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St. Augustine’s School of Iba Inc.

Iba, Zambales


Section: GRADE 12 - STEM
Semester of A.Y. 2021 – 2022
Prepared by: Ms. Mary Antonnette Lao, LPT

1 Page


Life Performance Outcome

 I am Mindful, Self-Directed learner and role model
 I am Courageous and resourceful, Explorers and Problem solvers
 I am Credible, a responsive communicator and Team player
Program Outcomes
 PO1: Accurately and idiomatically use globally understood English to express and write
the ideas, principles, an d events that influence their worldview and enhance their lives
and career opportunities.
 PO2- Explain and illustrate how literary works in English have given meaning to their lives
and shaped their values, aspirations, and actions.
Essential Performance Outcomes

 Assess their unique personal qualities, thinking processes, and talents, and explain how
strengthening them can open doors to continued learning and personal fulfillment.
 Devote focused time to developing the competencies required for sound achievement
in a chosen field and for functioning effectively in the face of life’s diverse challenges;
 Willingly share responsibilities and participate actively in fostering group collegiality,
cohesion, and effectiveness;
Content Standard
 The learner demonstrates understanding of the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses,
and kinds of quantitative research
 The learner demonstrates understanding of the importance of quantitative research
across fields
 The learner demonstrates understanding of the nature of variables
Performance Standard
 The learner is able to decide on suitable quantitative research in different areas of
Intended Learning Outcomes
 Choose appropriate research Design
 Construct an instrument and establish its validity and reliability
 Present written Methodology
 Implement research design principles to produce research work
Most Intended Learning Competencies
 Describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research
 Illustrates the importance of quantitative research across fields
 Differentiates kinds of variables and their uses
 Identify the Characteristics of Quantitative Research
 Determine the Strengths and weakness of Quantitative Research
 Identify the different kinds of Quantitative Research
 Understand and Inculcate the importance of research in their field of study
 Differentiate kinds of variables and their uses.
Research, in all real sense it all about finding answers for problems already existing. Based
on Babbie’s studies from 2007, Investigation or Experimentation aimed to the discovery of facts,
revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts or practical application of such
new or revised theories or laws. According to Kerlinger (1986) Research is systematic, controlled
empirical and critical investigations of propositions about the presumed relationships about
various phenomena.


Quantitative research designs use numbers in stating generalizations about a given problem or
inquiry in contrast to qualitative research that doesn’t use statistical treatment. These numbers
or figures are the results of objective scales of measurement of the units of analysis called
variables. Research findings are subject to statistical treatment to determine significant
relationships or differences between variables, the results of which are the bases for
generalization about a specific phenomenon.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

1. Objectives – seeks accurate measurement and analysis of target concepts.

2. CLEARLY defined Research Questions- well defined for which objective answers are
3. Structured Research Instruments – Data are normally gathered using structured research
tolls such as questionnaires to collect measurable characteristics of the population like
4. Numerical Data – Data are in form of Data and statistics, organized in tables, charts and
figures that consolidate large numbers to show trends, relationship or differences among
5. Large Sample size – to arrive at more reliable data analysis, a normal population
distribution curve is preferred. This Requires a large sample size depending on how the
characteristics of the population vary. Random sampling is recommended in
determining sample size to avoid the researchers’ bias when it comes to interpreting
6. Replication – reliable quantitative studies can be repeated to verify or confirm the
correctness of the results in another setting.
7. Future outcomes – using complex mathematical calculations and with aid of
technology, scenarios may be formulated thus predicting future results.

Strengths of Quantitative Research

 It is objective
 Use of statistical techniques facilitates sophisticated analyses and allows comprehension
of huge amount of vital characteristics of Data.
 Numerical Data can be analyzed in a quick and easy way. By employing statistically
valid random models, findings can be generalized to the population about which
information is necessary.
 Standardize approaches allow the study to be replicated in different areas or over time
with the formulation of comparable findings.
 The bigger the sample of the population, the results would be more reliable and valid.
 Quantitative experiments filter out external factors, if properly designed, and so the
results gained can be seen, as real and unbiased. Quantitative experiments are useful in
testing the results gained by a series of qualitative experiments, leading to a final
answer, and a narrowing down to possible directions to follow.

