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RFID Based Attendance System

Submitted to
Visvesvaraya Technological University
BELAGAVI - 590 018


S Sooraj USN: 4SU18EC060

Sreeharsha Kashyap B M USN: 4SU18EC074

Srinidhi Rao M N USN: 4SU18EC075

Yashas P USN: 4SU18EC087

Under the guidance of

Mrs. Shaileshwari S
Assistant Professor

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Engineering

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


(Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi)
UJIRE – 574 240

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Certified that the Mini-project Work titled “RFID Based Attendance system” is carried
out by Mr. S Sooraj, USN:4SU18EC060, Mr. Sreeharsha Kashyap B M,
USN:4SU18EC074, Mr. Srinidhi Rao M N, USN:4SU18EC075, Mr. Yashas P,
USN:4SU18EC087 are bonafide students of SDM Institute of Technology, Ujiri, in partial
fulfilment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and
Communication Engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during
the year 2020-2021. It is certified that all the corrections/ suggestions indicated for Internal
Assessment have been incorporated in the report deposited in the departmental library. The
report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of project work
prescribed for the said Degree.

Mrs. Shaileshwari S Dr. Shriram P Hegde Dr. Ashok Kumar T

Asst. Professor and Guide Professor and Head Principal

Signature with date and seal:

Internal Evaluation Committee

Name of the Examiners: Signature with Date



First and foremost, we express our gratitude to our project guide Mrs. Shaileshwari S, Assistant
Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering. Her willingness to motivate us
and her guidance contributed tremendously to this project work. We are indebted to Dr. Shriram
P Hegde, Head of the Department, and Dr. Ashok Kumar T, Principal, for their advice and
suggestions at various stages of the work.

We are also indebted to the Management of SDM Institute of Technology, Ujire, for providing
an excellent study environment and laboratory facilities. We appreciate the help and the support
rendered by the teaching and non-teaching staff of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

Besides, we sincerely acknowledge the useful comments and assistance given by our beloved
teacher Mrs. Shaileshwari S, during this work. Our heartiest thanks to Mrs. Shaileshwari S for
reading and correcting this report. Lastly, we take this opportunity to offer our regards to all of
those who have supported us directly or indirectly in completing this project work.

S Sooraj

Sreeharsha Kashyap B M

Srinidhi Rao M N

Yashas P


Attendance monitoring is a major concern in most educational institutions and companies. The
conventional method of taking attendance by calling names or signing on paper is very time-
consuming and insecure. In some of the institutions and companies, they use advanced
technology like the biometric system to monitor attendance regularly. In the ongoing pandemic
situation, the biometric method is insecure to use. Instead of biometric, RFID can be used. Its
ability to uniquely identify each person based on their RFID tag type of ID card makes the process
of taking the attendance easier, faster, and secure as compared to the conventional method. With
the real-time clock capability of the system, attendance taken will be more accurate since the
time for the attendance taken will be recorded. The system can be connected to the computer
through RS232 or Universal Serial Bus (USB) port and store the attendance taken inside the

Table of Contents

Page No.
Acknowledgment i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 RFID Frequency Band 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review 3
Chapter 3 Problem Formulation 6
3.1 Problem Statement 6
3.2 Aim of the Work 6
3.3 The objective of Present Study 6
Chapter 4 Materials and Methodology 7
4.1 Introduction 7
4.2 Methodology 7
4.2.1 Proposed Block Diagram 7
4.2.2 RFID Working 8
4.3 Circuit Diagram 9
4.4 List of Components 10
4.4.1 RFID Reader 10
4.4.2 RFID Tag 11
4.4.3 Piezoelectric Buzzer 12
4.4.4 AT89S51 Microcontroller 12
4.4.5 BC547 Transistor 13
4.4.6 Crystal Oscillator 14
4.4.7 LCD Display 14
Chapter 5 Results and Discussion 17
5.1 Simulation Result 17
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Scope for future work 19
6.1 Conculsion 19
6.2 Future Work 19
Reference 20
Appendix A – Important Data Sheets 21
Apeendix B – List of Components and Cost 22

List of Figures
Page No.

