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International Journal of

Radiation Oncology
biology physics

Physics Contribution

A Dose of Reality: How 20 Years of Incomplete

Physics and Dosimetry Reporting in Radiobiology
Studies May Have Contributed to the
Reproducibility Crisis
Emily Draeger, PhD,*,y Amit Sawant, PhD,*,z
Christopher Johnstone, PhD,* Brandon Koger, PhD,x
Stewart Becker, PhD,z Zeljko Vujaskovic, MD,*,k
Isabel-Lauren Jackson, PhD,* and Yannick Poirier, PhD*,z
*Division of Translational Radiation Sciences, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of
Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore Maryland; yDepartment of Therapeutic Oncology, Yale
University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut; zDivision of Medical Physics, Department of
Radiation Oncology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; xDepartment
of Radiation Oncology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington; and kDivision of Clinical
Programs, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore,

Received Mar 12, 2019. Accepted for publication Jun 29, 2019.

Summary Purpose: A large proportion of preclinical or translational studies using radiation have
Many preclinical studies poor replicability. For a study involving radiation exposure to be replicable, interpret-
have poor replicability, able, and comparable, its experimental methodology must be well reported, particu-
partly because of undocu- larly in terms of irradiation protocol, including the amount, rate, quality, and
mented irradiation methods. geometry of radiation delivery. Here we perform the first large-scale literature review
We performed the first large- of the current state of reporting of essential experimental physics and dosimetry details
scale review of physics and in the scientific literature.
dosimetry reporting in radi- Methods and Materials: For 1758 peer-reviewed articles from 469 journals, we
ation biology studies, evalu- evaluated the reporting of basic experimental physics and dosimetry details recom-
ating the methods sections of mended by the authoritative National Institute of Standards and Technology sym-
1758 publications for 12 pa- posium.
rameters recommended by Results: We demonstrate that although some physics and dosimetry parameters,
the 2011 National Institute of such as dose, source type, and energy, are well reported, the majority are not.
Standards and Technology Furthermore, highly cited journals and articles are systematically more likely to
symposium expert panel. We be lacking experimental details related to the irradiation protocol.

Corresponding author: Yannick Poirier; E-mail: yannick.poirier@ Supplementary material for this article can be found at 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2019.06.2545.
Disclosures: The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.

Int J Radiation Oncol Biol Phys, Vol. -, No. -, pp. 1e10, 2019
0360-3016/$ - see front matter Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Draeger et al. International Journal of Radiation Oncology  Biology  Physics

demonstrate that although Conclusions: These findings show a crucial deficiency in the reporting of basic
some parameters, such as experimental details and severely affect the reproducibility and translatability of
dose, source type, and en- a large proportion of radiation biology studies. Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights
ergy, are well reported, the reserved.
majority are not. Further-
more, highly cited journals
are more likely to document
fewer parameters.

