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Modules and the Structure of Rings: A


Jonathan S. Golan
University of Haifa
Haifa, Israel

Tom Head
Binghamton University
Binghamton, New York, USA
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To our grandchildren,

Introduction 1


Chapter 0. Modules and maps

1. Modules 7
2. Submodules and factor modules 10
3. Direct products and coproducts 12
4. Homomorphisms of modules 13
5. Bimodules 18
6. Projections and injections 20
7. Direct sums 26
8. Splitting maps and summands 28
9. Natural maps 29
10. Subsets and the submodules they generate 31
11. Maximal nests of subsets 34

Chapter 1. The ring as a module over itself

1. Introduction 35
2. Modules associated with R 35
3. Using the identity of R (projectivity) 41


Chapter 2. Coproducts of copies of R (free modules)

1. Introduction 47
2. Bases 47
3. Independent sets 53
4. Division rings 56
Notes for Chapter 2 60

iv Contents

Chapter 3. Direct summands of free modules (projective modules)

1. Introduction 61
2. Semisimple rings 64
3. Matrix rings 68
4. Group rings 70
Notes for Chapter 3 74

Chapter 4. Submodules of free modules

1. Introduction 75
2. Hereditary rings 75
3. Hereditary rings (continued) 79
4. Principal ideal domains 81
Notes for Chapter 4 84

Chapter 5. Factor modules of free modules

1. Introduction 85
2. Traces of projective modules 85


Chapter 6. Enlarging homomorphism

1. Introduction 93
2. The injectivity class of a module 94
3. Generators 97
Notes for Chapter 6 98

Chapter 7. Embedding modules in injective modules

1. Introduction 101
2. For noetherian rings 102
3. For arbitrary rings 104
4. Injective hulls 105
5. Divisible modules 110
Notes for Chapter 7 114

Chapter 8. Injective modules as a class

1. General closure properties 117
Contents v

2. Cogenerators 117
3. Hereditary rings again 120
4. Noetherian rings 121
Notes for Chapter 8 124

Chapter 9. Structure of injective modules

1. Introduction 127
2. Uniform injective modules 127
3. Semiuniform injective modules 130
4. For principal ideal domains 133
5. For noetherian rings 134
6. Projective injectives and quasi-Frobenius rings 138
Notes for Chapter 9 141


Chapter 10. Finitely-generated modules

1. Introduction 145
2. For principal ideal domains 146
Notes for Chapter 10 150

Chapter 11. Countably-generated modules

1. Introduction 151
2. Coproducts of nitely-generated modules 152
3. Semihereditary rings .....153
4. Rings of sets .... 156
Notes for Chapter 11 159

Chapter 12. Coproducts of countably-generated modules

1. Introduction 161
2. Kaplansky's Theorem 161

Chapter 13. Projective modules

1. Introduction 167
2. Local rings 169
vi Contents

Notes for Chapter 13 174


Chapter 14. Torsion and torsionfree modules

1. Introduction 179
2. Equivalent injective modules 181
3. Torsionfree modules 183
4. Torsion modules 185
Notes for Chapter 14 190

Chapter 15. The module of quotients

1. Introduction 191
2. The module of quotients de ned by equivalent injective
modules 191
3. The module of quotients de ned by equivalent
projective modules 194
4. A representation of the module of quotients 197
Notes for Chapter 15 199

Chapter 16. Rings of quotients

1. Introduction 201
2. Rings of quotients 201
Notes for Chapter 16 204

References 205

What this book is about

The structure of vector spaces over a eld is easily described: an axiom of math-
ematics equivalent to the Axiom of Choice states that any vector space over a
eld has a basis. Thus, if we assume the Axiom of Choice (and we will always
asssume it, for why be poor by volition?), we readily observe that any vector
space over a eld is isomorphic to a coproduct of copies of the eld – and we are
essentially done. If, however, we want to generalize the notion of a vector space
by allowing our scalars to come from an arbitrary ring, we enter the realm of
module theory and here things become much more complicated and much more
This volume will introduce you to how algebraics deal with the problem of
the structure of modules over rings, and how they make use of these structures to
classify rings. Note that this is something we couldn't do over elds, since the
structure of vector spaces is independent of the nature of the eld over which it is
de ned! Our discussion is by no means complete – the structures and techniques
in use are far too comprehensive to be even properly surveyed in an introductory
text – but will hopefully give you a feeling for the type of work being done and
the way mathematicians go about it.

No previous acquaintance with modules is assumed, though we do presuppose
that the reader has had some experience with linear algebra and at least one solid
semester of abstract algebra, which includes some elementary knowledge of the
theory of rings. Notions from category theory have been avoided. In nite ordi-
nal numbers and trans nite constructions have been used in only three sections:
4.3, 7.3, and 12.2. The Axiom of Choice is needed throughout, as has been
noted, for the most part in the form explicitly presented in Section 0.11.

2 Introduction

Something about style

Since this book is conceived as a guidebook, and not as an encyclopedia, we have
chosen to write in a style which is rigorous but not overly formal. Deliberately,
we have shied away from some of the more poderous mathematical conventions.
Instead of talking about lemmata (this is the correct plural of the word “lemma",
which is derived from the Greek ; meaning “something taken for granted,
an argument") or propositions, we prefer to talk about observations (this harks
back to the original meaning of the word “theorem", which is derived from
the Greek verb ! ; meaning “to look at"); instead of giving proofs of
these observations, we present veri cations. This terminology also serves to
emphasize the essential inductive aspect of mathematical research, often all too
hidden behind the deductive structure of published mathematics – the working
mathematician observes relations among the structures under consideration and
only later tries to verify thse observations by constructing rigorous proofs.
Mathematicians like to cover their tracks and so mathematical works are usu-
ally written in a step-by-step logical manner, each result piled upon the others,
leaving the reader to gure out for himself or herself why and how the author
chose this particular path on the way to a solution of the problems addressed.
The result is often formal beauty but intuitive and pedagogical sterility. We have
chosen, instead, to chart our intuitive course at each stage, explaining why such-
and-such seems to be the most promising approach and where we expect to be at
the end of the next stage. When appropriate, we do not hesitate to address you,
the reader, directly.

A cautionary note on mathematical shorthand and slang

Mathematical symbols and terms have exact meanings, precisely and formally
de ned, and the practice of mathematics involves the careful manipulation of
these terms and symbols. However, formalism, carried to excess, leads to no-
tation so cumbersome and distinctions so ne that the thread of argument is
often lost in the process. Therefore, working mathematicians, like everybody
else, usually introduce shorthand and slang into their writing to make it easier to
follow. A simple example illustrates this: if A; B; and C are nonempty sets,
then a function f from the cartesian product A B to C is a rule which assigns
to each ordered pair (a; b) in A B an element f (a; b) in C: In particular,
if A; B; and C are all taken to be the same additive abelian group G; then
addition is such a function. However, our calculations would be hidden among
a mass of unnecessary parenthesis if we insisted on writing the sum of g and g 0
as +(g; g 0 ) and the sum of g; g 0 ; and g 00 as +(+(g; g 0 ); g 00 ): We therefore
Introduction 3

introduce the shorthand notation g + g 0 and g + g 0 + g 00 ; knowing that in the

second case there is no ambiguity since addition in G satis es the associative
law. Now suppose that we have an in nite set fgi j i 2 g of elements of
P Since in nite addition is not de ned, as a rule, in abelian groups, the sum
i2 gi makes no sense. However, if we happen to know that only nitely-
many of the elements gi are in fact nonzero, then we introduce this as a slang
expression to mean the same as the sum of all of the nonzero elements in this set.
Another important example is the following: in the course of our discussion we
will often be dealing simultaneously with many additive abelian groups, all of
which have additive identity elements. Unless there is a possibility of confusion,
we will denote all of these by the same symbol, 0, leaving the reader to realize
from the context to which of the groups this particular identity belongs.
One has to be very careful, however, in introducing mathematical slang and
shorthand. At each stage, you must be absolutely sure that some essential dis-
tinction or essential aspect of your de nition has not been lost in the process.
Mathematicians, as we have said, do it all of the time. Students had best beware
until they are on sure footing.

Chapter 0. Modules and maps

1. Modules
Each ring R which we consider will be assumed to contain a multiplicative
identity element, denoted by 1; which differs from its additive identity element
0: Now let R be a ring.
De nition: A left R-module consists of an additive abelian group A to-
gether with a function : R A ! A which satis es the following four
1. (r; a + a0 ) = (r; a) + (r; a0 );
2. (r + r0 ; a) = (r; a) + (r0 ; a);
3. (rr0 ; a) = (r; (r0 ; a)); and
4. (1; a) = a
for all elements r and r0 of R and all elements a and a0 of A:
By convention, the element (r; a) is denoted by r a or by ra; and
is said to provide an operation of scalar multiplication on the abelian group
A: Using this juxtaposition notation instead of the function ; the above four
conditions become:
1. r(a + a0 ) = ra + ra0 ;
2. (r + r0 )a = ra + r0 a;
3. (rr0 )a = r(r0 a) and
4. 1a = a
for all elements r and r0 of R and all elements a and a0 of A:
A purist will observe that a left R-module is an ordered pair (A; ) in
which the rst member, A; is an abelian group and the second member, ;
is a function. In refering to the module (A; ); it will always be suf ciently
clear to mention only the abelian group A; deleting explicit reference to the
function ; in the same way that we freely talk about “the abelian group A” and
not “the abelian group (A; +)”. Thus, we will continually begin discussions
with such (hopefully) unambiguous statements as “Let A and B be left R-

8 Chapter 0. Modules and maps

modules”. Packed into such a statement are the assumptions that R is a ring
with multiplicative identity which differs from its additive identity, that A and
B are additive abelian groups, and that there exist functions : R A ! A
and 0 : R B ! B satisfying the four conditions stated above. As we
pointed out in the introduction, without such verbal contractions mathematical
statements would surely become too unwieldy to be of use.
We are now ready for some examples of modules. If R is a eld, then left
R-modules are also called vector spaces over R: Elementary courses in linear
algebra deal with vector spaces, especially those over the eld of real numbers,
and consequently supply an immediate collection of examples of modules.
Every additive abelian group A may be regarded as a left Z-module, where
Z is the ring of integers, in precisely one way: for n 2 Z and a 2 A, de ne
na as follows:
1. If n > 0 then na is the sum of n copies of a;
2. If n = 0 then na = 0;
3. If n < 0; then na is the sum of n copies of a:
It is elementary to verify that the four conditions speci ed in the de nition of a
left Z-module are satis ed by this operation and that this is the only operation of
scalar multiplication on Z and on A which is compatible with these conditions
(see Exercise 1). Because each abelian group allows precisely one Z-module
structure (and because of some additional elementary facts to be pointed out later
in this chapter) the theory of abelian groups is indistinguishable from the theory
of left Z-modules and is therefore subsumed by module theory.
Any ring R can be considered as a left R-module in the following manner:
for the abelian group, use R with its additive structure. For the scalar multipli-
cation of the ring R on the abelian group (R; +), use the ring multiplication.
Each of the four conditions in the de nition of a left R-module follows from
the usual de ning conditions in the de nition of a ring (see Exercise 2). From
the point of view developed in this book, the ring R regarded in this way as a
module over itself is the starting point for the structure theory of left R-modules.
Chapter 1 is devoted entirely to an examination of R as a module over itself,
and the remainder of the book is an investingation of how further left R-modules
can be developed from R by means of constructions described in this chapter
and one addition construction introduced in Chapter 7.
The “smallest” of all left R-modules is the one having precisely one elemnt,
namely an additive identity. We will consistently denote this module by (0):
Our de nition of a left R-module A; given above, was based on a function
from R A to A: If we reverse the order of R and A in this cartesian
Chapter 0. Modules and maps 9

product, and make further notational changes that seem natural, we obtain the
de nition of a right R-module.
De nition: A right R-module conisists of an additive abelian group A
together with a function : A R ! A; which satis es the following
1. (a + a0 ; r) = (a; r) + (a0 ; r);
2. (a; r + r0 ) = (a; r) + (a; r0 );
3. (a; rr0 ) = ( (a(a; r); r0 ); and
4. (a; 1) = a
for all elements r and r0 of R and all elements a and a0 of A:
As in the case of left R-modules, the element (a; r) is conventionally
denoted by a r or ar: Using the juxtaposition notation instead of the function
; these four conditions can be written as follows:
1. (a + a0 )r = ar + a0 r;
2. a(r + r0 ) = ar + ar0 ;
3. a(rr0 ) = (ar)r0 ; and
4. a1 = a:
It might appear that left and right modules differ only notationally and not math-
ematically. This would be true except for the presence of condition (3), which
constitutes a genuine mathematical distinction: for right modules the result of
applying the product of two scalars to a module element is the same as the effect
of applying the rst scalar and then the second; whereas, for left modules, the
effect is the same as apllying the second scalar and then the rst. For rings which
are not commutative, this may make a big difference. Therefore, when talking
about modules over rings which are not necessarily commutative, we will have to
be sure to indicate whether we are talking about left or right scalar multiplication.
If A is a vector space of nite dimension n over a eld F; the vectors
in which being written in row form (a1 ; : : : ; an ) ; and if S is the full ring of
n n matrices with entries in F; then A is a right S -module, with scalar
multiplication being the usual multiplication of a vector by a matrix. Also, we
have already noted that any ring can be considered as a left module over itself
and, by the same argument, it can also be considered as a right module over
itself. In Section 4, we will present an important method of constructing right
modules from left modules and vice versa.
For the most part, we will study left modules, though occassionally we will
need right ones as well. Since each of our results on left modules has a natural
reinterpretation as a result on right modules, we will not explicity state the “right-
10 Chapter 0. Modules and maps

handed” version of every “left-handed” result or de nition we give, but will allow
the reader to ll in the details when necessary.

Exercise 1: Show that the operation of the ring Z of integers on an abelian

group A; as described above, indeed provides A with the structure of a left
Z-module and that this is the only Z-module structure possible on A:
Exercise 2: Verify that the four conditions listed in the de nition of a left
module are satis ed by the operation of the ring R on the additive abelian group
(R; +) that, as discussed above, is provided by ring multiplication. Similarly,
show that R satis es the four conditions listed in the de nition of a right module.
Exercise 3: Let S be a subring of a ring R (all subrings have the same
additive and multiplicative identity elements). Show that any left R-module is
also a left S -module. Give an example of a subring S of a ring R and an
additive abelian group A which is an S -module but not an R-module.
Exercise 4: Show that the set F n of all n-tuples of elements of a eld F;
written as rows, is, in a natural way, a right R-module, where R is the full ring
of all n n matrices with entries in F:

2. Submodules and factor modules

Let A be a left R-module. A subset B of A is a submodule of A if it is a
subgroup of A and if rb 2 B whenever r 2 R and b 2 B: A submodule B
of A which is not equal to A itself is a proper submodule. If R is a eld, then
the submodules of a left R-module (that is to say, a vector space over R) are
precisely the familiar subspaces. If A is an additive abelian group considered,
as above, as a left Z-module, then its submodules are just its subgroups. Without
this fact, we could not fully identify the theory of abelian groups with the theory
of left Z-modules. Submodules of right R-modules are, of course, de ned in a
similar fashion.
If I is a two-sided ideal of R and if A P is a left R-module, then the set IA
consisting of all elements of A of the form i=1 ri ai (ri 2 I and ai 2 A) is
a submodule of A: Similarly, if B is a right R-module then BI is a submodule
of B:
Now let R be an arbitrary ring and let B be a submodule of a left R-module
A: Since B is a subgroup of the abelian group A; the factor group A=B is
also de ned. How does the operation of scalar multiplication by elements of
R on A provide a similar operation on A=B ? Let a and a0 be elements
of A belonging to the same coset modulo B: That is to say, a a0 2 B:
Chapter 0. Modules and maps 11

Then for any element r of R, the element r(a a0 ) = ra ra0 also

belongs to B and so ra and ra0 belong to the same coset modulo B: Thus
ra + B = ra0 + B and so there is a well-de ned operation of R on A=B
given by r (a + B) = ra + B: We will demonstrate that this indeed de nes
a left R-module structure for A=B by verifying the four conditions listed in
the de nition of a left R-module. Less experienced readers should read these
veri cations carefully, giving a precise reason at each equal sign.
1. r [(a + B) + (a0 + B)] = r[(a + a0 ) + B] = r(a + a0 ) + B =
(ra + ra0 ) + B = (ra + B) + (ra0 + B) = r(a + B) + r(a0 + B):
2. (r+r0 )(a+B) = (r+r0 )a+B = (ra+r0 a)+B = (ra+B)+(r0 a+B) =
r(a + B) + r0 (a + B):
3. (rr0 )(a+B) = (rr0 )a+B = r(r0 a)+B = r [(r0 a) + B] = r [r0 (a + B)] :
4. 1(a + B) = 1a + B = a + B:
The module A=B is called the factor module of A by B: If R is a
eld, then factor modules of left R-modules are just the familiar quotient spaces.
If R is the ring Z of integers, then factor modules of left Z-modules are
indistinguishable from factor groups. The role played by factor modules within
the general theory of modules will appear in Section 9.


Exercise 1: Regard R as a module over itself.

(a) Which subsets of R are submodules?
(b) For the special case in which R is a eld, describe the submodules and
factor modules of R:
(c) For the special case in which R is the ring Z of integers, describe the
submodules and factor modules of R:
Exercise 2: Let B and C be submodules of a left R-module A:
(a) Verify that B \ C is a submodule of A:
(b) Verify that the subset B + C = fb + c j b 2 B and c 2 Cg is a submodule
of A:
Exercise 3: Give an example of a left R-module A having submodules B
and C such that B [ C is not a submodule of A:
Example 4:\If fBi j i 2 g is a family of submodules of a left R-module
A; show that Bi is a submodule of A:
Example 5: Let B; C; and D be submodules of a left R-module A:
(a) Verify that B \ (C + D) = C + (B \ D) whenever C B:
(b) Show, by example, that it is not necessarily true that B \ (C + D) equals
12 Chapter 0. Modules and maps

(B \ C) + (B \ D):

3. Direct products and coproducts

Let R be a ring and let fAi j i 2 g be a family of left R-modules indexed by
an arbitrary nonempty index set
Y : From this indexed family of modules we may
form a left R-module A = Ai ; called the direct product of the modules
Ai : The elements of A are all those functions f from to the disjoint union
of the Ai satisfying the condition that f (i) 2 Ai for all i 2 : the sum of
elements f and g in A is de ned componentwise: f + g : i 7! f (i) + g(i)
for all i 2 : The scalar product by an element r of R is de ned similarly:
if f 2 A then rf : i 7! r [f (i)] for all i 2 :
Y1: These de nitions indeed de ne a left R-module
structure on Ai :
If is the empty set ?; we will de ne Ai to be equal to (0):
The subset B of the left R-module Ai consisting of all those func-
tions f for which f (i) = 0 for all but nitely-many elements i of is called
the coproduct
a(or sometimes external direct sum) of fAi j i 2 g and will be
denoted by Ai :
a Y
Observation 2: Ai is a subsemimodule of Ai :
i2 i2
Y a
Note that Ai and Ai are equal when the set is nite.
i2 i2
If = f1; : : : ; ng for some positive
Y integer n; a then we will often prefer to
write A1 q : : : q An instead of Ai or Ai : Direct products and
i2 i2
coproducts of modules will play an important part in the constructions presented
throughout this book.
Let us now clarify the sense in which direct products of modules over an
arbitrary index set, as de ned above, may be regarded as a generalization of the
elementary notion of the cartesian product. Consider left R-modules A1 and
A2 and let A1 A2 be their cartesian product. That is to say, it is the set of
all ordered pairs (a1 ; a2 ); where a1 2 A1 and a2 2 A2 : Set = f1; 2g:
To fully describe an element f of A1 q A2 ; it suf ces to list the values that f
assumes at 1 and at 2; keeping in mind which value is associated with 1 and
which with 2: An obvious way to do this is to list the ordered pair (f (1); f (2)):
Chapter 0. Modules and maps 13

This procedure of associating the ordered pair (f (1); f (2)) with the function f
provides a one-to-one function from A1 q A2 to A1 A2 : In fact, this function
is also onto, since every element (a1 ; a2 ) of A1 A2 is associated to a function
f 2 A1 q A2 ; namely the function f de ned by f : i 7! ai for i = 1; 2:
Thus we obtained a one-to-one correspondence between A1 q A2 and A1 A2 :
Notice that if f and g are elements of A1 q A2 and if r is an element of R;
then, under the above correspondence, f + g corresponds to
((f + g)(1); (f + g)(2)) = (f (1) + g(1); f (2) + g(2))
and rf corresponds to
((rf )(1); (rf )(2)) = (rf (1); rf (2)):
Therefore the operations on A1 q A2 correspond to the familiar coordinatewise
operations on ordered pairs. Because of this, the sets A1 q A2 and A1 A2
are often identi ed and elements of A1 q A2 are written as ordered pairs, with
componentwise operations.
If is a subset of a set Y and if fAi j i 2 g is a family of left R-
modules, then any function f 2 Ai can be extended in a natural way to
Y i2
a function f 0 2 Ai by setting

f (i) if i 2
f 0 : i 7! :
0 if i 2
This allows us to identify Ai with a submodule of Ai and simi-
a i2 a i2
larly to identify Ai with a subsemimodule of Ai :
i2 i2

Exercise 1: Verify Observation 1.

Exercise 2: Verify Observation 2.

4. Homomorphisms of modules
Let A and B be left R-modules. A function from A to B which assigns
to each element a of A an element a of B is called an R-homomorphism
if and only if (a + a0 ) = a + a0 and (ra) = r(a ) for all a; a0 2 A and
r 2 R: (The reason for writing on the right of its operand will become clear in
the next section.) When it clear which ring is involved, we will often use the term
map rather than the more cumbersome “R-homomorphism”. Similarly, we can
14 Chapter 0. Modules and maps

de ne the notion of an R-homomorphism of right R-modules. Such maps are

written as acting on the left. The rule is very simple: module homomorphisms
always act on the side opposite scalar multiplication.
If R is a eld, then the R-homomorphisms are just the familiar linear
transformations studied in linear algebra. If A and B are abelian groups
then a function from A to B is a group homomorphism precisely when it is a
Z-homomorphism from A to B; when these are regarded as left Z-modules.
Without this fact, we could not fully identify, as we do, the theory of abelian
groups and the theory of left Z-modules. The word “homomorphism” is derived
from the Greek words meaning “similar structure” and is used in many situa-
tions in algebra to denote a function, the action of which preserves the algebraic
structure we consider important. Therefore, be careful: there is an important
difference between homomorphisms of left R-modules, as we have just de ned
them, and homomorphisms of rings. (See Exercise 1.) In this book, we will
use module homomorphisms constantly, but make only occassional use of ring
If is an R-homomorphism from a left R-module A to a left R-module
B and if is an R-homomorphism from B to a left R-module C; then,
as is easily veri ed, the composition of these two maps is an R-homomorphism
from A to C: In keeping with our convention of writing homomorphisms of
left R-modules as acting on the right, we denote this composition by : On
the other hand, if A, B; and C are right R-modules then the composition of
and is a homomorphism acting on the left, and so is denoted by : All
this may seem a bit confusing at rst, but, as we shall see in the next section, it is
very natural.
If is an R-homomorphism from a left R-module A to a left R-module
B then the subset fa 2 A j a = 0g of A is called the kernel of and is
denoted by ker( ):
Observation 1: If : A ! B is an R-homomorphism between
left R-modules, then ker( ) is a submodule of A:

If ker( ) = (0); then is said to be an R-monomorphism. An R-

homomorphism has the property that distinct elements of its domain have dis-
tinct images (in other words, that it is one-to-one) if and only if it is an R-
Similarly, if is an R-homomorphism from a left R-module A to a left
R-module B then the subset fa j a 2 Ag of B is called the image of
and may be denoted by im( ) or by A :
Observation 2: If : A ! B is an R-homomorphism between
Chapter 0. Modules and maps 15

left R-modules, then im( ) is a submodule of B:

If im( ) = B then is said to be an R-epimorphism. An R-homomor-

phism is onto if and only if it is an R-epimorphism. If is both an R-
monomorphism and an R-epimorphism, then it is an R-isomorphism. If there
exists an R-isomorphism between left R-modules A and B; we will write
A = B:
An important special case occurs when we consider maps from a left R-
module to itself. An R-homomorphism from a left R-module A to itself is
called an R-endomorphism of A: An R-isomorphism from A to itself is called
an R-automorphism of A: For any left R-module A there always exists at
least one R-automorphism of A; namely the identity map which sends every
element of A to itself. More generally, if r 2 R has a multiplicative inverse
then the function from A to itself which sends an element a to ra is also
an R-automorphism of A: If A is not (0) then there exists at least one R-
endomorphism of A which is not an R-automorphism, namely the zero map,
which sends every element of A to 0: It is easy to show that if :A!B
is an R-isomorphism then there exists a unique R-isomorphism 1
satisfying the condition that 1
: A ! A and 1
: B ! B are the
identity maps.
If B is a submodule of a left R-module A; then B de nes two special
R-homomorphisms. The rst of these is the inclusion map B;A : B ! A
which is de ned by B;A : b 7! b for all b 2 B: Notice that the identity map on
A is merely A;A : The second is the natural map B;A : A ! A=B de ned
by B;A : a 7! a + B for all a 2 A:
Our next objective is to show that there is a way of regarding all module
homomorphisms as special types of submodules, a fact that will prove useful in
Chapters 6 and 7. If is an R-homomorphism from a left R-module A to a left
R-module B; then the graph of is the subset gr( ) = f(a; a ) j a 2 Ag
of A B: In Section 3, we already noted that A B can be identi ed with
the left R-module A q B and so can be considered as a left R-module. In this
case, gr( ) becomes a submodule of A B since
(a; a ) + (a0 ; a0 ) = (a + a0 ; a + a0 ) = (a + a0 ; (a + a0 ) )
and r(a; a ) = (ra; r(a )) = (ra; (ra) ) are in gr( ) for all a and a0 in
A and all r in R: Distinct maps from A to B have distinct submodules of
A B as graphs. Which submodules of A B are graphs of maps from A to
B? To answer this question, we need to observe one more property of gr( ):
Let : A B ! A be the function which assigns to each ordered pair (a; b)
its rst component, a: Since is a function with domain A; the restriction
16 Chapter 0. Modules and maps

of to gr( ) yields a one-to-one correspondence between gr( ) and A:
This last property characterizes the submodules of A B which are graphs of
maps: a submodule G of A B is the graph of an R-homomorphism from
A to B if and only if the restriction of to G is a one-to-one correspondence
between G and A: Indeed, given such a submodule G; it is easy to construct
the required map : for each a 2 A; there exists exactly one pair in G of the
form (a; b); so set : a 7! b: That this is in fact a map follows from the
fact that G is a submodule of A B:
If A and B are left R-modules then the set of all R-homomorphisms from
A to B will be denoted by HomR (A; B): This set is always nonempty since
it always contains the zero map which sends every element of A to the additive
identity element of B: If and are R-homomorphisms from A to B then
the function + from A to B de ned by + : a 7! a + a for all
a 2 A is also an R-homomorphism from A to B since
(a + a0 )( + ) = (a + a0 ) + (a + a0 )
= a + a0 + a + a0
= a( + ) + a0 ( + )
(ra)( + ) = (ra) + (ra)
= r(a ) + r(a )
= r(a + a )
= r [a( + )]
for all a; a0 2 A and r 2 R:
Observation 3: If A and B are left R-modules, then HomR (A; B)
is an additive abelian group.

Now let us consider the special case in which B equals R itself. If A is

any left R-module, then A = HomR (A; R) is, as we have seen, an additive
abelian group. For any element of this group and any element r of R; let
r be the function from A to R which sends an element a to (a )r: This is
in fact a homomorphism of left R-modules for, if a and a0 are elements of A
and if r0 is an element of R; then
[(a + a0 ) ] r = (a _a0 )r = (a )r + (a0 )r
and [(r0 a) ] r = [r0 (a )] r = r0 [(a )r] : Thus r belongs to A : In fact, as
easily seen, given this de nition and Observation 3, that
Chapter 0. Modules and maps 17

Observation 4: If A is a left R-module then A = HomR (A; R)

is a right R-module.

Similarly, if A is a right R-module, then A = HomR (A; R) is a left

R-module. Putting these two together, we see that any left R-module A de nes
another left R-module A = HomR (HomR (A; R); R): Moreover, we have a
map from A to A de ned as follows: (a) : ' 7! a' for all a 2 A
and all ' 2 A :

Exercise 1: Regard the eld C of complex numbers as a module over itself.

(a) Verify that the function ' : C ! C de ned by '(a + bi) = a bi is a
ring homomorphism but not a C-module homomorphism.
(b) Verify that the function : C ! C de ned by (a + bi) = 2a + 2bi is a
C-module homomorphism but not a ring homomorphism.
Exercise 2: If : A ! B is a map of left R-modules, verify that ker( )
is indeed a submodule of A and that im( ) is indeed a submodule of B:
Exercise 3: Let A and B be left R-modules and let G be a submodule
of the left R-module A B having the property that for each a 2 A there is a
unique element b 2 B such that (a; b) 2 G: Verify that the function from
A to B de ned by the condition that : a 7! b provided that (a; b) 2 G is
indeed an R-homomorphism.
Exercise 4: If A and B are left R-modules, verify that the set HomR (A; B)
is an additive abelian group.
Exercise 5: Let 1 : A ! B; 2 : A ! B; and : B ! C be
R-homomorphisms between left R-modules, where is an R-monomorphism
and where 1 = 2 : Show that 1 = 2 :
Exercise 6: Let : A ! B; 1 : B ! C; and 2 : B ! C be
R-homomorphisms between left R-modules, where is an R-epimorphism
and 1 = 2 : Show that 1 = 2:
Exercise 7: Let B be a submodule of a left R-module B and let = B 0 ;B

be the inclusion map. For an arbitrary left R-module A;

(a) Show that the function 'B 0 from HomR (A; B 0 ) to HomR (A; B) which
sends each map to the composite map is a homomorphism of abelian
(b) Show that there is no proper submodule B 0 of B such that 'B 0 is an
isomorphism if and only if B is isomorphic to a factor module of a coproduct
of copies of A:
Exercise 8: For a ring R; let Z(R) = fr0 2 R j r0 r = rr0 for all r 2 Rg.
18 Chapter 0. Modules and maps

This set is called the center of R:

(a) Show that Z(R) is a commutative subring of R:
(b) If A and B are arbitrary left R-modules, show that HomR (A; B) can be
made into a left Z(R)-module in a natural way.
Exercise 9: Let Q be the eld of rational numbers. Show that there exists
a Z-isomorphism between the left Z-modules Q and HomZ (Q; Q):
Exercise 10: Let A; A0 ; and A00 be submodules of a left R-module B;
with A0 A00 :
(a) Show that (A+A00 )=(A+A0 ) is R-isomorphic to a factor module of A00 =A0 :
(b) Show that (A \ A00 )=(A \ A0 ) is R-isomorphic to a submodule of A00 =A0 :

5. Bimodules
In Section 1, we de ned left and right modules over a ring R: Actually, as we
shall now see, every left R-module is a right S -module for some ring S and
every right R-module is similarly a left S -module for some ring S: We will
want these module structures to coexist nicely.
De nition: Let R and S be rings. An (R; S)-bimodule is an additive
abelian group A satisfying the following conditions:
1. A is a left R-module,
2. A is a right S -module, and
3. r(as) = (ra)s for all r 2 R; a 2 A; and s 2 S:
Thus, for example, if A is a vector space of dimension n over a eld F and
if S is the full ring of n n matrices over F; then A is an (F; S)-bimodule.
Similarly, any ring R is an (R; R)-bimodule.
How do these examples generalize? By Observation 3 of Section 3, we see
that if A is a left R-module, then HomR (A; A); the set of all R-endomorphisms
of A; is an additive abelian group. There is also another operation de nable on
this set, namely composition of functions: if and are R-endomorphisms
of A; then is the R-endomorphism of A de ned by : a 7! (a ) :
We then make two very important observations:
Observation 1: If A is a left R-module then HomR (A; A) is a ring
under the operations of addition and composition of R-endomorphisms.
The multiplicative identity of this ring is precisely the identity map
A;A :

Observation 2: If A is a left R-module and if S = HomR (A; A);

Chapter 0. Modules and maps 19

then A is an (R; S)-bimodule.

