How To Excel in College

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How to Excel in College

Do you have trouble passing college courses? Do you feel you are failing and
there is no hope? Well, this article will help you excel in college.


Be prepared for class. Make sure you have a backpack with school supplies
you need for a particular class. You can have a binder, a notebook, #2 pencil,
scantrons on test days, a pen, a time tracker, and an eraser.

Take notes before you come to class. It can be overwhelming to come to class and
not be able to complete notes because the teacher talks fast or mumbles, (or gets off
topic) so it is best to look at the syllabus and find out what the the teacher is lecturing on
the particular day and take notes prior to the class date, so you will not be overwhelmed
with copying everything on class days. Some colleges have an internet portal where you
can view the material from class and then take notes from there.

Limit yourself on media. This includes Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, YouTube,
television, Twitter, video games, and Internet sites. You are here in college to learn. You
don't have to not do those things, but concentrate on learning first, then if you have free
time, get on media.


Know when your assignments are due. This is very important to pass college and do
well in classes. When your teacher passes out the syllabus, note the day's assignments
like homework and papers are due so you will have time to complete them,take it slowly
piece by piece, and allow yourself to have a break so you are not as stressed. Study
well in advance for quizzes and tests.


Take advantage of resources. In colleges, there is an abundance of resources
available for students who are struggling in classes. There are tutoring centers, that will
will work one-on-one with you or as a group in specific courses, and there may be
supplemental instruction, or people who have passed the course with a B or higher and
can facilitate learning. See what resource is available in your school and use it.
Remember, they are always there to help you.


Visit the professor. If you having trouble understanding a particular concept, you can
always visit the professor during his office hours so he/she can explain it to you, so use
it to your advantage. You can also schedule appointments in case you cannot make
his/her office hours.


Study hard. This is the most important step in learning. You must be willing to learn,
and say no to events because if you do, you will do much better in college. You will
study harder if you enjoy the material so try to be in a major where you are in a subject
that you are interested in or good at.

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