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In all countries women are more law-abiding than men.

The relations between gender and crime are deep, persistent, and paradoxical.
Traditionally, the perpetration of crime has been regarded as the prerogative of the
male; criminal activity has been seen as aggressive and masculine. It is believed
that in all countries women are more law-abiding than men.

As for me, I agree with the statement saying that women are more law-abiding than
men. I believe that women are less dangerous and more often stick to the letter of
the law than men do. One of the accepted propositions of female crime is that
women are more law-abiding than men, and this is supported by both statistical
and unofficial evidence. More than 90% of all felonies all over the world are
committed by men. They are the most dangerous social group. Drug trafficking,
human trafficking, organization of prostitution, murder, rape has a strong
pronounced gender character. According to the statistic for 2013, among all the
convicted in Russia only 17% are women. Women, as a rule, commit less serious
crimes, nonviolent crimes, and judges treat women more favorably, less strictly.

There is no doubt that there are many reasons for women to be more law-abiding
than men. The most significant are both sex and social role. Crime is symbolically
masculine because criminal qualities of daring, toughness and aggression are
typical for men. Moreover, as a result of cultural pressures, the raising of the male
child has traditionally been structured for sons to behave ‘manly’ and having all
the abilities and possibilities to act in a way of crime to show the superiority and
strength. As for women, they are considered to be unsuitable for crime, because
women are passive, more emotional and gentler than men. In addition, a woman is
not a participant of political, social, cultural, and economic life. Women are
supposed to be more law-abiding because they cannot act as consciously as man
do, and women are not treated in the same serious way as men.

Because men are perceived as the dominant sex, they are able to decide what is
appropriate and what is not. Men are likely to do some minor crimes to show their
superiority. One of the most popular scenes is driving environment. A man is
considered to be ‘the king of the road’, always confident in his rightness and not
being afraid to injure someone. However, according to a study conducted in the
UK in 2017, men are much more likely than women to drive without insurance,
commit drunk driving and speeding. 69% of 585 thousand violations on the road
are committed by men. On average, there are 187 car accidents per 100000
women, and 413 car accidents per the same number of men. According to the data
of the insurance company Amanat, the loss rate of insurance where at least one
woman is registered is 64.8%. For the insurances where no women are registered,
the loss rate is 114.7% according to the statistics for 2019. ‘Based on our data, we,
men, are the monkeys with a grenade at the wheel!’ concluded Yergali
Begimbetov, the director of the Amanat insurance company. Every day I make
sure that women are more careful during driving. In most cases they follow the
traffic rules in order not to violate road safety.

To summarize, I believe that women are more law-abiding than men. Within
societies, female gender expectations and gender roles are different from those of
males. Even today in some societies, women are perceived as sexual objects and
are expected to remain within male-dominated ideologies such as homemaker and
nurturer, subordinate to men. Women are not supposed to be a participant of
political, social, cultural, and economic life. The female’s role within the society
makes women act as a law-abiding, conscientious, and decent citizen.

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