Similarly, if A is a right R-module and if S = HomR (A; A); then A is

an (S; R)-bimodule.
Observation 3: If A is an (R; S)-bimodule then HomR (R; A) is
a right S -module isomorphic to A:

Veri cation: We will only sketch the argument here, leaving the details as
an exercise. If 2 HomR (R; A) and if s 2 S; de ne s to be the function
from R to A given by r 7! (r )s for all r in R: This is a map from
R to A and, with de nition of scalar multiplication by elements of S; the set
HomR (R; A) is a right S -module. Now consider the evaluation function "
from HomR (R; A) to A de ned as follows: if 2 HomR (R; A) then
" : 7! 1 : Then " is a map of right S -modules. If a 2 A and if a is the
map from R to A de ned by a : r 7! ra for all r 2 R; then "( a ) = a
and so " is an epimorphism. If "( ) = 0 then r = (r1 ) = r(1 ) =
r"( ) = r0 = 0 for all r 2 R and so is the zero map. Thus " is a
monomorphism and so it is an isomorphism.

A similar argument shows that if A is an (R; S)-bimodule then HomS (S; A)

is a left R-module isomorphic to A:

Exercise 1: Complete the details of the veri cation of Observation 3.

Exercise 2: Let R and S be rings, let A be a left R-module, and let
B be an (R; S)-bimodule. If 2 HomR (A; B) and if s is an element of
S; de ne the map s from A to B by s : a 7! (a )s for all a 2 A:
Show that s belongs to HomR (A; B) and that, in this way, we have turned
HomR (A; B) into a right S -module.
Exercise 3: Let R and S be rings, let A be an (R; S)-bimodule, and
let B be a left R-module. If 2 HomR (A; B) and if s is an element of
S; de ne the map s from A to B by s : a 7 ! (as) for all a 2 A:
Show that s belongs to HomR (A; B) and that, in this way, we have turned
HomR (A; B) into a left S -module.
Exercise 4: Let R and S be rings and let A be an (R; S)-bimodule. Let
r a
T be the set of all matrices of the form ; with r 2 R; a 2 A; and
0 s
r a
s 2 S: De ne addition and multiplication on T as follows: if x =
0 s
20 Chapter 0. Modules and maps

r 0 a0
and y = are elements of T; then
0 s0

r + r 0 a + a0
x+y =
0 s + s0
rr0 ra0 + as0
xy = :
0 ss0

(a) Show that T; with these operations, is a ring.

0 a
(b) Show that the set H of all elements of the ring T of the form
0 0
(which we can identify with A) is an ideal of T:
(c) Show that H 2 = 0:
(d) Show that the ring R S is isomorphic to a subring of T:
(e) Show that every left ideal of T has the form
r a
2T (r; a) 2 X and s 2 Y
0 s
where X is a submodule of the left R-module R q A (considered as a set of
ordered pairs) and Y is a left ideal of S satisfying AY X:

6. Projections and injections

Let fA
Yi j i 2 g be a family of left R-modules, for some ring R; and let
A= Ai : With each h in we associate a function h : A ! Ah
de ned by evaluating each function f 2 A at h: That is to say, h : f 7! f (h)
for each f 2 A: The function h is in fact an R-homomorphism since
(f + f 0 ) h = (f + f 0 )(h) = f (h) + f 0 (h) = f h + f0 h

and (rf ) h = (rf )(h) = r(f (x)) = r(f h ) for all f and f 0 2 A and
all r 2 R: This R-homomorphism is called the projection map onto the hth
component of A:
Projection maps are used in the following common and important construc-
tion. Let A be a left R Y-module and let fBi j i 2 g be a family of left
R-modules, with B = Bi : For each i 2 ; let i : A ! Bi be
an R-homomorphism. Then from the family f i j i 2 g of maps we can
construct a single map : A ! B by associating with each element a of A
Chapter 0. Modules and maps 21

the function fa 2 B de ned by fa : i 7! a i for all i 2 : To show that

is indeed an R-homomorphism, we must show that for all a and a0 in A
and all r in R the function (a + a0 ) is the same as the function a + a0
and the function (ra) is the same as the function r(a ): To show that two
functions with the same domain are equal we must show that they act in the same
way when applied to an element in their common domain. Indeed, if i 2
[(a + a0 ) ] (i) = fa+a0 (i) = (a + a0 ) i
= a i + a0 i = fa (i) + fa0 (i)
= (a )(i) + (a0 )(i) = [a + a0 ] (i):
[(ra) ] (i) = fra (i) = (ra) i
= r(a i ) = rfa (i) = [r(a )] (i):
Note that if i is an element of and if a 2 A; then
a i = (fa ) i = fa (i) = a i

and so i = i for each i 2 : This property completely characterizes the

map ; for if there exists a map from A to B satisfying the condition that
i = i for each i 2 then for any a 2 A we would have (a )(i) =
(a i ) = a i = (a )(i) for all i 2 ; proving that a = a for all a 2 A
and so = : We summarize this construction in the following observation.
Observation 1: If A is a left R-module and if fBi j i 2 g is a
family of left R-modules such that for each i 2 there exists an R-
Y i : A ! Bi then there exists an R-homomorphism
: A ! Bi satisfying the condition that i = i for each
i 2 : Moreover, the map having this property is unique.

There is a second family of maps associated with the direct product Y

tion. If fAi j i 2 g is a family of left R-modules and if A = Ai
then for each h 2 ; let h : Ah ! A be the function de ned as follows: if
a 2 Ah ; then
a if i = h
a h : i 7! :
0 otherwise
To show that h is an R-homomorphism we must show that for all a and a0 in
Ah and for all r in R; the function (a + a0 ) h is the same as a h + a0 h and
22 Chapter 0. Modules and maps

the function (ra) h is the same as the function r(a h ): Since all four of these
functions take the value 0 except at h; the following computation is enough to
prove our claim:
((a + a0 ) h )(h) = a + a0 = a h (h) + a0 h (h) = (a h + a0 h )(h)

and ((ra) h )(h) = ra = (r(a h ))(h): The map h is called the injection
map into the hth component of A:
Note that for each h 2 the injection map into the hth component of A
is an R-monomorphism, and so Ah is isomorphic to im( h ): This allows us,
sometimes, to identify
Y Ah with its image under h and so consider Ah as a
submodule of Ai .
Thus, with the direct product Ai of left R-modules we have associ-
ated two fundamental familes of maps: the projections i and the injections
i : Each injection i can be composed with each projection k : Compositions
of the form i i yield identity maps since, for each a 2 Mi ; we have
a( i i) = (a i ) i = (a i )(i) = a:
Compositions of the form i k for i 6= k yield zero maps, since for every
a 2 Mi we have
a( i k) = (a i ) k = (a i )(k) = 0:
The fact that i i is the identity map on Ai encompasses two obvious but
important facts: the projections i are R-epimorphisms; and the injections i
are R-monomorphisms. In accord Y with the informal usage and described above,
im( i ) = Ai and ker( i ) = Aj :
When = f1; 2g; we may regard the elements of A = A1 qA2 as ordered
pairs, as explained in Section 3. Our constructions and computations are espe-
cially transparent in that case. The projections and injections are exhaustively
described by

1 : (a1 ; a2 ) 7! a1 ;
2 : (a1 ; a2 ) 7! a2 ;
1 : a1 7! (a1 ; 0); and
2 : a2 7! (0; a2 );
where a1 and a2 are arbitrary elements of A1 and A2 respectively. If B is
a left R-module then for each pair of maps 1 : B ! A1 and 2 : B ! A2 ;
Chapter 0. Modules and maps 23

there exists a map : B ! A1 q A2 satisfying 1 = 1 and 2 = 2:

The map admits a simple description: : a 7! (a 1 ; a 2 ) for each a
in A: The informality of idenitfying Ai with im( i ) amounts to bluring the
distinction between A1 and f(a1 ; 0) j a1 2 A1 g and that between A2 and
f(0; a2 ) j a2 2 A2 g: The computation of such composites as 1 1 and 1 2
can be illustrated by a1 1 1 = (a1 ; 0) 1 = ai and a1 1 2 = (a1 ; 0) 2 = 0:
Let fAi j i 2 g be a family of left R-modules and let A = Ai
be their direct product, with which we have associatived families of projections
f i ja i 2 g and f i j i 2 g: Inside A; we also have the submodule
A = Ai : The restriction of each projection h to A0 results in a map
from A0 to Ah which, to avoid cumbersome notation, we will also denote by
h : No confusion will arise as a result of this shorthand because, in dealing with
such maps, we will always make the domain clear. Since im( h ) A0 for
each h 2 ; we can consider h as a map from Ah to A : 0

Let B be a xed left R-module and let f i : Ai ! B j i 2 g be a

family of R-homomorphisms. Then, from this family, we can de ne a simple
P from A0 to B by associating with each f 2 A0 the ( nite!)
sum f (i)6=0 f (i) i of elements of B: Straightforward computations, left
as an exercise, P show us that is in fact an R-homomorphism, which will be
denoted by i : If h : Ah ! A is the injection of Ah into A ; then
0 0
P i2
h i2 i = h for each h 2 :
Now let us restrict our consideration to the special case of the coproduct of
a pair A; B of left R-modules. For simplicity, we will denote the projections
of A q B onto A and B respectively by A and B and the injections
of A and B respectively into A q B by A and B : If C is a left
R-module and if A : A ! C and B : B ! C are maps, then there exists
a unique map : A q B ! C satisfying the conditions that A = A
and B = B ; namely the map which assigns to the pair (a; b) the value
a A + b B : The remarks in Section 4 concerning the graphs of maps may be
reformulated in our present terminology: a submodule G of A q B is the
graph of a map : A ! B if and only if the restriction of A to G is an
isomorphism. A submodule G0 of A q B for which the restriction of A to
G0 is one-to-one may be regarded as a graph from G0 A to B:
Let B be a left R-module and let fAi j i 2 g be a family of left
R-modules. Then we have a function from HomR Ai ; B to
Y i2
HomR (Ai ; B) de ned by a : h 7! h for each R-homomorphism
24 Chapter 0. Modules and maps
in HomR Ai ; B and each h 2 : It is left as an exercise to
show that this is in fact an isomorphism of abelian groups, and so to verify the
following observation.
Observation 2: Let B be a left R-module and let fAi j i 2 g be
a family of left R-modules. Then
a Y
HomR Ai ; B = HomR (Ai ; B):
i2 i2

Moreover, if B is an (R; S)-bimodule, then this is an isomorphism of

right S -modules.

Similarly, let B be a left R-module and let fAi j i 2 g be a family of

left R-modules. Then we have a function from HomR B; Ai to
Y i2
HomR (B; Ai ) de ned by ( ) : h 7! h for each R-homomorphism
i2 Y
in HomR B; Ai and each h 2 : Again, it is left as an exercise
to show that this is in fact an isomorphism of abelian groups and so to verify the
following observation.
Observation 3: Let B be a left R-module and let fAi j i 2 g be
a family of left R-modules. Then
HomR B; Ai = HomR (B; Ai ):
i2 i2

Moreover, if B is an (R; S)-bimodule, then this is an isomorphism of

left S -modules.


Y 1: Let fBi j i 2 g be a family of left R-modules and let
B= Bi : Let and be R-homomorphisms from a left R-module A
to B satisfying the condition that i = i for every projection i : B ! Bi
and every i 2 : Show that = :
Exercise 2: Let B be a left R-module and let f i : Ai ! B ja i 2 g be a
family of R-homomorphisms. Verify that the function i2 i : Bi !
A is an R-homomorphism.
Chapter 0. Modules and maps 25

Exercise 3: Verify Observation 2.

Exercise 4: Verify Observation 3.
Exercise 5: Let B be a left R-module and let fAi j i 2 g be
a family of left R-modules. De ne a function ' from the abelian group
a a
HomR (B; Ai ) to the abelian group HomR B; Ai as follows:
i2 a i2
if f 2 HomR (B; Ai ) then ' : f 7! i2 f (i):
(a) Show that ' is a homomorphism of abelian groups.
(b) Provide an example to show that ' is not necessarily an isomorphism.
(c) If B is an (R; S)-bimodule, show that ' is a homomorphism of left
S -modules.
Exercise 6: Let B; fAi j i 2 g; and ' be as in Exercise 5. Show that a
necessary and suf cient condition for ' to be an isomorphism is that the union
of any ascending chain B1 B2 : : : of proper submodules of B is again a
proper submodule of B:
Exercise 7: Let A be a left R-module, let n be a positive integer, and let
B be a coproduct of n copies of A: Moreover, let S = HomR (A; A) be the
ring of endomorphisms of A:
(a) Show that the ring HomR (B; B) is isomorphic to the full ring of n n
matrices over S:
(b) Note that B can also be considered as a left module over the full ring T of
n n matrices over R: Show that the ring HomT (B; B) is isomorphic to S:
Exercise 8: Let A1 and A2 be left R-modules and let A = A1 q A2 : For
i = 1; 2; let i : Ai ! A be the injection map. Suppose that we are given a
left R-module B and R-homomorphisms i : B ! Ai for i = 1; 2:
(a) Show that A0 = f(b 1 ; b 2 ) j b 2 Bg is a submodule of A:
(b) If : A ! A=A0 is the natural map and i = i for i = 1; 2; show that
1 1 = 2 2:
(c) If C is a left R-module and if i : Ai ! C (i = 1; 2) are R-
homomorphisms satisfying 1 1 = 2 2 ; show that there exists a unique
R-homomorphism : A=A0 ! C satisfying i = i for i = 1; 2:
Exercise 9: Let A1 and A2 be left R-modules and let A = A1 q A2 : For
i = 1; 2; let i : A ! Ai be the projection map. Suppose that we are given a
left R-module B and R-homomorphisms i : Ai ! B for i = 1; 2:
(a) Show that A0 = f(a1 ; a2 ) j a1 1 = a2 2 g is a submodule of A:
(b) If : A0 ! A is the inclusion map and if i = i for i = 1; 2; show
that 1 1 = 2 2 :
(c) If C is a left R-module and if i : C ! Ai (i = 1; 2) are R-
homomorphisms satisfying 1 1 = 2 2 ; show that there exists a unique
26 Chapter 0. Modules and maps

R-homomorphism : C ! A0 satisfying i = i for i = 1; 2:

Exercise 10: Let A1 and A2 be left R-modules. Suppose that we are
given a left R-module B and R-homomorphisms i : B ! Ai for i = 1; 2:
Show that there exists a left R-module C and R-homomorphisms i : Ai ! C
for i = 1; 2 such that
(a) 1 1 = 2 2 :
(b) If D is a left R-module and there exist R-homomorphisms i : Ai ! D for
i = 1; 2 such that 1 1 = 2 2 then there exists a unique R-homomorphism
: C ! D satisfying i = i for i = 1; 2:

7. Direct sums
A constant theme in our work will be the attempt to represent an R-module A of
some speci ed type as a coproduct of modules of some structurally more trans-
parent type. However, the appropriate question for us to aska can not be “Is there
a family of R-modules fBi j i 2 g for which A equals Bi ?” because
the elements[of the set on the right are of a speci c nature: they are functions
from to Bi : Thus (except when the elements of A happen to be such
i2 a
functions), A has no chance of being equal to Bi : Our question has to
be phrased in the form
a“Is there a family of R-modules fBi j i 2 g for which
A is isomorphic to Bi ?” This makes life seem a bit more dif cult, since
we do not know where to look for the modules Bi : We would therefore like
to come up with an equivalent question which is “internal” to A; i.e. which is
involved with nding a certain family of submodules of the module A:

aObservation 1: A left R-module A is isomorphic to a coproduct

Bi of a family of left R-modules fBi j i 2 g if and only
if there exists a family fAi j i 2 g of submodules of A such that
Ai = Bi for each i 2 and such that for each element a of A
there is a unique family fai j i 2 g of elements of A satisfying the
following conditions:
(a) ai 2 Ai for all i 2 ;
(b) ai =P 0 for all but nitely-many i 2 ;
(c) a = i2 ai :
Veri cation: Set B = Bi : Suppose that A contains a family
fAi j i 2 g of submodules satisfying the given conditions. For each h 2 ;
let h : Bh ! B be the injection of Bh into the coproduct of the Bi and let
Chapter 0. Modules and maps 27

h : Bh ! A be the map which is the composite of an isomorphism Bh ! Ah

(which exists by our supposition)
P and the inclusion map Ah ! A: De ne the
map : B ! A to be i2 i:

P We will show that is an isomorphism. Let f 2 ker( ): Then 0 =

i2 f (i) i : Let fz i j i 2 g be the family of elements of A de ned by
zi = 0 for all i 2 : Then the two families ff (i) i j i 2 g and fzi j
i 2 g of elements of A satisfy conditions (a), (b), and (c) of the observation
for the case a = 0 and so, by the uniqueness assumption, must be equal. Thus
f (i) i = 0 for all i 2 : Since each i is an R-monomorphism, this implies
that f (i) = 0 for all i 2 and so must be an R-monomorphism. To
show that is an R-epimorphism, consider an arbitrary element a of A and
construct an element
P f of B in the following manner. By our assumption, we
can write a = i2 ai ; where each ai belongs to the image of i :PTherefore
for each i 2 there exists an element bi of Bi such that a = i2 bi i :
Moreover, all but nitely-many of these bi are equal to 0: Now P let f be the
function in B de ned by f (i) = bi for all i 2 : Then f = i2 bi i = a;
showing that a 2 im( ) and hence establishing that is an R-epimorphism
and so an R-isomorphism.
Now suppose that there exists an R-isomorphism : B ! A: For each
i 2 ; set Ai = Bi : This is a submodule of A and it is left as an exercise to
show that the family fAi j i 2 g of submodules of A satis es the conditions
of the observation.

If fAi j i 2 g is a family of submodules of a left R-module A which

satis es the conditions given in Observation
M 1, then A is said to be the direct
sum of the Ai ; and we write A = Ai : It is necessary and important
to distinguish between the notion of the direct sum of a family of submodules
of a given module and the coproduct of an arbitrary family of modules. These
concepts, however, are closely related; as we have seen, if a left R-module is
isomorphic to a coproduct of a family of left R-modules then it is a direct sum of
submodules isomorphic to members of that family. Therefore, many authors use
the same notation, “ ”, for both direct sums and coproducts. No harm comes
of this as a rule, so long as one makes clear what is being intended at each step.
We will often be interested in showing that a module is the direct sum of two
of its submodules. In that case, a slight variation of Observiation 1 yields the
following result.
Observation 2: Let B and C be submodules of a left R-module
A: Then A = B C if and only if B \ C = (0) and for each a in
28 Chapter 0. Modules and maps

A there are elements b in B and c in C for which a = b + c:


Exercise 1: Complete the veri cation of Observation 1.

Exercise 2: Verify Observation 2.
Exercise 3: Let A B C be left R-modules and let A0 be a submodule
of C satisfying C = A A0 : Show that B = A (B \ A0 ):

8. Splitting maps and summands

The projection A and the injection A associated with a coproduct A q B of
left R-modules have the following two properties: the composite map A A is
the identity map on A and A B is the direct sum of im( A ) and ker( A )
(= im( B )). A comparison of these two properties of A and A motivates
the following observation.
Observation 1: Let : A ! B and : B ! A be homo-
morphisms between left R-modules A and B for which is the
identity map on A: Then B = im( ) ker( ):

Veri cation: Let x 2 im( ) \ ker( ): Then x = a for some a 2 A

and also x = 0: Consequently, a = a = x = 0 and x = a =
0 = 0: Thus im( ) \ ker( ) = (0): Let b 2 B: Then b 2 im( )
and b = b + [b b ] : To complete the veri cation, we need only show
that b b is in ker( ); which is indeed the case since (b b ) =
b b =b b = 0:

When maps : A ! B and : B ! A have the property that is the

identity map on A; we say that each of the maps is a splitting map for the other.
As Observation 1 shows, splitting maps are valuable tools for splitting modules
into direct sums of submodules. Note that, when is the identity map on A
it follows that is an R-monomorphism and is an R-epimorphism. The
maps A and A mentioned above are splitting maps of each other.
A submodule B of a left R-module A is a direct summand of A if there
exists a submodule C of A for which A = B C: When such a C exists,
it is said to be a complementary summand of B: Any left R-module A can
be written as A (0); and consequently A and (0) are complementary
summands of each other. Observation 1 provides the following useful strategies
for verifying that certain submodules are direct summands. If : A ! B is
an R-monomorphism and we wish to show that im( ) is a direct summand of
Chapter 0. Modules and maps 29

B; it is suf cent to nd a map : B ! A for which a = a for all a in

A: If : A ! B is an R-epimorphism and we wish to show that ker( ) is a
direct summand of A; then it is suf cient to nd a map : B ! A for which
b = b for all b 2 B: Finally, if A is a submodule of B and we wish to
show that it is a direct summand, it is suf cient to nd a map : B ! A for
which a = a for all a in A:
A direct summand B of a left R-module A may have many distinct
complementary summands, as Exercises 1 and 2 show. There is a one-to-
one correspondence between the set of all complementary summands of B and
the set of splitting maps for the inclusion map of B into A: The complementary
summands for the summand im( B ) of the coproduct A q B are precisely the
graphs of the homomorphisms of A into B:

Exercise 1: Let A be a noncyclic Z-module of order 4. Show that A is

a direct sum of any two of its three cyclic submodules of order 2.
Exercise 2: Let R be the eld Z=(2) of integers modulo 2: Show that each
submodule of order 2n of each R-module of order 2n+1 is a direct summand
having precisely 2n distinct complementary summands.
Exercise 3: Let B be a direct summand of a left R-module A and let :
B ! A be the inclusion map. Show that the function associating each splitting
map : A ! B of with ker( ) is a one-to-one correspondence between
the set of splitting maps of and the set of all complementary summands of B
in A:
Exercise 4: Let B be a direct summand of a left R-module A. Show that
the complementary summands of the submodule im( B ) of the left R-module
AqB are precisely the graphs of the homomorphisms of A into B; as claimed
Exercise 5: Let A be the left Z-module Z=(2) q Z=(4): Let B =
f(0; 0); (1; 0)g and let C = f(0; 0); (1; 2)g: Show that both B and C are
direct summands of A; but that B C is not.
Exercise 6: Let B be a nonzero left R-module and let A be a submodule
of B: Assume that C is a maximal element of the set of all submodules C
of B satisfying A \ C = (0): (Note that this set is nonempty, since it surely
contains (0).) Is it necessarily true that B = A C?

9. Natural maps
Let B be a submodule of a left R-module A and let A=B be the associated
30 Chapter 0. Modules and maps

factor module, described in Section 2. Since each element of A lies in preicsely

one coset of B; we may de ne a function : A ! A=B by specifying that,
for each a in A; a is the coset to which a belongs. In the usual notion, this
function is described by : a 7! a + B: Since
(a + a0 ) = (a + a0 ) + B = (a + B) + (a0 + B) = a + a0
and (ra) = ra + B = r(a + b) = r(a ) for all a and a0 in A and all r
in R; we conclude that is an R-homomorphism. The map is called the
natural map from A to A=B:
Using natural maps (and inclusion maps) we can analyze arbitrary maps in a
revealing way. If : A ! B is a map between left R-modules, then we can
write it as a composition 0
; where
1. : A ! A=ker( ) is the natural map.
2. : im( ) ! B is the inclusion map.
3. 0
: A=ker( ) ! im( ) is the map de ned by 0
: (a + ker( )) 7! a :
This is in fact a well-de ned function, for if a + ker( ) = a0 + ker( ) then
a a0 2 ker( ) and so 0 = (a a0 ) = a a0 ; showing that a =
a0 . The image of 0 is clearly the same as the image of : Moreover, if
(a + ker( )) 0 = 0 then a = 0 and so a 2 ker( ): Therefore 0 is
both an R-epimorphism and an R-monomorphism and so is an R-isomorphism.
Thus we have veri ed the following:
Observation 1: Any map between R-modules can be written as a
composition of a natural map, an R-isomorphism, and an inclusion

The above construction embodies a good deal of interesting information about

the nature of R-homomorphisms. Here are some easily-quoted immediate con-
Observation 2: If : A ! B is an R-epimorphism then B is
isomorphic to A=ker( ):

Observation 3: Every map can be expressed as an R-epimorphism

followed by an R-monomorphism.

Perhaps the central signi cance of Observation 1 is that it reduces the prob-
lem of determining all maps from a left R-module A to a left R-module B
to the following program: determine all of the submodules of A and B; for
each pair of submodules A0 of A and B 0 of B; determine all isomor-
Chapter 0. Modules and maps 31

phisms 0 (if any) between A=A0 and B 0 : Each triple (A0 ; 0 ; B 0 ) for which
: A=A0 ! B 0 is an isomorphism then yields a map : A ! B and every
map from A to B arises in this fashion precisely once. As for the cardinality of
P set of 0maps 0from 0A to B; this can be expressed in the especially simple form
fh(B )k(B ) j B is a submodule of Bg ; where h(B 0 ) is the cardinality
of the set of all R-automorphisms of B 0 and k(B 0 ) is the cardinality (possibly
0) of the set of those submodules A0 of A for which A=A0 is isomorphic to

Exercise 1: Let B and C be submodules of a left R-module A; and let

: A ! A=C be the natural map. Let : B + C ! A=C be the restriction
of to B + C; and let : B ! A=C be the restriction of to B:
(a) Find the kernels and images of and :
(b) Show that (B + C)=C = B=(B \ C):
Exercise 2: If B is a direct summand of a left R-module A and if C
and C 0 are submodules of A satisfying B C = A = B C 0 ; show that
C = A=B = C 0 :
Exercise 3: Let fAi j i 2 g be a family of left R-modules and, for each
i in ; let Bi be a submodule of Ai : Show that
" # ," # " #
a a a
Ai Bi = Ai =Bi :
i2 i2 i2

Exercise 4: Let B 0 be a submodule of a left R-module B and let :

B ! B=B be the natural map. For an arbitrary left R-module A;

(a) Show that the function B 0 from HomR (B=B 0 ; A) to HomR (B; A)
which sends each map to the composite map is a homomorphism of
abelian groups.
(b) Show that there is no proper submodule B 0 of B such that B 0 is an
isomorphism if and only if B is isomorphic to a submodule of a direct product
of copies of A:

10. Subsets and the submodules they generate

Let A be a left R-module. Given a single element a of A; what can we build?
We can multiply a by each scalar r in R to produce the set fra j r 2 Rg;
which will be denoted by Ra: It is easily veri able that Ra is a submodule of
A and, since a = 1a; that this submodule contains a: Since any submodule of
A that contains a must contain Ra; we observe that for any element a of a
32 Chapter 0. Modules and maps

left R-module A there exists a unique smallest submodule of A containing a;

namely Ra: We say that Ra is the submodule of A generated by a (or by
the set fag). Given two elements a1 and a2 of A; what can we build? We
can build Ra1 and Ra2 ; and from these submodules of A we can form the set
of all sums of the form r1 a1 + r2 a2 ; where r1 and r2 are elements of R: This
set will be denoted by Ra1 + Ra2 : Again, it is easily veri able that Ra1 + Ra2
is a submodule of A that contains both a1 and a2 : Since any submodule of A
that contains both a1 and a2 must contain Ra1 + Ra2 ; we observe that there
exists a smallest submodule of A containing fa1 ; a2 g; and that Ra1 + Ra2 is
this submodule. We will say that Ra1 + Ra2 is the submodule of A generated
by fa1 ; a2 g:
The above discussion can be easily extended to any nite subset fa1 ; : : : ; an g
of A: The submodule generated by this subset is
( n )
Xn X
Rai = r i ai r 1 ; : : : ; r n 2 R ;
i=1 i=1

which is the unique smallest submodule of A containing fa1 ; : : : ; an g: Now

consider an arbitrary nonempty subset U of a left R-module A: P The submodule
of A generated by U is the set RU of all sums of the form u2U ru u; where
the ru are elements of R; only nitely-many of which are nonzero. This is
the unique smallest submodule of A containing U: By convention we de ne
the submodule of A generated by ? to be (0): Note that RU is precisely
the union of all those submodules RU 0 of A; where U 0 ranges over all nite
subsets of U:
Let A be a left R-module. We say that A is cyclic if there is an element
a of A for which A = Ra: Likewise, A is nitely Pn generated if there exists a
nite subset fa1 ; : : : ; an g of A for which A = i=1 Rai and A is coutably
generated if A is either nitely generated or there exists a countably-in nite set
U = fa1 ; a2 ; : : :g of elements of A such that A is generated by U:
For a rst set of examples, let A be a three-dimensional vector space over the
eld R of real numbers, which we identify with three-dimensional Euclidean
space. If u = 0; belongs to A; then the submodule (that is, the subspace) of
A generated by u is (0): If u 6= 0 then the submodule generated by u is
the line containing u and the origin. Suppose u1 and u2 belong to A: The
submodule generated by fu1 ; u2 g is Ru1 + Ru2 ; which is
1. (0) if u1 = 0 = u2 ;
2. The plane containing u1 ; u2 ; and the origin if these three points are not
colinear, or
Chapter 0. Modules and maps 33

3. The line containing u1 ; u2 ; and the origin these three points are colinear
but not all three of them equal.
Every submodule of A is nitely generated (by three or fewer generators).
For a second set of examples, we will let A be the additive abelian group
(that is Z-module) of real numbers. The submodule (that is, subgroup) gen-
erated by 12 ; 23 is Z 12 + Z 23 ; which is actually a cyclic submodule, since it
p p
is identical with Z 61 : The submodule generated by 1; 2 is Z + Z 2 =
Z Z 2: The submodule Q consisting nof all rational numbers o is not -
nitely generated, since for each nite subset Z nd11 ; : : : ; Z ndkk of Q we have
Z nd11
+ ::: + Z ndkk Z d1 ; where d = d1 : : : dk : On the other hand, Q
is countably generated. One of the more interesting generating sets for Q
is n! j n = 1; 2; : : : ; every in nite subset of this generating set is also a
generating set for Q:
The approach we have given to submodules generated by subsets might be
thought of as an approach from the inside. An equivalent approach from the
outside can be based on the important (and mentally veri able) fact that the
intersection of any nonempty family of submodules of an R-module A is again
a submodule of A: Since the submodule of a left R-module A generated by a
subset U of A is the smallest submodule of A containing U; we can make
the following observation.
Observation 1: If U is a subset of a left R-module A then the
submodule of A generated by U is the intersection of all submodules
of A containing U:

This outside approach is attractive but for working purposes the inside ap-
proach is usually more useful.
Cyclic modules will play an important role throught our work. Finitely-
generated modues receive close attention in Chapters 10, 11, and 13. Countably-
generated modules are constantly under study in Part Three. Some attention to
generating sets in general is given in Chapter 5.

