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UN SMA 2007 Bahasa Inggris

Kode Soal P12

Doc. Name: UNSMA2007INGP12 Doc. Version : 2011-06 | halaman 1

16. Text 1. Text 3.

This text is for questions 16. This text is for questions 18 to 20.
Lisa : What is your plan for the next This new and unusual building in the down-
holiday? town business district offers unique opportu-
Wita : I have no idea. nities for small to midsized tenants to occupy
Lisa : What about having a picnic to an entire floor.
Lake Toba, Wita?
Wita : I’d love to, but I have to attend a
seminar. from 1,600 to 6,000 square feet are available
for immediate occupancy.
What are the speakers talking about?
Commuting is easy, with the nearest subway
(A) Going to Wita’s house.
stop only one block away. Convenient to
(B) Attending a seminar.
shops, restaurants, hotels, and business
(C) Going to lake Toba.
(D) Spending their time.
For leasing information call
(E) Planning to spend a holiday.
17. Text 2.
Text is for question number 17. 18. What is the advertisement about?
X : Good morning, Madam. Anything (A) Leasing office space.
I can do for you? (B) Buildings in business districts.
Y : Yes, Please. I need a t-shirt size 15. (C) Conveniences offered by the company.
The dialogue likely occurs .... (D) Availability to get unique opportunities.
(E) Hotels and restaurants in the downtown.
(A) at home
(B) at a store
19. Which of the following is NOT close to the
(C) at a tailor
(D) at a school
(E) at the office (A) Parks.
(B) Hotels.
(C) Restaurants.
(D) Shopping centres.
(E) Business service.

20. “ For leasing information call 303-572-5947.”

The underlined word means ....
(A) purchasing
(B) building
(C) selling
(D) buying
(E) renting

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
UN SMA 2007 Bahasa Inggris, Kode Soal P12
doc. name: UNSMA2007INGP12 doc. version : 2011-06 | halaman 2

21. Text 4. 23. “The goat did as he was asked ....” (Paragraph
This text is for questions 21 to 23. 3)
A fox fell into a well and couldn’t get What does the above sentence mean?
out. By and by a thirsty goat came along. (A) The goat drank enough and looked
Seeing the fox in the well it asked if the around.
water was good. “ Good”, said the fox “It’s (B) The goat came down to the well and
the best water I’ve tasted in all my life. Come drank.
down and try it yourself.” (C) The goat called out loudly after the fox got
The goat was thirsty so he got into the out.
well. When he had drunk enough, he looked (D) The goat waited someone who might help
around but there was no way to get out. him.
Then the fox said, “ I have a good idea. You (E) The goat stood on his hind legs and put
stand on your hind legs and put your fore- his forelegs against the side of the well.
legs against the side of the well. Then I’ll
climb on your back, from there. I’ll step on 24. Text 5.
your horns, and I can get out. And when I’m This text is for questions 24 to 27.
out, I’ll help you out of the well.” One of the most wonderful inventions of
The goat did as he was asked and the fox the past 100 years is the telephone. It was
got on his back and climbed out of the well. invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell
Then he coolly walked away. The goat called when he was working on a telegraph set. The
out loudly after him and reminded him of telephone which is familiar, handy instrument,
his promise to help him out. The fox merely becomes a highly important part of our daily
turned to him and said; “If you only had life. The first telephone was invented in 1877.
thought carefully about getting out, you Today there are over 250,000,000 telephones in
wouldn’t have jumped into the well.” the world and it is estimated that nearly
The goat felt very sad. He called out 1,000,000,000 (billion) conversations take
loudly. An old man walking nearby heard place a day.
him and put a plank into the well. The goat
24. The text tells ....
got out and thanked the old man.
(A) the invention of the telephone.
21. The text tells the story of ....
(B) how the telephone was invented.
(A) a fox. (C) Bell, the inventor of the telephone.
(B) a goat. (D) the number of telephones used by people.
(C) a fox and a goat. (E) the estimation of the users of the
(D) an old man and the fox telephone.
(E) the goat and an old man.
25. By 2007, the telephone usage will have been
22. Paragraph 2 mainly tells .... about .... years.
(A) how the fox helped the goat (A) 100
(B) why the fox got into the well (B) 131
(C) how the fox got out of the well (C) 231
(D) the fox’s idea how to get out of the well (D) 250
(E) how both the goat and the fox got out (E) 1000
of the well.
26. The telephone was invented in the .... century.
(A) 10th
(B) 13th
(C) 16th
(D) 19th
(E) 20th

