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2013 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE)

Students’ perspectives on Remote Physiological

Signals Acquisition Experiments

Carla Barros, Celina P. Leão Filomena Soares, Graça Minas

Department of Production and Systems Industrial Electronics Department
School of Engineering of University of Minho School of Engineering of University of Minho
Guimarães, Portugal Guimarães, Portugal
{carla.barros, cpl} {fsoares, gminas}

José Machado
Department of Mechanical Engineering
School of Engineering, University of Minho
CT2M (Mechanical and Materials Technologies Centre)
Guimarães, Portugal

Abstract— Data acquisition of physiological signals is a very parameters by students and it should integrate data acquisition
important issue since further health treatment depends on them. software. The great advantages of this new approach are the
With recent developments in technology, new medical devices anytime, anywhere access using a computer with Internet
and new ways of monitoring and acquisition of physiological connection, and the reduced costs associated with its
information emerge. So, not only medicals but also biomedical implementation [2, 3].
engineers must be prepared and aware of the characteristics and One of the greatest, if not the greatest, remote laboratories’
requirements needed. Following this tendency, this paper goals is to meet the same educational goals as the physical
describes the developments of a remote lab for the study of experiments or, in other words, as the hands-on practicum [3,
biomedical and physiological systems in undergraduate and
4, 5]. With the development of the technology and with even
graduate level. The remote acquisition of ECG and body
greater use of computers and computing capabilities available,
acceleration data was the experiments performed and evaluated
by a group of biomedical engineering students. The experiments new challenges, new areas and opportunities emerge [6]. The
were conducted according to a protocol designed for the developments of remote labs are an important issue and turns
physiological data acquisition task. A pre and post questionnaires out to be a place where students can acquire practical skills
were applied to a group of students to obtain qualitative and according to its main purpose [7]. Remote labs can be seen as
quantitative evaluation to validate the remote experiment. The an important tool to complement learning/teaching traditional
first results show a very positive attitude of the graduate classes and where students can remotely access, control a real
students, motivating for further developments in this area. device and get real data [8]. However, the feedback of the
students on the use of remote labs as a relevant tool in their
Keywords— Biomedical engineering education; Perceptions; learning is necessary.
Physiological acquisition systems; Remote lab Information about the learning method/style employed by
each student might be highly significant to recognize. This
I. INTRODUCTION knowledge may be applied to plan and implement new learning
strategies, capable of achieving that aim.
The laboratory practice is essential in the engineering The learning style’s concept describes the individual
education experience. Over the past years, many distance- learning, taking into account the learner’s preferences. The
learning applications have been developed, and this is mainly Kolb’s experiential learning theory is one of the best-known
due to the continuous technological evolution [1, 2]. educational theories in higher education. According to this
In traditional laboratories, students physically interact with theory, new knowledge, skills or attitudes are achieved through
devices/equipment to obtain experimental data. This confrontation among some modes of experiential learning [9].
experience allows the hands-on work, leading students acquire The model works on two levels or two learning activities,
their own skills and to support the theory. The remote perceiving and processing, and Kolb’s emphasize four distinct
laboratories should provide a similar learning experience or, at learning styles (accommodating, diverging, assimilating and
least, as close as possible to the physical one. This kind of converging) based on four learning stages. In this respect,
laboratories allows the remote control of variables and devices’ Kolb’s model is particularly elegant, providing an
This work is funded by FCT, Portuguese Foundation for Science and understanding of individual learning styles and the explanation
Technology, under project PTDC/CPE-PEC/122329/2010.
978-1-4799-1221-6/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE

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2013 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE)

of a circle of experiential learning, which applies to all of us [9, revealing the engineering students’ perceptions of the remote
10]. A typical representation of the two Kolb’s learning laboratory under development.
activities is based on two axes (Fig. 1): the horizontal axis In the section II, it is described the developments,
corresponds to the measurement of the processing activity, the objectives, architecture and the implementation of the remote
way how we approach a situation, ranging from the active laboratory for biomedical studies. In section III, the purpose of
experimentation to the reflective observation; and the vertical the study conducted on students is identified and the methods
axis to the measurement of the perceiving activity by used for the evaluation of some technical and educational
distinguishing between the concrete experience and the abstract aspects described. In section IV, the results of the study
conceptualization, quantifying our emotional response or our performed are presented and discussed. In the last section, final
thinking way. The learning styles are the combination of two consideration and future work discussed.
lines of the axes [10].

