICA ALE, 2, Rett ON HAA a | aa, (oj, X= eH cIN HONE SE RRR, orn aEBaroats, 1, BEMAION QHINOKU, WEI BORE Het? oor iArgOLe? AMER 7 NE te RE PK Of Ea ey ao aOR | 22 mix OLN AI) ALO 2 EL, aR? YE mms, elriee ee! errs 22a: SAAB MARCA BEEGUC, APL IGS MeNe CHPIENS 2 MORE. EO) IBLE itt personnel director 0) colleague Bs Work background 221 extensively 237 aetscPA portfolio (2 sO) BEBO spocially HEA billboard 2013 praductive #1. short-term contract £7121 full-time postion 2574) value 23 OL WIG! appreciate £748 2c 59 Why is the woman at Regal Advertising? (A) For a photography session (8) For a dient consultation (©) For a job intervi (0) For 2 building opening OFA) ele OKSHeOIRM oN FIEND A IE we) a7ige sit () ees a (0) 2 BE ik ad OH US BE — OFT BIB HEHIEIORION @ 01 ‘st PON IAI) AOE OLA'HO e124 OK MIEOTRDIA Lt S288 BW WtCKy name's ames Fitch, the personnel director at Rogal Advertsing)at A7igi2 Ojo} W127 ofA Hele 2b fl asf BIH GeKPlease tell us a litle bit about your work background) 86H AOR wo} Of] Ft ORI tet S24 2S e+ SIG. MIM ate (OIC 60 What does the woman say is her specialty? (8) Researching international laws. (8) Creating designs for billboards (©) Building a strong customer base (0) Finding cost-efficient business solutions opr Beto ue eos Ane ae FELD al aa (9) 22 mas cit (c) Sere 2a 7s (uy eee een et et ea) a FADE UM CHAU Oo ARE 7 NRE es a MPA Ofet AISI AM BLZBIL AAISIEACKSome of my best work has been on large billboards incites around the worl 12 2 BB Bor orn raping 482% Some of my best work 31 denis 61 ‘What does the woman say she appreciates about Regal? (A) The company creates unique designs. (8) The company has offices overseas. (©) The company is dedicated to research. (0) The company values its employees. Ok esol fet 8 A ck Sah (a S58! Cia RISE aso, (ey aot xe 21 2 eWNoI, (c) ob eu see JOE, (0) ES HHA CHPSIE BO, OFF unique St! oversens StI) dedicat 444 04a I~ Of} atzA aH A > a DADE oF) AOL alga RES MOS aezICICTHat shows me that Regal realy values their employees} 2 888 0] SPHCK appreciate than BOSE Ae (OPK, 02-04 Bhs as | WA» Hi, José. It's Lea. 62a you at the alrport yer? I'm still about fifteen minutos away. ‘The waffie is terible, rm worried that I'M ‘miss the flight—and the next one's not Until tomorrow. cn Don't worry. | just got here and saw that “our flight's been delayed an hour. 'm ‘sure you'll make it. | TesT6 157 \W-Aw Oh, that’s a relief. But, ean you call the conference organizers? We should Jet them know that we'll be late for the ‘canference reception tonight of pis6bNe, 2 orks, wat ao ene? {tte 2 oko, sr} ae 1 =m, 7H ‘sion a noni, ce ME UI 7120) spES, 2 iaLop am, ais wes eA 9a eOLB AE fect: 2 Mo‘, tal Sat +238 70K, Of ok ring. ety, ly at a APH? OH eta en eS ek AAS He, OR] away AREM2R) BOHR) nat until ~71 SIND} (eA) delay AELAPIC) make it Az S711 reli 25,2 organizer #2 reception 25, provers 10:00 | ses | | ires® | Se Lasvegae | 130 a we | | ew (SieAqrmets 10:00 AREA | | wists 10:30 au ee | gem 1:00 a ae AAAMODIA, 11:30 | aomexIe 62 What problem does the woman report? (A) She forgot to bring a laptop. (8) She is running late. (©) A flight was overbooked, (0) A guest speaker canceled. Opt eke alae FBIeDE (n) SERB 