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Middle East

Waste Management

1.0 Purpose and Scope

1.1 To establish the minimum requirements for the management and supervision of operations and
activities and to provide guidelines in the development and production of project specific procedures for
the management of waste for inclusion in the Project Environmental Management Plan and the Waste
Management Plan. The project specific procedures are for use in the production of method statements.

1.2 This procedure applies to all AECOM personnel and, where applicable, operational activity unless the
Safety, Health, and Environmental Director permits any variations.

2.0 Terms and Definitions

2.1 Consumables - Pens, pencils, office paper, toner/ink cartridges, batteries, plastics and other
frequently used office materials.

3.0 References

3.1 Contaminated Land (E3ME-775-PR)

3.2 Environmental Aspects and Impacts Checklist (E3ME-711-FM1)

3.3 SH&E Incident Report Form (S3ME-716-FM1)

3.4 Project Environmental Management Plan

4.0 Procedure

4.1 The responsibilities for carrying out this procedure are listed below.
4.1.1 Project / Site Manager / Resident Engineer

1. Reviews and reports on the management and control of waste management on site.
2. Ensures that the Project Environmental Management Plan includes the management
of waste, including the segregation of waste and the use of recycling initiatives.
3. Ensures all contractors are made aware of and abide by waste management
4. Liaise with the Safety, Health, and Environmental Director for all waste management
4.1.2 Safety, Health and Environmental Director

1. Assists Project Manager, Site Managers and Resident Engineers in the development
of the Project Environmental Management Plan and the Waste Management Plan
regarding the management of waste.
2. Ensure all employees are aware of and abide by the waste management guidelines.

4.2 Office Waste Guidelines

4.2.1 All consumables and supplies are to be used in a conservative manner, including the reuse
of, as necessary until new supplies are needed.

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4.2.2 Office paper will be used only for business purposes and will be disposed of in appropriate
receptacles. Copying will be double-sided unless it is essential that single side be used.
Scrap paper will be reused for draft printing whenever possible. Colour paper will be used
only as needed if black and white paper cannot already serve the purpose. The paper
usage program will be implemented in order to instil the ‘think before your print’ attitude.
4.2.3 Office paper and paper supplies will be discarded separately into segregated and
designated recycle bins (where facilities are available). All cardboard materials will be
discarded separately into respective segregated bins. All other rubbish will be discarded
into ordinary rubbish receptacles and taken away as often as necessary.

4.3 Operational Control Guidelines

4.3.1 All operations shall be carefully planned and executed to minimize the generation of waste
from raw materials.
4.3.2 The types of waste that are to be produced or potentially produced will be identified prior to
the commencement of the project.
4.3.3 Specialist disposal requirements will be identified prior to the commencement of the project.
4.3.4 All employees, including contractors will identify types of waste that can be reduced,
reused, or recycled on-site or off-site before disposal (where facilities are available). They
will be made aware of their responsibilities to ensure the correct disposal of waste if
4.3.5 Where the production of hazardous waste is envisaged the Project manager / Site
Manager / Resident Engineer will liaise with the Safety, Health, and Environmental
Director and the appropriate Environment Authority to determine the most appropriate
method of disposal.
4.3.6 Waste disposal contractors must possess the appropriate license to dispose of the waste
from site. The Site Manager should periodically check the waste contractor’s current
4.3.7 All waste disposal operations shall comply with a Duty of Care. A Waste Transfer Note will
accompany all waste transfers. The Waste Transfer Note must be retained for a minimum
of three years.
4.3.8 Storage requirements for waste are to be identified to allow for the segregation of the waste
and the prevention of odours, water pollution and the cross contamination of materials.
4.3.9 In the event of the escape of waste the Emergency Control Guidelines below must be

4.4 Emergency Control Guidelines

4.4.1 Liquid Waste

 In the event of liquid waste escaping the Project Manager / Site Manager / Resident
Engineer is to be notified.
 The Site Manager is to notify the Safety, Health, and Environmental Director and the
appropriate Environment Authority.
 Stop the flow of pollution using earth, sand or polythene and divert away from drains
and watercourses.
 First aid is to be carried out using absorbent materials or pads or sand, however
special first aid for people exposed to the liquid waste may be necessary but this will
require a specialist health and safety emergency action by a trained first-aider with
reference to the technical data on the content and effects of the waste.
 Contaminated sand, earth or granules must be disposed of according to
Contaminated Land (E3ME-775-PR).
 The reasons for the escape must be investigated to prevent a reoccurrence.
 The security of skips, bunding, protection and segregation must be improved following
an emergency incident.

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4.4.2 Solid Waste

 In the event of solid waste escaping the Project Manager / Site Manager / Resident
Engineer is to be notified.
 The container must be sealed to prevent further escape of waste materials.
 The waste that has escaped must be collected and re-placed into the skip prior to re-
sealing the skip.
 The reasons for the escape must be investigated to prevent a reoccurrence.
 The security of skips, bunding, protection and segregation must be improved following
an emergency incident.
 Where appropriate findings from the investigation may need to be reported to the
appropriate Environment Authority.
4.4.3 Contamination of Waste

 In the event that inert waste is contaminated with special wastes the Waste Disposal
Contractor, the appropriate Environment Authority and the Safety, Health, and
Environmental Director are to be notified.
 Investigations are to be carried out to determine how the waste became contaminated
and methods of preventing future problems should be addressed.
 If the contamination cannot be removed, the waste must be disposed of as Special
4.4.4 Odours from Waste

 In the event that odours become a problem from waste storage the skips must be
emptied immediately.
 If similar waste is likely then covered skips must be used and emptied regularly.

4.5 In the event that a serious environmental incident occurs a report must be sent to the Safety, Health,
and Environmental Director using SH&E Incident Report Form (S3ME-716-FM1).

5.0 Records

5.1 Environmental Aspects and Impacts Checklist

5.2 SH&E Incident Report Form

6.0 Attachments


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