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ACTIVITY: Consider the following scenarios, and identify the differences between

the involved communicators. Also, explain how their differences may affect the flow
of their communication both when the differences are recognized and valued and
when they are not. How can both communicators show intercultural communication?
Discuss the answers with your groupmates and come up with a consensus. Write your
answers in the table.

EFFECT to the EFFECT to the

WAYS by which the t
communication in the communication in the
communicators can s
scenario when differences are scenario when differences
SCENARIO recognized and are not recognized and
communication (Ans
valued (Answer should be valued (Answer should be
should be specific to
specific to the scenario.) specific to the scenario.)
scenario.) (10 point
(10 points) (10 points)

The two may become For better intercultu

predujice against each communication, they
The interview will go well if other. The female executive should communicate
they recognize and value may think that the male such a way that they
1. A female top executive is their differences and not be assistant is sexist and the respect each other’s g
interviewing a prospective gender-bias with each other. male assistant may think to prevent wrong
future assistant, who is It will probably end on a good that he is better than the judgements and prej
male. note too and the male female executive just in regard to their
assistant can possibly get because he’s a male, differences. They sho
hired by the company. therefore hindering their also avoid gender
communication and stereotyping and be
understanding. professional.
For better intercultu
communication, the
candidate should ma
The candidate might not
clear to the human
The interview will go well get the job because the
2. A candidate with a resources manager th
even with the accent interview does not
strong but not disruptive their accent will not b
difference and there will be a recognize and value their
foreign accent is being problem because it is
bigger chance for the differences. The interview
interviewed by a native- disruptive and the hu
candidate with a strong may think that the
born human resources resources manager s
accent to be hired by the candidate can be a hinder
manager. understand that peop
human resources mananger. during their work because
from different places
of their strong accent.
different accents and
different does not les
person’s capabilities.

The interview will be The manager could be The manager who’s

3. A manager dressed in a successful if the manager will either irritate or distract if wearing a business s
conventional business suit be aware or recognize the he/she will not recognize should understand a
is interviewing a person value about the religion of the and value the purpose of accept that the perso
wearing a turban. person he/she will be the person’s wearing who’s wearing a turb
interviewing. during the interview. part of their religion.
The hiring manager will
The hiring manager will still
mock the person who is
respect the person even The young manager s
over fifty because of their
4. A person over fifty is though she/he’s already over set aside the age gap.
age and might think that
being interviewed by a age. They must not be Intead, he should loo
the person is too old, it can
hiring manager in his early discriminate especially if the the applicant’s crede
be possible to have a lack
thirties. person already has a lot of If he had enough kno
of hearing, slow mobility,
experience from which you pf what they are look
and will not get any work
can gain a lot of advantage.
The recruiter should
The interview will be done The recruiter may feel bad
sad or m ind the situa
smoothly. And the potential for that person. So,
the applicant. But ins
5. A recruiter who can of the applicant will be seen conducting the interview
he/she should be pro
walk is interviewing a job throughout the interview. will be hard. The recruiter
because that person i
seeker using a wheelchair. That applicant might be the might not do its job
finding a work to sus
person they need. properly Because of the
himself/herself and h
sympathy he had.

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