CR Unit 1 &11 (Part A &B)

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20. Define Cognitive Radio.

Cognitive Radio (CR) is an adaptive,intelligent radio and network technology that

can automatically detect available channels in a wireless spectrum and change
transmission and reception parameters which enables more communication to
run concurrently and also improve radio operating behaviour.
21. List out the CR capabilities helping dynamic use of spectrum.

a) Flexibility
b) Agility
c) Sensing
d) Networking

22. State the ITU Mission.

Bringing the benefits of ICT to all the world’s inhabitants to enable the growth and
sustained development of telecommunications and information networks, and to
facilitate universal access so that people everywhere can participate in, and benefit
from, the emerging information society and global economy.


14. Explain the architecture of SDR or functions of SDR with neat diagrams.

15. Explain in detail the issues faced by SDR.

16. Explain in detail about radio frequency spectrum and regulations associated
with it.

17. Explain in detail about evolution of Cognitive Radio and compare its relation
with other radio.


18. Draw the cognition cycle.

19. Draw the MAC superframe structure.

20. List the goals set for the JTRS program
1)Greatly increased operational flexibility and interoperability of
globally deployed systems;
2)Reduced support ability costs;
3)Upgradeability in terms of easy technology insertion and capability upgrades;
and Reduced system acquisition and operation cost.
4)Reduced system acquisition and operation cost.

21. Define IEEE 802.22

IEEE 802.22, is a standard for wireless regional area network (WRAN) using
white spaces in the television (TV) frequency spectrum. The development of the
IEEE 802.22 WRAN standard is aimed at using cognitive radio (CR) techniques to
allow sharing of geographically unused spectrum allocated to the television
broadcast service, on a non- interfering basis, to bring broadband access to hard-to-
reach, low population density areas, typical of rural environments, and is therefore
timely and has the potential for a wide applicability worldwide.

22. What are the advantages of SCA?

1.Provides a common infrastructure for distributed application
2.Allows quicker integration of external applications
3.Enables easier insertion of new technology
4.Provides an infrastructure for extensibility and integration
5.Reduces the development of Non-Recurring Engineering (NRE) for system

23. Define CORBA

The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is a standard
defined by the Object Management Group (OMG) designed to facilitate the
communication of systems that are deployed on diverse platforms. CORBA
enables collaboration between systems on different operating systems,
programming languages, and computing hardware. CORBA uses an object-
oriented model although the systems that use the CORBA do not have to be
object-oriented. CORBA is an example of the distributed object paradigm.
Part – B (13 marks)

4. Explain cognition cycle in detail with necessary diagrams.

5.Explain the process of cognition Cycle in detail.

8.How an SDR is built over a Software Architecture? Explain

9.How an SDR is built over a Hardware Architecture? Explain.

12.Briefly explain the various computational resources in an SDR.

13. Present an overview of IEEE 802.22 standard for broadband wireless
access in TV bands in detail
14.What is IEEE 802.22 WRAN Standard and how its interface to the White
Space Database?

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