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G-CODE CODE DESCRIPTIVE TITLE Time Segment Program No. of Students


cmwdltj FS8 Orientation Accountancy Orientation 4:00 - 5:00 Second BSA 1A 50

gsqvey4 FS651 Orientation Accountancy Orientation 6:30-7:30 Second BSA 1B

nnad4x3 FS602 Acctg 109 Accountancy Research 6:20 - 7:30 First BSA 4Ax 18+17
mboekr5 FS508 ProfEd 104 Accounting for Business Combinations 7:40 - 8:50 PM First BSA-3A 25
oghuzms FS515 ProfEd 105 Accounting for Gov & Non-Profit Org 5:00 - 6:10 Second BSA-3A 25
sk3rdgm FS602 AIS110 Accounting Information Internship 8:00 -12:00 First AIS 4A
bsgspko FS614 AIS109 Accounting Information Research 7:40-8:50 First AIS 4A
sk3rdgm FS601 Acctg 110 Accounting Internship 8:00 -12:00 First BSA 4A
3ct34h2 FS463 NET 102 Advanced Networking 6:20 - 7:50 Second IT 3A 12
4melaxo FS542 ME 4113 Air Conditioning and Ventilation System 3:40 - 4:50 First ME 4B 4
kvz6ttx FS536 ME 4113 Air Conditioning and Ventilation System 1:00 - 2:10 Second ME 4A 27
eejdscj FS554 ME 4113 Air Conditioning and Ventilation System 2:20 - 3:30 Second ME 4C 0
6hqq7jw FS306 AS 1 Aptitude Service (field training 1 w/ ValEd 1:00 - 2:00 First CRIM 1G 47
dacetlh FS642 AS 1 Aptitude Service (field training 1 w/ ValEd 2:00 - 3:00 First CRIM 1I 0
yjxw4e7 FS623 AS 1 Aptitude Service (field training 1 w/ ValEd 3:20-5:00 Second CRIM 1H 47
vttedra FS46 AS 1 Aptitude Service (field training 1 w/ ValEd 1:00 - 5:00 First CRIM 1A 50
u4z6cjf FS55 AS 1 Aptitude Service (field training 1 w/ ValEd 1:00 - 5:00 First CRIM 1B 44
lxwosr2 FS64 AS 1 Aptitude Service (field training 1 w/ ValEd 1:00 - 5:00 First CRIM 1C 46
bu5lhal FS73 AS 1 Aptitude Service (field training 1 w/ ValEd 1:00 - 5:00 First CRIM 1D 45
3qcs75o FS81 AS 1 Aptitude Service (field training 1 w/ ValEd 1:00 - 5:00 First CRIM 1E 44
wz2rlxm FS91 AS 1 Aptitude Service (field training 1 w/ ValEd 1:00 - 5:00 First CRIM 1F 47
ppywlf4 FS325 AS 3 Aptitude Service 2 (FT with Community Policing) 1:00-2:00 First CRIM 2A 51
ogvw6tg FS335 AS 3 Aptitude Service 2 (FT with Community Policing) 2:00-3:00 First CRIM 2B 48
zujgzo4 FS343 AS 3 Aptitude Service 2 (FT with Community Policing) 3:40-4:40 First CRIM 2C 20
ixmfaol FS361 AS 3 Aptitude Service 2 (FT with Community Policing) 6:00-7:10 PM First CRIM 2E 0
dm2uqll FS352 AS 3 Aptitude Service 2 (FT with Community Policing) 3:40-4:40 Second CRIM 2D 1
nyvaori FS370 AS 3 Aptitude Service 2 (FT with Community Policing) 6:20-7:20 PM Second CRIM 2F 0
f5fj7rx FS480 AS 5 Aptitude Service 5 (Ethics & Values) 8:00 - 12:00 (S) Second Crim 3A 44
fxzghw7 FS489 AS 5 Aptitude Service 5 (Ethics & Values) 8:00 - 12:00 (S) Second Crim 3B 30
4krgysg FS498 AS 5 Aptitude Service 5 (Ethics & Values) 8:00 - 12:00 (S) Second Crim 3C 51
5szmd7n FS507 AS 5 Aptitude Service 5 (Ethics & Values) 8:00 - 12:00 (S) Second Crim 3D 0
nqzlnr3 FS25 ARCH 111 Archi Design 1 - Intro to Design 9:00 - 10:30 Second Arki 1B 29
ofc72eo FS16 ARCH 111 Archi Design 1 - Intro to Design 10:30 - 12:00 Second Arki 1A 41
octjldn FS248 ARCH 211 Archi Design 3- Creative Design in Architerual Interiors 12:30 - 2:10 Second Arki 2B 1
2bjwdm7 FS242 ARCH 211 Archi Design 3- Creative Design in Architerual Interiors 5:00 - 6:50 Second Arki 2A 27
6heiody FS466 ARCH 311 Archi Design 5- Space Planning 2 1:00 - 3:00 First Arki 3A 31
fskqtuc FS597 ARCH 411 Archi Design 7-Community Architecture and Urban Design 2:30 - 5:10 First Arki 4A 25
msfzwbq FS28 ARCH 113 Architectural Visual Com 2- VTech 1 2:20 - 3:50 Second Arki 1B 29
q44ubya FS19 ARCH 113 Architectural Visual Com 2- VTech 1 3:40 - 5:00 Second Arki 1A 41
76kinj6 FS12 ARCH 112 Architectural Visual Com2- Graphics 1 10:40 - 12:00 First Arki 1A 41
eppbhfj FS24 ARCH 112 Architectural Visual Com2- Graphics 1 2:20 - 3:50 First Arki 1B 29
xvpqepf FS246 ARCH 213 Architectural Visula Communications 5- Visual Techniques 3 6:00 - 8:10 PM First Arki 2B 1
b4pabap FS240 ARCH 213 Architectural Visula Communications 5- Visual Techniques 3 10:20 - 12:00 Second Arki 2A 29
exzcz32 FS22 Arki 101 Architecture Orientation 11:00 - 12:00 First Arki 1B 28
xzsa27d FS13 Arki 101 Architecture Orientation 1:00 - 2:00 First Arki 1A 41
qpsi5ub FS648 Art Appreciation 6:00 - 7:10 PM Second CRIM 1I 0
ydyyyrg FS262 GE 105 Art Appreciation 2:10-3:20 First IT-2A 10
xevvh6z FS310 GE 105 Art Appreciation 1:00 - 2:10 Second CRIM 1G 47
gubq4zr FS625 GE 105 Art Appreciation 1:00 - 2:10 Second CRIM 1H 47
e3oyust FS207 GE 105 Art Appreciation 8:00-9:10 First CE 2A 32
3rxoqn6 FS75 GE 105 Art Appreciation 9:20-10:30 First CRIM 1D 45
yaqkzz3 FS83 GE 105 Art Appreciation 10:50-12:00 First CRIM 1E 44
2da4bvy FS23 GE 105 Art Appreciation 1:00 - 2:10 First Arki 1B 29
tk3osyd FS14 GE 105 Art Appreciation 2:20 - 3:40 First Arki 1A 44
7mfkyzw FS220 GE 105 Art Appreciation 3:40-4:50 First CE 2B 28
snzchqy FS95 GE 105 Art Appreciation 5:50-7:00 First CRIM 1F 48
7qucizt FS51 GE 105 Art Appreciation 8:00-9:10 Second CRIM 1A 48
mxxkvko FS61 GE 105 Art Appreciation 9:20-10:30 Second CRIM 1B 44
yd2siqf FS70 GE 105 Art Appreciation 10:30-11:40 Second CRIM 1C 45
k2h2zl5 FS230 GE 105 Art Appreciation 1:00-2:10 Second CE 2C 0
ja4vcwt FS302 * GE 105 Art Appreciation 2:20-3:30 Second BSA+Entrep 2A 21
bxzfhuc FS258 * GE 105 Art Appreciation 4:20-5:30 Second EcE_CpE 2A 3
4f6ucq3 FS512 ProfEd 103 Auditing & Assurance: Concepts & Apps 1 6:20 - 7:30 First BSA-3A 26
srcn4vd FS190 BasicElecs Basic Electrical Engineering 9:20-10:30 First ME-2C 16
xfufpn7 FS201 BasicElecs Basic Electrical Engineering 3:00 - 4:10 First ME-2D 0
kcv35qf FS176 BasicElecs Basic Electrical Engineering 9:10-10:20 Second ME-2A 30
ffxrl5c FS414 BasicElecs Basic Electrical Engineering 10:40 - 11:50 Second CE 3A 12
corzbhy FS433 BasicElecs Basic Electrical Engineering 11:50 - 1:00 Second CE 3C 0
dy7m65g FS424 BasicElecs Basic Electrical Engineering 1:00 - 2:10 Second CE 3B 43
sh3ynre FS187 BasicElecs Basic Electrical Engineering 3:30- 4:40 Second ME-2B 42
n5u6rxn FS600 ARCH 413 Bld Tech 5- Alternative Building Construction Systems 5:40 - 7:20 Second Arki 4A 24
l62ovnb FS467 ARCH 313 3:30 - 5:30
Bldg Tech 3- Const. Drwgs in Wood, Steel & Concrete (2 St. Res. Strctre) First Arki 3A 31
4ofwzhr FS245 ARCH 212 Building Utilities 1- Plumbing and Sanitary Systems 5:10 - 6:50 First Arki 2B 0
