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Holistic Self Health Care


ASEAN Institute for Health Office of Communicable

Development Diseases Control - Region 10

Model Development and Capacity Building for H|V/AIDS

Interventions in Thailand
]lolhtlc Self f{colth Ccre

Original Thai version by :

Advisor : Chawalit Natpratan

Director, Office of Communicable Disease Control - Region 't0
Editor : Wirat Niraroot
Gontributing Authors :
Rakhop Sutthajit - Chiang Mai Rajabhat Institute
Jinda Ungbunrueng - Health Promotion Center - Region 10
Umporn Nimtragoon - Health Promotion Center - Region 10
Siewalee Jaruwan - Suan Prung Psychiatric Hospital
Anake Sirihorachai - Northern Region Coordinating Center
for Thai Traditional Medicine
Sermsiri Siyapai - Office of Communicable Disease Control - Region 10
Chanoen Tanakehas - Office of Communicable Disease Control - Region 10
Wirat Niraroot - Office of Communicable Disease Control - Region 10
Panida Radchadamat - Office of Communicable Disease Control - Region 10
Nuanrahong Na Chiang Mai - Office of Communicable Disease Control - Region 10
Nopporn Siphad - Office of Communicable Disease Control - Region 10
Somsak Nakklinkoon - Office of Communicable Disease Control - Region 10
Chatchawan Phansopha - New Life Friends Center, Chiang Mai
Pimjai Inthamoon - Community Health Center, Chiang Mai

Translated by :

Som-arch WongKhomthong EC/AIHD AIDS Project

ASEAN Institute for Health Development,
Mahidol University, Thailand

Copyright 1996 by ASEAN Institute for Health Development, Mahidol University

Som-arch WongKhomthong
Holistic Self Health Care

1. Self Care .. handbook 2. Holistic Health .. handbook

l. Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health Development. ll. Title.
w 61 S 693 h 1998,
tsBN 974-661-577-7

Since 1984, AIDS has been a major epidemic which affects almost all
parts of Thailand, especially in Chiang Mai Province, in the northern part of
Thailand. The communicable Disease control center of Region 10 of chiang
Mai Province has addressed the epidemic by producing a manual in Thai called
"Holistic self Health care" to promote both physical and mental health care for
People with HIV/AIDS. The EC/AIHD AIDS project of the ASEAN Institute for
Health Development (AIHD) sees that the manual shows how people with Hlv/
AIDS can practice self - care based on Thai traditional practices. This manual
could be very useful for people with HIV/AIDS in other parts of the world as well.

Therefore, we decided to translate the manual into English. We were

very fortunate to have permission from the authors to translate the manual as
well as to receive some additional explanatory notes regarding the nomencla-
ture of some of the herbal plants mentioned in the text.

ASEAN Institute for Health Development would like to thank the Thai
authors and others who contributed to the success of this book. we would be
glad if the book could be of use by people with HIV/AIDS in other nations and
other part of the world.

Som - arch Wongkhomthong

AIHD, Mahidol University
Since the AIDS epidemic begun in Thailand in the past ten years, the
number of people living with HIV/AIDS (PHA) have increased consistently im-
pacting our society, economy and politics.

Relevant govemment and non-govemment agencies have campaigned

to increase strategies for living togetherwith persons living with HIV/AIDS (PHAS),
families and communities. Counseling has been provided to relatives and close
friends to accept and provide support for PHAs. In addition, certain characteris-
tics of Thai society have been applied to needed home- and community-based
care programs. These programs have been important because they also pro-
vide psychological support to PHAs. The care received from loved ones is a
souroe of comfort for PHAs. However, there are still some persons whose fami-
lies have not accepted them and have been discriminated by society. Others
also have not told others of their HIV results, as they want to preserve their
status in their families and society. These persons are usually of a better social
status or they live in communities that are not prepared to deal with HIV/AIDS.
Therefore, cunently we cannot hope to depend solely on the models for home-
and community-based care.

Office of Communicable Disease Control - Region 10, Chiang Mai, is

aware of this issue thus prepared this handbook of a holistic approach to self-
care for PHAs. This handbook incorporates physical and mental self-care. lt is
divided into 8 parts:

Part't Eating for Longevity

Part2 Your Well Being
Part 3 Finding Equilibrium
Part 4 Physical Exercises
Part 5 Safer Sex
Part 6 Caring for Small lllnesses
Parl7 A New Choice: Returning to Traditional Medicine
Part 8 Mediation Strategies
Office of Communicable Disease Control - Region 10, Chiang Mai,
hopes that this expertly prepared handbook will be helpful to its users. We feel
that if the users follow the guidetines, thqy will continue to live a long and
healthy life and able to contribute positively to society.

Office of Communicable Disease Confiol - Region 10


Part I Eatlng for Longevity 1

Part 2 YourWellBeing 6

Part 3 Flndlng Equlllbrlum 12

Part 4 Exerclses for a Healthy Body 27

Part 5 SaferSex 32

Part 6 Garing for Small lllnesses 35

Part 7 A New Gholce: Retuming to Tradltional lledicine 41

Part p tledia$on Strategies 59

: Llgt of Herbs 68
Poil | : Eotlng for Longevlty

The lmportance of Food

Any living being needs food. Therefore, food is an important contributor

to good health. Eating the right food that is appropriate for your body's current
condition and needs will create a healthier body. Food will help to build and heal
your body's problems. Moreover, food is important in preventing diseases and
maintaining a healthy body and mind.

However, certain foods may cause harm to the body if it is taken with-
out consideration of your body's condition. Normally in most situations you should
always have a balance intake of the main five food groups. When the body and
mind are not at their prime, the five food groups are still important but, at each
meal. careful considerations should be made as to what is the most useful to
your cunent condition.

Jinda Ungbunrueng
Health Promotion Center - Region 10
What type of food should you eat?
. What is your present condition?
. What illness do you have and to which organ?
. Food that will not cause other problems to your bodily functions such

as food that are difiicult to digest, cause constipation or bloating.

. Food that are easy to find, inexpensive, free of chemicals and con-
venient to make.
. Food that are natural, i.e. without additives such as coloring or
. Cooking the food or growing vegetables yourself will also enhance
your meals.

Common Problems in PHAs

PHAs may have a lowered immunity that will be traken advantaged of by
opportunistic diseases. Medications for opportunistic diseases sometime cause
side effec{s, which may make the body even weaker. Therefore, it is important
to help your body by taking the most nutritious food. lt is valuable to know what
to take, how much to take and what to avoid.
Good Foqd and Drinks forYour Body

Type of Food Benefits Characteristics of

Value Food

Meats, dried nuts, protein . help with body easy to digest but with

eggs & milk growth highest benefits to the

. mend problems body; no chemicals
with body added; should try fish,
. increase immunity eggs, products from
level nuts & milk

rice, flour, sugar, carbohy- . create energy easy to digest and cook

taro & potato drates such as steamed rice,

rice ponidge, steamed
taros and potatoes

vegetables & vitamins & . allow organs in the vegetables and fruit that

fruit minerals body to maintain are in season (no

normal functions insecticides & chemi-
. increase immunity cals), inexpensive but
nutritional such as
bananas, guavas,
oranges, marakhinok
(Momordica charantia),
khilek (Cassia siamea)
and lea! vegetables

vegetables and fat . warms the body should use vegetrable

animals fats . create energy fat to avoid cholesterol
problems and may help
with absorb vitamins A,
Type of Food Nrrfriflanal Benefits Characteristics of
Value Food

water . helps force wastes drink at least 6 to 8

from the body and cups of clean water
maintain body daily to aid with excre-
temperature tion and eliminating
. balances minerals wastes; some medica-
in the body tions also requires a lot
of water to help dissolve

and eliminate exoess

medication from the
liver; make sure that
your drinking utensils
are also clean

Examples of Nutritional Recipes

ln northem Thailand, many examples of nutritious dishes can be found. Most

Thai meals have a balance of the five food groups. A meal may consist of
dishes such as Gaeng Khae (northem Thai vegetable soup), Nam Prig (chilies
with shrimp paste, shallots and garlic) served with vegetables, Gaeng Khilek,
Tom Yam Hed (sour mushroom soup), Yam Samunplai (herbs salad).

lf your meal does not contain the five food groups, you can supplement your
meal with fruit that are in season.
Choosing Nutritional Food for PHA with Opportunistic Diseases

Opportunistic Diseases Food You Need Food to Avoid

Tuberculosis main food groups but Fermented food and

add more meats, fish, preservatives; alcohol

eggs, milk, vegetables and illicit drugs

and fruit

Liver Diseases main food groups but Fatty and fermented

add more carbohydrates food; food with

such as bread and rice preservatives; alcohol

and also more vegetables and abusive drugs; tea

and fruit and coffee

Oral Infections main food groups but do not take fermented

prepared so that they food and preserva-

are soft and easy to tives; very sweet, spicy

swallow and not too or too hot or cold
spicy dishes: alcohol and
illicit drugs

Dianhea main food groups but same as above; do not

add more meats; drink take spicy food and

oral rehydration solutions fruit with hard skin

instead of plain water to

replace the loss minerals
from dianhea

Even PHAs who do not have any symptoms should always take care that
everything served is clean. As normal, you can cook for yourself and your
family and share your meals with others.
People often have responsibilities and are active all day long. Some
work in a supportive environment while otherc may have too much work. But
everyone should take the time to study and practice certrain concepts to improve
your well being physically and mentially.
Your well being is important in making a daily living. Work requires you
to put in much effort everyday for years at a time. A healthy body and mind are
needed to continue this effort. Many people already practice some of the activi-
ties discussed below but PHA and other people who suffer from chronic
diseases should pay special attention. This part is divided into three sections:
c-leaning the body, keeping the sunoundings clean and relaxation.