Introduction biological conclusions of the study. Nevertheless, without

full description of the irradiation, it is difficult to replicate,
There has been considerable discussion in recent years interpret, and compare the results to those of other
concerning the lack of reproducibility and replicability of studies.21-23,26,28
results published in the scientific community at large.1-4 In In contrast to biological sources of error, which are
a 2011 study, investigators from a major biotechnological challenging to isolate and reduce,29 radiation delivery fol-
institute could only successfully reproduce 6 of 53 bench- lows well-understood radiation physics principles, lending
mark studies on cancer research.5,6 Similarly, a 2012 Na- itself to high accuracy, precision, and reproducibility.26,30
tional Cancer Institute (NCI) workshop found 6 randomized Unfortunately, these are often poorly reported: In 2011,
radiation oncology clinical trials in which preclinical the NCI, the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious
research did not translate to clinical outcome.7 This Diseases, and the National Institute of Standards and
inability to reproduce scientific findings has a profound Technology held a symposium and established standards
impact on our ability to translate preclinical research results for reporting the experimental physics and dosimetry de-
to clinical practice.4,7-12 An estimated $28 billion, tails required to reproduce and interpret radiobiology
approximately half of federally funded preclinical research, studies. In addition to communicating these recommenda-
is spent annually on irreproducible studies.13 tions to the community, Desrosiers et al21 reviewed a year
Radiation oncology benefits roughly half of all patients of Radiation Research publications and found the wide
with cancer,14-18 a projected 575,000 annual patients within majority (>93%) did not report basic physics details.
the United States alone.19 Despite remarkable scientific and Similar studies by Pedersen et al22 and Stone et al23 fol-
technological advancements in radiation therapy (RT), lowed but were limited in the number of reviewed articles
outcomes for patients with cancer treated with RT alone or (28 and 125, respectively). In particular, Stone et al re-
in combination with other modalities (chemotherapy, ported that 83% of in vitro studies “had one or more
surgery, targeted therapies) is disappointingly lowd67% 5- problems that would make interpretation or replication of
year relative survival across all cancers and modalities.16,18 the study difficult”; they cited incomplete reporting of
To address these limitations, massive efforts are directed methods, specifically in dosimetric parameters, as most
toward preclinical investigations elucidating the underlying important.23
mechanisms of tumor and normal-tissue radiation response Incomplete physics reporting is often attributed to
and developing novel targeted therapies. Indeed, 79.2% of insufficient physics knowledge and support among bio-
radiation oncology grants awarded by the National In- logical irradiator operators.21,26,28,31 As Desrosiers et al put
stitutes of Health are directed toward radiation biology it, “Few students or researchers using ionizing radiation in
projects, compared with 13.2% to medical physics and biological research have training in basic radiation physics.
7.6% to clinical investigations.20 In addition to tumor and This leads to the difficult situation that when ‘one does not
normal-tissue radiation biology, radiation is also used in know what one does not know.” This lack of physics sup-
non-RT biological research to establish chimeric animal port can also manifest in the form of dosimetric
models, probe graft versus host disease mechanisms, or errorsdPedersen et al also conducted a multi-institutional
evaluate adoptive cellular therapies after bone marrow dosimetric audit and found only 5 out of 11 sites deliv-
transplant. ered radiation within a 5% accuracy.22 A similar study by
Radiobiological dose-effect relationships depend heavily Seed et al showed only 3 out of 7 sites were able to deliver
on the quantity, quality, and rate of radiation delivery.21-28 radiation to a 5% accuracy, even after remedial action was
If radiation-induced biological effects represent the taken by the host site.32 Finally, from 1978 to 1999, 8
observed variable (ie, the vertical axis), the radiation- multi-institution radiation biology dosimetric surveys were
absorbed dose represents the controlled variable (ie, the conducted in Europe under the European Late Effects
horizontal axis). Uncertainty, ambiguity, and errors in the Project Group and the European Radiation Dosimetry
horizontal axis necessarily translate to the vertical axis and Group, each of which showed that a large number of sites
impair the interpretability, reproducibility, and compara- require improvement in either the accuracy or homogeneity
bility of the study. Of course, this does not invalidate the of dose delivery.31,33
Volume -  Number -  2019 20 years of incomplete physics in radiobiology 3