tqegdfr FS237 ARCH 212 Building Utilities 1- Plumbing and Sanitary Systems 6:50 - 8:30 PM First Arki 2A 30
cmbu6vk FS471 ARCH 314 5:00
Building Utilities 2 (BU2)-Electrical, Electronics &Mechanical System- 6:40 Second Arki 3A 32
r6psfcr FS519 Entrep 110 Business Law and Taxation 6:50 - 8:00 First BSEntrep-3A 6
moetwxm FS301 Law 102 Business Laws and Regulations 1:00-2:10 Second BSA-2A 14
6ahufw2 FS608 Entrep 114 Business Plan Implementation 1 4:00 - 5:00 First Entrep 4A 3
erbonhf FS604 Tax 102 Business Taxaion 5:00 - 6:10 Second BSA 4A 18
iowmjvx FS615 Tax 102 Business Taxation 6:20 - 7:30 Second AIS 4A 17
t7fu2ei FS317 DifCal Calculus 1 3:50 - 5:20 Second CE 1D 50
guiqyx6 FS39 DifCal Calculus 1 9:20-11:00 First CE 1B 45
optbpa7 FS36 DifCal Calculus 1 3:50-5:30 Second CE 1A 45
ohrrevw FS134 DifCal Calculus 1 1:00 - 2:40 First ME 1A 45
ngiazra FS158 DifCal Calculus 1 2:40-4:20 First ME 1D 45
k3ydlnm FS167 DifCal Calculus 1 9:00-10:40 Second CE 1C (ME 1E) 45
cxuswpb FS145 DifCal Calculus 1 10:40 - 12::20 Second ME 1B 43
ffl3ymx FS107 * DifCal Calculus 1 2:40-4:20 Second CoE+EcE 1A 32
sifyaeq FS154 DifCal Calculus 1 4:30-6:10 Second ME 1C 46
vl2eatv FS627 DifCal Calculus 1 9:10 - 11:00 First CE 1E 1
t3gs7vq FS114 DifCal Calculus 1 2:10-3:50 Second EE 1A 55
jcgh7ry FS577 CAP 102 Capstone Project & Research 2 3:50 - 5:50 First IT 4A 2
7kxfwmj FS528 CE 410 CE Laws, Ethics & Contracts 3:40 - 4:50 Second CE 4A 32
ll6qw2n FS529 CE 414 CE Project 1 7:00 - 8:30 PM Second CE 4A 31
ihjxqai FS375 CFLM 1 Character Formation (Nationalism &Patriotism) 7:40-8:50 PM First CRIM 2F 0
s3dnaia FS348 CFLM 1 Character Formation (Nationalism &Patriotism) 5:00-6:10 Second CRIM 2C 19
s4dtmg3 FS330 CFLM 1 Character Formation (Nationalism &Patriotism) 6:20-7:30 Second CRIM 2A 48
7ho3v4u FS366 CFLM 1 Character Formation (Nationalism &Patriotism) 7:40-8:50 Second CRIM 2E 0
t4fbapc FS357 CFLM 1 Character Formation (Nationalism &Patriotism) 8:00-9:10 First CRIM 2D 2
n5s7ohz FS334 CFLM 1 Character Formation (Nationalism &Patriotism) 11:00-12:10 First CRIM 2B 47
7tjohku FS163 Chem 1 Chemistry for Engineering 8:00-10:00 First ME 1E 45
wfqowwx FS141 Chem 1 Chemistry for Engineering 10:10 - 12:00 First ME 1B 42
dwlldgy FS149 Chem 1 Chemistry for Engineering 1:00-3:00 First ME 1C 46
ed6er2q FS33 Chem 1 Chemistry for Engineering 3:00-5:00 First CE 1A 45
hsl4pas FS42 Chem 1 Chemistry for Engineering 8:00-10:00 Second CE 1B 42
malvyzw FS160 Chem 1 Chemistry for Engineering 10:00-12:00 Second ME 1D 45
hzaeld6 FS138 Chem 1 Chemistry for Engineering 1:00 - 3:00 Second ME 1A 48
sle2gbq FS633 Chem 1 Chemistry for Engineering 3:30 - 5:00 Second CE 1E 1
yx3mdot FS318 Chem 1 Chemistry for Engineering 5:20 - 8:20 Second CE 1D 50
r2sjraz FS112 Chem 1 Chemistry for Engineering 8:00-10:00 Second EE 1A 56
gyljtjq FS104 * Chem 1 Chemistry for Engineering 4:30 - 6:30 Second CpE+EcE 1A 33
5y7vpmc FS319 CE 101 Civil Engineering Orientation 1:00 - 2:00 First CE 1D 50
s6vcggs FS100 CE 101 Civil Engineering Orientation 8:00-9:00 First CE 1C 32
s6vcggs FS628 CE 101 Civil Engineering Orientation 11:00 - 12:00 First CE 1E 1
orxqst6 FS35 CE 101 Civil Engineering Orientation 1:00-2:00 Second CE 1A 45
pbahlfz FS44 CE 101 Civil Engineering Orientation 2:10-3:10 Second CE 1B 48
apbcqvx FS456 ECE 313 Communication 1: Principles of Communication 2:20 - 4:20 First EcE 3A 5
ykd72dd FS574 EcE 412 Communication 3: Transmission Media and Antenna System Design6:20 - 8:20 First EcE 4A 1
wd6kqih FS355 LEA 2 Comparative Models in Policing 8:00-9:10 Second CRIM 2D 2
qixfv6x FS373 LEA 2 Comparative Models in Policing 9:20-10:30 Second CRIM 2F 0
j7soqad FS339 LEA 2 Comparative Models in Policing 10:40-11:50 Second CRIM 2B 47
63mmzre FS328 LEA 2 Comparative Models in Policing 1:00-2:10 Second CRIM 2A 48
tvsef2b FS364 LEA 2 Comparative Models in Policing 10:40-11:50 First CRIM 2E 0
4ee2v2w FS346 LEA 2 Comparative Models in Policing 2:20-3:30 Second CRIM 2C 21
xntfyta FS398 Comp 2 Computer Application for ME 9:00 - 10:30 First ME 3C 52
bfwa26e FS403 Comp 2 Computer Application for ME 11:00 - 12:30 First ME 3D 0
gkenu2f FS382 Comp 2 Computer Application for ME 4:00 - 5:30 First ME 3A 27
jkyu63c FS390 Comp 2 Computer Application for ME 3:30 - 5:00 Second ME 3B 53
f2y5lae FS617 CpE 101 Computer Engineering Orientation 8:00-9:00 First CoE 1A 0
rk6qeg4 FS413 Comp 1 Computer Fundamentals & Programming 5:00 - 6:10 First CE 3A 16
gz4mgkw FS434 Comp 1 Computer Fundamentals & Programming 3:30 - 5:00 Second CE 3C 0
jtwpcqa FS426 Comp 1 Computer Fundamentals & Programming 5:00 - 6:40 Second CE 3B 40
jxnp6om FS174 Comp 1 Computer Fundamentals and Programming 2:10-3:50 First ME-2A 29
fn6odbt FS184 Comp 1 Computer Fundamentals and Programming 9:40-11:10 Second ME-2B 30
vtxb37a FS195 Comp 1 Computer Fundamentals and Programming 12:00-1:40 Second ME-2C 13
ypmq3xl FS203 Comp 1 Computer Fundamentals and Programming 5:00 - 6:30 Second ME-2D 0
hd2kbyp FS450 CPE 311 Computer Network 1 2:20 - 4:00 Second CpE 3A 2
62rd3nf FS569 CPE 417 Computer Network 3 12:00 - 2:00 Second CpE 4A 2
ctqvwug FS130 CC 102 Computer Programming 1 3:30-5:00 Second IT 1A 42
yj5svbv FS440 Comp 1 * Computer Programming 1 (C++) 9:40 - 11:20 Second EcE+EE 3A 20
rph3dml FS 278 CPE 211 Computer System Administration and Maintenance 4:30 - 6:10 First COE 2A 1
uk43zwk FS469 CAD 101 Computer-Aided Design & Drafting for Architecture 1 9:20 - 10:30 Second Arki 3A 34
rehb62m FS537 ME 4114 Control Engineering 2:20 - 3:50 Second ME 4A 31
fvn4p42 FS546 ME 4114 Control Engineering 3:50 - 5:20 Second ME 4B 48
hb3dhfi FS556 ME 4114 Control Engineering 6:00 - 7:30 Second ME 4C 0
ymtiiyd FS510 Acctg 107 Cost Accounting and Control 5:00 - 6:10 First BSA-3A 26
xkmbyyz FS564 Design 1 CPE Design 1 8:00 - 9:10 First CpE 4A 2
vcqjwc4 FS500 CLJ 3 Criminal Law (Book 1) 2:30 - 3:40 First Crim 3D 0
grazjpp FS493 CLJ 3 Criminal Law (Book 1) 5:00 - 6:10 PM First Crim 3C 51
hzmj3s5 FS487 CLJ 3 Criminal Law (Book 1) 3:40 - 4:50 Second Crim 3B 30
hldccrl FS479 CLJ 3 Criminal Law (Book 1) 5:00 - 6:10 Second Crim 3A 43
42rbrkh FS581 Criminology 7 Criminology Research 1 (Thesis Writing and Present) 9:20 - 10:30 First Crim 4A 30
e517s2u FS589 Criminology 7 Criminology Research 1 (Thesis Writing and Present) 1:00 - 2:10 First Crim 4B 51