A. RePhyS Lab
The RePhyS (Remote Physiological Systems) Lab is an
innovative remote laboratory based on physiological data
acquisition. This new remote lab is aimed towards to
undergraduate and graduate biomedical engineering students,
since this course requires a huge knowledge of physiological
systems functioning and of the biosignals acquisition methods
[11]. The remote acquisition of physiological signals is
conducted using a small device, designed and built by Shimmer
Research™, called Bio Starter Kit®. This equipment allows
the wireless data capture from human body and is composed
for ECG (electrocardiogram), EMG (electromyogram), GSR
(galvanic skin resistance) and strain gauge sensors, could be
used in a range of applications for biomedical studies [12].

B. Architecture
The local computer, in the real laboratory, is connected to
the experimental device through Bluetooth (IEEE 02.15.1),
allowing the control and the configuration of the device as well
Fig. 1. Diagram illustrating the Kolb’s learning styles (adapted from [9]). as enabling the transfer of physiological data (Fig. 2). With the
existence of a webcam in the laboratory it is possible the online
Teachers should ensure that activities are designed and monitoring of the experience.
conducted to offer each learner the opportunity to engage In the client side, the user interface is displayed in the web
appropriately by the identification of the students learning browser and students are able to send commands through the
style. Furthermore, learners can learn more effectively by the Internet. The lab server receives these commands, and then the
application of the learning cycle [9, 10]. experience is performed on the real device [13].

A. Motivation
A wide range of remote learning application has been
developed in engineering and sciences areas such as physics,
biology, electronics, and mechanics [4]. Although a large
number of remote laboratories is associated with engineering,
the number is fairly small when searching the Bioengineering
This paper describes an innovative remote laboratory for
Fig. 2. General architecture of RePhyS.
biomedical engineering education, based on physiological
systems’ study. This new remote lab intends to, in an intuitive
way, provide the physiological signal remote acquisition from C. Prototype Implementation
the human body, being supported by theory for the fully The use of LabVIEW software is remarkable for the
concepts understanding. It is designed for undergraduate and development of web applications since it owns a web server,
graduate students and intends to be an auxiliary learning tool. which makes possible the experiences’ publication via Internet
The paper also presents a pilot study conducted for the [13]. Making use of the library of LabVIEW virtual
evaluation of the first version of the remote lab and it was instruments provided by Shimmer™, an application for the
performed with the participation of the target public, graduate device control and configuration was developed.
engineering students. At the current stage, the first pilot study The LabVIEW has the ability to develop Remote Panels by
has been completed and the initial results are of great interest the web publishing of the front panel, which enabled the

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2013 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE)

development of the remote laboratory’s user interface. This presented two images of the students while conducting
feature makes use of the suitable and efficient LabVIEW tool procedure provided by the experiment.
(Web Publishing Tool) allowing the embedment of the
application’s front panel in an HTML document for the web
page, enabling the web server. Thus, the user can view and
remotely control the front panel [14].
The prototype of the new remote lab was available via the
project website, which contained the HTML document created
for the interface built in LabVIEW. The interface development
is also an important issue to be taken into consideration since it
can be more important than the objective reality of the remote
laboratory [4].