This study is the first large-scale systematic review of Scoring metric

the current state of physics and dosimetry reporting in
preclinical radiobiology research in the past 2 decades. We evaluated the irradiation protocol section following the
Our initial search identified 3542 articles from 968 recommendations of Desrosiers et al,21 broadly divided in
journals published in the last 20 years (1997-2017). Of Table 1 into 4 “mandatory” categories: source specification,
these initial 3542 articles, 1758 from 469 journals were dose specification, calibration/measurement of the radiation
admissible according to our exclusion criteria and dose, and irradiation geometry. The importance of each of
were scored using the methodology published after the these parameters on the accuracy of the dose delivered, and
National Institute of Standards and Technology on factors that can affect biological endpoints of the study,
symposium.21 is presented in Appendix EI (available online at https://doi.
org/10.1016/j.ijrobp.2019.06.2545). A fifth nonmandatory
Methods and Materials category, “Further details of the irradiation,” was not
Articles were sorted and scored in alphabetical order and
Search strategy
their methods section read carefully. If no irradiation pro-
tocol was present, the article was scanned for the terms
This review was performed using adapted Preferred “Gy,” “irradiation,” “radiation,” or “IR” to find other
Reporting Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses34 mentions of the irradiation protocol. If radiation dose was
guidelines and a search of PubMed35 with the following unspecified, the results section (particularly figures showing
criteria: (Animal Studies OR Cell Culture) AND (Ionizing dose-effect relationships) was scanned. Some articles con-
radiation NOT ultraviolet/UV). The search, which was tained supplementary materials or referenced previous
limited to papers published 1997 to 2017, identified 3542 work regarding irradiation protocol; these were read and
articles on August 30, 2017. Ionizing radiation was cho- scored as well.
sen as the search criteria because UV and nonionizing The majority of radiation biology experiments involve a
radiation represented the vast majority of flagged articles single radiation exposure. Nevertheless, fractionation
otherwise. schedule is among the mandatory reportable values because
it is impossible to distinguish between an incompletely
Exclusion criteria described irradiation protocol and an implicit single expo-
sure. For this reason, we counted any mention of “single
The review was restricted to peer-reviewed research arti- exposure,” “single dose,” “single field,” and so forth as
cles presenting novel results of radiation-induced biolog- describing the fractionation.
ical effects in cells or animal subjects resulting from The present study concerns itself purely with the pres-
external radiation sources (Fig. 1), excluding non-English ence of experimental details and not with their quality. To
articles, review articles, articles in nonrefereed journals, be as conservative as possible, all reviewed articles were
clinical reports (even in animals), internal sources of ra- given the benefit of the doubt to the furthest extent. It was
diation such as brachytherapy or nuclear medicine (which sufficient for any given publication to specify a given
demand the reporting of different physics details), imaging quantity to consider that quantity reported, though not all
studies, or articles not studying biological effects of reported quantities are described in the same amount of
ionizing radiation (eg, radiation as a sterilization agent or detail, and some were either vague or contradictory.
to induce mechanical transformations). A small number of To compare articles directly, we produced an aggregate
articles (10) were rejected because of copyright fees, score based on these criteria founded on a 10-point
unreleased manuscripts (eg, under embargo), or article system counting the quantity of mandatory categories
retraction. (see Table 1) reported, where 0 indicates no experimental

3542 Abstracts
Articles Excluded:
• No ionization radiation
experiment [413] 1035 2793 Articles
Abstracts Excluded:
• Imaging study only [271] Reviewed • Review articles [570]
• Not animals
• Not in English [169]
or cell cultures [240] 1758 Art.
• Not available
• Not external radiation [106] Scored (copyright, embargo,
• Other [5]
redacted) [10]

Fig. 1. Preferred Reporting Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses flow chart.

4 Draeger et al. International Journal of Radiation Oncology  Biology  Physics

Table 1 Mandatory reportable categories

Main category Subcategory Score
Source specification [3.0 pts] Radiation source or particle (eg, x-ray, proton, a or b) 1.0
Beam quality (eg, isotope, energy, half-value layer) 1.0
Irradiator model or manufacturer 1.0
Dosimetry/calibration [2.0 pts]* Absolute dose calibration standards or protocol used* 0.5
Radiation detector or equipment 1.0
Medium used for calibration or measurement 0.5
Measurement geometry* 0.5
Dose specification [2.5 pts] Radiation absorbed dose delivered to biological sample 1.0
Dose rate 1.0
Fractionation schedule (eg, number of irradiations and 0.5
Irradiation geometry [2.5 pts] Source geometry Field size 0.5
Distance from source 0.5
Number/geometry of fields 0.5
Subject geometry Subject size 0.5
Backscatter/attenuation 0.5

* Measurement geometry only scored if calibration standards protocol not specified; total points in dosimetry calibration cannot exceed 2.0.

details at all and 10 represents a description of all iden- was chosen to reduce the impact of outliers represented by
tified categories. Again, to be as conservative as possible, journals and articles with disproportionate impact factors
even incomplete, flawed, or contradictory reporting was and number of citations.
fully scored, as long as the required category was at least
partially described.
Publication demographics

