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Fusion Engineering and Design 146 (2019) 1548–1552

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Standardized integration of ITER diagnostics Equatorial Port Plugs T

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J. Guirao , M.J. Walsh , V.S. Udintsev , S. Iglesias , T. Giacomin , L. Bertalot , P. Shigin ,
M. Kocherginb, E. Alexandrovc, A. Zvonkovc, M. Ivantsivskiyd, T. Fange, Q. Huf, E. Rodríguezg,
J. Ordieresh, R. Juarezi, A. Blanchardj
ITER Organization, Route de Vinon sur Verdon, CS 90 046, 13067, St. Paul lez Durance cedex, France
Fircroft Group, Grande Arche, Paroi Nord, 92044, Paris La Défense, France
ITER Russian Domestic Agency “Project Center ITER”, Kurchatov Sq. 1, 123182, Moscow, Russia
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics 11, Av. Ac. Lavrentjeva, Novosibirsk-90, 630090, Russia
China International Nuclear Fusion Energy Program Execution Center, Beijing, 100862, China
Tokamak Experiment Division, Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Institute of Physics Science, 230031, China
Department of Construction and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Oviedo, 33203, Gijón, Spain
Numerical Analysis Technologies (NATEC), 33206, Gijón, Spain
Departamento de Ingeniería Energética, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, 28040, Spain
Assystem Engineering & Operation Services, 84120, Pertuis, France


Keywords: The Diagnostic Shielding Modules (DSM) are secondary containers of the ITER diagnostic Port Plugs where
Diagnostics shielding and diagnostics components have to be integrated together. For the development of Equatorial Port
Integration DSMs several key requirements have to be met by the Port Integrators. First of all, the total dry Plug weight must
Dose rate not exceed the allowable weight (currently 48 ton) in order to guarantee the consistency with the specification of
Port Plug
other interfacing systems involved in the Port Plugs maintenance. Secondly, a shielding capability able to limit
Remote Handling
Shut-Down Dose Rate in the Interspace Zone (man access corridors) below 100 μSv/h needed to allow the human
ALARA accessibility for the Port Plug sealing disassembly, the inspection and the maintenance of diagnostic components
Diagnostic Shielding Module behind the Plug closure plate and in the interspace. Finally, Remote Handling (RH) compatibility for refurb-
ishment of the Port Plug and maintenance of systems integrated is necessary as well. These operations involve
activated components that are processed in the Hot Cell. As a result of these demands, the ITER Port Integration
team has developed the so called Modular Equatorial DSM able to answer the weight/shielding/RH requirements
described above following the ALARA principle and offering a standard infrastructure for the common DSM
integration problems.

1. Introduction systems. Diagnostic equipment and shielding are integrated together

into three cassettes known as “Diagnostic Shielding Modules” (DSM)
The ITER Project is an international effort aimed at demonstrating which, in turn, are attached to the EPP structure that is part of the ITER
the scientific and technological feasibility of nuclear fusion energy. The VV confinement barrier [1].
nuclear fusion reactions occur within the volume of the ITER Vacuum The back of the EPP structure is formed by the closure flange (1)
Vessel (VV), which is filled during operation with a hot gas (plasma). A that connects the EPP to the ITER VV ports and the closure plate (2), the
key aspect of the research program of ITER is the diagnosis of the region where most of the penetrations transmitting diagnostic signals
plasma and the first-wall, e.g. the plasma temperature, density, radia- from the inside to the outside of the VV are located. DSMs and com-
tive properties, first-wall resilience, etc. For this purpose, a large ponents on board are effectively shielded by the Diagnostics First Walls
number of different types of diagnostic equipment peer into the ITER (DFWs), intensively cooled stainless steel blocks that play the role of
vacuum vessel from many different vantage points. first wall in the diagnostics drawers.
The diagnostic Equatorial Port Plugs (EPP), see Fig. 1, are compo- The design of DSMs is driven, among many others, by several key
nents which serve as common platforms for a variety of diagnostics requirements. First of all, the total dry EPP (structures, shielding and

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Guirao).
Received 1 October 2018; Received in revised form 29 January 2019; Accepted 27 February 2019
Available online 06 March 2019
0920-3796/ © 2019 ITER Organization. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Guirao, et al. Fusion Engineering and Design 146 (2019) 1548–1552

Fig. 1. Diagnostic EPP in the ITER tokamak.

