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Is telling someone you have feelings for them worth it, even if they tell you that they

don’t feel the same?

-For me, it's worth it to tell someone I have feelings for them even if they say they
don't feel the same way. Withholding your emotions from someone is just as bad as
withholding your anger. Every time you think about it, you feel as if you're going to
explode. It is preferable to express one's hurt than to remain silent and eventually see
him/her with someone else. You should take every opportunity in life, even if the
outcome is uncertain; even if you fail, you will have tried and done your best.

USE READING SKILLS: Understand Literary Elements

Tone is the feeling displayed by the author toward the subject of the poem
while mood the atmosphere that is prevalent in the poem. The author creates the
mood in the following poem by describing details of setting (time and place),
characters, and events. Complete the chart below with details from the poem that
convey the tone and that set the mood for each of the three categories. An example
has been done for you.

Category Details Tone Mood

chilly night sad The speaker feels
dejected as his male
friend sleeps on his
Characters: Homosexual guy Pessimistic The speaker is
disheartened as he
considers the
negative reasons
why his friend will
reject him if he
discloses his
feelings for him.

The friend in the

Male friend Direct poem, who is
described as the
speaker's crush, is
not receptive to any
notions of a man

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being with another
The friend is
adamant in his
beliefs and ideas,
all the more so
because he already
loves someone else.

Event Hanging out with Ambivalent Both the speaker

best friend and his friend have
perspectives on the
same sex
Throughout the
poem, the speaker
emotions about his


He Who Sleeps On My Lap

A Poem by Ronald Baytan

Who is the speaker in the poem?

A homosexual guy who has perplexity of emotion towards his male friend.

Tone and Mood

What atmosphere is created by the words disagree and argue in the first stanza?

The atmosphere is argumentative because we see the persona trying to show the guy
that there are other possibilities for a relationship, not just between a man and a
woman. This will be supported by the line:CASS-DELL
“He says |heLiterature
is a man,ofand
man needs a2
woman and I disagree
Tone and Mood
What does the word sigh in line 11 suggest?
Regret for not expressing his feelings for him and acceptance of the fact that his dream of
being with his friend is impossible. It can also imply sadness and regret when he realizes that
his fear has triumphed over his love.

Tone and Mood

How does the repetition of the line (he) sleeps on my lap add to the tone and mood of the
poem? The rhythmic sequence of the poem "He who sleeps on my lap" is one of sadness and
sorrow. There is a deliberate slowness in the manner of speaking. The poem's use of the word
"sleep" implies a closed mind that is not yet prepared to consider other possible sexual
relationships. It's similar to when you're asleep; you're unaware of what's going on around you,
which demonstrates that you're not open to opposing ideas. As a result, you decide to end the
argument by sleeping.


Name: Duculan, Mizpah R. Subject: LIT 111A

Yr/Cr/Sec: 3BSN-D Date: 05-18-21


Grasp the poem’s full implications and suggestions to answer the following questions.

1. How would you characterize or describe the male friend of the speaker based
on lines 1-5?

-His friend is not open to other sexual possibilities and is also in love with another
person, a girl. His friend's mentality toward sexual relationships, that the only proper
relationship is one between a man and a woman. Assume, then, that the guy is
unaware that the persona is homosexual. Or, perhaps, he would prefer to forget it and
carry on as if nothing had happened. He is already content with their relationship and

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has no desire to change it, which is why he would rather sleep than discuss the matter

2. What do the lines “We argue until he grow/ tired of talking/ and sleeps on my
lap” imply?

- “We argue until he becomes drowsy and falls asleep on my lap on this chilly night”.
Additionally, the poem conveys a sense of sadness as a result of a dream that will
never come true. This statement implies that his friend is closed to all notions of love.
His friend either sleeps it off or is oblivious to the situation.

3. What mood or atmosphere is created by the images in lines 10-15?

-The mood or atmosphere formed by the images in lines 10-15 is hopeless, as the
speaker is gloomy about the situation, recognizing that his friend views same-sex
relationships differently than he does and that his friend already has a loved one. He
felt alone, even though he was with his best friend, because he was afraid his future
would be lost without him.

4. In the second stanza, what do the words “slaughtering”, and “wicked wish”
suggest? Explain your answer.

-These words and phrases evoke fear in the speaker of confessing his feelings to the
other person. Here, the slow motion of the persona's voice imparts an air of emotion
and sadness. These are strong words to describe emotions, which means that because
he is unable to express his feelings to his best friend, he suffers to the point where his
anger toward himself is barely comprehensible.

5. For what does the line “his dream” stand? Explain your answer.

- dream symbolizes the speaker's friends' view of relationships. The speaker wishes
for his friends to understand the importance of normalizing relationships between
identical sexes. He essentially wants to spend the rest of his life with his friend and to
elevate their friendship to the point of marriage.