Health Behavbr Developmenf Secfibn

Office of Communicable Disease Control - Region 10, Chiang Mai
Cleaning the Body

Applying personal hygiene will help to maintain your well being. You can take
care of your body by doing the following:

Skin & Hair

Take showers and use soap to keep yourself clean. Use soap around the arm-
pits, between your legs, under the chin and behind the ears. lf your activities
make you sweat more, then you should take showers morp often. However, you
should take at least one shower a day. The water should be at a comfortable
temperature. Showers should not be taken often during the winter because your
skin will dry up and get itchy. This may cause the skin to be dry and break, thus
easily causing skin infections. Skin creme and lotion should be applied if any of
these problems occuned.

Scalp and hair should be washed with shampoo. lf your hair is long or is dirty
then it should be washed twice. While washing your hair, massage the scalp
and hair roots to improve blood circulation. Wash your hair at least twice a
week. Do not share your comb and brush with others.


Be careful of your eyes. Do not let dust get into your eyes. lf it occurs, wash your

eyes immediately with clean water by opening your eyes in the water or wash
your eyes with eye wash solution. Do not use a dirty cloth and do not rub your
eyes with dirty fingers because bacteria may get into your eyes. Do not share
handkerchiefs with others.
Ears, Nose and Throat

The ears, nose and throat are related in that they are physically linked to each
other. When you have a cold with a runny nose, do not blow your nose too hard

as it may spread the fluids to your ears. Do not pluck the hair in your nose as
they protect against foreign particles entering your ears.


Brush your teeth after every meal or at least twice a day. Brush your teeth
conecdy and use an appropriate size brush with soft bristles. Do not use any-
thing hard to scrub your tongue. Do not eat food that is too hot in temperature
and too spicy.


During every shower, you should clean your genitals and the area around your

Hands and Feet

Wash your hands with soap often. Do not use detergents and chemicals that
are too strong. Dilute the detergent or use something that is not too strong. Cut
your nails short. Wash your feet and dry them especially in between the toes.
Wear shoes that propedy fit your feet every time you go outside of your house.
Keeping Your Surroundings Clean

There are simple ways to keep your sunoundings clean.

Your home should have

a window to let air breeze through
sunlight to kill any germs
* an area for sleeping that is clean not allowing in-
sects to breed and bring in germs
a garbage can or a chamber pot with a lid for trash
and excretions
a clean toilet
* a separate area for animals not under the house
*' no pets because they may bring diseases into the

Glothes and Bedding

Mattresses, blankets, pillows and mesquito nets should be places in the sunlight
at least onoe a week. Bed sheets, pillowcases and clothing should be washes
often in detergent or soap. Clothes that have blood and other bodily excretions
should be soaked with bleach (1 part bleach to 9 parts water) for 30 minutes or
boiled for 20 minutes before being left to cool and wash normally with detergent.
Let it dry in the sunlight. Clothes stained with vomit or excrements should be
washed off first before soaking in bleach or boiling then continue with the wash-
ing process. Boiling clothes in water is the least expensive way of killing germs.

Utensils, plates, bowl and cups should be cleaned after every use. They should
be placed on a tray to dry in the sun.
Tooth brushes, razors and hairbrushes should be clean and should not be
shared with others.

Trash & Body Excretions

Trash can be divided into two types. Wet trash contains liquid and is usually
difficult to bum. Examples of wet trash are left over food and fruit peel. They
should be buried in the ground. Dry trash such as paper and clothing should be
bumed. To avoid out of control fire, it should be burn in a metal container.

Body excretions such as phlegm, vomit, urine and feces should be treated as
1. Use a plastic bag to line a container such as a cuspidor or a chamber pot.
Always use this to collect your phlegm and vomit. Seal the top of the plastic
bag tightly, bury or destroy the bag. lf no plastic bag is used, pick up the
contiainer carefully and pour the content into a hole in the ground to be
buried or disposed in a toilet. .Wash the container with bleach; follow with
detergent and clean water.

2. Always urinate and excrete into a toilet. lf you cannot get up, then use a
chamber pot and follow the directions in number 1 above.

Relaxation relieves stress and fatigue and to rejuvenates your body. When
working hard, you should take some time out for 10 to 15 minutes to change
positions or to drink water. Even if this consumes valuable time, it does benefit
your body. For example, factories that set morning and afternoon breaks for
about 15 minutes each have been shown to improve the quality of work. Other
than in your workday, relaxation is also valuable with any other continuous
activities. Weekends and holidays should be used to rejuvenate your body and
mind back to their optifial condition.

Relieving stress and fatigue through relaxation does not necessarily mean that
you have to sit still. lt means that you should change to other activities. Sleep is
the best thing for your body. Gefting enough sleep will refresh and strengthen
your body. Adults should get at least 8 hours of sleep a night or enough so that
you notice that you feel refreshed. lf you cannot fall asleep, change your sleep
position or read something light. Try not to think or anything serious and con-
centrate on breathing deeply with your eyes closed. lf you still cannot fall asleep
easily, consult a physician.

Physical activities such as watering plants and playing games will help alleviate
stress. Of course, you should not perform activities that will distress your body.
Do them when you have free time. Other activities that will benefit you or others

such as sculpting, wood etching, making paper flowers, collect stamps, etc.
Activities should not interfere with others and traditions. You should do them
voluntary and comfortably. They should not be professional work and not want
any rewards in return. They may also be entertaining such as playing musical
instruments, singing and writing poetry.
These exercises are for improving your physical and mental well being. All of
tfiem are performed slody and gently while concentrating on each point indi-
vidually. They have found to be beneficial for chronic disease sufferers as well
as for mentally related diseases.

The following exercises will strengthen your kidneys, lungs and heart while
pufting you in a befter mood and a frame of mind. These exercises are com-
pleted in order to find equilibrium or a balance point for the elements in your
body. Thus they are refened to as "finding an equilibrium".

Slbwa/ee Jaruwan
Suan Prung Psychiatric Hospital
Prcparing for exercises

* Exercise after at least one hour after eating.

* Find a quiet place.
* Wear comfortable clothes. Remove your belt, glasses, watch and other
* Position yourself correctly before releasing the suggested sound.
* Release the sound only half way, slowly, gently and consistently.
* While exhaling, throw your head back and look as far back behind you as

Positioning and Practicing

'1. Sit comfortably with your bottom near the edge of the chair.
2. Separate your legs perpendicular to the ground and as wide as your hips
with feet placed flat on the ground.
3. Sit up straight and relax your shoulders. Look ahead.
4. Place your hands palms up on your thighs. Be ready to practice the exer-

Finding an equilibrium point for your lungs

Negative emotions: sadness, remorse, grief, heartbroken

Positive emotions: sacrifice oneself, proper, rationale, good intentions, coura-
geous & unpretentious
Radiating Sound: "c..."

Emotions and Positioning

* Place your confused emotions to both sides of the lungs.

* Inhale slowly while moving your hands up to eye level. Tum the palms of
your hands towards the ceiling. Push your arms up towards the ceiling while
throwing your head back.
* Loosely hold your mouth close.
* Exhale and release the sound "c..." slowly. Replace the sound while exhal-
ing consistently.
* When linish'exhaling, lower your arms slowly to eye level. Bring your hands
back to your thighs.
* Inhale and bring all the good emotions into your lungs. Use your imagina-
tion that both sides of your lungs are radiating the sound "c...'
* Feel the coolness sunounding your lungs.
.:. After your breathing is slow and calm, repeat again 3 to 6 times.
* This exercise is good for those who have a cold, influenza, runny nose,
toothache, asthma, sadness, panic stricken, and pneumonia. To improve
on removing the poison in the lungs, repeat the exercise at the increment of
9, 12, 18,24 or 36 times.

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Finding the equilibrium in your kidneys

Negative emotion: fear

Positive emotions: courtesy, modesty, goodness & stabili$
Radiating Sound: "wu..."

Positioning and Practicing

.:. Place your knees and feet together.

* Tum your attention to both of your kidneys.
* Inhale deeply and curve your back bringing you shoulders fonarard. Put your
left and onto of your right hand and hold on to your knees. Feel the kidneys

in your backside.
* Look fonrvard and move your head back without stressing your neck.
* Make the sound '\rvu..." while releasing your breath like gently blowing out
candles. Tighten your stomach muscles and use your imagination to push
out excess heat, fear, and illnesses from your kidneys.
* After releasing the sound "wu..." and exhaling, straighten your sifting posi-
tion and open your legs wider than your hips. Place your palms up onto of
your thighs.
* Close your eyes and inhale normally. Bring all the positive emotions to your
kidneys. lmagine the "wu..." sound radiating from your kidneys. Feel the
coolness sunounding your kidney area.
* When your breathing is normal, repeat 3 to 6 times.

For those who suffer from backaches, body stiffness, dizziness, and stuffy ears,
repeat 9 to 36 times. The exercise will help remove wastes from your kidneys.


Finding Equiltbrium in Your Liver

Negative Emotions: anger & domination

Positive Emotions: joy, independence, mercy & friendliness
Radiating Sound: "c..."

Positioning and Practicing

.:. Turn your attention to the liver.