Exercise 1: If fAi j i 2 P
g is a family of submodules of a left R-module
A; show that the submodule i2 Ai de ned in Section 6 is precisely the
submodule generated by Ai :
Exercise 2: Show that a left R-module A is nitely generated
P if, for any
family fAi j i 2 g of submodules of A satisfying A = i2 Ai ; there
34 Chapter 0. Modules and maps
exists a nite subset of satisfying A = i2 Ai :
Exercise 3: Let A be a left R-module and let fAi j i 2 Pg is a family of
submodules of A that satis es the following condition: 0 = i2 ai can hold
for a nite subset of and elements ai 2 A (for each i 2 ) only[ when
ai = 0 for all i: Show that the submodule B of A generated by Ai
M i2
satis es B = Ai :

11. Maximal nests of subsets

Let be a set and let F be a family of subsets of : A subfamily N of F
is a nest in F if for every pair of sets , 2 N we either have or
: A nest M in F is a maximal nest if the only nest in F which contains
M is M itself. In some families of subsets, it is possible to describe one or
more speci c maximal nests. The situations in which we will use maximal nests
are not usually of this sort. In fact, we will be assured of the existence of the
maximal nests we need only by employing the following broad principle, which
is usually taken as one of the axioms of set theory
Maximal Nest Principle: For each set and each family F of
subsets of ; there exists at least one maximal nest in F:

We hope that the maximal nest principle will seem intuitively plausible and
we believe that it should be used without self-consciousness. It is one of several
widely-used set-theoretic principles equivaelnt to the Axiom of Choice – among
them the Well-Ordering Principle and Zorn's Lemma. For further consideration
of these principles and their role in the foundations of mathematics, you may
wish to consult [41], [95], or [96].

Exercise 1: Let Q be the set of rational numbers and let F be the family
of all nite subsets of Q: Describe all of the maximal nests M in F: State
precisely which subsets of Q are of the form [M for some maximal nest M
in F:
Exercise 2: Let Q be the set of rational numbers. Let F be the family of
all nonempty proper subsets of Q: For each x 2 Q; let Ux = fy 2 Q j x < yg
and Cx = fy 2 Q j x yg: Let M be the family consisting of the sets Ux
for all x 2 Q and the sets Cx for all x 2 Q: Is M a maximal nest in F?
Exercise 3: In Exercise 2, replace the set Q of rational numbers by the set
R of real numbers. Is M a maximal nest in F in this case?
Chapter 1. The ring as a module over

1. Introduction
The backbone of this book is a sequence of theorems that describe the structure of
certain classes of modules. Each of these theorems explicates how the modules
in question may be constructed by means of one of at most four processes: (1)
choosing a submodule of R; (2) forming a factor module of R; (3) building
certain extensions of these factor modules (to be explained in Chapter 7), and
(4) forming coproducts. Thus R; regarded as a left module over itself, is the
foundation for this book. Since this module is so important, we will go carefully
through its de nition again. For the the underlying additive abelian group, we
use R with its ring addition. For the scalar multiplication of the ring R on
the abelian group R; we use the ring multiplication. Reviewing the axioms of
a left R-module, we have the following:
1. r(r0 + r00 ) = rr0 + rr00 by the left distributivity of ring multiplication;
2. (r + r0 )r00 = rr00 + r0 r00 by the right distributivity of ring multiplication;
3. (rr0 )r00 = r(r0 r00 ) by the associativity of ring multiplication;
4. 1r = r by the de nition of the multiplicative identity of a ring.
In Section 2, we will discuss the submodules and factor modules of R;
which are the basic building blocks of module theory. The multiplicative identity
element of R is a fundamental tool in the theory of R-modules. In Section 3, we
will show how this identity element can be used to produce strong results about
mapping properties related to R: In the process, we will make our rst acquain-
tance with the concept of a projective module. The concept of projectivity is one
of the most fundamental general concepts in module theory – perhaps the most

2. Modules associated with R

We will examine the submodules, factor modules, and direct summands of the

36 Chapter 1. The ring as a module over itself

ring R; regarded as a left module over itself.

Submodules of R. A subset of a ring R is a submodule of the left R-module
R if and only if it is an additive subgroup of R and is closed under scalar
multiplication, which is the multiplication on the left by elements of R: Thus,
the conditions under which a subset of a ring is a left submodule are precisely
those under which it is a left ideal, so we conclude that the submodules of the left
R-module R are its left ideals. Similarly, the submodules of the right R-module
R are its right ideals.
Factor modules of R. As a left R-module, R is generated by the identity
element 1: Each factor R=I; where I is an arbitrary submodule (i.e. left
ideal) of R; is generated by the coset 1 + I: This property of being cyclic
is characterizing for factor modules of R: a left R-module is isomorphic to a
factor module of R if and only if it is cyclic. This fact may be seen in the
larger context of Observation 1, which will prove to be a basic tool in the study
of modules.
Observation 1: For each element a of a left R-module A; there is
one and only one map : R ! A satisfying 1 = a: The image of
is the cycle submodule of A generated by a:

Veri cation: Given an element a of a left R-module A; de ne a function

from R to A by : r 7! ra for all r 2 R: Then
(r + r0 ) = (r + r0 )a = ra + r0 a = r + r0 ;
(rr0 ) = (rr0 )a = r(r0 a) = r(r0 ); and
1 = 1a = a
so satis es the requirements of Observation 1. Now let : R ! A be
any map satisfying 1 = a: Then r = (r1) = r(1 ) = ra = r for any
r 2 R; and so = : Thus is the only map meeting the requirements of
the observation. The image of is fr j r 2 Rg = fra j r 2 Rg; which is
the cyclic submodule of A generated by a:

Two special types of cyclic modules will play basic roles in our studies – sim-
ple modules and uniform cyclic modules. We will introduce these and discuss
them brie y.
De nition: A left R-module is simple if and only if it is not (0) and has
only two submodules: itself and (0):
A simple module is automatically cyclic. In fact, it is cyclic in a very strong
way: each nonzero element a of a simple left R-module A generates the
Chapter 1. The ring as a module over itself 37

module. This is so since, if a is nonzero, Ra is not the zero submodule and

hence, by the simplicity of A; it must be all of A:
The presence of the multiplicative identity 1 of a ring forces the existence
of at least one simple module. In proving this fact, we will also show that every
ring contains a maximal submodule (that is, left ideal), as stated in the following
de nition.
De nition: A submodule B of a left R-module A is a maximal submodule
if it is proper and there are no proper submodules of A properly containing B .
Observation 2: Any proper left ideal I of a ring R is contained
in at least one maximal left ideal H of R and, for each such H; the
left R-module R=H is simple.

Veri cation: Consider the collection of all proper left ideals of R contain-
ing I: This collection is nonempty, since I belongs to it, and so must contain
at least one maximal nest M: Let H be the union of all of elements of M:
We claim that H is a left ideal of R: Indeed, if r; r0 2 H then there exist
L; L0 2 M such that r 2 L and r0 2 L0 : Since M is a nest, either L L0
or L0 L. Without loss of generality, we can assume that L L0 : Then
r+r 2 L0 0
H: Similarly, if r 2 R then r r 2 L H; which suf ces
00 00

to establish our claim. If 1 were in H; then 1 would also belong to some

L 2 M; yielding L R1 = R and contradicting the supposition that the
elements of M are proper. Thus 1 2 = H and so H is also a proper left ideal
of R: Now suppose K is a proper left ideal of R properly containing H:
Then K properly contains each element L of M and so M[fKg is a nest
of left ideals of R properly containing M: The maximality of M implies that
K = R; showing that H is a maximal left ideal of R:
Now let H be any maximal left ideal of R and let B be a submodule of
R=H: Then K = fr 2 R j r + H 2 Bg is a left ideal of R containing
H and contained in R: By the maximality of H; we either have K = H; in
which case B is (0) or K = R; in which case B = R=H: Thus R=H is a
simple left R-module.

Note that in the veri cation of Observation 2 we made use of the Maximal
Nest Principle, which is equivalent to the Axiom of Choice. In fact, Observation
2 is equivalent to the Axiom of Choice. Indeed, in Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory,
the statement “every unique factorization domain has a maximal ideal” is already
equivalent to the Axiom of Choice. See [49] for a proof of this rather surprising
De nition: A left R-module is indecomposable if it is not the direct sum
38 Chapter 1. The ring as a module over itself

of any pair of proper submodules. A left R-module is uniform if each of its

submodules is indecomposable.
Stated another way, a left R-module A is uniform if and only if each pair
of nonzero submodules of A has a nonzero intersection. The Z-module Q
and each of its submodules are uniform. Any nonzero uniform left Q-module
must be isomorphic to Q: Uniform modules have also been termed absolutely
indecomposable modules, which is a very descriptive name, especially in view
of the following observations.
Observation 3: Let B be a uniform submodule of a direct sum
A A0 of left R-modules and let and 0 be the projections onto
A and A0 respectively. Then either the restriction of to B or the
restriction of 0 to B is an R-monomorphism.

Veri cation: If neither of these projections were an R-monomorphism, we

would have two nonzero submodules of B; namely ker( ) \ B and ker( 0 ) \
B; which have intersection (0):

The previous observation is not very surprising. On rst contact, the next
one is likely to be. Its veri cation will expose a feature of uniform modules that
is a basic tool in their use. This feature may be informally described by saying
that each nonzero element of a uniform left R-module is necessarily interrelated
with the overall structure of the module. The situation is somewhat weaker than
in the case of simple modules in which, as we recall, a nonzero element had to
be a generator.
Observation 4: Let fAi j i 2 gMbe a family of left R-modules. If
B is a uniform submodule of A = Ai then, for some element
h of ; the restriction to B of the hth projection map h is an

Veri cation: If B is (0) then any h 2 will do, so we may suppose

that B is nonzero. Choose a nonzero element b of B: Let be the set of
those indices i 2 satisfying
hMb i 6= i0:M Byh de nition ofithe direct sum, this
is a nite set. Then A = Ai Ai : By the previous
i2 i2 r
observation, the restriction to B of one of the two associated projections must
be an R-monomorphism. It cannot be the projection onto the second summand,
since that map sends b to 0: Thus the projection of B onto the rst summand
is an R-monomorphism. Let this Mprojection be denoted by and let B = B :

Then B 0 is a submodule of Ai and, since is a nite set, we note

Chapter 1. The ring as a module over itself 39

that a nite number of applications of Observation 3 will yield an element h

of for which the projection of B 0 onto Ah is an R-monomorphism. The
composite map B ! B 0 ! Ah is also an R-monomorphism, as required.

A local ring is a ring in which the set of noninvertible elements is closed

under taking nite sums. In this case, the set of noninvertible elements of the
ring is a two-sided ideal. Such rings are interesting and important in their own
right, and have been extensively studied. We will look at modules over such rings
in Chapter 13. For the moment, however, we will con ne our attention to left
R-modules A having the property that their endomorphism ring HomR (A; A)
is local. This condition is closely tied to the indecomposability of the module
Observation 5: A nonzero left R-module having a local endomor-
phism ring is indecomposable.

Veri cation: If A is a nonzero left R-module which is not indecomposable,

then we can write A = A1 A2 ; where each Ai is a proper submodule of A:
For each i; let i be the projection of A onto Ai and let i be the injection
of Ai into A: Then 1 1 and 2 2 are both noninvertible endomorphisms of
A: Their sum, however, is the identity map of A; which is certainly invertible.
Thus the endomorphism ring of A is not local.

Direct summands of the module R: The direct summands of the left R-

module R are tied to certain special elements of R:
De nition: An element e of a ring is an idempotent if and only if e2 = e:
Observation 6: A submodule B of the left R-module R is a direct
summand if and only if B = Re for some idempotent element e of

Veri cation: Suppose that R = B B 0 and let 1 = e + e0 be the

associated decomposition of 1; with e 2 B and e0 2 B 0 : Since B is a
left ideal of R; we have Re B: On the other hand, if b is an arbitrary
element of B then b = b1 = be + be0 ; where be 2 B and be0 2 B 0 : Then
be0 = b be 2 B \ B 0 = (0) and so be0 = 0: Therefore b = be 2 Re; and
so we see that B = Re: Moreover, from the special case of b = e; we obtain
e = e2 and so e is idempotent. Thus, any direct summand of R is of the form
Re; where e is an idempotent element of R:
Now suppose that e is an idempotent element of R: We will verify that
R = Re R(1 e) is a direct sum decomposition of R: For each element r
40 Chapter 1. The ring as a module over itself

in R; we have r = re + r(1 e); which shows that R = Re + R(1 e):

But Re \ R(1 e) = (0) since, if r0 e = r00 (1 e) holds for elements r0
and r00 of R; then we have r0 e = r0 ee = r00 (1 e)e = r00 (e e) = 0: Thus
R = Re R(1 e):

Because of their importance in structure theory, those modules that are iso-
morphic to direct summands of R have been given a special name.
De nition: A principal left R-module is an R-module that is isomorphic to
a direct summand of the left R-module R:
To emphasize the signi cance of the classes of modules introduced thus far,
we will indicate their function in our structural studies chapter by chapter. The
fundamental building block used in Chapter 2 is the left R-module R itself.
For Chapter 3, the basic building blocks are simple modules. In Chapter 4, the
blocks will be left ideals of R: The uniform cyclic modules are fundamental
blocks used throughout Chapter 9: in the nal section of Chapter 9 the building
blocks are also principal modules. In Section 2 of Chapter 10, the building
blocks are again uniform cyclic modules. The nitely-generated left ideals of
R are the blocks used in Sections 3 and 4 of Chapter 11 (those in Section 4 are
principal ideals). Chapter 13 returns to R itself as the basic building block.
Aside from some elaborate decoration that must be added in certain cases
to uniform cyclic modules (to be explained in Chapter 7), we have all the ba-
sic building blocks that are used in the theorems in this book. Our principal
construction tool will be the coproduct. To emphasize this, we will introduce
a terminological convention: the pre x semi, when applied to a type of left R-
module (but not necessary to a type of ring!) will mean “a direct sum of”. Thus,
a semisimple left R-module is a direct sum of simple submodules, a semiprinci-
pal left R-module is a direct sum of principal submodules, a semicyclic left R-
module is a direct sum of cyclic submodules, and a semiuniform left R-module
is a direct sum of uniform submodules.


Exercise 1: Regard the ring Z of integers as a module over itself and study
it as follows:
(a) Determine the submodules of Z:
(b) Determine the factor modules of Z:
(c) Which submodules of Z are maximal?
(d) Determine the simple Z-modules.
(e) Which cyclic Z-modules are indecomposable?
(f) Which cyclic Z-modules are uniform?
Chapter 1. The ring as a module over itself 41

(g) Which elements of Z are idempotent?

(h) Determine the principal Z-modules.
(i) Which cyclic Z-modules are semisimple?
(j) Which cyclic Z-modules are semiuniform?
Exercise 2: Regard the ring Q of rational numbers as a module over itself.
Carry out Exercise 1, replacing Z by Q:
Exercise 3: For some third ring R of your choice, regard R as a module
over itself and attempt to carry out Exercise 1, replacing Z with R: Here are
some choices of R which you might wish to consider: (1) the ring Z=(n) of
integers modulo some positive integer n; (2) the ring Q[X] of all polynomials
over Q in an indeterminate X; (3) the full ring of all 2 2 matrices over Q:
Exercise 4: Let B be a uniform submodule of a nite coproduct Ai
of left R-modules. Show that for at least one of the projections i : A ! Ai ;
the restriction of i to B is an R-monomorphism.
Exercise 5: Let R be an integral domain. Show that, as a module over
itself, R is uniform.
Exercise 6: Let A be a left R-module which is not uniform. Construct
left R-modules B and B 0 such that B q B 0 contains a submodule C that
is isomorphic to A and for which neither the projection of C onto B nor the
projection of C onto B 0 is an R-monomorphism.
Exercise 7: A left R-module A is cocyclic if and only if there exists an
element ao 2 A satisfying the condition that every R-homomorphism : A !
B between left R-modules for which a0 2 = ker( ) is an R-monomorphism.
Show that every cocyclic left R-module A has a simple submodule which is
contained in every nonzero submodule of A: Conclude from this that cocyclic
left R-modules are uniform.

3. Using the identity of R (projectivity)

We have already used the identity of R to discuss cyclic modules. There is
another elementary use of the identity that leads to strong conclusions concerning
maps out of (and also onto) R: In discussing the use of the identity, we will meet
one of the basic themes of module theory – projectivity.
Observation 1: Let A be a left R-module and let : A ! R be
an R-epimorphism. For any element a of A satisfying a = 1; the
restriction of to the cyclic submodule Ra of A is an isomorphism
from Ra to R: Furthermore, A = Ra ker( ):

Veri cation: The computation (ra) = r(a ) = r1 = r; which is valid

42 Chapter 1. The ring as a module over itself

for every element r of R; shows that the restriction of to Ra is both

one-to-one and onto and, consequently, Ra \ ker( ) = (0): Thus we need
only to verify that A = Ra + ker( ): Indeed, let a0 be an arbitrary element
of A and let r = a0 : Then a0 = ra + (a0 ra); where ra 2 Ra and
a0 ra 2 ker( ); since (a0 ra) = a0 ra = r r1 = 0:

Observation 1 can be derived from the following, more sweeping, observa-

Observation 2: Let A and B be left R-modules. For any R-
epimorphism : A ! B and any map : R ! B; there is a map
: R ! A satisfying = :

Veri cation: Let a be any element of A for which a = 1 ; and

de ne the R-homomorphism : R ! A by r = ra for all r 2 R: Then
r = (ra) = r(a ) = r(1 ) = (r1) = r for all r 2 R; and so
= :

The map in Observation 2 is called a lifting of or, in more detail,

a lifting of through : In this language, the observation may be stated
more concisely: maps having domain R can be lifted through R-epimorphisms.
This property has proven to be so signi cant that it has been incorporated in the
following de nition.
De nition: A left R-module P is projective if, for each R-epimorphism
: A ! B and each map : P ! B there is a map : P ! A satisfying
= :
We have already seen that R is a projective module. Which factor modules
of R are projective?
Observation 3: A cyclic left R-module is projective if and only if it
is a principal left R-module.

Veri cation: For any cyclic left R-module B = Rb; we have an R-

epimorphism : R ! B given by r = rb: Suppose that B is projective
and let : B ! B be the identity map. Then there exists a map : B ! R
for which = : As we saw in Chapter 0, the map is a splitting map for
(that is, R = ker( ) im( )) and so B; which is isomorphic to im( );
is a principal left R-module.
Now suppose that P is a principal left R-module. Then P is isomorphic
to a direct summand of R; so we may as well assume that R = P P 0 : Let
: A ! B be an R-epimorphism and let : P ! B be a map. De ne the
Chapter 1. The ring as a module over itself 43

function : R ! B by (p + p0 ) = p ; for p 2 P and p0 2 P 0 : Then

is a map. Since R is projective, there exists a map ' : R ! A satisfying
' = : Let be the restriction of ' to P: Since the restriction of to P
is ; we have = ; as required.

The following observation highlights an important property of projective mod-

ules, which we will use often.
Observation 4: If : A ! P is an R-epimorphism of left R-
modules and if P is projective, then splits.

Veri cation: To show that splits, we must show that there exists a map
: P ! A for which 0 is the identity map on P: If we let : P ! P
be the identity map, then such a 0 must exist by the projectivity of P:

Rings having the property that all of their left ideals are projective will arise
in the course of our investigations in Chapter 4.

Exercise 1: Let : A ! Q be a homomorphism of left Q-modules, for

which im( ) 6= (0):
(a) Is necessarily surjective?
(b) Show that A contains a direct summand isomorphic to Q:
Exercise 2: Let : A ! Z be a homomorphism of left Z-modules, for
which im( ) 6= (0):
(a) Is necessarily surjective?
(b) Show that A contains a direct summand isomorphic to Z:
Exercise 3: Let R = Z=(4) be the ring of integers modulo 4: Let : A !
R be a map of left R-modules for which im( ) 6= (0): Can you necessarily
conclude that A contains a direct summand isomorphic to R?
Exercise 4: Prove that for any proper left ideal L of a ring R there is a
maximal left ideal of R containing L:
Exercise 5: Let A be a simple left R-module. Prove that R contains a
maximal left ideal L for which R=L is isomorphic to A:
Exercise 6: Show that there exists a projective simple left R-module if and
only if some maximal left ideal of R is a direct summand of R:
Exercise 7: Show that every simple left R-module is projective if and only
if every maximal left ideal of R is a direct summand of R:
Exercise 8: Show that a left R-module P is projective if and only if for each
44 Chapter 1. The ring as a module over itself

R-epimorphism of left R-modules : A ! P there exists a map : P ! A

such that is the identity map on P:
Exercise 9: An element a of a left R-module A is unimodular if Ra is a
direct summand of A isomorphic to R: Show that a is unimodular if and only
if every element of R is of the form a for some map 2 A :

Chapter 2. Coproducts of copies of R
(free modules)

1. Introduction
In Chapter 1, we examined the ring R; regarded as a module over itself. We
made an introductory survey of the summands, submodules, and factor modules
of R: Through the use of the identity element of R; we encountered the concept
of a projective module. The pattern of development of Chapter 1 and the con-
cepts introduced there prove an introduction to the general theory of projectivity.
The role planed by the R-module R in Chapter 1 will now be taken over by the
class of all coproducts of copies of the module R; or, more generally, by the free
left R-modules.
De nition: A left R-module is free if it is isomorphic to a coproduct of
copies of the left R-module R:
Chapter 2 is concerted with the free modules themselves. After it, we will
take up successively the direct summands of free modules, the submodules of
free modules, and the factor modules of free modules. In the course of extending
our attention from free modules to these broader classes, we obtain a thorough
introduction to the concept of projectivity. We will return to deeper structural
investigations of projective modules in Section 5 of Chapter 9.

2. Bases
The de nition we have chosen for the concept of a free module is itself a struc-
tural de nition of the module. However, since free modules play such a funda-
mental role in module theory, we will also reformulate this de nition in terms
of sets of elements, and we will practice using this alternative, element-wise,
For an arbitrary ring R and a nonempty set ; let fRi j i 2 g be a
family of copies of the R
a -module R indexed by the set : Thus, Ri = R for
each i 2 : Let F = Ri : Then the set F consists of those functions f

48 Chapter 2. Coproducts of copies of R (free modules)

from to R satisfying the condition that f (i) = 0 for all but nitely-many
elements i of : With each i in we associate the element gi of F de ned
1 if h = i
gi : h 7! ;
0 otherwise
for h 2 . Let U = fgi j i 2 g. Now suppose that f is an arbitrary
element of F and, for each i 2 ; let ri = f (i):PThen ri = 0 for all but a
nite number of the i; and consequently the sum i2 ri gi is de ned and is
an element of F: Since, for each h 2 ; we have
ri gi (h) = ri gi (h) = rh ;
i2 i2
we see that f = i2 ri gi : Thus, U is a set of generators of F: But U has
a further property. Suppose that fsi j i 2 g is a family of elements of R
satisfying P
the condition that si = 0 for all but nitely-many indices i 2 and
that f = i2 si gi : Then for each h 2 we have
f (h) = si gi (h) = si gi (h) = sh
i2 i2

and so rh = sh for every h 2 : This uniqueness of the representation of f

as a linear combination of the elements of U shows that U is a basis for F in
the following sense.
De nition: A subset U of a left R-module A is a basis for A if for each
element a of A there is a unique indexed set fru j u 2 U g of elements
of RP for which ru = 0 for all but a nite number of the u in U; and
a = u2U ru u:
Vector spaces over elds always possess bases, but this is not the case for
modules over arbitrary rings, even relatively nice ones. For example, the set
Z=(3) of integers modulo 3; considered as a left Z-module, clearly has no
basis. The possession of a basis is invariant under isomorphism. If : A ! A0
is an isomorphism of left R-modules and if U is a basis of A; then U =
fu j u 2 U g is a basis of A0 : It therefore follows that every free left R-
module has a basis. We will show that the possession of a basis characterizes the
free modules. For this purpose, the following powerful map-building tool will
be convenient.
Observation 1: Let A be a left R-module having a basis U; and
Chapter 2. Coproducts of copies of R (free modules) 49

let A0 be an arbitrary left R-module. For each function g : U ! A0

there is a unique map : A ! A0 satisfying u = g(u) for all
u 2 U:

P Veri cation: Each element a of A can be written uniquely in the form0

u2U ru u; where the ru are elements of R: If there is a map :A!A
which agrees with g on U; then it must satisfy
a = ru u = ru g(u):
u2U u2U

This shows that there is at most one such map : A ! A0 which agrees with
g on U . It also tells us that to complete the veri cation of the observation
P need only consider the function from A to A0 ; which sends a to
Pru g(u) and verify that it is a map and that it agrees with g on U: For
a = u2U ru u 2 A; and r 2 R; we have
(ra) = rru u = rru g(u)
u2U u2U
" #
= r ru g(u) = r(a ):
For a = u2U ru u and a0 = u2U su u; we have
" #
(a + a0 ) = (ru + su )u = (ru + su )g(u)
u2U u2U
= ru g(u) + su g(u) = a + a0 :
u2U u2U
Finally, for an element u0 of U the representation u0 = u2U ru u is simply
given by ru0 = 1 and ru = 0 if u 6= u0 : Thus
u0 = ru g(u) = ru0 g(u0 ) = g(u0 )

which is what we needed to conclude the veri cation.

From the uniqueness condition in Observation 1, we see that, if A is a left

R-module with basis U; to verify that maps : A ! A0 and : A ! A0
50 Chapter 2. Coproducts of copies of R (free modules)

are identical we need only show that they agree on U: It is now convenient to
observe the following basic characterization of free modules.
Observation 2: A left R-module is free if and only if it contains a

Veri cation: We have already seen that a free left R-module must have a
basis. Suppose that A is a left R-module having a basis U: Use
a U to index
a family fRu j u 2 U g of copies of R and form F = Ru : Let
V = fgu j u 2 U g be the basis of F as constructed in the initial discussion of
this section. Let f : U ! V be the function given by f (u) = gu ; which is
clearly one-to-one and onto, and let f 0 be the inverse of f: There is a unique
map : A ! F that agrees with f on U; and there is a unique map
: F ! A that agrees with f 0 on V: Then 0
is a map from A to A
that agrees with the identity function f f on U and 0 is a map from F to

F that agrees with the identity function f f 0 on V: It follows from uniqueness

that 0
and 0 are the identity maps, and hence that and 0 are a pair of
inverse isomorphisms.

This observation suggests that a routine way of showing that a left R-module
is free is to construct a basis of the module.
A free module may possess more than one basis. For the Z-module Z; f1g
is a basis, and so is f 1g: For Z q Z; the pair of elements f(1; 0); (n; 1)g
is a basis for any integer n: Must two bases of the same free module have the
same cardinality? The answer may be surprising. If the module has an in nite
basis, order prevails: if F is a free module having an in nite basis, then any
two bases of F must have the same cardinality. This fact is a consequence of
the following observation, which contains extra information as well.
Observation 3: If F is a free left R-module having a basis U of
in nite cardinality k then each subset W of F having cardinality
h less than k is contained in a proper direct summand of F:

P cation: Each element w 2 W has a unique representation of the form
w = u2U ru u; where the ru are elements of R: Let

U (w) = fu 2 U j ru 6= 0g:
Then U (w) is nite and the cardinality of the union V = U (w) is
nite if W is nite and is equal to h if W is in nite. In either case, it is less
Chapter 2. Coproducts of copies of R (free modules) 51

than k and we have

" # " #
F = Ru Ru ;
u2V u2U rV
where W Ru 6= F:

If a free module does not have an in nite basis, chaos may reign. Among the
exercises, you are asked to show that there exists a ring R for which, for every
positive integer n; there is a basis of the left R-module R that has precisely n
elements. This, however, can happen only if the ring R is noncommutative. In
Section 4 we will see a class of rings R such that if F is a free left R-module
having a nite basis, then all bases of F have the same cardinality. At later
points in this book, we will show that for rings of particular types, any two bases
of the same free left R-module must have the same cardinality.
We will now make an important observation about free left R-modules.
Observation 4: Free left R-modules are projective.

Veri cation: Let F be a free left R-module and let : A ! A0 be an

arbitrary R-epimorphism of left R-modules. If : F ! A is a map, then we

must construct a map : F ! A satisfying = : We begin by choosing

a basis U of F: Since is an R-epimorphism, for each u 2 U there exists
an element au of A for which au = u : De ne a function g : U ! A by
g : u 7! au : Then there is a unique map : F ! A that agrees with g on U:
For each u in U; we have u = (u ) = (g(u)) = au = u : Thus
and agree on a basis of F and so we conclude that = ; as required.

