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The Influence of Korean Wave to the Filipino Youth

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Background of the Study:

The rising popularity of Korean Culture throughout the world is called Korean Wave. The Korean popular
culture which spread mainly through the mass media is now enjoying high popularity outside Korea and
this is how the Korean Wave occurs (Yu,2008). The phenomenal Korean sensation is describe from
another term called Hallyu, this is a Korean pronunciation of Korean Wave which is defined by Korean
Tourism Organization (2004) as the recent cultural phenomenon of South Korean pop culture sweeping
throughout the world (Kim & Ryoo, 2007). Korean Wave (Hallyu) mainly consists of television dramas,
film, pop music, movie stars animation and comics including mobile content like cell phones and iPods,
video or computer games, as well as the latest fashion, food, home appliances and cosmetics, assertively
expanding to things like dance, sculpture, painting, cuisine, plastic surgery, tourism and language
( In this study I'm just going to focus on the Korean Wave effect in Filipino
Youth's preference in music, television dramas and in their taste of fashion.

The youths are the one who are most influenced by the Korean Wave and one of those are the
Filipino Youth. The new generation today is different and they are easily captured to the things around
them. These youths are exposed to the different kinds and genres of music, television dramas and also
in their taste of fashion. Now and then, the taste of music, movies and fashion has been changed,
improved and made more exciting in the eyes of the Filipino Youth. Everywhere you will go, in schools,
malls, stores, while riding a jeepney and even to recreational places such as parks and also to tourist
places, you can see the effects of Korean Wave in the Filipino especially to the Filipino Youth. In going to
school you can easily see that Korean Sensations are almost everywhere. You can notice that students
are listening and singing songs in different language (Korean Language) that they don’t know what’s the
meaning of it, they talk about their favorite Korean dramas then admire the actors and actresses in the
movie and sometimes impersonate their looks.

To add some background , there will be surveys containing gathered information to distinguish the
respondents (male and female students of the Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology)
view toward Korean Wave as well as their outlook as a Filipino. This would serve as support to the
current research study.

Objectives of the Study:

The primary purpose of this study:

To determine the Filipino Youth's preference for Korean Wave particularly in dramatic television series,
pop music and the latest fashion as well;

To know how Korean Wave affects the taste of Filipino Youth with regards to their culture;

Aims to understand the bad effects of South Korean culture to the youths through its cultural exports in
the Philippines;

To learn how Korean Wave helps the human reproduction in South Korea;

Would identify if the students preference in choosing dramatic television series, music and choice in
fashion would affect their sense of nationalism.

Significance of the Study:

This study will be helpful to analyze the occurrence of Korean Wave throughout the world and its
implications for cultural influence on neighboring countries like the Philippines. In addition, this study
examine how national identity impacts framing processes related to media coverage and public
response (Lee,2011). This study will provide brief description on the various significance of the study
about the infectious spread of Korean popular culture throughout the world given three categories:
dramatic television series, music and the choice of fashion.

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