Figure 4.1 Block Diagram of RFID Based Attendance System 7

Figure 4.2 RFID Working 8
Figure 4.3 Circuit Diagram 9
Figure 4.4 EM-18 RFID Reader Module 10
Figure 4.5 Bottom view of EM-18 10
Figure 4.6 EM-18 Applied Circuit 11
Figure 4.7 RFID Tag 11
Figure 4.8 Piezoelectric Buzzer 12
Figure 4.9 AT89S51 Microcontroller 12
Figure 4.10 BC547 Transistor 13
Figure 4.11 Crystal Oscillator 14
Figure 4.12 LCD 15
Figure 4.13 Result 1 17
Figure 4.14 Result 2 17
Figure 4.15 Result 3 18
Figure 4.16 Result 4 18

List of Tables
Page No.
Table 1.0 RFID Frequency Table 2

Table 4.1 16 x 2 LCD Pin Description 15

Table 4.2 Important command codes for LCD 15

Table 7.0 List of Components and Cost 22

Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

The attendance system is an embedded one. Embedded stands for ‘hardware controlled by software. Here, the
software using a Microcontroller controls all the hardware components. The microcontroller plays an important
role in the system. Attendance needs to be taken at various places including colleges, the school for students,
and in the industries for the login logout time of employees. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) based
attendance management system can be used in any college or university or company. The main objective of the
RFID-based Attendance System project is to take the attendance of students or employees. The microcontroller
does the task of storing the attendance of the respective person in the Microcontroller memory.
The existing attendance system is manual and it is taken on paper and it consumes a lot of time. As we are aware
that many traditional “Attendance system” uses attendance register to note down the attendance. It has less
accuracy. Also, the administrative person needs to maintain the attendance papers/sheets. In many industries
attendance, the register is used to note down the attendance of their employees. In school, attendance is taken
on roll call musters, and in colleges, attendance is taken by respective professors. Also, in colleges, one student
can give proxy attendance to another student. The probability of this is very less but it does happen. Some other
companies there using the biometric system for attendance, due to this ongoing pandemic situation it's insecure
so we are switched over to RFID based Attendance system.
To avoid all such problems, we have implemented an automated attendance system that utilizes RFID cards.
Thus, it is an RFID-based attendance system. In this system each user, student, or employee will have an RFID
card. An RFID reader will be placed on the door or the entry gate of the company or the door of the classroom
or school. Whenever an employee wants to enter the office; he/she has to show the RFID card to the reader.
He/she has to take the RFID card near to the RFID reader. Then the RFID reader will note down as logged-in.

1.2 RFID Frequency Band

Frequency refers to the size of the radio waves used to communicate between the RFID system’s components.
It can be assumed that higher frequency resulting faster data transfer rate and longer reading distance. RFID
system currently operates at Low Frequency, High Frequency, and Ultra High Frequency. Generally, a lower
frequency means a lower read range and slower data read rate, but increased capabilities for reading near or on
metal or liquid surfaces. The frequency chart is shown in the table below:

Table 1.0: RFID Frequency Table

Chapter 2

Literature Review
RFID Based Attendance System Review of Related Literature

RFID stands for Radio-frequency identification it uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track
tags attached to objects.


This chapter deals with the different literature and studies based on different sources such as books and the
internet. The following related literature and studies may help the researchers to develop the proposed system.

According to the author Matija Bumbak described in “RFID and Security: Analysis of potential RFID
security problems in supply chains and ways to avoid them (2005)” [1]: Considering the enormous scale on
which RFID will be operating and because it will be present everywhere in our lives it must be a secure system.
Even though RFID is still not operational on large scale, in some experimental shops, literature written about it
is relatively extensive. three primary issues are surrounding RFID and the need to protect proprietary
information: Protecting data stored on the tag; Protecting the integrity of the tag (and thus the product); Securing
data related to the serial number on a tag, which may be stored in a network database.

