Name:Ahmad Munyem ID:2012374630 Short Question

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Name:Ahmad Munyem


Short Question

1. Write down Maslow’s hierarchy in order.

Psychological need, safety need, love and belongings teem, self actualization

2. What are the stages that dying people go through?

1.denial 2.anger 3.bargaining 4.depression 5.acceptance

3. Name 3 Neo Freudian.

1.Adler.2.Jung 3.Erikson

4. Name three different types of psychological assessments.

1.Clinical Interview 2.Personality Assessment 3.Behavioural Assessment

Essay Questions :

Explain how parenting style can impact the social development of children. Does personality

disorder has something to do with certain parenting style? Explain.

Parenting style could impact the social development of children in many ways. Not all 4 are
equally helpful to us to develop social awareness . In these 4 parenting style authoritative
parenting style help a lot to create more social awareness.In authoritative parenting style
children causing high self stream in children with developing communication skill.In
authoritative  parenting style parents give their children more freedom to take decision.In
these style parents help their children through feedback and proper which is good for present
society like supportive parents. If we look at our present society which expects from their
children a lot but does not help them properly. It’s reflects the example of
authoritarian.Authoritarian parenting system could not create any social awareness for our
society.Because here parents are for their children .Moreover, if we look permissive
parenting here parents do not expect from their  children and the discipline system is very low
in this style.Beside that they do not support their children lot.Thats we can say that this style
can not create social awareness.After that if we say something about uninvolved parenting
style it basically fulfil their children basic needs.Moreover they ditch their children which is
not so good.

After analyzing all 4 I found that only authoritative parenting can create social
awareness.Because it this style parents are so much supportive for their children.If other
parenting systems give a little look on the authoritative parenting they learn something good
which is important to our children and as well as society.

The personal disorder are:

Borderline personality disorder::It’s something which can not except rejection.In

authoritative parenting style parents accept their children opinion which is opposite of
borderline personality’

Antisocial personality disorder:here basically one person are introvert.So we can relate that
with authoritarian parenting style while so much strict to their children that's why children are

Narcissistic personality disorder:In their one person only thing only himself.So that we can
relate this personality with autorian .Where parents are so strict with their children like they
only think on their site .

Analyze with example, how stress affect our physical and psychological wellbeing and the

coping mechanism we usually use to cope up with stress. Also analyze how stress can lead to

some major psychological disorders ( Anxiety disorder/ mood disorder/ psychotic disorder/

personality disorder) and how does it impact us.

The thing which creates pressure or tension that affects an individual mind and peace is
called stress. It is a thing which a person creates in his mind anxiety and stress disorder can
cause various diseases .For example blood pressure diabetes, obesity, heart diseases, feeling
numbness, sweating, tingling are common causes of  severe stress.Moreover, it affects our
psychological health also. Headaches, extreme mood change, feeling sad.There are some
mechanisms which help us to remove stress. The coping mechanism of stress is identified by
adaptations, focusing on the problems, cognitive behavior, and occupation-based or focused
coping style would help to cope up with stress. the coping mechanism allows a person to
lower their expectations, being calm to understand the problem, taking responsibility for the
situation, and asking for help, support from both friend or family would help knowing the
situation is must, cause it allows to rethink the problem and make a person choose an
alternative and choice to cope up the situation. Stress causes some severe psychological
disorders like anxiety, mood, psychotic, personality. Stress situations suppress an individual’s
mental state. And cause more thinking. There are different types of personality disorders like
a paranoid, schizoid, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic personality disorder. If the stress is
unchecked for a long period it can cause these personality disorders. The borderline disorder
is more common in this stressor situation. The person who has been stressed is more likely to
harm himself because he is not in control to convey his emotions and more likely to self harm
himself. These disorders surely impact us and society very much worse. These types of
behaviour promote a lot of things which are aggression, conflict etc.

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