A. Purpose of the study

This pilot study on the first prototype version of the
RePhyS Lab was performed in order to validate some Fig. 3. Remote lab’s main page interface, with the main steps to be taken
identification (numbers 1 to 5).
educational and technical features. The study will show the
importance of the remote laboratory developed for
physiological data acquisition and to evaluate issues such as the C. Questionaires
utility, the usability, the students’ perceptions, and the To obtain students’ opinions regarding the remote
efficiency and effectiveness as a new learning tool. laboratory experimentation, on the platform and procedures,
Since this is a recent concept in biomedical engineering two questionnaires were developed. One questionnaire was
area, especially in the physiological signals acquisition, is given to the students before the experiment (named Pre-
crucial to know how receptive and motivated are the students Questionnaire) and the other one delivered after
in relation to the usage of a remote laboratory to assist their accomplishment of the experiment (named Post-
learning process. The students’ satisfaction was assessed by Questionnaire). The outcomes should be viewed as insights to
their comfort and acceptance to the remote access experiment. the effectiveness of remote laboratories, not as hard evidence
Therefore, the evaluation was conducted on graduate since a limited number of tests were performed. The
students, who performed a remote experience using the online questionnaires were divided into several main parts allowing
platform developed. Before the experience, it was given a brief the student characterization and the experimental evaluation.
explanation on what the experiment consisted, although has not Close, open and multiple choice responses, and the evaluation
been provided a definition for remote laboratory. The of several statements were used to analyze students’
experiment was performed following a protocol, and the perspectives, feelings and knowledge before and after carrying
objectives defined were evaluated through two questionnaires out the experiments. For the statements evaluation, five-level
distributed (one before the experiment and the second one at Likert-scale was used to rank the students’ motivation,
the end). satisfaction and knowledge about some important educational
B. Procedures and Requirements issues. Follows a brief description of the two questionnaires
The class of 14 students was divided into 7 groups. The
experiment was performed by each group of two students, 1) Pre-questionnaire
following the protocol designed for remote physiological The Pre-Questionnaire was given to students before their
signals acquisition. This experiment took about 15 minutes, in first interaction with the remote lab platform. This survey had
which the students were able to explore the online platform and the main objectives the knowledge of students’ perceptions
some of its functionalities. The Fig. 3 presents the remote lab’s about remote laboratories and their experience with
interface with the identification of the recommended steps that physiological signals acquisition. The evaluation of their
must be followed to carry out the experiment (numbers from 1 motivation and expectations regarding the performance of a
to 5). remote experiment was also measured. Furthermore, this
The protocol aimed the access to the online platform and questionnaire allowed obtaining the student’ perception in
the remote connection to the real lab. The laboratory procedure relation to their own learning style, based on Kolb’s theory
involved ECG and body acceleration values acquisition from a [9, 10]. This factor is important, not only to understand the
subject/patient, who agreed to realize the experience, in a kind of learning methodology the students used but also, and
distance local (the real lab) (Fig. 4 A). Students visualized and more importantly, to understand if the platform or the lab
analyzed the data to identify the different signal’s components procedure is appropriate for the students’ learning process on
and to understand the behavior of these physiological signals in this specific subject. This could help to recognize the necessity
response to various situations, in particular, to the body’s of devising and implementing new learning strategies to fulfill
movement. They had the possibility to change some device’s students’ needs.
parameters, such as the sampling rate. In Fig. 4 (B and C) are

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2013 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE)

Fig. 4. Learning styles diagram obtained (based on Kolb’s theory): 1st quadrant – diverging style; 2nd quadrant – accommodating style; 3rd quadrant –
converging style; 4th quadrant – assimilating style.