Publication impact metrics We also analyzed the aggregate physics-reporting score for
various subcategories of publications. First, we divided by
The following publication impact metrics were recorded for radiation oncology, biology, or physics specialty journals.
each scored publication: journal impact factor, number of Although this distinction is somewhat arbitrary, specialist
citations, and number of citations per year. Number of ci- journals were identified as abbreviated journal names
tations was obtained from Google Scholar,36 and the containing “(Radiat) OR (Phys NOT (Biophys OR Phys-
number of citations per year was calculated simply by iol))”. This resulted in 389 publications from specialist
dividing the number of citations by the number of years journals and 1369 publications from generalist (at least in
between publication and 2018 (i.e. when the number of terms of radiation oncology, biology, or physics) journals.
citations were tabulated). The journal impact factor was Compared with papers from generalist journals, specialist
obtained from the SCImago Journal & Country Rank37 as journal publications tended to be in a lower impact factor
the number of citations per published article within the last range (average  standard deviation: 2.2  0.8 vs 4.2 
2 years, available for 2017 at the time of writing. 3.1) and to have fewer citations (30  39 vs 46  155) and
For 9 journals, distribution had ceased under the publi- citations per year (2.9  2.8 vs 4.6  12.4) but to be
cation’s original name. If the journal had changed names (2 similarly aged (10.4  5.8 vs 9.7  5.7 years since pub-
cases), the impact factor of the successor journal was re- lication). More importantly, the majority of specialist
ported instead. If the journal had ceased publishing entirely publications seem concentrated in a relatively narrow range
(7 cases), the most recent impact factor on record was used of impact factor journals, citations, and citations per year,
instead. Out of 469 journals, a single journal was unlisted whereas generalist publications occupy a much greater
on SCImago, such that there was no impact factor to report. range, as evidenced by their very wide standard deviations.
A value of 0.000 was used instead. We also separated publications by biological model,
Spearman correlation coefficients, along with associated yielding 961 in vitro studies, 736 in vivo (eg, whole animal)
significance (P value) and 95% confidence intervals, were studies, and 61 studies incorporating both, as well as by
calculated between the aggregate physics-reporting score source type (Fig. 2). An unpaired, 2-tailed, heteroscedastic
and each publication’s impact metricsdimpact factor, Student’s t test was performed between the aggregate
number of citations, and citations per year, as well as the physics-reporting score of specialist versus nonspecialist
number of years since publication. Because the Spearman journals, between in vivo versus in vitro studies, and be-
correlation coefficient is a nonparametric correlation coef- tween all different radiation sources. Type 1 errors were
ficient that strictly evaluates the monotonicity of the data, it avoided because significance values tended to be either
Volume -  Number -  2019 20 years of incomplete physics in radiobiology 5

Biological subject Radiation source

Rabbits, NHP, 12, D or E, 67, None Listed,
Pigs, 10, Other, 34,
8, 0.5% 0.7% Other, 94, 3.8% 132, 7.5%
0.6% 1.9%
5.4% Co-60,
Rats, 138, Ions, 110, 6.3% 421, 23.9%
7.8% "J or x-ray" of
unknown energy,
111, 6.3%
Mice, 540, MV x-rays,
Cells, 1022, 130, 7.4%
kV x-rays, 439,
450, 25.6%
Fig. 2. Breakdown of articles by biological subject (left) and radiation source (right). Of importance is that the majority of
radiation biology studies are conducted either in vitro or in murine models with more traditional sources of radiation, such as
Co-60, Cs-137, or kV x-rays. Articles reporting more than 1 subject or radiation source are counted multiple times, such that
percentages do not add up to 100%.

above 0.05 or very small (<0.001), such that false positives report x-rays or gamma rays without specifying the energy,
were very unlikely. manufacturer, or model. Finally, a relatively small propor-
tion of studies used more exotic radiation: a, b, or electrons
(3.8%), protons or heavy ions (6.3%), or other sources,
Results including neutrons (1.9%). The remaining studies (7.5%)
did not report the radiation source. In total, the source of
Our initial search identified 3542 articles from 968 journals radiation was unclear or ambiguous for 243 papers, or
published in the last 20 years (1997-2017), of which 1758 13.8% of the total, which loosely agrees with the findings
from 469 journals were admissible and evaluated. Figure 2 of Stone et al, wherein 30.1% of articles did not report the
shows the breakdown in biological subjects and radiation energy or radiation type.
sources in evaluated articles and shows that the majority of Figure 3 shows the breakdown of reported physics and
reported studies are performed in vitro or in murine (ie, dosimetric experimental details for each category. The
mice or rat) models, with all other models representing majority of authors reported the source (92.5%), the energy
6.8% cumulatively. Additionally, the majority of radiation (81.4%), and the manufacturer or model of the irradiator
biology studies continue to be performed with traditional (64.8%).
Co-60 and Cs-137 irradiators (approximately half of all The absolute dosimetry category was by far the least
reported sources), although they are increasingly becoming reported: Only 1.2% of all authors listed the protocol used
obsolete in both human patients and research. X-rays (kV for machine calibration, and only 15.9% listed any form of
and MV) follow in frequency, and a small number (6.3%) equipment used to measure the radiation absorbed dose,

