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Name: __________________________ Course/Section: _____________ Score: ____

1. Before registering the participants in the database name DataListInfo, start

creating table in Sqlyog and create it as follows:

Field Name Data Type Size of Data

ParticipantID Number 5
AccountNumber Text 10
AccountDate Text 8
FullName Text 20
HomePhone Text 9
CellPhone Text 11
EmailAddress Text 40

2. Save the table as Participants

3. Close the table
4. Open the Participants table in Design View and add a new field between
EmailAddress and Notes. Name it IsAnAccountManager and set its Data Type to

Field Name Data Type Size of Data

ParticipantID AutoNumber 5
AccountNumber Text 10
AccountDate Text 8
FullName Text 20
HomePhone Text 9
CellPhone Text 11
EmailAddress Text 40
IsAnAccountManager Text 10

5. Save the table and fill it up with a few records:

Account Account
Account Date Full Name Email Address
# Manager?
97-395 06/01/2002 Douglas Coulomb No
24-759 06/01/2002 Hermine Kats Yes
29-375 06/01/2002 Tony Peres No
74-929 06/01/2002 Françoise Nguyen No
99-275 06/01/2002 Helene Mafany No
85-487 06/01/2002 Juanita Klebers No
77-597 06/01/2002 Alexander Wayne Yes
79-437 06/02/2002 Jeannine Monay No
38-685 06/02/2002 Kelley Graham   No
93-457 06/02/2002 John Simms   No
38-508 06/03/2002 Gabrielle Kumar   No
35-798 06/05/2002 Jeffrey Lamm   No

6. Close the table

7. Submit the activity.

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