pdi2zyb FS267 CC 104 Data Structure and Algorithm 1:00-2:40 Second IT-2A 9

ytrn6di FS378 EE 303 DC and AC Machinery 9:40 - 11:10 First ME 3A 25

dmvfw5c FS386 EE 303 DC and AC Machinery 7:50 - 9:20 First ME 3B 51
mfr4fzs FS394 EE 303 DC and AC Machinery 8:00 - 9:30 Second ME 3C 48
aif4pns FS406 EE 303 DC and AC Machinery 9:30 - 11:00 Second ME 3D 0
ny2fju6 FS209 DE Differential Equation 10:40-11:50 First CE 2A 34
qzoxx64 FS200 DE Differential Equation 1:00-2:10 First ME-2D 0
yjd5sbf FS219 DE Differential Equation 2:10-3:20 First CE 2B 29
sbnzete FS227 DE Differential Equation 3:20-4:30 First CE 2C 0
4olj7b3 FS192 DE Differential Equation 4:30-5:40 First ME-2C 15
kfazxq7 FS272 DE Differential Equation 8:00-9:10 Second EE-2A 15
ikzecdd FS255 * DE Differential Equation 10:30-11:40 Second EcE_CpE 2A 3
tdapgc7 FS178 DE Differential Equation 1:00-2:10 Second ME-2A 31
jxbtwaf FS447 ECE 312 * Digital Electronics 1: Logic Circuit and Switching Theory 6:20 - 8:20 PM First EcE+CpE 3A 8
6b2fo24 FS443 ECE 312 Digital Electronics 1: Logic Circuit and Switching Theory 6:20 - 8:20 PM Second EE 3A 15
rtogwqg FS565 CPE 413 Digital Signal Processing 1:40 - 3:40 First CpE 4A 2
3r7xujp FS277 Dis Mat h Discrete Mathematics 3:20-4:30 First COE-2A 1
xsff7hw FS584 Criminology 6 Dispute Resolution and Crises Incidents Management 6:20 - 7:30 First Crim 4A 31
aw22ipr FS594 Criminology 6 Dispute Resolution and Crises Incidents Management 7:40 - 8:40 Second Crim 4B 51
ly72pbb FS523 ProfEd1 Earthquake Engineering 4:00 - 5:10 First CE 4A 30
jqjunzu FS573 EE 414 ECE Elective: Advanced Power Supply System 5:00 - 6:10 First EcE 4A 1
it2mlpu FS558 EE 413 EE Elective 1: Power System Protection 5:10 - 6:20 First EE 4A 16
ahsfq72 FS252 * EE 211 Electrical Circuits 1 10:30-12:30 First EcE_CpE 2A 4
x2olz3o FS268 EE 211 Electrical Circuits 1 1:00-3:00 First EE-2A 13
gh52bdj FS109 EE 101 Electrical Engineering Orientation 1:00-2:00 First EE 1A 58
4anipbc FS439 EE 311 Electrical Machines 1 6:20 - 8:20 PM First EE 3A 13
3pyuymv FS563 EE 412 Electrical Systems and Illumination Engeering Design 4:50 - 7:00 Second EE 4A 16
d3yemf6 FS254 * ECE 212 Electronics 1: Electronic Devices and Circuits 6:30-8:30 First EcE_CpE 2A 4
6xw226g FS275 ECE 212 Electronics 1: Electronic Devices and Circuits 5:40-7:40 Second EE-2A 14
c5h2dzs FS455 ECE 311 Electronics 3: Electronic Systems and Design 9:20 - 11:20 First EcE 3A 4
zkzbxj7 FS100 EE 101 Electronics Engineering Orientation 12:00 - 1:00 First EcE 1A 32
hixglz4 FS571 CPE 412 Embedded System 5:00 - 7:40 Second CpE 4A 2
bhf2i6w FS568 CPE 414 Emerging Technologies in CPE 6:20 - 8:00 First CpE 4A 0
ozlt3fw FS438 EngDataAn Engineering Data Analysis 5:00 - 6:10 First EE 3A 17
rvytwtz FS449 EngDataAn * Engineering Data Analysis 11:50 - 1:00 Second EcE+CpE 3A 9
wrpxstw FS631 Edraw 1 Engineering Drawing 9:30 - 11:00 Second CE 1E 1
oggowbv FS41 Edraw 1 Engineering Drawing 3:40-5:40 First CE 1B 45
an2atov FS30 Edraw 1 Engineering Drawing 8:00-10:00 First CE 1A 46

ifkq5uh FS133 Edraw 1 Engineering Drawing 10:00 - 12:00 First ME 1A 47

s7lzv2t FS142 Edraw 1 Engineering Drawing 3:00 - 5:00 First ME 1B 43
nh3mghf FS315 Edraw 1 Engineering Drawing 6:50 - 8:20 PM First CE 1D 50
hakjn76 FS159 Edraw 1 Engineering Drawing 8:00-10:00 Second ME 1D 45
xcgml5n FS153 Edraw 1 Engineering Drawing 1:00-3:00 Second ME 1C 46
zixggmn FS170 Edraw 1 Engineering Drawing 3:00-5:00 Second CE 1C (ME 1E) 45
6 w h 4 p c g FS102 * Edraw 1 Engineering Drawing 1:00-3:00 First CoE+EcE 1A 33
mthztdt FS108 Edraw 1 Engineering Drawing 5:20 - 7:00 PM First EE 1A 56
4r6ri3g FS441 EnggEcon Engineering Economics 1:00 - 2:10 Second EE 3A 18
varxetv FS217 EnggEcon Engineering Economics 11:00-12:10 First CE 2B 28
d5cofx7 FS226 EnggEcon Engineering Economics 2:10-3:20 First CE 2C 0
bdv6v2f FS213 EnggEcon Engineering Economics 5:30-6:40 Second CE 2A 31
yb4zojl/wgqsl3uFS391x383 EnggEcon Engineering Economics with Basic Accounting 1:00 - 2:10 First ME 3B + EcE 4A 54+25
wgqsl3u FS383 EnggEcon Engineering Economics with Basic Accounting 2:20 - 3:30 First ME 3A 25
e5rwslx FS399 EnggEcon Engineering Economics with Basic Accounting 2:10 - 3:20 Second ME 3C 52
aehjox3 FS408 EnggEcon Engineering Economics with Basic Accounting 3:50 - 5:00 Second ME 3D + CpE 3A 3
nmjqm3g FS436 EnggMgt Engineering Management 2:20 - 3:30 First EE 3A 15
qnvksae FS566 EnggMgt * Engineering Management 3:40 - 4:50 First CpE _ EcE 4A 4
kcrnetz FS225 EnggMgt Engineering Management 6:20-7:30 First CE 2C 0
4s4pust FS223 EnggMgt Engineering Management 2:40-3:50 Second CE 2B 27
r3eaqw2 FS212 EnggMgt Engineering Management 3:50-5:00 Second CE 2A 32
7irz73y FS38 Math 0 Engineering Mathematics1 8:00-9:10 First CE 1B 48
rvnampw FS32 Math 0 Engineering Mathematics1 1:00-2:10 First CE 1A 45
yvwgmm5 FS105 * Math 0 Engineering Mathematics1 10:30-11:40 Second CoE+EcE 1A 32
dcsuowg FS113 Math 0 Engineering Mathematics1 1:00-2:10 Second EE 1A 56
vbe2cer FS157 Math 0 Engineering Mathematics1 10:30-11:40 First ME 1D 45
ix3rnem FS166 Math 0 Engineering Mathematics1 2:20-3:30 First ME 1E 46
4ylrwwu FS150 Math 0 Engineering Mathematics1 3:30-4:40 First ME 1C 47
5lsori3 FS136 Math 0 Engineering Mathematics1 9:10 - 10:20 Second ME 1A 47
456p2rl FS320 Math 0 Engineering Mathematics1 10:40 - 11:50 Second CE 1D 50
ayx5drw FS146 Math 0 Engineering Mathematics1 3:30 - 4:40 Second ME 1B 42
tynrrrn FS630 Math 0 Engineering Mathematics1 5:10 - 6:20 First CE 1E 1
2h4dma7 FS290 Elect 101 Entrepreneurial Leadership in an Org. 3:40 - 4:50 First Entrep-2A 5
gaq5zxj Entrep -SHS Entrepreneurship 3:00 - 4:30 First STEM-A & HUMSS12
teks5el Entrep -SHS Entrepreneurship 1:00 - 2:30 Second STEM B-12