7m a BERN, (6) ea 20K (C) win ast myc (0) 244 up) ona aS 1 forget to es cI } run late ct overbook 22 158 ‘a Aeater es — ofa Zl ‘fn E 3 Md KHAOLA fr iM BRIN ANAL you at the airport yet?) SOIOH ARES 15k HIB ZF zICKIn oti about fiteen minutes away ROO BFE (HOI, 63 Look at the graphic. Where are the speakers going? (A) To Los Angeles {B) To San Antonio (€) ToSan jose (0) To Las Vegas At a0} oso HB O12 2h BRO 9) wast @ semuee cc) aaa (0) atanoriae es AE Me ob ~ ebxtO1 BHI ‘A 21 im eAJO1} EO} BALI IEFEKCHour gh’ been layed an hour) RC, Az} A eet 1A]10| XS RIL ‘Bahl BAREBIADISR AE [AIOIC, 64 ‘What does the woman ask the man to do? (A) Postpone an event (8) Borrow some equipment (C) File a complaint (D) Make a phone call ON: Ht PRIS aI BAIT? ere rr) ror) (oy aoe 18 postpone 20s} equipment 2 file a complaint Bee Ab 6k 4 pate Bes ~ ofxo| a) At ORI MIE CIAO aioe il RSIS BIR aR > tA (can you call the conlerence organizers?) i af (ODI paraptvasiag 181 call the conforonco organizers + BHel Make @ phone call (65-67 Tht + Ate W.8r Alex, look at this storage room. ®t'm clothing line today, so we'll need to make some more room in hers. ‘Aw Suro, I can do it after | put these omit! Bate PRION sweaters away. Actually, these three (0) 99 aneG0| z= ae bones of sweaters are almost empty. (@) BROIL, What if just put them together in one (o) mgol asia 2c, bbox...s0 that we ean make space for the (0) wa Bete] waste, dolivery? ota seat et — oft he as W-8r Good suggestion. And when you're done at Auto) ODE Ob 1B SIRO] MR! AHN O10 az with that, Yplease get the extra display '@ C1 RIO} B ZAm expecting a shipment ~ some more ‘able and take it to the front of the store, ‘room in hereon ROB 2 (DIC, | 84s, opt am He 278 ROI ‘Paanteng C812 some mere rom eI oa 3218 & REO tO, “gets more storage space INOUC. o1 Amen ae Lt atm Oe > ‘018A | Mel 2m ME 1 HO] ROKR. ‘fet AW SIL Bo A 66 ese ones? Look atthe graphic. Which shelf will the man work | 92 yo, setae OE CBOE, NaC on today? | 2 oc Uc 1 A, (Ay snelt1 | 1M storage se x8 shipment #88). room z Ceara put away Ae} empty Hh = what if (Oaets ‘Of82) so that “22 + SIS (0) shelf 4 — 2 0k 0, | RIYA BEIEDAP re @ ae orate oma ch A 88 et ~ ax oie at a dsb} 4M SRO AttES a1p Let B28 RB > alc 24214 oe ASL Sh AA SUOL Bor MB 38 GER OFT can doit ator | put ~ we can make space for delivery? 82 2288 BRIE (OOK 67 What does the woman tell the man todo? (A) Sign for a delivery (8) it pre tag sie mrs (C) Contact a different supplier (D) Move a display table one ap seta we 9 ae 2a sm (Gare Bn Wo ae (oye aur eat What problem does the woman mention? eS Oi sign or ~2-$ BRE Ae price ag 7 {A Some label are cagret supplier 329. Sc display able 24 (@) An item is unpopular. ees (©) A shipment is delayed. Se IS Se — CR SA ein me Cia ne AI f=] RRA | WOR 3 ME (ges po sown sone 2 Paraphrasing CH8OItako itt the front of the store 801 Movo a digpaytablo Test 6 159 Petre 68-70 8+ Sah \W-Am OK. | reviewed your business plan and I think you're off to a great start. You on 160 have an restaurant. | especially like how much ‘thought you put into the customers you expect to dine there. | Yeah, ®That’s something Yearned from iy last bu: toe mistake, T ie Porfect. Now. this plan to apply for a loan, 71 suggest revisiting your projected bud particular, you should allocate more of the ‘expenses to staffing. About 35 percent is. standard in th 1 62] AeA EH Mc, o| Be 2k ‘WaLIch Ae RIw aLASO a BOL eS DIAM, $3) LSE BON AYE ae] 28 SO A B22 Che 20 ool BUC. xe AIGOIA| i OTe A DE AIS SEAL Me, bce LO SIMLh ola x) 2 a= Tes ‘ame ute im aL BRILL 7h OL RAR ch ABI BIA ‘aie A ood IA 7a 8. 