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In-Class Test Questions:

Week 3

1. Describe each of the 4 principles of Scientific Management. Give an example of how

McDonald’s applies these 4 principles. (COMPULSORY)
2. Explain 6 of Henri Fayol’s 14 management principles. Show using examples how 3 of these
principles are still applied by today’s organisations.
3. Describe the 6 features of Weber’s ideal bureaucracy. Given that governments are typical
examples of bureaucracy, explain how 3 of these principles are applied in your home
4. How did the quantitative approach evolve? Give an example on how it is still being used

Week 4

1. What is systems theory? Explain how Ford is an open system and how factors in this model
made Ford decide to close its operations in Australia. (COMPULSORY)
2. Describe two current trends and issues facing managers today. Provide a relevant example
of each.
3. Explain the findings of the Hawthorne Studies and how it has impacted management beliefs.
4. There are 4 popular contingency variables. Explain how 2 of these variables can affect an

Week 6

Case Study Draft (Analyse 1 of the problems from the case study and generate 3 alternative
solutions for this problem)

Week 7

Case Study Draft (Analyse 1 of the problems from the case study and generate 3 alternative
solutions for this problem)

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