on-board components) weight must not exceed the allowable (48 ton) ensuring full RH compatibility and accessibility where required with
as the limit imposed by other interfacing components and structures minimal constraints using standard means, tools and procedures. That
involved in the EPPs assembly and maintenance. On the other hand, the implies the reasonable use of the standardization in the structural
shielding capability of DSMs must effectively limit the activation in the frame, the assembly of common components (like DFWs) and the im-
Port Cells Interspaces (man access corridors) following the ALARA (As plementation of internal services (electrical, cooling, gas supply).
Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle, in order to minimize radia- The manufacturing robustness provided by the use well stablished
tion exposure to the workers and to allow maintenance and inspection and sound fabrication processes minimizing the production risks and
hands-on operations (yellow zone). In particular Shut-Down Dose Rates non-conformant products. That includes the synergy with other EPP
(SDDR), the dose rate after 106sec from shutdown (about 12 days), components using similar manufacturing techniques (EPP structures
must be kept below 100 μSv/h. In addition, full Remote Handling (RH) and DFWs) that avoids technological risks and improves the manu-
compatibility for refurbishment of the EPP and maintenance of all facturing feasibility demonstration, qualification and development
systems and components inside must be ensured using standard means, costs.
tooling and procedures in the ITER Hot Cell. Finally, the communalization of design activities that allows great
The EPP integration comprises the design of the diagnostic con- savings in design and analysis tasks using generic tools, models, as-
tainers, the DSMs. Several activities covering from the design of a DSM sessment procedures and implementation solutions as well as handling
infrastructure itself to the detailed integration of shielding, diagnostic of qualifications and later procedures for maintenance and safe use of
components and common services (cooling, electrical network…) have this equipment.
to be developed jointly in order to achieve an integrated design able to
meet above mentioned major requirements. This process often implies 3. DSM shielding and weight compromise
the necessity to face similar problems many times but subject to dif-
ferent constraints imposed by the particularities of the diagnostics EPPs structures are rectangular boxes inserted into the regular
systems; for example, apertures needed in front facing components, equatorial penetrations (port extensions) of the ITER VV. The three
penetrations in the EPP closure plate for transporting signals or sight DSMs fill the internal space of EPP structures housing diagnostics,
lines required for accessing to the plasma. That brings another variable shielding and common services. The maximization of the DSM shielding
to the EPPs integration which is the concept of standardization as the capability implies to occupy as much as possible the empty space inside
efficient way to solve the problem of diagnostic and shielding im- the EPP structure in order to minimize neutron streaming towards the
plementation while minimizing the EPPs design, manufacturing and back of the EPP. Shielded configurations based on austenitic stainless
operational costs. steel (SS) as shielding material must be necessarily limited to a fraction
of the total radial length of the EPP structure to meet the weight limits.
2. EPP integration principles This is true even for configurations partially filled internally with water
(mixtures of SS and water) since the fraction of pressurized water inside
The so called Modular DSM (MDSM) is the design solution com- the SS infrastructure must be limited in order to guarantee that the
posed of the best parts from the various design proposals of the different structural design is not driven by the pressure, condition necessary for
design teams that aims to resolve the remaining challenges; thus gen- getting derogation of certain in-service inspection requirements ap-
erating a standard implementable concept driven by several integration plicable to pressure equipment according to French regulations [2].
principles. Neutron scoping studies performed on fully shielded configurations
First of all an infrastructure and shielding design capable to meet of SS shielded DSMs [3] revealed that the neutron flux transmission
Project SDDR limits within stipulated weight limits, and that maximizes along the gaps between EPP structure and VV port extensions play a
the DSM shielding capability (shielding performance and weight are major role in the activation of the back of the EPP and Port Cell In-
conflicting goals for which a compromise is required). terspaces (see Fig. 2). A fraction of this streaming enters in the EPP and
A design compatible with the principle of independent assembly, it is scattered into the void region in between the back side of the DSM
testing and validation of components meaning that once installation is and the closure plate. This mechanism increases the closure plate ac-
complete, a system should not be taken apart for final implementation tivation and the overall EPP neutron flux transmission towards the Port
of other systems. Cell Interspaces. This activation mechanism is well described in [3].
A concept that minimizes the complexity of maintenance tasks The previous result supports the decision to extend the DSM frame/

J. Guirao, et al. Fusion Engineering and Design 146 (2019) 1548–1552

Fig. 2. Neutron flux scattering in the back of the DSM.

