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During these years, the creation of new technologies has had a dramatic increase. In
fact, today’s technology is part of our lives, and we see it every day.


The cell phone is a useful technology, but it can also be addictive. Even so, this
technology allows us to communicate, share emotions and even generate money.
Another example is technology in cars, although initially cars were a constant factor in
environmental pollution, today, thanks to technology it has made this means of
transport more friendly to the planet.

Technology assists us and helps us a lot when carrying out our daily activities. Speaking
of how technology helps people, there is a branch of technology that makes people with
disabilities have more opportunities despite their limitations.

Each technology is important and brings certain benefits to the lives of disabled people,
such as:

- First, Self-esteem

Disabled people with the help of technology will learn to get rid of dependency and will
be able to do things for themselves, which will increase their self-esteem. Not only does
it help them to have a more dynamic life, but they also gain self-confidence. They will
have the capacity to defend themselves in life.

- Second, Friends

The internet helps disabled people to be more communicative, they can find out groups
where they feel accepted. That reminds me, surfing the internet, people come to find
friends and even a partner. Especially nowadays, people spend more time on the
internet than on the streets.

- Third, Work

I'm not quite sure, but it appears that before it was normal that companies turned down
a disabled person because they believed they were not capable and underestimated
them. People had to put up with these situations, that must have been difficult.
Unfortunately, companies like this persist.

Currently, there is greater access to the labor market, most companies are inclusive and
hire people with disabilities, obviously thanks to the use of technologies they can
demonstrate their full potential.

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