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Middle East

Violence in the Workplace

1.0 Purpose and Scope

1.1 This procedure is intended to protect staff performing work for AECOM from identifiable risk of a violent

1.2 Applies to all AECOM Middle East based employees and operations.

2.0 Terms and Definitions

2.1 Violence - The use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself,
another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has
a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm,
maldevelopment or deprivation

3.0 References


4.0 Procedure

4.1 Restrictions
4.1.1 Staff may not instigate or participate in acts of violence except in self defence.
4.1.2 Staff may not work alone when there is an identified risk of exposure to violence unless
adequate security measures are taken.
4.1.3 On public visitations, staff may not enter premises posted with ‘Beware of Animal’ signs
unless the Owner has confirmed that staff will be safe.

4.2 Risk Assessment

4.2.1 A risk assessment will be performed in any workplace in which there exists a likelihood of
injury to workers from violence arising out of their employment or where required by
4.2.2 The risk assessment will include the consideration of (a) previous experience in that
workplace, (b) occupational experience in similar workplaces, and (c) the location and
circumstances in which the work will take place.
4.2.3 If an assessment identifies a risk of injury to workers from violence, the Employer will
establish procedures and work environment arrangements to eliminate or minimize the risk
to workers from violence.

4.3 Training
4.3.1 Staff will be oriented to the potential risk of violence and instructed how to identify and
respond to violent situations.
4.3.2 Staff who regularly works in locations where there is an elevated exposure to violence or if
required by regulation shall receive Violence in the Workplace training.

4.4 Safe Work Practice

4.4.1 When assessing the potential for violence, consider the experiences of AECOM and other
occupations in similar situations, as well as the location and circumstances in which the
work will take place.

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4.4.2 Controls will be implemented and communicated to staff to address the violence hazard.
Control may include, but is not limited to, working in pairs, being assisted by police or other
authority, having a clear emergency response procedure, and having access to a
communication device.
4.4.3 Workplace violence may include:

1. Threatening behavior such as shaking fists, destroying property, or throwing objects.

2. Verbal or written threats - expression of intent to inflict harm.
3. Harassment - behavior that demeans, embarrasses, humiliates, annoys, alarms, or
verbally abuses a person and that is known to be or would reasonably be expected to
be unwelcome. This includes words, gestures, intimidation, bullying, or other
inappropriate activities.
4. Verbal abuse - swearing, insulting, or condescending language.
5. Physical attacks - hitting, shoving, pushing, or kicking.
4.4.4 The risk of violence may increase during certain times of day and location. Be sure to plan
ahead and take into account time of day, what you will be doing, where you will be, how you
will be travelling and who you will be with.
4.4.5 Be prepared. Have access to electronic communications, like mobile phones with
emergency services numbers in speed dial list. Confirm that both mobile signal coverage
and the emergency service works from your work location.

4.5 Public meetings or presentations

4.5.1 Facilitate and/or provide proper instruction to project employees on this Safe Work Practice
and how to identify and avoid potentially violent situations.
4.5.2 Identify community and emergency contacts.
4.5.3 Determine whether a community leader should accompany staff.
4.5.4 Ask a community leader or local police if there are any homes/areas to be avoided.
4.5.5 Work with community leaders to make community residents aware of the work being
undertaken. If in doubt, err on the side of caution. Do not expose employees to potentially
violent situations.
4.5.6 Send out advance notice to area residents about the nature and purpose of your visit.

4.6 Public Visitations

4.6.1 Before entering any home or sampling site, assess the risk of violence and make sure you
and those working with/for you are properly protected. If you have any doubt about your
safety, do not enter the premises/area.
4.6.2 Where possible, work with someone from the community who is known by and knows the
4.6.3 Have easily visible identification available.
4.6.4 Be sensitive to cultural, social, and economic differences.
4.6.5 Attempt to learn about potential problems before entering the area.

4.7 Reporting
4.7.1 All acts of violence will be reported to your supervisor, manager, or AECOM’s Human
Resources and /or Safety Health and Environment department in a prompt manner.
4.7.2 Report any physical contact or extreme threats to the local authorities immediately and
summon assistance as needed.
4.7.3 Staff reporting an injury or adverse symptom as a result of an incident of violence will be
advised to consult a physician for treatment or referral.

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5.0 Records

5.1 Risk Assessment

5.2 Potential Violence Inspection Form

6.0 Attachments

6.1 Potential Violence Assessment Form

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