We have been explicit in mentioning the need for the Axiom of Choice when
it arises, and so at this point we should point out that Observation 4 is another
statement equivalent to the Axiom of Choice. In fact, Blass [10] has shown
that the statement “every free Z-module is projective” is equivalent, given the
Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms for set theory, to the Axiom of Choice.
It must be apparent that the speci cation of a basis of a free left R-module F
is very closely related to the speci cation of an isomorphism between F and a
coproduct of an indexed family of copies of R: We will close out the discussion
of bases by spellingM out this relationship. Suppose that fui j i 2 g is a basis
of F: Then F = Rui and for each i in the map i : R ! Rui
52 Chapter 2. Coproducts of copies of R (free modules)

de ned by : r 7! rui is an isomorphism. The family of isomorphisms

f i j i 2 g may be assembled into an isomorphism
a M
: Ri ! Rui = F;
i2 i2
where each Ri is a copy of R: Conversely, if : Ri ! F is an
isomorphism from the coproduct of ana
indexed family of copies of R to F and
if U = fui j i 2 g is the basis of Ri constructed at the beginning of
this section, then fui j i 2 g is a basis of F:
It is now clear that in discussing the bases of a free left R-module F; we
have been discussing the various was of forming isomorphisms between F and
coproducts of copies of R: We have learned of the existence of a ring R that
has, for each positive integer n; a basis consisting of n elements. Expressing
this fact in terms of coproduct representations gives, for such a ring, the following
disconcerting sequence of R-module isomorphisms:
R = R q R = R q R q R = ::::


Exercise 1: Is (0) free? If so, what is its basis?

Exercise 2: Let : A ! A0 be an isomorphism of left R-modules and
suppose that A has a basis U: Show that fu j u 2 U g is a basis of A0 :
Exercise 3: Let R be a ring. We will construct from R a new ring R0
that will be an in nite-dimensional analog of the full ring of n n matrices
over R: The elements of R0 will be the so-called row- nite matrices, namely
those countably-in nite matrices [rij ] (where i and j range over all positive
integers) having the property that, for each given i; rij = 0 for all but nitely-
many values of j: The addition and multiplication in R0 are entirely analogous
to the usual operations with nite square matrices: [rijP ] + [sij ] = [tij ] ; where
tij = rij + sij ; and [rij ] [sij ] = [pij ] ; where pij = 1 k=1 rik skj : Notice that
this apparently-in nite sum is actually well-de ned because rik is nonzero for
only nitely-many values of k:
(a) Verify that R0 is a ring.
(b) Let u1 be the matrix [rij ] for which rij = 1 when j = 2(i 1) + 1
and rij = 0 otherwise. Let u2 be the matrix [sij ] for which sij = 1 when
j = 2(i 1) + 2 and sij = 0 otherwise. Show that fu1 ; u2 g is a basis for
R0 :
(c) For each positive integer n; specify a basis of R0 that consists of n
Chapter 2. Coproducts of copies of R (free modules) 53

(d) Does R0 have an in nite basis?
Exercise 4: Let R be an integral domain which is not a eld and let K be
the eld of fractions of R: Show that K is not free as a left R-module.
Exercise 5: Let R0 be a ring, let H be a proper two-sided ideal of R0 ;
and let R be the ring R0 =H: For each left R0 -module A; let HA be the
R0 -submodule of A generated by the subset fha j h 2 H and a 2 Ag:
(a) Verify that the left R0 -module A=HA is also a left R-module with respect
to the scalar multiplication de ned as follows: if r 2 R and a 2 A; then
(r + H) (a + HA) = ra + HA:
(b) Show that if A is a free left R0 -module with nite basis fu1 ; : : : ; un g then
A=HA is a free left R-module with basis fu1 + HA; : : : ; un + HAg:
Exercise 6: Suppose that F is a free left R-module which is not nitely
generated and let B be a direct summand of F: Show that B q F = F:
Example 7: Let A be the in nite abelian group Q=Z: Does any submodule
of A have a basis as a left Z-module?

3. Independent sets
This section is devoted to a concept of independence that provides a fundamental
tool used in each part of this book.
De nition: A subset U of a left R-module A is independent if it does not
contain 0 and the subset of A generated by U is the direct sum of the cyclic
submodules Ru generated by elements u of U: The subset U is uniformly
independent if it is independent and Ru is uniform for each u 2 U ; it is simply
independent if it is independent and Ru is simple for each u 2 U:
The following observation gives an example of such sets.
Observation 1: Let fAi j i 2 g be a set of mutually noniso-
morphic simple submodules of a left R-module A and let ai be a
nonzero element of Ai for each i in : Then fai j i 2 g is a
simply-independent subset of A:

Veri cation: If the observation were false, then it would be false for some
nite set : Thus it suf ces to consider the case that is nite. Thus assume
that = f1; : : : ; ng and proceed by induction on n: If n = 1 the result
is certainly true. Assume therefore that n > 1 and that the observation is
true whenever we have sets of at most n 1 elements of the appropriate type.
If fa1 ; : : : ; an g is not simply independent,
Pn there exist elements r1 ; : : : ; rn
of R such that 0 6= r1 a1 = r a
i=2 i i and so A1 = Rr1 a1 B =
54 Chapter 2. Coproducts of copies of R (free modules)
Ai ; where the left-hand equality is due to the simplicity of the Ai and
the directness of the sum comes from the induction hypothesis. Therefore there
exists an index h (2 h n) such that the projection h from B onto Ah
restricts to a nonzero map on A1 : By the simplicity of A1 and Ah ; this map
then gives an isomorphism between A1 and Ah ; contradicting the choice of
the Ai and so verifying the observation.

Observation 2: (1) The union of a nest of independent subsets of

a left R-module is independent. (2) If the members of the nest are
uniformly independent, then the union is uniformly independent. (3)
If the members of the nest are simply independent, then the union is
simply independent.

Veri cation: Let fU

[i j i 2 g be a nest of independent subsets of a left
R-module A: Let U = Ui and let B be the submodule of A generated
i2 M
by U: We must show that B = Ru: To do this, we let U 0 be any
P nite subset of U and let fru j u 2 U 0 g be a set of elements of R for which
u2U 0 Ru = 0: We must show that ru u = 0 for each u 2 U : Indeed, since

U is nite and since U is the union of a nets of sets fUi j i 2 g; there exists

an index h 2 such that U 0 Uh : The independence of Uh then proves the

required equalities: ru u = 0 for each u 2 U 0 : This completes the veri cation
of (1). Furthermore, (2) and (3) both follow immediately.

The concept of independence will always be employed by means of the fol-

lowing observation.
Observation 3: Every left R-module A contains (1) a maximal
independent set; (2) a maximal uniformly independent set; and (3) a
maximal simply independent set.

Veri cation: (1) Consider the collection of all those subsets of A that
are independent. This collection is not empty, since the empty subset of A is
surely independent. The collection contains at least one [ maximal nest. Let
fUi j i 2 g be such a maximal nest, and let U = Ui : Then U is
independent and is not properly contained in any other independent subset of A;
for if U 0 were an independent subset of A properly containing U; then U 0
would properly contain each of the Ui ; contradicting the maximality of the given
nest. Thus we have shown that U is a maximal independent subset of A:
(2) Reread the proof of (1), inserting “uniformly” before each occurence of
Chapter 2. Coproducts of copies of R (free modules) 55

the word “independent”.

(3) Insert the word “simply” before each occurence of the word “indepen-
dent” in the proof of (1).

A basis of a free left R-module is a maximal independent set. A basis of a

nonzero free left R-module is uniformly independent if and only if R is uniform;
it is simply independent if and only if R is simple. Regard Z as a left Z-
module. The maximal independent subsets of Z are the singleton sets fng;
where 0 6= n 2 Z: The only maximal independent subsets of Z that are bases
are f1g and f 1g: Each independent subset of Z is uniformly independent.
The only simply independent subset of Z is the empty set, that generates the
submodule (0):

Exercise 1: Let Z=(6) be the additive group of integers modulo 6, and

regard it as a Z-module.
(a) Find a uniformly independent subset of Z=(6) that generates it. Is this set
simply independent?
(b) Find an independent subset of Z=(6) that is not uniformly independent. Is
this set a basis of the module?
Exercise 2: The ring Z=(6) may be rearded as a module over itself. Rework
the previous exercise, regarding Z=(6) as a module over itself rather than as a
Exercise 3: Regard the ring Z=(12) as a module over itself.
(a) Does a uniformly independent subset exist that generates this module?
(b) Does every maximal (uniformly) independent subset generate this module?
(c) Is there a simply independent subset that generates this module?
Exercise 4: Let R be a principal idealPdomain and let fa1 ; : : : ; an g be a
basis for a free left R-module A: If b1 = i=1 ri ai for some ri in R; show
that fb1 g can be completed to a basis fb1 ; : : : ; bn g of A if and only if the
greatest common divisor of the ri is 1:
Exercise 5: Let F be a free left R-module with countable basis fu1 ; u2 ; : : :g
and let fr1 ; r2 ; : : :g be a sequence of elements of R: Show that the subset
fu1 r1 u2 ; u2 r2 u3 ; : : :g of F is independent.
Exercise 6: An independence structure de ned on a nonempty set T is a
collection E of subsets of T satisfying the following conditions:
1. ? 2 E;
2. If U is a subset of a member U 0 of E then U also belongs to E;
56 Chapter 2. Coproducts of copies of R (free modules)

3. If U and U 0 are nite members of E with U having fewer elements than

U 0 ; then there exists an element U 00 of E such that U U 00 U [ U 0 ;
4. If U is a subset of T satisfying the condition that every nite subset of U
belongs to E; then U belongs to E:
Is the family of all independent subsets of a left R-module an independence
structure in this sense? What about the family of all uniformly independent
sets? What about the family of all simply independent sets?

4. Division rings
We have developed some familiarity with free modules. If a ring R has the
property that all of its left R-modules are free, then we have some familiarity
with all left R-modules. It is therefore interesting to ask which rings have the
property that all left R-modules are free. The answer to this question will pick
out the following class of rings.
De nition: A ring R is a division ring if for each element r of R and
each nonzero element r0 of R there exists an element r00 of R satisfying
r00 r0 = r:
A commutative division ring is just a eld. However, not all diviision rings
are elds. The classical example of a division ring which is not a eld is the
ring of real quaternions de ned by Hamilton. This ring is isomorphic to the
subring of the full ring of all 2 2 matrices of complex numbers consisting of
a + bi c + di
all matrices of the form ; where a; b; c; d are arbitrary
c + di a bi
real numbers. The proof that this is in fact a division ring is left as an exercise.
A surprising, but classical, result of Wedderburn asserts that every nite division
ring is a eld. (see Chapter 7 of [45] for a proof.)
Modules over division rings are called vector spaces. Most of the major
results of linear algebra for vector spaces over elds hold when the scalars are
taken from an arbitrary division ring.
Observation 1: A division ring R is simple when regarded as a left
module over itself.

Veri cation: Let I be a nonzero left ideal of R and let r be a nonzero

element of I: If r0 is an arbitrary element of R then there exists an element
r00 of R such that r0 = r00 r 2 I; and so I = R:

Thus, if R is a division ring then every cyclic left R-module is isomorphic to

R and is therefore simple and also uniform. This implies that, for modules over
Chapter 2. Coproducts of copies of R (free modules) 57

division rings, every independent subset is uniformly independent and simply

Observation 2: A ring R has the property that every left R-module
is free if and only if it is a division ring.

Veri cation: Assume that every left R-module is free and let A be a simple
left R-module. Since A is free, it is isomorphic to a coproduct of copies of R
but, since it is simple, it is indecomposable and so must be isomorphic to R:
Thus R itself is simple as a left R-module and so the only nonzero left ideal of
R is R itself. In particular, if 0 6= r 2 R then Ra = R and so for each
element r0 of R there exists an element r00 of R satisfying r00 r = r0 : Thus
R is a division ring.
Now suppose that R is a division ring and that A is an arbitrary left R-
module. Let U be a maximal independent subset of A: Since, for each u in
U; the left R-module Ru is nonzero and cyclic, we have Ru = R: Thus, to
show that A is free, we need only show that U generates A: For a 2 A r U;
the set U [ fag is not independent, by the maximality of U; and so there exist
elements rPand fru j u 2 U g of R; not all of which are equal to 0; such
that ra + u2U ru u = 0: Since U is independent, the element r is nonzero.
Since R is a division ring,P there exists an element
P r00 of R satisfying r00 r = 1:
Then a = r ra = r
00 00
u2U ru u = u2U ( r ru )u: Thus U generates

A; and so A is free.

Notice that what we in fact showed in the veri cation of Observation 2 is that
a ring R is a division ring if and only if every nonzero cyclic left R-module is
Observation 3: Let R be a division ring P and let A be a left R-
module having a basis fa1 ; : : : ; an g: If b = i=1 ri ai and r1 6= 0;
then fb; a2 ; : : : ; an g is also a basis of A:

The veri cation of Observation 3 will be left as an exercise.

Observation 4: If R is a division ring then any two bases of the
same left R-module have the same cardinality.

Veri cation: By Observation 3 of Section 2.2, we need only consider left

R-modules which do not have an in nite basis. If A is such a module having the
empty set as a basis, then A = (0) and A has no other bases, so the argument
is valid. This proves a base for an induction argument. Indeed, assume that A
has a basis fa1 ; : : : ; an g having n elements and assume that the observation
58 Chapter 2. Coproducts of copies of R (free modules)

has already been shown to be valid for all left R-modules having a basis of less
than n elements. If fb1 ; : : : ; bt g is another basis for A with t < n; then
we are done by the induction hypothesis. Hence we can assume that P t n and
all we are left to show is that we in fact have equality. Write b1 = i=1 ri ai :
There must be some index h such that rh 6= 0 and, after renumbering the
indices if necessary, we can assume in fact that r1 6= 0: By Observation 3,
fb1 ; a2 ; : : : ; an g is also a basis of A: Let B be the submodule of A generated
by fa2 ; : : : ; an g and let C be the submodule of A generated by fb2 ; : : : ; bt g:
Then A = Rbi B = Rb1 C and consequently B = A=Rbi = C: Thus
B has a basis of n 1 elements and a basis of t 1 elements. From the
induction hypothesis, we therefore conclude that n 1 = t 1 and so n = t;
as required.

We now detour brie y and use this result to verify an observation we noted
in Section 2.
Observation 5: If R is a commutative ring and A is a free left R-
module having a basis fb1 ; : : : ; bn g then any basis of A has precisely
n elements.

Veri cation: By Observation 2 of Section 1.2, we know that R has a

maximal ideal H: Moreover, the factor ring R=H is in fact a eld. By
Observation 3 of Section 2, we know that A has no in nite bases. Suppose that
A has a nite basis fc1 ; : : : ; cm g: Then we have an R-isomorphism from
Pn coproduct B of n copies of A which sends the n -tuple (r 1 ; : : : ; r n ) to
i=1 ri bi and an R-isomorphism from the coproduct
Pm C of m copies of
R to A which sends the m-tuple (s1 ; : : : ; sm ) to j=1 sj cj : The composite
map = is an R-isomorphism from B to C:
If r 2 H and x 2 B; then (rx) = r(x ) 2 HC and so induces a map
from B=HB to C=HC; which sends an element x + HB to x + HC:
Clearly, this map is an R-epimorphism since is. If (x + HB) 0 = 0 + HC
then there exist elements
Pk r1 ; : : : ; rk of H and elements y1 ; : : : ; yk of C
satisfying x = i=1 ri yi : Since is an R-isomorphism, each yi is of
the form xi for some xi 2 B so x = i=1 ri xi : But is monic
Pk 0
and so x = i=1 ri xi 2 HB: Thus is an R-isomorphism. However,
B=HB and C=HC are also left (R=H)-modules, with scalar multiplication
de ned by (r + H)(x + HB) = rx + HB and (r + H)(y + HC) =
ry + HC respectively. Moreover, 0 is an (R=H)-isomorphism. This in clear
contradiction to Observation 4, unless we have m = n:
Chapter 2. Coproducts of copies of R (free modules) 59

The scope of Observation 4 is greatly extended by Observation 6.

Observation 6: Let R be a ring that is a homomorphic image of a
ring R0 . If R has the property that any two bases of the same free left
R-module have the same cardinality, then R0 also has this property.

A relatively elementary survey of some of the basic research in division rings

can be found in [20].


Exercise 1: Verify that the ring of real quaternions is in fact a division ring.
Exercise 2: Show that a ring R is a division ring if and only if R r f0g is
a group under multiplication.
Exercise 3: For which rings R is it true that every maximal independent
subset of each left R-module A is necessarily a basis of A?
Exercise 4: Verify Observation 3.
Exercise 5: If A is a simple left R-module, show that the ring HomR (A; A)
is a division ring. (This result is sometimes known as Schur's Lemma.)
Exercise 6: Let R0 be a division ring. Can you nd a ring R and a simple
left R-module A such that R0 is isomorphic to HomR (A; A)?
a b
Exercise 7: Let R be the ring of all matrices of the form ; with
0 c
a; b; and c elements of the eld Z=(2) of integers modulo 2, and let I be the
left ideal of R consisting of all such matrices satisfying b = c = 0: Show that
R=I is not a simple left R-module but that HomR (R=I; R=I) is nonetheless
a division ring.
Exercise 8: List all simple Z-modules. For each such module A; what is
its ring of endomorphisms?
Exercise 9: Let p be a prime integer and let R be the ring of polynomials
in an indeterminate X with coef cients in the eld Z=(p) of integers modulo
p: Describe the simple left R-modules and their rings of endomorphisms. Is
every nite eld of characteristic p isomorphic to one of these endomorphism
Exercise 10: Verify Observation 6.
Exercise 11: Let A be a free left R-module having an endomorphism ring
which is a division ring. Show that A = R:
60 Chapter 2. Coproducts of copies of R (free modules)

Notes for Chapter 2

Everett [23] was the rst to construct examples of free modules over a ring R
having nite bases of different sizes. Our proof that all bases of a free module
having an in nite basis must have the same cardinality is based on that of Peinado
[87]. Observation 5 of Section 4 is due to Leavitt [68]. For further interesting
work on this problem, see [17] or the appendix to Section IIB of [76].
The notion of an independence structure, which appears in the exercises of
Section3, is used in general combinatorics and matroid theory. See [114] for
more details.
Chapter 3. Direct summands of free
modules (projective modules)

1. Introduction
In this chapter we will expand our attention from the class of free modules to
the class of all direct summands of free modules. Our goal is to develop as
much insight into the structure of these modules as possible. Only the rst steps
can be taken in this chapter. We will give a survey discussion of this problem,
after making an observation that will allow us to shorten the phrase “a module
isomorphic to a direct summand of a free module” to a single familiar word.
Observation 1: A left R-module is isomorphic to a direct summand
of a free left R-module if and only if it is projective.

Veri cation: Let F = C D; where F is a free left R-module. Let

: A ! B be an R-epimorphism of left R-modules and let : C ! B be
a map. We must construct a map : C ! A satisfying = : To do this,
we rst de ne the map : F ! B by (c + d) = c ; where c and d are
elements of C and D respectively. Notice that is just the restriction of
to C: Since F is projective, there is a map ' : F ! A satisfying ' = :
We now de ne to be the restriction of ' to C: Then = follows by
restricting domains to C:
Now let P be a projective left R-module. For the moment, ignore the
algebraic structure on P and regard it only as a set. Then we can consider a
family fRp j p 2 P g of copies of R and form the free R-module F =
Rp : As a basis for F; we have B = fbp j p 2 P g where, for each p
in P ,
1 if p = q
bp : q 7!
0 otherwise
for all q in P . The function f : B ! P de ned by f : bp 7! p extends
uniquely to an R-homomorphism : F ! P: This map is an R-epimorphism,

62 Chapter 3. Direct summands of free modules (projective modules)

since f itself is onto. Since P is projective, we know that splits and,

consequently, F = ker( ) P 0 ; for a submodule P 0 isomorphic to P:

This observation has two immediate consequences, which will be used fre-
quently and without reference.
Corollary 1: A direct summand of a projective left R-module is

Corollary 2: The coproduct of any family of projective left R-

modules is projective.

Also, another consequence of the observation is no less important.

Corollary 3: If p is a nonzero element of a projective left R-module
P then there exists a map from P to R satisfying p 6= 0:

Veri cation: Since P is projective, there exists an R-isomorphism

form P to P 0 ; where P 0 is a direct summand of a free left R-module F: Let
p0 = p : Since p0 is a nonzero element of F; there is a projection : F ! R
of F onto one of its direct summands satisfying p0 6= 0:: Therefore, take to
be the composition of ; the inclusion map P ! F; and :

The following result is sometimes known as the Dual Basis Lemma.

Observation 2: A left R-module P is projective if and only if there
exists a subset U = fpi j i 2 g of P and a subset W = f'i j i 2 g
of P = HomR (P; R) such that, for each p in P;
(a) p'i = P0 for all but nitely-many elements i of ; and
(b) p = i2 ( p'i )pi :

Veri cation: Suppose that we have such subsets U and W and let F be
a free leftPR-module withPbasis fyi j i 2 g: The function : F ! P de ned
by : i2 ri yi 7! i2 ri pi is easily checked to be an R-epimorphism.
P we also have an R-monomorphism : P ! F de ned by : p 7!
i2 ( p'i )yi : Since is the identity map on P; this implies that P is
isomorphic to a direct summand of F; and so is projective by Observation 1.
Conversely, assume that P is projective. Then there exists an isomorphism
: P ! P 0 ; where P 0 is a direct summand of a free left R-module F
with P basis fyi j i 2 g. For each h 2 ; : let h 2 F be de ned by
h : i2 ri yi 7! rh ; let 'h = h 2 P , and let ph = yh : If p 2 P
Chapter 3. Direct summands of free modules (projective modules) 63
satis es p = i2 ri yi ; then
" #
1 1 1
p=p = ri yi = ri (yi )= ri p i = (p'i )pi
i2 i2 i2 i2

as desired.

We can use Observation 1 to provide many examples of projective modules

which are not free. For example, consider the ring R = Z=(15): Since 3
and 5 are coprime, it is easy to check that R = (5)=(15) q (3)=(15) and
so (5)=(15) and (3)=(15) are both projective left R-modules. However, they
cannot possibly be free since the number of elements in a free left R-module
must surely be a multiple of 15: Refer also to Exercise 6.
In asking for structural insight into direct summands of free modules, we have
initiated the investigation of the structure of projective modules. Let us make
a survey of all projective left R-modules that we might regard as immediately
available from the R-module R: Of course, R itself is the simplest example, but
in Chapter 1 we also examined the submodules, factor modules, and summands
of R: Under what circumstances are these associated modules projective? A
submodule of R is simply a left ideal, which may or may not be projective.
A cyclic left R-module is projective if and only if it is isomorphic to a direct
summand of R: Finally, every summand of R is a projective left ideal. Our
search for projectives among the modules associated with R has yielded only
the projective left ideals of R: When we close this class under coproducts, we
have what we consider to be the broadest class of examples of projective modules
that are readily available from R itself – that is, the coproducts of projective left
ideals of R:
If we hope for very strong restrictions on the structure of the projective mod-
ules over a given ring R; then an optimistic wish would be for a theorem of
the following form: for the ring R; a left R-module is projective if and only
if it is isomorphic to a coproduct of projective left ideals of R: Each of the
three basic structure theorems for projective modules that will be given in this
book justi es this optimistic wish for a particular class of rings: quasi-Frobenius
rings (Chapter 9), semihereditary rings (Chapter 13), and local rings (Chapter
13). These structure theorems appear late in the book after the consideration of
more basic topics. The structural results presented in this chapter arise from an
investigation of modules over those rings R for which every left R-module is
64 Chapter 3. Direct summands of free modules (projective modules)


Exercise 1: Verify Corollary 1.

Exercise 2: Verify Corollary 2.
Exercise 3: Prove that a uniform projective left R-module must be isomor-
phic to a left ideal of R:
Exercise 4: Show that a left R-module P is projective if and only if there
exists a subset fxi j i 2 g of P and a subset f i j i 2 g of HomR (P; R)
such that, for Pany x 2 P; we have x i = 0 for all but nitely-many values of
i and x = i2 (x i )xi :
Exercise 5: For some positive integer n; let a1 ; : : : ; an be (not necessarily
distinct) elements of a commutative ring R and let F be a coproduct of n
copies of R: Show that there exists an invertible n n matrix with entries in
R and top row equal to x = (a1 ; : : : ; an ) if and only if Rx is a free direct
summand of F having basis fxg:
Exercise 6: Let R1 and R2 be rings and let R = R1 R2 : Show that
each Ri is a projective left R-module which is not free.
Exercise 7: Let F be a free left R-module with a countably-in nite basis
fu1 ; u2 ; : : :g: Let P be a projective left R-module which is isomorphic to a
direct summand of F: Show that F = F P:
Exercise 8: Use Observation 2 to show that if P is a projective left R-
module then the map P ! P de ned in Section 0.4 is an R-monomorphism.
Exercise 9: Let P be a left R-module satisfying the following condition:
if : A ! B is an R-epimorphism and if : P ! B; then for each
p 2 P there exists an R-homomorphism : P ! A (which may depend on p)
satisfying the condition that p( ) = p : Show that if P is nitely-generated,
then it is projective.

2. Semisimple rings
For which rings R is every R-module projective? We will show that the answer
is the class of rings described as follows:
De nition: A ring R is a semisimple ring if R is semisimple when
regarded as a left R-module.
According to this de nition, R is semisimple if it is of the form Hi ;
where each Hi is a simple left ideal of R: AnP elementary, but important, fact is
that is necessarily nite. Indeed, let 1 = i2 ri be the representation of
the identity element with respect to this direct sum decomposition of R: Then
Chapter 3. Direct summands of free modules (projective modules) 65

rPi 6= 0 only for those i belonging to some nite subset P of : P Thus, 1 =

r and for each r in R we have r = r1 = r r = i2 rri 2
Mi2 i M i2 i
Hi : It therefore follows that R = Hi and so = : For
i2 i2
the remainderM of our discussion, when we express a semisimple ring R in the
form R = Hi ; it will be assumed that the Hi are simple left ideals.
Notice that those semisimple rings for which the set is a singleton are precisely
the division rings.
The key to the structure of modules over semisimple rings is the following

MObservation 1: For each left ideal L of a semisimple

hM ring R i=
Hi ; there is a subset of for which R = L Hi :
i2 i2

Veri cation: We can assume that = f1; : : : ; ng. De ne L1 to be

L H1 if L \ H1 = (0) and L otherwise. Continue in this manner: if
1 < i n de ne Li to be Li 1 Hi if Li 1 \ Hi = (0)h and Li i1
otherwise. Then, when we reach the end, we see that Ln = L Hi
for some subset of ; and Ln contains Hi for each 1 i n:
Consequently, R = Ln :
Mn The following conditions hold for a semisimple ring
R= Hi :
(1) Each left ideal of R is cyclic.
(2) Each cyclic left R-module is semisimple.
(3) Each nonzero uniform cyclic left R-module is simple.
(4) Each simple left R-module is isomorphic to one of the Hi :
(5) Each semisimple left R-module is projective.

By using maximal simply-independent sets, we can now determine the struc-

ture of all left R-modules over a semisimple ring. Notice that for left R-modules
over a semisimple ring R; every uniformly-independent set is simply indepen-
dent but that, unless R is a division ring, there are independent sets which are
not simply independent.
Theorem 1: If R is a semisimple ring then every left R-module is
Proof: Let R = Hi be a semisimple ring and let A be an arbitrary
left R-module. Let U be a maximalM simply-independent subset of A; and
let B be the semisimple submodule Ru of A: By the maximality
66 Chapter 3. Direct summands of free modules (projective modules)

of U; the submodule B must contain every semisimple submodule of A and,

since every cyclic left R-module is semisimple, B contains every element of
A: Thus A = B is semisimple.
When a semisimple ring R is expressed in the form R = Hi ; every
simple left R-module is isomorphic to one of the Hi : This suggests that we
rearrange the Hi and reindex them with double subscripts so that we produce a
2 3 2 3 2 3
k(1) k(2) k(m)
R=4 H1j 5 4 H2j 5 : : : 4 Hmj 5 ;
j=1 j=1 j=1

where Hij is isomorphic to Hst if and only if i = s: With this indexing, we see
that every simple left R-semimodule is isomorphic with precisely one member
of the list H11 ; H21 ; : : : ; Hm1 : With any m-tuple (h1 ; : : : ; hm ) of cardinal
numbers, associate the left R-module that is the direct sum of h1 copies of H11 ;
h2 copies of H21 ; . . . , and hm copies of Hm1 : By our structure theorem, each
such left R-module is semisimple, and each left R-module is isomorpic with the
module associated with precisely on m-tuple of cardinal numbers.
We can now answer very conveniently the initial question of this section: for
which rings R is every left R-module projective?
Observation 2: A ring R has the property that all [simple] left
R-modules are projective if and only if it is semisimple.

Veri cation: If R is semisimple, then every left R-module is semisimple

by Theorem 1 and projective by the Corollary to Observation 1. Now suppose
that R is a ring satisfying the condition that each of its simple left R-modules
is projective.
M Let U be a maximal simply-independent subset of R: Then
A= Ru is a semisimple submodule of R which, by the maximality
condition on U; contains every simple submodule of R: We will show that R
is semisimple by showing that R = A: Indeed, suppose that this is not the case.
Then there is a maximal left ideal H of R containing A: Since R=H is
simple, it must be projective and so R = H K for a submodule K of R
isomorphic to R=H: But then K A H; which is a contradiction. Thus
we conclude that A = R:

The veri cation of the following important observation will be left as an

Chapter 3. Direct summands of free modules (projective modules) 67

Observation 3: A ring R is semisimple if and only if each submod-

ule B of a left R-module A is a direct summand of A:

The two remaining sections of Chapter 3 are discussions of examples of

semisimple rings.

