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7 Feel it Real Master Keys

by Mr Twenty Twenty
Copyright 2013 – All Rights Reserved
Welcome to the Neville Goddard Feel it Real Power Pack. My name is Mr.
Twenty Twenty. Today we’re going to be exploring the teachings of Neville
Goddard in some very interesting details, details that people often miss. And
that’s why they tend to have not very effective feel it real or Nevillizing

So let’s just dive in. We’re going to cover seven master keys in this particular
recording. And before we even get into that the major thing that I want to cover
is why do you do your sessions. Because if you get this bit wrong you’re not
going to get the results that you want. So why do you do your sessions?

Now there’s what’s called why and there’s what’s called outcome. Now if
you’re doing your sessions to produce an outcome you’re missing the why. The
why you do your sessions, the reason why Neville did his sessions was so he
could feel the state as real. That’s why we call them feel it real sessions.
Neville did his sessions so he could fully feel any state that he chose as real.

Now as a result an outcome that came from those sessions was that he got to
experience the reality that he had chosen. He got to experience the states that he
had chosen. He created and manifested in his life what he wanted. But we
really got to nail this bit first. And, again, I’m going to say it again just a tiny bit
differently because this is one of the most important bits in this recording set.
The reason why you do your recordings is not -- or the reason why you do your
sessions is not for an outcome. The outcome is the outcome. The reason why
you do a feel it real session is to feel it real.

I have a friend who is a tremendous Forex trader and he doesn’t trade for
money. What he trades for is excellence. His magnificent obsession every day
is to enter and execute excellent trades. That shows up elsewhere in his life by
the way. That’s like his driving goal, excellence.

And so whether he’s cooking, whether he’s trading Forex, whether he’s playing
footie, you know, he’s always trying to be the best that he can be. That’s why

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he does his trading sessions. To be, you know, he does them to explore and to
be excellent.

Now your feel it real sessions, again, they will support your outcome, your
outcome of manifesting and creating the life that you want, but that’s not the
reason why you do them. You do a feel it real session so you can feel a state as
real. And if you do, sometimes we do as many as three or five a day, you know,
they -- they’re like meals. You do a feel it real session so you can feel the state
as real so that you can get up from that session and walk in the state of that wish
fulfilled, coming from that state of clarity, confidence, thankfulness, openness,
and wealth. So this is where we’ve got to begin.

Why do you do your sessions? You do your sessions -- you do a feel it real
session to feel the state is real. That nurtures you, that nurtures your soul, your
spirit, your state so that you can walk from it. And when you walk from it that’s
what literally creates the reality around you, that creates the circumstance
around you that you’ve previously just desired.

So let’s dive in right now and we’ll go through the seven master keys. We’re
going to have a lot of fun over the next 30 minutes or so. So let’s just dive right

The first one is creative clarity. Creative clarity is about clarity of form, you’re
focusing on the end only. Again, we covered some of this in lessons this week
but we’re going to explain it in a slightly different way so that, again, you can
get it. Yet Neville says that we must listen to -- we must hear the same thing.
He preaches the same thing again and again and again in slightly different ways
because that’s how it gets inside of your mind and literally becomes a reality.
That’s why we don’t listen to the news, by the way. It’s not news it’s just
propaganda. Its poverty propaganda and we stay away from that stuff. But we
do listen to a lot of Neville Goddard lectures in the garden and on the computer
as well.

So starting out lesson -- or the first master key, creative clarity, the ends only.
Now Neville shares in his story that we shared this week on the site that you
don’t want to focus on influencing anyone. What you want to focus on is the
end. The end being, for example, the new job the, you know, financial
opportunity. If you’re focusing on influencing the boss so that your friend gets a

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promotion well the boss may die, the boss may get fired and replaced. And
you’ve been focusing on a widget in, you know, the boss instead of focusing on
the end which is, you know, your friend having that new job, having that new
financial opportunity.

So we want to really get clear about this, what are we focusing on? We must
focus on the end. Again, in my life one of the things that -- again, I’ve noticed
that I can try to focus on -- see one of my ends is to be an excellent Forex trader.
Now some people would say, well that’s a means to an end, a means to making
money. Well that’s true, I will make money and I do make money at that.
However, you know, one of my ends is the excellent Forex trader. One of my
ends is the excellent author. One of my ends, years ago, was the black belt. Not
just winning the trophy but being that black belt person.