tiwt7r6 FS116 Entrep 101 Entrepreneurship Behavior 9:20-10:30 First Entrep 1A 25

phascji FS120 Entrep 101 Entrepreneurship Orientation 1:00-2:00 Second Entrep 1A 25
nrxgjvd FS459 PF 102 Event-Driven Programming 2:10 - 3:40 First IT 3A 13
25vbzop FS583 CLJ 5 Evidence 3:40 - 4:50 First Crim 4A 29

am4qsvl FS593 CLJ 5 Evidence 6:20 - 7:30 Second Crim 4B 50

bdfjqam FS454 ECE 414 Feedback & Control System 4:50 - 7:00 Second CpE 3A+EcE 4A 2
3gh45vz FS562 EcE 414 * Feedback and Control System 7:10 - 8:40 Second EE 4A 17
gc24dib FS637 Acctg 101 Financial Accounting and Reporting 2:30 - 5:00 First BSA 1B
jh7y5hm FS3 Acctg 101 Financial Accounting and Reporting 6:50 - 8:40 First BSA 1A 49
6kqzild FS300 FinMar Financial Market 6:50-8:00 First BSA-2A
cuzeilw FS358 DT 103 First Aid and Water Safety 9:30-11:00 First CRIM 2D 2
wkf5aah FS376 DT 103 First Aid and Water Safety 5:00-6:10 First CRIM 2F 1
mr6365x FS340 DT 103 First Aid and Water Safety 1:00-2:30 Second CRIM 2B 48
rhjohei FS331 DT 103 First Aid and Water Safety 4:40-6:10 Second CRIM 2A 49
aisfdtu FS349 DT 103 First Aid and Water Safety 8:00-9:30 Second CRIM 2C 20
ja6sc3b FS367 DT 103 First Aid and Water Safety 11:00-12:30 Second CRIM 2E 0
pq7ztfb FS384 FluidMech Fluid Mechanics 8:00 - 9:10 First ME 3A 26
qg5xxhn FS392 FluidMech Fluid Mechanics 9:20 - 10:30 First ME 3B 52
xjpgfiq FS400 FluidMech Fluid Mechanics 10:40 - 11:50 First ME 3C 52
uj2qkrx FS437 FluidMech Fluid Mechanics 3:40 - 4:50 First EE 3A 15
33swn66 FS405 FluidMech Fluid Mechanics 8:00 - 9:10 Second ME 3D 0
rjl52h5 FS415 FluidMech Fluid Mechanics 1:00 - 2:40 Second CE 3A 11
r273eho FS425 FluidMech Fluid Mechanics 3:00 - 4:40 Second CE 3B 42
h6q6iew FS435 FluidMech Fluid Mechanics 5:00 - 6:40 Second CE 3C 0
4w7ecyg FS475 Forensics 3 Forensics Chemistry Toxicology 2:30 - 5:00 First Crim 3A 43
nlrpve2 FS494 Forensics 3 Forensics Chemistry Toxicology 9:20 - 12:00 Second Crim 3C 51
ydkepto FS486 Forensics 3 Forensics Chemistry Toxicology 1:00 - 3:20 Second Crim 3B 25
gj4dp2m FS505 Forensics 3 Forensics Chemistry Toxicology 3:30 - 5:50 Second Crim 3D 0
xqnmzyn FS526 ProfEd2 Foundation and Retaining Wall Design 9:20 - 10:30 Second CE 4A 30
wjgkl7l FS273 PE 3 Fundamentals of Games and Sports 11:00-12:00 Second EE-2A 11
kegmwpz FS256 * PE 3 Fundamentals of Games and Sports 1:00-2:00 Second EcE_CpE 2A 3
nc33aa4 FS210 PE 3 Fundamentals of Games and Sports 3:00-4:00 First CE 2A 31
gksxrzo FS175 PE 3 Fundamentals of Games and Sports 4:00-5:00 First ME-2A 29
ypanIuu FS202 PE 3 Fundamentals of Games and Sports 5:00-6:00 First ME-2D 0
ht7fruv FS183 PE 3 Fundamentals of Games and Sports 6:00-7:00 First ME-2B 33
s7dzstn FS221 PE 3 Fundamentals of Games and Sports 8:00-9:00 Second CE 2B 30
slevxIc FS196 PE 3 Fundamentals of Games and Sports 2:00-3:00 Second ME-2C 13
22hovxc FS232 PE 3 Fundamentals of Games and Sports 6:30-7:30 PM Second CE 2C 0
5j3oriz FS 236 PHED 213 Fundamentals of Games and Sports 4:00 - 5:30 First Arki 2A 31
jfpz7kt FS 263 PE 103 Fundamentals of Games and Sports 5:30 - 6:30 First IT 2A 9
mv64bbq FS 250 PHED 213 Fundamentals of Games and Sports 4:30 - 5:30 Second Arki 2B 0
txmmop5 FS341 CDI 1 Fundamentals of Investigation and Intelligence 2:00-3:40 First CRIM 2C 17
6bube43 FS350 CDI 1 Fundamentals of Investigation and Intelligence 4:00-5:30 First CRIM 2D 1
pu42k7k FS323 CDI 1 Fundamentals of Investigation and Intelligence 7:30-9:00 First CRIM 2A 49
suxnth2 FS359 CDI 1 Fundamentals of Investigation and Intelligence 7:10-8:40 PM First CRIM 2E 0
nifb7ld FS338 CDI 1 Fundamentals of Investigation and Intelligence 7:30-9:00 AM Second CRIM 2B 47
xmzykod FS368 CDI 1 Fundamentals of Investigation and Intelligence 3:40-5:10 Second CRIM 2F 0
cql4uhu FS643 DT 101 Fundamentals of Martial Arts as First CRIM 1I 0
i52e5cp FS74 DT 101 Fundamentals of Martial Arts 7:30-9:10 AM First CRIM 1D 46
hw3b3so FS619 DT 101 Fundamentals of Martial Arts 12:30 - 2:10 First CRIM 1H 47
wqudvy7 FS307 DT 101 Fundamentals of Martial Arts 3:30 - 5:10 First CRIM 1G 47
cvjsjzr FS63 DT 101 Fundamentals of Martial Arts 1:00-2:40 Second CRIM 1B 44
5honxjp FS53 DT 101 Fundamentals of Martial Arts 10:30-12:10 Second CRIM 1A 49
bwl6wx5 FS69 DT 101 Fundamentals of Martial Arts 8:00-9:40 Second CRIM 1C 45
bm2n6fs FS92 DT 101 Fundamentals of Martial Arts 10:50-12:30 First CRIM 1F 46
usxutpe FS82 DT 101 Fundamentals of Martial Arts 9:10-10:50 First CRIM 1E 45
b4ds53b FS451 CPE 314 Fundamentals of Mixed Signal & Services 1:00 - 2:10 First CpE 3A 2
r4miip7 FS409 SE 101 Fundamentals of Plumbing Engineering 8:00 - 9:10 First CE 3A 12

ugzkuck FS419 SE 101 Fundamentals of Plumbing Engineering 12:00 - 1:10 First CE 3B 41