According to the author Ahuja Sanjay and Potti Pavan described in “An Introduction to RFID Technology
(2010) “[2]: RFID is still in a developing phase and more is in the pipeline in terms of new applications. Among
applications already developed, RFID tags are being used in clothing for billing and security purposes. RFID
tags are embedded inside animals for tracking purposes. RFID tags embedded in uniforms can be used to know
the number of hours an employee spends to complete a particular task. Several associations are protesting
against the use of RFID to track people fearing the impact on people’s social life and privacy.

According to the author Srivastav Nandita described in “RFID introduction present and future applications
and security implications (2006)”[3]: The ―Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an automatic
identification system. RFID uses RF to identify ―tagged items. This data is then collected and transmitted to a
host system using an RF Reader. The data transmitted by the tag may provide identification or location
information, or specifics about the product tagged, such as price, color, date of purchase; etc. In Bar code, the
scanner device directs a light beam at the bar code. The device contains a small sensory reading element. This

sensor detects the light being reflected from the bar code and converts light energy into electrical energy. The
result is an electrical signal that can be converted into data.

According to the author “Kamaran Ahsan, Hanifa Shah, Paul Kingston” described in ” RFID Applications:
An Introductory and Exploratory Study (2010) “[4]: Industries use RFID for various applications such as
personal/vehicle access control, departmental store security, equipment tracking, baggage, fast food
establishments, logistics, etc. The enhancement in RFID technology has brought advantages that are related to
resource optimization, increased efficiency within business processes, and enhanced customer care, overall
improvements in business operations and healthcare. Other applications include automatic toll payments,
departmental access control in large buildings. personal and vehicle control in a particular area, security of items
that shouldn’t leave the area, equipment tracking in engineering firms, hospital filing systems.

According to the author Kassim M, H. Mazlan, N. Zaini, and M. K. Salleh described in “Web-based Student
Attendance System using RFID Technology (2012)” [5], the development of a student attendance system
based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. The existing conventional attendance system
requires students to manually sign the attendance sheet every time they attend a class. Having a system that can
automatically capture student’s attendance by flashing their student card at the RFID reader can save all the
mentioned troubles. This is the main motive of the system and in addition, having an online system accessible
anywhere and anytime can greatly help the lecturers to keep track of their student's attendance looking at a
bigger picture, deploying the system throughout the academic faculty will benefit the academic management as
students attendance to classes is one of the key factors in improving the quality of teaching and monitoring their
student's performance. Besides, this system provides valuable online facilities to related academic management
staff, especially for student progress monitoring.

According to the author Rhowel M Delosa described in “Development of Student Monitoring System with
the use of Low Frequency Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) (2011)”[6]: this study aimed to develop
a Student Monitoring System using low-frequency Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Short Messaging
Service (SMS) to keep track of the students within the school premises. A computer program is to be developed
to interact with the system. A series of tests were conducted to prove the accuracy of the entire system. With
the aid of the Chi-square test, the researcher determined the significant difference between the observed and
expected data. The developed software can capture and record the name, entry, and exit times of students.
Moreover, the developed software can monitor the entry and exit time, account balance, and schedules of current
classes of the student thru the Short Messaging Service (SMS). Future studies related to the topic may focus on
the use of high-frequency radio frequency (RF) reader instead of low-frequency radio frequency (RF) reader.

This will facilitate convenience to the students by just wearing or hanging the identification card with an RF tag
every time the student enters and exits the school premises.

According to the author Sumita Nainan Romin Parekh, & Tanvi Shah decribed in” RFID Technology Based
Attendance Management System (2013)”[7]:The primary aim of the research is to uniquely identify individual
students based on their unique tag identifiers. The research should shower light on how scalable and efficient
the system is. A systematic and serialised approach is required to solve this conundrum. The key characteristics
of the application include; Perform automated attendance, Generate report of attendees for a particular course,
Error free tag identifier detection, Easy scalability to incorporate more records, Integrity and security in data
storage. This paper concentrates on the principal purpose to overcome the human errors while recording student
attendance and the creation of a data centric student attendance database system with an improved overall

According to the author Singh Aarti and Malhotra Manish decribedd in “Agent Based Framework for
Scalability in Cloud Computing(2012)”[8]:Cloud computing promises a more cost effective enabling technology
to outsource storage and computations. Existing approaches for secure outsourcing of data and arbitrary
computations are either based on a single tamper-proof hardware, or based on recently proposed fully
homomorphic encryption. The hardware based solutions are not scaleable, and fully homomorphic encryption
is currently only of theoretical interest and very ine_cient.In this paper we propose an architecture for secure
outsourcing of data and arbitrary computations to an untrusted commodity cloud.

