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Name of Learner: __________________________________________ Section:

Grade Level: ______________________________________________ Date:


Explains ideas about the Logo

Background Information for Learners:

If you want to create and market a brand, a LOGO is most essential. Through a Logo, a brand is
communicated to the customers about the business organization and why it is relevant to them, while
marketing is the way in which the organization manages this communication. A logo is important to
both of these concepts because it acts both as a visual representation of the business’ brand identity,
and as a recognizable identifier for the services and/or products.
There are 5 Elements of a Good LOGO Design.
1. Relevant
2. Visible
3. Distinctive
4. Adaptable
5. Timeless
1. Relevant
Firstly, your logo has to be relevant. It doesn’t have to be a literal representation of your
business, but should have some relevance to the particular industry, as well as make it clear to
potential customers why your business is relevant to them.
2. Visible
Secondly, your logo needs to be visible. In a crowded marketplace it needs to make an impact
and stand out from the crowd.
3. Distinctive
Thirdly, your logo needs to be distinctive. If your potential customers can’t remember or
describe your logo to other potential customers then you have a problem.
4. Adaptable
Fourthly your logo needs to be adaptable. Will it work as well in black and white as in colour,
will it scale or is it so complicated that detail will be lost at small sizes?

5. Timeless
Finally, your logo needs to be timeless. It shouldn’t look out-of-date yet shouldn’t be so trendy
that it will age badly.

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A great logo has the following characteristics…

1. The right shape:
Each shape represents a different characteristic. Match your logo’s shape to the
characteristics you want you brand to display.

 Circles and ovals: Friendly, casual, inviting

 Curvy lines: Playful, relaxing, intriguing

 Triangles: Leadership, authority, dominance

 Squares and rectangles: Efficiency, security, trustworthiness

 Sharp angles and spikes: Aggression, edgy, gritty, offbeat

 Horizontal lines: Stability, calm, reliability

 Vertical lines: Prosperity, success, command

2. The right business cues:

Design cues that relate to your business can help convey information fast, and they can
range from easy-to-miss subtley to smack-on-the-head bluntness.
3. The right colors:
Just like shapes, each color has its own emotional connotations. Often these meanings are
fairly universal because they’re based on things we see in the real world. Red, the color of
blood, evokes feelings of urgency and alertness. Brown, the color of trees and wood, evokes
nature and land. And it’s a pretty safe bet that people all over the world associate yellow with
the warmth of sunshine.
4. The right tone:
To effectively optimize your logo, outline a solid brand strategy and identify your target
audience. Who are you trying to appeal to? What kind of brands do they identify with? The
answers to these questions will help you choose the perfect logo characteristics.

5. The right typography:

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All visuals can influence the mood and vibe of your logo. While that’s obvious for the images
in a logo, it also applies to the typography. How your text looks can affect people’s perception
of your brand just as much as what it says. All visuals can influence the mood and vibe of your
logo. While that’s obvious for the images in a logo, it also applies to the typography. How your
text looks can affect people’s perception of your brand just as much as what it says.
6. The right trends:
You can also bring the latest logo trends into your design to communicate that your brand
is contemporary and relevant. Trends rely on repeated usage and popularity to be effective, and
they change every year, so smart designers stay on top of what’s hot and what’s not.
7. The right sizes:
The idea that having multiple versions of your logo is the best way to go, known as a
responsive logo. That way, you can optimize your logo’s size to wherever it appears, whether a
tiny in-app advertisement to a massive highway billboard.

What should be in a LOGO?