You get to discover what your ends actually are. And one of the ways to
discover what your ends actually are is you get to ask yourself am I attempting
to influence anyone? To be that perfect black belt I didn’t focus on influencing
my instructor to pass me. What I focused on was the qualities of the man that
that black belt is; the qualities of me that is that black belt. The qualities of the
trader that trades excellently is what I focus on when it comes to trading.
Because trading isn’t just a means to an end trading is an ends to itself for me.
Because, you know, it’s a change in who I am.

And so when we focus on clarity of form what I want you to notice is this,
Neville shared the story about his friend assuming that the position, which had
increased responsibility and increased pay on the job. And he congratulated his
friend on experiencing that, on accomplishing that, at -- on that having had
happened, okay?

Now the key is they focused on his friend’s experience. If you’re doing it for a
friend you focus on the friend’s experience, not what on -- not on what caused
that experience like the boss, you know, giving him the promotion or something.
Neville focused on he’s got the promotion, he is that man. I focused on I am
that black belt, I am that trader, I am that author. So we get to have creative
clarity around the I Am, you know, the he is, the you are. Again, focus on the
end not on any kind of influence on any person on the outside.

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Number two, creative clarity, number two. Again, the -- well, actually, I just
wrapped them up in one, that’s interesting. That was one and two. Focus on the
end and no magic, no influence. I’ll present the second one a little bit distinctly
now. So creative clarity number one was on the end only; on who you have
become, on who your friend has become.

Creative clarity number two, you know, is on no influence because we focus on

influence it literally goes into the realm of magic. And it’s not about the magic
it’s about the miracle, the transformation of you, the transformation of your
friend, not somebody doing something, not tricking someone into doing
something with mind control, okay?

Now here’s the key, when you assume the end will people be influenced?
Absolutely. But the focus isn’t on the influence. People are influenced all the
time. The sun comes up they’re influenced by it they get out of bed. The sun
goes down people are influenced by it they go to bed, they start to snuggle with
someone. However, the focus isn’t on the influence the focus is on the change.

So that’s creative clarity number one and creative clarity number two all
wrapped up into one.

Feel it real master key number three, deadly details.

Now, where do details matter and where will they block your blessing? You
know, I have a friend who wanted to have a 1976 Corvette and he had a picture
of himself in this Corvette. And he memorized all the stats of this Corvette, the
size of the tires, the size of the engine, how fast it went from zero to 60 miles an
hour, how many speeding tickets he could get from going from zero to 60 miles
an hour in a residential neighborhood. He memorized all the details of the car.
How many were made, what colors they were made in, you know, who owned
them in his neighborhood, who owned them in the city next, you know, 10
minutes down the road. He memorized all these details about the car and you’ll
never guess he still doesn’t have one. He knows all about the car but he has
details around the car.

On the other hand, where do you want details at? Neville shares to build details
into the scene which implies the wish has been fulfilled. In other words when
people go whoa, that’s a nice car you have. Okay, who’s saying that to you?

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Oh, my friend who I graduated from high school with. Oh yeah? Where is he
saying it to you at? Oh yeah, I ran into him at the mall. Okay, that kind of
thing. You want to put details into the scene that implies the wish has been
fulfilled. When you see your friend at the mall when you’re getting out of your
1976 Corvette and he says wow, Bob is that you? That’s a nice car. Okay, that
is a scene. That’s where we want to put the details, the scene that implies the
wish fulfilled.

We want to put details as far as, to make it even more specific, put some details
around what we call the single event, the anchor point. You know, literally
when Bob steps out of his car and he bumps into his friend that he went to high
school with and the guy says Bob, that’s a great car, how are you? It’s been,
what, 10 years? And they shake hands; feel that shaking of the hand.

That’s something that takes an instant that you can repeat once, twice, three
times, 10 times, 10,000 times inside your mind real quick to anchor that in. So
you don’t have to imagine all the details about the car, that’ll just get in the way.
You don’t want to imagine, you know, what it’s like to drive across America
and what Seattle will look like and what San Francisco and Sacramento will
look like. I mean that could be fun.