Weakness of Quantitative Research

 It is COSTLY (when conducted physically), difficult and time consuming.

 Requires a large number of respondents.
 The information contextual factors to help interpret the results or to explain variations are
usually ignored.
 Many information is difficult to gather using structured research instruments, specifically
on sensitive issues like, pre-marital sex, domestic violence and others.
 It requires extensive statistical treatment, requiring stringent standards more so the
confirmation of results. When ambiguities in some findings surface retesting and
refinement of the design call for another investment in time and resources to polish the

 Quantitative methods also tend to turn out only proved or unproven results leaving little

room for uncertainty.

 If not done correctly and SERIOUSLY, Researchers must be on look out on respondents
who are just guessing in answering the instrument.

Kinds of Quantitative Research Designs

Research designs refer to the overall strategy that you choose in order to integrate
different components of the study in coherent and logical way, to assure that the research
problem will be effectively addressed.

Quantitative Qualitative


Non Focus Group

Experimantal Dicussion

Pre- Phenomology
True Quasi Experimental Descriptive
Experimental Experimental
One Shot Case Participant
1. Pre-test Study Observation
Time Series Survey
Design Design
One Group Discourse
Pre-test, Post - Ex Post acto Analsis
2. Post Test Non Equivalent
Test Design Studies
Design Control Group
Design Grounded
3. Post Test Theory
only/ Control Correlational
Group Design




Experimental research design allows researchers to control the situation. This kind of research
identify the cause and effect relationships between variables and to distinguish placebo
effects from treatment effects.

True experimental designs controls for both time-related and group-related threats. Two
features mark true experiments, two or more differently treated groups and random
assignment to these groups. These feature require that the researchers have control over the
experimental treatment and the power to place subjects in groups. True Experimental design
employs both treated and control groups to deal with time-related rival explanations.

A control group changes other that those due to the treatment that occur during the
time of the study. Such changes include effects of outside events, maturation by the subjects,
changes in measures and impact of any pre-test.

In Quasi experiment, the researcher can collect more data, either by scheduling more
observations or finding more existing measures.

True experimental designs offer the highest internal validity of all the designs. Quasi
Experimental design differs from true experimental design by the absence of random
assignment of subjects to different conditions.
Pre-experimental types of research apply to experimental designs with the latest internal
validity. One type of pre-experiment, the single group pre-test-post-test design, measures the
group two times, before and after intervention.

Instead of comparing the pretest with the with the posttest within one group, the post
test of the treated groups is compared with the untreated group. Measuring the effects as the

difference between groups marks this as between-subjects design. Assuming both group

experienced the same time-related influences, the comparison group feature should protect
this design from the rival explanations that threaten the with in subject design.

Types of Quasi Experimental Design

1. Non-equivalent control group design - refers to the chance failure of random
assignment to equalize the conditions by converting a true experiment into this kind of
design, for purposes of analysis.
2. Interrupted Time Series Design – employs multiple measures before and after the
experimental intervention. It differs from the single-group pre-experiment that has only
one pre-test and one post-test. Users design assume that the time threats such as history
or maturation appear as regular change in the measures prior to intervention

Non Experimental Research Design

The researcher observes a phenomena s they occur naturally and no external variables
are introduced. In this research design, the variables are not deliberately manipulated nor is
the setting controlled. Researchers collect data without making changes or introducing

Descriptive Research – the main purpose is to observe describe and document aspects
of a situation as it naturally occurs and sometimes to serve as a starting point or hypothesis
generation or theory development.