* Bring your arms down along the side of the body and place your hands
palms up.
.:. Breathe deeply, bring both of your arms up to the side while putting your
head back.
* Put your hands together above your face. Press your hands out stretching
out your arms and shoulders.
* Twist your body slightly to the left and radiate the sound "c..."
* lmagine that the excess heat in your body and anger are being pushed out
from your liver.
Finish sounding "c..." and exhaling. Release your hands and slowly bring
them down back to your thighs.
Gently close your eyes and breath normally. Bring the joy into your liver and
imagine that the liver is radiating the sound "c..."
* Feel the coolness around the liver. Repeat the entire prooess 3 to 6 times.
* To eliminate excess anger or red eye or teary eye, repeat 9 to 36 times.
This will get rid of the poisonous accumulation in your liver.


Finding Equilibrium in Your Heart

Negative Emotions : unfriendly, proud, anogant, mean & boorish

Positive Emotions : fun, optimistic, respectful, sincerity, imaginative &
enthusiasm, ambition & resolute
Radiating Sound : "haw.."

Positioning and Practicing

* Tum your attention to the heart.

1r. Bring your arms down along the side of the body and place your hands
palms up.
* Breathe deeply, bring both of your arms up to the side while putting your
head back.
t Put your hands together above your face. Press your hands out stretching
out your arms and shoulders.
t Twist your body slightly to the right and radiate the sound "haw.."
* lmagine that the ex@ss heat in your body as well as the unfriendliness,
pride and meanness are being pushed out from your heart.
* Finish sounding "haw.." and exhaling. Release your hands and slowly bring
them down back to your thighs.
* Gently close your eyes and breath normally. Bring the joy into your heart
and imagine that the heart is radiating the sound "haw."
* Feel the coolness and rejuvenation around the heart. Repeat the entire
* To get rid of a sore throat, laryngitis, swollen gums or bad moods, repeat 9
to 36 times in order to get rid of the poisonous accumulation in your heart.

Vllrll rlllllt
Finding Equifibrtum in Your Spleen

Negative Emotions : anxiety, worry, pity & sympathy

Positive Emotions : fair, sensible & impartial
Radiating Sound : "hu..."

Positioning and Practicing

.:. Tum your attention to the spleen.

a Put both of your hands on the left side of your abdomen.
.:. Breathe deeply and push your fingers into your abdomen.
* Exhale and make the sound "hu..."
* lmagine that the excess heart ftom your spleen is being forced out of your
body with all your wonies, lack of liveliness and depression.
* After finishing exhaling and radiating the sound, bring your hands down on
top of your thighs palms up.
* Gently close your eyes and breath normally. Send all the good feelings to
your spleen and imagining that it is radiating the sound "hu...'
.!. Feel the coolness and rejuvenation around the spleen. Repeat the entire
* To improve on your digestion and eliminate of dianhea, nausea and vomit-
ing, repeat 9 to 36 times.

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Finding Equilibrtum in Your Entire Body

By nature, there are different temperatures within your body:

1. Organs in the upper body such as the brain, heart and lungs are hot.
2. Organs in the middle of the body such as liver, kidneys, stomach and spleen
are warm.
3. Organs in the lower body such as the small and large intestines, bladder
and genitals are cold.

Equilibrium can be found in adjusting the temperature of your organs. The

hotter temperature can be brought down to the cooler organs and vice versa
through the digestive system. This will help to make you more relaxed and sleep

Positioning and Practlcing

* Lie down face up on the floor. lf your back hurts, put a small pillow under
your knees.
* Gently close your eyes and breath deeply.
* Exhale and sound the word "hee..."
.:. lmagine a golden ring around your body that moves from your chest to your
lower abdomen.
{. When it anives at the lower abdomen, feel the freshness, brightness and
relaxation. Breathe normally and repeat 3 to 6 times.
s iir$ s

Daily Practice

Daily practice of finding equilibrium can be done in 10 to 15 minutes. lt will help

your relax and sleep better.

Schedule for Rejuvenating Your Life

Emotions Organs Sound

- Sadness Lungs Cee

+ Courage & Kindness

- Fear Kidneys Wu

+ Politeness

- Anger Liver Cee

+ Compassion

- Conceit & Meanness Heart Haw

+ Cheerfulness & Sincerity

- Worry & Anxiety Spleen Huu

+ Stability & Fair

Entire body Hee

Exercising is importrant to everyone no matter what sex, age, stiatus or shape
and size. Today's life styles generally lack phplcal activities. Exercising is a
way to imprcve your health and to prevent diseases. lt is also a way of rejuve-
nating your phpical and mental health back to normal. Exercising is a way of
imprcving your standard of liMng. This handbook will help lead exercises that
ate beneficialbr your body.

Umpom Nimtngoon
Healfln Promofim Center - Regiut 10
Guidelines for borcising for the General Public

You should exercise or play sporb

* at least three times a week for 15 to 30 minutes
* easily, fun, convenient and voluntary
* by warming lirst and cooling down when done
* step by step when you first strart
* considering your age and sex in order to maximize the benefits

Guidelines for Exercising for PHAs

You should exercise or play sports

a at bast three times a week for 10 to 15 minutes
a that are not too difficult on your body
* that arc easy, fun and convenient such as walking or jogging
* in a place that is open and airy
A that is easy like walking especially if you are very ill

Examples of exercises
Some of the exercises presented here use muscles and will take some time of
consistent exercising before they will strengthen your lungs, heart and cardio'
vascular system. These may indude yoga, power walking, jogging, biking, jumping
rope, s,wimming, aercbic dancing and strair climbing.

-- l\U
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Appropriate Physical Activities for Different Ages

Age Objectives Characteristics of Suggested Notes

(years) Activities Activities

1-10 . to instill good use hand-eye runnrng Be careful that

exercise habits coordination team stretching they still do not
. to understand work lots games have the
teamwork of movement tumbling foresight and
. to improve may also over
coordination exercise

1 1-16 to increase team sport or swimming, to instill assi-

fastness to instill individual football, track duousness and
sportsmanship competition & field, competition and
to emphasize some competitive badminton, respect for rules
specialized skills ness tagrow

1 7-35 to maximize increase difficult challenging a time that the

quality of life skills & must activities body is com-
exercise and pletely strong
compete tully

36-55 to maintain good reduce the intensig swimming be careful of

health give more atten- biking joints and weigl"
to alleviate stress tion to entertain- stretching gain
to rejuvenate the ment value jogging
body exercise consis-
tently and do some
that can be done
in the workplace

55+ to maintain and gently and consis- swimming

rejuvenate the tently exercise biking walking
body stretching

Benefits of Exercising
1. Strengthen your heart, muscles, joints, tendons, and skin.
2. Reduce cholesterol in your blood'
3. Reduce blood Pressure.
4. Reduce stress and imProve sleeP.
5. lmprove the heart and cardiovascular system.
6. Increase confidence and character'
7. Slow down aging.

Pl'lAs ale ade b lead a normal life but you should be care{bl of certain things.
You dror,rld not receive any more of the virus inb the body. PHA are able b
have a sex life but condoms must always be used in oder to prevent more virus
fiom cntcring Op body and b bansmit the virus fiom yout body to olr partnr.
In tre cacc ttat a couple has already both been infec'ted, they can still make

love, lrorevcr, wih a condom. Anoffi€r safer sex dtoice is mastlrbalion.

Panida Radchadamat
ffie of Conmuniaila Disaase @ntol - Region 10
HIV/AIDS is able to live in anyone's body without their knowing for a long time'
Moreover, the virus can be transmifted to others without neither person know-
ing. A PHA is able to receive more virus from someone else when having

unsafe sex or sex without a condom or incorrect use of the condom' Condom
will protect from HlV, other bacteria, yeast, other STDS and pregnancy. To be
safe, you can also masturbate or play sports to get rid of the energy. But in any
case, if you have sex, use a condom to prevent from diseases.

What is a good condom?

a condom that has not expired - look at the expiration date on the package
a condom that is in good packaging with no tears or holes
a condom that has been stored in a dry and cool place with no direct sunlight

Take A Look at How to Use a Condoml

1. Use a condom that is in good condition: no tears in the package.

2. Wait for a full erection.
3. Gently tear open the condom package where there is already a lead corner.
Make your hands are clean before touching the penis and condom.
4. Hold onto the tip of the condom where there are air bubbles, squeeze them

5. Make sure that the hood is not turned inside out.

6. Gently unroll the condom onto the shaft of the penis. Enjoy!
7. After ejaculation, do not leave the penis inside the body. lf the penis soften
quickly, the condom may fall off while pulling out. Pull out immediately but
slowly so that the condom does not come off.
8. Carefully remove the condom off by starting at the base of the penis or use
a piece of tissue to hold onto the condom.
9. Discard the condom in a trashcan, toilet or burn it. Wash the genital area
with soap and water.

Ffirlh Condom

Alhough it i: lrot fuund commonly on the market yet, the female condom is
anoilrer dtoica br safer sex. lt is like a man's @ndom but it is bigger and is
insortod into the vagina. A dng covers the oubide of the vagina b hold it in
place. lt ie also used once and thrcwn away.

Port 6 : Colftq For tmoll lllncrrer

Presently, the AIDS epidemic has spread into districts, sub-district and villages
including the general Thai population and many Thai Hilltribe. The number of
people living with HIV/AIDS (PHA) and AIDS patients is increasing. Govern-
ment and Non-government nursing homes are not enough to support the PHA/
AIDS patients. Thus, PHA and AIDS patients whose illness is not severe enough
to require hospital attention should be cared for by their families.

This handbook is produced for PHAs and their relatives in order to enhance
self-care skills by using essential drugs. These drugs can be found at Health
Centers and Drug funds in the villages.