But the details that -- if you can find a single event to repeat, you step out of
your car, you step out of that Corvette and you bump into an old friend from
high school, and he shakes your hand and says Bob, you must be doing well,
you’ve got a beautiful car there. And, of course, Bob says well I’ve got three of
them. And he pulls out the keys and jingles them and just shows them to him,

Again, you want to play with stuff like that because when you have that single
event and you can repeat that handshake, that handshake, that Bob you must be
doing well, give me a high five. Something that takes just a second you can
repeat again and again and again and again inside your mind, and that reinforces
that feeling it real sensation.

So details, they’re deadly whenever they’re focused on well, it’s got a, you
know, 341 cubic inch engine, a six speed transmission, big tires that -- I prefer
Michelin. That stuff about the car and people get all wrapped up in that stuff.
But you want to put the details into that scene that implies that you have what

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you have wanted, that you are who you have wanted to be. That’s where the
details matter.

Next, sleep state secrets. Now in the manual you’re going to, and in the other
recording, they’re -- we go into a lot of detail on this but here’s the key, a lot of
people that we talk to and -- that email us, they don’t take the time to do formal
sessions. They’ll like do them in their car for a minute or two while they’re
stuck in traffic or something. Now think about this, okay? Before we get into
sleep state secrets let’s talk about priority for a minute. When you -- okay let’s
assume you’ve got this thing called an unconscious mind, you might or you
might not, it’s a nice metaphor. But think about this whenever you decide, you
know what I’m going to do? I’m going to take 30 minutes and watch a rerun
today. I’m going to sit and relax and watch a rerun on television. And on the
other hand I’m not going to take five minutes and do a feel it real session. Well,
I’ll do it when I go to bed and I’m passing out. Okay?

Now think about that. What message is that sending to your subconscious?
What message does that send into the world? That sends a message into your
subconscious that you consider a rerun a lot more important than manifesting,
creating something new inside of your mind and inside of your world.

So, again, why are you doing your sessions? You’re doing your sessions to feel
it real. You’re not doing your session to have an outcome you’re doing a
session to feel it real, okay? And if you’re not taking the time to feel it real
you’re going to feel Hank -- Home -- Hank Simpson, Homer Simpson, or Hank
Hill, or somebody else that’s a rerun as real. Okay? So take the time and do
your sessions.

But why does Neville talk about enter into the state akin to sleep and then do
your session? Now we’re going to go into some details on this but here’s the
whole thing, whenever you’re up and up and out and conversational like I am
right now, I’ve got a lot of what are called beta brainwaves going on. Beta
brainwaves are the ones that help you figure out how to do something, how to
say something, how to balance the checkbook, how to dig a hole.

You want to have beta brainwaves going on whenever you’re in how to mode,
okay? And that’s what you’re in like when you’re driving the car, you’ve got to
have some beta brainwaves on -- going on to drive the car. You’ve got to figure

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out how to, you know, shift gears, avoid the ball that just came out into the
street, that kind of thing. A lot of that comes pretty automatically but it’s still a
how to and those are driven by beta brainwaves.

On the other hand there’s some really interesting brainwaves that are slower.
And there’s some really interesting brainwaves, you know, they’re basically in
the alpha and the theta range that increase healing and increase creativeness
inside your mind. And when you slow down, when you stop, when you enter
into that state akin to sleep you’re increasing the theta and the alpha brainwaves,
the ones that are literally in charge of healing, wholeness, okay, and creativity.

And so Neville says, “Stop, enter into the state akin to sleep and fully experience
the state of the wish fulfilled.” Whenever you’re doing that, again, you’re in
that alpha/theta brainwave state and that’s creating change in your body, that’s
creating change in your world. Think of it this way, you are not your body but
your body’s part of the universe and you’re very closely associated with it.

And if taking the time to be still and just notice your breathing allows you to
experience more theta and alpha brainwaves, the brainwaves associated with
healing and creativity, don’t you think that that tells you something? If that
causes changes to happen in your mind for creativity and in your body for
healing, what are we doing anyway?

With a session we are setting the stage to heal our world. We’re setting the
stage to create new possibilities in our circumstances. And so when we talk
about sleep state secrets the whole idea is to slow down, reduce those beta
brainwaves, increase the healing in the creative brainwaves, that’s why we do
formal sessions.