3, 298 aga ol SRE HEB ON BALI, AREAS Ssh 7 BERL be off to~216) business venture A= appeat to -AIBeIC} revisit) =e) projected budget 0H! allocate BEI expense '® staffing (2 standard 2, 6 industry 2 fone, which | now know was a 18 of who | want to attract. sting concept for your new 138 venture. I tried to appeal 1 Lhave a much better since you're hoping to use restaurant industry. 2124620138 2c} apoly for “= overview 5 analysis S41 Parts Part2 Panta Pat "bans Business Plan {Company Overview Services Industry Analysis Advetising 8 ct ae 68 What kind of business does the man want to start? (®) Ashop (8) A restaurant (©) Abank. (0) farm Uap apse a ese FeRDP (0) a () ase 28 ee eg 08 RL ~ EAD tases OFZ} chat ABIL UID} AME ADI ALAS HO] Soles ef ‘88 1a. Gt(ou have an interesting concept for your new restauranflat RO=e 22 (BIC, 69 What does the man say he learned from his previous business? (A) How to apply for an operating permit (8) How to negotiate a vendor contract, (C) How to make attractive advertisements (0) How to identify potential customers UPTO AR a ET Bae AE BRODIE (a) et a an et (ey Bate) te we (© bots: gag ce (a 2m atte wet 1 operating permit 2 2-1 negotiate Ge) vendor 2 attractive OFS m= identify WOKS) potenti ‘customer s2 ‘aL Abaya Be! ~ WIAD Of AE Sal IE 2) EXD} ca) BMVOLAL AIL AIR AITOLAL WH A(THat’s something | leamed from my last business ventures P1101 BE A HEAD ALD BEM, IA ApH z ABE BE AC} (tried to appeal to everyone, which now know was a mistake) 2 Mala, ook: 3}0] EE ak TH¥ON CHEN EL IHD 21 | 2IRLR BEIT te I have ~ who | want to attract. #22 2 (DOK, Porapraciog Bi who I want to attract + 22 potential customers 70 Look at the graphic. Which part of the business plan does the woman suggest revising? (a) Part 2 (8) Part 3, (©) Parta (oy Parts At ata Si) OF PES Nt NL RT REE OID wn (wy (cia (ose A A024 ~ Of IS URIBE At RL Of Fa HAI AD 240! AION CH CAI Sa ee SIAKT suggest revising your projected budgell31 BOOS AE ‘oor, PART 4 71-73 M2104, IM-Au The next item on the agenda is an update fon our advetising contracts. 7'We were planning on starting work on the video yume console advertisement, but 72the client called and said that the game console won't be ready in time, So it looks like we won't be able to start on the advertising campaign as originally planned. Thoy ‘won't be running the ads until next yea. Since this will affect our schedule for the coming months, ‘There's a revised timoline. Take a moment and check the dates for any potential conflicts with ‘your new assignments. 