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blades in the dark hawkers

cohort type Capangas

crew sheet vice


Mérito: Leais, Determinados

Defeitos: Código de
Baby Corp. Encrenqueiros
special abilities xp
Conduta, Ferozes
● silver tongues: each pc may add +1 action rating to command,

Casarão Abandonado em Diamantina consort, or sway (up to a max rating of 3). cohort type
accord: sometimes friends are as good as territory. you may
turf hold weak strong tier ● count up to three +3 faction statuses you hold as if they
rep are turf.
Claims the good stuff: your merchandise is exquisite. the product
personal quality is equal to your tier+2. when you deal with a crew
clothier local graft lookouts informants or faction, the gm will tell you who among them is hooked type
+1d to survey and cohort
turf +1d engagement +2 coin for show of +1d gather info for on your product (one, a few, many, or all).
hunt on your ARMOR
for social plans force or socialize scores ghost market: through arcane ritual or hard-won
experience, you have discovered how to prepare your product
for sale to ghosts and/or demons. they do not pay in coin.
what do they pay with?
luxury venue
turf turf LAIR turf +1d to consort ● high society: it's all about who you know. take -1 heat
and sway on site during downtime and +1d to gather info about the city's cohort type
■ elite. ARMOR

hooked: your gang members use your product. add the savage,
foreign surplus cover unreliable, or wild flaw to your gangs to give them +1
market vice den caches cover identities
+1d engagement quality.
(tier roll) - heat = (tier roll) - heat = +2 coin for operation for deception and
coin in downtime coin in downtime product sale or -2 heat per score patron: when you advance your tier, it costs half the coin it
supply transport plans
normally would. who is your patron? why do they help you?
crew upgrades
heat wanted level coin vaults veteran: choose special abilities from other crews: hawker’ s rigging (1 carried
■■ item is concealed; no load)
upon crew advance, each pc gets +1 stash (+2 per tier)
ironhook contacts (+1 tier
crew advancement in prison)
at the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple
times. elite rooks (+1 quality)
acquire product supply, execute clandestine/covert sales, or secure new territory. elite thugs (+1 quality)
contend with challenges above your current station. composed (+1 stress box)
bolster your crew's reputation or develop a new one.
express the goals, drives, inner conflict, or essential nature of the crew.
contacts note: these fields are editable sales territory lair quality
sale - supply - show of force - socialize
rolan wott, a magistrate carriage ■ documents
laroze, a bluecoat Ponto de Venda: Câmara Oficial (+1 em rolagens boat gear
lydra, a deal broker de abertura para golpes feitos nesse bairro e 1 ■ hidden implements
■ quarters pet/special
hoxley, a smuggler atividade de folga para contribuir para o golpe)
■ secure supplies
anya, a dillettante vault tools
marlo, a gang boss workshop weapons
training cohorts
insight upgrade costs
prowess new cohort: 2
■ resolve add type: 2
factions of doskvol
criminal underworld city institutions labor & trade citizenry
tier hold status tier hold status tier hold status tier hold status
Os Velados iv s Exército Imperial vi s A Fundação iv s Coroa-Alva v s

A Colmeia iv s -1 Câmara Municipal v s 2 Estivadores iii s Diamantina iv s

O Círculo das Chamas iii s Ministério da Preservação v s Gondoleiros iii s +1 Câmara Oficial iv s

Os Cravos de Prata iii s Caçadores de Leviatãs v s Marujos iii w Seis Torres iii w

lorde scurlock iii s Prisão Anzol de Ferro iv s Trablhadores iii w Praia da Seda ii s

Os Corvos ii w 1 sparkwrights iv s Cocheiros ii w -1 Empório Noturno ii s

Os Lanternas Negras ii w 2 spirit wardens iv s Cifras ii s Pé de Corvo ii s

Os Faixas Escarlates ii w -2 Os Casacas Azuis iii s +3 Libertinos ii w As Docas ii s

As Irmãs Funestas ii s Os Inspetores iii s -1 Peões dos Trilhos ii w Morro do Rio ii s

Os Trituradores ii w Consulado Iruviano iii s Servos ii w Morro do Carvão ii w

Os Cutelos ii w +1 Consulado Skovlandês iii w Baixada do Borralho i s

Os Vultos ii w the brigade ii s Charco-Gris i w

Os Casacas Cinzas ii s -2 Consulado Severosi i s

ulf Filho do Ferro i s Consul. Arquipélago das Adagas i s the fringe

Os Mantins da Névoa i w tier hold status
A Igreja do Êxtase iv s
Almas Perdidas i w
A Horda iii s

A Via dos Ecos iii s

Os Deuses Esquecidos iii w

Os Reconciliados iii s

Refugiados Skovlandeses iii w

A Dama Lacrimosa ii s
tier: i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi
hold: weak, strong War Legião da morte ii w
status: +3 allies when you're at war with any number of factions (status -3), the following penalties apply:
+2 friendly lose 1 hold (temporarily, while the war persists). this may knock you down a tier.
+1 helpful pcs get only one free downtime action instead of two.
0 neutral
-1 interfering
take +1 heat from each score.
-2 hostile your claims which generate coin (vice dens, fighting pits, fences, etc.) produce only half
-3 war! their normal income (round down).

long-term projects
Estabelecendo Conexões
O grupo já tem a receita do bolo. Para começar
segments 0 4 6 8
a fazê-lo, no entanto, eles precisam dos segments 0 4 6 8 segments 0 4 6 8
ingredientes e do forno. Antes disso, ainda, eles
filled 0 1 2 filled 0 1 2 filled 0 1 2
3 4 5
precisam falar com quem pode arrumar isso para 3 4 5 3 4 5
6 7 8 eles. 6 7 8 6 7 8

segments 0 4 6 8
Pesquisando formas de lidar com segments 0 4 6 8 segments 0 4 6 8

filled 0 1 2
fantasmas. filled 0 1 2 filled 0 1 2
3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5
6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8

Benício 2
Estágio 2: Atuadores mecânicos
(vi): As engrenagens e sistemas que
segments 0 4 6 8 segments 0 4 6 8 segments 0 4 6 8

filled 0 1 2 filled 0 1 2 filled 0 1 2

3 4 5
6 7 8
gerenciam o movimento do casco. 3 4 5
6 7 8
3 4 5
6 7 8

Negócios de Família
segments 0 4 6 8
Pesquisar sobre a richa entre as segments 0 4 6 8 segments 0 4 6 8

filled 0 1 2
famílias klev e yunet. filled 0 1 2 filled 0 1 2
3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5
6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8

Quem não tem óculos escuro usa colírio

segments 0 4 6 8
Estabelecimento de clientela e segments 0 4 6 8 segments 0 4 6 8

filled 0 1 2
lobby para venda da lágrima azul. filled 0 1 2 filled 0 1 2
3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5
6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8

Crazy Vamp
segments 0 4 6 8 segments 0 4 6 8 segments 0 4 6 8

filled 0 1 2 filled 0 1 2 filled 0 1 2

3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5
6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8

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