2) Post-questionnaire laboratory, while the remaining mentioned they have heard,

The Post-Questionnaire was given to students after the e.g., at the university or read about it on the Internet. No
remote experiment. In this survey, it was provided a definition students held a remote experiment.
of remote laboratory: Analyzing the pre-questionnaire responses, it transpires
that, as per learners’ perspectives, the majority of them (about
“The remote laboratory is a virtual space that enables the 57.1%) have a converging learning style, as shown in Fig. 5
access to physical laboratory equipment and the experiments’ (third quadrant, green markers). In process field, the students
performance through the Internet, allowing students to do the things in an active way and they have a more abstract
change/control parameters and to visualize the results in real- perception of the situations. Based on Kolb’s theory, this
time.” (Adapted from [4]). behavior is characteristic of engineers: they are motivated to
With this definition, the students were able to analyze their investigate how situations are processed, their strength is the
previous perception, and, simultaneously, they assimilated with practical application of ideas [10]. The instructional methods,
rigor this new concept of laboratory. such as the interaction, the hands-on, the lab’s work, or the
This questionnaire aimed the knowledge of students’ assisted computer training, are suitable for the students who
perceptions about remote laboratories and the evaluation of employ this kind of learning style [10]. This is an essential
their motivation and satisfaction after their experience with the aspect to take into account because it allows perceiving if the
remote lab platform. The previous ascertainment of how they tool is designed for the students subjected to the test.
were motivated to remotely control a device or how they were
interested in conducting a remote experiment, and the
comparison of those results with the motivation measurements
after the test performance, allowed the evaluation of both the
attractiveness of the new remote tool and the protocol.
The students’ answers allowed the analyses of technical
aspects and limitations of the interface as well as the evaluation
of physiological data remote acquisition and its usability in
their learning process. Moreover, it was identified the learning
style applied during the experiment performance, in accordance
with the students’ perspective. The students were also
interviewed to ascertain their point of view on the lab
experiments they conducted. All in all, the research team
verified, through this survey’ answers, if the study’s objectives
set out were achieved.
In this section, the quantitative and qualitative analyses of
the results of both questionnaires are discussed.
Fig. 5. Learning styles diagram obtained (based on Kolb’s theory): 1st
A. Participants Characterization quadrant – diverging style; 2nd quadrant – accommodating style; 3rd
quadrant – converging style; 4th quadrant – assimilating style.
The participants in this study (n=14) are students who
attend, for the first time, the fourth year of the Integrated
Master in Biomedical Engineering (IMBE), of School of B. Participants Insights about Remote Labs
Engineering, University of Minho (SEUM), Portugal. The Once the protocol and the laboratory intended the
average age is 21.6 years and 64.3% (9/14) of students are physiological signals capture, it was examined the group’s
female. Before their first contact with the RePhyS Lab, 71.4% experience in data acquisition. All students have already
of them asserted that they have never heard about this type of acquired physiological signals from the human body: 14.3% of

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2013 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE)

them indicated that they performed it in an easy way, 78.6% traditional acquisition, have difficulty or could not see the
with a normal difficulty and 7.1% considered the acquisition electrodes placing, and consequently the fact of the experience
very difficult. seems a simulation, contributes to that feedback. For the same
A group of two questions (Q1 and Q2) was asked in order reason, 28.6% of the participants have not felt to remotely
to know whether students realize the differences between the control the device, unlike about 71.4% of them, who asserted
traditional signals acquisition and the remote one, and if the that the parameters configuration was the principal factor for
remote acquisition becomes less real, before (a) and after (b) the positive feeling. Indeed, the real-time monitoring of the
the experiment: experiment, through the image/video obtained from a webcam,
has become increasingly a crucial feature of a remote
Q1a – Do you think there are differences between the laboratory. The visualization of the entire process is important
traditional and the remote signals acquisition? for students’ acquisition of knowledge and for the experiment’s
Q2a – Do you think the remote acquisition can become less similarity with the hands-on one. For instance, in this case, the
real than the traditional one? electrodes placing or the movement detection of the person in
the real lab are interesting aspects to take into account when the
Q1b – After the remote experiment, do you think there were users are analyzing the signals acquisition’ s results.
differences from the traditional acquisition? The students’ motivation to control and interest to conduct
Q2b – After the remote experiment, do you think it was less a remote experiment deserved a special highlight in this study.
real than the traditional acquisition? Before the experiment, the analysis of students’ answers
showed that the majority (64.3%) of them were motivated and
In Fig. 6 the results obtained are presented. interested. After the experience performance, the same
percentage of students motivated was observed, not present
statistically significant differences (W=7, p>0.05) compared to
their motivation before the contact with the tool. This is an
important achievement since the concept of remote lab had a
good impact on students. Another relevant outcome was the
understanding if the motivation’s results are dependent on the
gender. Based on the obtained results, this dependency is not
statistically significant (F(1)=1, >0.05).