vznxu3v FS428 SE 101 Fundamentals of Plumbing Engineering 4:00 - 5:10 First CE 3C 1
tqb57bx FS211 CE 212 Fundamentals of Surveying 9:20-11:20 Second CE 2A 33
3e2hny5 FS231 CE 212 Fundamentals of Surveying 2:10-4:10 Second CE 2C 0
qupdb64 FS224 CE 212 Fundamentals of Surveying 4:10-6:10 Second CE 2B 30
7ugdvv6 FS429 CE 314 Geotechnical Engineering 1 12:00 - 1:10 First CE 3C 0
gshxqgz FS420 CE 314 Geotechnical Engineering 1 1:00 - 2:10 First CE 3B 41
yjiflyf FS417 CE 314 Geotechnical Engineering 1 5:00 - 6:10 Second CE 3A 12
riouerv FS527 CE 411 Geotechnical Engineering 2 10:40 - 11:50 Second CE 4A 29
sfnzxf7 FS401 ME 3104 Heat Tranfer 8:00 - 9:10 First ME 3D 0
plfmbyu FS379 ME 3104 Heat Tranfer 8:00 - 9:10 Second ME 3A 25
2ehalla FS387 ME 3104 Heat Tranfer 9:20 - 10:30 Second ME 3B 50
sbegjwz FS395 ME 3104 Heat Tranfer 10:40 - 11:50 Second ME 3C 44
fdv3bgf FS411 CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering 11:00 - 12:10 First CE 3A 13
a3xuuso FS432 CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering 9:20 - 10:30 Second CE 3C 0
lxs2uni FS422 CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering 11:00 - 12:10 Second CE 3B 42
bh2u4yo FS10 ARCH 115 History of Architecture 1 8:00 - 9:10 First Arki 1A 41
emcsa22 FS21 ARCH 115 History of Architecture 1 9:20 - 10:30 First Arki 1B 29
yjh6zkr FS238 ARCH 215 History of Architecture 2 8:00 - 9:10 Second Arki 2A 31
FS251 ARCH 215 History of Architecture 2 5:30 - 6:40 Second Arki 2B 1
ge557gg FS470 ARCH 315 History of Architecture 4 3:40 - 4:50 Second Arki 3A 33
2vrq63z FS518 Elect 103 Hospitality Management 5:00 - 6:10 First BSEntrep-3A 6
mqdqapa FS616 Elect 102 Human Behavior in Organization 2:20 - 3:30 Second BSA-3A 2
wohrjxl FS458 ITELEC 3 Human Computer Interaction 2 1:00 - 2:10 First IT 3A 14
ukp6ilo FS327 CLJ2 Human Rights Education 5:00-6:10 First CRIM 2A 49
444og2y FS336 CLJ2 Human Rights Education 6:20-7:30 PM First CRIM 2B 47
lg2wqzu FS354 CLJ2 Human Rights Education 5:10-6:20 Second CRIM 2D 2
x66tu3u FS345 CLJ2 Human Rights Education 6:20-7:30 PM Second CRIM 2C 18
ks4nzwv FS363 CLJ2 Human Rights Education 9:20-10:30 First CRIM 2E 0
yoag3d7 FS372 CLJ2 Human Rights Education 2:20-3:30 First CRIM 2F 0
j7gvwpb FS525 CE 412 Hydrology 8:00 - 9:10 Second CE 4A 30
vnee6kp FS560 ECE 413 * Industrial Electronics 12:20 - 2:00 Second EE +EcE 4A 16
coxhj3o FS576 IAS 102 Information Assurance and Security 2 2:20 - 3:50 First IT 4A 2
jxnekqj FS264 CC 105 Information Mangement 6:40-7:50 First IT-2A 10
lc3nhbg FS499 CA 1 Institutional Correction 1:00 - 2:10 First Crim 3D 2
5r2svaw FS478 CA 1 Institutional Correction 3:40 - 4:50 Second Crim 3A 43
4zzf26g FS488 CA 1 Institutional Correction 5:00 - 6:10 Second Crim 3B 30
bh7avsp FS497 CA 1 Institutional Correction 6:20 - 7:30 PM Second Crim 3C 51
zf5ymgl FS461 IPT 101 Integrative Programming Technologies 1 5:00 - 6:30 First IT 3A 14
v6fedji FS298 Acctg 104 Intermediate Accounting 2 7:00 - 8:10 PM First BSA-2A 12
ss4sp3o FS299 Acctg 105 Intermediate Accounting 3 5:30-6:40 First BSA-2A 12
6boehj7 FS5 IBT International Business and Trade 11:00 - 12:10 Second BSA 1A 53
gw5nvno FS639 IBT International Business and Trade 2:40-3:50 Second BSA 1B

u5vhswy FS588 Crim Prac 1 Internship (On the Job Training 1) 10:00 - 12:00 First Crim 4B 49
vjfdj7f FS587 Crim Prac 1 Internship (On the Job Training 1) 6:20 - 8:20 PM Second Crim 4A 24
jhebupg FS127 CC 101 Introduction to Computing 8:00-9:40 Second IT 1A 42
wnyhs5z FS48 Criminology 1 Introduction to Criminology 9:10-10:20 First CRIM 1A 49
svnzah3 FS58 Criminology 1 Introduction to Criminology 10:30-11:40 First CRIM 1B 46
6hd6bov FS67 Criminology 1 Introduction to Criminology 1:00-2:10 First CRIM 1C 45
mls36db FS312 Criminology 1 Introduction to Criminology 2:20 - 3:30 CRIM 1G 49
espiloa FS621 Criminology 1 Introduction to Criminology 3:40 - 4:50 CRIM 1H 47
pzg7rri FS86 Criminology 1 Introduction to Criminology 11:00-12:10 Second CRIM 1E 44
z5iz5t2 FS90 Criminology 1 Introduction to Criminology 1:00-2:10 Second CRIM 1D 45
xh7nyxq FS97 Criminology 1 Introduction to Criminology 2:10-3:20 Second CRIM 1F 47
72zjqm6 FS646 Criminology 1 Introduction to Criminology 3:30 - 4:40 Second CRIM 1I 0
ug6dnic FS452 CPE 313 Introduction to HDL 5:00 - 6:10 First CpE 3A 3
ss5c3gv FS567 CPE 418 Introduction to Intellectual Property 5:00 - 6:10 First CpE 4A 2
nnkjoty FS297 ITB 101 IT Application Tools in Business 2:30 - 4:30 First BSA-2A 13
ydgbj62 FS128 GEE 101 IT in Living Era 9:40-10:40 Second IT 1A 50
lr7bjme FS123 ITO 101 IT Orientation 1 10:00-11:00 First IT 1A 42
mw6rdru FS474 Criminology 5 Juvenile Deliquency & Justice System 1:00 - 2:10 First Crim 3A 43
d2dlc5b FS484 Criminology 5 Juvenile Deliquency & Justice System 2:30 - 3:30 First Crim 3B 32
sp3ouqj FS492 Criminology 5 Juvenile Deliquency & Justice System 3:40 - 4:50 First Crim 3C 51
bveb5yh FS503 Criminology 5 Juvenile Deliquency & Justice System 6:50 - 8:00 First Crim 3D 0
sajodwo FS490 LEA 4 Law Enforcement Operations and Planning w/ Pres. 1:00 - 2:10 First Crim 3C 51
qbz6aor FS482 LEA 4 Law Enforcement Operations and Planning w/ Pres. 10:40 - 11:50 First Crim 3B 28
t4b7w73 FS501 LEA 4 Law Enforcement Operations and Planning w/ Pres. 3:40 - 4:50 First Crim 3D 0
heohvt7 FS477 LEA 4 Law Enforcement Operations and Planning w/ Pres. 2:30 - 3:30 Second Crim 3A 43
kuk6uop FS 444 Rizal Life and Works of Rizal 8:00 - 9:10 First EcE+CpE+Entrep 3A 10
l7jpgkn FS 468 GenEd 311 Life and Works of Rizal 8:00 - 9:10 Second Arki 3A 31
633cdcc FS332 Life and Works of Rizal 8:00-9:10 First CRIM 2B 48
x46hfbo FS324 Life and Works of Rizal 9:10-10:20 First CRIM 2A 51
ie2n2ln FS342 Life and Works of Rizal 10:20-11:30 First CRIM 2C 23
atfqycq FS509 Life and Works of Rizal 3:40-4:50 First A3A
i34y4pw FS351 Life and Works of Rizal 1:00-2:10 Second CRIM 2D 1

pw7dvtj FS369 Life and Works of Rizal 2:20-3:30 Second CRIM 2F 0

liumfpb FS360 Life and Works of Rizal 5:00-6:10 Second CRIM 2E 0
ob5gb4d FS442 Life and Works of Rizal 3:40 - 4:50 Second EE 3A 2
kgmau rh FS431 Rizal Life Works and Writings of Rizal 8:00 - 9:10 Second CE 3C 0
7 r 3 a 2 72 FS423 Rizal Life Works and Writings of Rizal 10:40 - 11:50 Second CE 3B 10
uisotl3 FS416 Rizal Life Works and Writings of Rizal 3:40 - 4:50 Second CE 3A 1
5v7pzeu FS553 GEE 102 Living in the IT Era 1:00 - 2:10 Second ME 4C 0
mmtlkyo FS533 GEE 102 Living in the IT Era 1:00 - 2:30 First ME 4A 32
mmtlkyo FS545 GEE 102 Living in the IT Era 10:40 - 11:50 Second ME 4B 42
oxoqq4v FS548 MEE 4102 M.E. Elective 2: Micro-Hydro-Mini Plant 8:00 - 9:20 First ME 4C 0
irezh36 FS539 MEE 4102 M.E. Elective 2: Micro-Hydro-Mini Plant 9:20 - 10:30 First ME 4B 51
qmcmgyc FS532 MEE 4102 M.E. Elective 2: Micro-Hydro-Mini Plant 10:40 - 11:50 First ME 4A 31
n5o2pij FS540 ME 4116 Machine Design 1 10:40-11:50 First ME 4B 45
n5y4glm FS552 ME 4116 Machine Design 1 5:00 - 6:10 First ME 4C 0
uj2o2vU FS530 ME 4116 Machine Design 1 6:20-7:30 First ME 4A 31
uedoq3g FS402 ME 3105 Machine Elements 9:30 - 11:00 First ME 3D 0
v6ywdeh FS396 ME 3105 Machine Elements 3:30 - 5:00 First ME 3C 45
fegwkrp FS380 ME 3105 Machine Elements 9:10 - 10:40 Second ME 3A 25
irmp5ya FS388 ME 3105 Machine Elements 10:50 - 12:20 Second ME 3B 51
7eexmam FS4 ManCon Managerial Economics 5:30 - 6:40 First BSA 1A
fc7g7kb FS 638 ManCon Managerial Economics 5:30 - 6:40 Second BSA 1B
o6tf6hs FS288 Entrep 105 Market Research and Consumer Behavior 5:00 - 6:10 First Entrep-2A 5
zqsmg6a FS241 MATH 211 Mathematics in the Modern World 1:00 - 2:10 Second Arki 2A 30
oqzr7pj FS640 GE 102 Mathematics in the Modern World 9:10 - 10:20 Second BSA 1B