Now I read an interesting book years ago called “The Da Vinci Method.” This
is not “The Da Vinci Code,” a very different book; “The Da Vinci Method.”
And in “The Da Vinci Method,” they revealed two things that are pretty darn
interesting. There are two plants that tend to support the production of those
kinds of brainwaves; one of them is tobacco the other one is Yerba Mate tea.

Now what’s interesting, I did a tremendous amount of research on this and -- but
a friend of mine who introduced me to the book, he introduced me to the book
because I was sharing with him what I learned from my Native American elders

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which is, they called tobacco the thank you plant. The thank you plant was
smoked whenever you just wanted to experience a mellow thankfulness, a
oneness, an openness.

The tobacco was smoked with a thank you kind of prayer by Native Americans.
And it’s been discovered, scientifically now, that tobacco -- and by the way,
think about this for a second, now there’s the chain smoking writer, right? The
writer who chain-smokes tobacco all day while he’s being creative. The Da
Vinci book points to some research, and I did a ton of additional research on
this, that states that tobacco smoke increases those alpha/theta brainwaves. S

o does a tea called Yerba Mate which is used by a lot of shamans and a lot of
healers. And again it’s not a hallucinogenic tea it’s a very mellow tea, Yerba
Mate. It’s Y-E-R-B-A M-A-T-E.

Check those out because yeah, again, I’ve had people, you know, tell me that,
you know, well I enjoy smoking, I feel more creative when I do it. Well if you
enjoy it, do it. But the key is -- and, again, this is my opinion I’m just tossing it
in here because it may be very vital for some of the listeners. You know, my
Native American elders taught me that if you smoke tobacco and you grumble,

In other words you smoke and you bitch and you moan that’s what causes
cancer, because you’re being egocentric and you’re focusing on lack. But on the
other hand if you use any plant the way it was intended, with the proper intent, if
you smoke the thank you plant with gratitude. I’ve known many medicine men,
who are very old, who have been smoking tobacco and they don’t get cancer,
and they don’t slow down. You know, they’re very beautiful people who are
healthy until the day they drop over. So just some thoughts, some stuff outside
of the box.

And, by the way, if you’ve reacted to the whole thing of tobacco causes cancer,
think about this, what causes anything in this world is the unseen, it’s the
imagination. When enough people started buying into that tobacco causes
cancer, guess what? They’re going to experience cancer when it comes to
tobacco because they’ve bought into that state, okay? Not even just a belief,
they’ve bought into a state, oh smoking tobacco causes cancer, oh yeah right,

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Think about that. And, by the way, you don’t have to smoke tobacco to be
thankful. You don’t have to drink Yerba Mate tea to be thankful. But it does
appear that those two things support the chemicals in the body that can help you,
you know, explore that state akin to sleep and that’s why we’re sharing that for

So next, so we did the first four. The next one is, point of view power. That’s
P-O-V power. What you want to do is you want to do your sessions and see
through your own eyes. The -- when I was teaching golfers how to use this
stuff, okay, I primarily had them -- yeah I said, okay, so yeah you’ve heard
about these people that use imagination to improve their golf swings? And one
of my clients said yeah, I’ve been doing that for years but it doesn’t seem to
work. I said well, close your eyes tell me how you do it. So he says, okay, well
I see myself and I said hold on, what do you see? He goes well, you know, I see
myself on the golf course. I said what do you see? And he said like I see myself
and I said no, no, no what do you see?

He goes well, I see me standing there holding my club and I said oh, so you see
your body? And he was like, yup, I see my body, I see myself. You see he was
confusing himself which is consciousness and imagination, one of Neville’s core
principles. If you’re going to use Neville’s methods you’ve got to adopt some
of his principles. Neville says that you are the imagination, you are
consciousness, you’re greater than any state because you can choose any state.

Now so I tell him I said look, you’re not your body, you’re consciousness and
we explored that for a bit. And I told him what I want you to do is experience
the point of view that you have as a golfer. In other words, if you’re going to
improve your golf swing what I need you to do is experience golfing as if you’re
actually doing it, not watching a movie of you doing it. Because if you’re
watching a movie of you doing it you’re a spectator, you’re not a participant.

