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Jennie Mae P.

Enriquez Grade 11-Einstein

The differences between the physical and mental health of people living in a lower-middle
income country (UMIC) during the covid 19 pandemic was unknown, this study aimed to
compare the levels psychological impact and mental health between people from the Philippines
(LMIC) and China (UMIC) and correlate mental health parameters with variables relating to
physical symptoms and covid 19.
The world health organization declared corona virus disease 2019 to be a public health
emergency of international concern on January 30 and a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Covid 19
presents with respiratory symptoms. China was one of the more Severy affected countries in
Asia in the early stage of pandemic, while the Philippines is still experiencing an upward trend in
the covid 19 cases, previous studies found that stress might be modifiable risk factor for
depression. There were cultural differences in terms of patient-doctor relationship and attitudes
toward healthcare system before the covid 19 pandemic. In China 20% of the general public and
medical professionals view the doctor and patients' relationship as harmonious. In contrast,
Filipino seemed to important than hospital quality improvement to maintain patient loyalty to the
Chinese healthcare system for Filipino's improvement in the quality of healthcare service was
found to improve parent's satisfaction.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Filipino's respondents reported significantly higher levels of
depression, anxiety, and stress, than Chinese Filipino respondents' symptoms resembling covid-
19 infection, recent use of medical services with lower confidence, recent direct and indirect
contact with covid. Our findings urge middle income countries to prevent ostracization of ethic
group, team from each other, and unite to address the challenge of the covid 19 pandemic and
safeguard physical and mental health.
Philippines: Country faces health and human rights crisis one year into the COVID-19 pandemic

The Philippine government must urgently address the country’s COVID-19 crisis with reports of
thousands having struggled to access adequate healthcare, said Amnesty International today.
Hospitals remain at risk of being overwhelmed, following a sharp surge in hospitalizations and
new cases since March.
“Over a year into the pandemic, the Philippine government’s continued failure to ensure an
adequate response is a serious human rights issue,” said Emerlynn Gil, Amnesty International’s
Deputy Regional Director. “The authorities must provide healthcare without discrimination
using their maximum available resources.”
“Specific measures to protect those most affected, including health workers and those most at-
risk, must be taken without further delay. Furthermore, the government must stop attacking
human rights defenders and activists, a practice that only makes a dire situation worse.”
The Philippines currently has the second highest number of new COVID-19 cases in Southeast
Asia, with over 116,000 reported cases at the time of writing. Since the beginning of the
pandemic, nearly 1 million people have been infected by the virus and 17,000 people have lost
their lives to COVID-19.
From the usual 2,000-3,000 reported cases since October 2020, the country’s daily tally began to
surge in mid-March reaching as many as over 15,000 new cases on 3 April 2021, the highest
since the pandemic began in March 2020. Daily deaths recorded in April 2021 are also the
highest on record.


A marriage has always been between a man and a woman

In Malachi 2:14, a marriage is described as a holy covenant before God. This is demonstrating
that both husband and wife see marriage as more than just a physical and emotional union but
also as a moral and legal commitment some sex marriage has become a more controversial topic
on weather its right or wrong, clearly same sex marriage is immoral and unnatural, many
compilations come with same sex marriage is immoral and unnatural, many compilations come
with same sex marriage including financial pressures, social pressures, moral pressures and
health risk. Many people believed in traditional marriage between a man and a woman. The
message underlines the church insistence that marriage should be limited to a union between a
man and woman, saying that same sex marriage unions ‘’sexual activity outside of marriage’’
in the Vatican's view, same sex marriage are not part of God’s plan for families and raising

The presence in such relationships of positive elements w/c are in themselves to be valued and
appreciated cannot justify these relationships and render them legitimate objects of an ecclesial


Minuri Jones Isabela
Book Store Assistance
Fresh Book Company
Jones Isabela
Dear Ms. Laurel

I am reaching out to you regarding the position for the posting for the Fresh book assistance
consultant position I found on I have a great interest in this position and would
appreciate your consideration as a candidate for the role.
In my previous experience, I work in book store as book seller, I have work in my current job as
a book seller, I work as a book seller for 2 years, which shows my ability to advance in my
I have strong for this job, which is why I have found such fulfillment in book selling, providing
support to my fellow employees and assisting them in ways that benefit them both personally
and professionally. I also enjoy looking for solutions to common HR problems, which I feel
would be a great asset in the position with your company. Since this consultant position works
directly with multiple clients, assisting them in their needs. I believe my inotative nature and
strong skill set will help me succeed.
I have strong communication skills, which are vital to success in your company. I appreciate
your time in reviewing this letter and hope to hear from you in regard to the next steps in the
hiring process. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please don’t
hesitate to contact me.
Jennie Mae Enriquez

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