shielding up to the closure plate aiming to completely fill the in EPP

structure empty space with shielding material and mitigate the neutron
flux scattering effect. The proposal of extending the frame back elim-
inating the void volumes present in short DSMs arrangements shielded
with SS has also been analysed from the neutron transmission point of
view. Results were conclusive showing that the extension of the DSM
fairly mitigates the scattered streaming and sensibly reduces the acti-
vation levels in the closure plate area and behind (Port Cells Interspaces
and human access corridors) [3].
Among the different shielding material alternatives taking into ac-
count the shielding efficiency (neutron absorption) and the density as
optimization variables, an SS frame shielded with Boron Carbide (B4C)
was found as the most feasible and efficient alternative from the neu-
tron shielding point of view, able to reduce SDDR values below project
limits while keeping the weight within acceptable limits [4]. Fig. 3. Modular Equatorial DSM frame.

drills is not feasible, the RH compatible assembly and disassembly of

4. DSM basic infrastructure
B4C pieces, the shielding arrangement with independent or compatible
access for assembly and deployment of other diagnostic components
Filling the EPP structure internal space requires a design of a DSM
and its compatibility with the implementation of common permanent
frame that minimizes the amount of SS while maintains an adequate
services (electrical, cooling…).
stiffness that guarantees a proper behavior from the structural integrity
The Shielding Tray (ST) is the basic unit used as shielding element
point of view and offers the required geometrical stability for the per-
which is assembled on DSM the frame (see Fig. 4). STs are formed by a
formance of the diagnostic systems on-board. Other aspects to take into
Copper-Chromium-Zirconium (CuCrZr) frame and B4C blocks which are
consideration are an efficient sharing of electromagnetic loads between
attached to the frame using secured pre-stressed push-on fasteners. STs
DFWs and DSMs during disruptions and other electromagnetic events,
easily allow the creation of internal spaces for sight lines implementa-
enhanced stiffness of the frame in the regions where DFWs are attached
tion and diagnostics integration. Typical weight of a ST is in the order
or moderation of fast neutrons close to the source (plasma) effectively
of 10 kg, fully compatible with the RH standard means available in the
achieved with mixtures of SS and water. Taking into account these
ITER Hot Cell. Internal voids are also complemented with independent
considerations together with the standardization principle, the basic
SS backfilling elements, aimed to reduce the internal streaming within
presented in Fig. 3 was found as the optimum infrastructure able to
the DSM (see Fig. 5). B4C blocks are standard shaped and may be se-
keep the overall EPP weight within stipulated limits.
rially manufactured using hot pressing and sintering techniques with no
need of specific machining. STs are fixed with Aluminum Bronze (AlBr)
5. Mechanical solution for shielding integration captive bolts leading to an enhanced heat evacuation in the connection
between ST and DSM frame. The triangular connection in the front part
Once the SS MDSM frame is consolidated, filling all inter-blades of the ST is easily accessible by RH tools for manipulations and provides
spaces not occupied by diagnostics, sight lines, services, etc… with B4C additional bracing of vertical blades stiffening of the whole DSM
as shielding material poses additional technical difficulties. The me- structure. The CuCrZr frame incorporates also elastic lips in the back of
chanical attachment solution of B4C elements to the DSM structure is the frames giving extra support and heat evacuation in the back to the
neatly isolated to ensure the integrity of the fragile shielding ceramic STs. That prevents bending deformations and rattling effects.
elements during the different events affecting the EPP in normal and
off-normal conditions. B4C costs related to shielding customization
should be limited as well by using standard pieces that permits savings 6. Integration of cooling and common services
related to the volume ordered. Other technical concerns are the even-
tual need of cooling of relatively big B4C pieces in which the use of gun- The cooling network of the drawer assembly implements a standard

J. Guirao, et al. Fusion Engineering and Design 146 (2019) 1548–1552

Fig. 4. ST, the basic shielding unit.