Remember Neville says that we can be a participant or a spectator of any state.

And what’s nice about that we can be a spectator of poverty, we can look around
and go yeah, those people are in a poverty state. And on the other hand we can
be a participant of the state of wealth. Okay, we can choose to feel wealthy and
to come from that state.

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Now with the golfer what I had him do was to basically imagine, you know, the
feel of the club in his hands. What I told him to do was to imagine looking
down the front of his body at the golf club in his hands, at the ball at the edge of
the golf club. And to imagine what it’s like to keep your eye on the ball as you
do your reverse wind up, and then you come down and you whack the ball. And
I want you to imagine it going up for your first hole in one and I want you to
feel that feeling, that emotion. Not just feeling the golf club in your hands but I
want you to feel the emotion as well.

And after he did that his whole physiology changed, his whole body changed.
He came out of his session like yeah, I can’t wait to go golfing, making a hole in
one was great. Okay, he’s talking as if he’s done it versus oh I see my body
taking the perfect swing. Actually I see myself taking the perfect swing and I’m
confused because I think I’m my body. Okay, not -- that doesn’t work. The
point of view that works is seeing it through your own eyes, feeling it with your
own hands. Again if, you know, if you are imagining the perfect mate, the
perfect partner for you, what I want you to do is to imagine holding their hand
and looking over at them and seeing them smile. When you look over at
someone and you see them smile you see your shoulder, and you feel their hand
in yours, and you see them smile. You don’t see you two on the beach. What
you see is them.

Now a way that you could see you two on the beach, which is from the point of
view that works, is to see your shadows. Okay, when -- if you’re walking with
your loved one and you’re holding their hand and you look over into their eyes
and they’re beautiful and they’re smiling, and you look down at the sand and
you see your two shadows, that’s realistic point of view, that’s being in the
movie. Remember Blake says to be in it not just observe it, to be in it. And so
that’s what we get to do we get to experience point of view power and that is
one of the feel it real master keys.

Next, foundation feelings. Okay, now here’s the key with the foundation
feelings. Again, whether you’re going for wealth or health, or moving around
the world, or having a specific car, there’s going to be some foundational
feelings that go along with any state of the wish fulfilled, and those foundational
feelings are relief and gratitude. Neville mentions those two more than any
other as far as the foundational feelings that you can add into any feel it real

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So your foundational feelings again, you know, what does Bob do when he gets
out of his Corvette? His buddy comes over and says Bob, is that you? Let me
shake your hand, that’s a beautiful car. And what’s Bob doing? Oh he’s
grateful he’s got the car he’s got, you know, obviously a sense of relief that he
has the car. He’s not focusing on the car and hoping that he gets it because he’s
memorizing all the details about the car. He feels this profound sense of
gratitude. He feels this profound sense of relief. Yeah, you know, yeah I got
that car 10 years ago after I got this awesome promotion.

We want to feel relief and gratitude and mix those in. Think of it this way,
you’re like a bartender. You get to create the most amazing cocktail inside your
bloodstream, inside your mind, inside your body. You get to create this cocktail
that you can combine the state of -- see you can combine the state of, let’s say,
wealth. I know what it’s like to feel wealthy. I know what it’s like to feel
confident. And so if I take those states and I notice how they feel inside my
body and how they grow and how they move around. Because states move
around in your body, they grow, they get stronger. And as you feel how they --
like where does it start and how does it grow, and what does it feel like after I
have even more confident and more wealthy now?

Whenever you notice these things add in, I mean you’re mixing a drink inside
your mind, inside your body, add in some thankfulness, I’m thankful that I’m
confident. You know, I’m -- I’ve got this amazing sense of relief since I am
financially prosperous. And allow yourself to experience those foundational
feelings because those make a tremendous difference in your sessions so it’s not
just oh yeah, I know what it feels like to be in the car. Well yeah, I own the car.
I’m thankful that I’ve got such a beautiful, reliable car. And I’m so relieved that
I started using these methods to get it.

So that is the sixth master key.

The next one, extending experience. What you want to do is extend your
experience don’t just focus on stuff, stuff, and more stuff. You see I’ve got a
buddy his name’s Mark. And Mark is worth more than $20 million dollars and
Mark still thinks poor. He feels poor. He does the weirdest things to try to
make more money and he just feels poor. And it’s just a -- it’s a weird thing to

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be around him because, you know, for most people if you had $20 million
dollars how would you feel?

