May I Have Your Attention

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May I have your attention, please!

Good morning, ladies and gentlement

I’d like to take opportunities to thank your for coming here today.
For those of you, you don’t know me, My name Chu Linh and I’m a member of
Research and Development Department . And our topic today is very interesting.
Can I ask you a question?
Do you know the common factors that lead to death in the world?
For more information, you can see the data below -two columns are bolded- This
is threaten to human life
And Yes topic today is Air Pollution
My talk is particular relevant to those of you who concern about environment
problems. I plan to speak for about 15 minutes.
My presentation will be divide to … first I give you, then take a look at, and finally
I will handing out copies of slides at the end of my talk. If u have any question, fell
free to interrupt at any time
let's go to the first part
There are two types of sources that we will take a look, namely Natural sources
and Man-made sources.
This is the end of my presentation. Thank you for your attention. Do you have any
question for me?

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