18 Oe ela BOE A AOIEER EL IR ABEL | 22 fo EB AMO, 2701 ee RDP lt et ch a we A pie 2 BOL, eH BB IRL, OO 25 9 e801 oP Skea, oF a BARA SA AL ee hy Se HET FOL ste ws af AP ORBLE ‘ffl agenda 2,21 console <5 2%) in time HEE fot until 01 SAD} Wi) affect SEE ON} revised ‘PEE timeline 28) lg potential 2180) 2 conflict 3,255) assignment W, a B= ce ‘What industry does the speaker most likely work in? (A) Information Technology (8) Shipping and Receiving (©) Advertising (0) Manufacturing ars ofe PIO BRA 0) Base ae aee (az (0) me mie ao Ug Bet — 8 an HIG ABIVOHN SPP} HIcle L71 BOL AEB! ABOIRACKe advertisement 2 ORE Ee (CIC 72 What isthe speaker mainly talking about? (0) A budget proposal (8) Product designs (©) Aproject delay (0) Sample photos nie 2 2901 to} PHBH 7I7 (a) ae (pecan! (c) Bae xR (o) 2A OFA budget a delay =, 1 at 218 UB Bel ~ ato ‘ie AOU e4o] Mek 2! 7 PF od S| E24 213 HEKthe client called and said thatthe game console wort be ready in timelON, Holo Bt MOIS Set oF AIRE | | BIB 2 UCISo it looks tke we won't be oble to start on the advertising campaign as originally planned)Ot Sie Of Lp} S1OmE BIE (CK, 2 ‘What are the listeners asked to do? (A) Review a schedule (B) Work overtime (C) Suggest some ideas (0) Prepare a presentation anee 908 sein ee wae @ see (9k co) em OF review EDI overtime 2 a AAI Bel ~ aRIEO| S81 WE Ae IE MOL S717 OFZ] 426 heres a rvised timeline) oto), HAI tien IIB AF BIPSY BRAY x7) Sl 01 2527] Se IQ eKTake a moment ~ with your new assignments) jst YOR BEE (AOI, ‘Poraghrasing S848 check the dates "28181 Review a schedule Test 161 9 IS3L 74-76 UeHMAPL iv-cn Holle, this is Conrad. I rent apartment 306. “4m calling to complain about the people in the apartment next to me. For a while now, ‘they've been parking in my parking space. ‘yesterday | tried taking to them, but they were uncooperative. | somtimes come home late at night, and | need to know my space is available, | ‘This probiem has tobe fixe, and I tike to discuss this in person, So 78 come to your office after 1 finish work tomorrow. Thank You tgeMte, SOB ARIA! BAIS, SME at AY Sol $0] JO} SERGI. aH! AMON a3} lo CE SIGLIC, OF ODI SAY SE RE os 94S. 7) UA AB 92) sHOL A Ae) ig) 71 a. S| AesloO BI Bl iaBRSeLD Ae YE) kt ARPA ZAG, ALC 1 rent IIE, habe: 2M) fora while AS Uuncooperatve HIE"! discuss 21) in person eB 4 ‘What is the main purpose of the message? (A) To complain about parking (8) To confirm a move-in date (0) To discus a rent increase (0) To report a broken appliance SUI ge He FIED? (a) a) a wena PED (6) oom ase () SM 2 a o%sie (©) 271288 wee 2181 complain about ~0¥ ta appliance 7 a 6d Ug 2 — BLA! Bat XIE AWIWOLA S17} elo ALT Qit= ARSON cHat Sot01 | aa} calling to complain about the people in the apartesent next ta me)? 1, SBE AKO anol ‘i201 248 kz 2cFor a while nowy they've boon parking in my parking space) aA 718 of] }7En OSE Ae (AI sei_confiem 8 75 What does the speaker say he did yesterday? (9) He started a new job. (6) He talked to his neighbors (C) He helped a friend move. (0) He went toa party 162 axe on es 9 eaaeL PLAC Ao) 8 0b fori, (c) A201 S21, {0} ne zc ‘ar At IE SiRF of NIG. BRMPOUA AIX OFM lO} Met tee wIetaAte 2 UBICKYesterdy I tried talking to them, but they were unco operative HOES YEE (BOK Hae 16 ‘What does the speaker plan to do tomorrow? (A) Attend a music concert (8) Borrow a vehicle (©) Pay alate bill (0) Stop by an office sine us 98 sa 9 eva at @ xe Uo (owe 9a us APA Off