Registro de Conversaciones 2021 Euro - Asia Summer School 2021-09-06 11 - 58

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Registro de Chat C:\Users\sarag\OneDrive\Documentos\Registro de

conversaciones 2021 Euro_Asia Summer School 2021_09_06 11_58.rtf

Weiyuan Gao (a Todos): 10:06: Hi guys can you please switch on your cameras?
Although we may not see all of you but try to show your faces as many as possible,
Axel Marx (a Todos): 10:18: taking care of future generations
Ryan Wong (a Todos): 10:18: the ability of the present generation to meet their needs
without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same
Weiyuan Gao (a Todos): 10:18: society, economy and environment
Axel Marx (a Todos): 10:19: balancing social, environmnetal and economic dimensions
Sara García Fernández (a Todos): 10:19: A responsable way to use resources taking
care of future generations
Rennique Thomas (a Todos): 10:19: Creating policies that do not destroy our ability to
provide for the future
Medhavini Jodhoa (a Todos): 10:19: Living without overusing resources
Choi Seokwon (a Todos): 10:19: co-development, co-operation, and condition most
countries can achieve
Juan Carlo Marquez_KDI School (a Todos): 10:20: what we do today while thinking of
the future
Chrys Kim (a Todos): 10:21: How do we solve the problem of tragedy of commons if we
have not been able to solve it for last 2000 years?
shoko tanabe (a Todos): 10:21: realizing the seriousness of environmental problems
Kah Brenda (a Todos): 10:21: when all pillars are considered to achieve sustainability
Akihito Kishi (a Todos): 10:21: the capability of the present generation can satisfy their
own needs and preserve the means to meet the needs of the future in terms of
environment, economy, and social equity
Akihito Kishi (a Todos): 11:04: Is the SDG13 Minimum or Maximum requirement for the
world to meet in order to mitigate and adapt to the implications of climate change?
Hanul CHANG (a Todos): 11:07: Hello Professor, I have comment which is more or less
a worry. Indeed, reducing Greengases seem to be one the biggest challenge of the EU.
However, isn't it paradoxal that the EU has reached an agreement with MERCOSUR
countries such as Brazil. But above all,the agreement allows the trade of meat from
MERCOSUR countries to the EU. Some countries like France and Ireland have withdrawn
from the FTA. And there is no information from the Comission about the carbon
consumption made by the trades. Moreover, according to the article 21 of the Treaty of
the European Union (TEU), the EU asks from its foreign partners some obligation
regarding the environmental issues. I know I'm a little bit critic,but how the EU by the
Comission can have a power of control on necessary measures made by the Member
States, and in the other hand make such a incomprehensible deal
Medhavini Jodhoa (a Todos): 11:09: I have a question. Does the Green Deal have a
section concerned with helping developing countries achieve climate action, not
necessarily financially?
Hanul CHANG (a Todos): 11:10: Also, I would like to ask you a question on the financial
view of the Green Deal. With the Covid19 Pandemic, the EU has launched "Next
Generation EU" which is a huge program of finance in order to help the Member States'
economy. But with such a big loan and debt, how the EU is going to proceed its
investment on a greener transition ?
Chrys Kim (a Todos): 11:24: It seems nearly impossible for states like Japan that has to
rely on imported fossil fuels to achieve carbon neutrality without restarting nuke
reactors and accepting significant risk.
Chrys Kim (a Todos): 11:43: How much has political populism mixed with climate denial
affected possibility of achieving carbon neutral, especially when "leadership" countries
like the United States leave the agreement? What is the effect of climate deniers in EU?
Kah Brenda (a Todos): 11:48: putting a plan is very essential every 5 years, but I think
the plans for the past 5 years also need to be monitored and evaluated to ensure the
objectives towards achieving the goals. before bringing forth another 5year plan
Chrys Kim (a Todos): 11:57: Thank you!!!
Oluwanifemi Femi-Ajibare (a Todos): 11:57: thanks professor. insightful
Rennique Thomas (a Todos): 11:57: Thank you so much!
Raymond Kumwenda KDIS (a Todos): 11:57: thank you
Chika Sudo (a Todos): 11:57: Thank you!
Medhavini Jodhoa (a Todos): 11:57: Thank you very much Professor!
Choi Seokwon (a Todos): 11:58: Thank you
Kah Brenda (a Todos): 11:58: please we need the presentation slides
Choi Seokwon (a Todos): 11:58: professor!!
Akihito Kishi (a Todos): 11:58: Thank you so much for your insights!
Abdullah Ammar (a Todos): 11:58: Thank you!

Xinyu Shen (a Todos): 11:58: Thank you !!

Rita Sung (a Todos): 11:58: Thank you

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