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
UN SMA 2007 Bahasa Inggris, Kode Soal P12
doc. name: UNSMA2007INGP12 doc. version : 2011-06 | halaman 3

27. “ .... it is estimated that nearly 30. “The 33-year-old American led his team to
1,000,000,000,00 (billion) conversations take victory.”
place a day.” The closest meaning to the underlined word
The underlined word is similar to .... is ....
(A) noticed (A) joy
(B) deleted (B) defeat
(C) guessed (C) success
(D) observed (D) conquer
(E) produced (E) mastery

Text 6. 31. What is the Team CSC’s time?

This text is for questiones 28 to 31 (A) 1 hour, 10 minutes, 40 seconds.
Lance Armstrong’s Discovery Channel team (B) 1 hour, 10 minutes, 42 seconds.
won the team time trial of the Tour de (C) 1 hour, 10 minutes, 38 seconds.
France on Tuesday, giving the six-time (D) 1 hour, 12 minutes, 40 seconds.
champion the overall race lead. The 33-year- (E) 1 hour, 12 minutes, 42 seconds.
old American led his team to victory for the
third straight year in the time trial, clocking 1 Text 8.
hour, 10 minutes, 40 seconds for the 67.5 - This text is for question 36 to 39.
kilometers trek from Tours to Blois. Team In most cases, you can transplant a tree
CSC placed the second, 2 seconds behind. – successfully, at any time, if you follow the
AP instruction for planting a trees. The most
28. What is the news about? important thing is to dig out enough roots,
(A) The Tour de France. but this process is difficult with a large tree.
(B) The teams in the race. When you dig out the tree, take a ball of
(C) The Discovery Channel Team. earth measuring about a foot wide for every
(D) The Tour de France championship. inch of diameter of the tree trunk. You
(E) The victorious team of Amstrong’s. should dig deep enough to avoid cutting off
too many taproots. It is wise to call in a
29. Which of the following is TRUE about the professional tree expert to transplant a tree.
news? 36. The text describes how …
(A) Armstrong has been a champion for the (A) to plant a tree
fifth time. (B) to keep a tree
(B) Team CSC placed the second, 12 (C) to cat off a tree
seconds behind. (D) to transplant a tree
(C) Armstrong’s time was 1 hour, 20 (E) to dig out
minutes, 40 seconds.
(D) Armstrong’s team won the time trial for 37. To transplant a tree successfully, you
the third straight year. should ....
(E) Armstrong won the team time trial of (A) dig out enough roots
the Tour de France on Thursday. (B) select your location carefully
(C) cut off as many taproots as you can
(D) conduct the instruction of cutting a tree
(E) measure the ball of earth around the tree

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
UN SMA 2007 Bahasa Inggris, Kode Soal P12
doc. name: UNSMA2007INGP12 doc. version : 2011-06 | halaman 4

38. "you should dig deep enough to avoid cut- poor reading and writing skills of our popu-
ting off too many taproots"(Paragraph 2) lation. Television gets praised for helping us
The underline word mean .... understand the people of the world. But is
(A) important roots has been accused of helping to destroy fam-
(B) Balls of earth ily life. Television keeps us informed about
(C) Heavy roots the political issues of the day.
(D) Main roots Experts will probably continue to argue
(E) Trunks about television's value. But everyone agrees
that it is one of the most significant inven-
39. According to the text, we can transplant a tions of the twentieth century.
tree in ....
40. The writer wants to tell ....
(A) fall
(B) spring (A) the development of television
(C) winter (B) the advantages of television program
(D) summer (C) how television destroys people’s life
(E) any season (D) how television improves people’s
Text 9. (E) the influence of television on people’s
This text is for daily life
questions 40 to 42.
41. Many people claim that television is a
The government has just published a powerful educational tool. From this
report which suggests that television is partly statement we know that they .... with the
responsible for the serious increase in crime existence of television.
over the last ten years. The exposure of (A) love
violence or pornography harmful effects on (B) agree
children. (C) prefer
Many people who are alive today know (D) satisfy
what it is like to live in a world without tele- (E) choose
vision. Television as we know is only is only
about forty years old. Yet it is so much a part 42. Which of the following is good for children
of our lives that it seems as if it had always in watching TV?
existed. (A) Children should watch the violence on
Some people think that the years before TV.
the investion of television were a better time. (B) Children may watch TV whenever they
They claim that families talked more and did like.
more things together. More books were read. (C) There shouldn’t be government
People used their imaginations more fully. censorship of TV program.
People got more outdoor exercises. (D) Children should spend all of their time
But other disagree. They claim that to watch TV program.
television is a powerful educational tool. It (E) Children should be accompanied by
helps us understand how people live, work, their parents in watching TV.
and struggle
In 1961. Newton Minow, a government 43. “ .... what is going on in the world, from
official, called prime-time schedules "a vast famine in Africa .... “ (Paragraph 4)
wasteland." even through Minow said that The underlined word means lack of ....
over thirty years ago, many feel that it is still
(A) food
true today. Television is credited with being a
(B) water
great teacher, but it is also blamed for the
(C) nutrient
(D) education
(E) entertainment