attend #68¢1 borrow He vehicle #82 pay bill IRS 2ERIC) stop by ~o1 BE say tat ves — staf ua tt NJ SE OUN aIKD YB) et AVA 2H come to your affic after finish work tomorrowit SEE IS (DOI paraphrasing £6 come to your oes “28294 Stop by an office 7779 BH w8 Good morning, everyone! As always, Tther lot of shipments to pack up and snd out today, so Ill try not to take up too much of your time. Bofore you head out onto the warehouse floor, I like to introduce you to our new system for addressing employee complaints and suggestions, 7We really value feedback from our employees, but we've had some trouble collecting it. We know, in the past, not everyone felt comfortable identifying ‘themselves by speaking directly to management. ‘Now, there's @ box in the staff room, And "every Friday aftemoon, Il write up a summary of the ‘comments left in that box for the management ‘team to review. 22 Of IG, Deke. = REO], Oe NAN Mee Me 1 BOY, ofepael AH Wo = URRG LC, fel Ae 8 | BOR IN ak, ete! wa AS A He NS NASH AOTRREALIC), 92] AK IB Oe A De eee ee ee 1 eos IODA Ags a) HOH Aq AO a 27 BDL OFA 2 OLIBIOL PA. ORE = RRA fe + HO) RAUL eo BRD - LF, ARI set Oe wat a efeo| eine EH SSL O19 as always’ 19% take up We! BS) xe, ch head out ~2 Bot}, RO) warehouse 2:2 floor ah adaress (44 BIEL value £851 0V 8 comfortable 2910 identity (8 2) SoH oft directly “summary 22 7 ‘Where do the listeners probably work? (A) At an accounting firm (8) Ata software company (©) Ata travel agency (0) Ata shipping warehouse ABE OWN APSHA 9) aoteet (6) Ams] mM (c) ope (oye ai }81 accounting Sb firm 81) travel agency OM warehouse 2 a 2 US hel ~ Stel ea XIE AUYOIA| Si] Qs BAH HES MgO! MOU, et |59] ARISE BOT HARTE BHzCKthere area oof shipments ~ too much of your time). ar, 201 82 =O UPI71 AOL (Before you head out onto the warehouse flosri2it Ee 00 Pi tooe NEF (DIL 78 ‘What does the speaker imply when she says, “Now, there's a box in the staff room"? (A) Some materials have been relocated. (8) A shipments urgent. (©) A problem has been solved. (0) A task was not completed, AY UIs AL a 2 NRO] ELIE SP mE 2e 29002 (a) 2 x OBA, (8) 0) exec (c) Sa sata (o) 292) eva te, Off material Aus relocate O14) urgent 2/6? solve ICE task 2 257 complete BEA) MAL Aixo} O15 ape ~ ols 4 HELL 24480] IED wet e189 Of AIGA el SL ENS! tS ze ao 2pIAR!, TBE BOE HE ofeIBO| & EICKWe realy value foodback ~ some trouble collecting i223, HOO OPSOKS 2 FH ed OHA ONS Gate Ato a 251 BEN OEE 22 | RACHWe know, inthe pact, not everyone fo directly to management, Ge} IBS Ofte ASIA AE SAB, ‘aia! BOIS IO a} -Fa10 fee! BaD sts eee goles we (Cole, 79 ‘What will the speaker do on Fridays? (A) Meet with clients (8) Make detiveries (©) Summarize feedback (0) Inspect facilites, ais aera ome aI? (a) as et or (cert acer (0) ang 2671 O18 make 3 delivery HOI} summarize 2281 inspect RIC facity eu AGA Be! IAI aoiOIC BL XIE Bol Shi aE Ae! OF, AO] 92 IES LOMA a iol ER 4 GIES aeHlevery Friday afternoon, UL write ~ for the management team to review) OOS SE (COI Paraphrasing 8l write up a summary ofthe comments 291 Summarize feedback 90-82 NESE ‘eam Hello, and ®thank you for calling the office | of Pineville Legal Associates. Our office is currently