Lesson 4-Phil. Political Thought Noe Cabusao AB-PolSci

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Learning Activities

Activity 1

Name: Noe Carillo Cabusao Year/Course: AB-POLITICAL SCIENCE ll

Professor: Ken Mark Edulan Subject: Philippine Political Thought

Directions: answer the questions below, please see the rubric in the last page of this
module. 5 points each
In Jacinto’s view, why should Filipino people revolt against the Spaniards?
"Whether their skin be dark or white, all human persons are equal; one may be
superior in knowledge, in wealth, in beauty, but not in being more human." - Emilio
Jacinto, Kartilya ng Katipunan.
The Illustrados realized what the present country situation under Spanish
government, they know what the value of individual person in the society.They are
witness of abusive and unfair treatment of Spaniards to their fellow Filipino people.
That is why the mean reason of Filipino people to stand of their own hand through
revolt and to stand independently for depending their rights and for the future
generation. The Filipino people that time is they think the future generation, they
compare their self on what the right things for now, if they are abuse by the
Spaniards so that is why they can’t accept it their experiences, it will experiences of
the future filipino generation.
How the idea of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity of French revolution influence the
philosophy of Emilio Jacinto.
Ans. The French revolution is a famous event in Europe and that revolution is
influence on other state in Europe and actually in the human society. Jacinto realized
the voice of French people that they depend their Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.
So, Jacinto is a patriotic young man he think the idea French Revolution is scope in
the Philippine situation under Spanish government. "Man is born free, and
everywhere he is in chains" declared Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his "The Social
Contract". That idea is pursuing the individuals to depend their rights. So, Emilio
Jacinto did and influence their fellow Filipino people.
Directions: Write an essay of not less than 250 words on “Jacinto’s idea of liberty and
relate it to the present situation, highlight its significance.

The Revolution for Future Filipino Youth

The Philippine Revolution is one of the most important events in the country’s
history, awakening a proud sense of nationalism for generations of Filipinos to come.
In a period of heavy struggle and conflict, Filipinos of different backgrounds united
with a common goal: to resist colonialism. The revolution against Spain was sparked
in 1896 after Spanish authorities discovered the “Katipunan,” a Filipino revolutionary
society plotting against their colonizers. It ended in 1902, where Spain lost and ceded
sovereignty of the Philippines to the United States.
The Philippine Revolution is the very important event that happen in our history to
reach our liberty that what we face now in the present happen of our motherland.
The revolutionist did what they need to do for our country. The idea’s liberty of
Emilio Jacinto is the very sensitive issue during colonial age, because if they
published against or criticized the Spanish government for their governance you will
accuse a rebellion against the Spanish government. However our katipuneror’s are
not afraid even it they knows what the impact of of their revolt, they know it will be
bloody for them because they have enough financial for a war. So, unfortunately is
not a bad matter for them, they are really willing to die for our country. And then
they did a revolution against of the Spaniards.
And now we faced an absolute liberty to our individual fellow Filipino people and
to stand as an independent state and have an originality. As a Filipino youth we need
to give an importance of what Katipuneror’s did for our country. They did because
for us, because they dream a better society for Filipino Youth and I think we are have
a responsibility as youth in this country.

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