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Is it hands up for more ‘cyber’ school days?

Answer questions 1-8. (15 marks) Then, complete package p.1-2.

1. According to paragraph 2, why does Anna enjoy virtual school days? (2 marks)
(i) Freedom of choice.
(ii) Being in her own home.

2. According to paragraph 3, why did Anna’s school decide to have a pilot scheme of having
virtual school days? (2 marks)
The success of a trial at a neighbouring school.

3. According to paragraph 3, how does bad weather affect school? (3 marks)

(i) Teachers have to adapt the syllabus.

(ii) Poor attendance.

(iii) Schools close down.

4. What are the benefits of having a few days of virtual school days? (2 marks)
(i) People get more time off.

Teachers can be more creative in their teaching.


5. Why do some teachers not support the scheme? (2 marks)


They are afraid that they will have even more pressure as the added responsibility of being
on call for feedback at any time during the school day.

They are afraid that the scheme will put theme under increasing pressure to plan even more.

6. How will Anna learn science on a virtual school day?

She will have access to the best science experiments online. Like a front row view without distractions.

7. Is Anna bothered by her younger brothers? Explain your answer with reference to the text.
Anna is bothered by her younger brothers, as she says her brothers will be a bit of a pain when
she is trying to concentrate.

8. Look at the title. What does ‘hands up’ mean? Fill in each blank with ONE word. (2 marks)
It means to _____________ agreement
your hand to show _____________.

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