Exercise 1: (a) For which nonnegative integers n is the ring Z=(n) if all
integers modulo n a semisimple ring?
(b) Describe the nature of all left Z=(30)-modules.
(c) Describe a Z=(150)-module that is not projective.
Exercise 2: If there exists a left R-module which is not projective, must
there also exist a nonprojective cyclic left R-module? Must there also exist a left
ideal of R which is not projective?
Exercise 3: Verify Observation 3.
Exercise 4: Prove that a ring R is semisimple if and only if each [maximal]
left ideal of R is a direct summand of R:
Exercise 5: Must a ring be semisimple if and only if each of its left ideals is
a principle module?
Exercise 6: For each rational number r; verify that the subset
a ar
a; b 2 Q
b br
of the full ring of all 2 2 matrices over Q is a simple left ideal of that ring.
Exercise 7: Let A be a semisimple left R-module.
(a) Is every maximal simply-independent subset of A a maximal independent
subset of A?
(b) Is every independent subset of A simply independent?
(c) Does every maximal [simply-]independent subset of A necessarily generate
Exercise 8: Verify the following observations concerning the class of all
semisimple left R-modules, for an arbitrary ring R :
(a) Each submodule of a semisimple left R-module is a direct summand.
(b) Each submodule of a semisimple left R-module is semisimple.
(c) Each factor module of a semisimple left R-module is semisimple.
Exercise 9: Alter the wording of the veri cation of Observation 3 of Section
2.2 to produce a veri cation of the following observation: If A is a semisimple
left R-module having a maximal simply-independent subset U of in nite cardi-
68 Chapter 3. Direct summands of free modules (projective modules)

nality k; then each subset U 0 of A having cardinality h < k is contained in

a proper direct summand of A:
Exercise 10: Show that if a semisimple left R-module A has an in -
nite [maximal simply-]independent subset, then every pair of maximal simply-
independent subsets of A have the same cardinality.
Exercise 11: Alter the wording of the veri cation of Observation 4 of Sec-
tion 2.4 to verify the following observation: two maximal simply-independent
subsets of the same semisimple left R-module A have the same cardinality.
Exercise 12: Let fCi j i 2 g be a set of simple left R-modules, no two
of which
Mare isomorphic.
M Let D be a left R-module for which we can write
D= Ai = Bi where, for each i in ; Ai and Bi are direct
i2 i2
sums of (possibly empty) families of submodules of D; each isomorphic to Ci :
Prove that Ai = Bi for each i in :

3. Matrix rings
We will discuss in an informal manner some examples of rings of matrices that
are semisimple. Let D be a division ring and let R be the full ring of all 2 2
matrices with entries in D: Let L1 be the set of all matrices in R of the form
a 0 0 a
and let L2 be the set of all matrices in R of the form :
b 0 0 b
Then L1 and L2 are both left ideals of R and the function : L1 ! L 2
de ned by
a 0 0 a
: 7!
b 0 0 b
is an isomorphism of left R-modules, as is easily veri ed. We have a decompo-
sition R = L1 L2 of R as a direct sum of the left R-modules Li : Moreover,
a 0
each of the Li is simple. If either a or b is not zero, then R = L1
b 0
since for each c and d in D we can readily nd elements w; x; y; z 2 D
w x a 0 c 0
so that = : We have seen therefore that R is
y z b 0 c 0
This discussion has been carried out for the full ring of all 2 2 matrices
with entries in D; but similar steps can be carried out for the full ring of all
n n matrices with entries in D; where n > 1 is any integer. Of course, the
case n = 1 has been already taken care of. Thus we see the following.
Chapter 3. Direct summands of free modules (projective modules) 69

Observation 1: For any division ring D and any positive integer

n; the full ring of all n n matrices with entries in D is semisimple.

In more detail, the full ring of all n n matrices with entries in D is the
direct sum of n mutually-isomorphic simple left ideals.
Let us return to the special case of the full ring R of 2 2 matrices with
entries in D: Since R is semisimple, we know that every left R-module is
a direct sum of simple left R-modules and that each simple left R-module is
isomorphic to L1 : The same is true regarding the full ring of all n n matrices
with entries in D:
Observation 2: For any division ring D and any positive integer
n; the full ring R of all n n matrices with entries in D has,
up to isomorphism, only one simple left R-module L; and every left
R-module is isomorphic to a coproduct of copies of L:

Now let R0 be the full ring of all 2 2 matrices with entries in a division
ring D0 and let R00 be the full ring of all 3 3 matrices with entries in a
division ring D00 : Let R = R0 R00 and turn this into a ring by de ning

(r0 ; r00 ) + (s0 ; s00 ) = (r0 + s0 ; r00 + s00 )

(r0 ; r00 )(s0 ; s00 ) = (r0 s0 ; r00 s00 )
for all r0 ; s0 2 R0 and all r00 ; s00 2 R00 : As a left R-module; we can easily verify
that R = L1 L2 K1 K2 K3 ; where Li is the left ideal of R0 consisting
of those matrices possibly having nonzero entries only in the ith column (for
i = 1; 2) and Kj is the left ideal of R00 consisting of those matrices possibly
having nonzero entries only in the j th column (for j = 1; 2; 3). Thus R is
semisimple and each simple left R-module is isomorphic either to L1 or to K1 :
This argument holds for any nite direct product of full matrix rings over division
rings, and so we have the following result.
Observation 3: If R1 ; : : : ; Rk are distinct full rings of matrices
over division rings, then R = R1 : : : Rk is a semisimple ring having
k mutually nonisomorphic simple left R-modules, and every left R-
module is a direct sum of copies of certain of these simple modules.

All of our assertions about direct products of full matrix rings have admitted
very simple and straightforward veri cations. The nal observation we wish
to note is a famous result of Wedderburn, which is remarkable but considerably
70 Chapter 3. Direct summands of free modules (projective modules)

more tedious to demonstrate, and somewhat beyond the program of this book. It
is essentially the converse of our previous observations.
Observation 4: Every semisimple ring is isomorphic to the direct
product of a nite number of full rings of matrices over division rings.


Exercise 1: From the discussion in this section, what can be said about the
structure of commutative semisimple rings?

4. Group rings
There is an extremely important class of rings that are semisimple but for which
their semisimplicity is not apparent. They are a particular class of what are called
group rings. We will begin by de ning the group ring of an arbitrary group G
of an arbitrary ring R: Ignore (for the moment) the algebraic structure on G
and regard it only as a set. Use G to index
aa family fRg j g 2 Gg of copies of
R; and form the free R-module R[G] = Rg : Recall that the elements of
this free module are the nitely-nonzero functions f : G ! R: We will de ne
a ring structure on R[G]: For the additive group, we use the R-module addition
in R[G]: We de ne the product of elements f; f 0 2 R[G] to be the function
f f 0 given by
f f 0 : g 7! f (g 0 )f 0 (g 00 ):
g 0 g 00 =g

Since both f and f 0 are nitely nonzero, only nitely-many of the products
f (g 0 )f 0 (g 00 ) are nonzero, and consequently each such sum is well-de ned, and
f f 0 2 R[G]: With a little patience, the ring axioms can be veri ed for R[G]:
This ring R[G] is called the group ring of G over the ring R:
There is a natural and useful way to embed both G and R in R[G]: We
have the usual basis U = fbg j g 2 Gg of the free R-module R[G]; where
each bg is de ned by
1 if g = g 0
bg : g 0 7!
0 otherwise
for all g 0 2 G. It is easy to see that U is closed under multiplication in
R[G]; and that the function : G ! R[G] de ned by : g 7! bg is a
group isomorphism from G to U: The identity element of the ring R[G] is
the basis element b1 ; where 1 denotes the identity element of G: The function
Chapter 3. Direct summands of free modules (projective modules) 71

: R ! R[G] de ned by (r) = rb1 is a ring isomorphism from R to

the subring frb1 j r 2 Rg of R[G]: We will use the homomorphisms
and to embed G and R in R[G]: By this, we mean that we shall write
g instead of bg for each g 2 G and thereby consider that G is a subset of
R[G]: For each rb1 we shall simply write r and thereby consider that R is
a subset of R[G]: Let us see what this change of notation does for an arbitrary
element f of R[G]: Given such an element, there Pis a unique indexed family
frg j g 2 Gg of elements of R for which f = g2G rg bg : This expression
can now be rewritten as
f= rg b g = rg (b1 bg ) = (rg b1 )bg = rg g;
g2G g2G g2G g2G

where each rg and each g can be regarded as an element of R[G] and where
each term rg g is regarded as a product formed with respect to the multiplication
in R[G]:
Since R is a subring of R[G]; every R[G]-module can also be regarded
as an R-module. If : A ! B is an R-homomorphism between left R[G]-
modules, and (ga) = g(a ) holds for all g 2 G and all a 2 A; then is
an R[G]-homomorphism by the following calculation:
" ! # " #
rg g a = (rg ga) = [rg (ga) ]
g2G g2G g2G
" #
= [rg g (a )] = rg g (a ) :
g2G g2G

This fact, and one more will be useful in the veri cation of Observation 1. Each
element r of R commutes with each element g of G: indeed,
r g = (rb1 )bg = rbg = (rbg )b1 = bg (rb1 ) = g r:

Observation 1: If G is a nite group of order n and if R is a

division ring of characteristic either zero or a prime not dividing n:
then R[G] is a semisimple ring, and consequently every left R[G]-
module is semisimple.

Veri cation: To show that a ring is semisimple it suf ces to show that every
submodule of every left R-module is a direct summand. Thus let A be a
submodule of a left R[G]-module B; and let : A ! B be the inclusion
map. We need to nd a map : B ! A for which is the identity map
72 Chapter 3. Direct summands of free modules (projective modules)

on A; since then we will have B = A ker( ): Since R is a subring of

R[G]; we see that B is also a left R-module and A is an R-submodule of
B: Since R is a division ring, there is an R-homomorphism : B ! A
such that is the identity map on A: There is an easy way to modify
to produce an R[G]-homomorphism: rst observe that for every g in G and
b 2 B; we have g 1 (gb) 2 A: Thus, for each g in G we have a function
g : B ! A de ned by for each b 2 B: Each g is an
g : b 7! g (gb)
P Summing these functions gives another R-homomorphism
= g2G g for B to A: This is actually an R[G]-homomorphism: for
each g 0 2 G and each b 2 B we have
(g 0 b) = g 1 (g(g 0 b)) = g 0 (gg 0 ) 1 (gg 0 )b
g2G g2G
= g0 (g 00 ) 1 (g 00 b) = g 0 (b ):
g 00 2G

The second form of the last equality follows from the fact that, for a xed element
g 0 of the group G; as g runs through all of the elements of G without
repetition, then so does gg 0 : For a 2 A; we have a = a = na; where
n is the order of G: Since the characteristic of R is either 0 or a prime not
dividing n; we know that n has an inverse n 1 in R: We now de ne to
be n 1 ; to obtain the desired R[G]-homomorphism from B to A:

The correspondence between matrix representations of groups and modules

over group rings, is outlined in the exercises.

Exercise 1: Let F be a eld, let F n be the usual vector space (that is,
F -module) or ordered n-tuples of elements of F: Let S be the full ring of
n n matrices with entries from F: Let G be a group and let ' : G ! S
be a function satisfying the conditions that '(g) is nonsingular for each g 2 G
and that '(gh) = '(g)'(h) for all g; h 2 G: Functions such as ' are called
group representations.
hP i De P ne an operation of the group ring F [G] on V by
setting g2G rg g v = g2G rg '(g)v: Verify that with this operation, V
becomes a left R[G]-module.
Exercise 2: Let F be a eld, let G be a group, and let V be a left F [G]-
module. Since we regard F as a subset of F [G]; we see that V is also a
vector space over F: Assume that V has nite dimension n as a vector space,
and let fb1 ; : : : ; bn g be an ordered basis for V over F. Each g in G provides
Chapter 3. Direct summands of free modules (projective modules) 73

a function g : V ! V de ned by g : v 7! gv:

(a) Verify that g is an F -homomorphism.
Let S be the full ring of n n matrices over F and let ' : G ! S
be the function de ned by specifying that, for each g 2 G; '(g) is the matrix
representing the linear transformation g with respect to the basis fb1 ; : : : ; bn g:
(b) Verify that, for each g in G; the matrix '(g) is nonsingular.
(c) Verify that '(gh) = '(g)'(h) for all g; h 2 G and that therefore ' is a
group representation.
Exercise 3: Let F; G; V; S; and ' be as in Exercise 1, and regard
V as a left F [G]-module as described in that exercise. Using the standard
basis b1 = (1; 0; : : : ; 0); . . . , bn = (0; : : : ; 0; 1) in V; a group representation
'0 : G ! S is provided by Exercise 2. Show that ' = '0 :
Exercise 4: Let F; G; V; S; and ' be as in Exercise 2. Placing ' in the
role of the function ' in Exercise 1, an F [G]-module structure is provided on
V by that exercise. Show tht this structure is identical with the originally-given
F [G]-module structure on V:
Exercise 5: Let F; G; V; S; and ' be as in Exercise 1 and let both
' : G ! S and '0 : G ! S be group representations in the sense of
that exercise. These representations are equivalent if there exists a nonsingular
matrix T in S for which '(g) = T '0 (g)T 1 for all g 2 G: In accord
with Exercise 1, both ' and '0 provide F [G]-module structures for V: Show
that ' and '0 are equivalent if and only if the F [G]-modules thus de ned are
Exercise 6: If G is an abelian group and R is a commutative ring, show
that the ring R[G] is commutative.
Exercise 7: For any group G; show that a projective Z[G]-module is a free
abelian group.
Exercise 8: Let F be a eld and let G be a group satisfying the condition
that F [H] is a semisimple ring for all nitely-generated subgroups H of G:
Show that F [G] is semisimple as well.
Exercise 9: Let R be a ring and let G be a group. Let : R[G] ! R be
the function given by

: rg g 7! rg :
g2G g2G

Show that is a homomorphism of rings.

74 Chapter 3. Direct summands of free modules (projective modules)

Notes for Chapter 3

The structural description of semisimple rings in terms of matrices over division
rings that is discussed in Section 3 is one of the major classical results of Wed-
derburn. We do not need a proof of this theorem for our work but, to the student
who would like to have one, we recommend the beautiful lecture by Emil Artin,
“The in uence of J. M. H. Wedderburn on the development of modern algebra”
[3]. Other proofs are available in [13] and [65].
In Section 4 we have included the minimal amount of information needed
to indicate how group-representation theory can be subsumed under the general
structure theory of modules. The representations of a group G in terms of
matrices over a eld F need only be studied “up to equivalence”. Thus, as
we see from the exercises, the study of representations of G coincides with
the study of the structure of F [G]-modules “up to isomorphism”. In the most
important classical situations, G is a nite group and F is a sub eld of the eld
of complex numbers. In such situations, Observation 1 of Section 4 applies and
tells us tht in the nal analysis we need only study the nonisomorphic simple left
ideals of the semisimple ring F [G]: These will be nite in number and will
yield all of the so-called “inequivalent irreducible representations” from which
all representations can be assembled. This observation is a very important result,
due to H. Maschke [73].
If you would like to see group representation theory discussed in the context
of module theory, consult [13], [19], [30], or [54]. For further information on
the structure of group rings, see [85].
Chapter 4. Submodules of free modules

1. Introduction
We have made a preliminary investigation of summands of free modules. What
can we say about submodules of free modules? We have one elementary tool
which can be used to analyze such submodules.
Observation 1: Let D be a submodule of a left R-module A B;
and suppose that D is projective, where is the natural projection
of A B onto B: Then D = [D \ A] B 0 for some submodule B 0
of B isomorphic to D :

Veri cation: Let 0 be the restriction of to D: Since im( 0 ) = D is

projective, we know by Observation 4 of Section 1.3 that 0 splits. and therefore
D = ker( 0 ) B 0 for some submodule B 0 of B isomorphic to D : Since
ker( 0 ) = D \ A; we are done.

The manner in which projectivity was involved in Observation 1 suggests

that the observation can only be used to analyze submodules of free modules
over rings with the property that all left ideals are projective. These rings will be
introduced in the next section.

2. Hereditary rings
The broadest class of rings for which we will be able to describe all submodules
of free modules is the class de ned as follows:
De nition: A ring R is left hereditary if each of its left ideals is projective.
All semisimple rings are left hereditary. The two classes of rings can be
compared most readily through an alternative de nition of semisimple rings: a
ring R is semisimple if each of its left ideals is a direct summand. The ring
Z of integers is hereditary since each nonero ideal is of the form nZ and so is
isomorphic to Z as a left Z-module. Similarly, the ring D[X] of polynomials
in an indeterminate X with coef cients in a division ring D can be shown to
be hereditary. You will be asked to do this in the exercises.

76 Chapter 4. Submodules of free modules

We will approach the description of the submodules of free modules over

hereditary rings very gradually by means of two observations.
Observation 1: Let R be a left hereditary ring and let A be a
submodule of the free left R-module F = R0 : : : Rn 1 ; where each
Ri is a submodule of F isomorphic to R: Then A = H0 : : : Hn 1 ;
where each Hi is isomorphic to a left ideal of R:

This observation can be veri ed by induction on n: For n = 1; it holds for

arbitrary rings, and the required induction step is provided by Observation 1 of
Section 4.1. We will not give the details, since they are present in the veri cation
of Observation 2, which may be interpreted to subsume Observation 1.
Observation 2: Let R be a left hereditary
M1ring and let A be a
submodule of the free left R-module F = Ri ; where each Ri
i=0 M1
is a submodule of F isomorphic to R: Then A = Hi ; where
each Hi is isomorphic to a left ideal of R:
hMj 1 i
Veri cation: For each nonnegative integer j; let Aj = A \ Ri :
Then A0 = (0)[and by the nature of the direct sum (as opposed to the direct
product), A = Ai : For each j; let j be the projection of F onto
Rj and let j be the restriction of j to Aj+1 : For each j; we note that
Aj+1 j is a left ideal and is therefore projective. Since ker( j ) = Aj ; we
see that Aj+1 = Aj Hj for some Hj = Aj+1 j : We note that H0 = A1
and observeMthat each Hi is isomorphic to a left ideal of R: We will show
that A = Hi : Indeed, if this sum were not direct, a contradiction could
i=0 Pn
be produced as follows: if 0 = j=1 aij ; with i1 < : : : < in ; with aij 2
Hij ; and with ain 6= 0; then the directness of the sum Ain +1 Ain Hin
would be contradicted. If A 6= Hi ; then there would exist a least k
for which Ak is not contained in Hi : Since A0 = (0); we know
M1k > 0 and the following contradiction of the choice of k would arise:
H i A k 1 H k 1 = Ak :

Observations 1 and 2 show that a submodule of a free left R-module F

over a left hereditary ring R must be isomorphic to a nite direct sum of left
ideals if F has a nite or countably-in nite basis. In Section 3, we will remove
this cardinality restriction on F:
Chapter 4. Submodules of free modules 77

Let us end by considering an important example of a commutative hereditary

ring. Let R be an integral domain contained in a eld of fractions K: If H
is an ideal of R; we de ne H 1 to be fk 2PK j Hk Rg: This is clearly an
R-submodule of K: Moreover, HH 1 = f ni=1 hi ki j hi 2 H; ki 2 H 1 g is
an ideal of R: If HH 1 = R; we say that the ideal H is invertible in K: Note
that if H is invertible then both H andPH 1 are nitely-generated R-modules.
Indeed, in this case we can write 1 = i=1 hi ki for some elements hi 2 H
and ki 2 H : If h is an arbitrary element of H; then

" #
n X
h = 1h = hi ki h = (hki )hi
i=1 i=1

and so fh1 ; : : : ; hn g is a generating set for H over R: Similarly, if k 2 H 1

" #
n X
k = k1 = k hi ki = (hi k)ki
i=1 i=1

and so fk1 ; : : : ; kn g is a generating set for H 1

over R:
Observation 3: Let R be an integral domain contained in a eld
of fractions K and let H be a nonzero ideal of R: Then:
(a) H 1 is isomorphic, as a Z-module, to H = HomR (H; R); and
(b) H is invertible if and only if it is projective.

Veri cation: (a) Note that each element k of H 1 de nes an element

k 2 H given by k : h 7! hk and the function ' : k 7! k can be readily
seen to be a Z-homomorphism of abelian groups. It is clearly one-to-one since if
k is the zero-map then Hk = (0) which, since we are in an integral domain,
would imply that k = 0: We claim that it is also onto. Indeed, if 2 H and
if 0 6= h; h0 2 H; then h(h0 ) = (hh0 ) = (h0 h) = h0 (h ) and so, in K;
we have h =h = h0 =h: Thus, if we de ne k = h0 =h0 for some nonzero h0
in H; we see that the map is given by : h 7! hk for all h 2 H and so
= k : Thus the function ' is an isomorphism of abelian groups.
(b) Suppose that H is invertible and let us write 1 = i=1 hi ki ; for
hi 2 H and ki 2 H : Let F be a free left R-module with basis fu1 ; : : : ; un g

and let : F ! H be the R-epimorphism uniquely de ned by the condition

that ui = hi for all 1 i n: Let : H ! F be the map de ned by
78 Chapter 4. Submodules of free modules
: h 7! Then, for each h 2 H; we have
i=1 (hki )ui :
" # " n #
n Xn X
h( )= (hki )ui = (hki )hi = h hi ki = h:
i=1 i=1 i=1

This shows us that H is isomorphic to a direct summand of F; and so is

Conversely, assume that H is projective and let F be a free left R-module
such that H is isomorphic to a direct summand H 0 of F: Say F = H 0 D:
Let : H ! H 0 be this isomorphism. Let fui jP i 2 g be a basis of F:
Then for each element h 2 H we can write h = i2 di (h)ui ; where only
nitely-many of the elements di (h) of R are nonzero. Since the function
h 7! di (h) is easily seen to belong to H ; it follows fromP(a) that for each
i2 there exists an element ki of H 1 such that h = i2 (hki )ui for
all h 2 H:
Now let us consider a particular element
P 0 6= h 2 H: Then there exists a
nite subset of such that h = i2 (hki )ui : Each basis element
P ui can,
in turn, be written as hi +di ; where di 2 D: Therefore h = i2 (hki )hi :
Thus h = i2 (hki )hi =P h i2 hi k and so, since we are in an integral
domain, we must have 1 = i2 hi k; which proves that HH 1 = R and so
H is invertible.

In particular, we conclude the following.

Observation 4: If R is an integral domain all of the nonzero ideals
of which are invertible, then R is hereditary.


Exercise 1: Let L be a nonzero ideal of the ring Z of integers, and let n

be a nonzero element of L having least absolute value.
(a) Verify that L = Zn:
(b) Verify that the function : Z ! Zn de ned by : t 7! tn is an
isomorphism of Z-modules and consequently that Z is hereditary.
Exercise 2: Let D be a division ring and let D[X] be the ring of polyno-
mials in an indeterminate X with coef cients in D: Let L be a nonzero left
ideal of D[X] and let g(X) be a nonzero element of L having least degree.
(a) Verify that L = D[X]g(X):
(b) Verify that the function : D[X] ! L de ned by : p(X) 7! p(X)g(X)
is an isomorphism of left D[X]-modules and, consequently, that D[X] is left
Chapter 4. Submodules of free modules 79

Exercise 3: Verify Observation 1, using Observation 1 of Section 1 and
nite induction.
Exercise 4: If R is a ring, then a projective left R-module A is said to be
hereditary if each of its submodules is also projective.
(a) Modify the proof of Observation 2 to obtain the following generalization:
Let fAi j i a 0g be a family of hereditary
M1 left R-modules, and let B be a
submodule of Ai : Then B = Bi ; where each Bi is isomorphic
i=0 i=0
to a submodule of the corresponding Ai :
(b) Show by example that, if the words “isomorphic to” were deleted from the
statement in (a), the resulting assertion would be false.
Exercise 5: Study the veri cation of Observation 2, to determine whether
the submodules Hi of A are actually subsets of the corresponding submodules
Ri of F:
a1 6: Let Z be the ring of integers and let F be the free Z-module
F = Ri ; where each Ri is isomorphic to Z. Let A be the submodule
of F consisting of those functions f for which f (0) = f (1) and f (i) = 0
for i > 1: TheMveri cation of Observation 2 provides submodules Hi of A for
which A = Hi : For each i; state speci cally which elements of A lie
in Hi :

3. Hereditary rings (continued)

The key to the analysis of the submodules of free modules over hereditary rings
is Observation 1 of Section 1. To make the analysis, we need only iterate the
procedure given by this observation. Observations 1 and 2 of Section 2 were
made by a nite iteration and a countably-in nite iteration respectively. What
we need now is a vehicle that will allow iteration beyond the countable realm.
For this purpose, we will use ordinal numbers. For an understanding of ordinal
numbers and their elementary properties, we suggest the classic book by Paul
Halmos [41], though the material can be found in many other books as well.
The proof of Theorem 2 has been written to invite comparison with the proof of
Observation 2 in Section 2. The comparison will pinpoint the few speci cally
new features involved in interating beyond the countable realms. In the initial
step of the proof of the theorem, we will use the following equivalent of the well-
ordering principle: for every set there is an ordinal number m and a bijection
between and the set of all ordinal numbers less than m:
Theorem 2: If R is a left hereditary ring and F is a free left
80 Chapter 4. Submodules of free modules

R-module, then every submodule of F is isomorphic to a coproduct

of left ideals of R:

Proof: If F is a free left a

R-module, then there exists an ordinal number m
such that F is isomorpic to Ri ; where each Ri is a copy of R: (The
free modules in Observations 1 and 2 of Section 2 have thisM form with m = n
or m = ! respectively.) Thus we can assume that F = Ri ; where
each Ri is a submodule of F isomorphic to R: hMLet A ibe a submodule of
F: For each ordinal h m; let Ah = A \ Ri : Then A0 = 0
and Am = A: For each h < m; let h be the projection of F onto
Rh and let h be the restriction of h to Ah+1 : For each h < m; we
see that Ah+1 h is a left ideal of R and is therefore projective. Since the
kernel of h is Ah ; there exists a submodule Hh = Ah+1 h of R such
that Ah+1 = Ah Hh : We note that H0 = A1 and observe M that each Hi is
isomorphic to a left ideal of R: We how show that A = Hh : Indeed,
if the sum were not direct, a contradiction could be produced as follows: if
0 = ai1 + : : : + ain with i1 < : : : < in < m; with aik 2 Hik for all k;
and with ain 6= 0; then theM directness of the sum Ain +1 = Ain Hin will
be contradicted. If A 6= Hh then there would exist a least ordinal
h<m M
t m for which At is not contained in Hh : Since A0 = (0); we
h<m M
know that t 6= 0: If t has a predecessor, we have At 1 Hh and
M h<m
At = At 1 H t 1 Hh : If t has no predecessor, then we have
[ h<m M
At = Ah ; and the inclusions Aj Hh for each j < t give
Mh<t h<m
At Hh : Thus, a contradiction of the choice of t arises whether t
h<m M
has a predecessor or not. We conclude that A = Hh ; as required.

This theorem has four corollaries. The rst is a structure theorem for projec-
tive modules over left hereditary rings.
Corollary 1: If R is a left hereditary ring, then every projective
left R-module is isomorphic to a coproduct of left ideals of R:

The second and third corollaries are characterizations of left hereditary rings.
The third explains the choice of the term “hereditary”.
Corollary 2: A ring R is left hereditary if and only if each sub-
Chapter 4. Submodules of free modules 81

module of each free left R-module is projective.

Corollary 3: A ring R is left hereditary if and only if each sub-

module of each projective left R-module is projective.

The nal corollary provides an introduction to the next section.

Corollary 4: A ring R has the property that each submodule of
each free left R-module is free if and only if each left ideal of R is


Exercise 1: Recall that a left R-module is hereditary if each of its submod-

ules is projective. Modify the statement and proof of Theorem 2 to obtain a gen-
eralization concerning submodules of direct sums of hereditary left R-modules.
Exercise 2: Show that a coproduct of any family of hereditary left R-
modules is again hereditary. (In other words, show that the semihereditary left
R-modules are precisely the hereditary left R-modules.)

4. Principal ideal domains

If we ask which commutative rings R have the property that submodules of free
R-modules are free, we arrive at one of the most widely-used classes of rings.
De nition: A commutative ring R is a principal ideal domain if it is an
integral domain every ideal of which is principal.
The most common examples of principal ideal domains are the ring Z of
integers and the ring F [X] of polynomials in an indeterminate X with coef -
cients in a eld F: Another important example is the ring of Gaussian integers
Z[i] = fa + bi 2 C j a; b 2 Zg: Each eld is also, trivially, a principal ideal
Observation 1: The nonzero free ideals of a commutative ring R
are precisely those of the form Rr; where r is an element of R which
is not a zero divisor.

Veri cation: Let F be a nonzero free ideal of a commutative ring R: Let r

be an element of any basis B of F: Then R is not a zero divisor since r0 r = 0
and r0 6= 0 would violate the de ning property of the basis B . If F has a basis
B containing two distinct elements, say r and r0 ; then F = Rr Rr0 F 0 ;
where F 0 is the submodule of R generated by the remaining elements of B:
82 Chapter 4. Submodules of free modules

But rr0 2 Rr \ Rr0 = (0); which yields rr0 = 0; contradicting the fact that
r cannot be a zero divisor. Thus F = Rr, where r is not a zero divisor.
Conversely, let r be an element of R which is not a zero divisor. Then the
kernel of the map : R ! Rr de ned by : r0 7! r0 r must be (0) and so
Rr = R is free.
Observation 2: A commutative ring R has the property that each
submodule of a free R-module is free if and only if it is a principal
ideal domain.

Veri cation: Suppose that R is a principal ideal domain. Then each

nonzero ideal of R is of the form Rr; where r cannot be a zero divisor. Thus,
every ideal of R is necessarily free, and by Corollary 4 of Section 3, submodules
of free R-modules are necessarily free.
Suppose that R is a commutative ring for which submodules of free R-
modules are necessarily free. Then every ideal of R is free. Consequently, by
Observation 1, every nonzero ideal of R is of the form Rr; for some element
r of R that is not a zero divisor. We need only show that R is an integral
domain. Suppose that u and v are nonzero elements of R for which uv = 0:
Then Rv = Rr for some element r of R which is not a zero divisor, and
so there is a nonzero element w of R such that r = wv; and thus we have
ur = uwv = 0; contradicting the assumption that r is not a zero divisor. We
conclude that R is a principal ideal domain.

Note that we have in fact prove a somewhat stronger observation, namely that
a commutative ring R is a principal ideal domain if and only if each submodule
of each nitely-generated left R-module is free.
We will close this section by mentioning a famous problem in ring theory. As
we have already noted, if F is a eld, then the ring of polynomials F [X] is a
principal ideal domain and so, by Observation 2, every projective left R-module
is free. In 1955, Serre conjectured that the same condition holds for any ring
R[X1 ; : : : ; Xn ] of polynomials in n indeterminates over a eld. Since Bass,
in 1963, had shown that non- nitely-generated projective modules over such
rings are free, the conjecture reduced to the consideration of nitely-generated
projective modules and stimulated considerable research activity, including the
development of an entire area of research known as “algebraic K-theory”. Fi-
nally, Serre's conjecture was settled in the af rmative in 1976 by D. Quillen and
A. Souslin, working independently. For a survey of their results, as well as
background to Serre's conjecture and its applications, see [62] or [92]. Quillen
and Souslin's results rely heavily on the commutativity of the eld of coef cients
Chapter 4. Submodules of free modules 83

of the polynomials. Ojanguren and Sridharan [81] have given an example of a

division ring R and a non-free projective R[X1 ; : : : ; Xn ]-module.