Sermslrl Siyapai,
Office of Communicable Dlsease Control - Region 10

Carlng for Your Small lllnesses

This portion will help PHA as well as care tiakers to use medicine that is around
the house. These medicines can be found at your health centers and drug funds
in villages. They are easy to use and convenient.

PHAs and caretiakers should be aware of the symptoms found in PHAs. Many of
them are easily treated at home such as dianhea, exhaustion, lost of appetite,
bloating, heartbum, coughs, oral candida and sores, skin rash, and sores on the
skin. They can be treated as follows:

1. Fever

A fever is when the body temperature rises to more than 37.8 C or 100 F. The
feverish peftion usually does not feel very good. Other symptoms include feel-
ing hot, achy, headache, itchy and dryness in the mouth. The caretraker can
help the patient with the following.

* Wipe down the body with a wet cloth using warm, cool or ice water depend-
ing on the needs of the person.
* Give the person a paracetamol pill of 500 milligram to lower the fever and
relief the aches; paracetiamol should be traken when there are symptoms
every four to six hours (one to two pills each). Children ages 6 to 12 years
should take one pill.
{. Liquid fever reducer syrup for children (3 to 6 years old) can also be used
every four to six hours. One teaspoon should be taken each time.

2. Diarrhea

Dianhea occurs when the person has several bowel movements that are more
liquidy than normal. Caretakers can help the person with dianhea by the follow-

* Prepare food that is easily digested and perhaps soft or soupy depending
on the needs of the person.
* Give diarfiea medicine such as Opium-Camphor Tincture For adults, it
should be traken 1 to 2 teaspoon mixed with water.
* Oral rehydration solution (ORS) will help replace the water in the body after
dianhea. lt will also prevent shock in persons who lost water from vomiting
a lot.

The ORS powder 1 sachet should be mixed with a 750 milliliter of cooled boiled
water, which is about the size of a bottle of fish sauce, or whiskey. Keep drinking

the solution especially after diarrhea and vomiting.

How to use: For children 7 years to adults drink two to three boftles a day. For
children 1 to 6 years old drink one bottle in 6 to I hours and continue drinking

until feeling befter. Infants should drink a little at a time alternating with plain
clean water. One boftle should be drunken in 24 hours. Continue drinking ORS
until symptoms are relieved.

1. Those who have kidneys and heart problems should seek advice from phy-
sicians before using ORS.
2. lf the person continues to vomit, sweat a lot, feel cold or lose senses,
immediately take to hosPital.
3. Do not dissolve the ORS in hot water.
4. The solution should not be used after 24 hours. Mix a new batch.

3. Exhaustion from dehydration should also use the same treatment as for

4. Lost of Appetite

Lost of appetite may occur in persons who are feeling sick physically or men-
tally. Not eating enough may cause the body to be deficient in vitamins and
minerals. This may be alleviated by the following:

a Make sure that your mouth and teeth are clean. The smell of bad breath
may increase lost of appetite. By taking multivitamin supplements, the proF
lem can be improved in adults.
* Take one pill per day and do not exceed the dosage and only follow
physician's instructions.

5. Stomach Problems

Some persons may suffer from stomachache, heartbum and ulcers in the stom-
ach. These may be alleviated as follows:

5.1 Sodamint tablets can help alleviate heartbum like symptoms, indigestion
and gas in the stomach. Take 3 to 6 tablets one hour after a meal when
there are symptoms. For children ages 6 to 12 years, take 1 to 3 tablets as

5.2 Stomachic Mixture syrups such as yaa that nam daeng can be used for
stomach problems such as bloating and sharp pains from excess acid in the
stomach. Shake the bottle thoroughly and take before meals three times a
day. Adults should trake 1 to 2 tablespoons each time.

5.3 Milk of magnesia can help relief stomach problems caused from acid and
ulcers in the stomach. Shake the bot0e thoroughly and take half and hour
before meal, two hours after a meal or when symptoms arise. Adults should
take 1 tablespoon. Children 6 to 12 years of age should take half a table.
spoon. Children 3 to 6 years should take 1 to 2 teaspoons.
6. Ghromlc Coughs

The following can alleviate chronic coughs:

6.1 Stop smoking cigarettes.
6.2 Drink a lot of water to moisten the throat and get rid of phlegm.
6.3 Use cough syrup to stop the cough and get rid of phlegm.

Brown Mixture

Shake the bottle thoroughly. Take 3 to 4 times and day. Adults should take 1 to
2 teaspoons. Children ages 6 to 12 years should take 1 teaspoon.

Hucolytic Hixtun

Shake the boftle well. Take 3 to 4 times a day. Aduhs should use 1 to 2 tea-
spoons each.

Ghildren's Gongh Syrup

Children should take 3 to 4 times a day. Chibren 6 to 12 years of age should

take 2 teaspoon each. Children 3 to 6 years should take 1 teaspoon.

7. Oral candidiasis or sores in the mouth

Discomfort caused from oral candida or yeast infection and sores in the mouth
can be alleviated by

* Using cofton balls dipped in cooled boiled water, wipe down the mouth
* Mix a bit of salt in water and rinse out the mouth often
* Drink a lot of water and do not eat food that have strong tastes or very
spicy. This includes fruit and vegetable.

* Using gentialviolet wipe down the sores and oralcandida. Dip cotton balls
into the liquid and wipe the area 2 to 3 times a day. This is only use for
sores in the mouth.

8. Skin Rashes

Rashes and sores on the skin should not be scratched or picked.

* Always keep your nails clipped.
* Keep your body clean.
* Some medicine may help to alleviate the itching

Calamine Lotion

* Shake the boftle and use the lotion only on needed extemal areas. Do not
drink the lotion.

Chlorpheniramine Tablets

Adults take 1 to 2 tablets each. Children ages 6 to 12 years should take 1 tablet.
1. Do not use the medicine more than 7 to 10 days.
2. This medication may cause drowsiness. Do not drive any vehicles or
operate any machinery.

Note : lf symptoms continue to persist after self-treatment, immediately go to a

physician or health personnel. For example, if fever continues to persist
after two to three days of taking medicine, seek professional medical
advice immediately.

Port 7 : f, llcw Solte : Rctolnlng to Trodltlonol ]ledldnc

The old ways may be thought of as obsolete or ancient. However, if something

always has been useful even if we have forgotten some of it, it should be
brought back. Traditional medicine in Thailand has an important role in society.
It is a choice that can be applied to modern situations. Herbal medicine is not
only an option for holistic treatment but many other choices in traditional medi-
cine are conceptually holistic. These holistic choices are discussed in the follow-
ing section.

N o rt h e m Re s i o n ::::,2 : : : :: :"; a i r ra ditio n a t M e d ic in e

""" ^
Herbs are not the onlY oPtion...

Traditional medicine is characteristically based on holistic concept. lt is an op-

tion for treating diseases as well as an option for holistic way of life for those
with HlV.


* Grow and eat locally found vegetables without chemicals and insecticides.
This may help with allergies and dangerous consumption of chemicals.
* Choose food that wilt help balance your body elements
* Chose food that will clean out toxins in your system
* Choose foods that will help build up your immunity
* Avoid food that will initate and bring on undesirable symptoms or side

Herbal Medicine

a Help build up immunity

* Use to treat basic opportunistic diseases
* Prevent the disease from worsening

Gentle Exercises

Use different pressure points and to improve the musculature and nervous sys-
tern. Exercises will help improve your health.

Maintaining the Body Naturally

* Use herbal saunas, swimming, and massage and place on the body with
some pressure using a warm cloth ball.
* Rest and spend time with nature and a healthy environment

Meditation & Making Merit

* Meditation and making merits such a praying, going to the temple and
helping the needy can help to improve your mental health and to help
understand life better.
* In some cases, these activities can help to improve the immune system.

Treating the opportunistic infections is important; however, the most important

issues are to maintiain your health, to prevent opportunistic diseases and to
build up your self-esteem.

Different Stages of HIV4AIDS

Many factors influence HIV/AIDS in the body. These may include the
virus/viral load, toxins, bad food, emotions, stress, mental health, and personal
behavior. They may hasten the stages of HIV/AIDS. lf you are able to control
these factors, you will be able to live a healthy and happy life.

The Importance of Food

Some PHAs start to lose weight from malnutrition and lost of appetite.
Others may also have oral infections, diarrhea, bloating, nausea, vomiting, stress
and insomnia. All these symptoms will end in weight loss and the person's
immune system will be jeopardized. PHAs tend to have a deficiency in protein,
vitamins C and E, betacarotene and antioxidants. This will lead to further lower
the immune system and increase the risks for opportunistic diseases.

Food can be used as drugs as they have medicinal values. Food can
be eaten often which is better than taking strong doses every once in a while
and causing bad side effects. Examples of medicinal foods are indian goose-
berry, bitter melon, garlic, onion, eggplant, broccoli, cucumber and sesame seed.
Use food to maintain your health. Eat brown (unbleached) rice, beans,

nuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and soybeans. You should also eat local
vegetables and fresh fiuit. The water that your drink should be clean. You may
also drink fruit juie and herbal teas such as ginger tea, orange juice, lemonade,
saffron tea, and soymilk. Protein will help maintain your body's strength. These
include eggs, fish, pork, chicken, beans and nuts. Vegetables from the ground
should be cleaned: potatoes, canots, onions, and cabbage.