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
UN SMA 2007 Bahasa Inggris, Kode Soal P12
doc. name: UNSMA2007INGP12 doc. version : 2011-06 | halaman 5

Text 10. 47. Who said that the accident was caused by the
This text is for questions 44 to 47. car?
Seven people were killed in a collision (A) The police.
between a bus, a car, and a truck on Jalan (B) The victims.
Sultan at 10:35 p.m. last night. The dead (C) The reporter.
were all passengers of the car. The police (D) The truck driver.
believed the car had been trying to overtake (E) The bus passengers.
the bus when it was struck by a truck coming
from the opposite direction. The driver of Text 11.
the car might not be using his lights, as the This ext is for questions 48 to 50.
truck driver said he did not see the car Paris is the capital of a European nation,
approaching. France. It is also one of the most beautiful
The police said the car should not have and most famous cities in the world.
tried to pass the bus, since overtaking is not Paris is called the City of Light. It is also
allowed on Jalan Sultan. In addition, the an international fashion center. What stylish
police reported that the car, a small Japanese women are wearing in Paris will be worn by
car, should not have been carrying more women all over the world. Paris is also
than five people. If the passengers had famous for its world center of education.
brought their identity cards, the police would For instance, it is the headquarters of
have identified the names of the victims UNESCO, the United Nations Educational,
easily. Scientific and Cultural Organization.
44. The text mainly reports that there was/ The Seine River divides the city into two
were .... parts. Thirty-two bridges cross this scenic
(A) a car accident. river. The oldest and perhaps the most
(B) careless drivers. well-known is Pont Neuf, which was built in
(C) a small Japanese car. the sixteenth century. Sorbonne, a famous
(D) victims of an accident. university, is located on the left bank (south
(E) the function of an identity card side) of the river. The beautiful white
church Sacre Coeur lies on the top of a hill
45. What was the cause of the collision? called Montmartre on the right bank (north
side) of the Seine.
(A) The truck came from the opposite
There are many other famous places in
Paris, such as the famous museum the
(B) The car carried more than five people
Louvre as well the cathedral of Notre Dame.
(C) The truck driver didn’t use his lights.
However, the most famous landmark in this
(D) The truck driver didn’t see the car.
city must be the Eiffel Tower.
(E) The car tried to overtake the bus.
Paris is named after a group of people
called the Parisii. They built a small village
46. “If the passengers had brought their
on an island in the middle of the Seine River
identity cards, the police would have been
about two thousand years ago. This island is
easy to identify the names of the
called Ile de la Cite. It is where Notre Dame
victims.” (The last sentence)
located. Today around eight million people
The sentence above means .... live in the Paris area.
(A) the victims’ names were not known 48. The fifth paragraph tells ....
(B) the victims were easy to be identified
(A) about the Paris
(C) the passengers brought their identity
(B) the origin of the word Paris
(C) the location of Notre Dame
(D) the police had no difficulty in
(D) a village built thousand years ago
identifying the victims
(E) an island in the middle of the Seine
(E) it was easy for the police to identify the
victims of the accident.
49. What is the oldest and most well known part

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
UN SMA 2007 Bahasa Inggris, Kode Soal P12
doc. name: UNSMA2007INGP12 doc. version : 2011-06 | halaman 6

of the city?
(A) The Seine River.
(B) The Pont Neuf.
(C) The Sorbonne.
(D) The right bank.
(E) The left bank.

50. From the text we know that Notre Dame is

located ....
(A) on the left bank
(B) near the Louvre
(C) on the right bank
(D) outside the city of Paris
(E) in the middle of the Seine River

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