Chapter 3

Problem Formulation
3.1 Problem Statement

The conventional method of taking attendance by calling names or signing on paper is very time-consuming
and insecure. In some of the institutions and companies, they use advanced technology like the biometric system
to monitor attendance regularly. In the ongoing pandemic situation, the Biometric method is insecure to use.
With the rapid evolution of technology, people are becoming even more and more electronically connected and
thus, the ability to achieve higher accurate automatic personal identification is becoming more critical.

3.2 Aim of the Work

This project aims to design an RFID Technology-based Attendance System using an 8051 microcontroller, in
which the attendance of students or employees is automatically recorded with the swipe of a card. This project
uses RFID technology for making a note of every student entering a classroom and also the time resides in a
class can be calculated. But in our project, we only focus on making notes of students or employees entering
the campus or the organization. In this system, every student is allotted an RFID tag. The attendance can be
done by placing the card near the RFID reader.

3.3 Objective of the present study

The main objective is to developed RFID based Attendance system. We need to build an interface that will
integrate with the RFID system and will show the card code with another interface also need to capture, record,
and display the attendance status on the LCD.

Chapter 4

Materials And Methodology

4.1 Introduction
When designing electronic circuits (or diagrams), a good knowledge of the components to be used is necessary.
Concerning this project, to reach the stated goal and objectives which is to build an electronic attendance system
based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) with an automatic door unit, we must first study some key

4.2 Methodology

4.2.1 Proposed Block Diagram

Figure 4.1: Block Diagram of RFID Based Attendance System

When a person puts their RFID tag to an RFID reader then RFID reads the tag’s data and sends it to the
microcontroller and then the microcontroller compares this data with defined data or information. If data is
matched with defined data, then the microcontroller increments the attendance by one of the tag’s persons and
if a match does not occur then the microcontroller shows an invalid card on LCD and the buzzer is beeping
continuously for some time. After making all the connections to the attendance system, give the power supply
to switch on the circuit. The LCD will display, please swipe the card. The information stored in the RFID tag is

stated as the ID and attendance of the student. When the person places the card in front of the RFID reader, it
reads the information and matches with the information stored in the AT89C52 microcontroller. The
microcontroller is preprogrammed with embedded C language. If the data in the card match with the RFID
reader, then the information will be displayed on the LCD. This system will make use of the status button for
regaining the status of students’ attendance, which is interfaced with the AT89C52 microcontroller. By using
this technology, a lot of time can be conserved as all the information of the student attendance will be directly
stored in the database. Active RFID tags have a transmitter and their power source (typically a battery). The
power source is used to run the microchip’s circuitry and to broadcast a signal to a reader (the way a cell phone
transmits signals to a base station). Passive tags have no battery. Instead, they draw power from the reader,
which sends out electromagnetic waves that induce a current in the tag’s antenna.

4.2.2 RFID Working

In every RFID system, the transponder Tags contain information. This information can be as little as a single
binary bit or be a large array of bits representing such things as an identity code, personal medical information,
or any type of information that can be stored in a digital binary format. Shown is an RFID transceiver that
communicates with a passive Tag. Passive tags have no power source of their own and instead derive power
from the incident electromagnetic field. Commonly the heart of each tag is a microchip. When the Tag enters
the generated RF field it can draw enough power from the field to access its internal memory and transmit its
stored information. When the transponder Tag draws power in this way the resultant interaction of the RF fields
causes the voltage at the transceiver antenna to drop in value. This effect is utilized by the Tag to communicate
its information to the reader. The Tag can control the amount of power drawn from the field and by doing so it
can modulate the voltage sensed at the Transceiver according to the bit pattern it wishes to transmit.