Avoid Food Allergies

You should avoid food that will cause allergies even though they may
not occur every time. Side effects may follow after the food was eaten. These
side effects and allergies may be caused from chemicals used as preservatives.
Drinks and food that were fermented may also have alcohol as well as preser-
vatives. Meat from beef and buffalo, fruit that are sweet and increase body
temperature "hof such as durian and longans should not be eaten. Do not eat
certrain "cold" fruit such as watermelon and coconut water while you have a
fever. This includes coconuts that have been smoked and chilled coconut water
that have been sitting around. In any case, this topic must be explored further.
Even among people who are not ill, there are allergies from "unbalanced ele-
ments"'in the body. eat new food, make sure you observe your
body's reaction. Commonly, people make mistakes about their allergies and
random incidents so you must observe your own food reactions.

You should be careful of chemicals left over in food such as preserva-

tives, coloring, whiteners in sugar, frying oil that have been used for several
times for different food. There are also left over weed killers and fertilizers in

food. Alcoholic drinks, beers, homemade alcohol and energy drinks are also
mixed with dangerous chemicals.

There are many natural foods that may be used as detoxificating agents.
They can be used to clean out your system of toxins. These include white
cabbage, carrots, seaweed, mungbeans, soybeans, bananas, tomatoes, pa-
paya, pumpkins, cucumbers, apples, oranges, limes, onions, garlic, mushrooms
and other fresh green leafy vegetables. They should be washed well and used
in preparing dishes or blended into a drink.

HerbalMedicine & PHAs

Many studies have been done in the past several years looking at
traditional herbal medicine and its effect on HlV. Thai traditional medicine fo-
cuses on "finding an equilibrium" or a balancing point between the four ele-
ments in the body: earth, water, wind and fire. lt does not focus on bacteria or
killing viruses but emphasizes finding equilibrium and maintaining good health.
Traditional healers who are trained in this area and are able to prescribe tradi-
tional medicine must have a professional license.

Common Traditional Medicine

The following sample list is a comprised of traditional herbal medicine
that have been approved by the Ministry of Public Health to be used as medi-
cine. There are a total of 28 but a few examples are listed below.
1. fever medicine: yaa chan tha lee laa and yaa tree hom
2. dianhea medicine: yaa that ban job
3. coughing/phlegmi yaa pra sa ma wang
4. vertigo/faintingi yaa hom na wa goat
5. bfoating: yaa pra sa kra phrao
Herbal Medicine for Specific Symptoms
1. fever: faa tha lai joan and bo ra phet (Tinospora cordifolia)
2. herpes: salaed phung phon tua mea
3. dianhea: Banana, Pomegranate, Guava, Mangosteen and faa tha lai joan
4. coughing: ma wang ton, ma wang khua, Ginger, Lime and dee plee
5. bfoating: ka min chan, ya haew muu, Chinese Key, Galangal
6. candiditis: gadic, galangal, chum hed thed and thong phun chung
7. infected skin cuts: Aloe Vera and Tumeric
8. insomnia: bai kee /ek, Lotus Flower and Onion
9. mesquito repellant Citronella Grass (rubbed on the skin)

Herbs for Building the lmmune Sysfem

As mentioned earlier food and herbs have a great role in maintaining

the immune system of a sick person. Food with a high amount of vitamins C and
E, betacarotene and protein are especially important. As for herbal remedies,
there are single herbs and herbs that are used in combination. These are found

The Five Herbal Gombination

These consist of ma ra kee nok, faa tha lai joan, luk tai bai, salaed phung
phon and bo n phed. Each of these herbs individually is good for building up the system. However, if they are used together for PHAs, they will be
especially beneficial for the immune system. Take about the same amount of
each herb, dry them in the sun and bake them in the oven to prevent fungus
growing on them. Take the entire amount and ground them finely. Fill them up
in capsules or roll them into a ball. Take two to three after a meal three times a

day. From experience at the Themg Hospital in Chiang Rai, other herbs have
been added. This trial includes rck koe, bua bok, lun thom, baigang pla khao -
daeng, nam nom ratcha see and buab kom.

Herbs to Promote a HealthY BodY

Some traditional healers dry one handful ol faa tha laiioan, one handful
of mara khi nok, one handful ol thong phan chang, one handful of salaed phung
phon tua mea and five bai ma foom leaves. Take the dry leaves and boil them in
two liters of water. Drink the mixture throughout the day instead of bottle water.
lf you have diarrhea, add guava leaves, a bit of salt and one teaspoon of honey.

In addition, some healers suggest chewing on two cloves of garlic regulafly to

prevent oral candiditis.

Other Interesting Recipe

Many of the PHAs support groups use six different herbs: faa tha lai
joan, bo ra phet, thao ma ra kee nok, kee lek baan, sa dao tua phuu (use both the

shelf and leaves) and sa kam din (use the root from underground). For those
who are not used to the bitter taste, it may cause some dizziness.

Note : These medicinal recipes will help improve the immune system against
candiditis but they must be taken for at least two months to see the


Herbs and Food

Some herbs may be taken regulady to help the immune system of
PHAs. Some of these herbs are ma ra kee nok, pha ka, indian gooseberry, bua
bok, thao sa kam, ma rum, ma ra cheen, bo ra phet, nga mon, Basil, buab khom,
luk tai bai, kee lek, sa dao and various beans.
Herbs for Opportunistic Diseases and Other Symptoms


One of the many opportunistic diseases that take advantage of PHAs is

oral candiasis. This shows up as a white coating on the tongue and the roof of
the mouth. This may be treated by the following.

1. Raw Banana: The small bananas found in Thailand can be used to help
oral candiasis. Slice three raw bananas with the peel and cook slowly in
three parts water until only about one part is left. Use the banana water to
rinse the mouth regularly. Avoid eating oily foods and those that taste sweet
and hot.
2. Garlic: Chew two to three heads of garlic a day. This will leave your mouth
a bit hot of the spiciness. As the infection improves, use less garlic until it is
completely gone. After that chew only two to three cloves daily. lf you find
the garlic too spicy, pound the garlic first, then soak them in half a glass of
water for ten minutes. Use the water to rinse your mouth.
3. Chum hed thef : Boil one handful of the leaves in half a liter of water. Add
half a teaspoon of salt and use the mixture to rinse your mouth throughout
the day. Do not keep the mixture over night. Make a new batch daily.
4. Guava Leaves: The experience from New Life Friends Center and other
researchers show that chewing on guava leaves or rinsing the mouth with
the essence from the leaves will help prevent and cure oral candiasis.
5. Fermented Drinks (Yaa Dong Lao): PHAs may use these to rinse their mouths
but they should not drink them. Some of the rinse may leave a sting in the

Galangal: Chop the galangal root and ferment in alcohol for seven days.
Use one tablespoon of the product mix with one tablespoon of water and a
little salt. Use moming and night to rinse for about five minutes.

Chinese Key or Pomegranate: Chop the Chinese Key or the skin of a Pome-
granate and ferment for seven days. Use like the galangal mix above.
Many other fermented herbal drinks are being tested. Some PHAs outside
of Thailand has found that yogurt and yogurt drinks with bacillus are also
helpful in healing candiasis.

Oral Sores

PHAs find sores in on their tongues, throats and gums. This leads to
problems such as indigestion and constipation because the person may eat
less or find it difficult to sleep. Thai and Chinese medicine used for sores are
usually bifter and cool.

1. Bitter foods: There are many vegetables discussed earlier that will help heal
oral sores such as ma la cheen or ma la kee nok. For herbal medicine, you
may also use faa ta lai joan. Other drinks made from Chrysanthemum, bai
bua bok, and chao guy. Make sure that the drinks are clean.
2. Eight Herbs Mixture: Some hospitals in Chiang Rai use a mixture of eight
mixtures: ma toom, thong phan chung, pha ya yo, yaa dok khao, ma ra kee
nok, faa tha laijoan, luk tai bai, and bo ra phet. Take the mixture and put
them into capsules. Take two capsules three times a day after a meal. After
two to three days, symptoms will improve and there will be an increase in
3. Sores in the Mouth: For sores that are dry or dryness at the corners of the
mouth, use the sap from a la mud fruit on the sore. Others use the inside
jelly like part of aloe vera placed on the sore and change it often. You may
afso use sa led phung phon in glycerine which will not sting as much. As for
mixing with tincture it should not be use in the mouth because it will be very
Loss of Appetite

The loss of appetite is found often in PHAs. lt will lead to weight lost
and malnutrition. lt is important to keep eating to prevent the immune system
from weakening. lf you find yourself losing your appetite, try one of the following.

1. Handicapped Appetite: This means that the person cannot keep down food
or can only eat a little. Usually the person is feverish and exhausted. Take
dried bo ra phet, ground it up and add to honey. Roll into sticks about the
size of fingers. Take one stick before meal three times a day.
2. Fever & Vomiting: Use the entire plant ol ma ra kee nok. Dry and ground it
fine to powder. Use honey to blend with the powder and roll into small balls.
Take two to three balls, three times a day before a meal. lf there is a fever,
add faa tha laijoan.
3. Lost of Appetite, Constipation & Bloating: Use equal amounts of bo ra phet,
white pepper and honey. You will be able to keep this remedy longer if you
take the mixture, dry it in the sun and steam it.
4. Lost of Appetite, Bland Foods & Bloating: Use one plant of ma ra kee nok
and one head of tumeric. Pound them together and boil in water. Drink after
meals. This remedy is from New Life Friends (Puen Chewit Mai) Center.
5. Bfoating & Vomiting: Use the roots of thao yai mom, lhe vines of sa khan
and the roots of ma dua chum phon. Rub an equal amount of each together
in water. This mixture will help lessen vomiting and push out bad winds.
This remedy is from Somjai Ruenkaew.
6. Lost of Appetite: Dry seven hundred grams of ngeng pla moa and two
hundred grams of white pepper. Ground the dried ingredients together, roll
into balls and dipped into honey. Take one pill before meals.
7. Herbaf Foods: Foods that taste bifter usually have medicinal quality. Ma ra
kee nok, sa dao, kee lek and phe ka may help improve appetite.

