Quiz 2, Marketing

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The Social factors that influence buyer behavior:
Social Factors: The Social Factors are the factors that are prevalent in the society
where consumers live in.

There are three types of social factors:

 Reference group
 Family
 Roles and status

Reference group: Two or more people who significantly influences an individual’s behavior.
There are three types of reference group:
1. Membership group: Group where you are member. People the consumers actually know
and admire. This group influences positively and directly on behavior.
2. Aspirational group: These are groups in which people are not members but desires to
become one on a future date. The influences exerted by such group members on consumers
make them join many groups every now and then.
3. Dissociative group: Some individuals do not want to be linked to or identified by a
group of individuals and try to dissociate themselves from the group. This group has
negative influence on behavior.
Family: The family can influence the buying behavior of an individual in either of the two

1. Family of Orientation: Refers to the family in which a person is raised. Although this
generally includes one's parents and siblings, it may also include grandparents or other
relative. Major decisions are actively influencing by family of orientation.

2. Family of Procreation: Refers to the family that we create when we marry someone and
have or adopt children. When we get married and have children, we can influence our
children's socialization and teach them the values and behaviors that we deem
appropriate. We can also influence our kids' personalities as well as impact how our kids
develop and learn. Parents also influence by children behavior. For example, buying e
new furniture, parents like to take opinion from their child because they believe he or she
has some new ideas about it.
Roles and Status: A single person can play different role in different place and position.
An individual’s position and role in the society also influences his buying behavior. The
marketers should try to understand the individual’s position and the role very much before
the endorsement of the products. The position an individual is holding and recognized by
the society is known as status. The social status is also a relevant factor.

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