Figure 4.2 RFID Working

4.3 Circuit Diagram

Figure 4.3 Circuit Diagram

 The main components of the project are 8051 based microcontroller, 16×2 LCD, and RFID reader
 First we’ll see the basic connections with respect to the microcontroller. Here, we’ll need to connect a
crystal, a reset circuit and external access.
 To use the on-chip oscillator, an 11.0592 MHz quartz crystal is connected to pins 18 (XTAL2) and 19
(XTAL1) of the microcontroller. Two 33pF ceramic capacitors are connected from the crystal to ground.
 The reset on the 8051 microcontroller is active high i.e. upon applying a high pulse to RST pin, the
microcontroller will reset. A 1KΩ resistor is connected from the RST (Pin 9) of the microcontroller to
 A 10µF electrolytic capacitor is connected between the positive supply and RST pin. A push button is
connected across the capacitor.
 Now we’ll connect the LCD to microcontroller. To adjust the contrast of the display, a pot is connected
to contrast adjust pin i.e. Pin 3 of LCD.
 First, connect the three control pins of the LCD i.e. RS, RW and E to P1.0, P1.1 and P1.2. Then connect
the 8 data pins of the LCD display to PORT1 pins of the microcontroller.
 After connecting the display, now we are going to connect the RFID reader module. Connect the TX pin
of RFID Reader to RXD pin i.e. P3.0 of the microcontroller. Similarly, connect the RX pin of RFID
Reader to TXD pin i.e. P3.1 of the microcontroller.
 And a Buzzer is connected through BC547 to pin P2.6

4.3 List of Components
This project is constituted by the following named components:

4.3.1 RFID Reader

It is used to read unique IDs from RFID tags. Whenever RFID tags come in range, the RFID reader reads its
unique ID and transmits it serially to the microcontroller or PC. The RFID reader has a transceiver and an
antenna mounted on it. It is mostly fixed in a stationary position.
EM18 is an RFID reader which is used to read RFID tags of frequency 125 kHz. After reading tags, it transmits
unique ID serially to the PC or microcontroller using UART communication or Wiegand format on respective
pins. EM18 RFID reader reads the data from RFID tags which contains stored ID which is of 12 bytes. EM18
RFID reader doesn’t require line-of-sight. Also, it has an identification range that is short i.e., in
few centimeters.

Fig 4.4 EM-18 RFID Reader Module

 Operation Voltage: 5V DC
 The current of operation is less than 50mA
 Communications parameter: 9600 bps, 8-N-1
 Communication Interface: TTL Serial Interface, Wiegand output
 Frequency of Operation: 125KHz
 Distance of operation:10cm

Figure 4.5: Bottom view of EM-18

Applied Circuit


Figure 4.6: EM-18 Applied Circuit

4.3.2 RFID Tag
RFID tags are a type of tracking system that uses smart barcodes to identify items. RFID is short for “radio
frequency identification,” and as such, RFID tags utilize radio frequency technology. These radio waves
transmit data from the tag to a reader, which then transmits the information to an RFID computer program.
RFID tags are frequently used for merchandise, but they can also be used to track vehicles, pets, and even
patients with Alzheimer’s disease. An RFID tag may also be called an RFID

Fig 4.7 RFID tag

4.3.3 Piezoelectric Buzzer
The piezoelectric buzzer uses the piezoelectric effect of the piezoelectric ceramics and uses the pulse current to
drive the vibration of the metal plate to generate sound. The piezoelectric buzzer is mainly composed of a multi-
resonator, piezoelectric plate, impedance matcher, resonance box, housing, etc. Some of the piezoelectric
buzzers are also equipped with light-emitting diodes. The multi-resonator consists of transistors or integrated
circuits. When the power supply is switched on (1.5~15V DC operating voltage), the multi-resonator oscillates
and outputs a 1.5~2.5kHz audio signal. The impedance matcher pushes the piezoelectric plate to generate sound.
The piezoelectric plate is made of lead zirconate titanate or lead magnesium niobate piezoelectric ceramic, and
silver electrodes are plated on both sides of the ceramic sheet. After being polarized and aged, the silver
electrodes are bonded together with brass or stainless-steel sheets.

