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Mosquito have been very hazardous insect in our modern society laying eggs
that would increase their population in our community . They have been known to
cause many diseases that may lead illness or worst death. Mosquitoes have the
ability to transmit deadly diseases to humans such as Malaria, Filariasis, Yellow
Fever and Dengue Fever. People have been buying insecticides either spray or coil
repellents, alarmed to catch the deadly diseases.

We might be safe from the mosquitoes but are we safe against the chemicals
inside the instruments that we use? Repellents usually work by providing a vapor
barrier deterring mosquitoes from meeting the skin surface. So many chemicals
that may result to a serious problem to humans.

So we decided to find a way to eradicate mosquitoes in a way where we

eliminate them before they become an adult and may harm humans with their
bites. Eradicating larvae in a natural way wherein people can easily create in their
homes with the use of a plant which is abundant in our country Philippines. A
product that cannot harm the human health like what repellents do and a product
that is much affordable than any other instruments against mosquitoes or larvae.
We are aiming to give people way to annihilate mosquitoes in their larvae form
that is environmental friendly and non-toxic.

General Objectives
The general aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of
calamnsi (Citrofortunella microcarpa) as an alternative mosquito
Specific objectives
Specifically this study aims to:
a. Determine whether the calamansi will be proven enough to use as a larvicide.
b. Find out if there is any direct or indirect consequences on the society for this

The study entitled “Calamansi as Alternative Larvicide” will be conducted
 H0- The orange peel is not feasible to be used as an alternative to the commercially available
mosquito repellent.
 H1- The orange peel is feasible to be used as an alternative to the commercially available
mosquito repellent.


This study is conducted to determine the effectiveness of calamansi
(Citrofortunella microcarpa) peel as a natural larvicide.

Moreover this study will benefit to a lot of people because it tackles about the
effectiveness of calamansi (Citrofortunella microcarpa) a citrus fruit that is native in
the Philippines our country as a larvicide. It enables them to prevent possible disease
adult mosquitoes bites and specially people that are highly susceptible to mosquito
related infections. Furthermore in the future it can perhaps help reduce the amount of
diseases caused by mosquitoes; it can otherwise help replace mosquito
repellents that has high chemicals that may damage our health.

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