6. How does the speaker feel for his male friend? Provide words or lines to
support your answer.

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-He loved his friend more than a friend, to the point where he is willing to take the
risk of his life to demonstrate the depth of his feelings to him, but he is fearful of the
consequences of the revelation. This is demonstrated in the second stanza, where the
speaker is unable to express his feelings to his friend, even face to face. Knowing full
well that his friend is not interested in exploring other sexual possibilities and is also
in love with another person, a girl. This is demonstrated in the first stanza, during
which he has an argument with a friend about sexuality and relationships.

7. Why is the speaker hesitant to tell his male friend about what he feels for

-To begin, the speaker is aware that his friend has already fallen in love and does not
wish to interfere with his happiness. The second reason is that his friend is opposed to
homosexual individuals and the concept of same-sex relationships, possibly because
he is a member of a community that opposes such actions or considers them to be a
violation of their religious and cultural beliefs. The final and most compelling reason
is that he is afraid of rejection and that their friendship may end in an instant.

8. How does the repetition of the line “sleeps gently on my lap” affect the mood
of the poem?

-This statement implies that the friend has complete faith in the fictitious character.
Their friendship is far too strong, and they are completely at ease with one another.
The repetition of these statements has an effect on the poem's overall mood, which is
one of regretful love.

9. What is the main idea that is brought out by the tone and mood of the poem?

-The mood and tone of the poem effectively convey the poem's message by infusing
it with a tragic and sad tone. The tone and mood of the poem also help the reader
reach a conclusion because they depict hopelessness as the persona loves his male
friend but is unable to express it fully due to their conflicting beliefs.
His male friend believes that a man requires a woman, whereas he believes that a man
does not require a woman.
He debates with his friend but is unsuccessful, implying that this is a doomed love.

10. What larger/social issue is explored in the poem?

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-Homophobia is the poem's larger or social issue. Due to the society's bias toward its
culture and tradition, it denies individuals the right to self-identify as who they truly


1. When is the right time to tell someone, you really like or love them? Explain
your answer.

-The right time to tell someone you truly care and love is every day, because there is
no such thing as a right time; you simply need to take whatever chances you have
because tomorrow is uncertain. Anything can happen now that may not happen
tomorrow. If you have the time, go for it; give everything you've got but make certain
you don't lose everything.

2. What happens if you hold in your emotions?

-Emotions are similar to the bricks we carry on our shoulders. The more emotions you
carry, the more weight you will carry and the heavier you will feel. That is why, when
we express our anger to someone or cry it out to someone afterwards, we feel
extremely liberated, as if we have released a heavy burden from our lives. If you
choose not to release those emotions, there are two possible outcomes. The first is that
you will break or, in the worst-case scenario, die. When you break, you lose yourself
and will require mental health treatment. The other is when you are unable to control
your emotions and commit a mortal sin such as suicide. Therefore, conduct a self-
assessment now, look in the mirror, and express your emotions to those you trust; do
not allow your emotions to drag you down like bricks stacked in your shoulders.

3. How does society influence self-expression?

-For me, society defines self-expression because the more society denigrates those
who are unusual or out of step with the norm, the more difficult it is for anyone to
express what is deep inside their thoughts and feelings. The more open society is
about this type of issue, the more people will be able to come out of their shells and
be themselves. It is up to society's acceptance to determine whether or not more
people can express themselves freely.

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A. Read each mood below. Decide whether the mood is positive or negative. Write a
P on the space if it is positive and an N if it is negative. Use your dictionary or context
clue skills if you come across a word you are unsure of. The first one is done for you.

_P___1. Hopeful __P__6. Reassured _P___11. Composed

__N__2. Lonely _N__7. Heartbroken __N__12. Restless
_N__3. Embarrassed __P__8. Blissful _P___13. Glorious
__P__4. Passionate __P__9. Excited __P__14. Triumphant
___N_5. Dissatisfied __N__10. Oscillating __N__15. Somber

B. Read the poems and answer the questions that follow.

Ermita in the Rain

Angela Manalang-Gloria

It is not the rain that wanly

Sobs its tale across the bay,
Not the sobs of lone acacias
Trembling darkly in the gray,

Not the groans of harried breakers

Flinging tatters on the shore,
But the phantom of your voice that
Stays me dreaming at my door.

1. Which word best describes the tone of this poem?

A. Somber C. Frustrated
B. Inspired D. Bored

2. Which word best describes the mood of this poem?

A. Romantic C. Dissatisfied
B. Nostalgic D. Restless

Florante at Laura (an excerpt)

Francisco Baltazar
Kung ang isalubong sa iyong pagdating
Ay masayang mukha’t may pakitang giliw
Lalong pag-ingata’t kaaway na lihim
Siyang isaisip na kakabakahin.

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1. Which word best describes the tone of this poem?
A. Somber C. Angry
B. Cynical D. Sad

2. Which word best describes the atmosphere of the poem?

A. Pessimistic C. Cheerful
B. Fearsome D. Confusing

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