Fig 4.8 Piezoelectric Buzzer

4.3.4 AT89S51 Microcontroller

Fig 4.9 AT89S51 Microcontroller

Features of AT89S51:
 4K Bytes of In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash Memory – Endurance: 1000 Write/Erase Cycles
 4.0V to 5.5V Operating Range

 Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 33 MHz
 Three-level Program Memory Lock
 128 x 8-bit Internal RAM
 32 Programmable I/O Lines
 Two 16-bit Timer/Counters
 Six Interrupt Sources
 Full Duplex UART Serial Channel
 Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes
 Watchdog Timer
 Dual Data Pointer
 Power-off Flag
 Flexible ISP Programming (Byte and Page Mode)

Specifications of AT89S51:
 Core Processor: 8051
 Data Bus Width: 8 bit
 Maximum Clock Frequency: 33 MHz
 Program Memory Size: 4 KB
 Program Memory Type: Flash
 RAM Size: 128 B
 ADC: No
 Number of Programmable I/O’s: 32
 Number of Timers: 2
 Package: PDIP

4.3.5 BC547 Transistor

Fig 4.10 BC547 Transistor


 Bi-Polar PNP Transistor

 DC Current Gain (hFE) is 300 maximum
 Continuous Collector current (IC) is 100mA
 Emitter Base Voltage (VBE) is 6V
 Base Current(IB) is 5mA maximum

4.3.6 Crystal Oscillator

Crystal oscillators operate on the principle of the inverse piezoelectric effect in which an alternating voltage
applied across the crystal surfaces causes it to vibrate at its natural frequency. It is these vibrations that
eventually get converted into oscillations. These oscillators are usually made of Quartz crystal, even
though other substances like Rochelle salt and Tourmaline exhibit the piezoelectric effect because, quartz is
inexpensive, naturally- available and mechanically strong when compared to others.

Fig 4.11 Crystal Oscillator


 Frequency:11.0592MHz
 Frequency Tolerance:± 30ppm
 Load Capacitance (CL): 16.00pF
 Frequency Stability:± 50ppm
 Operating Temperature Range: -20°C to +70°C

4.3.7 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

LCD is an acronym that means Liquid Crystal Display. This is a device that receives digital information from
the microcontroller and displays it on its screen. It helps as an output interface (that is peripheral) for the
Fig 4.12 Liquid Crystal Display

The pin description of a 16*2 LCD is seen in the table below:

Pin Symbol Input/output Description

1 VSS ---- Ground
2 VDD ----- +5V Power Supply
3 VEE ---- Power supply to control contrast
4 RS I RS=0 To select command register, RS=1 To Select data register
5 R/W I R/W=0 For write, R/W=1 For read
6 E I/O Enable (Used by the LCD to latch information present to the data bus)
7 DB0 I/O The 8-bits data bus
8 DB1 I/O The 8-bits data bus
9 DB2 I/O The 8-bits data bus
10 DB3 I/O The 8-bits data bus
11 DB4 I/O The 8-bits data bus
12 DB5 I/O The 8-bits data bus
13 DB6 I/O The 8-bits data bus
14 DB7 I/O The 8-bits data bus
Table 4.1: 16 x 2 LCD Pin Description

Important command codes for LCD Hex code Description

1 0x01 Clear display screen
2 0x02 Return home
3 0x04 Decrement cursor (shift cursor to left)
4 0x06 Increment cursor (shift cursor to right)
5 0x05 Shift display right
6 0x07 Shift display left
7 0x08 Display off, cursor off
8 0x0A Display off, cursor on
9 0x0C Display on, cursor off
10 0x0E Display on, cursor blinking
11 0x0F Display on, cursor blinking
12 0x10 Shift cursor position to left
13 0x14 Shift cursor position to the right
14 0x18 Shift the entire display to the left
15 0x1C Shift the entire display to the right
16 0x80 Force cursor to the beginning (1st line)
17 0xC0 Force cursor to the beginning (2nd line)
18 0x38 2 lines and 5×7 matrix
Table 4.2: Important command codes for LCD