Exercise 1: Let R be a principal ideal domain and let B be a submod-

ule of a free left R-module A: Let fb1 ; : : : ; bm g be a basis for B and let
fa1 ; : : : ; an g be a basis for A: Show that m n:
Exercise 2: Let R be a principal ideal domain and let A be a free left
R-module having a basis fa1 ; : : : ; an g: If B is a submodule of A; show
that we can nd elements fb1 ; : : : ; bn g of A; a positive integer m n; and
elements r1 ; : : : ; rn of R such that:
(a) ri divides ri+1 for all 1 i m;
(b) ri = 0 for m < i n; and
(c) fr1 b1 ; : : : ; rm bm g is a basis for B:
Exercise 3: Let F [X] be the ring of polynomials in an indeterminate
X over a eld F and let A be a vector space over F: Let be an F -
endomorphism Pn of A: De ne an operation of the ring F [X] as follows: if
Pn = i=0 s i X i
2 F [X] and if a is an element of A; then p(X)a =
i 0
i=0 si (a ); where is the identity function on A: Verify that this operation
proves the structure of a left F [X]-module for A:
Exercise 4: Let F [X] be the ring of polynomials in an indeterminate X
over a eld F; and let A be a left F [X]-module. Since F is a subring of
F [X]; we know that A is also a left F -module. Let : A ! A be the function
which sends an element a of A to Xa: Verify that is an F -endomorphism
of A:
Exercise 5: (a) Let A, F; and be as in Exercise 3, and regard A as a left
F [X]-module as described in that exercise. From this F [X]-module structure,
obtain an F -endomorphism 0 of A as in Exercise 4. Verify that 0 = :
(b) Let A, F; and be as in Exercise 4. Regard A as a vector space over F
and use to provide A with an F [X]-structure as in Exercise 3. Verify that
this F [X]-module structure is identical with the originally-given F [X]-module
structure on A:
Exercise 6: Let F be a eld and let A be a vector space over F:
Endomorphisms 1 and 2 of A are said to be similar if there exists a
automorphism of A for which 1 = 2 : In the manner of Exercise 3,
the map 1 provides an F [X]-module structure for A and so does 2 : Show
that 1 and 2 are similar if and only if these F [X]-module structures on A
are isomorphic.
Example 7: (a) Explain how Exercises 3 through 6 give precise meaning
84 Chapter 4. Submodules of free modules

to the following assertion and how they justify this assertion: the problem of
classifying linear transformations of vector spaces “up to similarity” is a special
case of the problem of classifying modules over principal ideal domains “up to
(b) Let R be the full ring of n n matrices over the eld F: Matrices M
and M 0 in R are similar if and only if there exists a nonsingular matrix N
in R for which M = N M 0 N 1 : Explain how Exercises 3 through 6 justify
the following assertion: the problem of classifying the matrices in R “up to
similarity” is equivalent to the problem of classifying “up to isomorphism” the
F [X]-modules that are n-dimensional when regarded as vector spaces over the
sub eld F of F [X]:

Notes for Chapter 4

One of the central topics in linear algebra is the determination of similarity
classes of linear transformations. See, for example, [37]. If we restrict our
attention to linear transformations of nite-dimensional vector spaces and ex-
press the problem in matrix form, then we have the usual problem of nding the
similarity classes of n n matrices over a eld. What is desired is then a
collection of n n matrices over the eld that has the property that each n n
matrix is similar to exactly one matrix in the collection. The similarity theory of
matrices leads to the rational canonical form and the Jordan canonical form for
matrices. In the exercises to Section 4 we have included the minimal amount
of information need to indicate how the theory of similarity of linear transfor-
mations (and matrices) can be subsumed under the general structure theory of
modules. If you would like to see this portion of linear algebra discussed in the
context of module theory, we suggest [42], [71], [72], or [90].
For more information on projective modules over principal ideal domains,
refer to [4].
Vector spaces over elds have the property that any basis for a subspace
can be extended to a basis for the entire space. A commutative ring R is
called a Steinitz ring if it has the analogous property, namely that any basis for a
free submodule of a free left R-module can be extended to a basis of the entire
module. These rings have been characterized in [16] and [69].
Chapter 5. Factor modules of free

1. Introduction
Throughout Part One, we have expanded our attention successively from free
modules to summands of free modules to submodules of free modules. In the
present chapter, we will discuss factor modules of free modules and of projective
modules. This discussion represents the ultimate expansion of our attention
since, as we shall see, every left R-module is isomorphic to a factor module of a
free left R-module. This fact was implicit in the veri cation of Observation 1 of
Section 3.1. We shall give a more thorough discussion here.
Let R be a ring and let A be a left R-module. We will survey the ways of
representing A as a homomorphic image of a free module. The process can be
organized into three choices:
1. Choose a set G of generators of A;
2. Choose a free module F having a basis U of cardinality greater than or
equal to the cardinality of G;
3. Choose a surjective function f : U ! G and let : F ! G be the map
determined by f:
Note that choice (2) is always possible, since for every cardinal number there
is a free module with a basis of that cardinal (see Section 2.2) The map is
necessarily an epimorphism since its image contains the set G; which generates
A: Notice too that every epimorphism 0 : F 0 ! A of a free module F 0 onto
A may be regarded as having arisen from such choices: let U be a basis of
F 0 ; let G = U 0 ; and let f be the restriction of 0 to U: Then 0 is the
map corresponding to the choice of G as a generating set of A; F 0 is the free
module having U is the appropriate basis, and f is the surjective function from
U to G:
Which free modules possess A as a homomorphic image? To give the
answer we associate a cardinal number k with A: Let k be the least cardinal
number in the set fk 0 j k 0 is the cardinality of some set of generators of Ag:

86 Chapter 5. Factor modules of free modules

Such a k exists since every set of cardinals has a least element. From the
previous paragraph we may conclude that A is a homomorphic image of a free
module F if and only if F possesses a basis having cardinality at least k:
In particular, each free module having a basis of cardinality k is, in a sense, a
“smallest” free module having A as a homomorphic image.

Exercise 1: Let m and n be positive integers and consider the Z-module

A = Z=(m) q Z=(n): What is the least cardinality of a set of generators of A?
Exercise 2: Regard the additive group Q of rational numbers as a Z-
(a) What is the least cardinality of a set of generators for this module?
(b) Show that each set of generators for Q contains a proper subset which also
generates Q:
Exercise 3: Let A be a left R-module which is a homomorphic image of
a nitely-generated free left R-module. Show that any subset G of A that
generates A contains a nite subset that generates A:
Exercise 4: Let n be a positive integer. Find a cyclic Z-module A that
contains a generating set consisting of n elements and containing no proper
subset that generates A:
Exercise 5: Find a ring R having the property that each nitely-generated
left R-module is cyclic.
Exercise 6: Let A be a left R-module such that the least cardinality k of a
set of generators for A is in nite, and let G be any subset of A that generates
A: Show that G contains a subset of cardinality k that generates A:

2. Traces of projective modules

If P and A are left R-modules, then fP j 2 HomR (P; A)g is a
submodule of A; called the trace of P in A: In particular, the trace of P in
R; denoted by tr(P ); is a left ideal of R: If P is free, then tr(P ) = R since
among the maps from P to R is the projection P ! R of P onto any of its
direct summands which, as we have seen, is an R-epimorphism. However, if P
is not free, then tr(P ) need not be all of R: What can we say about tr(P )?
Observation 1: If P is a projective left R-module then tr(P )
equals R or is a two-sided ideal of R:

Veri cation: We have already noted that tr(P ) is a left ideal of R; and all
that remains is to show that r0 r 2 tr(P ) whenever r0 2 tr(P ) and r 2 R: If
Chapter 5. Factor modules of free modules 87

r0 2 tr(P ) then there exist elements

Pn p1 ; : : : ; pn of P and maps 1 ; : : : ; n
from P to R such that r0 = i=1 pi i : Moreover, for each i; the function
Pn i
from P to R de ned by i : p 7! p i r is also a map, and so r0 r = i=1 pi i ;
proving that r0 r belongs to tr(P ) as well.
Observation 2: If P is a projective left R-module, then tr(P )P =

Veri cation: Since P is projective, there exists a left R-module P 0 satis-

fying the condition that A = P q P 0 is a free left RP-module having basis U:
In particular, each element p of P can be written as u2U ru u; where the ru
are elements of R; only nitely-many of which are nonzero. Let P :A!P
be the projection on the direct summand. Then p = p = u2U ru (u ):
On the other hand, the inclusion map P ! A composed with the projection
onto the uth summand A ! R; gives a map P u from P to R de ned by
u : p !
7 r u for each u 2 U: Thus p = u2U (p u )(u ) 2 tr(P )P: This
shows that P = tr(P )P:

An important consequence of this observation is the following one, which we

will need in Section 15.3.
Observation 3: If P is a projective left R-module then tr(P )2 =
tr(P ):

Veri cation: If H = HomR (P; R) then, by Observation 2, we have

tr(P ) = P = tr(P )P
2H 2H
" #
= tr(P ) P = tr(P )2 :

as needed.

What this observation

Pn means is that any element r of tr(P ) can be written
as a nite sum i=1 si ti ; where the si and the ti are elements of tr(P ):
We see that building traces de nes a correspondence between the class of all
left R-modules and a certain set of two-ideals of R: This correspondence is not
one-to-one: all free left R-modules have the same trace. However, we can tell
precisely when two projective left R-modules will correspond to the same ideal
88 Chapter 5. Factor modules of free modules

Observation 4: Projective left R-modules P and P 0 have the

same trace in R if and only if each of them is a homomorphic image
of a coproduct of copies of the other.

Veri cation: Assume that tr(P ) = tr(P 0 ): If is a map from P to R

and if p0 is an element of P 0 , then we have a map 0 from P to P 0 de ned
by 0 : p 7! (p )p0 for all p 2 P: The submodule of P 0 generated by the
images of all maps of this type is tr(P )P 0 = tr(P 0 )P 0 and this, by Observation
2, is all of P 0 : On the other hand, this submodule is certainly contained in the
trace of P in P 0 and so we see that the trace of P in P 0 is all of P 0 : Now
let Ha= HomR (P; P 0 ): For each in H; let P be a copy of P: If
Y = P then we can de ne a map : Y ! P 0 by
: p 7! p :
2H 2H

This function is well-de nedP

since, by the nature of the coproduct, only nitely-
many summands in the sum 2H p are nonzero. The image of is precisely
the trace of P in P 0 and so P 0 is a homomorphic image of a coproduct of
copies of P: Reversing the roles of P and P 0 in the above arguments, we see
that P is also a homomorphic image of a coproduct of copies of P 0 :
Now assume that P and P 0 are homomorphica images of coproducts of
copies of each other. Thus we have a coproduct Y = Pi of copies of P
and an R-epimorphism : Y ! P 0 : For each i in ; let i : P ! Y be
the embedding of P into the ith direct summand of Y: If is a map from P 0
to R; then im( ) is the left ideal of R generated by fim( i ) j i 2 g
and so it is contained in tr(P ): Thus tr(P 0 ) tr(P ): Reversing the roles of
P and P 0 in this argument, we see that the reverse containment is also true, and
so tr(P ) = tr(P 0 ):


Exercise 1: Show that a left R-module P is projective if and only if there

exist a set fai j i 2 g of elements of R and a set f i j i 2 g of maps
from P to R satisfying
(a) If p 2 P then p i = P0 for all but nitely-many values of i;
(b) If p 2 P then p = i2 ai p i :
(This is called the dual basis property of projective modules.)
Exercise 2: Let R be a commutative ring and let P be a nitely-generated
proective left R-module.
Chapter 5. Factor modules of free modules 89

(a) Show that P = HomR (P; R) is a nitely-generated projective left R-

(b) If P 0 is another nitely-generated projective left R-module, show that so is
HomR (P; P 0 ):
Exercise 3: Let P be a projective left R-module and let I be a two-sided
ideal of R: Show that the following conditions are equivalent:
(a) tr(P ) I;
(b) I tr(P ) = tr(P );
(c) IP = P:
Exercise 4: Let A be a free left R-module. Show that tr(A) = R:

Chapter 6. Enlarging homomorphisms

1. Introduction
A basic theme of Part One was the lifting of maps through R-epimorphisms.
The basic theme of Part Two is the dual to the lifting problems. Let A be a
submodule of a left R-module B; and let : A ! C be a map from A to a
left R-module C: When can a map : B ! C be found that agrees with
on A?
We begin by considering a more general question. For an R-submodule A
of a left R-module B and for a map : A ! C; under which circumstances
can a submodule A0 of B and a map 0 : A0 ! C be found such that A is
properly contained in A0 and 0 agrees with on A? The simplest result is
stated in the following observation.
Observation 1: If A and B are submodules of a left R-module D
and if : A ! C and : B ! C are maps which agree on A \ B;
then they have a common enlargement : A + B ! C:

Veri cation: If a + b is an element of A + B; we attempt a de nition:

: a+b 7! a +b : It is clear that will be a map with the desired properties,
if it is a well-de ned function. If a + b = a0 + b0 then a a0 = b0 b 2 A \ B
and so a a0 = (a a0 ) = (b0 b) = b0 b so
(a + b) = a + b = a0 + b0 = (a0 + b0 ) ;
which con rms that is, indeed, well de ned.

Let us return to the problem of a submodule A of a left R-module B and

a map : A ! C; and let us expand our attention to the set of all maps
: A0 ! C; for which A0 is a submodule of B containing A and 0
agrees with on A: The graph gr( 0 ) of each such 0 is a submodule
of B q C containing gr( ) such that the restriction of the projection map
: B q C ! B to gr( 0 ) is an R-monomorphism, the image of which
is A0 : Conversely, any submodule D of B q C that contains gr( ) and

94 Chapter 6. Enlarging homomorphisms

satis es the condition tht the restriction of to D is an R-monomorphism is

the graph of a map from D to C which agrees with on A: The family
of submodules of B q C of the form gr( ); where 0 0
is an enlargement
of ; must contain a maximal nest. Let M be the union of such a maximal
nest. Now M = gr( 0 ) for some enlargement 0 of ; according to the
following considerations. Since M is the union of a nest of submodules of
B q C containing gr( ); it is itself a submodule of B q C containing gr( ):
If (b; c) and (b0 ; c) are both elements of M then there exists a map such
that (b; c) and (b ; c) are both elements of gr( ): Since the restriction of

to gr( ) is an R- monomorphism, b = b0 : We conclude that the restriction of

to M is an R-monomorphism and M = gr( 0 ); where the domain of 0 is
A0 = M and where, for each x 2 A0 ; we must have that x 0 is that element
y 2 C such that (x; y) 2 M: Does there exist a map 00 : A00 ! C for which
A00 is a submodule of B properly containing A0 and 00 agrees with 0 on
A0 ? There does not, because otherwise, by adjoining gr( 00 ) to our nest, we
would produce a strictly larger nest, in contradiction to the assumed maximality.
Thus we have veri ed the following observation:
Observation 2: If A is a submodule of a left R-module B then
for any R-homomorphism : A ! C there is a submodule A0 of
B containing A and a map 0 : A0 ! C which agrees with on
A and which cannot be enlarged to a map 00
: A ! C for some

submodule A00 of B properly containing A0 :

We will refer to such a map 0 as a maximal enlargement of :

In Section 2, we will shift our concentration from B and its submodules to

2. The injectivity class of a module

Let R be a xed ring and let C be a xed left R-module. We examine the
class of all left R-modules B having the property that if A is a submodule of
B and if : A ! C is a map, then can be extended to a map from B
to C: The class of all such modules is the injectivity class of C , and will be
denoted by Inj(C):
Observation 1: The injectivity class of a left R-module is closed
under taking factor modules.

Veri cation: Let C be a left R-module and let B=K be a factor module
of a left R-module B in Inj(C). Any submodule of B=K is of the form
Chapter 6. Enlarging homomorphisms 95

A=K for some submodule A of B containing K: Let be a map from a

submodule A=K to C; and let : A ! A=K be the natural map. Then there
exists a map : B ! C extending : Now de ne a map 0 from B=K to
C by 0 : b + K 7! b : To show that this map is well de ned, we note that if
b + K = b0 + K then b b0 2 K and so (b b0 ) = (b b0 ) = 0; which
shows that b = b0 : Moreover, by de nition, we see that is the restriction
of 0 to A=K:

Observation 2: The injectivity class of a module is closed under

taking coproducts.

Veri cation: Let C be a left R-module and letafBi j i 2 g be a family of

modules in Inj(C): Let A be a submodule of Bi and let : A ! C
be an arbitrary map.a Enlarge maximally to a map : M ! C: We must
show that M = Bi : Assume that this is not so. If j 2 then the
restriction of to M \ Bj can be extended to a map from Bj to C;
since Bj belongs to Inj(C): Since and agree on the intersection of
their domains, there is a map with domain M + Bj that enlarges : But
cannot be strictly enlarged, by the maximality assumption,
a and so we conclude
that Bj M . This is true for any j 2 ; and so Bi M; establishing

Part Two of this book focuses on those left R-modules C for which every
left R-module lies in Inj(C):
De nition: A left R-module C is injective if for each submodule A of
a left R-module B and each map : A ! C; there is a map :B !C
which restricts to on A:
The decision as to whether a given left R-module C is or is not injective is
generally made by using the following result, known as Baer's Criterion.
Observation 3: A left R-module C is injective if and only if for
each left ideal I of R and each map : I ! C there is a map
: R ! C which restricts to on I:

Veri cation: If C is injective, this criterion is clearly satis ed. Conversely,

the given criterion states that R belongs to Inj(C): Therefore, by Observations
1 and 2, factor modules of coproducts of copies of R belong to Inj(C): But
in Chapter 5 we saw that any left R-module is of that form, and so every left
R-module belongs to Inj(C); showing that C is injective.
96 Chapter 6. Enlarging homomorphisms

Corollary: A left R-module A is injective if and only if, for each

projective left R-module B and each submodule B 0 of B; every
map from B 0 to A can be enlarged to a map from B to A:

Baer's Criterion can be used to show that speci c modules are injective: for
example, that Q is an injective left Z-module. It can also be used to establish
properties of the class of all injective modules. To illustrate this use of Baer's
Criterion, we will show the closure of the class of injective modules under direct
Observation 4: Each direct summand of an injective left R-module
is injective.

Veri cation: Let C 0 be a direct summand of an injective left R-module C:

Let : C 0 ! C be the inclusion map and let : C ! C 0 be the projection
of C onto C 0 : If L is a left ideal of R and if : L ! C 0 is a map, then
: L ! C is a map and so it can be enlarged to a map : R ! C: Then
: R ! C 0 is a map which restricts to on L: By Baer's Criterion, C 0 is
therefore injective.

Baer's Criterion states that a left R-module C is injective if and only if, for
every left ideal I of R; the homomorphism of abelian groups HomR (R; C) !
HomR (I; C) which sends a map to (where : I ! R is the
inclusion map) is an epimorphism. We can try and dualize this result and ask
a similar question for projective modules. If P is a left R-module satisfying
the condition that for every left ideal I of R the homomorphism of ablelian
groups HomR (P; R) ! HomR (P; R=I) which sends the map to
(where : R ! R=I is the natural map) is an epimorphism, is P necessarily
projective? If we consider the special case R = Z and recall that the projective
left Z-modules are free since Z is a principal ideal domain, this becomes a long-
standing famous problem, known as Whitehead's Problem, the solution to which
turns out to be very surprising. If P is countable, then K: Stein showed that our
question has an af rmative answer. However, if P is uncountable, then Shelah
[103] proved that the problem is undecidable! That is to say, both the statement
“if P is uncountable and HomZ (P; Z) ! HomZ (P:Z=(n)) is an epimor-
phism for all integers n then P is free” and its negation are consistent with
the usual axioms of set theory (namely the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms, together
with the Continuum Hypothesis). Thus we can adjoin a solution to Whitehead's
Problem – either af rmative or negative as we wish – to our axioms for set theory
without obtaining a contradiction, a most unexpected state of affairs.
Chapter 6. Enlarging homomorphisms 97


Exercise 1: If R is a commutative noetherian ring, show that an R-module

C is injective if and only if every map from a prime ideal of R to C can be
enlarged to a map from R to C:
Exercise 2: If B is an injective submodule of a left R-module A; show
that B is a direct summand of A:
Exercise 3: Show that a ring R is semisimple if and only if all left R-
modules are injective.
Exercise 4: Show that a ring R is semisimple if and only if each of its
(maximal) left ideals is injective.
Exercise 5: Let ' : R ! S be a homomorphism of rings. Then S has
the structure of a left R-module, if we de ne r s = '(r)s for all r in R
and all s in S: Moreover, as we have seen in in the exercises of Section 0.5,
HomR (S; A) has the structure of a left S -module for every left R-module A:
Show that this is an injective left S -module if A is an injective left R-module.
Exercise 6: Let R and S be rings, let C be an injective right S -module,
and let P be an (R; S)-bimodule which is projective as a left R-module. Show
that HomS (P; N ) is an injective right R-module.
Exercise 7: Let A be a left R-module having endomorphism ring S and let
a be an element of A satisfying the condition that Ra is is a simple submodule
of an injective submodule of A. Show that aS is a simple submodule of A;
considered as a right S -module.
Exercise 8: Let A be an injective left R-module and let and be
R-endomorphisms of A satisfying the condition that ker( ) ker( ): Show
that there exists an R-endomorphism of A satisfying = :

3. Generators
In deriving Baer's Criterion, the left R-module R was used as a generator
module in the sense of the following de nition.
De nition: A left R-module A is a generator if every left R-module is an
epimorphic image of a coproduct of copies of A:
The module R is not the only generator we could have chosen. For ex-
ample, it should be immediately obvious that every free left R-module is also
a generator. More generally, we have the following result, the veri cation of
which we leave as an exercise.
Observation 1: A left R-module A is a generator if and only if
98 Chapter 6. Enlarging homomorphisms

tr(A) = R:
We may use this concept to restate Baer's Criterion in a slightly stronger
form: a left R-module C is injective if and only if Inj(C) contains a generator.
The concept of a generator has been used widely in recent years in several
advanced brances of algebra. It may be interesting to locate this concept and
some of its uses in [7], [54], and [70]. The generators that are most widely
used are also projective. They are sometimes referred to by the contracted form
progenerator. For each ring R; any free left R-module is a progenerator.

Exercise 1: Let R be a semisimple ring. Which left R-modules are

Exercise 2: For which rings R is every nonzero left R-module a generator?
Exercise 3: Which Z-modules are generators?
Exercise 4: Prove that a left R-module C is a generator if and only if f or
every pair of left R-modules A; B and every pair of distinct maps 1 : A ! B
and 2 : A ! B there is a map : C ! A for which 1 and 2 are
Exercise 5: Prove that a left R-module C is a generator if and only if R
is isomorphic to a direct summand of a direct sum of a nite number of copies of
Exercise 6: Prove that a left R-module C is a generator if and only if R
contains left ideals L1 ; : : : ; Ln and elements xi P
2 Li for i = 1; : : : n such
that each Li is a homomorphic image of C and i=1 xi = 1:
Exercise 7: Let R be a ring with the property that each of its left ideals is
free. Prove that a left R-module C is a generator if and only if C contains a
direct summand isomorphic to R:
Exercise 8: Verify Observation 1.
Exercise 9: Let R be a commutative ring and let P be a nitely-generated
projective left R-module satisfying the condition that for each nonzero element
r of R there is an element x of P satisfying rx 6= 0: Show that P is a

Notes for Chapter 6

The notion of an injective module is due to R. Baer [5] (the name “injective”
was, apparently, rst used by Eilenberg in 1950), as is the criterion which bears
his name. A compact proof of this result can also be found on page 9 of [15].
Chapter 6. Enlarging homomorphisms 99

Several weaker versions of this result can be found in the literature, some of
which are presented in the exercises. See [9], [104] or [111] to get a avor of
such results.
Needless to say, this criterion is very dependent on the fact that the ring R
has a multiplicative identity element. The consequences of Baer's Criterion for
modules over a ring not having a multiplicative identity have been studied in [28].
Chapter 7. Embedding modules in
injective modules

1. Introduction
It is one of the fortunate basic facts of module theory that for each ring R;
every left R-module can be embedded in an injective module. Baer's Criterion
indicates how we should begin the embedding process. If A is a left R-module
which is not injective, then there is a left ideal L of R and a map : L ! A
that cannot be enlarged to a map from R to A: It is an easy matter to embed A
in a larger module B so that can be enlarged to a map from R to B: This
embedding process, though simple, is the most fundamental construction in this
chapter, and is described rather formally.
Observation 1: For a left R-module A; a left ideal L of R; and a
map : L ! A; the graph gr( ) of the map is a submodule
of R q A: The function : A ! (R q A)=gr( ) de ned by
: a 7! (0; a) + gr( ) is an R-monomorphism. The function
: R ! (R q A)=gr( ) de ned by : r 7! (r; 0) + gr( ) is a
map that enlarges the composite :

Veri cation: There is little here that needs comment. The maps discussed
satisfy the condition that and go from L to (R q A)=gr( ); where
: L ! R is the inclusion map. The last assertion of the observation is
that these maps are equal, which we see as follows: if x 2 L then x =
(x; 0) + gr( ) = (x; 0) (x; x ) = (0; x ) + gr( ) = x :

Referring to the observation, when a map : L ! A is given, we may

identify A with its image in B = (R q A)=gr( ); then we have A B;
and can be enlarged to a map : R ! B: The new left R-module B
needn't be injective. It is merely big enough to allow the one map to be
enlarged to a map with domain R: Other maps 0
: L ! R may not admit

such enlargements. Moreover, for B to be injective, we must be able to enlarge

maps 00 : L00 ! B: Nevertheless, it is possible to build an injective module

102 Chapter 7. Embedding modules in injective modules

containing A by shrewdly repeating the simple construction we have made. If

we attempt to make our construction in this manner, we meet the need for in nite
ordinals immediately. The approach we will take in the next section will allow
us to put off working with in nite ordinals until we absolutely must.

2. For noetherian rings

First, we will expand Observation 1 of Section 1, Let A be a left R-module and
let H be the set of all maps : L ! A for the various left ideals L of R:
Let FMbe a coproduct of copies of R; one for each 2 H: We will write
F = R ; where each R is a submodule of F isomorphic to R: The
domain of each map will be regarded as a submodule of R : Then, for each
in H; we note that gr( ) is a submodule of R q A; which in turn is
a[submodule of F q A: Let G be the submodule of F q A generated by
gr( ):

Observation 1: The function : A ! (F q A)=G de ned by

: a 7! (0; a) + G is an R-monomorphism. For each in H;
the function : R q A ! (F q A)=G de ned by : (r; a) 7!
(r; a) + G is an R-homomorphism with kernel gr( ): For each
2 H; the map can be enlarged to a map from R to (F qA)=G:

Veri cation: We will only comment on the third assertion, since the rst
two follow from the de nitions of G and gr( ): For a xed element of
H; we can construct, by the method de ned in Section 1, a left R-module B
containing A which is isomorphic to im( ): By Observation 1 of Section 1,
can be enlarged to a map 0 : R ! B and therefore can be enlarged to
a map : R ! (F q A)=G:

Referring to the above observation, we may identify A with its image in

C = (F q A)=G; then we have A C; and each map : L ! A can
be enlarged to a map : R ! C: The new module C need not be injective.
There may be a map 0 : L ! C that cannot be enlarged to a map with domain
R: The present procedure is easy to iterate, and its iteration will yield injective
To describe the iteration process, we will start over with fresh notation. Let
A0 be an arbitrary left R-module. Let A1 be an R-module containing A0 with
the property that every map from a left ideal L of R to A0 can be enlarged
to a map from R to A1 : Let A2 be a left R-module containing A1 with the
property that every map from a left ideal L of R to A1 can be enlarged to a
Chapter 7. Embedding modules in injective modules 103

map from R to A2 : Continue in this [manner to produce a nest of R-modules

A0 A1 : : : . Now de ne A = Ai : Is A necessarily injective? It
needn't be for arbitrary rings R: However, for one very important class of rings,
such a module A must be injective.
De nition: A ring R is left noetherian if each left ideal of R is nitely
Principal ideal domains are examples of left noetherian rings. If R is a left
noetherian ring then so is the ring R[X] of polynomials in an indeterminate
X over R: (See page 76 of [65] for a proof of this.) Thus, for each division
ring D; the ring of polynomials in nitely-many indeterminates over D is
noetherian. The special case of this result for D a eld is known as the Hilbert
Basis Theorem, and is a fundamental result in algebraic geometry. (Refer to
Observation 2: If R is a left noetherian ring then every left R-
module may be embedded in an injective left R-module.

Veri cation:[ We have embedded (above) the arbitrary left R-module A0 in

the union A = Ai of left R-modules. We need only verify that A is
indeed injective. Let L be an arbitrary left ideal of R and let :L!A
be a map from L to A: Let fx1 ; : : : ; xn g be a nite subset of L which
generates L: Each xi is contained in one of the modules Aki : Let m =
maxfk1 ; : : : ; kn g: Then im( ) Am : The construction of Am+1 provided
an enlargement : R ! Am+1 A of : Thus, every map : L ! A can
be enlarged to a map R ! A and we conclude, by Baer's Criterion, that A is


Exercise 1: Show that a ring R is left noetherian if and only if it contains

no countably-in nite nest of distinct left ideals of the form L1 L2 : : : .
Exercise 2: Show that the full ring R of all 2 2 matrices of rational
numbers is left noetherian. If S is the subring of R consisting of all matrices
a b
of the form with a 2 Z and b; d 2 Q; show that S is not left
0 d
Exercise 3: Show that a ring R is left noetherian if and only if it contains
no countably-in nite sequence of elements r1 ; r2 ; : : : for which the left ideals
Rr1 ; Rr1 + Rr2 ; : : : are all distinct.
104 Chapter 7. Embedding modules in injective modules

Exercise 4: Let R be a principal ideal domain. Show that the class of all
injective left R-modules has the following closure properties:
(a) Direct summands of injective left R-modules are injective.
(b) The direct product of any family of injective left R-modules is injective.
(c) Factor modules of injective left R-modules are injective.
(d) The coproduct of any family of injective left R-modules is injective.
(e) If A is a left R-module that is the union of a nest of injective submodules,
then it is injective.