pipes routing for DFWs cooling in all DSMs with minimum captivation
of diagnostics and common location of cooling water feedthroughs in
the EPP closure plate. The removable back cover plate in top and
bottom forging plates facilitates accessibility for pipes cutting welding
during maintenance operations. A small branch from the main DFW
lines is extracted and connected to a pair of gun drills parallel to the
inlet/outlet DFWs pipes that brings the cooling to the DSM structure.
All main frame cells may access to the upper and lower DSM cooling
circuits trough small derivations routed from the connection points to
the diagnostic interfacing ports. The two independent circuits are ex-
tended to the front of the DSM and connected in the back by the cus-
tomized part of the routing. The front forging of the DSM is cooled by
the two branches (top/bottom) using a gun-drilling and plugging
scheme that maximizes the amount of water targeting a value of 10% in
volume (Fig. 6). This brings four beneficial effects: the reduction of
Fig. 6. Cooling and electrical services.
weight in the front part, limitation of the peak temperature in the B4C
shielding trays (especially in the first column), protection of DFWs at-
tachment tabs and improvement of the shielding performance of the disassembly and alignment of components. That minimizes the number
DSM by effectively moderating the fast neutrons (water-SS mixture) of fasteners and RH operations required, maximizing the positioning
close to the source (plasma). accuracy.
Manufacturing techniques for cooling implementation in the front
forging are shared with other components like DFWs and PPS. The 7. Status of development
distribution of electrical services is achieved through common electrical
buses (upper and lower) bringing service to every cell in the DSM. Cell The MDSM concept has been successfully implemented in the in-
junction boxes are used to bring service to all cells. Mechanical at- tegration of the two First Plasma EPPs in ITER (EPP#11/12) having
tachments for small-medium and big components are standardized as passed already the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) stage. For the
well. A self-aligning base fixed to the blades easing the assembly, Review the whole analysis and assessment loop was completed, in-
cluding neutron, electromagnetic, thermal and structural assessments

Fig. 5. Example of DSM integration (DSM#02 in EPP#12).

J. Guirao, et al. Fusion Engineering and Design 146 (2019) 1548–1552

Fig. 7. Whole analysis loop of EPP#11 with MDSMs.

(Fig. 7). Analyses performed confirmed the soundness of the concept First Plasma milestones (integration of EPP#11 and EPP#12) as well as
developed and its ability to withstand all the loads events during ITER realistic integration schedules. The suitability to purpose attending to
lifetime maintaining the required stability for the proper diagnostics the different requirements (shielding, structural and geometrical sta-
performance. Other aspects like the tritium retention in the B4C bility, cooling, weight, vacuum) has been successfully justified at PDR
shielding or the compliance with the project outgassing limits due to level with a suitable and flexible platform for integration of diagnostics
the increase of vacuum exposed surfaces where successfully justified as where the identification of tolerance chains, contributors and relevant
well. datum systems is fully characterized. The concept also shows RH
compatibility consistent with the strategy and standardization of fully
8. Conclusions robotic tools in the ITER Hot Cell which is being object of a strong
demonstration program already in place. From the design perspective
In conclusion, the consolidated EPP integration approach developed an integrated analysis approach has been implemented in order to bring
offers a DSM design based on a concept implementing a robust struc- efficiency and consistency to all analysis activities sharing tools, models
tural and shielding scheme capable to meet SDDR limits within stipu- and standardizing methods without constraining tenants.
lated weight limits, where the shielding is based on the standardization
of B4C blocks mounted on trays able to form required in-DSM voids for Acknowledgments
the integration of diagnostics and other tenants with high flexibility
(principle of diagnostics first). The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect
The ST as basic shielding element constitutes a sound solution for those of the ITER Organization.
mechanical attachment and cooling of ceramic shielding blocks that
maximizes shielding capability while keeping weight within acceptable References
limits. The MDSM allows the integration of onboard systems not re-
quiring the disassembly or dismantling of other systems or component [1] V.S. Udintsev, et al., Final design of the generic equatorial port plug structure for
already installed for deployment or maintenance. This is a particularly ITER diagnostic systems, Fusion Eng. Des. 96–97 (2015) 1264–1267.
[2] French Décret n° 2016–1925 du 28 décembre 2016 relatif au suivi en service des
important point when one considers the size of the port plug and the appareils à pression, (2019).
complexity of the integration. The design is based on well-known, es- [3] R. Juárez, et al., The use of the long MDSM to mitigate shutdown dose rates in the
tablished and robust manufacturing techniques for which demonstra- ITER diagnostics equatorial ports, Nucl. Fusion 58 (2018) 056015.
[4] R. Juárez, et al., Scoping studies of shielding to reduce the shutdown dose rates in the
tion of qualification have been successfully achieved. The MDSM pre- ITER ports, Nucl. Fusion 58 (2018) 076018.
sents a design maturity status fairly compatible with achieving ITER


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