Name: Kaneez Fatima Level: BBA (4 YEARS) Semester: Autumn 2020 Subject: Compulsory English Submitted To: Sir Nissar Abbas Course Code: 9407

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Running Head English 1

Name: Kaneez Fatima

Level: BBA (4 YEARS)

Semester: Autumn 2020

Subject: Compulsory English

Submitted to: Sir Nissar Abbas

Course Code: 9407

Running Head English 2

Q.No.1 Write down the dialogue between two parents while critically reflecting and
emphasizing on the need of developing civic sense in the children?


Parent 1: Assalam-o Aliakum

Parent 2: Wa-Aliakum-salam, How are you?

Parent 1: I am good Alhamdulillah what about you dear?

Parent 2: I am fine, Thank you.

Parent 1: Everything is ok?

Parent 2: yes all is ok.

Parent 1: So, Why do you look so tensed?

Parent 2: Because of my son.

Parent 1: What happened?

Parent 2: Nothing special, actually I am worried because he has no civic sense.

Parent 1: umm… for this reason I am also worried about my daughter.

Parent 2: Civic sense is nothing but social is consideration by the people for the
unspoken norms of society. It has to do with being respectfully, law-abiding and respect for
everyone and maintain decorum in public places.

Parent 1: New generation live in a dream world. Civic sense is absent in society. It leads to a lot
of problems.

Parent 2: I agree, we live in a society. We depend on each other’s. Hence, the society expects
each one of us to have some respect, duty responsibility towards each other. Civic sense is an
unspoken norm which helps to run the society smoothly.

Parent 1: Parents, teachers and society as a whole need responsibility from the beginning,
teaching children what is good and what is not. Teach them good habits, how not to rub,
spitting, using the toilets, respecting others, help elders follow the traffic rules and laws and
help others to do the same. This not only forms good habits at a young age, but also helps the
child grow up into an adult. This only forms good habits at a young age.

Parent 2: Etiquette is extremely important in our life school and work. A young child needs to
be disciplined so that when he grows up he is well educated and he does not create problem
for him. We all want our kids to succeed but many don’t try to make them good people.
Running Head English 3

Parent 1: I totally agree, we must teach our children to respect our planets and contribute to
nature. These are simple but necessary steps that can motivate our children to save the planet,
as parent we must not forget to act on what we proclaim.

Parent 2: Also we need to teach our child how the drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and addiction could
be harmful for them and what effect it can have on their lives.

Parent 1: Children need to taught civic sense early because unlike a specific skill, civic sense is a
school of thought in itself. It is belief in hygiene, respect for other member of society and
human behavior. Begin by teaching him/her to keep his / her immediate surrounding clean and
tidy. If he learns to appreciate cleanliness he will be able to practice it outside of home as well

Parent 2: Expose them to different cultures and faiths let them embrace it all and become true
Pakistani. Build them to more tolerant let them see bigger goal of all religion and faith the only
difference is how they achieve it. And that’s all.

Parent 1: With such small steps you can teach your child about civic sense and the importance
of it in his life. And by teaching your about civic sense, you are not only making him a better
human being but also doing your bit for the future of the country .Social Norms should not be
followed but should become the way of life.

Parent 2: Yeah! Hmm…

Parent 1: Best of luck

Parent 2: Thank you very much for giving me your precious time.

Parent 1: Welcome okay I have to go Allah Hafiz.

Parent 2: Allah Hafiz.

Running Head English 4

Q.No.2 Critically assess the effectiveness of the online education in the backdrop of COVID-19
and write a letter to the editor of an English newspaper and share your experiences as a
learner and also recommend suitable measure to bring further improvement in this system.


Examination Hall,

City A.B.C

June12, 2021


The editor,

The Dawn news,


COVID-19 was a nightmare for all sections of the social, economic and political structures of the
world. Education is one of the most affected areas. This lead to the closure of the global
education system for more than six month. While advanced countries have changed the way
they teach from physical to online. Third-world countries, such as Pakistan, were hardest hits
because they were unwilling to learn online during the COVID-19 pandemic. The acquisition of
this new technology from students to teachers has faced several challenges.

Online education has both negative and positive impact. In online system, student learn to use
electronics. They communicate with educators and use email, websites and video conferencing
to complete assignments .Using the same educational technologies, tools and program,
students created research teams. Previously when schools were closed we didn’t have enough
resources. I communicate with my teachers 24 hours a day through online learning. They are
more sensitive in this manner. It is very handy. Teachers have created study groups on
Facebook and WhatsApp to improve file sharing. In past few days, without listening carefully, I
have lost important knowledge. Internet content is often available and can be check anytime.
Online preparation is providing new possibilities. The session were also recorded in a film that
could be watched many times again if you skipped the major points in the class.