3. For arbitrary rings

What can be done when the ring R is not left noetherian? In this case, we
[ to build the nest A0 A1 : : : trans nitely. For A! we choose
Ai : For A!+1 we choose a left R-module containing A! and having
the property that every map from a left ideal L of R to A! can be enlarged to
a map from R to A!+1 : In general,
[ the de nition is as follows: for each limit
ordinal h; we de ne Ah = Ai ; for each nonlimit ordinal h + 1; we
choose Ah+1 be a left R-module containing Ah and having the property that
every map from a left ideal L of R to Ah can be enlarged to a map from R
to Ah+1 : We now have a nest of modules fAh j h an ordinalg: We will show
that there is an ordinal k for which Ak is injective. Our problem now is to
think of an ordinal k for which we can imagine a proof that the corresponding
left R-module is injective. If we re-examine the left noetherian case, we will see
how to choose such a k:
In choosing our k; we will not attempt to make a minimal choice. If m is
the cardinality of the ring R; let k be the least[ ordinal of cardinality greater
than m: Then k is a limit ordinal and Ak = Ai : Moreover, for each
i < k; the cardinality of i cannot exceed m: We can show that Ak is injective
in much the same way that we veri ed that A = A! is injective when R is
left noetherian. Let L be any left ideal of R and let : L ! Ak be a
map. For each x in L; there is an ordinal t(x) < k such that x 2 At(x) :
Let t = supft(x) j x 2 Lg: Since the cardinality of each ordinal t(x) does
not exceed m; it follows that the cardinality of the ordinal t does not exceed
m2 = m: Consequently, t < k and, furthermore, t + 1 < k: We have
im( ) At(x) = At At+1 Ak :

By the choice of At+1 ; the map can be enlarged to a map from R to

Chapter 7. Embedding modules in injective modules 105

At+1 Ak : By Baer's Criterion, Ak is injective. We have now demonstrated

the following observation.
Observation 1: For any ring R; any left R-module can be embed-
ded in an injective left R-module.

As an example of the value of this observation, we will use it to prove the dual
of the Corollary to Observation 3 of Section 6.2. This result will be a convenient
tool in Section 8.3.
Observation 2: A left R-module P is projective if and only if, for
each injective left R-module A and each submodule A0 of A; every
map : P ! A=A0 can be lifted through the natural map of A to
A=A0 :

Veri cation: If P is projective, this condition is certainly true. Conversely,

assume that it is true. Let B be an arbitrary left R-module, B 0 be any
submodule of B; and let be a map from P to B=B 0 : Embed B as
a submodule in an injective left R-module A: Let 0 be the composition of
with the embedding B=B 0 ! A=B 0 : By hypothesis, there is then a map
: P ! A such that 0 = ; where is the natural map A ! A=B 0 :
By the choice of 0
; we see that im( ) B : if a 2 im( ) and if b is
an element of B such that a = b + B 0 ; then a b 2 B 0 B and so
a = (a b) + b 2 B: Therefore can be considered as a map from P
to B: Moreover, if 0 : B ! B=B 0 is the natural map, then 0
= by

4. Injective hulls
We have seen how an arbitrary left R-module A can be embedded in an injective
left R-module C: We made little effort toward economy in this embedding
process; that is, the C produced by our construction process will often be
far larger than necessary, even for some modules over noetherian rings. We
will show that there is a most economical choice for the injective module C
containing A and that this choice is, in a fairly strong sense, unique. This
economic choice will be described by means of the following concept, which
will be a valuable tool throughout our study of injective modules.
De nition: A submodule A of a left R-module B is large in B if
A \ A0 6= (0) for any nonzero submodule A0 of B: If A is a large submodule
of B , we say that B is an essential extension of A:
There is a standard way of building large submodules of a given module,
106 Chapter 7. Embedding modules in injective modules

which we will use often. If B is a submodule of a left R-module A; then there

is always a submodule B 0 of A maximal among all those submodules of A
having intersection (0) with B:
The veri cation of the following two observations will be left as exercises.
Observation 1: If B is a submodule of a left R-module A and
if B 0 is a submodule of A maximal among those submodules of A
having intersection with B equal to (0); then:
(1) B B 0 is a large submodule of A; and
(2) [B B 0 ]=B 0 is a large submodule of A=B 0 :
Observation 2: If A is a large submodule of a left R-module B
and B is a large submodule of a left R-module C; then A is a large
submodule of C:

If C is a left R-module and if A B and A0 B 0 are submodules of C

satisfying the conditions that A is large in B and A0 is large in B 0 ; it does not
follow that A + A0 is large in B + B 0 : To see this, consider the case of R = Z;
C = Z q Z=(2); A = A0 = R(2; 0); B = R(1; 0); and B 0 = R(1; 1): Then
A is large in B and A0 is large in B 0 : On the other hand, A = A + A0 is
not large in C = B + B 0 since A \ R(0; 1) = (0):
Using the notion of a large submodule, we can weaken Baer's Criterion.
Observation 3: A left R-module C is injective if and only if, for
each large left ideal L of R and each map : L ! C there is a
map : R ! C which restricts to on L:

Veri cation: If C is injective, the stated condition is certainly satis ed.

Conversely, assume that this condition be satis ed. Let L be a left ideal of
R and let : L ! C be a map. Then has a maximal enlargement
: L ! C for some left ideal L of R containing L: If L0 = R; we are
0 0

done. If not, by assumption it is not large in R; so there exists a nonzero left

ideal I of R such that I L0 R: Now de ne a map 00 : I L0 ! C by
setting 00 : a + b 7! b 0 for all a 2 I and b 2 L0 : This map clearly enlarges
; contradicting the maximality of L0 : Thus we must have L0 = R; and so C
is injective by Baer's Criterion.

De nition: An injective left R-module C containing a left R-module A

is an injective hull of A if A is large in C:
At this stage, of course, we do not know that injective hulls of modules
exist. However, the following observation will show us where to look to nd
an injective hull of a left R-module A:
Chapter 7. Embedding modules in injective modules 107

Observation 4: If a left R-module A is contained in an injective

hull C then, for any injective left R-module C 0 containing A; the
inclusion map A ! C 0 can be enlarged to an R-monomorphism from
C to C 0 :

Veri cation: By the injectivity of C 0 ; the inclusion map A ! C 0 can be

enlarged to a map : C ! C 0 : Since A is large in C and since ker( )\A =
(0); we must have ker( ) = (0) and so is an R-monomorphism.

This observation tells us that, to nd an injective hull for a left R-module A;

we may embed A in any way we wish (say as in the preceding sections of this
chapter) in an injective left R-module C and then search among the submodules
of C containing A: According to Observation 4, if A has an injective hull, at
least one such intermediate submodule C 0 must also be an injective hull of A:
What further properties must such an intermediate submodule have if it is to be an
injective hull of A? It must contain A as a large submodule. Since it must also
be injective, no submodule of C can contain C 0 as a large submodule. When
we put these two requirements together, we have the following observation.
Observation 5: For a submodule C 0 of an injective left R-module
C containing a submodule A to be an injective hull of A it is neces-
sary that C 0 be maximal among those submodules of C that contain
A as a large submodule.

Must there always be at least one submodule of C that satis es this con-
Observation 6: If A is a submodule of a left R-module B then
there exists a submodule B 0 of B that is maximal among all those
submodules of B that contain A as a large submodule.

Veri cation: Let F be the family of all submodules of B that contain A

as a large submodule. This family is nonempty since A itself certainly belongs
to it. Let M be a maximal nest in F and let B 0 be the union of the members
of M: Then A is large in B 0 and, by the maximality of M; no submodule
of B that properly contains B 0 can contain A as a large submodule.

In our search for an injective hull of an arbitrary left R-module A; our

attention has now been narrowed down suf ciently. We are ready to prove that,
for any ring R; any left R-module A can be embedded in an injective left
R-module C which is an injective hull of A:
108 Chapter 7. Embedding modules in injective modules

Observation 7: Let C be an injective left R-module containing a

left R-module A and let C 0 be any submodule of C that is maximal
among the submodules of C that contain A as a large submodule.
Then C 0 is an injective hull of A:

Veri cation: By Observation 4 of Section 6.2, we need only show that C 0

is a direct summand of C: Let D be a submodule of C maximal among those
submodules the intersection of which with C 0 is (0): By Observation 1, we
note that C 0 D is a large submodule of C and that [C 0 D]=D is a large
submodule of C=D: We will show that C = C 0 D: Let : C ! C=D be the
natural map and let 0 : C 0 ! [C 0 D]=D be de ned by 0 : c0 7! c0 +D: for
all c0 2 C 0 : Since C 0 \ D = (0); we see that 0 is in fact an isomorphism and
so has an inverse : [C 0 D]=D ! C 0 : If : C 0 ! C is the inclusion map
then, by the injectivity of C; there exists a map : C=D ! C the restriction of
which to [C 0 D]=D is just : Now ker( )\[C 0 D]=D ker( ) = (0)
and so ker( ) = (0) since [C 0 D]=D is large in C=D: Thus C 0 = im( )
is large in im( ): Since A is large in C 0 ; we see, by Observation 2, that A is
large in im( ): But C 0 is maximal among those submodules of C containing
A as a large submodule, and so we conclude that im( ) = C 0 : Since is
one-to-one and has the same image as ; we conclude that [C 0 D]=D = C=D
and so C 0 D = C; as desired.

An immediate corollary of the observation that every left R-module can be

embedded in an injective hull is the following.
Corollary: If a left R-module A is not a large submodule of any
left R-module properly containing it, then A is injective.

The degree of uniqueness of the injective hull of a module was already im-
plicity in Observation 2, and is spelled out in the following observation.
Observation 8: If C and C 0 are injective hulls of a left R-module
A; then the identity map on A can be enlarged to an isomorphism
between C and C 0 :

Veri cation: By the injectivity of C; the inclusion map A ! C can

be enlarged to a map : C 0 ! C: Since A is large in C 0 ; and since
ker( ) \ A = (0); we see that is an R-monomorphism. Since im( ) = C 0
is an injective submodule of C that contains A; we have C = im( ) B;
from which we conclude that B = (0) since A is large in C:
Chapter 7. Embedding modules in injective modules 109


Exercise 1: Verify Observation 1.

Exercise 2: Verify Observation 2.
Exercise 3: Show that the following conditions on a ring R are equivalent:
(a) A left R-module C is injective if and only if every map from a maximal left
ideal of R to C has an enlargement to a map from R to C .
(b) Each proper large left ideal L of R is contained in a left ideal H of R
such that H=L is a simple left R-module.
Exercise 4: Let : B ! C be a homomorphism of left R-modules and
let A be a large submodule of B:
(a) Show that it is not possible in general to conclude that A is large in B :
(b) Show that if the restriction of to A is an R-monomorphism then is
an R-monomorphism.
(c) Show that if is an R-monomorphism then A is large in B :
Exercise 5: Let U be an independent subset of a left R-module B; and let
A be the submodule of B generated by U: Show that A is a large submodule
of B if and only if U is a maximal independent subset of B:
Exercise 6: Let fBi j i 2 g be a family of left R-modulesa and, for each
i in ; let Ai be a large submodule of Bi : Show that Ai is a large
a i2
submodule of Bi :
Exercise 7: Let A be a left R-module having the property that every proper
submodule of A is contained in a maximal (proper) submodule of A which is
not large in A: Show that A is semisimple.
Exercise 8: Show that a left R-module is uniform whenever it has a large
uniform submodule.
Exercise 9: Let A be a left R-module containing submodules B and C
which satisfy B \ C = (0): Show that if B is large in a submodule B 0 of A
and if C is large in a submodule C 0 of A; then B 0 \ C 0 = (0):
Exercise 10: For any left R-module A; let HA = fr 2 R j rb = 0 for
all elements b of some large submodule B of Ag: Show that the following
statements are true.
(a) HA is a two-sided ideal of R:
(b) If B is a submodule of A then HB HA :
(c) If B is a large submodule of A then HB = HA :
The ideal HA is called the tertiary radical of the module A:
Exercise 11: Find an in nite set fAi j i 2 g of nonzero left R-modules
110 Chapter 7. Embedding modules in injective modules
a Y
such that Ai is not a large submodule of Ai :
i2 i2
Exercise 12: Let D be a division ring and let n be a positive integer. Let
S be the full ring of n n matrices with entries in D and let R be the subring
of S consisting of all upper-triangular matrices (i.e. those matrices having all
entires below the main diagonal equal to 0). Then S has the structure of a left
(a) Let H be the set of all matrices in S having all entries of all rows except
possibly the rst row equal to 0: Show that H is a large R-submodule of S;
and is in fact the smallest R-submodule of S:
(b) Use (a) to show that R is a large R-submodule of S:
(c) Use Baer's Criterion to show that S is an injective left R-module.
(d) Conclude that S is the injective hull of R as a left module over itself.
Exercise 13: For each positive integer i; let Ri be a copy of the ring Z
of integers. an
(a) If n is a positive integer, show that the left Z-module An = Ri
satis es the condition that each submodule of An is large in a direct summand
of An : a1
(b) Show that there is a submodule of the left Z-module A = Ri which
is not large in any direct summand of A:
Exercise 14: If fBi j i 2 \g is a nonempty family of large submodules of
a left R-module A; is B = Bi a large submodule of A? What about
the case that is nite?

5. Divisible modules
For certain rings it seems natural to approach injectivity from a point of view
that is more element-oriented as opposed to the general map-oriented viewpoint.
This approach will lead us to the attempt to divide elements of a left R-module
by elements of R: An element a of a left R-module A is divisible by an
element r of R if there is an element a0 of A for which a = ra0 : There is a
very blunt limitation on divisibility that is most conveniently described in terms
of the following concept, widely used in ring theory.
De nition: The annihilator ann(a) of an element a of a left R-module
A is the subset fr 2 R j ra = 0g of R:
Observation 1: If an element a of a left R-module A is divisible
by an element r of R then ann(r) ann(a):

Veri cation: If a is divisible by r then there is an element a0 of A for

Chapter 7. Embedding modules in injective modules 111

which a = ra0 so if r0 2 ann(r) we have r0 a = r0 (ra0 ) = (r0 r)a0 = 0;

proving that r0 2 ann(a):

Because of this observation, we will never consider the possibility of dividing

an element a of a left R-module A by an element r of R unless ann(r)
ann(a): The following de nition is made with this limitation in mind.
De nition: A left R-module A is divisible if for each r in R and each a
in A that satisfy ann(r) ann(a) there is an element a0 of A for which
a = ra0 :
We begin to see the relationship between divisibility and injectivity with the
following observation.
Observation 2: Every injective left R-module is divisible.

Veri cation: Let A be an injective left R-module and let r and a be

elements of R and A respectively that satisfy ann(r) ann(a): De ne a
function : Rr ! A by : r0 r 7! r0 a: This function is well-de ned for
if r0 r = r00 r then (r0 r00 )r = 0 so r0 r 2 ann(r) ann(a): Thus
(r r )a = 0 and hence r a = r a: It is easy to see that
0 00 0 00
is a map. By the
injectivity of A; it can be enlarged to a map : R ! A: If a0 = 1 ; then
ra0 = r(1 ) = r = r = a; con rming the divisibility of A:

For any arbitrary ring R; the divisibility of a module need not imply injec-
tivity, as can be seen from Exercise 8. There is, however, a signi cant class of
rings for which divisibility is equivalent to injectivity.
Observation 3: If R is a ring having the property that every left
ideal is cyclic, then a left R-module A is injective if and only if it is

Veri cation: If A is injective then we have already seen that it must be

divisible. Now assume that A is a divisible left R-module. Let L be an
arbitrary left ideal of R and let be a map from L to A: Let r be an
element of R satisfying L = Rr: Since ann(r) ann(r ); there is, by
the divisibility of A; an element a0 of A satisfying r = ra0 : The map
: R ! A de ned by : r0 7! r0 a0 then enlarges since
(r0 r) = r0 ra0 = r0 (r ) = (r0 r)
for every r0 2 R:

Observation 3 is another one of the key results in this book in which the
112 Chapter 7. Embedding modules in injective modules

Axiom of Choice is fundamental. In fact, Blass [10] has shown that the state-
ment “every divisible Z-module is injective” is equivalent, in the presence of the
Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms of set theory, to the Axiom of Choice.
Some common examples of rings for which every left ideal is cyclic are
semisimple rings, principle ideal domains, and proper quotient rings of principal
ideal domains, such as Z=(n) for any integer n > 1:
We will restrict our attention, for the duration of this section, to modules
over a principal ideal domain R: Since R has no proper zero divisors, the
restriction placed on division by the annihilator inclusion is vacuous; it merely
prevents division of a nonzero module element by the zero element of R: In
the study of the structure of injective modules in Chapter 9, one of the critical
topics will be the determination of injective hulls of certain cyclic modules. In
the present circumstances, we have a rather convenient way of describing some
of these injective hulls. First note that, by Observation 7 of Section 4, we see
that a uniform divisible R-module must be an injective hull of each of its nonzero
submodules. Let K be the eld of fractions of the principal ideal domain R:
Then K is certainly a divisible R-module, and it is also uniform since for any
two nonzero elements x = r1 =r2 and y = r3 =r4 of K; the cyclic modules Rx
and Ry both contain the nonzero element r1 r3 : Thus K is an injective hull
of R: As a particular case of this, we note that the ring Q of rational numbers
is an injective hull of the Z-module Z:
For each prime element p of a principal ideal domain R we can construct
an additional uniform injective R-module. (In Chapter 9 we will nd that we
have here constructed, up to isomorphism, every uniform injective R-module.)
Notice that for each positive integer n; the cyclic left R-module R=Rpn+1
contains a cyclic submodule isomorphic to R=Rpn : Speci cally, fp + Rpn+1 g
generates such a submodule. This observation allows us to construct a nest of R-
modules, in the following manner. Let A1 = R=Rp: There exists an R-module
A2 isomorphic to R=Rp2 containing A1 : Similarly, there eixsts an R-module
A3 isomorphic to R=Rp3 containing A2 : By continuing in this manner, we
produce a complete nest A1 A2 : : : of R-modules with Ai = R=Rpi for
each positive integer i: Let A be the union of this nest of R-modules. We will
show that A is both divisible and uniform.
Let a be a nonzero element of A and let n be the least positive integer
for which a is in An : For any nonzero element r of R; we have r = pk q
for a nonnegative integer k and for an element q of R relatively prime to
p: By construction, there exists an element y of An+k satisfying a = pk y:
Moreover, if m = n + k; then pm y = 0: Since p and q are relatively prime,
there exist elements u and v in R satisfying 1 = upm + vq: Therefore
Chapter 7. Embedding modules in injective modules 113

y = upm y + vqy = q(vy) and so a = pk y = pk q(vy) = r(vy): From this

we conclude that A is divisible. The cyclic submodule generated by a is
An A1 ; consequently, since a is an arbitrary nonzero element of A; we see
that A is uniform.
Since A is uniform and divisible (that is, injective), it is an injective hull
of each of its cyclic submodules Ai = R=Rpi : We will adopt R(p1 ) as the
standard notation for any left R-module isomorphic to A:
We leave the veri cation of the following observation as an exercise.
Observation 4: Let p be a prime element of a principal ideal do-
main R: Then each nonzero nitely-generated submodule of R(p1 )
is isomorphic ot R=Rpn for some nonnegative integer n:


Exercise 1: Decide if, for an arbitrary ring R; the class of divisible left
R-modules is closed under taking submodules and factor modules.
Exercise 2: Let Z=(n) be the ring of integers modulo n; and regard it as a
module over itself in the usual way.
(a) If n is a power of a prime, show that Z=(n) is divisible and therefore
injective as a Z=(n)-module.
(b) Show that Z=(n) is divisible (and therefore injective) even when n is not
a power of a prime.
Exercise 3: Let R be a principal ideal domain and let I be a nonzero ideal
of R: Regard the ring R=I as a module over itself in the usual way. Show that
it is divisible and therefore injective as an (R=I)-module.
Exercise 4: Let p be a prime element of a principal ideal domain R:
(a) Show that the cyclic submodule of R(p1 ) generated by an element a of
R(p1 ) is the least member of the nest de ning R(p1 ) that contains a:
(b) Show that the submodule of R(p1 ) generated by a nite set of elements of
R(p1 ) is cyclic.
(c) Use (a) and (b) to verify Observation 4.
Exercise 5: Let R be a principal ideal domain and let F be the eld of
fractions of R: For a prime p of R; let F (p) = fr=pn j r 2 R and n
a nonnegative integerg. Observe that F (p) is an R-submodule of F which
contains R: For any nonnegative integer n; the inclusions R F (p) F
yield R=Rp n
F (p)=Rp : Show that F (p)=Rp is an injective hull of
n n

R=Rpn if the integer n is positive.

Exercise 6: Let p be a prime integer. For each positive integer n; let
C(pn ) be the set of those complex numbers that are pn th roots of 1:
114 Chapter 7. Embedding modules in injective modules

(a) Verify that, for each n; the group C(pn ) is a subgroup of the multiplicative
group of complex numbers having absolute value 1:
(b) Verify that C(p [) is cyclic of order p and that C(p) C(p ) : : : .
n n 2

(c) Let C(p1 ) = C(pn ): Show that C(p1 ) is an injective hull of C(pn )
for each n: (Here we are regarding C(p1 ) and its subgroups as Z-modules,
even though the notation is multiplicative rather than additive.)
Exercise 7: \ If U is a nonempty subset of a left R-module A then we de ne
ann(U ) to be ann(a): Suppose that R is a ring which is injective as a
left module over itself and suppose that I and H are left ideals of R: Show
that ann(I \ H) = ann(I) + ann(H):
Exercise 8: Let R = Z[X] be the ring of polynomials over Z and let K
be its eld of fractions. Show that K=R is a divisible left R-module which is
not injective.
Exercise 9: Consider the eld R of real numbers as a left Z-module. Is it
divisible? Is the left Z-module R=Z divisible?
Exercise 10: Let A be a left R-module and let B = fa 2 A j ann(a) is
a large left ideal of Rg: Show that B is a submodule of A:
Exercise 11: Let R be a left noetherian ring and let H = fr 2 R j ann(r)
is a large left ideal of Rg: Show that for every sequence h1 ; h2 ; : : : of elements
of H there exists a positive integer n such that hn hn 1 : : : h1 = 0:

Notes for Chapter 7

The ability of an arbitrary module to be embedded in an injective module is a
major feature of module theory. This result, due to Baer [5], was rst exploited
systematically by Cartan and Eilenberg [15]. The equally-fundamental theory
of the injective hull is due to Eckmann and Schopf [22]. A slicker (but less
intuitive) proof of the embeddability of every module in an injective module is
given in [91]. Wiegand [115] has shown an interesting analogy between alge-
braic extensions of elds and essential extensions of modules, in which the role
of the algebraic closure of a eld is played by the injective hull of a module. She
has used this analogy to create the rudiments of a “Galois Theory” of essential
extensions of modules.
The dual notion of the injective hull is that of the projective cover of a mod-
ule. See [6]. Unfortunately, projective covers of modules do not always exist
for arbitrary rings. Rings over which all modules have projective covers are
considered so wonderful by ring theorists that they are called perfect rings.
The notions of injective objects and injective hulls can be de ned in contexts
Chapter 7. Embedding modules in injective modules 115

(categories) other than those discussed here, and are equally important there. In
the category of normal topological spaces, Tietze's Theorem states that the closed
interval [0; 1] is injective; See [61]. In the category of Banach spaces, the fact
that the space of real numbers is injective is known as the Hahn-Banach Theorem;
refer to [97].
Chapter 8. Injective modules as a class

1. General closure properties

Before we begin our structural investigation of injective modules, we will deter-
mine the closure properties of the class of injective left R-modules for various
rings R: For an arbitrary ring R; the class of injective left R-modules has
only two closure properties of signi cance. One of them we have already seen
in Observation 4 of Section 6.2: the class of injective modules is closed under
taking direct summands. The second is given by the following observation.
Observation 1: Let
Y fCi j i 2 g be a family of left R-modules.
The direct product Ci is injective if and only if each Ci is

Veri cation: Suppose that each left R-module Ci is injective. Now,

conversely assume that each left R-module Ci is injective. Y Let A be a
submodule of a left R-module B and let : A ! C = Ci be a
map. For each h in ; let h : C ! Ch be the canonical projection
map onto Ch : Then, by the injectivity of Ch ; we know that there exists a map
h : B ! Ch the restriction of which to A is h : Therefore there exists a
map : B ! C such that h = h for each h 2 ; and the restriction of
to A is precisely :

2. Cogenerators
We have the proper tools to construct, for each ring R; modules that have the
properties that are dual to those of generators. Recall that in Chapter 6 we
de ned a left R-module A to be a generator if and only if every left R-module
is an epimorphic image of a coproduct of copies of A:
De nition: A left R-module C is a cogenerator if every left R-module is
isomorphic to a submodule of a direct product of copies of C:
One consequence of this is immediate. A left R-module containing a cogen-
erator as a submodule is itself a cogenerator. As for generators, one always has

118 Chapter 8. Injective modules as a class

the simple example of a generator that is also projective: R: In a few special

cases, a cogenerator is also readily available. For example, if R is semisimple
then R is a cogenerator that is also injective. For an arbitrary ring, it is not as
evident that a cogenerator exists. We will show this, and also show that there
exists a cogenerator which is “minimal” in a very well-de ned sense.
Observation 1: A left R-module C is a cogenerator if and only if,
for each simple left R-module A; the module C contains a submodule
isomorphic to an injective hull of A:

Veri cation: First assume that C is a cogenerator. Let A be a simple

left R-module having an injective hull E: Since C is a cogenerator, E is
isomorphic to a submodule E 0 of a direct product of copies of C: Furthermore,
E 0 in turn has a large submodule A0 isomorphic to A: As a consequence of
Observation 1 of Section 0.6, there must exist a projection of E onto one of
the factors in this direct product, the kernel of which does not contain A0 : Since
A0 is simple, this means that ker( ) \ A0 = (0) and, since A0 is large in E 0 ;
we can conclude that ker( ) = (0). Thus C contains the submodule im( );
isomorphic to an injective hull of A:
Conversely, assume that C is a left R-module satisfying the stated condition
and let A be an arbitrary nonzero left R-module. For each nonzero element a
of A we can construct a map a : A ! C satisfying a a 6= 0: To do this
is not hard: given the element a; let Ba be the union of a maximal nest of
submodules of A each of which does not contain a: This is a submodule of
A to which a does not belong. Moreover, B = [Ba + Ra]=Ba is a simple
submodule of A=Ba : By hypothesis, C contains a submodule E isomorphic
to an injective hull of B and so there exists an R-monomorphism from B to
E which, by injectivity, can be extended to a map a form A=Ba to E: Now
de ne a to be the composition of the natural map A ! A=Ba , the map a ;
and the inclusion of E into C: Then surely a a 6= 0:
For each nonzero
Y element a of A; let Ca be a copy of C: De ne a map
from A to Ca as follows: if b 2 A and if 0 6= a 2 A; then
b : a 7! b a : The kernel of this map is (0) since, for each nonzero element
a of A; we have (a )(a) 6= 0: Thus we have shown that every left R-module
can be embedded in a product of copies of C; proving that C is a cogenerator.

Let fAi j i 2 g be a set of nonisomorphic simple left R-modules chosen

such that every simple left R-module is isomorphic to precisely one of a
them. For
each i in ; let Di be an injective hull of Ai : Finally, let D = Di :
Chapter 8. Injective modules as a class 119

By Observation 1, D is a cogenerator since an injective hull of any simple left

R-module is isomorphic to some submodule of D: In fact, D is a minimal
cogenerator in the sense that every cogenerator must contain a submodule that is
isomorphic to D: This will be easily demonstrated after noting the following
observation, the veri cation of which will be left as an exercise.
Observation 2: Let Bi be a direct sum of submodules of a
left R-module B and, for each 1 i k; let Ai be a submodule Pk of
B containing Bi as a large submodule. Then the sum i=1 i is
also direct.

We now show that if C is a cogenerator then D is isomorphic to a submod-

ule of C: Indeed, for each Y i 2 ; there is a set and an embedding of
Di into the direct product Ch of copies of C: In particular, for some
element h of the kernel of the projection h of this direct product onto
the factor Ch does not contain the image of Ai under ; for otherwise Ai
would be in the kernel of ; which it is not. Thus ker( h ) \ Ai is a proper
submodule of Ai and so must equal (0) by the simplicity of Ai : Since Ai
is large in Di ; this means that ker( h ) = (0) and so Di is isomorphic to a
submodule Ci of C: Let Bi be the submodule P of Ci that is isomorphic to Ai :
We are done if we can show that the sum i2 C i is direct, for then it is surely
aPsubmodule of C isomorphic to D: Assume that this is not the case. Then
i2 Ci is not direct for some nite subset of which, by Observation
P 2,
contradicts the fact that, by Observation 1 of Section 2.3, the sum i2 B i is
We now mention a very subtle point, so subtle that it was missed in many
standard textbooks in module theory. While it is true that D is a cogener-
ator having the property that every cogenerator must contain a submodule that
is isomorphic to D; there may well exist other cogenerators having this same
property, which are nonetheless not isomorphic to D: The rst examples of
rings over which this occurs were given by Osofsky [84].
We also note that, as a consequence of the above, there is an injective co-
generator which is isomorphic to a submodule of any other injective cogenerator,
namely an injective hull of D: For some important classes of rings, the module
D is itself injective. For example, from Observation 1 of Section 4, it will follow
that this is true for left noetherian rings.


Exercise 1: Use a nite induction argument to verify Observation 2.

120 Chapter 8. Injective modules as a class

Exercise 2: Show that the Z-module Q=Z is a cogenerator by showing that

it contains submodules isomorphic to all simple abelian groups.
Exercise 3: Generalize Exercise 2 by showing that if R is a principal ideal
domain having eld of fractions K 6= R then K=R is a generator.
Exercise 4: Aa left R-module A is co nitely generated if it has an injective
hull of the form Ci ; where the Ci are injective hulls of simple left R-
(a) Let A be a left R-module and let A0 be the sum of all simple submodules
of A: Show that A is co nitely generated if and only if A0 is a large nitely-
generated submodule of A:
(b) Show that a left R-module A isY co nitely generated if and only if, for any
embedding of A in a direct product Bi of left R-modules, there exists a
i2 Y
nite subset of such that the image of A is in Bi :
(c) Show that the left Z-module Z is nitely generated but not nitely cogener-
ated. an
(d) If A = Ai ; show that A is co nitely generated if and only if each
of the Ai is co nitely generated.
Exercise 5: Let ' : R ! S be a homomorphism of rings, and let S
have the structure of a left R-module as in Exercise 5 of Section 6.2. Then
HomR (S; A) has the structure of a left S -module for every left R-module A:
Show that this is a cogenerator if A is.

3. Hereditary rings again

When we ask for those rings for which every factor module of an injective left
R-module is injective, we are led back to a familiar class.
Observation 1: A ring R has the property that every factor module
of an injective left R-module is injective if and only if it is left heredi-

Veri cation: Suppose that R is left hereditary and let A0 be a proper

submodule of an injective left R-module A: We must show that A=A0 is also
injective. Let L be a left ideal of R and let be a map from L to A=A0 :
Since R is left hereditary, L is a projective left R-module and so there exists a
map : L ! A such that = ; where : A ! A=A0 is the natural map.
Since A is injective, there is a map 0 from R to A the restriction of which
to L is : The restriction of to L is ; proving that A=A0 is injective.
Now suppose that R has the property that factor modules of injective left
Chapter 8. Injective modules as a class 121

R-modules are always injective. Let A be an arbitrary injective left R-module,

let A0 be a submodule of A; let L be a left ideal of R; and let be a map
from L to A=A : By Observation 2 of Section 7.3, we see that to prove that

L is projective we need only show that can be lifted through the natural map
: A ! A=A0 : Since A=A0 is injective, we know that has an enlargement
: R ! A=A : Since R is projective, there exists a map 0 : R ! A

satisfying = 0 : If : A ! L is the inclusion map, then 0

is a map
from L to A satisfying ( ) = :

For which rings R is every left R-module isomorphic to a factor module of

an injective left R-module? The answer to this question is the class of quasi-
Frobenius rings, which will be discussed brie y in Section 6 of Chapter 9.

