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Question tags 3.She isn’t an hchest person, 4,You don't like skiing, 5. They broke the window, 6.His mother is a doctor, 7.You haven't told them, does she? weren't they? didn’tthey? | isn’t she? short questions at the end of @ Statement 2. You always steep ti 4 Mike's tum has Boe K ‘+ You con't do a Cartuinee, 5. Mr. Jones went to Brin on busines, 6 ‘That movarbike Isn't your 2. Lee's play dominoes, 14. Tm ehinner than my sriend, 3 9. MV CoULinS weren't at the ehetbe park lace weerend, 10, Tom and Paul Can speak Gpanish Fluenc 11 Our teacher never comes to-clas late, 12, Linda wasn't wrieny In her diary when you called ner, 1 Tin oe che ealiese boy in mr cha 14. The Adams will spend the weekend with Us 15: Your dad didn't Fix the sinks hime 1 Seeve, You are doing Your bomewark, 17. You haven't walked the dog this morn 18. Jane collects horse posters, 19. Honey, bring me my masses, 7 ala TAGS -w Prtements, They ore used in speech when we wont to confirm that 0 ore from the person we are speoking to, ‘question togs (uptni privesci) se kariste koko bismo pall nekoga dali se slate sa netim, Prevade se sarije I", "zar by ‘Question tags are fermed with the auxibary or medal verb fram the statement and the apprepriate subject Pronoun, (Question tag se gradi pamou pomotnih ii modalih glagoln | edgovarajute line zomenice.) ‘A positive statement is followed by amnegative question ‘tog, A nagative statement is followed by a poste ‘question rag (Akaje re enica potwrdina, Question tog mara de bude ‘odritan, | obrmuto> ako je reéenica odeitna, Question ‘og je patyrdan,) “There is a book onthe shelf, isn't there? ‘She is never at hore, i she? Komcightareot nyse el nahin, THEY? Eeirpe eta awe) ate ath Mien eetet ter ts aia vor rte en ae Peodeder ore orane, andy on Everythi is done, tnt 1? tinier osene| lei ina necdrederih semenica (something, . horitime ‘Open the wirtow, will you? ‘lose the doo, wil MATCH THE SENTENCE ON THE LEFT WITH THE CORRECT QUESTION TAG ON THE RIGHT: COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE CORRECT QUESTION TAGS) 1. bet's go foro walk, SSD 14, They've got many cousins SEIS) 2 Shee your sister, aD 15, 'm not inthe right shop, Cm 5. Teka hae raver bean Yo Rome ae ety wil share it 4m too nervous, ou con't sim 8. Don's tell hes, 16, Let's play: i Ca) 6 Nowe beleves yo 1h Sip tig et 7. Hel come tomerron Coa) 20, You con help me, LB He cbeen tn cram a 21, Thy url dep ar hoe SEIESER 9 Alice ean ply bosetbal | 22. isla ecow IE To-You dort ove cts 23.1 tok tree years oma Shak? 1. They mene wotching TY all doy yesterday, 12. She could stilt win, [SSE “They released their first record in 1979, 13, There aren't ony chen cries pes

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