Well you’d probably feel the same way you do now. The key is you’ve got to
generate the experience. You have to extend your experience. Notice what it’s
like to feel wealthy now. Remember why do you do your sessions? You do
your sessions to feel it real now, not to create an outcome later that will enable
you to feel it now. But you do your sessions now to feel the sensations now, to
feel the state now. You do a feel it real session to feel it real right now.

And so what we want you to do is take that and extend your experience. In
other words, you do your sessions three times a day. Extending your experience
means two different things. Number one, you do your sessions three to five
times a day and what happens is you get up and it -- and the state stays with you
for a while. It’s like eating a meal you have that energy, that specific state of
energy for a while.

And if it starts to wane you do another session and then you get up and -- and by
the way, you don’t have to wait for it to wane, okay? It’s like waiting until
you’re starving to eat. Eat regularly. Do your sessions regularly so that
experience of the state extends into your life so that you’re walking from that
state, making decisions from that state, carrying on conversations from that state
and not carrying on conversations that go against it. Okay that’s part of
extending experience. The other part of extending experience is taking what
you have, and we did this experiment in the Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack,
where I shared that the method of put $10 into your wallet, that’s your attitude

Resolve that you never have to spend it so that you always have $10 of attitude
money. And in two weeks double it up so you have $20 attitude money.
Because once you have $10 in there for two weeks it’s easy to add another $10,
and now you have $20 of attitude money. You never have to tell anyone you’re
broke again, you never have to feel broke again because you’ve got attitude

And again, as we’re playing with this it’s not about the money it’s about the
decision to always have wealth. It’s about the decision to always feel
prosperous. And in two more weeks double it again, take it from $20 to $40, or

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if it takes you 30 days, who cares. But just keep doubling that up -- that amount
up until you have about $100 or more in your wallet.

And suddenly something really interesting happens, you notice, you know what?
I just feel wealthy. I feel wealthy and I’m never out of money. And when you
can say that authoritatively from experience, I feel wealthy and I’m never out of
money, you’re not making money the cause of feeling wealth. You feel wealthy
and you’re never out of money and that anchors it in some -- in a very special

And so when we talk about extending experience that way it starts with the state
of wealth and committing to just having $10 of attitude money, and then
doubling that up in two weeks so now you have $20 in attitude money. And
doubling it up again and again until you get up to $100. And the key is you’re
extending your experience, your willingness to experience wealth on the inside
and not to ever run out of money. And that eliminates the false god syndrome
because you don’t feel wealth because you have money in your wallet, you have
money in your wallet because you’ve committed to feeling wealth. Anytime we
put a false god first it’s literally you’re making -- yeah and this goes back to the
beginning, this is really important.

You make a false god first whenever you go okay, so Bob wants a new job so
I’m going to influence his boss to give him a promotion. In other words you’ve
just made the boss the false god, and now you must influence the false god to
make something happen. No, you go to the end. This is why creative clarity
one and two were right at the beginning. You go right to the end and you
experience Bob having that job, you experience Bob as having that car. And
how do you do that?

Perhaps you’re having that dinner party that you decided to host, and you notice
who’s there and you raise your glass, and you congratulate Bob on the car, and
you congratulate Bob on the job. And it’s about extending your experience
because I am the one with the car, I am the one with the job, you are the one
with the car, you are the one with the job. It’s not, oh since you have the car and
now don’t you feel good? That’s external god. It’s all about starting from the
state of the wish fulfilled which is, again, why we’re doing this program.

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So there’s three amplifiers we want to toss into this recording as well. Number
one, emotions and sensations; those are two ways of feeling. And Neville shares
the wedding ring lesson, which, gosh, this is just a good one. You want to feel
-- if you want to be married you feel the wedding ring on your finger, that’s a
sensation. You feel the weight of that wedding ring on that finger and you know
that means you’re married.

