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Maayong buntag and a very Good morning to our honored guests, Principal, All respected faculty and

teacher, Friends, family, and all of you, graduates, the class of 2021.

Congratulations all the hard work are finally paid off. As we reach this milestone, on behalf of my fellow
graduates, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who helped, guided, motivated, and inspired
us throughout our High school and senior high years.

I was being astonished seeing those smile, energy and laughter from my fellow graduates despite in our
formidable situation. Feels so overwhelmed knowing that our Teachers and school staff figuring out
innovative ways to make our grad year memorable to connecting with one another even when we are
physically separated.

For the past 12 months, as the covid 19 pandemic span globally, I was and we're in the state of
perplexity about everything lockdown, schoolwork, modules, the future and everything in between. We
used to have face-to-face conversations, activities, and school events, but all of that has changed in the
blink of an eye. It shifts to a state of separation, quarantine, and self-education.It was hard and tough
weren't habituated for this but we surpassed and made it here now. It seemed impossible to keep up
with schoolwork while studying and adjusting to the new normal landscape of education. With the
added responsibilities of helping more around the house and other challenges that come with being at
home, it seemed impossible to keep up with schoolwork. We had to overcome numerous obstacles with
our unwavering determination to succeed, and we did so with the helped of our incredible teacher. We
have earned the right to rejoice and be proud of ourselves. It's upsetting that we won't have a
traditional graduation ceremony, that we won't able to have that picture-perfect graduation we have
always envisioned. The majority, if not all, of us yearn to go across the stage and obtain our diploma.
Unfortunately we cannot do it. We cannot alter the circumstances that we face today. What we can do
is choose how we respond to it as we take these next steps in life. As we move on from this place and
embark on the next big journey of life. It can be hard to imagine what life could look like as time
progresses. The only certainty we have is that time goes on and the future will arrive.

This epidemic has taught me great lessons about adaptability and resilience in the face of adversity. We
can really utilize the pandemic as a motivator to find our purpose and contribute to the visionary seer
who improves educational quality. This epidemic will not prevent us from dreaming about the future.As
the saying goes, the sky is the limit. We must spread our wings and soar high.We must rise to the
challenge of leading the globe post-COVID. May our tenacity and perseverance, which have sustained us
through the disruption of our regular academic study, continue even after the pandemic has passed. To
our dearest Lord, thank you for giving us bravery and strength, especially during these times of
pestilence. Thank you for always being there to guide us. You never provide us with a challenge that we
cannot overcome. Lord, we made it. Thank you very much

Facing this pandemic have not been easy for us. We have given our full credits towards our frontliners
but I am also beyond thankful to our teachers who've fought through this crisis just to embrace and feed
us with a continuous knowledge under this hustle. And for that I will remain eternally thankful and will
fully stand on to my studies. To my beloved family, accept my sincerest gratitude for studded us with
genuine love and support especially in this time of health crisis. To my fellow graduates, make the most
of this moment. Our hectic lives will soon resume. We can learn more about ourselves and grow into
better young people during this quarantine period. As a result, we will be stronger, more caring,
smarter, more effective, and sanguine about the prospects of tomorrow. The memories we created in
MAT I NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL are valuable and unforgettable. This school become the parallel towards
our journey. We are so blessed to be part of those students who accomplished here.

My best wishes to my fellow graduates. Despite all of the setbacks and obstacles, we achieved our goals,
and this is only the beginning of our journey to discover new vistas, dream new dreams, embrace life
with passion, and keep reaching for the stars.

Cheers and best of luck in your future endeavors, 2021 graduates. God bless you, and stay safe.

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