closed. We are undergoing renovations from June twelfth to June nineteenth. We apologize for any possible inconvenience this closure may cause. you requite legal assistance, pl send an e-mail to our office administrator, Jordan Smith, at jsmith@pine He will redirect your inquiry to the most appropriate layeyor on our team. Have a nice day. SI, MM Bid OLAAPMOLAO aK FILE.) Aig EY IG 9 ET ISLC), 6 1ZMIE! 6M 19ND 21h SN ia S18 I R918 BOE MI HL BE ym IS ERNE, El APH BEL ADLAODA jsmith® pinevillelegal come OMAR SUREAP] MRE 271 4 Ho] SOWIE 7A A ABI EOL AREOLA nA RL TEST 6 163 be hs Be 7M legal associates 817. undergo 2 | apolocize for ~01 ASE) inconvenience cause OIE) assietance Sz, 312 fice administrator ABB redirect CIA SUE} inquiry 2 appropriate na | 80 What type of business recorded the message? (4) A construction company (8) Alaw firm (©) An electronics manufacturer (0) Aniinsurance agency 1 ar SB AAI? (a) ai eu) (wees (0) ADH set (0) waa O91 construction 2 electrons £1 agency 81 2) ay Lag aie — OHA Be Bla AIG AWHPONN mIQHL 22 OLAAIOLEOL Mit SAIN BARSICE (thank you for caling the olfice of Pineville Legal Associates)s., gous gee (Bott Pareprasing Us office of Pinowito Lgl Azsooiatoe * 2a fem 84 ‘What does the speaker say about the office? (A) Ithas moved to a different location. (8) Its business hours have changed. (O) Ibis closed for a holiday. (0) Itis being renovated. RPE ARPADL Ht ob 4e 9I0D 2 a) cle Bas oF 4) 824 Ato erp (c) B30 fas at wee (0) 84 a4) gore off location 24 business hours ek pA IE ~ Bap E ANS-AON CH OH AL Hig SUINOLA| OB 12206) 68) 17OLMA] Se BAY Atm. Bich {We are undergoing renovations from June twelfth to June rineteenth) S25 BS (DIC Paraprasing_82l undergoing renovations » 8201 hing renovated 164 82 What are the listeners instructed to do? (A) Send an e-mail (B) Visit a Web site (© Call ata later time (0) Fill out a form ANIBE 9918 sit aN (a) one 871 () ioe wes fo) gol eit (0) Aaa 8671 1g fill out ~2 form si ay AEA het — Into 1A WH RD AI SUUWOIN C9) Sh AIS HSIAO, APPA! AE! ABIAOL A jamith@pinevillelegal come OAR! SU SICKIT you require legal assistance ~ at jsmith@pinoviletegatcomi 42 2 fe (Aloe 83-85 Be W-8r And now for our local business news. On Thursday, Broadchurch Fashions announced that its flagship store will move from Cummings Street to a larger location on River Street. The relocation has become necessary because of the store's increasing popularity since “Sharon Rockford took over as president. Under Ms. Rockford’s | business leadership, Broadchureh Fashions, Which is known for its simple designs and basic colors for men, will be launching a similar lino of ‘women's clothing next spring. And the new, larger store will have plenty of space for the expanded inventory! aa OR Sa 1 Zl AR Is CARA ch, ‘MRSA AT} OETA AOU LA 7M i 712 ORCI WEMALI, ARE EET SLO SHR 1: 1 ‘P17 ORRIN EOF OF SCHR, SE OH AHI ft, S28 Chea 1 aN eI AAA IN AAC HL mE UH SAE IL ANE RAIL, eI sigs an ong me SE He! OI BED 2H | 048 tocat xe agship store ete! 0 ‘$2 OX See HH. relocation O81 popularity 7\ takeover it} be known for ~= Bie launch @NISiC) similar UES? expanded ers, i inventory 8

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