On the other side Technology would not be effective in learning without the equality of all our
children. While O&A Level students accept online learning, but not all schools can afford it.
They do not have necessary digital content technologies. Students must have postponed until
the pandemic is a priority area. Even the success of university education in the service of the
Running Head English 5

private middle classes was far from exceptional. Student at Lahore business school reported
that university is planning online exams with defective LM problems. There are no laptops or
tablets for all classes. Parents always need a personal computer to work so children cannot use
it. An extensive increase of online training is advancing at a slower pace than expected with
development being effectively stalled at times by vague and past due standards from education
regulators. In addition to pricey device licensing unforeseen challenges are created by privacy
problems surrounding instruments such as Zoom, maintain accessibility and most notably
shifting teaching approaches from the class room environment to a virtual one. In comparison
university training, social networking, gathering and the atmosphere of the classroom would all
be at risk.

I want to give some suggestion to improvement in the system. Epidemics have taught us many
to respond to progress in new and modern ways. But at the same time, it is important to keep
the poor in pieces. The potential of high-tech and low-tech digital learning strategies should be
discussed in terms of power supply, technology opportunities for teachers and students and
internet access. Participate in distance learning programs, especially for students from low
income groups or people with disabilities. Make digital resources available to both teachers and
students by providing free access to those sites and content by providing the right
infrastructure for online learning. Such as smartphones and tablets. Technology-based social
media like Go Prep etc. makes education attractive and fun. These channel reinforce the
importance of critical thinking and learning through animated videos and technology-based
artificial intelligence services. The goal is to make learning fun and motivate you to keep

An extensive increase of online training is advancing at a slower pace than expected with
development being effectively stalled at times by vague and past due standards from education
regulators. In addition to pricey device licensing unforeseen challenges are created by privacy
problems surrounding instruments such as Zoom, maintain accessibility and most notably
shifting teaching approaches from the class room environment to a virtual one. In comparison
university training, social networking, gathering and the atmosphere of the classroom would all
be at risk.

Yours sincerely,

Kaneez Fatima
Running Head English 6

Q.No.3 Write an expository essay of around 300-500 words on the following topic.

“Single National Curriculum”


The development of the country depends on the quality of the education system. A nation that
violates educational standards, can never keep pace with contemporary advancing world. As
education has never been priority yet, thus Pakistan is falling a long way behind different
nations in all the development indicators. However the introduction of single National
Curriculum in Pakistan to revive the flawed education system is heartening. In addition a
scientific system unifies the elite of bad social names.

In the context, the government is currently engaged in the reports on the Pakistan education
system for Pakistani on the right track. To reform education system, Pakistan has introduced
Single National Curriculum (SNC) to be implemented across all over country. Once implemented
all current education level in Pakistan will be centralized within the framework of a uniform
program and the people of all horizons to receive Uniform education. All the contemporary
subjects would be taught in madrassah and their students will appear in board exams.

According to the” Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training”, the aim and
objectives of the “Single National Curriculum” are to ensure that all children have equal
opportunities for high-quality education and for upward social mobility in Pakistan. This will
ensure social cohesion and national integration. Tolerances for diversity in Pakistan would be
achieved by teaching students respect for different cultures and regions. Students would be
taught the use of information and communication technology (ICT). The uniform curriculum will
ensure a level playing field for all.

Critic point to various challenges associated with these educational reforms in Pakistan. It is
often argued that trying to bring madrassah to the mainstream is nothing new. Only three out
of hundred madrassas got enrolled under this project. Even under the leadership of SNC
reforming the madrassah reforming the madrasa education system and integrating it into the
overall curriculum will not be an easy task. It is designed to counter criticism and resistance
from religious parties.

Another structural challenge to implementing a uniform curriculum is that minority students

would also be dealing with islamiat subjects at the primary level, on the grounds that lion’s
share of schools in Pakistan does not provide course choices.

With the implementation of a uniform curriculum, the implementation of all the ambitious
goals of the SNC will begin on the shoulders of teachers. Unfortunately, there is a lack of
Running Head English 7

qualified teachers, especially in Pakistan, at the primary and secondary levels. If teachers do not
fulfill their responsibilities not all goals and objectives will be achieved. Teachers must first
receive urgent training. Vocational training programs must be implemented at all levels prior to
the implementation of a common on national training program through the country.

In conclusion, For a “Single National Curriculum” to become a reality the government must
address structural shortcomings, such as the choice of topics for minorities at all levels, teacher
training, the teaching of all children and so on. Special attention should be paid on women’s
education. In addition more funding needs to be allocated to the education sector. The
country’s religious experts must focus on a page for Madras reform.

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