Types of Descriptive Research:

1. Survey – a research design used when researchers intend to provide numeric
descriptions of trends, attitude opinions of a population by studying a sample of the
population. (Creswell,2003)
2. Correlational Research
a. Bivariate – obtain from two variables that are selected because they are
believe to be related.
b. Prediction – use correlation co-efficient to show how one variable predicts
c. Multiple Regression Prediction Studies – all variables can contribute to overall
production in an equation that add together the predictive power of each
identified variable.
3. Ex- Post Facto Research (Casual – Comparative research) – it examines one or more
pre-existing conditions could possibly have caused subsequent difference in groups
of subjects. Researchers attempt to discover whether differences between groups
have results in an observed difference in the independent variables.
4. Comparative Design – Involves comparing and contrasting two or more sample of a
study subjects on one or more variables. This design is used to compare two distinct
groups on the basis of selected attributes such as knowledge level, perceptions and
attitudes on physical or psychological symptoms.
5. Evaluative Research - Seeks to assess or judge on some way providing information
about something other that might be gleaned in mere observation or investigation
of relationships.
a. Formative
b. Summative
6. Methodological – implementation of variety of methodologies forms a critical part of
achieving the goal of developing a scale matched approach, where data from
different disciplines can be integrated.

Importance of Quantitative Research

People do research to find solutions, even temporary ones, to problems in order to

improve or enhance ways of doing things, to disprove or provide new hypothesis or simply find
an answer to questions or solutions to problems in daily life. Research findings can affect
people’s lives, ways of doing things, laws, rules and regulations, as well as policies, among
others. Quantitative research, because of its emphasis on proof rather than discovery has been
widely used in most disciplines.

In the area of Accounting, Business and Management (ABM), researches can help
design new product or services, figuring out what is needed and ensure that the development
of a new product is highly targeted towards demand. Businessmen can decide where they
need to increase their product distribution conducting researches can also help business
determine whether now is the proper time to open another branch or whether it needs to
apply for a loan. It may also help small business decide if a procedure or strategy should be
changed to meet the requirements of the customer base. The primary function of research in
ABM is to correctly determine its customers and their preferences, establish the enterprise in the
most feasible location, deliver quality goods and services, analyze what the competitors are
doing and find ways on how to continuously satisfy the growing and varied needs of the

In the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) medical

practitioners for example conduct researches to obtain significant information about disease
trends and risk factors, results of various health interventions, patterns of care and health care
cost and use. The different approaches to research provide commentary insights. Researches
help in determining effectiveness and even side effect of drugs and therapies in different
populations. It is also necessary in evaluating experiences in clinical practice in order to
develop mechanisms for best practices and to ensure high quality patient care. As for
Engineers, architects and other builders, research helps in providing deigns which are
creatively beautiful and at the same time give more convenience and efficiency as they utilize
modern technology to adapt to the ever changing society. New materials and procedures
may be developed so as to further strengthen the structural materials that can withstand
various calamities and disasters.
In the discipline of Humanities and Social Science (HUMMS) research aims to provide
solutions to social problems directly felt by people. Researches in this field deals more on
societal behaviors and social issues such as stress, worker ethics, organizational commitment,
leadership style, child labor, teenage pregnancy, human trafficking to drug addiction and
other forms. Social science research leas to the understanding of social interactions that may
lead to the formulation of new theories and practices that contribute to societal development
and welfare.

Kinds of Variables and their Uses

Variable came from the root word __________ which means _____________

Variables among the fundamental concepts of research, alongside with measurement,

validity, reliability, cause and effect of the theory.

The most common variables in social research are _____, ______, ______, _______, _______,
________, _________.

According to Creswell (2002) A variable specifically refers to a characteristic, or attribute of an

individual or an organization that can be measured or observed and that varies among the
people or organization studies.

Nature of Variables in Data

Discrete Variable – are also known as categorical or classificatory variable, on the other hand
is any variable that has a limited number of distinct values and which cannot be divided intro
1. Nominal Variables- represents categories that cannot be ordered in any particular way.
Example : Biological Sex, Eye color, Business Type, Religion, Blood Type.
2. Ordinal Variables – represents categories that can be ordered from greatest to smallest.

