Campus Spain Bachelor

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Campus SPAIN Bachelor’s Degrees in Spanish Universities 2018/2019 Architecture Bachelor's Degrees University ‘Duration Admission Tuton fees ‘rcitecture University oF Corea Syeas 5810 Lasse Re ~ Polecnic University of Valencia Fundomenta of Arctiectore University of valladota Fundomenta of Aetitectue (8D + MO Program) Business Management & Finances Bachelors Degrees University Duration Admission Tultion fees ‘Accounting & Finance Pablo Glave University (Seiie) yeas $000 758 ‘Business Management ‘Univers aume ayes 6833 sae ‘Business Management Univers of Malaga years 9582 758€ “Business Management UniversityatSevila ayers 001 758€ ‘Business Moragement = University of Vio ayers 562 THHE Incarnation Business University of Valenela ayes 123132 saze Finance and Accounting Univer Cals il of Magid yeas 1038 sane Finanee and Accounting - - UniverstyofValencia SS years, = «8205 9a3€ Computer Science Maser’ Degree Untesity eration Admission Tution fs ae vey of Csi. Macha dyes 82a Computer Engineering University of Extremadura _fyears 6850 1010 Computer science oo University of Alicante fyers 7418 SBE Computer Science University of Jaen Ayers: 6500 758 Computer Science University of ten Ayears 6,742 1664 “Computer Science ““Universtyof Oviedo Ayeas 7952-30126 ‘Computer Science University of Santiago de Compostela 4years 10817 52006 Computer Science University of Vigo Ayears: 7870 «10M € ‘Computer Science ‘years 10,360 3an8€ Dentistry Bachelors Dares Univesity uraion _Admision Ton fees entry ‘Unnersiyefrnaes Sven 33237 sae Dentistry - University of Murcia Syers 16192014 Dentistry - = University of viedo 7 Syears 12370 3.483 Dentistry University of Salamanca Syeors 11,948 3.066 € Denti Univer of Sea syas 12412 758 Dentistry - University of Valencie __ Syears 1243613896 oenity ~ eri ne ~syeusan880 Dentistry Catholic Univesity of Valencia Syears Dentistry {etornational University of Catalunya Syears Design Achar Dears uvrity Duration Admission Tolono Aisa Deen ‘Unie ao tC of adi eo ro0n€ ~ Cremtion rd design - ~ Universo Pi vco Taya Design tapes Une of ine University of La Laguna (Tenerife) dyes 9,340 University Pompeu Fabra - EUISAVA “years 5,000 Design and Creative Technologies a Polytechnic University of Valencia 4 years 12,036 Ig derandmagemanaeenest—~=~S*UnvenyReynCrerot Modid Aan 9B Engineering sctearsDeares ntersty urton _Adininlon Ton ees ‘opal ageing Polar Unto Veda “yeas ow _150€ ‘eronautal rinering Unversity of Sela ten 12508 7see Constution raneeng Poise Uneaten ayers aay save evtnnenog Unversity of Sele 19s ae ChemalEngnesing ~~ UnivesiyofSeva——SSCSCS~*S*~*~*~*~iR Ye Electrical Engineering © Polviechnic Univesity of Valencia Ayears: 5000 —«1330€ Electrical Engineering. University of Sevilla years: 6361 T58€ econ Egon Usvestyof Svila ayes 638 758 Insti ngeerng =~‘ bln of ae syas ua ame Industrial Technologies Eng neering University of Seva Ayears 10,660, 758 formation aed Cormunieton Tehrloas FotechneUnberityaValeela ayers 46% 130 TelconmmniaonEageeing Univers Sela ayers Asis TRE TelecommunicationEngineeding University Vigo 4yeas 5.00010 English Studies sche’ Degree Unieaty urtion _Admion Titman Tog angige and rtre nersy Santee oe Compose tyes 6816 —_—~a7m0 Engl Studs - UsvestyafAkcate ayes vate ~enelok Sis Usvesiy fra ayers 66s r English Studies University of Cacia ayears 7,775 tran Suis rv of asia nha tyes ogi dies Users ofcérdobs a8 “trai Suds Usher of temas Enh Sues University Granade frais studies Engish Studies University of Magn Fgish Studies University of Murcia Enaishstules University of Oviedo English Studies - University of Salamanca Engh Studes University of Seila English studies University of Valencia English Studies ‘University of Valladota Engl Stuses Universidad de Zaragana “English studes University of a Laguna English Studies Language and teratre ———==_UniverstyofA Coruna Foreign Languages University of igo Fashion (Modern Creation) Sacholor’ Degrees ‘Arsin Produc Design| ‘reaton anc Design Universi SNE University of Pais Vasco “Design - "University ofa Laguna (Tener) Design European Unversity of Mada years a0490€ Design and Creative Technologies Polytechnic University of Valencia 4 yeas Love Fashion and Creation Univers of Vigo yeas, ~ tosoe Fashion Design HO European institute of Desgninareslona years _ 1n200€ Fashion Design “_1AOE School of Design Univers Nebrja years _1500€ Fashion Design La Barcelona (Official Schoo of Design) yeas ‘sos0¢ Majrin Styling and Fashion Communication tO European nsttute of Design in Madrid years s2800€ Fine Arts Bachelor's Degrees Universiey Duration Admission _Tlton fees Fine ars ‘University of Casta La Mancha Syes 5.000 1039€ Fine ars [University of La Laguna (Tenerife) yeas “fine ans | University oF Murcia ‘years Fine ars Univers of Pas Vasco Fine Arts Plvecric Univesity of Valencia Univesity of Salamanca rivers of Sela fines University of igo ayes 520 «owe fine te Unie of aragona ayas 7aae ~~ aznie Geology sachlors Degrees university ‘Univer of Aleante ‘tonomens Uberti Barcelona Unive of Brelna ‘University Complutense of Madrid Unversity of Granada University of Hula “University of Oviedo University of Salamanca University of aragoza International Relations/Political Science Bachelor’ Degrees University Durason Admission Tuition fees Political selence and Publ Administration ‘Unwersiy of Granada ayeas 5,000 ae uments University of Huei ayes 500 58E as fan Studs University of Mage ‘ayes = 78e Humanes - "University Pable Clavie - Potical clence and Pubic Adminitration Intemational sins Univesity af Santiago de Compostela ayes 8 37006 Unversty of valencia ayeas 12132 gaze Journalism Bachelors Degrees ‘Audiosuai Communication & louralim “Journalism & Audiovisual Communication Journalism & Ausowsval Communication Journalism and Information & Documentation Unversity of Sella (F, Communication) University ‘Unversity of Santiago de Compostela Te — a aves of es omen "University ofSevila (EUSA) ti Univesity of Valencia Unwertyof Vala ‘Unversity of Sela (USA) University of mura law Bachelors Dogreos University Duration Admission Tultlon fees aw University oF Alcante ayes 7586 one law Universty of Almeria yeas 7060 7s8€ aw University of Cade (Aigecias) 5380 aw - "University of Cada ere) 7260 T5Re law Universty of Cardoba 6820 wee law = University of Hue “aw Universtyofiagn law University Jaume | law University of Malaga University of Murcia University of Sela (ta) University of Seva (CEU: Cardenal spinolo) 4 years, 758 aw University of igo yeas 79¢ Leisure & Tourism Bachelors Degrees University Duration Admission Tulton fees Tourism University of Ladin ‘years 5000 ase Tours ‘University of Malaga ‘year ‘Tourism University of Murcia years Tourism University of Seva yeas, Tourism University of igo ‘yeas Teun Ueno zaragons year Marine Sciences . cel Degrees nwerty Duraton ‘avery of Akane ‘ayers Marine scence ‘University of Las Palmas de Gran Canarias Univesity of Vigo Mathematics & Statistics ai iret a buraien Adriann fas oe Dee Ties Maher Tey ola Seas ua Be “athena a a et teas as lame “Mathematics 4ycers 1a10 ‘Mathematics University of Malaga a ‘years 10573 sy Une far reas a ‘Mates etme yeas ass Mathematics - University of Sevita fyen 10980 738 ‘Mathematics oo [University of Valencia ‘years 12,808 ioe ‘ew oC tps m0 Lae Sates ond aes Vite Statistes Universidad de Valladolid ‘statites a —Unwersidad of Seviia Statistics University of Salamanca Sans inert ada Sues Tey Medicine sata eat nha boraion _Adnaton Ton fet ae Gras Im 23M ‘tonnes Une of Mei ar er University Complutense of Madrid years 12,966 s186€ . "University of Granada 6 years 12,750 738e ~ est Snags Cops yeas 12286 sae ater Seta Crees ama a a _ oh International University of Catalunya Gyears 14.200€ ~ european University of Madrid Gyears 18.300€ University CEU San Pablo of Madrid G year Music Sciences teins oat a emion Adio tein on Terra A em Tria rand ten sane Tha Hye a aoa Tipe aa jen 3a ise Nursing side ooo tty barsion_“Adntto_Taton fet ae compen ney oad ms Te Wine ~ nl Ueto Somnea ayes sre Nursing University of Navarra Ayears: 144 oa Tey Se oe Tens saasoe iin =a

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