9 - 23 - 71 - Estt. (D)

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Np.9/23/7i-Estt(D) Government cf Inéia/Sharat Sarkar Ministzy of Home Afgairs/Grin vantsalaya tment of onnel & Acministéative ne (xacmik ane prash.snik Su: har, Visnag) Wew-Dalhi, th: 6th dune, 197 Subjuct:- Candidates recommended by th to Cental Civil Services snd che post-cela = x.vivol of i appointment after canedllation-detwimination of seniority. The undersigned is directed to rover to thy : general principles, of seuiority contained in Ministry of Home Affairs' O.M,.No. 9/11 /S5~20s dated 22nd Dec. 1959 and to say that relative senioricy of dizect recruits . apgcinted oa the rer ommendations of the UPSC ox any oF authority is detezmined by the order of merit in which they ‘are selected for such appointment, the persons appointud as result of an earlier sulsction being placed above _tacse appointed as a result of.the subsequent selection. it nas come co the notice Gf the Government that in curtain cases, the candidates p:comu emant take lone to join end there + Where ‘cfiors cf ane pointiient "wore revived hy Depart chey had been cencellud and in spite of tt Jay in jedning thé candidat.s were allows. the it of seniority On tho basis cf tneix initicl selcction, The question whether in such coses it vould ict b. 2 ke csp ths-seniority othe canéidagus wie acq acpod on Fesult ofthe sg luctions oy int .vicws, ination v consic. Go by the Governmen: in consultation with ¢ UPEC Injen dscic-d that the gcllewing procudute nis .wocecure will he applicable both in tion through interview and (>) examinations. (4) za eh. offurs of appointn nt issued by diftvrenc hinds tries /pupurtm. Should be clearly . inglewtcd tine the effcr would lapse if tho aaddadss did not join virnin 2 specified Perkod Act chcucdin’ two ox ehrue months. hs purdod stipulated, a ecw the candidat. = £or tim, it my be considurcd dy the Ministries/Dersrimits ong if they are sotis£icd, an exccnsion ser 4) Q period may be granted vest Eneluding chs ce lot we cf sepeimement ill ve kept . Read a perio? of dae months 5 Oo Jein Vicnin Uh, abeve Bor f during which th open , should vot The caitidincs "wt : adae months will havi thir sunieciey Zinc under the suniority ivles aorlieahls wg Ue Suevic post concerned to which £1.y or. ppeintud, vithove any Gepression of suniorit.. - — (444) TE, evn after the viceension(s) 2% ony granted by the Ministry/Depertmunts, 2 candicutcs Geos not join within th. stipulated vin(which shvelinot czeued a pOFIEG- OF FINS Months), the ofder of agpointment shoule lapse. ae a (iv) An offur ef appcintmene which “has lapsed, shoulé not yersinarily be revives lator, excuse in cxceptional circumstances and on grounds of pwolié interest. Pie-Commissiow shoultin cll cess b= Consulted be such offers are revived, Ww) In a case where after the lapsing of the offer, the offer is"kovived in consultation with the Union “Public survice Commission as meacfoned in sub-para (ii) above, the sunicrity of che candidates cencerned would be fixed below tncse who hav. already joined che posts concsrnad Witnii the proserived puriod of ning . months; and“if-vHe candid.t. joins users the candidat. of thy next sulectionfexamins sion join, he should & place: below all cthuis cf his batch. Ii however, the joins after somo ox all thT candidates of th nex selcction/examiné tion he joined, he snould he (a) Ie cases ef sulectica through iuturview, placed at the bottom of v12 che candidatus of che next bate (>) in of oxwaineticn, alloted to the d plicud at he boccom. Pinaace ace ruquested te bring the ebove notice: cf “11 concerned. sa/- (il. RANGARATAN) Deputy Secy. to tne Govt. of Indis Copy tu:- ta, ALL Ministrice/Departinunts of t. 2 Gove. aneluding all cetachos 6 Subordinnt: Deptt. of F crsonncl, 2. Union Public Service cummissi to che ie : ° sa/~ (8. NGARAJAN) + to the Govt, cf India,

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