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Philosophy Statement

Jenna Knox
I found my passion for Public Health in those with gastrointestinal issues. Unfortunately,
issues with one’s gastrointestinal (GI) tract are far too common in today’s society. Even with the
far reach of GI tract issues, it still seems to be a subject that many find to be “taboo.” In my
future endeavors, I would like to address this because it is very important to have, what some
call, “good gut health.” A lot of these gut issues stem from a diet lacking in diversity and
nutrients, which is where I would be able to step in and address the issue. Ultimately, I would
like to turn digestive issues into something that can be discussed freely so that it may be
My passion in Public Health is rather unusual but comes from a place near and dear to
my heart. My mother has had bouts of clostridium difficile colitis, which is a bacterium that
causes poor absorption of food stuff or chyme when it enters the large intestine. It is a fairly
common bacterium that typically results from antibiotic use. Through my mother’s illness, we
both learned a lot about gut health and how important it is for one’s body to be fully functioning.
She last battled the bacteria back in 2016, yet she still suffers with GI issues and is constantly
looking for a diet that can help to ease her gut pain and help to regulate her. Through this
incident, I also had the chance to learn about pharmaceuticals and injustice in the U.S. healthcare
system. This is another area of interest that I would like to consider pursuing in the future.
Being in the Public Health Major has helped to fuel my excitement for advocacy in gut
health, amongst other areas of interest. Learning how to address a population, create a plan for
that population, and implement it has brought many ideas to mind about how I would like to
apply that in my future career. Advocacy and communication will always be allies in my future
pursuits and utilizing advocacy for open communication on gut health will, hopefully, get the
conversation started among the public. This way people can learn how to handle these issues,
where to find access to healthcare services to address these issues, and learn that they are not
alone in their endeavors. It took my mom a while, but she found an online community of people
in similar situations to her own, which I think, above all else, gave her the greatest sense of hope
for finding an answer.
In the near future, I will be receiving my Bachelor’s in Health Science with a
concentration in Public Health, along with a minor in Health Education and a minor in
Psychology. I hope to continue my education after my bachelor’s degree to earn a degree in
nursing. This way I can address issues and implement my knowledge on the community level
and the individual level. I will be able to not only educate the public, but also help them on a
personal level with their issues. Having a healthy GI tract is important and is a topic our country
needs to talk about now. Hopefully, I will be able to protect people from illness so that they will
be able to live their lives to the fullest.

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