Itchy Rash
Many PHAs suffer ftom itchy rashes or bumps of their skin. This may be
caused from fungal infections or allergies to different medicine, food, chemicals
and insect bites.

Recommended Treatments:
1 . Itchy skin bumps that may scratch and tumed into wound: For one week, use
the shell of a mangosteen (dry or fresh) to apply on the itchy bumps. Some
people like using boiled pomegranate shells. Others like using a tumeric
and water mixture instead.
2. Itchy rashes from allergies.' Use the liquid from a pounded young tumeric
head on the rash twice a day or mix and use in bath water. Others like using

fresh piper betel leaves pounded with Thai moonshine and rubbed onto the

3. ltchy bumps and rashes: Use the vines from a tam leung plant (Melothia
heterophylla) mix with some moonshine and rub all over two to three times
a oay.
4. General itchy rashes: Use the jelly from aloe vera alone or mix with moon-
shine then rub on the body. Some people use pounded saled phang phon
tua mea or a mixture of pounded galangal with moonshine to apply on the
itchy areas.
5. Clear & infected sores/Herpes; Use the juice from pounded fresh yaa dok
khao to apply on the infected areas. You may also use one handful of dried
plants boiled in 20 liters of water to bathe. Use two days in a row. lf the
sores are really bad, bathe up to 15 days.
6. ltchy blisters: This is particularly for those sores that come up when garden-
ing or using farmyard manure. Bathe in warm mineral water that contains
sulfate. Try to mix with regular water and soak in it.

7. AbscessevBoi/s: Dry seven hundred grams of ngeng pla moa and two hun-
dred grams of white pepper. Ground them together, mix with honey and roll
into little balls and dip in honey. Take one before each meal together with
the mixture of the Five Herbal Combination.
8. sesame oit combination: Take the juice from a head of phai (cassumunar
Ginger) mix with an equal part of sesame oil. simmer the herbs until the
mixture becomes thick. some people add sulfate. Add about 1 part bees-
wax to 3 parts of the mixture. lf it is too thick, add more sesame oil. Apply
the lotion on the sores and rash. lt will help with infections and heal the rash.
9. A Remedy from a chiang Rai Healer: Use one hand full of the following
herbs boiled in 20 liters of water: bai sa dao, ma ra kee nok, bai sa pao lom,
baiphak pam, baisom poi, yod kee lek, and yod ma kham. Dnnk one glass-
ful before bathing in the rest of the water' (Some hospitals add bai gluey
teeb with the mixture.
10. Ben ja tok wi chien or yaa ha rak Recipe: Ground up the roots ol ching chee,
thao yai mom, khon taa, ma dua chum phon and yaa nang. Mix with bomeol
(Pogostemon Patchouti), menthol and chalk. Use like talcum powder. lf
using as a drink, do not add the last three ingredients and mix one tea'
spoon with one warm glass of water.

One can observe in any meeting with PHAs that there are many differ-
ent types of coughs and they are caused from different reasons. There are
coughs from dust allergies, colds, bronchitis pneumonia and tuberculosis. The
latter three of course should be seen by physicians. Those who have coughs
should drink a lot of warm water and try to drink and eat foods with sour flavor
and hot foods. You should avoid cold drinks and food that are fried, crunchy and
sweet. Also stay in areas that have good ventilation and avoid areas that are
congested with many people.

Recommended Treatment

1. Dry Coughs/Cold Coughs: This type of cough usually appears when the
weather is cool. There may also be a runny nose associated with the cough.
Roast a whole lemon grass stalk for a little bit and then boil in slightly salted
water. As a substitute for water, drink the lemon grass water warm for three
to four days. You may also dab a bit of sesame oil inside the throat before
the bedtime during the cold weather.
2. Cough with Phlegm/ltchyThroat: Chew luk ma wang ton and use the cooked
fruit as a cough drop. They may also be found prepared as cough drops by
the Pharmaceutical Organization.
3. Cough with Phlegm/ltchy Throat: Another herbal remedy for this is ginger.
Boil some ginger with a liftle sugar and drink warm. Some people use

squeeze a liftle lime and add some salt to pounded ginger and suck on the
root as a cough drop three to four times a day.
4. Cough with Phlegm: Sa mo thaiis also good for this condition. Chew on it or
dry it in the sun. When it is a little dry, sprinkle a little salt and powder
licorice on it and chew. Others also chew on indian gooseberry to get rid of
the cough and add an additional vitamin C to your diet.
5. Dry Cough/Laryngitis: Lime is good for this condition. Sip a little of limejuice.

You can add some honey to the limejuice or soak pieces of cut lime in water
and chew on them
6. Asthmatic Cough with Phlegm: Mix one teaspoon of grounded dried leaves
from fon ha nu man pra san kai with one glass of hot water. Drink three
times a day. lf you have any heart conditions or are taking bronchial dilator
inhalers for asthma, do not use this remedy. Be careful not to drink more
than the recommended dosage. Some may use fresh leaves. Boil about
five to ten branches (about seven leaves per branch) to seven to ten glasses
of water. Drink throughout the day.
Herpes Simplex and Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

Other opportunistic infections that usually appear in PHAs while the

immune system is weaken are herpes simplex or herpes zoster (shingles). Her-
pes simplex are small sores that appear around the mouth or genital areas.
Herpes zoster, also known as shingles, appear around the waist. They usually
appear as clear clutters of infected sores and are a bit painful because of the
tingly buming sensation.

1. Saled phung phon tua mea: Pound the clean leaves of the plant and use
the liquid to apply to the infection twice a day. Do not use the leaves to
cover the sores. You may also use the manufactured version calamine or
2. Wan la /ok This is another herb that can be used. lt is as effective as
option 1 above. Use the same method as above. Crme and glycerin mixture
are also available.
3. Ma ra, nam tao and wan ma ha khan: Pound the leaves from these three
plants and mix with moonshine. Apply on infected areas.
4. Bai mai ya rab: Same preparation as number 3 above.

5. Aloe vera: Use the clear jelly of an aloe vera leave. Remove the yellow sap.
Cut small pieces and apply to infected areas. Change every couple of hours.
This will help heal the sores faster and lessen the pain.


Dianhea can be caused from many different sour@s: food allergy, food
poisoning or normal germs in the body acting up because of the weak immune
system. The results of dianhea can be harmful if it goes on for too long. The
most important detail to remember is to keep hydrated. Use oral rehydration
therapy solution mix with clean water to replace the water and minerals lost
ftom the dianhea. lf the person begins to show signs such as dry mouth, hollow-

ing around the eyes, the skin becomes loose, the pulse slows down and the
blood pressure gets really low, immediately take the person to the hospital or
the health center. For others who have diarrhea that is not severe but it comes
and goes, you may lose some weight. You have to choose your food more
carefully than those who do not have HIV and make sure that the food is fresh
and clean. Avoid eating food that are not cooked well done, contain preserva-
tives and fermented. Eat food that is fresh and naturally grown without chemi-
cals and insecticide.

1 . Light dianhea: You may have two to three bowel movements that are liquidy
but you do not have a fever. Chew on three to four young guava leaves or
cook slowly in water and drink the cool water three times a day. This will
hefp to sfow down the digestion process. lf there is a fever, add faa tha lai
joan to the drink.
2. Chronic diarrhea: Use one handful of grown guava leaves by first cutting
both ends of the leaves off. Soak them in water for five hours and drink the
water or chew the raw ones.
3. Dianhea in children more than one-year old: Use one handful of young per-
manganate leaves. Cut both ends of the leaves and soak them in water for
one hour. Drink the water. You may also use young guava leaves.
4. Dianhea with gas: This condition may be accompanied by vomiting saliva,
chest pain, and dizziness. Rub the kha ta daeng with limewater for drinking.
5. Dianhea from food poisoning: Allow the body to excrete the diarrhea then
follow with ORS solution. lf possible take unripe bananas. Otherwise cut the

banana in small pieces and ground into powder. Shape into little balls with
honey. Take as much as necessary for the symptoms.
6. lf there are no bacteria involved in the diarrhea, drink strong Chinese tea
instead of water.
7. Dry mangosteen peels for one day in the sun. Use it as a filter for water and
drink instead of water.

8. Gride si sead (cutch or Acacia catechu\ about the size of a pinky finger with
water. Drink this instead of plain water.
9. Chew on ftesh tamarind seed throughout the day. Soak 10 to 20 raw pea-
nuts in water and chew them in one day'
10. Over the counter medicine that is made of traditional medicine is yaa that
bun helps to digest food and alleviate gas bloating. In the case of
dianhea, take it with some bark of khae (Bignoniaceae) or pomegranate. lf

the diarrhea persists, try adding pra sa kan phlu one teaspoon three times a
day before a meal.


Fevers may accompany other opportunistic disease' Sometime high

fevers lasts for several days. Others have persistent low fevers. Headaches and
vomiting may come with the fevers. There are several traditional ways to allevi-
ate fevers.

1. Chronic fevers with dianhea or headaches: Drink the liquid from boiling one
to two branches of faa tha laijoan. You may also dry the leaves and ground
them. Make them into pills and take six to seven three times a day after a
meaf . Take them until the fever subsides. After taking faa tha laiioan you
may notice your feet and hands being cold because of the cool quality of
the medicine. For those who have heart conditions, you should know that
faa tha laijoan has high potassium. Other than that, there are hardly any
side effects associated with using faa tha laiioan.
2. Fevers with no headaches: Boil one handful of yaa dok khao or moa noy
(fresh or dried) in water. Drink throughout the day for two to three days. Yaa

dok khao is good for those who are quitting smoking. After drinking this tea
and going back to smoking, the person will think that they cigarettes smells
bad and eventually will quit from the smell. PHAs, in particular, should stop
smoking for your health.