ej4jtfj FS47 GE 102 Mathematics in the Modern World 8:00-9:10 First CRIM 1A 45
stxtjn7 FS57 GE 102 Mathematics in the Modern World 9:20-10:30 First CRIM 1B 43
igkzqgc FS66 GE 102 Mathematics in the Modern World 10:30-11:40 First CRIM 1C 45
rk2nmg6 FS125 GE 102 Mathematics in the Modern World 1:00-2:10 First IT1A 49
bdvkgqf FS77 GE 102 Mathematics in the Modern World 2:20-3:30 First CRIM 1D 47
ns5wznh FS85 GE 102 Mathematics in the Modern World 3:30-4:40 First CRIM 1E 44
b4svni3 FS94 GE 102 Mathematics in the Modern World 4:40-5:50 First CRIM 1F 47
chwmx7f FS241 MATH 211 Mathematics in the Modern World 1:00 - 2:10 Second Arki 2A 30
2avkucg FS249 MATH 211 Mathematics in the Modern World 2:10 - 3:10 Second Arki 2B 0
pxxts4s FS649 Mathematics in the Modern World 5:10 - 6:20 First CRIM 1I 0
x2ie6dm FS534 ME 4117 Mechanical Engineering Lab 2 3:30 - 5:30 First ME 4A 27
7yjiyop FS543 ME 4117 Mechanical Engineering Lab 2 5:30 - 7:30 First ME 4B 2
yef632s FS555 ME 4117 Mechanical Engineering Lab 2 3:40 - 5:40 Second ME 4C 0
m53ykm5 FS131 ME 101 Mechanical Engineering Orientation 8:00 - 9:00 First ME 1A 47
jytqrkv FS140 ME 101 Mechanical Engineering Orientation 9:00 - 10:00 First ME 1B 43
2uyi3oi FS151 ME 101 Mechanical Engineering Orientation 8:00-9:00 Second ME 1C 46
3mjggkd FS161 ME 101 Mechanical Engineering Orientation 1:00-2:00 Second ME 1D 45
u2xfemh FS377 Deformable Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 12:30 - 2:00 First ME 3A 23
cwtb2al FS385 Deformable Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 2:10 - 3:40 First ME 3B 51
unzdlth FS393 Deformable Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 12:30 - 2:00 Second ME 3C 48
nzem6o7 FS407 Deformable Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 2:10 - 3:50 Second ME 3D 0
uaeyein FS629 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 1:00 - 2:10 First CE 1E 0
pvvtr3s FS644 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 8:00 - 9:10 Second CRIM 1I 0
c4u3str FS96 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 9:20-10:30 Second CRIM 1F 47
l3zr7g5 FS103 * NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 3:00 - 4:10 First CpE + EcE 1A 32
ttlg5fe FS62 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 10:30-11:40 Second CRIM 1B 43
ueu4wa4 FS54 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 1:00-2:10 Second CRIM 1A 48
cht7jvm FS72 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 2:20-3:30 Second CRIM 1C 44
37zghgw FS80 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 3:10-4:50 Second CRIM 1D 45
opdfcuw FS89 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 4:50-6:00 Second CRIM 1E 43
vvszxsv FS29 NSTP 2 National Service Training Program 4:00 - 5:10 Second Arki 1B 29
agzfbjj FS17 NSTP 2 National Service Training Program 1:00 - 2:10 Second Arki 1A 43
f2bxqeu FS31 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 1 10:30-11:40 First CE 1A 44
qwt7vov FS322 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 1 3:40 - 4:50 First CE 1D 50
jok2ova FS43 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 1 1:00-2:10 Second CE 1B 45
ltwjogr FS129 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 1 2:20-3:30 Second IT 1A 48
qxpzs4r FS121 NSTP1 National Service Training Program 1 2:10-3:20 Second Entrep 1A 25
nwltrbi FS 147 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 1 8:00 - 9:10 First ME 1C 46
q6polc5 FS 156 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 1 9:10 - 10:20 First ME 1D 45
duvbmht FS 164 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 1 10:20 - 11:30 First ME 1E 43
efqnhlz FS 2 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 1 1:00 - 2:10 First BSA 1A 49
apxi7z6 FS 135 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 1 8:00 - 9:10 Second ME 1A 45
ycomyl6 FS 144 NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 1 9:10 - 10:20 Second ME 1B 42
svqk2os FS311 NSTP 2 National Service Training Program 1 10:30 - 11:40 Second Crim 1G 47
ljr2tjs FS622 NSTP 3 National Service Training Program 1 12:00 - 1:10 Second Crim 1H 47
zl7rnfc FS636 NSTP1 National Service Training Program 1 1:00-2:10 First BSA1B
f5knqq3 FS110 National Service Training Program 1 2:30-3:40 First EE 1A 53
k4wx6l4 FS427 Math 311 Numerical Solutions to CE Problems 8:00 - 9:10 First CE 3C 0
55fnpi3 FS410 Math 311 Numerical Solutions to CE Problems 9:20 - 10:30 First CE 3A 14
tlte3xk FS418 Math 311 Numerical Solutions to CE Problems 10:40 - 11:50 First CE 3B 42
kgiwtjv FS265 ITELEC 2 Object-Oriented Programming 7:50-9:30 Second IT-2A 9
ceootcc FS649 CBME 101 Operations Management and TQM 5:10 - 6:20 First BSA 1B

