Online Classes Management System Enrollment No. 196140307079

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3341603 Fundamental Of Software Development

Online classes management system

Enrollment no. 196140307079
Practical: 3
Aim: Prepare SRS Document for Software.
➢ Requirement: 1 registration

• R.1.1: registration option

▪ Enter your first name:
▪ Enter your last name:
▪ Enter your mobile no.:
▪ Enter your mail address :
▪ Make your user id:
▪ Enter keyword for your password:
▪ Enter OTP which given on your mobile number:
Output: account created
➢ Requirement: 2 login
▪ Input: user id – password
▪ Output: if password correct then “login successfully”
,else “incorrect password”
▪ R.2.1: forget password
Input: enter your mobile no.
Output: otp generated, change password
Input: crate your new password
Output: password changed success fully

➢ Requirement:3 home page

• R.3.1: chat
Input: type massage
Output: massage sending
• R.3.2: calendar
input: enter meeting code
Output: joined

3341603 Fundamental Of Software Development

Input: create meeting (meeting time, date)

Output: your meeting created
• R.3.3: groups
Input: create group
Output: your group is created
• R.3.4: assignments
Input: upload your work practical-name_ subject-
name reference -document
Output: your work is uploaded
➢ Requirement: 4 settings
• R.4.1: Edit profile:
Input: update your details (profile photo, contact)
Output: your profile is updated
• R.4.2: Add account
Input: add new account
Output: enter details
• R.4.3: contact us
Input: faculty name
Output: contact number
• R.4.4: about as
Input: version, privacy
Output: show version of application
• R.4.5: Help
Input: enter your question
Output: your answer
• R.4.6: Sing out
Input: enter id and password
Output: sing out successful
• R.4.7: feedback
Input: give your feed back
Output: thanks for feed back

➢ Requirement: 5 more
• R.5.1: Files
Input: search your document/ download document
Output: your document was founded
• R.5.3: Shifts
Input: faculty
Output: faculty shift

3341603 Fundamental Of Software Development

• R.5.4: Task
Input: create task
Output: task created

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