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Garces, Stephanie Joy S.


Read the Decalogue of the “Duties of the Sons of the People” by Andres Bonifacio and compare it
with the Kartilya ng Katipunan by Emilio Jacinto. In your own opinion, which better suits the needs
of Philippine society during the time of revolution? Explain your answer in not less than 300 words.

The Philippine society during the time of revolution's belief is mostly about religion and the
belief in God. The writing of Andres Bonifacio of the Decalogue of the Duties of the Sons
of the People is quite easy to understand and also the words of choice are towards the
gifts or hopes of God. The writing of Emilio Jacinto the Kartilya ng Katipunan is well written
and has this deep meaning towards each command, regardless of its deep meaning and
deep word of choice its meaning is sensible and a beneficial work to let the countrymen
open their eyes. Including that in the Kartilya ng Katipunan, the commands also do good
deeds especially like having all men are equal regardless of color, not do things to another
person wife or daughter, and defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor. This shows
that the commands of Jacinto are very well written and having the knowledge of
commands and understanding them would benefit the society during the colonial era
because this allows humankind to be superior and to make them work together to have the
society rise against the colonist. Jacinto's work would have done a lot of good for his
writing is an eye-opener for people who understand his writings easily. Although knowing
that the Philippines is a God-fearing country, the work of Andres Bonifacio would suit the
society during the time of the revolution and his work focuses well on the minds of the
society as the society of the Philippines is about religion and love for the country. The
simplicity and easily understandable work allow them to read it once and they fully
understand it. The love and fear of God make a lot of people to do anything just to serve
the Lord and the country. Including that in his writing makes the readers or the society
know that every action they do is for God and Country hence the Decalogue of the Duties
of the Sons of the People suits the society of the Philippines more.

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