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STS and Human Flourishing

Comparing now from the pre-industrial age as a human being, the two sides about attaining
human flourishing come up with a similar contemplation and that is how humanity utilizes and
allocates natural resources. Also, it is something about the relationship between human activities
and nature because of technology. At some point, there are also differences between the two sides
that based on the thinking of Martin Heidegger's The Question Concerning Technology, the essence
of technology has something to do with how we assess our relationship with it. Without considering
the true essence of technology that it’s not all about the product or services it generates then
clearly, we created something that destroys us at the same time. That technology is manipulating us
without even noticing that we become dependent on it. We should break that kind of viewing by
knowing the boundary of technology in our lives. On the other hand, the view of Jason Hickel’s
Framework of De-development is how the developed or dominant capitalist countries should
decelerate in the utilization of resources for the poor and developing countries. I will connect it to
the Core-Periphery model of John Friedmann that developed countries extract resources from poor
countries to create a high-value product which the developing countries will also consume.

We shouldn't be dazzled by the money it gave us. We don't have to abuse nature just to gain
power and money to be happy, that way of thinking is very futile. While Jason Hickel's perspective is
something to do about happiness to the little things we have. It's not all about the richness and
abundance in life we can now attain human flourishing but having a little by little can give us the
feeling of being contented and happy. In the true sense, too much is bad which can result in bad
outcomes in any instance.

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