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A trip to southwestern Germany

 The   (FAME) Black Forest and the picturesque town of Baden Baden are in south-
western Germany. I went there recently in search of a  (PEACE), relaxing holiday and
I   (CERTAIN) wasn't disappointed.

The town is surrounded by   (MARVEL) scenery, clear lakes and tall mountains. The
weather during my visit was so cool and   (MIST) that it created a
wonderfully   (MYSTERY) atmosphere.
There are plenty of interesting places to visit including the town's   (DELIGHT) 15th
century palace and the Roman baths. I also explored the   (SHADE) Black Forest where
all I could hear was the gentle sound of   (FLOW) streams.

The food was excellent. I tried several   (TASTE) local dishes. I also bought some cuckoo
clocks as souvenirs.
I had the holiday of a lifetime in Baden Baden. With its   (FRIEND) people,
and   (FANTASY) natural  (SURROUNDINGS) , I would certainly
recommend it to anyone who wants to go on holiday in the near future.


1. The result was very strange. In fact, it was simply   (BELIEVE).

2. They reached an   not to sell the product to each other's base
customers. (AGREE)

3. After losing her job she was   for another month. (EMPLOY)

4. The most important value in our school is   (OBEY).

5. Her arguments are so   that it is not possible to have a real discussion
with her. (LOGICAL)

6. You can wear anything you want . It's an   occasion. (FORMAL)

7. This is a good essay. I find your statements very   (CONVINCE)

8. He simply   and nobody knew where he had gone. (APPEAR)

9. You must have  . You'll be called up soon (PATIENT)

10. Margaret   quickly and got into the warm bath. (DRESS)

11. It was an   day trip we had with our classmates. (FORGET)

12. The parents decided that it was an   pet for such a small child. (SUIT)


1. I need to   my knowledge of classical music (BROAD).

2. I love all forms of  , including ballet and opera (ENTERTAIN).

3. Phantom of the Opera is a   music show (SENSATION).

4. During her  , the girl lived in Australia. (YOUNG)

5. The mid-20th century saw the   of pop music. (ARRIVE)

6. Bollywood movies achieved huge   in the 1990s (POPULAR)

7. You need to   your muscles if you want to become a bodybuilder (STRONG)

8. The money they get from donations will   them to buy more equipment (ABLE)

9. Thieves sometimes target people at concerts , so be   with your wallets. (CARE)

10. Watching old movies is my mum's idea of   (HAPPY)


I am quite sure I wouldn't like to have an   (OCCUPY) that has anything to do with
physics,   (CHEMIST) or maths. I am not the   (SCIENCE) type at all. In
school I was a complete   (FAIL) in the mentioned subjects. I am not very good
at   (DEAL) with people either, nor am I very   (AMBITION). Jobs in
business,   (ADMINISTRATE) and   (MANAGE) do not really interest
me. In   (ADD), I find it rather   (IRRITATE) to be surrounded by many

I would rather see myself in a job involving   (CREATE) work or   (ART) skills of
some sort. I'd like to have the opportunity to work outdoors   (OCCASION) and
perhaps do some   (TRAVEL) too. I am not   (PARTICULAR) concerned
about becoming   (WEALTH) but I would like to have a   (REASON) income -
enough to live   (COMFORT).

Special Effects in Movies

George Lukas' Star Wars transformed 20th century 
and raised audience   to alarming heights for film
producers. Since Star Wars was made in 1977 special effects  
have become   important in selling a film
The script of Jurassic Park, for example, was rather 
but the film was a box office success because the dinosaurs were  
 realistic. However, special effects do not always
guarantee success.  , when Lost World came out,
the technology was far superior, but people had become tired  
of dinosaurs and were   not motivated enough to want to
go and see them any more. The film was not   as
 as its predecessor.
But who is not   when they see Jar Binks in The
Phantom Menace, the first ever 3D interactive   character
seen on film? Computer-generated   are certainly the
way ahead, but you may be surprised to discover that the  
most expensive special effect was filmed in 1956. The 
of the Red Sea in Cecille DeMille's The Ten Commandments  
cost an   £ 2 million.
But what does the future hold? It is   to think that
with computer-generated images filmmakers may be able to  
 deceased movie stars , such as James Dean and
Marilyn Monroe.  

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