Field Size (12.9%)

SSD (12.2%)
Source (92.5%) Protocol (1.2%)
Geometry (2.0%) Dose (99.0%) # Fields Used (18.1%)
Model/Manuf. (64.8%) Size of Target (34.2%)
Equipment (15.9%) Dose Rate (67.5%)
Energy/Isotope (81.4%) Medium (3.9%) Fx Scheme (26.6%) Backscatter (7.5%)

Fig. 3. Breakdown of the number of authors reporting each physics parameter separated into 4 broad categories. From left
to right, these are source specification, dosimetry/calibration, dose specification, and irradiation geometry.
6 Draeger et al. International Journal of Radiation Oncology  Biology  Physics

either for calibration or under irradiation conditions. ≤25th percen le (4)

Although not explicitly listed, in nearly all cases, no 300 ≤50th percen le (5)
distinction was made between the dose defined during ≤75th percen le (6)
calibration under reference conditions and the radiation 250

Number of Publica ons

≤100th percen le (10)
dose delivered to biological subjects. Without further
description, the majority of these studies would be difficult 200
to interpret or replicate.
For irradiation and setup geometry, the majority of au- 150
thors reported radiation dose delivered (99.0%) and dose
rate (67.5%) but no other parameters. Approximately a
quarter (26.6%) of authors reported fractionation schedule
and irradiation subject dimensions, but an eighth reported
field size (12.9%), distance to the source (12.2%), or 0
number of fields (18.1%). Without additional description, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
many experiments likely involved a single field exposure, Aggregate score
but this is ambiguous. Incidentally, 320 of 468 papers
reporting fractionation specified a single radiation delivery, Fig. 4. Statistical distribution of the aggregate reporting
showing that at least a portion of authors see value in score for physics and dosimetry experimental detail
deliberately specifying this experimental detail. Almost no reporting in the reviewed literature. The average score 
publications (7.5%) described the presence (or dimensions standard deviation was 4.80  1.6. The majority of articles
and composition) of attenuating or backscatter material (see scored in the 4 to 6 range.
Fig. 3), which can have a dramatic impact on radiation
delivery, particularly in the case of kV x-ray irradiations
(see Appendix EI for more details; available at https://doi. correlated with publication age at e0.094, indicating a
org/10.1016/j.ijrobp.2019.06.2545). higher score for more recent articles. When separating the
Although nearly all publications reported on some pa- publications between specialist and generalist journals, a
rameters, the pattern of reporting was not uniform. A total different picture emerged: Although the relationships
of 196 publications (11.1%) reported at least partially on all remained similar in the generalist journals, in specialist
4 main categories described in Table 1. Two publications journals the correlation became positive for impact factor
(0.1%) had no experimental description at all, save that (þ0.152) and citations per year (þ0.140) and stronger
ionizing radiation was used to irradiate the biological (e0.150) for more recent articles, whereas no correlation
samples. Some reported values were predictive of more existed with total number of citations (þ0.02, P Z .39).
complete reportingdfor instance, from 21 publications Figure 5 shows scored publications split evenly among 5
reporting the calibration protocol, 18 (85.7%) reported on groups for each publication impact metric. The reader
all 4 main categories. should note that equal groups were not possible because
The overall level of physics reporting was quantified variables are discrete and not uniformly distributed. In each
through an aggregate score (Fig. 4). In general, these data case, score frequency is reported for each subcategory as
show that the majority of articles (75%) received an the cumulative fraction of papers scoring n, where n is the
aggregate score of 5.5 or less, and a very small minority score on the horizontal axis. The relationship is most
(3.0% of articles) received 8 points. As suggested by readily apparent for impact factor, where publications in
Figure 3, publications predominantly report the type of journals with an impact factor of 2 to 2.5 are much more
radiation (1 point) and the absorbed dose (2 points), and a likely to have high scores and where the publications are
majority also report 1 to several out of the dose rate, the increasingly weighted toward lower scores with increasing
irradiator model, and the beam quality (1-3 points), which impact factor. For the other metrics, the relationship is
explains why most publications score 4 to 6 points. Only much more subdued, as expected from the very weak
papers reporting irradiation and animal geometry, or spec- (approximately e0.07 to 0.10) correlation (see Table 2).
ification of absolute dosimetry, were likely to score higher, Also shown is the physics-reporting score between several
explaining why only a quarter of publications score 6. publication demographicsdbetween so-called specialist
We correlated this aggregate physics-reporting score and generalist journals, between in vivo and in vitro ex-
with a number of common publication impact metri- periments, and by radiation source type. Papers published
csdnamely the impact factor, the total number of citations, in specialist journals out-scored generalist journals (t test
and the citations per year. As shown in Table 2, the physics- P Z 1.4  1015) whereas in vivo studies out-scored
reporting score had a weak but statistically significant in vitro studies (t test P Z 1.5  1012). Finally, a large
negative correlation with each publication impact metric: difference in aggregate physics-reporting score is apparent
the Spearman correlation coefficient was e0.237 for impact when separating papers by the radiation source, with un-
factor, e0.102 for total number of citations, and e0.067 for specified sources or unknown x-ray/gamma ray sources
citations per year. The aggregate physics-reporting score scoring dramatically lower than all others and traditional
Volume -  Number -  2019 20 years of incomplete physics in radiobiology 7