krvbdg5 FS9 CBME 101 Operations Management and TQM 5:10 - 6:20 Second BSA 1A

hnrrblo FS122 CBME101 Operations Management and TQM 3:20-4:30 Second Entrep1A 25
w62kmb7 FS 453 CPE 312 Optimization Techniques 8:00 - 9:10 Second CpE 3A 1
6vn2gr5 FS60 CRIM 101 Orientation for Criminology 8:00-9:00 Second CRIM 1B 44
qmdsk3d FS52 CRIM 101 Orientation for Criminology 9:30-10:30 Second CRIM 1A 47
yz67c2b FS78 CRIM 101 Orientation for Criminology 10:30-11:30 Second CRIM 1D 46
z644hsc FS71 CRIM 101 Orientation for Criminology 1:00-2:00 Second CRIM 1C 46
wowqwce FS87 CRIM 101 Orientation for Criminology 2:00-3:00 Second CRIM 1E 45
hfnqhj6 FS98 CRIM 101 Orientation for Criminology 3:30-4:30 Second CRIM 1F 49
d76qjwl FS313 CRIM 101 Orientation for Criminology 9:00 - 10:00 Second CRIM 1G 49
tb4ahwa FS626 CRIM 101 Orientation for Criminology 10:00 - 11:00 Second CRIM 1H 47
g3waybn FS647 CRIM 101 Orientation for Criminology 4:50 - 5:50 Second CRIM 1I 0
nmbfhjl FS333 Forensics 1 Personal Identification Technique 9:20-10:50 First CRIM 2B 47
66yp7aw FS356 Forensics 1 Personal Identification Technique 1:00-2:40 First CRIM 2D 1
kiwsd4j FS365 Forensics 1 Personal Identification Technique 3:10-4:50 First CRIM 2E 0
bmtbxdk FS347 Forensics 1 Personal Identification Technique 6:20-8:00 PM First CRIM 2C 22
4bhb4g7 FS374 Forensics 1 Personal Identification Technique 10:40-12:20 Second CRIM 2F 0
45oiwnc FS329 Forensics 1 Personal Identification Technique 2:20-4:40 Second CRIM 2A 49
kegmwpz FS124 PE 101 Physical Education 1 11:00-12:00 First IT 1A 48
zdgngcf FS1 PE 101 Physical Education 1 11:00 - 12:00 First BSA 1A 1
radqxwb FS117 PE101 Physical Education 1 1:00-2:00 Second Entrep 1A 25
3xgf646 FS304 * PE 103 Physical Education 3 3:30-4:30 Second BSA+Entrep 2A 19
5xdqe5r FS635 PE101 Physical Education1 12:00-1|:00 Second BSA1B
psxsIs2 FS253 Physics 2 Physics 2 4:30-6:30 First EcE-2A 2
qxjzgod FS598 ARCH 415 Planning 2- Fund of Urban Design & Community Architecture 8:00 - 9:40 AM Second Arki 4A 23
b5pys64 FS260 ITELEC 1 Platform Technologies 10:20-12:00 First IT-2A 9
dztzxyg FS550 ME 4115 Power Plant Design with Renewable Energy 1:00 - 3:00 First ME 4C 0
7osdgwh FS544 ME 4115 Power Plant Design with Renewable Energy 8:00 - 10:00 Second ME 4B 43
nbelegl FS535 ME 4115 Power Plant Design with Renewable Energy 10:00 - 12:00 Second ME 4A 30
6abjf4c FS285 Entrep 104 Pricing and Costing 11:00-12:10 First Entrep-2A 5
jad7p2s FS524 CE 413 Principles of Transportation Eng'g 5:20 - 6:30 First CE 4A 30
aax7qy7 FS599 ARCH 414 Prof. Prac 2 (Administering the Regular Services of the Arch.) 4:00 - 5:10 Second Arki 4A 24
7a6wews FS472 Criminology 4 Professional Conduct Ethical Standards 8:00 - 9:10 First Crim 3A 44
pef53f4 FS481 Criminology 4 Professional Conduct Ethical Standards 9:20 - 10:30 First Crim 3B 28
w3k6v6m FS495 Criminology 4 Professional Conduct Ethical Standards 3:40 - 4:50 Second Crim 3C 51
hyvmkhz FS506 Criminology 4 Professional Conduct Ethical Standards 6:00 - 7:10 PM Second Crim 3D 0
xyu7cq5 FS517 Entrep 109 Program and Policies on Enterprise Development 2:20 - 3:30 First BSEntrep-3A 6
ervki3l FS282 CpE 212 Programming Logic and Design 2:00-3:40 Second COE-2A 2
twajzun /
ay6hjo6FS572x557 EcE 411 Project Study 1 10:40 - 11:50 First EcE + EE 4A 1+16
2mit44o FS541 ME 4112 Project Study 1 6:50-8:30 Second ME 4B 14
2nyp2i6 FS551 ME 4112 Project Study 1 6:20-7:50 First ME 4C 0
hvaaj6x FS538 ME 4112 Project Study 1 4:20 - 6:50 Second ME 4A 24
u3bounn FS239 Engl 211 Purposive Communication 9:10 - 10:10 Second Arki 2A 29
ibaeix5 FS247 Engl 211 Purposive Communication 10:10 - 11:10 Second Arki 2B 0
ycrtd2p FS34 GE 101 Purposive Communication 11:10-12:20 Second CE 1A 44
ky7vds2 FS7 GE 101 Purposive Communication 2:30 - 3:40 Second BSA 1A 47
nslfmgb FS45 GE 101 Purposive Communication 3:40-4:50 Second CE 1B 46
r7fnfck FS101 GE 101 Purposive Communication 9:10-10:20 First CoE+EcE 1A 36
wue6eb3 FS50 GE 101 Purposive Communication 1:00-2:10 First CRIM 1A 47
2i63qos FS59 GE 101 Purposive Communication 2:10-3:20 First CRIM 1B 43
upelkyd FS68 GE 101 Purposive Communication 3:20-4:30 First CRIM 1C 44
yhkiwf5 FS119 GE 101 Purposive Communication 4:30-5:40 First Entrep IA 25
ntqcq2n FS152 GE 101 Purposive Communication 9:20-10:30 Second ME 1C 46
uf5nkys FS137 GE 101 Purposive Communication 10:30 - 11:40 Second ME 1A 46
2w7zi4c FS169 GE 101 Purposive Communication 1:00-2:10 Second ME 1E 45
vkyam3r FS79 GE 101 Purposive Communication 2:10-3:20 Second CRIM 1D 46
4lyhxag FS99 GE 101 Purposive Communication 4:40-5:50 Second CRIM 1F 48
6siwk3l FS111 GE 101 Purposive Communication 5:00-6:10 First EE 1A 58
3ehyws4 FS88 GE 101 Purposive Communication 3:30-4:40 Second CRIM 1E 44
rq7n7b4 FS126 GE 101 Purposive Communication 8:40 - 9:50 First IT 1A 49
wk6lspq FS641 GE 101 Purposive Communication 10:00 - 11:10 First CRIM 1I 0
hqq7twd FS316 GE 101 Purposive Communication 5:00 - 6:10 First CE 1D 50
7t3zsse FS143 GE 101 Purposive Communication 8:00 - 9:10 Second ME 1B 42
v6tdjkn FS155 GE 101 Purposive Communication 8:00-9:10 First ME 1D 46
fczi4sg FS314 GE 101 Purposive Communication 10:40 - 11:50 First CRIM 1G 48
5vbn2xx FS632 GE 101 Purposive Communication 11:00 - 12:10 Second CE 1E 1
qwfisw4 FS624 GE 101 Purposive Communication 3:40 - 4:50 Second CRIM 1H 47
ehok74q FS462 MS 102 Quantitative Methods 5:00 - 6:10 Second IT 3A 14
na45ina FS522 CE 415 Quantity Surveying 2:20 - 3:50 First CE 4A 31
xffeiy5 FS473 Forensics 4 Questioned Document Examination 9:20 - 10:40 First Crim 3A 45
a7x34vs FS483 Forensics 4 Questioned Document Examination 12:40 - 2:10 First Crim 3B 29
dkxfjmf FS491 Forensics 4 Questioned Document Examination 2:20 - 3:40 First Crim 3C 51
24fnawx FS502 Forensics 4 Questioned Document Examination 5:00 - 6:40 First Crim 3D 0
mahajpu FS595 ARCH 416 Research Methods for Architecture 9:20 - 10:30 First Arki 4A 25
cghitjn FS521 GEE 102 Retorika 1:00 - 2:10 First CE 4A 29
cghitjn FS521 GEE 102 Retorika 1:00 - 2:10 First CE 4A 29
qxtdkpg FS 513 GEE 102 Retorika 1:00 - 2:10 Second BSA-3A 28
rgnhr2r FS561 GEE 102 * Retorika 2:20 - 3:30 Second EE+CpE+EcE 4A 21
37voxfw FS603 GEE 102 * Retorika 3:40 - 4:50 Second Business 14
efgsufv FS326 Retorika 3:40-4:50 First CRIM 2A 51
he3i7ad FS337 Retorika 5:00-6:10 First CRIM 2B 48
ocjsjxn FS344 Retorika 1:00-2:10 Second CRIM 2C 23
sbc72u4 FS353 Retorika 2:20-3:30 Second CRIM 2D 1
dsc2va5 FS194 GE 108 Science Technology and Society 10:00-11:10 Second ME-2C 13
rk4loeq FS185 GE 108 Science Technology and Society 11:20-12:30 Second ME-2B 32
krzyv6q FS205 GE 108 Science Technology and Society 1:00-2:10 Second ME-2D 0
ohtxhfp FS179 GE 108 Science Technology and Society 2:10-3:20 Second ME-2A 29
qy7dr27 FS 234 GenEd 211 Science Technology and Society 10:00 - 11:00 First Arki 2A 29
27canfp FS 244 GenEd 211 Science Technology and Society 4:00 - 5:10 First Arki 2B
fflk7kz FS303 * Science Technology and Society 8:00-9:10 AM Second BSA+Entrep 2A 19
