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Name: Cabusao, Noe Year/Course: AB-Political Science ll

Professor: Sir. Ken Mark Subject: Intro. To Philippine Politics and



A. Directions: For 10 points, write an essay of not less than 200 words discussing
the impact of Spanish colonization to the Filipino people.

Impact of Spanish Colonization

When Ferdinand Magellan arrived in the Philippines in 1521, the islands is not totally
civilized as a nation. All community of the different Islands are separating of different
tribe. According from them the indigenous people in the island are they bartering
products to Chinese immigrant recorded long time ago in 982. The first religion in the
island is Islam on 13th century in the Tawi-Tawi island. After the force action of
Miguel Lopez de Legaspi he started to occupied the settlement of natives of the
island. When Miguel Lopez de Legaspi indirectly became Governor General, he
occupied directly the Island under the Spanish colonial government. And then the
colonizer built a government to govern and organized the inhabitants that the Island
is under Spanish government. And now the Spanish make a reform in the Island to
develop the civil or the people of the Island, Spanish build an infrastructure for
education and for transportation this action of Spanish government is developed the
civilization of the inhabitants of the island.

And the Christianity is the excellent contribution and the impact of Spanish colonial
government. The Spanish government indoctrinate the native people to follow the
the teachings of Christianity. Until now the Filipino people are followed the teaching
of Jesus Christ. The Christianity who introduced by the Spanish Priest which is the
only weapon they used to indoctrinate the natives from the start when they came
here. And for the social transformation it helps to the natives more to social status of
the island, it because they improved the classes of social standard of the people.
Later on, Filipinos adopted Spanish sounding surnames as decreed by Gov-Gen.
Narciso Claveria in 1849. The adoption of Hispanic surnames was done not only to
avoid confusion among the natives but also the basis of exact tax collection and
demographic control. The Spanish government develop educational institution for
the educational progress for the inhabitants. It also benefited for the Illustrados who
pursued to develop the mindset of the native people about on what is right as a
human being.

Even if we talk our history the Filipino people are experience unfair treat and abuse
by the Spanish people that time, but we know now they have contribution for us as
an inhabitants. They built an educational institution to progress all people in the
island. The Filipino people even they abuse but the Spanish government made and
built as a society to become one nation and they use their government to improved
and progress this island. For agriculture they, develop our agricultural sector.

B. Discuss the significance of the social structure in the political system of the
Philippines during the colonial period. 10 points

The Spanish Government make a social structure, each of them treated differently
from their social status. That time the high class are the Peninsulares who Spanish
born in Spain. The Peninsulares can held the highest position in the Spanish colonial
government. The mandate, no one be a Governor-General would be appointed unless
they were pure blooded Spaniards and born in Spain. And the Insulares, the
Spaniards who born in the Philippines. The insulares on the other hand, can held
positions in the colonial army and in the parishes. And the Principalia who are the
town’s ruling elite class and the landed native class and the administrators of the

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