3. Ben ja lok wi chien: This traditional medicine remedy will heal fevers, head-
aches and pains. lt will remove poison from the body that is caused by
foods. lt may also help with sores appearing on the skin. This recipe con-
sists of five ingredients: chrng chee, thao yai mom, khon taa, ma dua chum
phon and yaa nang. During the dry season, use the roots but during the
rainy season use plant or shell. Boil slowly in three parts water. Drink one
glass four times a day before meals and before bedtime. Another alterna-
tive is to dry and ground the herbs and mix one to two teaspoons with one
glass of water. This formula is good for itchy rashes when add chalk, patchouli

and menthol and apply to the infected areas.

4. Over the @unter traditional medicine such as yaa jan ta lee la (a combina-
tion of four parts each of kot so, kot khe ma, kot ju la lum pha, jan thet, jan
daeng, luk kra dom, bo ra phet, pla lai phuek and one part pathchouli) will
help reduce headaches, fever and colds for all seasons. Take half to one
teaspoon of the mixture.


Headaches usually occur with fevers. Other times it may accompany

stress, emotional anxiety, exhaustion, sinusitis, migraines, and eye problems.
Headaches may be symptomatic of opportunistic diseases in the brain. Head-
aches such as these are ac@mpanies by vomiting and neck pains from the
stress in the neck muscles. These should be treated immediately by a physi-
cian. However, for headaches that are not extreme, traditional medicine may be
able to alleviate the pain.

1. General headaches: Pound together one handful of cabbage roots, one

handful of long grain rice. Mix in warm water and pat down on the temples.
Change every so often for about three days.
2. Headache with fever. Mix together 3 to 4 leaves of bai mee, 3 pieces of
ginger, one handful of leb khrug, 2 pinches of thien dam, one handful of
long grain rice. Follow directions for number 1 above.
Severe headache,feverand shock Use the leaves ftom the top ofthe tree
phlu ra hong dok daeng to pound and pat on the temples. This will immedi-
ately lower the fever.
4. Headaches caused from accidents or banged heads: Pound 2 to 3 handfuls
of old galangal and add little Camphor. Divide into two portions and put into
a thin cloth. Steam the cloth balls with hot steam then place on the areas
that are in pain. Follow by pufting the balls on the sole of the feet, which will
help bring the winds back into balance according to Thai traditional medi-


It is quite ofien that a PHA might worry about his or her problems that
insomnia becomes a pattem. This will effect the body's immune system as well
as its emotional health, appetite and energy level. By using medicine to calm
down the nervous system will lead to drug addiction. There are herbal medi-
cines that are easy to use.

1. Khee lek In general, kee lek is a good herb for PHAs because it is high in
vitamins A and C. lt will help increase appetite and improve digestion as
well as help with insomnia. lt does not directly put the user to sleep but
rather relaxes the body. Boil about 50 grams ol khee /ek with water and
drink it before sleep.
2. Lofus: Mix one pinch of the pollen in one glass of warm water. Drinking this
will help strengthen the heart and the nervous system thus encouraging
good rest and sleep. You may also use the leaves from three flowers boil
with three glasses of water. Boil down to one glass and drink on after dinner
is digested before going to sleep.
3. Onion: Make an onion soup (gaeng jeed) and eat it during dinner. This will
help with insomnia.

This chapter is adapted frcm a brochure for those interested in meditra-
fon. People who pnactice meditiation live a long and happy life because their
mind become more peaceful, clean and removed b a high place. The folloring
pages are easy to follow guidelines for those beginning to meditate.
With this great philanthropic opportunity for myself and the publisher of
this document and the wholesome action of the reader to be able to pnactice
gentriffing you spirit. The basis for meditiation will lead the person's heart to a
place that is clean, bright and peaceful and it will also bring happiness.

Rakhop Sutthajit
Chiang Mai Rajabhat lnstiMe
Things that one should know beforo beginning to meditate

It is important to know that it is not difficult to leam to meditate. lnitially

the sfudent should practice under the guidance of a leader for about one hour a
day for two to four days a week. Everyone has different capability to leam
techniques to meditate and will tiake some time to leam. In everyday life, we
know how to concentrate on our work and we will develop techniques to con-
centrate on meditation. The following section may help to answer some ques-
tions regarding leaming to meditate.

Question 1 - \A/hat are the characteristics of those who meditrate?

Answer 1 - When we are physically ill, we go to the hospital and to the

doctor to find treatment. When we practice meditation it is similar but it is also

more delicate. By being able to control you mind, you can also heal your physi-
cal condition. Therefore, those who should meditate have these characteristics.

1.1 high stress ftom work even ff the work is for good causes
1.2 a weak heart, like to spoil others and feel sorry for others
1.3 anxious, wonisome, annoyed, and think too much. These people worry
about many things at once. They are not carefree and happy.
1.4 constantly worrying about the past and the future
1.5 find it difiicult to make decisions and always deliberating
1.6 a disease that cannot be treated especially mental illnesses.
1.7 difficult to go to sleep
1.8 pessimistic, think that life is difficult and do not want to socialize with
1.9 looking for the truth. Those who meditate will find that it is a way of
realizing justice and truth within oneself without having to depend on
1.10 forgetful, easily angered, suspicious, hateful of work, fearful, lonely or

1.11 snobby, righteous, show ofi anogant, haughty, and jealous. Those who
like to brag, gossip about others and talk about other people's business.
't.'t2 sleep during the day and at night or like to stay up late and sleep in late

1.13 extravagant, spend more money than they have and

1.14 stingy and like to blame others
1.15 overly happy when getting what they want

1.16 overly sad when not getting what they want

't.17 like to drink, smoke cigareftes and other addictive drugs
1.18 have a lot of work no mafter what their positions are. Those who have
many work related problems willfeel their burden less or not at all after
practicing meditation
1.19 feelthat the world is not fair at all
1.20 school work is failing

Question2 - What are these easy steps for meditation?

Answer 2 - The words for "practice the heart" in Buddhism means method-
ology or basis. lt literally means that meditation uses the heart as the basis for
being aware of oneself or to observe that the reaction to "practice the heart" is
the truth. After repeating this many times, the sacredness or the power of the
mind and heart will occur.

Steps to Meditation
Before starting to mediate, you should pray. Look at the following pages
for appropriate prayers. The following are suggested steps for meditation. You
can follow them or just use them loosely as guidelines.

2.1 Sit comfortably on the floor or in a chair so that you can sit there for a long
time. Your back should be straight. lt should not be supported by anything
else. lf comfortable, you can put your calves on top of each other and put
your right hand on top of your left hand with the thumbs touching.
2.2 Keep your eyes gently close.
2.3 Be aware of your sitting position and your eyes being closed. Concentrate

a liftle bit but relax your body so that it is not too stifi. Repeat this about
three to four times for about two to three minutes. When you are aware of
your sifting, bring the awareness to your head all the way to your feet'
When you are aware of your sleepiness, bring the awareness to your
2.4 Change to concentrate on your breathing. Think of "one" when you inhale
and think "two" when you exhale. Do it comfortable without forcing and
pushing yourself too hard. Don't worry about not understianding or accom-
plishing the results. The methods will bring results not yourself.
2.5 Observe the deep breathing in and out. Exhale slowly and think of one
and two as you do it. At first you will notice that the breathing is heavy and
fast but it will slow down to gentle and quiet breathing. You will also notice
that after you are done meditating, everything you do will be less heavy
because your mind is calm and cool. Whatever you do will be gentle and
2.6 Concentrate on breathing deeply and release long slow deep breaths.
Count the one and two like above. Repeat for a while. Observe yourself
and will see that you will become more at ease, willing to tiake risks, have
more fun, be more fair and firm.
2.7 Sometime you may reach a stage that you will not hear the breathing and
the counting but you are aware of your being. This means that you have
reached an empty stage. You will not be unhappy in bad situations and
you will not be happy in good situations. You should practice to reach this
empty stage. ln this strage, you may experience two scenarios may occur:
Mentally, you may strart to worry, feel uncomfortable, get sleepy, annoyed

and many other negative feelings. Physically, you may also feel unoom-
fortable feelings. But be aware that you are the one that is controlling the

situation. lf you feel that you do not like the feeling then come back to
something more comfortable. Whatever you are feeling, concentrate on
that feeling three to five times and breath in and out following the count-
ing. For example, if you have a pain, think of that pain and breath one -
two and do not confuse the feeling of the pain as a part of you. Do not
think of a pain or a condition that is not there and do not think too much
and follow the pain. Be aware of it and observe it but do not let it over-
come you.
2.8 When you have completed this for at least 15 minutes, come out of the
meditation by gently tuming your head to the left, right, down and concen-
trating on the motion. Do it three to five times. Move your hands, feet and
body and then gently open your eyes.
2.9 After opening your eyes, if you think that there are still feelings left over
that are not complete, close your eyes again. Concentrate on that feeling
four to five times or more until that feeling to go away then open your
eyes. You willfeel refreshed and happy.
210 In order to be complete in meditation, you should have pity on others.
Whatever you have that is complete, share it with others. Use your merit
to pay for other's karma and use it to pay for your own karma.