Table 2 Spearman correlation (r), significance (P), and 95% CI between physics-reporting score and various publication metrics
Metric or group All publications Specialist journals* Generalist journals*
Impact factor r Z e0.237 r Z þ0.152 r Z e0.169
P Z 6.9  1024 P Z 1.6  1010 P Z 8.9  1013
CI Z –0.280 to –0.192 CI Z þ0.053 to þ0.247 CI Z –0.220 to –0.117
Total citations r Z e0.102 r Z þ0.020 r Z e0.111
P Z 1.7  105 P Z 0.394 P Z 2.9  106
CI Z –0.148 to –0.055 CI Z e0.079 to þ0.120 CI Z –0.163 to –0.059
Citations per year r Z e0.067 r Z þ0.140 r Z e0.072
P Z 5.2  10-3 P Z 3.8  109 P Z 2.4  103
CI Z –0.113 to –0.020 CI Z þ0.041 to þ0.236 CI Z –0.125 to –0.019
Years since publication r Z e0.094 r Z e0.150 r Z e0.103
P Z 8.4  105 P Z 2.7  1010 P Z 1.5  105
CI Z –0.140 to –0.047 CI Z –0.246 to –0.051 CI Z –0.155 to –0.050

Abbreviation: CI Z confidence interval.

* Specialist journals are defined as having “Radiat” or “Phys” but not “Physiol” or “Biophys” in their abbreviated journal title.

(Co-60, Cs-137 sources) scoring lower than MV and kV x- and preclinical radiation biology research in the past 2
rays and all other sources. A univariate analysis of variance decades. Although 3 previous reviews were performed,21-23
showed a highly significant relationship (P Z 9.8  they were limited in scope. Our results are in broad
10216), with subsequent t tests showing significant dif- agreement with these similar reviews performed by Des-
ferences between all data sets (P  .0025) except for kV, rosiers et al,21 Pedersen et al,22 and Stone et al.23 Although
MV, and all remaining sources, for which t tests ranged differences in scoring categories and precise scoring
from P Z .37 to P Z .59. Additionally, the t test between methodology make an exact comparison challenging, the
all remaining sources and Co-60 was only P Z .093. reporting frequencies we found are similar (see Table 3) to
In the course of the review, several publications were these previous reviews.
noted to contain errors in which a quantity was mis- Broadly, the type of radiation and delivered radiation
reported. The most innocuous were simple errors of ter- absorbed dose are nearly universally reported. Approxi-
minology, such as misattributing Co-60 as x-rays instead of mately 60% to 80% report radiation quality/beam energy,
gamma rays or radiation from x-ray generators as gamma model or manufacturer of the irradiator, and irradiation
rays. Although these types of errors do not affect inter- dose rate. Very rarely are details concerning the irradiation
pretability of a study, they introduce ambiguity. Also geometry or irradiator calibration reported. Absolute cali-
common were vague descriptionsdexperiments conducted bration seldom extends beyond specifying the type of
using gamma or x-rays of unknown origin or energy (eg, dosimeter used to measure radiation-absorbed dose, itself
“x-rays delivered from a Siemens x-ray machine”) or solely only reported in one-seventh of publications.
described as “ionizing radiation.” In a few cases, This endemic failure to report basic experimental details
unachievable experiments were described, such as a 150 of the physics and dosimetric irradiation technique of bio-
kVp irradiation performed by a Varian TrueBeam medical logical samples can have further-reaching implications. In
linear accelerator, a system operating at MV energiesd2 all relevant literature, this failure to report or reproduce
orders of magnitude higher than reported. Although the radiation absorbed dose is ascribed to the lack of consul-
TrueBeam is equipped with a kV x-ray imaging source, its tation between the radiation biologists performing the study
maximum energy (140 kVp) and dose rate (w0.1 Gy/ and the qualified radiation physicists able to design,
min38,39) are both lower than that reported (150 kVp, 1.018 document, and validate the irradiation protocol.21,23,32
Gy/min). It is unclear whether the irradiator or beam Furthermore, because plausible but misreported quantities
quality was misreported, but the relative biological effec- are undetectable, reporting of experimental details is no
tiveness and, by implication, the study results are conse- guarantee of their accuracy, and only a comprehensive
quently difficult to reproduce, interpret, or place in context. description of the irradiation protocol can ultimately be
Other papers describe irradiations from nonexistent iso- used to evaluate and reproduce it.
topes beyond a simple typographical error (eg, Cs-62 re- In particular, the very low number of publications
ported vs typical Co-60 or Cs-137). reporting on absolute calibration standards (1.2%) or on
dosimetric measurements (15.9%) implies that few centers
calibrate or verify experimentally the dose delivery of their
Discussion irradiators. If true, this constitutes a potential cause of the
repeated difficulty in achieving standardized accurate and
We performed the first systematic large-scale review of the homogeneous dose delivery in multi-institution dosimetric
current state of physics and dosimetry reporting in basic surveys.22,31-33
8 Draeger et al. International Journal of Radiation Oncology  Biology  Physics

