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TASK: Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Who is Ambrosio Rianzares-Bautista? Give three significant facts about


a. Ambrosio Rianzares-Bautista is a lawyer and who designed to proclaim and

solemnize the Declaration of Independence.

b. He was also known as Don Bosyong.

c. He became the first adviser of President Emilio Aguinaldo.

2. What does the document want to convey? (10 points)

 The document conveyed the Declaration of Independence in the Philippines.

It proclaims the independence and rights among individual to be free from
the rule of Spanish Empire. The flag of the Philippines was also mentioned
where the designed and colors of it was explained where it came from.

3. How did the Filipinos regard the United States of America based on the
document? (5 points) What is your stand on this? Do you agree with the
Filipinos the way they looked at the Americans? (15 points)

 Filipinos let the USA be a part of the Declaration of Independence and by

commemorating the colors of their flag as a sign of how thankful we are on
how they protect us. United States of America gave us a chance to stand
again and guide us until today.

4. What is the importance of this document in the history of our country?

(10 points)

 The importance of it is to remember how we become free and independent

from being colonized which is worth celebrating for. It explains one of the
most important things that Philippines have been overcome and learned
how to rise again.

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