36jw7uc FS208 Science Technology and Society 1:00-2:10 Second CE 2A 35
tnqj2fg FS259 * Science Technology and Society 5:30-6:40 Second EcE_CpE 2A 2
xnjvuph FS271 Science Technology and Society 7:20-8:30 AM First EE-2A 11
xdlhwn7 FS308 Science Technology and Society 9:20 - 10:30 First CRIM 1G 48
5z5qv6b FS628 Science Technology and Society 10:40 - 11:50 First CRIM 1H 1
c2j7hrv FS261 Science Technology and Society 1:00-2:10 First IT-2A 9
tg77lkr FS218 Science Technology and Society 9:20-10:30 Second CE 2B 27
wiznsa6 FS228 Science Technology and Society 4:30-5:40 Second CE 2C 0
mklcmgg FS56 GE 106 Science, Technology & Society 8:00-9:10 First CRIM 1B 45
cmtke4o FS65 GE 106 Science, Technology & Society 9:10-10:20 First CRIM 1C 45
74wq5xm FS49 GE 106 Science, Technology & Society 10:30-11:30 First CRIM 1A 48
p5wle4w FS76 GE 106 Science, Technology & Society 1:00-2:10 First CRIM 1D 47
cx3bwft FS84 GE 106 Science, Technology & Society 2:20-3:30 First CRIM 1E 44
tlkxiwg FS93 GE 106 Science, Technology & Society 3:30-4:40 First CRIM 1F 51
uxclgwi FS645 GE 106 Science, Technology, and Society 1:00 - 2:10 Second CRIM 1I 0
3fnwzky FS634 PE 101 Self-Test Activities 5:10 - 6:10 Second CE 1E 1
aghgfcy FS321 PE 1 Self-Testing Activities 9:30 - 10:30 Second CE 1D 50
xxm4vgk FS40 PE 1 Self-Testing Activities 2:00-3:00 First CE 1B 45
jIuvya2 FS15 PE 1 Self-Testing Activities 9:00 - 10:00 Second Arki 1A 41
raq3utc FS26 PE 1 Self-Testing Activities 10:40 - 11:40 Second Arki 1B 28
mlpodmq FS106 * PE 1 Self-Testing Activities 1:00-2:00 Second CoE+EcE 1A 31
6pbtp76 FS115 PE 1 Self-Testing Activities 4:00-5:00 Second EE 1A 54
23tw42i FS37 PE 1 Self-Testing Activities 5:30-6:30 Second CE 1A 44
x4qc6wc FS139 PE 1 Self-Testing Activities 8:00 - 9:00 First ME 1B 42
5hs22ma FS132 PE 1 Self-Testing Activities 9:00. - 10:00 First ME 1A 46
annzzda FS148 PE 1 Self-Testing Activities 10:00-11:00 First ME 1C 46
l6bb7rb FS165 PE 1 Self-Testing Activities 1:00-2:00 First ME 1E 43
4jlzmcj FS162 PE 1 Self-Testing Activities 3:00-4:00 Second ME 1D 45
nvzyonv FS181 GEE 201 Sining ng Pakikipagtalastasan 3:30-4:40 First ME-2B 44
nvzyonv FS 181 GEE 201 Sining ng Pakikipagtalastasan 3:30 - 4:40 First ME 2B 44
k2vnkww FS575 SP 102 Social and Professional Issues 2 1:00 - 2:10 First IT 4A 2
zt6rqg4 FS607 Entrep 113 Social Entrrepreneurship 2:20 - 3:30 First Entrep 4A 3
3z3wcxh FS570 CPE 415 Software Developtment 1 3:30 - 5:00 Second CpE 4A 2
izaxja2 FS20 Math 111 Solid Mensuration 8:00 - 9:10 First Arki 1B 30
3ff7nnp FS11 Math 111 Solid Mensuration 9:20 - 10:30 First Arki 1A 41
u4msavu FS485 CDI 3 Specializes Crime Investigation 2 w/ Situation 5:00 - 6:10 First Crim 3B 30
nbtklzh FS504 CDI 3 Specializes Crime Investigation 2 w/ Situation 9:20 - 10:30 Second Crim 3D 1
iij23sw FS476 CDI 3 Specializes Crime Investigation 2 w/ Situation 1:00 - 2:10 Second Crim 3A 43
fv5twdv FS496 CDI 3 Specializes Crime Investigation 2 w/ Situation 5:00 - 6:10 PM Second Crim 3C 51
gl6wrw5 FS198 Statics Statics of Rigid Bodies 7:30-9:10 First ME-2D 0
o2kujtt FS191 Statics Statics of Rigid Bodies 2:20-4:00 First ME-2C 16
6sahhxg FS269 Statics Statics of Rigid Bodies 4:00-5:40 First EE-2A 15
hdaa5il FS177 Statics Statics of Rigid Bodies 11:20-1:00 Second ME-2A 29
c4e7kee FS188 Statics Statics of Rigid Bodies 6:10-7:50 Second ME-2B 43
h3ib2sz FS216 Statics Statics of Rigid Bodies 9:20-11:00 First CE 2B 29
mwcmxqv FS215 Statics Statics of Rigid Bodies 1:00-2:40 First CE 2A 35
zalt2cm FS233 Statics Statics of Rigid Bodies 4:30-6:10 First CE 2C 0
mpfh5gk FS516 ITB 102 Statistical Analysis & Software Application 6:20 - 7:30 Second BSA-3A 27
7esovlo FS596 ARCH 412 Steel and Timber Design 10:30 - 12:00 First Arki 4A 21
bcv63eb FS611 StraBAn Strategic Business Analysis 5:00 - 6:10 First AIS 4A 17
apz24ks FS605 StraBAn Strategic Business Analysis 6:50 - 8:00 Second BSA 4A 18
rba5q7r FS305 * CBME 102 Strategic Management 5:40 - 6:50 Second BSA+Entrep 2A 17
py3tyga FS465 Mech 315 Strength of Materials 10:00 - 12:00 First Arki 3A 34
enlft7t FS412 CE 311 Structural Theory 1 1:00 - 2:40 First CE 3A 10
ikr5bka FS421 CE 311 Structural Theory 1 3:00 - 4:40 First CE 3B 43
vuw4zmq FS430 CE 311 Structural Theory 1 5:00 - 6:40 First CE 3C 0
mjiuezx FS580 SA 101 System Administration and Maintenance 6:20 - 7:30 Second IT 4A 2
vxz2wxp FS579 SIA 102 Systems Integration and Architecture 2 5:00 - 6:10 Second IT 4A 2
aozvsm2 FS590 CDI 8 Technical English (Legal Forms) 2:20 - 3:30 First Crim 4B 51
fwikby2 FS586 CDI 8 Technical English (Legal Forms) 4:30 - 5:40 Second Crim 4A 27
aozvsm2 FS590 CDI 8 Technical English (Legal Forms) 2:20 - 3:30 First Crim 4B 51
fwikby2 FS586 CDI 8 Technical English (Legal Forms) 4:30 - 5:40 Second Crim 4A 27
7da35xz FS460 TechnoPre Technopreneurship 3:40 - 4:50 First IT 3A 14
ztnm2z2 FS229 GEE 102 Technopreneurship 10:40-11:50 Second CE 2C 0
fhifuqv FS214 GEE 102 Technopreneurship 6:40-7:50 Second CE 2A 32
rbl4owl FS222 GEE 102 Technopreneurship 1:00-2:10 Second CE 2B 30
a3l4in4 FS531 TechnoPre Technoreneurship 101 9:20 - 10:30 First ME 4A 31
whqdeok FS549 TechnoPre Technoreneurship 101 10:40 - 11:50 First ME 4C 0
yy6bnq4 FS547 TechnoPre Technoreneurship 101 5:30 - 6:40 Second ME 4B 40
uk5e2kv FS582 GE 108 The Contemporary World 10:40 - 11:50 First Crim 4A 29
mm5rbw7 FS592 GE 108 The Contemporary World 3:40 - 4:50 Second Crim 4B 51
6gcs4ow FS27 ARCH 114 Theory of Architecture 1 1:00 - 2:10 Second Arki 1B 29
dlaz52u FS18 ARCH 114 Theory of Architecture 1 2:20 - 3:20 Second Arki 1A 41
di43uts FS591 CA 3 Therapeutic Modalities 5:00 - 6:10 First Crim 4B 51
ed4ygc2 FS585 CA 3 Therapeutic Modalities 1:00 - 2:10 Second Crim 4A 28
7sxa75p FS173 Thermo 1 Thermodynamic 1 1:00-2:10 First ME-2A 28
gxmnskk FS182 Thermo 1 Thermodynamic 1 4:50-6:00 First ME-2B 47
rpy2yof FS206 Thermo 1 Thermodynamic 1 2:20-3:30 Second ME-2D 0
azau6on FS197 Thermo 1 Thermodynamic 1 4:50-6:00 Second ME-2C 13
jdgdocm FS270 Thermo Thermodynamics 6:00-7:10 First EE-2A 14
2356noj FS520 Track 103 Tourism Marketing 5:00 - 6:10 Second BSEntrep-3A 6
eu3y2yb FS291 Track 101 Tourism Planning and Development 4:30 - 5:40 Second Entrep-2A 5
fbujal7 FS243 ARCH 214 Tropical Designs 9:20 - 10:30 First Arki 2B 0
w7seg4w FS235 ARCH 214 Tropical Designs 1:00 - 2:00 First Arki 2A 29
cmwwrpo FS397 FluidMech Vibration Engineering 1:00 - 2:10 First ME 3C 46
if6n6qy FS404 ME 3106 Vibration Engineering 2:20 - 3:30 First ME 3D 0
bx5oaf7 FS381 ME 3106 Vibration Engineering 1:00 - 2:10 Second ME 3A 25
rth6ngz FS389 ME 3106 Vibration Engineering 2:20 - 3:30 Second ME 3B 51
yediiu4 FS578 WS 102 Web System and Technologies 2 6:40 - 8:20 First IT 4A 2
ppajcmj FS171 ME 2102 Workshop Theory and Practice 8:00-10:10 First ME-2A 29
ay3rc24 FS180 ME 2102 Workshop Theory and Practice 10:00-12:00 First ME-2B 33
s7ckg7n FS193 ME 2102 Workshop Theory and Practice 8:00-10:00 Second ME-2C 14
jdmj463 FS204 ME 2102 Workshop Theory and Practice 10:00-12:00 Second ME-2D 0

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