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The Contemporary


Chapter 1 Defining Globalization
The Task of Defining Clibalization
Metaphors of Glozalization

Solid and Liquid

Globalization Theories
Dynamics of Local and Global Culture
The Globalization of Religion
Globali9zation and Regionalization
Origins and Hiostory of Globalization
Broader, More Recent Changes
Global Demography
Global Migration

Chapter 2: The Global Economy

Economic Globalization and Global Trade
Economic Globalization and Sustainable Devlopment
Environmental Degradation
Food Security
Economic Globalization, Poverty, and Inequality
Global Income Inequality
The Third World and the Global South
The Global City
Thoeries of Global Stratification
Modernization Thoery
Walt Rostow‘s Four Stages of Modernization
Dependency Thoery and the Latin American Experience
The Modern World System

Chapter 3: Market Integration

International Financial Institutions
The Bretton Woods System
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the
World Trade Organization (WTO
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD), the Organiozation of
PetroleumExporting Coutries (OPEC) and ,
The European Union (EU)
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA
History of Global Market Integration
The Agricultural Revolution and the Industrial Revolution
Capitalism and Socialism
The Information Revolution
Global Corporation

Chapter 4: The Global Interstate System

Global Governance in the Twenty-Frist Century
Effects of Globalization to Government
Traditonal Challenges
Challenges from National/Identity Movement
Global Economics
Global Social Movements
The Relevance of the State amid Globalization
Institutions That Govern International arelations
Peace Treaties nad Military Alliances: The UN and NATO
Non-Government Organizations (NGOs
Global Economic Associations: The WTO and NAFTA
Globalization and Globalism
Global CitizenshipReferences

Chapter 1 : Defining Globalization


Much has changed since time immemorial. Human being have encountered many
changes ove the last centuryespecially in theirsocial relationships and social structures.
Of these changes, one can say that globalization is a very important change, if not, the
― most important‖ (Bauman, 2003). The reality and omnipresence of globaliozation
makes us see ourselves as part of what we refer to as the ―global age‖(Albrow,1996).
The internet, for example, allows a person from the Philippines to know what is
happening to the rest of the world simply bt throwing Google. The mass media also
allows for connections among people, communities, and counrtries all over the globe.

So what is globalization? This quewstions is brobably an easy one to amswer,

Hoowever, many scholars gave and tried to formulate its definitions. This resultedin
different, sometimes conrtradicting views about the concept. It cannot be contained
whithin a specific time fame. All people, and all situations (Al-Rhodan, 2006). Aside
from this, globalization encompasses multitude of processes that involves the economy,
political sysytems, and culture. Social cultures, therefore, aredireectly affected by

Over the years, globalization has gained many connotations pertaining to progress,
development, and intergration. On the one hand, some view globalization as apositive
phenomenon. For instance,Swedish journalist Thomas Larsson (2001) saw globalization
as ―the process of world shrinkage, of distances getting shorter, things moving closer.It
pertains tpo the icreasing ease with which somebody on one side of the world‖(p. 9).
On the other hand, some see it as occuring through and with regression, colonialism,
and destabilization.In the mid-1990s, Martin Khor, the former president of Third World
Nertwork (TWN) in Malaysia, once regarded globalization as colonization.

In this chapter, different definitions of globalization will br discussed. The task

ofconceptualizing it reveals a variety of perspectives. To understand further the
concept, different metaphos will be used. These metaphors willalso allow an
appreciation of earlier epochs before globalization and the present globalizedworld. The
final lesson in bthis chapter will be devoted to a general discussion of globalization
theories. The following section will be highlights the different views scholrs have
towardf globalization.

The Task of Defining Globalization

Since its first appearance in the webster‘s dictionary in 1961, many opinions about
globalization have flourished. The literature on the defiunitions of
Globalization revealed that definitioons could be classified as either (1) broad and
inclusive or (2) narrow and exclusive. The one offered by Ohmae in 1992 stated,
―..globalization means the onset of the borderless world,,,‖ (p.14). This is an example of
a broad and inclusive type of definition. If one uses such, it can include a variety of
issues that deal woth overcoming traditional bounderies, however, it does not shed light
on the implication of globalization due to its vagueness.

Narrow and exclusive defionitions are better justidfied but can be limiting, in the sense
that their application adhere to only particular definitons. Robert Cox‘s definiton suits
best in this type : ― the characteristic of the globalization trend include the
internationalizing of production, the new international division of labor, new migratory
movements from South to North, the new compwetitive environment that accelerates
these processes, and the interenationalizing of the state…making states into agencies of
the globalizing world….
No matter how one clasifies a definition of globalization, the concept is complex
and multifaceted as the definitions deal with either economic, political, or social
dimensions. In fact in a comprehensive study of 114 definitions by the Geneva Center
For Security Policy (GCSP) . In 2006, 67 of them refer to economic dimension. These
definitions include political and social dimensions as well. The sheer number and
complexity of definitions do not mean that thjere is a remarkable imrpovement in every
definition given by acholars.