Fig. 6. Responses to the questions: Q1 – existence of differences between

remote and traditional signal acquisition a) before and b) after the
remote experiment performance; Q2 – lack of reality in remote
acquisition a) before and b) after the remote experiment performance.

When asked about the possible existence of differences

between traditional and remote acquisition, 64.3% thought that
the remote acquisition was different (Fig. 6 – Q1a) and 50% Fig. 7. Learning styles engaged during the experiment by each student: 1st
asserted that the remote experiment could become less real quadrant – diverging style; 2nd quadrant – accommodating style; 3rd
quadrant – converging style; 4th quadrant – assimilating style.
(Fig. 6 – Q2a). After their first experience with remote labs, the
participants have changed their point of view and 71.4% The identification of the learning style engaged during the
realized that no differences between the both methods exist; experiment shows that 42.8% of the class presented a
despite the results obtained, this change of opinion is not converging style (third quadrant, green markers in Fig. 7),
statistically significant (W=24, p>0.05). The signals acquisition while 28.6% presented an assimilating style and 28.6% a
was made with the same efficiency and students were able to diverging one (respectively, first and fourth quadrants, red and
visualize the outcomes. Concerning to the experiment’s sense yellow markers in Fig. 7).
of reality, the change in the opinion was statistically significant The results obtained in the pre-questionnaire, when
after the experiment (W=0, p<0.05) and 11 students (78.6%) compared with the general learning style of students, showed
considered the experience was not less real than the traditional some changes in learning activities, mainly in processing. The
one, justifying with the achievement of similar results. Those Fig. 8 shows the differences between pre and post-
students, who stated to be different and less real than the

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2013 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE)

questionnaires’ results of the both activities for each student (1 sequential steps to be achieved by students. Since it was a
to 14): the process in pre and post-questionnaire (Proc_pre and guided experience, with time limitation and less freedom to
Proc_post, respectively); and the perception in pre and post- explore more labs’ functionalities or to acquire another
questionnaire (Perc_pre and Perc_post, respectively). The level biosignals, the students considered it a less active experiment.
1 of the diagram A corresponds to the active experimentation However, the differences found were not statistically
and the level 6 to the reflective observation of the processing significant (p>0.05), which can mean that the didactic strategy
activity. In the diagram B, the level 1 is the abstract designed into the remote laboratory development was
conceptualization and the level 6 is the concrete experience of appropriated for the target public’s learning style, though it can
the perceiving activity. be improved and better adjusted to students’ behavior.
The qualitative analysis of both diagrams allows the
understanding of the students’ behavior during the experiment C. Experiment evaluation
in another perspective. As shown in diagram B, the students’ The experimental design was a crucial step to develop a
perception of the experiment was an abstract conceptualization learning strategy, as mentioned before, to capture the students’
(proximity of level 1). According to Kolb’s theory, they attention and to make a positive impact on them. Above all, the
analyzed and understood the situations and ideas in an experiment was designed in order to evaluate as much features
intellectual and logic way [10]. as possible and the educational goals achievement.
The ECG and acceleration values acquisition were valuable
in so far as they ensured the assessment of the understanding,
the utility and the visualization of the signals. The majority of
the students, about 92.9%, understood the ECG acquisition and
they were able to identify the constituent waves of the signal,
during the data real-time visualization (Fig. 9). The
electrocardiogram was supported by theoretical concepts,
capable of being explored before or after the acquisition. This
functionality was not available for other biosignals, and it
permitted to know to what extent this support is important for
the signals' knowledge and experiment's understanding.

Fig. 9. Understanding of the three experiments performed.