Example: Educational Level, Income Bracket


Continuous Variable – values can be divided into fractions
1. Interval Variables –have values that lie along an evenly dispersed range of numbers.
Example: Temperature, Net worth
2. Ratio Variables – have values that lie along an evenly dispersed range of numbers
where there is an absolute zero, as opposed to net worth, which can have a negative
debt to income ratio level variable. You cannot have income or some positive amount
of income. Most scores stemming from response to survey items are ratio-level values
because they typically cannot go below zero.
Example; Height, Weight, Distance

Kinds of Variable:

1. Independent Variable – those are probably cause, influence or affect outcomes. They
are invariably called treatment, manipulated, antecedent or predictor variables.
They are variables that can stand alone and they are not changed by the other
variables you are trying to measure.
2. Dependent Variables – those that depend on the independent variables. They are the
outcomes or results of the influence of the independent variable. This variable is what
researcher are interested in.
3. Intervening or mediating variables – “stand between” the independent and dependent
variables, and they show the effects of the independent variable on the dependent
4. Control Variables – special type of independent variables that are measured in a study
because they potentially influence the dependent variables. Demographic or personal
variables that needs to be ‘controlled’ so that the true influence of the independent
variable on the dependent variable can be determined.
5. Confounding Variables – those are not actually measured or observed in a study. They
exist but their influence cannot be directly detected in the study. Researchers
commented on the influence of confounding variables after a study has been
completed, because this variable may have operated to explain the relationship
between the independent variable and dependent variable.
**You can also check this website

A. On the spaces provided, write SURVEY or EXPERIMENT, indicating the kind of quantitative
research you will use in the following problems, inquiries.

_____________1. How many students use the school library between 3PM to 5PM.
_____________2. How many hours adolescents do Facebook a day.
_____________3. The most frequently used student service in the school.
_____________4. Impact of blended leaning on students who enrolled in Calculus.
_____________5. The number of students who read the newspaper daily.
_____________6. The food preference of Tennis players.
_____________7. The number of times students go to the guidance counselor for help every
…………………… month.
___________8. The kind of shampoo women prefer.
_____________9. The kind of deodorant men preferred.
_____________10. The most saleable items in the three food chain in Iba.
_____________11. The effects of coaching on the academic performance of Grade 12 students
in Mathematics
_____________12. Results of a prescribed daily diet on the sugar count of diabetic patients.
_____________13. Popularity of powdered detergent on housewives.
_____________14. The impact of cooperative stores on a selected barangay.
_____________15. The correlation of admission test results of high school students under ALS
and those under the regular schooling system.

B. Using Venn Diagrams, show the similarities and differences between continuous and discrete
variable and Independent and Dependent Variable.

Continuous Discrete

a a

Independent Dependent

a a

C. On the space provided for, Write I if the variable is Interval, N if Nominal, R if Ratio and O if
_____1. Military Title _____6. Clothing (Sneakers, Shirt)
_____2. Temperature in Celsius _____7. A score in a 5 item quiz
_____3. Birthplace _____8. Feeling for Today
_____4. Year Level _____9. Means of Transportation to School
_____5. Favorite type of Music _____10. How internet is used at home

D. Identify the Independent and Dependent Variable

1. Organizational Commitment and Teaching Performance of Elementary Teachers in
the Iba District
Independent: ____________________________
Dependent: _____________________________
2. Conceptual, Interpersonal and Technical skills of Bank Managers: their relationship to
Operational Efficiency
Independent: ____________________________

Dependent: _____________________________

3. Increasing Mathematics achievement through contextualized and localized
Independent: ____________________________
Dependent: _____________________________
4. Impact of Blended leaning on students’ achievement in Social Studies
Independent: ____________________________
Dependent: _____________________________
5. Effectiveness of exposing students in classical music on reading comprehension
Independent: ____________________________
Dependent: _____________________________

E. Research and read five studies and supply the information needed below (please create a
separate document for this)

Kinds of
Research Title Source Variables Used Kinds of Variables

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