A more recent defiunition was given by Ritzer (2015), ―globalization is a transplanetary

procerss or a set of processes involving increasing liquidity and the growing
multidirectional flowa of people, objects, places, and information as well as the
structures they encounter and create that are barriers to or expedite, those flows…‖
Generally, this definition assumes that globalization could bring either or both
integration and/or fragmentation. Although things dflow easily in a global world,
hindrances or structural blocks are also present. These blocks coiuld slow down one‘s
activity in another country or could even limit the places a person can visit.

If so, why are we going to spend time studying this concept? How can we appreciate
thesew definitions? How can these help us understand globalization?

First: the perspective of the person who defines globalizationshapes its definition. The
overview of definitions implies that globalization is many things to many different

people. In 1996, Arjun Appaadural said, ― globalization is a world of things that have
different speeds, axes, points of origin and temination, and varied relationships to
intitutional stuctures in different rwegions, nations, or societies‘ ―. In amore recent
study, Al-Rhodan (2006) wrote that definitions suggest the perspective of the author on
the origins and the geopolitical implications ofglobalization. It is a starting point that will
guide the rest of any discussion. In effect, one‘s definition and perspective coild
determine concrete steps in addressisng the issues of globalization. For example, if one
sees globalization as positive, the person can say that it is a unifying force. On the
other hand, if it is deemed as creating greater inequalities among nations, globalization
is negatively treated.

Second, to paraphrase the sociologist Cesare PoppoL Globalization is the debate and
the debate is globalization. One became part and parcel of the other. As Poppi
(1997)wrote :‖the Literature stemming from the debate on globalizationhas grown in
the last decade beyond any individual‘s cvapability of extracting a workable defintion of
the concept. In a sense , the meaning of the conceptis self-evident , in another , it is
vague and obscure as its reaches are wide and constantly shifting. Perhapss, more than
any other concept, globalizationis the debate about it‖

Third:Globalization is a reality.It is changing as human society develops. It has

happened before and is still happening today. We should expect it to continue to
happen in the future. The future of globalization is more difficult to predict. What we
could expect is the coming years is what has happened over the past 50 year and that
is the fluidity and complexity of globalization as a concept, which made more debates,
discussion, and definitions that agreement on it.

Overall, globalization is a concept that is not easy to define because in reality,

globalization has shifting nature. Irt is complexd, multifaceted and can ber influenced
by the people who defin it. Moreover, the issues and concerns involving globalization
have wide range –from the individual to society, from small communities to naions and
states,and from the benefits wse can gain from iot to the cost it could carry , in his
article, ―The Globalizaion of Nothing‖. Riyzer (2003)said, ―attitudes toward globalization
depend, among other things, on wether one gains or loses from it‖ . Nevertheless, the
task of defining glbalization should stimulte more disuassions about it. More
imp[ortantly, the fact theatr we experience globalization should give one the interest of
engaging in the study it.

Methaphors of Globalization

In oreder for us to better understand the concept of globalization, we will utilize

metaphors. Methaphors make use of one term to help us better understand another

term, in our case, the state of matter –solid and liquid—will be uised. In addition, other
related concepts that are included in the definition such as structuires and flows will be

Solid and Liquid

The epochs that preceded today‘s globalization paved way for people, things,
information, and places to harden oevr time. Consequently, they have limted mobility
(Ritzer,2015). The social relatioships and objects remained where they were created,
solidity also refers to barriers that prevent or make difficult the movement of things.
Furthermore, solids can either be natural or man-made. Examples of natural solids are
landforms and bodies of water, man-made barriers include the Great Wall of China and
the Berlin Wall. An imaginary line such as the nine-dash line used by the People‘s
Republic of China in their claim to the South China Seais an example of modern man-
made solid. This creates limited access of Filipino fishers to the South China Sea.
Obviously, these example still exist, however, they have the tendency to melt. This
should not be taken literally, like an iceberg melting, instead, this process involves how
we can describe what is happening in today‘s global world. It is becoming increasingly

Liquid, as a state of matter, takes the shape of its container. Moreover, liquids are not
fixed. Liquidity, therefore, refers to the increasing ease of movement of people, things,
imformation,and placesin the contemporary world. Bauman‘s ideas were one that have
much to say about the characteristic of liquidity. Fir4st, today‘s liquid phenomena
change quickly and their asapects, spatial and temporal, are in continuous
fluctuation.This means that space and time are crucial elements of globalization.In
global finance, for instance, changes in the stock market are a matter of seconds.
Another characteristic of liquid phenomena is that their movement is difficult to stop.
For example, videos uploaded on Youtube or Facebook are unstoppable once they
become viral.The so-called internet sensations become famous not only in their
homeland but also to the entire world. Finally, the forces (the liquid ones) made political
bounderies more permeable to the flow of people and things (Carter,2001), this brings
us to what Ritzer (2015, p.6) regarded as the most important characteristics of liquid: it
― tends to melt whatever stands in its path (especially solidfs).‖ The clearest example is
the decline , if not death, of the nation-state.

Liquidity and solidity described the melting process of solid phenomena follwed by the
increase in liquidity. It is only logical to discuss the flows of liquid phenomena. Flowsare
the movement of people, things, palces, and information brought by the growing
―porosity‖ of global limitations (Ritzer,2015) . Think of the different foreign cuisines
being patronized and consumed by the Filipinos. Aside from local dishes, amny of us

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