Question 3- What other steps to this basis of practice will help to improve
meditation and create a good life?
Answer 3 - The following steps will help to improve meditation.

3.1 You must understand that each person will work at their own pace. Some
will take flve to seven days whila others will take only a few days.
3.2 The first sessions should be done with a leader or an expert for two to
four days.
3,3 You should follow the directions of the master until he or she allows you
to teach others.
3.4 You must practice regularly in the moming or in the evening before a
meal. lt can also be practiced before bed time or after waking up. Each
session should be about 10 to 20 minutes. You can also practice with
your eyes open and whatever position you are in. Use that position to
concentrate. You may also concentrate only on counting the breathing.
Try to meet with a master once a month.
3.5 An opportunity to practice with others will help progress much faster.
3.6 Do not be sure that you way of practicing is the best because in standing
by your method, you will become close minded and slow down progress.
3.7 Socializing with other good people or those who have the same life style
will help to progress faster.
3.8 Believe that these qualities are equally within you and others: cleanliness,
peacefulness, enlightenment of your mind.
3.9 Those who practice will face obstacles coming from your physical condi-
tion, mental state and fate. lf you believe that these obstacles are caused
from your own karma and continue to practice, you will progress.
3.10 Do not think about the words of others who do not believe in meditation.
3.11 Obstacles are the tempter or Obstructor of Merit. Knowing this information
will help progress.
3.12' You must remembqr the progress in practicing meditation which will mo-
tivate you to continue.
3.13 ln practicing meditration you will notice the changes in your mental and
physical state and your fate. Good and bad things will happen. The more
they happen, the more you will repay back your old karma. You should
consult others who practice or your master.
3.14 Every time you come out of meditation, you should have pity on others
and oneself.
3.15 Meditation is observing oneself. Therefore trake interest in analyzing situ-
ations ftom your own weakness more than at others'. lf someone curses

you, you get angry. You must be aware immediately that your mind is
angry. Know that your not happy, your heart is angry and weak' lt is

lamed and broken. we have to fix our own heart by concentrating on "this
is anger, the heart is angry, I am not angry"'When your mind under-
stands this and knows this (the just), the anger (the unjust) will dissipate.
It will be clear to you that many things happen because of our heart. we
proceed in the midst of our own heart and if you want it to cease, it has to
stop in this heart.


namoo tasa phakhawatoo arahatoo sammaa samphutthasa

namoo tasa phakhawatoo arahatoo sammaa samphufthasa
namoo tasa phakhawatoo arahatoo sammaa samphutthasa

itipisoo phakhawaa arahung sammaasamphuto

wichaacharanasampunnoo sukato lokhawitho
anuftaro purisathammasaarati safthaathaywama
nusanung PhutoPhakhawaati

sawakkh ato ph akhawath ath am mo sa nth itiko

akaligo aehipatsikoo oopanayiko patchathang
waythituPPho winYuh iti

suphatipunnoo phakhawato sawakasungkho

uchupatipannoo phakhawato sawakasangkho
yaayapatipannoo phakhawatoo sawakasangkho
saameejipatipanno phakhawato sawakasangkho

yathith ung jatth ari pu isayu kaani atta pu risapukkalaa

aesa phakawatoo sawakasangkho

ahunaeyo pahunaeyo takkinaeyo anchaleekaraneeyo
anutarang punyakhaeftung lokasaati

Prayers before Meditation

I am pleased to be involved in meditation. lt is a beautiful and good.

The Lord Buddha said that whoever is observant of his/her body and his/her
mind is a person who is happy and healthy. This is true in real life. These are
people who are intelligent and have completely given themselves to religion.
In this occasion, I would like to invite the spirits of the Triple Gem, my
father, my mother, my teachers and all the merits I have accumulated to help
ease, support and progress my mind and spirit. For this time and every time

Lasfly, when I open my eyes and continue my work in society, I wish

that the charity I have created will become powerful to overcome the obstracles
and immoral things.

Prayer for Spreading Merit to Others Anywhere after Finishing Meditation

lwish to take allthe good things and the merit I have created in the past
and in the present to be sent to my father, mother, grandparents, teachers,
relatives, friends, ghosts, fairies and anyone else who are still suffering as ani-
mals. Wherever they are and whenever they need it.

Sapphae safta, awaraa, upyapachana, aneekhaa, sukhee atanung


Prayer for Spreading Merit to Oneself

ahung sukhito homi I pray that I will be happy.
ahung nitukkho homi I pray that I will be free from suffering
ahung awayro homi I pray that I will be free from revenge.
sukhi attianung pariharami I pray that I will be mindful all times for
keeping away the body, speech and mind
from the wrong ways.

Prayer for Spreading Merit to Others and Oneself

Soon-yataphuffo Every life will have to suffer. I will not create more
suffering for others. I will forgive even if they curce me or gossip about me or
beat me. I will not respond because it is twice as bad as they are doing to me.
Sappaesafta All the animals that are suffering are my friends. They will
be bom, pain and die with me. We shall forgive and forget and be released from
this suffering. Do not seek revenge. lt is not the way to leave suffering. All the
spirits that are in limbo, go be rebom and free from sickness, illness and danger.
Ahung sukitohomil pray that all will be free from danger and be happy
and do good things. These are easy to do and they please other human beings.
I pray that the problems will be solved and everyone will meet their purpose.

Some feelings occure when spreading or receiving merit from others

When Giving to Others When Receiving from Others

Mr.Alongkot warmth happiness
Mr.Pichet carefree warmth
Mr.Montri carefree better well-being
Ms.Sangounsri lightness get well faster
Mr.Samam believe to 90% believe to 90%
Mr.Tiwaa feel more powerful mentally happiness

Meditation can be practiced by anyone at anytime. Another type of meditation is
to practice your heart so that you are aware of what you are doing. After prac-
ticing repeatedly, you will be able to observe yourself and understand yourself
better. lt is like a homeowner watching over your house. The house will be in
place and so will our mind and body if we watch over them.
fnnex : Urt ol ]lerbr

Local name Botani name

Aloe vera Aloe barbadensis Mill

Bai gang pha khao-daeng Phyllanthus reticulatus, Poir
Bai Mai ya lab Biaphytum sensitivum UC
Banana Musa sapientum Linn
Bo ra phet Timospora crispa(L.) Miers ex Thoms.
Bua bok Centella asiatiea (Linn) Urban
Buab Kom Trichosanthes cucumerina Linn
Chao guy Mesona chinensis, Benth
Chin chee Apparis micracantha, capparis
Chinex key Boesenbergia rotunga (L.) Mansf.
Chrysanthemum Callistephus chinensis
Chum hed thed Cassia alata Linn
Citronella grass Cymbopogon eitratus (DC.) stapf
Faa tha laijoan Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Nees
galangal Alpinia nigra (Gaertn) B.L.Burtt
Garlic Allium sativum Linn
Ginger Zingiber officinale Rose
Guava Psidium guajava Linn
Indian gooseverry Phyllanthus emblica Linn
Jan Daeng Pterocarpus santalinus Linn
Jan thet Myristica Fragrans Houtt
Ka min chan Curcuma longa Linn
Kee lek Cassia siamea Lank
Khae Sesbania grandiFlora(L)Pers
Khan taa Harrisonia perforata Men
Local name Botani name

Kot ju la lum pha Artemisia vulgaris Linn.

Kot kha ma Atractylodes lyrata
Kot so Angelica sylvestric Linn

La mud Manilkara achras Fosberg

Leb khrug Polyscias Fruticosa Harms.var.deleavanum
Lime Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.&Pomz.) Swing
Ltus Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn
Luk kra don Gymnopetalum cochinchinense kuz
Luk tai bai Phyllanthus amarus Selum.&thoun
Lun thom Plumeria rubra Linn
Ma dua chum phon Ficus racemosa Linn
Ma ra kee nok Momordica eharantia Linn
Ma rum Moringa oleifera Lamk
Ma toom Aegle marmelos (L0 Con
Ma wang khua Solanum trilobatum Linn
Ma wang ton Solanum sanitwongsei Craib
Mangosteen Garcinia mangostana Linn
Nam nom ratchasee Euphorbia hirta L.
Nam tao Lagenaria vulgaris Ser
Ngend pla moa Acanthus ilicifolius Linn
Pathchouli Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth
Pha ka Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent. Bignoniaceae
Pha lai phuk Eurycoma longifolia Jack
Pha ya yo Clinacanthus nutians (Burm.F) Lindau
Phai Zingiber purpureum Rosc
Phlu ra hong dok daeng Hibiscusschizopetalus (Mast.) Hook.f.
Piper betle leaves Piper betle Linn
Pomegranate Punica granatum Linn
Local name Botani name

Rak koe Streblus asper Lour

Sa dao Azadirachha indica A.Juss.var siamensis Valeton
Salaed phung phon tua mia Clina can thus mutans (Brum.f.) Lindau
Si sead Aeacia catechu (Linn.f.) Willd
Tam leung Coccinia gradis (1.) Voigt
Tamarind Tamarindus indica Linn
Tea Camellia sinensis (L) o. KunEe
Thao yai man Clerodendrum petasites S.Moore
Thien dam lmpatiens balsamina Linn
Thong plun chung Rhinacanthus nasutus(L.) kuz
Wan ma ha khan Gynura pseudochina Dc.var.hispido. Thv.
Yaa dok khao Vemonia einerea(L.)Less
Yaa kaew muu Cyperus rothundus Linn
Yaa nang Tiliacora triandra (Coleber) Diels
Printed by : P.A. Living Co., Ltd.
99/ll Sirindhom Road, Bangkok
TeL 881- 9890

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