So that implies that you’re married there -- you put detail around that. What’s it
feel like? What’s it’s color? You feel that imaginary wedding ring on that
imaginary finger of yours, and that’s where we can put the detail. We talked
about deadly details. We put the details where it matters and where they matter
is in the scene that implies the wish has been fulfilled. You don’t need all the
details around the marriage or the courtship you just need the details around the

In the second part amplifier number one is about emotions and sensations. The
weight of the ring is a sensation. The emotion is that you’re proud that you’re
glad to be married to that person. And you feel the joy when you’ve touched
that ring you feel the joy of being married to that person, that’s the emotion.
And you have both emotions and sensations in your sessions.

Amplifier number two, we’ve already talked about this but we’ve got to bring it
in in a very special way here. The miracle moment that was what we talked
about when Bob gets out of the car, the handshake, the smack, the high five.
Again, you want that miracle moment, that anchor point that we tossed in as a
little side note earlier. But we want that to have both emotion and sensation.
You want to feel the handclasp, you want to feel the physical warmth as well as
the emotional warmth.

And again, that miracle moment only takes a second. And the reason why that’s
so important when you’re doing your session you can stop there and you can
feel it, you can feel it, you can feel it, you can do that high five, that high five,
that handshake, that handshake. You can just repeat that a couple dozen times
and every time you do that you’ll notice that the sensations and the emotions
inside of that state get more and more powerful.

So amplifier number three, and this is a goodie, who today will touch you?
Again, it’s one thing to feel the steering wheel of the car. It’s another thing to

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get that congratulations from a friend. It’s much more -- it carries so much more
power. So you can imagine the steering wheel of that Corvette and what it feels
like in your hand, and the emotions you feel as you shift the gears, that’s fine.
But what’s much more powerful and, again, we keep discovering this time and
time again, who today will touch you?

Bob gets out of the car who does he see? He sees who? Who does he see? It
just doesn’t have to be a friend from high school it could be a coworker that
didn’t know he had that car. It could be someone who he hasn’t seen since
kindergarten. It could be someone who he lived, you know, next to when he
was in college. You know, you want to bring -- when you’re building your
sessions and you’re having some fun with this, get creative. Who else will
congratulate you?

Who else can you share your success with? And one of the keys that really
makes this a lot of fun bring them in from different periods of your life,
childhood friend, high school friend, college. God it’s going to be a lot of fun.
And if you’re building the scene in the future, okay, yeah it could be someone
who you haven’t even met yet, okay that’s -- who has become a friend in that
scene. So have a lot of fun with this.

So to close down the master key set here, again, we covered seven master keys.
The clarity of form by focusing on the end only, not the means, so you don’t
influence, you know -- and again, creative clarity two these sort of blend
together here. The way I like to teach them is like that. It’s not about magic or
influence it’s about the miracle of the transformation of you, of Bob, it’s not
about how getting the boss to sign the paper, right? It’s about the magic the
miracle of the actual change that has happened.

We talked about deadly details, putting them not on the car not knowing all the
particulars about the car, but the particulars around the celebration. You know,
the celebration could be a group, it could be a one on one, but the scene that
implies the wish fulfilled. So often in Neville’s teachings is some sort of
congratulatory or celebratory thing, use that it’s very powerful. Put the details
there. Who’s there? What are they wearing? What time of year is it? So on
and so forth.

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We talked about point of view power where you are seeing through your own
eyes, okay, from the desk. You’re seeing through your own eyes that golf club
as you’re holding it, feel the golf club in your hand, see the golf club. You don’t
want to see your body you want to see the golf club because you’re not your
body, you’re consciousness experiencing life through a body.

We want to always have the foundational feelings in there. There’s foundational

feelings of relief and gratitude, because adding them in is literally taking -- it’s
like making a really good cocktail, a really good mixed drink, you know, for
your mind.

And finally, we want to have that extending experience. Just don’t focus on
stuff, okay? Because I mean, you know, I talk to people and they say well, you
know, after I’ve got that million dollars I’ll feel so good. No, no, no feel good
now. There’s power in now. Feel good now, feel wealthy now and extend --
that’s why we do our sessions. Do your three to five sessions a day and take that
experience of the state and extend that into your day and that’s what’ll change

Again, my name is Mr. Twenty Twenty I do want to thank you for investing in
the Neville Goddard Feel it Real Power Pack.

Have a wonderful day. See ya.

[end of transcript]

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