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St. Augustine’s School of Iba, Inc.

Iba, Zambales
SY: 2021-2022

Prepared by:
Ms. Kathrine Gayle P. Garcia, LPT
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Politics refers to the “theory of art,
and practice of government.” The political
Culture is generally institution is a relatively stable cluster of
defined as the sum of an in- statuses, general norms, and role behav-
dividual's way of life, ranging ior , which are involved in acquisition and
from the food he or she eats, exercise of powers.
the clothes he or she wears
and the house where he or
she lives. It also include both
the material and non material
things that he or she pos-
sesses or acquires. Non-
material things are the norms
and values as well as intan-
gible aspects of his or her
existence: music, dance, po-
etry, and other forms of ex-
pressions that showcase his
or her creativity and artistry.
Society is generally
defined as an organized
Gender is the socially-constructed of being male or female
group or groups of interde-
(Eccles;43). In short, it refers to society division of humanity into two
pendent people who share a
distinctive categories based on sex.
common territory, language

Socioeconomic status refers to the category of person who have

more or less the same socioeconomic privileges in a society. These
privileges are due to inherited wealth and/or the occupational status of
breadwinner in the household (Panopio,etc.:327)
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As the most potent cultural concept, eth-
nicity is the expression of the set of cultural ide-
Nationality is the legal as held by a distinct ethnic or indigenous group.
relationship that binds a per- An ethnic group refers to people who collective-
son and country . It allows ly and publicly identify themselves as distinct
the state to protect and have and unique based on distinguishable cultural
jurisdiction over a person. features that set them apart from others.
For people who are legally
born of Filipino parent/s and
those naturalized in the
country after fulfilling the re-
quirements of residency.

Exceptionality , as
used in this context, refers to
the state of being intellectual-
ly gifted and/or having physi-
cally or mentally challenged Religion is an organized
conditions concerning per- system of ideas about the spir-
sonality/behavior , communi- itual sphere or the supernatural,
cation, intellect, physical ap- along with associated ceremoni-
pearance, or a combination al or ritualistic practices by
of more than a specific ex- which people try to interpret
ceptionality or disability and/or influence aspects of the
(MinEd;2) universe otherwise beyond hu-
man. Control (Haviland,

UCSP 3 of 8
 Santarita, Joefe B. 2020 Understanding Culture Society and Politics, Vibal Group, Inc. Araneta Ave. Quezon
 Madrid, R.M. 2020 Understanding Culture Society and Politics, Rex Bookstore Inc. Quezon City Philippines
 For pictures resources http//

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