Chapter 5

Results and Discussion

5.1 Simulation Result:

Figure 5.1: Result 1

Figure 5.2: Result 2

Figure 5.3: Result 3

Figure 5.4: Result 4

Chapter 6

Conclusion and Future work

6.1 Conclusion
The objective is to develop a secure and ready to deploy RFID-based attendance system. In terms of
performance and efficiency, this project has provided a convenient method of attendance marking compared to
the traditional method of the attendance system (i.e., paper attendance), and also BIOMETRIC system, as it
may increase the possibility of contamination with harmful microbial pathogens, thereby triggering infectious
diseases (i.e., Covid-19). This system is also a user-friendly system as data addition and retrieval can be done
via the interface. In this project, we have utilized the versatility of RFID in implementing a functional and
automatic student course attendance recording system that allows user to simply fill their attendance just by
swiping or moving their ID cards over the RFID reader which are located at the entrance. This can be
implemented in either an academic institution or in organizations.

6.2 Future work

This study is considered the basic phase for several future types of research and the following operations can be
carried out to improve the performance of this algorithm:

 Make a wireless connection between µC and pc.

 Design an online database attendance system.
 Add another input like a camera for “Facial Recognition”.

[1] Matija Bumbak,"RFID and Security: Analysis of potential RFID security problems in supply chains and
ways to avoid them", Master Thesis, 2005.
[2] “An Introduction to RFID Technology ‘Sanjay Ahuja, Pavan Potti ,School of Computing, University of
North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida, Communications and Network, 2010, 2, 183-186
[3]. Srivastava Nandita, ‘RFID introduction present and future applications and security implications”, George
Mason University, 2006.
[4] Kamaran Ahsan, Hanifa Shah, Paul Kingston (2010),”RFID Applications:An Introductory and Exploratory
Study”, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 1, No. 3, January 2010.
[5] M. Kassim, H. Mazlan, N. Zaini, and M. K. Salleh, “Web-based student attendance system using RFID
technology,” in Proc. IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC 2012), pp. 213-
218, 16-17 July 2012, doi: 10.1109/ICSGRC.2012.6287164.
[6] Rhowel M Delosa,” Development of Student Monitoring System with the use of Low Frequency Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) “, LPL Reseaarch Journal Vol 1 No.1 July 2011.
[7] Sumita Nainan, Romin Parekh, & Tanvi Shah, ” RFID Technology Based Attendance Management
System”, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January 2013,
ISSN (Print): 1694-0784.
[8] Aarti Singh & Manisha Malhotra,” Agent Based Framework for Scalability in Cloud Computing”,
International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology (IJCSET), ISSN : 2229-3345, Vol.
3 No. 4 April 2012.
[9] Shashank Shukla, Shailee Shah & Pooja Sav,” RFID Based Attendance Management System”, International
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE),,Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2013, pp. 784~790,
ISSN: 2088-8708.
[10] Arulogun O. T, Olatunbosun A, Fakolujo O. A and Olaniyi, O. M,” RFID-Based Students Attendance
Management System”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 2,
February-2013 , ISSN 2229-5518

Important Data Sheets

1. ATMEL- AT89S51-

2. Crystal Osillator -
3. BC557 -
4. LCD -
5. Buzzer -
6. EM 18-

List of components and Cost Component Name Quantity Amount
1 AT89S51 Microcontroller 1 192
2 EM-18 RFID Module 1 340
3 Crystal Oscillator 1 60
4 LCD 16x2 1 134
5 RFID Tag 10 149
6 BC557 Transistor 1 25
7 Buzzer 1 90
8 33pF Capacitor 2 40


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