a Impact Factor b Citations per year

1 0–2, n = 329 1 0–1, n = 351
2–2.5, n = 383
Cumulative Fraction

Cumulative Fraction
1–2.5,n = 347
0.8 0.8
2.5–3.3, n = 344 2–3.5, n = 378
3.3–5, n = 362 3.5–6, n = 334
0.6 0.6
5–50, n = 340 6–400, n = 348
0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Reporting Score Reporting Score

c Total Citations d Years since publication

1 0–6, n = 366 1 0–4, n = 393

Cumulative Fraction
7–14, n = 344 5–7, n = 351
Cumulative Fraction

0.8 0.8
15–26, n = 342 8–11, n = 312
27–54, n = 349 12–15, n = 358
0.6 0.6
>54, n = 357 16–21, n = 344
0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Reporting Score Reporting Score

e Journal Specialization and Biological Model f Source type

Co-60, n = 421
1 Specialist j., n = 389 1 Cs-137, n = 450
Generalist j., n = 1369
Cumulative Fraction

kV x-rays, n = 439
Cumulative Fraction

in vivo, n = 736
0.8 0.8 MV x-rays, n = 130
in vitro, n = 961
both, n = 61 All others, n = 211
0.6 0.6 Ukn x/γ-ray, n = 111
No source, n = 132
0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Reporting Score Reporting Score
Fig. 5. Breakdown of the statistical distribution of papers achieving a minimum aggregate physics-reporting score as (a) a
function of impact factor, (b) total number of citations, (c) citations per year, (d) years since publication, (e) journal
specialization and biological model, and (f) source type. In the first 4 cases, the data set was divided into 5 subsets that were
as numerically equal as achievable. In the last 2, categories simply fall as they may. In general, articles with better quan-
titative impact metrics (or less recently published) were statistically more likely to achieve a lower aggregate physics-
reporting score. Journals specializing in radiation oncology, biology, or physics outscored more generalist journals, and
more modern radiation sources (MV or kV x-rays) outsourced traditional sources (Co-60 or Cs-137), but papers that did not
report the source (unknown photons, no source listed) scored drastically lower than all others.