When asked about the accelerometer experiment, the result

Fig. 8. Representation of Processing (A) and Perceiving (B) activities. The was not so consistent. In spite of 85.8% of the students have
Proc_pre is the general process activity and the Proc_post the same
parameter during the experiment; the Perc_pre is the general perceiving
been able to visualize the acceleration values’ capture around
of students and Perc_post the perception during the experiment. the three orthogonal planes XYZ (Fig. 10), 50% of them did
not understand the acquisition (Fig. 9) and about 42.9% did not
In comparison with the students’ learning style, this result understand its utility. Indeed, this was an expected result
was not significant. The diagram A presents a modest because it was not available a theoretical support for it and this
enlargement of the ring, which leads to the conclusion that the signal’ acquisition is not commonly taught in this biomedical
processing activity during the experiment consisted of a engineering course’s disciplines. Therefore, once they did not
reflective observation (proximity of level 6). This may be due have the background information, their perception about this
to the fact that the experiment followed a protocol with experiment was negative.

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2013 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE)

Another factor that may affect the understanding of the design can contribute to the good acceptance of this new tool
experiments is the learning style employed during the and to increase students’ receptivity to its utilization.
procedure, and consequently the learning strategy planned for Related to the performance of experiments, the easy access
the remote lab. However, the learning style was not dependent to the theoretical concepts of support (F5) and the real-time
of the learning activities, neither of the process (F(1)=0.640, acquisition (F6) were considered “very good” (rate 5) by
p>0.05) nor of the perception (F(1)=0.371, p>0.05). 57.1% of the participants, and the remote configuration of the
The electrodes placing in the person/patient, who Shimmer kit’s parameters (F7) was rated as “good” (rate 4) by
underwent the experience in the real lab, was also the target of half of the 14 students. An important feat is the fact that more
this evaluation. Due to fact that the network’s velocity has not than 75% of the students had rated these features as “good” and
allowed the image data transferring over the Internet, the “very good” (rate ≥ 4), which can mean that the experiment
students weren’t able to real-time monitoring the experiment, proposed was successfully conducted.
making it difficult to see the electrodes placing. To overcome
this obstacle, the online platform contained a generic image of
the electrodes placing (Fig. 3). For this reason, the majority
(57.1%) of the participants answered that they could not
visualize this process (Fig. 10), although all students have
understood it (Fig. 9). The comprehension of the process was
also supported by the theory available on the interface, and
their extensive knowledge about the ECG signal acquisition
can justify the result obtained.

Fig. 11. Assessment of some technical features of the remote lab.

About 71.4% of students considered the remote lab a useful

tool. Their receptiveness to this new educational tool is
remarkable and is a great motivation for the development of
new remote applications in this area of knowledge and
learning. In general, the students’ opinion about this new
laboratory was very interesting:
“an innovative and useful tool”,
“easy to understand”,
Fig. 10. Visualization of results of the three experiments performed. “rewarding experience”,
“the learning of some concepts related to ECG made
Technical features were also evaluated by students, easier”.
attributing a classification in a 1 to 5 rating scale, where 1 is
“poor”, 2 is “insufficient”, 3 is “sufficient”, 4 is “good” and 5 The students were asked for comments about all experience
is “very good”. Seven statements were divided into two groups: in order to identify some aspects capable of being improved in
a near future. The majority of them identify the missing of the
(1) concerning to a general evaluation of the platform remote real-time visualization of the physical experiment as the
(F1, intuitiveness; F2, platform user friendly; F3, effective main fail. They also pointed out the lack of theoretical support
monitoring of results; F4, pleasant platform’s graphic for the accelerometer experiment and the need of some
environment); and interface adjustments.
(2) related to the performance of experiments (F5, easy to
access to the theoretical concepts of support; F6, real-time V. FINAL REMARKS
acquisition; F7, remote configuration of the Shimmer kit’s Data acquisition of physiological signals has been a very
parameters). important issue since, depending on their values different
health treatment will be given. With recent developments in
In the Fig. 11 it is possible see the rating for these technical
technology, new medical devices and new ways of monitoring
and acquisition of physiological information emerge. From the
The graphic in Fig. 11, presents a very positive result. The
point of view of higher education level, same opportunities
majority of the students rated the features F1 to F4 as “good”
must be given preparing the engineering students before
(rate 4), which is a great achievement since the laboratory
entering the labor market. Following this drift, this paper

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2013 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE)

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remote lab experiments. laboratories: Advantages and disadvantages,” in Global Engineering
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