1. A design that conveys the essence of your brand
A logo should deliver an immediate and honest impression of your business
philosophy, conveying why your brand is special. A logo that’s based on an authentic
brand philosophy will be meaningful and instill confidence in its audience.
2. An appropriate style choice
Style choice is one of the first logo design decisions to consider. Here’s a quick
run-down on the five types of logo styles to help you find your way.
a. Wordmarks
A wordmark is a logo made up exclusively of text – typically the business
b. Brandmarks
If you can visually depict your brand without words, through the use of an
image or symbol, a brandmark may be the right choice for you. Brandmarks

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are more commonly associated with universally-known organizations that are
easily identified through a symbol alone.
c. Combination marks
A combination mark offers the flexibility to spell out the company name
while also incorporating an image or symbol, giving you an opportunity to
further explain your story and set your brand apart. 56% of the top 100
companies globally use combination marks.
d. Emblems
Like a combination mark, emblems incorporate both text and an icon or
symbol, but usually by designing text inside the symbol. They often simulate a
badge or a seal.
e. Lettermarks
Also referred to as initial or monogram-style logos, letter marks are a
popular choice for brands that need to simplify a long company name by
using some form of abbreviation. Since most of the focus is on the letters or
initials, letter marks often use a more stylized font.
3. Your business name
A powerful logo will tell the complete story with one image. While some MAJOR
brands may be able to pull off a brandmark-style logo, it’s not recommended for
businesses that are not yet a household name.
4. A relevant color scheme
Color says a lot about your brand. In fact, studies show that color increases
brand recognition by 80%. The human mind is programmed to respond to color.
Because of color’s ability to impact behavior and emotions, color choice should be
strongly influenced by the preferences of your target audience. By understanding a
bit about color psychology and how to choose the right logo colors, you can highlight
some of your brand’s key characteristics and connect with consumers.

Learning Competency:

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Explains ideas about the logo (A6PR-Id)

Be able to explain ideas about the logo.

Directions : Read, analyze and do the different activities.

Activity 1. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

________ 1. Logo is essential for creating and marketing a brand.
________ 2. Shape is not significant in creating a logo.
________ 3. One of the styles in creating a logo is combining marks.
________ 4. A good logo uses a right business cue but doesn’t have to be trendy.
________ 5. Sometimes using the right color for a Letter or combination of letters can make a good
6. A logo should be timeless and so trendy
________ 7. Right size for logo means that you can optimize your logo’s size to wherever it appears
________ 8. To make a logo distinctive, it has to use different combination of bright colors.
________ 9. Logos can be made out of text exclusively.
________ 10. How logo text looks cannot affect people’s perception of the brand just as much as
what it says.

Activity 2. Identify which characteristic inside the parenthesis best describe each logo.

__________1. ( right color, right size, right shape)

__________2. (right typography, right business cues, right tone)

__________3. (right typography, right business cues, right tone)

__________4. (right typography, right business cues, right tone)

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__________5. (right typography, right trends, right tone)

Fill in the blanks. Write the correct answer on the space provided.

1. A ______________is very essential to create and market a brand.

2. When 2 elements are combined it becomes _____________style.
3. ________________ is a characteristic of a logo where people tend to remember it.
4. ________________ are the kind of text used in a logo.
5. Just like lines ____________are used to depict special meanings.
6. Minimalist usually use ____________style aside from wordmarks.
7. Timelessness of a logo is defeated if the design is so __________.
8. In making a good logo these four features should be present:_ design, style, relevant colors and
9. To make a visible logo it must make an ________ and stand out from the crowd.
10. __________ are like a combination mark, which incorporate both text and an icon or symbol,
but usually by designing text inside the symbol.

Activity 4: Analize each logo and write their visible characteristics

1.___________ 2.______________ 3. ___________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________

___________ _____________ ___________ ___________ ____________
___________ _____________ ___________ ___________ ____________
___________ _____________ ___________ ___________ ____________
_____________ ___________ ___________ ______________

Activity 5: Write down your ideas about the logo using the guide questions below and explain your
ideas clearly.






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Guide Questions: 1. What features are found in the logo?

2. Which style is used?
3. What elements of a good logo is found in the logo?
4. What striking characteristics can you see in the logo?
5. What information can you get with the logo?

Reflection :

Complete this statement: In this activity, I learned that


Rubric for Activity 5:

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times

References :
1. CG in Arts Grade 6
2. MELC in Art Grade 6

Answer Key:

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times

Prepared by :

Mahagna Elementary School
Abuyog South District
Abuyog, Leyte

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times

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