We should stress, however, that although insufficient or protocol and makes no representations on other scientific
inaccurate reporting of the experimental protocol impairs aspects (eg, study design, cell line or animal model selec-
reproducibility, it does not necessarily diminish the quality tion, radiation dose delivered, statistics).
of results or applicability of conclusions. The review is Aside from these findings, the radiation biology and
limited in scope to the reproducibility of the irradiation physics community are acutely aware of the urgency of this
Volume -  Number -  2019 20 years of incomplete physics in radiobiology 9

Table 3 Comparison between 4 studies

Category Present study Desrosiers et al21 Pedersen et al22 Stone et al23
Source type, % 92.5 100 N/A* 86/80y
Manufacturer or model, % 64.8 80 N/A* N/A*
Energy, %z 81.4 78 86.2/50.0z 81/63y
Dose, % 99.0 94 100x N/A*
Dose rate, % 67.5 81 - 62/57y
Setup, % 32.1/37.0k 48 0.0/24.1{ 24/55y
Absolute dosimetry/equipment calibration, % 15.9 37 3.4/27.6# 8/12y
Published standards/protocol, % 1.3 7 6.9/10.3** N/A*
Papers reviewed, no. 1758yy w190zz 28 125y

* Not reported.
Reported separately for in vitro (left) and in vivo (right) experiments; 104 in vitro and 51 in vivo experiments are involved, though they add to 125
papers total.
Reported as “Radio-isotope” and “kV, filtration, HVL” for gamma and kV x-ray sources, respectively.
Reported as “Dose details”; unclear if referring to dose only or dose, dose rate, and fractionation.
Any detail on source/animal irradiation geometry reported, respectively.
Reported as “Field size and shape” and “Geometry of Fields,” respectively.
Reported differently under “Absolute dosimetry/calibration” and “Radiation source specification,” respectively.
** Reported differently under “Absolute dosimetry/calibration” and “Determination of dose,” respectively.
Out of an original 3542 evaluated articles.
All issues of Radiation Research between March 2010 and March 2011 (not explicitly enumerated as not all articles may have been analyzed).

problem. In a 2016 report aimed toward improving the the relationship between publication impact metrics and
translation of preclinical research to positive clinical trials, physics-reporting scores, generalist journals continued to
members of the NCI reported that “there is an urgent need exhibit the same trends as before whereas specialist jour-
to improve reproducibility and translatability of pre-clinical nals showed positive trends for impact factor and number of
data” to improve therapeutic agents involving radiation but citations per year and an even more pronounced trend to-
that “one impediment to drug development has been irre- ward higher scores in more recent publications, while
producibility of preclinical data,” which could be improved showing no relationship with total number of citations.
by “fastidious calibration and dosimetry of radiation sour-
ces.”40 Recently, the American Association of Physicists in
Medicine, supported by the Radiation Research Society, Conclusions
established Task Group 319 on the guidelines for accurate
dosimetry in radiobiology experiments.41 Finally, the Na- We performed the first large-scale (>1000 publications)
tional Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases and the analysis of the current state and prevalence of physics and
NCI recently formed a program to standardize and monitor dosimetry reporting in radiation biology preclinical and
radiation dosimetry delivery among the entirety of their translational research. Although most peer-reviewed arti-
preclinical research funded by the radiation countermea- cles report basic details on the amount, rate, and type of
sures program. The findings in this study only serve to radiation dose delivered, the majority fail to report other
stress the importance and timeliness of such an initiative. details required for a radiation study to be reproducible,
Finally, a weak but significant negative correlation exists interpretable, and comparable. In general, higher-impact
between the physics-reporting score of an article and its journals and papers with greater numbers of citations were
impact metrics: Well-cited papers published in high- correlated with the reporting of fewer experimental details.
impact-factor journals were most likely to have incom- These findings expose a deep lack of reporting of basic
pletely described methods regarding irradiation protocols. radiation physics concepts in a large proportion of the ra-
This may be because these journals have more stringent diation biology literature. In the context where much of
word limits compared with lower-impact-factor journals. nationally funded preclinical research fails to translate to
Furthermore, specialist journals, in vivo studies, and more clinical applications, and with the increasing role of allied
modern radiation sources such as MV and kV x-rays were fields such as immunology in radiobiology studies, journal
more likely to be well described than generalist journals, editors and reviewers have the responsibility to ensure that
in vitro studies, or traditional sources. This is likely peer-reviewed articles report required experimental details
because these publications are more likely to enlist the help related to physics and dosimetry to ensure the reproduc-
of medical physicists who advise on the design and ibility, interpretability, and comparability of radiation
reporting of irradiation protocols. Indeed, when analyzing research.
10 Draeger et al. International Journal of Radiation Oncology  Biology  Physics

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