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Davenport A+ Chorus Handbook

Director’s Welcome:

I am truly excited to continue our chorus here at Davenport A+ Elementary. I have ambitious plans for this
wonderful group of young people who have been motivated and diligent enough to add this responsibility to
their busy lives. It will be hard work, but in my experience, the rewards that you get from music are well worth
the time and practice that you put in. If you ever need anything from me, or think you can help us in any way,
please contact me. Thanks to all of you for supporting the arts and your children’s education. I cannot wait to
begin making and exploring music!


Students are allowed one unexcused absence. After two, they will be asked to leave chorus. An excused
absence must be communicated via a phone call or signed note at least 24 hours before rehearsal.


Students are expected to be on their best behavior during chorus. My rules for chorus are as follows:

1) Be respectful to yourself and others. (Follow the golden rule)

2) Do not speak without permission. (Raise your hand)
3) Participate. (Do your best)
4) Be brave. (Try new things)
5) Come prepared to class. (Bring your materials and practice your music)

After three strikes for behavior during class, parental contact will be made regarding their behavior. After one
parental contact, the next will result in the student being asked to leave chorus.
Grade Policy:

All students who are participating in this extracurricular chorus should do so with the knowledge that their
regular school work and grades come first. All students are expected to be on the Principal’s List or above
(Grades A, B, or C on report cards). If a student’s grades are not kept up to this level, then that student will
not be able to continue being in chorus.


Students will be brought down to the front of school promptly at 3:30 after rehearsal.

Please be no later than ten minutes when picking up your child. If you know you are going to be late, please
let me know in advance, and we can make plans around this.


Since we can only rehearse for an hour once a week, I am relying on students to practice outside of class as
much as their schedule will allow. I have high hopes for our chorus, and we can only have success if students
practice. I am always available to help individually if necessary.


We have at least one concert this year. We will be ordering t-shirts this year, and these shirts will serve as our
concert attire. The orders will probably go out in October to allow time before we need to perform.


All this information, along with any updates, forms, calendars, or special announcements can be found on our


The best way to reach me is by email at . You could also call the school at
828 745 6941.

Thank you:

I want to give a special thank you to all parents and relatives of the chorus members. Thank you for giving
your time and support to help make this possible. I know all the members of our chorus appreciate it as well.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. I look forward to a great year!

-Dylan Youngsmith


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