Exercise 1: Let R be a left hereditary ring, and P let C1 ; : : : ; Cn be in-

jective submodules of a left R-module A: Show that i=1 Ci is an injective
submodule of A:
Exercise 2: Let R be a ring contained in a left R-module C: Let A be an
arbitrary left R-module. ha i.
(a) Show that A is isomorphic to a submodule of Ci B; for some
family fCi j i 2 g of copies of C and some submodule B of this coproduct.
(b) Suppose further that R is left hereditary and that C his injective.
i.Show that
A can be embedded in an injective module of the form Ci B:
Exercise 3: Show that a ring R is left hereditary if and only if, for any left
R-module A; the sum of two injective submodules of A is again injective.

4. Noetherian rings
For which rings is the class of injective left R-modules closed under taking
coproducts? Not all rings. For example, let F be a eld and let R be a
direct product of countably-many copies of F: For each positive integer i; let
ri be the element of R de ned by
1 if i = j
ri : j 7! :
0 otherwise
Then Rri is an injective left R-module for each i; but Rri is not
injective. The answer to our question will take us back to the class of left
noetherian rings, discussed in Section 7.2
122 Chapter 8. Injective modules as a class

Observation 1: If R is a left noetheriana ring and if fCi j i 2 g

is a family of injective left R-modules, then Ci is injective.

Veri cation: Baer's Criterion is a powerful tool

ahere. Let L be a left
ideal of R and let be a map from L to C = Ci : Since R is left
noetherian, L is nitely generated and so, by the nature
aof the coproduct, there
is a nite subset of such that im( ) 0
C = Ci : We know that
a coproduct of nitely-many injective left R-modules is injective, and so there
exists a map : R ! C 0 which enlarges : The composition of this map with
the inclusion map C 0 ! C is then a map which restricts to on L:

Observation 2: If R is a ring having the property that the co-

product of every countable family fCi j i = 1; 2; : : :g of injective
hulls of simple left R-modules is injective, then each submodule of a
nitely-generated left R-module is nitely generated.

Veri cation: Let R have the property mentioned in the observation, and
let A be a submodule of a nitely-generated left R-module B: We will verify
the observation by assuming that A is not nitely generated and producing a
contradiction. Indeed, if A is not nitely generated, elements a1 ; a2 ; : : : can
be chosen in succession from A so that
Ra1 Ra1 + Ra2 :::
is a strictly ascending nest of submodules [1 of A: For each positive integer h;
let Ah = i=1 Rai ; and let A = 0
Ah : For each x 2 A0 ; there is an
n such
a1that x 2 Ai for all i n: Thus we can de ne a map from A0
to A0 =Ai by x : i 7! x + Ai : As a consequence of Observation 1 of
Section 2, we note that for each i there is a nonzero map i from A0 =Ai to a
left R-module Ci which isa the injective hulla
of a simple left R-module. These
1 1
maps then de ne a map : 0
A =Ai ! Ci : By the hypothesis of the
a1 i=1 i=1
observation, Ci is injective and can be enlarged to a map from B
a1 i=1 a1
to Ci : For each positive integer h; let h be the projection of Ci
i=1 i=1
onto Ch : Then we have two contradictory statements concerning im( ): since
B is nitely generated, B h = (0) for all but nitely-many indices h; on
the other hand, for each h we have B h A0 h 6= (0): This veri es the
Chapter 8. Injective modules as a class 123

Observation 3: A ring R has the property that the coproduct of

every countable family of injective hulls of simple left R-modules is
injective if and only if it is left noetherian.

Veri cation: If R is left noetherian then the required closure property

follows from the stronger one stated in Observation 1. If R has the property
that the coproduct of every countable family of injective hulls of simple left R-
modules is injective, then every left ideal of R must be nitely generated by
Observation 2.

In particular, a ring R has the property that the coproduct of every countable
family of injective left R-modules is injective if and only if it is left noetherian.
We also note that the injective modules over a left noetherian ring have another
simple closure property.
Observation 4: If R is a left noetherian ring and if C is a left
R-module which is the union of a nest fCi j i 2 g of injective
submodules, then C is injective.

Veri cation: Let be a map from a left ideal L of R to C: Since L

is nitely generated and since fCi j i 2 g is a nest, there is an element h
of such that im( ) Ch : By the injectivity of Ch ; the map can be
enlarged to a map : R ! Ch C: The observation now follows from Baer's

Observation 5: A ring R has the property that the union of each

countable nest of injective left R-modules is injective if and only if it is
left noetherian.

Veri cation: If R is left noetherian, then the required closure property

holds as a consequence of Observation 4. Now suppose that R has the stated
closure property. If fCi j i = 1; 2; : : :g is a countable family of injective left
R-modules, then C1 C1 q Ca 2 : : : is a countable nest of injective left R-
modules, the union of which is Ci : By hypothesis, this is injective. By
Observation 3, R is therefore left noetherian.

Exercise 1: Let R be a left noetherian ring and let A be a left R-module.

(a) Show that A contains a maximal injective submodule C: Can you determine
whether C must be unique?
124 Chapter 8. Injective modules as a class

(b) Show that A = B C; where C is injective and B contains no nonzero

injective submodules.
(c) Show that if R is both left noetherian and left hereditary, then A contains
a unique maximal injective submodule.
Exercise 2: Let R be an arbitrary ring.
(a) Let A be a left R-module that contains a nite independent set fa1 ; : : : ; ak g
which generates a large submodule of A: For each 1 i k; let Ai be an
injective hull for the cyclic submodule Rai of A: Show that A is isomorphic
to a submodule of Ai :
(b) Now assume that R is left noetherian and that A is a left R-module having
a maximal independent subset U (not necessarily nite). For each u 2 U;
let Au be an injective hull of a the cyclic left R-module Ru: Show that A is
isomorphic to a submodule of Au :
Exercise 3: Let R be an arbitrary ring and letafCi j i 2 g be a
collection of injective left R-modules. Show that Ci is injective if
and only if, for each countably-in nite nest L1 L2 : : : of left ideals
of R there exist a positive integer n and a nite subset of such that
HomR (Lh+1 =Lh ; Ci ) = (0) for all h > n and all i 2 r :
Exercise 4: Let R be a left hereditary left noetherian ring and consider a
P fCi j i 2 g of injective submodules of a left R-module A: Show
that i2 Ci is an injective submodule of A:
Exercise 5: Let R be an arbitrary ring and let C be an injective left R-
module containing R: Show that haany lefti.
R-module A can be embedded in an
injective module of the form Ci B; for some family fCi j i 2 g
of copies of C and some submodule B of this coproduct.
Exercise 6: Let R be a left noetherian ring and let A be a nitely-generated
right R-module. Show that HomR (A; R) is a noetherian left R-module.

Notes for Chapter 8

In summary, we see that the class of injective left R-modules is closed under:
1. summands for all R;
2. direct products for all R;
3. factor modules if and only if R is left hereditary;
4. coproducts if and only if R is left noetherian;
5. unions of nests if and only if R is left noetherian; and
6. submodules if and only if R is semisimple.
Chapter 8. Injective modules as a class 125

The observation that the closure of the class of injectives under coproducts (or
unions) of nests necessitates the ring being left noetherian is due to Hyman Bass
and Zoltan Papp, working independently. The remaining closure properties can
be found in [15].
Chapter 9. Structure of injective

1. Introduction
We have come to the climax of Part Two. Three tools will be fundamental for
our structural investigations: (1) the concept of a uniform module introduced in
Chapter 1, (2) our knowledge of injective hulls, and (3) some special features of
modules over left noetherian rings. A reasonably good insight into the structure
of uniform injective modules can be developed. For arbitrary injective modules,
the structure will only be clari ed when the ring is left noetherian.
Twice before we have seen that left noetherian rings behave especially well
in relation to injectivity. The construction of injective hulls is apparently easier
when the ring is left noetherian. For left noetherian rings R, the class of
injective left R-modules is closed under taking coproducts. This closure property
and the good behavior to be exhibited in Section 5 with respect to uniformity are
the keys to the determination of the structure of the injective modules over left
noetherian rings.
We will give no structural results for arbitrary injective left R-modules over
rings which are not left noetherian. The device that we consistently use for
analyzing the structure of modules is the method of direct sum decomposition.
A few moments of consideration will suggest that a penetrating analysis of the
structure of injective modules by this means could be expected only for rings
for which the injective modules are closed under coproducts. As we have seen,
these rings are precisely the left noetherian rings. To determine the structure of
injectives over more general rings, other methods will be needed.

2. Uniform injective modules

It is possible to reduce the problem of determining the structure of uniform injec-
tive modules over an arbitrary ring to considerations involving the left ideals of
that ring. This possibility is suggested by the principle that each nonzero element
of a uniform module is interrelated with the overall structure of the module. In

128 Chapter 9. Structure of injective modules

the present situation, this principle takes the following form.

Observation 1: If c is a nonzero element of a uniform injective left
R-module C; then Rc is a uniform cyclic left R-module and C is an
injective hull of Rc:

Veri cation: Since C is uniform, Rc is uniform and large in C: Since

C is injective, it must be an injective hull of Rc:

The observation suggests a program for cataloging the uniform injective left
R-modules. The rst step should be to catalog the uniform cyclic left R-
modules. Since each cyclic left R-module is isomorphic to a factor R=L for
some left ideal L of R; this step merely requires determining which left ideals
of R produce uniform factor modules. The second step should be to determine
when two uniform left R-modules R=L and R=L0 have isomorphic injective
hulls. We begin by answering the following question: for which left ideals L of
R is the left R-module R=L uniform?
De nition: A left ideal L of a ring R is meet-irreducible if it is not the
intersection of any two left ideals of R properly containing it.
Observation 2: For a left ideal L of R; the left R-module R=L
is uniform if and only if L is meet-irreducible.

Veri cation: If R = L; the observation is immediate. Therefore, for the

remainder of the veri cation, we will assume that L is properly contained in R:
Suppose that R=L is uniform, and that L0 and L00 are left ideals of R properly
containing L: Then the intersection of the two nonzero submodules L0 =L and
L00 =L of R=L is again nonzero. This means that L0 \ L00 6= L: Now suppose,
conversely, that L is meet-irreducible. Any pair of nonzero submodules of
R=L is of the form L0 =L and L00 =L; where L0 and L00 are left ideals of R
properly containing L: By the meet-irreducibility of L; we have L0 \ L00 6= L
and so (L0 =L) \ (L00 =L) = [L0 \ L00 ]=L; which is not (0):

When do uniform cyclic left R-modules have isomorphic injective hulls?

Observation 3: Let A be a nonzero uniform cyclic left R-module
having an injective hull C and let A0 be a nonzero uniform cyclic left
R-module having an injective hull C 0 : Then C = C 0 if and only if
there are nonzero submodules B and B 0 of A and A0 satisfying
B = B0:

Veri cation: Suppose : C ! C 0 is an isomorphism. Since C 0 is

Chapter 9. Structure of injective modules 129

uniform, its submodule B 0 = A0 \ im( ) is nonzero, and is isomorphic to the

submodule B = B 0 1 of A: Conversely, suppose that : B ! B 0 is an
isomorphism between submodules B of A and B of A : By injectivity, this
0 0

map has an enlargement : C ! C 0 : Since B is large in A; it is large in C

as well. Since ker( ) \ B = (0); this means that ker( ) = (0) and so is
an R-monomorphism. Then im( ) is injective and from the uniformity of C 0
we conclude that im( ) = C 0 and that is an isomorphism.

Uniform modules are always indecomposable. We should notice at this

stage that the converse holds if the modules are injective. Indeed, let C be
an indecomposable injective left R-module and let B 0 be a nonzero submodule
of C: Then B 0 has an injective hull C 0 contained in C; which is a direct
summand of C: Since C is indecomposable, this means that C 0 = C and
so B 0 is large in C: Therefore there can be no nonzero submodule B 00 of C
satisfying B 0 \ B 00 = (0) and so no submodule of C can be a direct sum of
proper submodules. This remark allows us to make the following observation.
Observation 4: A nonzero injective left R-module is uniform if and
only if its endomorphism ring is local.

Veri cation: By Observation 5 of Section 1.2, we know that a left R-module

having a local endomorphism ring is indecomposable, and so one direction of the
observation follows from the above remarks. Now assume that A is a uniform
injective left R-module. If is an endomorphism of A having kernel (0)
then A is an injective large submodule of A and so must equal all of A:
This implies that is an automorphism of A and so, in particular, is invertible.
We conclude therefore that the noninvertible endomorphisms of A are precisely
those which have nonzero kernels. If and are maps of this kind then, by
uniformity, ker( ) \ ker( ) 6= (0): But ker( + ) ker( ) \ ker( );
and so + is also noninvertible. This proves that the endomorphism ring of
A is local.

We can now give an explicit description of our cataloging procedure. Let L

be the set of all meet-irreducible left ideals of R: For L and L0 in L; we
write L L0 if R=L and R=L0 contain isomorphic nonzero submodules.
From Observation 3, we know that is an equivalence relation on L and the
injective hulls of R=L and R=L0 are isomorphic if and only if L L0 : Then
a complete catalog, without repetitions, of the uniform injective left R-modules
over a ring R may be obtained as follows: from each equivalence class of meet-
irreducible left ideals of R; chose one member and take its injective hull. This
cataloging procedure will be illustrated for a very special type of ring in the next
130 Chapter 9. Structure of injective modules


Exercise 1: Show that every simple left R-module is injective if and only if
every left ideal of R is the intersection of maximal left ideals.
Exercise 2: If R is a ring satisfying the equivalent conditions in Exercise
1, show that no proper cyclic left ideal of R is isomorphic to R:
Exercise 3: If R is a commutative ring, show that every simple left R-
module is injective if and only if every nitely-generated ideal of R is of the
form Re for some idempotent element e of R:

3. Semiuniform injective modules

If A Mis a semiuniform left R-module, we know that it can be written as a direct
sum Ai of uniform submodules. In general, there is no reason for this
representation to be unique in any signi cant sense, but if the left R-module A
happens to be injective as well, it turns out that we can say quite a bit about the
uniqueness of such a representation.
We begin with a technical observation.
Observation 1: Let E M be an injective left R-module which can be
written as B B and0
Ai , where B and the Ai are all
nonzero uniform submodules of E; and where associated with these
direct-sum decompositions we have inclusion maps : B ! E and
i : A i ! E (for each i 2 ) and projections : E ! B and
i : E ! Ai (for each i 2 ). Then there eixsts an element h of
such that h is an isomorphism and Eh = Ah B 0 :

Veri cation: Since B is a direct summand of E; it is injective. If b is

a nonzero element
M of B; then there exists a nite subset M of such that
b 2 Di = Ai : Thus E = D1 D2 ; where D2 = Ai : For
i2 i2 r
j = 1; 2; let j : Dj ! E and j : E ! Dj be the natural injection and
projection respectively. Then j j is an endomorphism of B for each j
and the sum of these two endomorphisms is the identity map on B: Since the
endomorphism ring of B is local by Observation 4 of Section 2, we conclude
that one of these maps must be an isomorphism. Indeed, it must be 1 1
since b 2 2 = 0: For each i 2 ; let i = i i : Each of these maps is
again an endomorphism of B and the sum of the i is 1 1 : As before, the
locality of the endomorphism ring of B implies that there exists an element h
Chapter 9. Structure of injective modules 131

of such that h is an isomorphism.

Let = h and = h : Then h = and so, in particular, is
an R-epimorphism. If a 2 Ah then a 2 B so a = b for some b 2 B:
Therefore a = b + (a b ) 2 B + ker( ): Since B \ ker( ) = (0);
we see that Ah = B ker( ): But Ah is uniform and B 6= (0); so
we conclude that ker( ) = (0); which proves that is an isomorphism, as
If b 2 B then there exists an element a of Ah such that b = b = a = a
and so b a 2 ker( ) = B 0 : Thus, b 2 Ah + B 0 for all b 2 B; proving
that E = Ah + B 0 : On the other hand, Ah \ B 0 = ker( ) = (0) and so
E = Ah B 0 :

Before going on, we need to mention two facts about sets. The rst of these
is rather obvious: if is an in nite set and if, to each element i of ; we
associate a nite set i such [ that not all of these sets are empty, then there is
an injective function from i to : The second act is more subtle: if
and are nonempty sets and if there exist injective functions ! and
! then there is, in fact, a one-to-one correspondence between and :
This result is known as the Schroeder-Bernstein Theorem and is proven in most
introductory textbooks on set theory. An analog of this theorem for injective
modules, due to Bumby [12], is given in Exercises 1 and 2.
Observation 2: Let E be a semiuniform injective left R-module
and let fAi j i 2 g and fBj j j 2 g be families of uniform
submodules of E satisfying the condition that
E= Ai = Bj :
i2 j2

Then there exists a one-to-one and onto function : ! satisfying

the condition that Ai = B (i) for all i 2 :

Veri cation: We begin by de ning an equivalence relation on the set

by setting i h if and only if the modules Ai and Ah are isomorphic.
A similar relation can be de ned on : If i 2 then, by Observation 1, we
see that there is an element j of such that Ai and Bj are isomorphic.
This means that there must exist a one-to-one correspondence between the set of
equivalence classes of de ned by the relation and the corresponding set
of equivalence classes of : We will be done if we can nd a one-to-one and
onto function between any pair of such corresponding classes.
132 Chapter 9. Structure of injective modules

In other words, we can assume that we are considering nonempty subsets 0

of and 0 of satisfying the following conditions:

1. If i 2 0
and h 2 ; then Ai = Ah if and only if h 2 0
2. If j 2 0
and k 2 ; then Bj = Bk if and only if k 2 0
3. If i 2 0
and j 2 0 then Ai = Bj :
Pick an element j1 of 0
: By Observation 1, there exists an element i1 of 0

" #
E = Ai1 Bj :
j1 6=j2

Again, if j2 is an element of 0
r fj1 g then there exists an element i2 of
r fi1 g satisfying
" #
E = Ai2 Bj :
j1 ;j2 6=j2

We can continue in this manner. If the set 0 is nite, then we will obtain
a corresponding nite subset of 0 and so show that 0 has at least as man
elements as 0 : We can also reverse the roles of 0 and 0 in the above
argument and so conclude that whenever at least one of the sets 0 and 0 is
nite, then both of them are nite and have the same number of elements, so that
the desired one-to-one and onto function exists.
Now assume that both of the sets 0 and 0 are in nite. Choose an element
i of 0 and, for each element j of ; let j be the restriction of the projection
E ! Bj to Ai : Let i be the subset of consisting of all those elements
j for which j is an isomorphism. Clearly i 0
for each i: On the
other hand, by Observation 1,[we see that each element of 0 belongs to i for
some i 2 0 and so 0 = i : Any nonzero element a of Ai can be
Pt i2 0
written in the form a = h=1 bjh for some elements j1 ; : : : ; jt of : Then
a 2 ker( j ) for any element j of not among these elements. This shows
that the set i is nite for each i 2 0 : But the set 0 us assumed to be
in nite, and so, by the remark before this observation, there exists a one-to-one
function from 0 to 0 : A similar argument, with the roles of 0
and 0
reversed, shows that there exists a one-to-one function from 0 to 0 : By the
Schroeder-Bernstein Theorem, we now conclude that there is a one-to-one and
onto function from 0 to 0 :
Chapter 9. Structure of injective modules 133


Exercise 1: Suppose that B is an injective submodule of an injective left

R-module A and that there exists an R-monomorphism from A to B:
Show that A and B are isomorphic.
Exercise 2: Use the result in Exercise 1 to show that if A and B are left
R-modules each of which is isomorphic to a submodule of the other, then the
injective hulls of A and B are isomorphic.

4. For principal ideal domains

We will now illustrate the program described in Section 2 by cataloging the
uniform injective modules over a principal ideal domain R: In order to discuss
the ideals of R; we rst choose a representative set P of primes for R: Thus,
for each prime p in R there is a unique p0 in P such that p divides p0 :
Each ideal of R is of the form Ra for some a 2 R: When is Ra meet
irreducible? If a = 0 then ra = (0) is meet-irreducible by the absence of
zero-divisors in R: If a is invertible in R, then Ra = R is meet irreducible
(but of no interest to us). Now suppose that a is neither zero nor invertible. We
e(1) e(n)
may assume that a = p1 : : : pn ; where n and the exponents are positive
integers\and each pi is in P: If n > 1 then Ra is not meet irreducible because
n e(h)
Ra = Rph : We know that each nonzero proper meet-irreducible ideal
is of the form Rpe for some p 2 P and some positive exponent e: Now
Rpe Rp since R=Rpe contains the submodule Rpe 1 =Rpe ; which is
isomorphic to R=Rp: Thus, every nonzero meet-irreducible ideal of R is
equivalent to one of fRp j p 2 P g: Is it possible that Rp Rq for distinct
elements p and q of P ? If Rp Rq then since R=Rp and R=Rq are
simple, they would have to be isomorphic. Such an isomoprhism is not possible
because if 1 + Rp corresponded under such an isomorphism with r + Rq; we
would have p(1 + rp) = 0 corresponding to p(r + Rq) = pr + Rq 6= 0:
Thus we have observed that f(0)g [ fRp j p 2 P g is a complete set of
proper inequivalent meet-irreducible ideals of R: We need only describe the
injective hulls of the corresponding set of factor modules:
fRg [ fR=Rp j p 2 P g:
We have alredy described the injective hulls of these modules in Section 7.5.
On recalling our results there, we can conclude our description of the uniform
injective R-modules as follows:
Observation 1: For a principal ideal domain R; each nonzero
134 Chapter 9. Structure of injective modules

uniform injective R-module is isomorphic to one and only one of the

modules in the set fKg [ fR(p1 ) j p 2 P g; where K is the eld of
fractions of R and P is a representative set of primes in R:

In the next section, we will see that every injective module over a principal
ideal domain R is a direct sum of these uniform injective modules.
We have seen that when R is a principal ideal domain, each nontrivial meet-
irreducible ideal L is equivalent (under ) to precisely one ideal of the form
Rp; where p is prime.

Exercise 1: Let R be a principal ideal domain and let P be a representative

set of primes in R: Show that if an element a of R is neither zero nor invertible,
then Ra = Rb; where b is a product of positive powers of members of P:
Exercise 2: Let R be a principal ideal domain, p a prime element of R;
and e a positive integer. Show that Rpe is meet irreducible.

5. For noetherian rings

In this section the classi cation of the injective left R-modules, for a left noetherian
ring R; will be reduced to the program of classifying its uniform injective left
R-modules as described in Section 2. This reduction is accomplished by using
two powerful tools that are available for modules over these rings. One tool is
the closure of the class of injective left R-modules under coproducts, which we
saw in Chapter 8. The second tool is the fact that every left R-module contains
a large semiuniform submodule. This latter fact will be established in the course
of the next three observations.
Observation 1: If R is a left noetherian ring then each nonzero
cyclic left R-module contains a nonzero uniform submodule.

Veri cation: Assume that there exists a proper left ideal L of R such
that A = R=L contains no nonzero uniform submodule. Since A itself is
not uniform, there exist nonzero submodules A1 and B1 of A such that
A1 B1 A: Since B1 is not uniform, there exist nonzero submodules A2
and B2 of B1 such that A2 B2 B1 : Continuing inM this manner, we have
Ai+1 Bi+1 Bi for each positive integer i: Then Ai A; and
this direct sum is K=L for M some left ideal K of R containing L: Since the
(strictly in nite) direct sum Ai cannot be nitely generated, neither can
the left ideal K of L; contradicting the hypothesis that R is left noetherian.
Chapter 9. Structure of injective modules 135

Observation 2: If R is a left noetherian ring then each nonzero

left R-module contains a nonzero uniform cyclic submodule.

Veri cation: Let A be a nonzero left R-module and let B be a nonzero

cyclic submodule of A: By Observation 1, B contains a nonzero uniform
submodule C: Let D be any nonzero cyclic submodule of C: Since any
submodule of a uniform left R-module is uniform, D is a nonzero uniform
cyclic submodule of A:

Observation 3: If R is a left noetherian ring and if A is a left

R-module then the submodule B of A generated by a maximal
uniformly-independent set U is necessarily large in A:

Veri cation: Suppose that B is not large in A: Then there is a nonzero

submodule C of A such that B C A: By Observation 2, C contains a
nonzero element c for which Rc is uniform. Then U [ fcg is a uniformly-
independent subset of A properly containing U; contradicting the assumed
maximality. We therefore conclude that B is large in A:

Before going on to the major result of this section, we need one more tech-
nical observation, the veri cation of which will be left as an exercise. Compare
this result to Observation 2 of Section 8.2.
M4: Let A be a left R-module containing a submodule
of the form Ci : For each i 2 ; let Di be a submodule of A
i2 P
containing Ci as a large submodule. Then the sum i2 Di is also

We are now ready for our major result, the characterization of left noetherian
rings R in terms of the structure of injective left R-modules. You should
note that this fascinating and rather surprising result is composed of two unequal
parts: the statement that if R is left noetherian then every injective left R-
module is semiuniform, which is an easy consequence of the module-theoretic
observations we have made so far in this section, and the converse statement
that this property in fact characterizes left noetherian rings, which is much more
dif cult. In actual practice, the rst (easy) part is the most important and useful
of the two. Anybody working with modules over left noetherian rings uses it
again and again. The second part serves mainly as a warning that once you
136 Chapter 9. Structure of injective modules

venture away from left noetherian rings, you cannot take this valuable tool with
Theorem 3: A ring R is left noetherian if and only if every injective left
R-module is semiuniform.
Proof: Let R be left noetherian and let A be an injective left R-module.
Let U be a maximal uniformly-independent subset of A: For each u 2 U;
let Au be an injective hull of Ru contained in A: Since each Au contains
the uniform left R-module Ru as M a large submodule, each Au is also uniform.
From the directness of the sum Ru we infer the directness of the sum
M u2U
Au by Observation 4. From the maximality of U and Observation 3,
u2U M M
we conclude that Ru is large in A: Therefore Au is certainly
u2U u2U
also large in A and, since R is left noetherian,
M it is also injective. Thus it must
coincide with A and so we have A = Au ; where each Au is uniform.
Now assume that every injective left R-module is semiuniform. Consider a
set fAi j i 2 g of nonisomorphic simple left R-modules such that any simple
left R-module is isomorphicato one of them. For each i in ; select an injective
hull Di of Ai : Let D = Di and let G be a coproduct of a countably-
in nite number of copies of D: If fCh j h =a 1; 2; : : :g is a countable set
of injective hulls of simple left R-modules, then Ch is isomorphic to a
a1 summand of G; and so if G is injective then so is any such coproduct
Ch : Using Observation 3 of Section 8.4, we conclude that the injectivity
of G implies the left noetherianness of R: Thus we want to show that G is
Let E be an injective hull of G: By assumption, E = Ej ; where
each Ej is a uniform injective submodule of E: For each i 2 ; let (i) =
fj 2 j Ej = Di g: If n is a positive integer then, by repeated application
of Observation 1 of Section 3, we see that there exist elementsMj1 ; : : : ; jn of
such that the coproduct of n copies of Di is isomorphic to Ejh : This
[ h=1
implies that the set (i) is in nite for each i 2 : Set 0 = (i): Then
G is isomorphic to a direct summand of the direct summand 0
Ej of E;
and so is indeed injective.

A principal ideal domain is necessarily left noetherian. In Section 4, we

cataloged the uniform injective modules over such rings. Theorem 3, together
Chapter 9. Structure of injective modules 137

with this catalog, yields the following corollary.

Corollary: If R is a principal ideal domain then an R-module is
injective if and only if it is isomorphic to the direct sum of copies of
modules selected from the set fKg [ fR(p1 ) j p 2 P g; where K is
the eld of fractions of R and P is a representative set of primes in


Exercise 1: Verify Observation 4.

Let R be a commutative noetherian ring. Exercises 2 through 8 will deal

with R and its modules. This sequence of exercises culminates in the classi -
cation, due to Matlis [74], of the injective modules over commutative noetherian

Exercise 2: An ideal H of R is prime if and only if for all r; r0 2 R we

have rr0 2 H only when r 2 H or r0 2 H:
(a) Which ideals of the ring Z of integers are prime?
(b) Show that (0) is prime if and only if R is an integral domain.
(c) Show that a prime ideal of R must be meet irreducible.
Exercise 3: Let A be a left R-module and let a be an element of A:
(a) Show that ann(a) is an ideal of R:
(b) Show that the cyclic submodule Ra of A is isomorphic to R=ann(a):
(c) Suppose that B and C are large submodules of a nonzero left R-module
A; that every nonzero element of B has the ideal H as its annihilator, and that
every nonzero element of C has the ideal I as its annihilator. Show that if
A 6= (0) then H = I:
Exercise 4: Let H be an ideal of R: Show that H is prime if and only if
every nonzero element of R=H has H as its annihilator.
Exercise 5: If A is a left R-module, show that there is an element a of A
such that ann(a) is not properly contained in ann(b) for any 0 6= b 2 A:
Exercise 6: Let A be a left R-module and let a be as in Exercise 5.
(a) Show tht ann(ra) = ann(a) for all 0 6= r 2 R:
(b) Show that ann(a) is a prime ideal of R:
Exercise 7: Let A be a uniform injective left R-module and let a be an
element of A as in Exercise 5.
(a) Show that A is isomorphic to an injective hull of R=ann(a):
138 Chapter 9. Structure of injective modules

(b) If H is a prime ideal of R such that A is isomorphic to an injective hull

of R=H; show that H = ann(a):
Exercise 8: Verify the following assertions in connection with R :
(a) For each uniform injective left R-module A there is a unique prime ideal
H of R for which A is isomorphic with an injective hull of R=H:
(b) A left R-module is injective if and only if it is isomorphic to a coproduct of a
family of copies of modules isomorphic to injective hulls of modules of the form
R=H; where H is a prime ideal of R:

6. Projective injectives and quasi-Frobenius rings

The basic theme of Part One was projectivity. We were able to do quite a bit with
the general problem of determining the structure of projective modules. Let us
return to this theme and ask the following question: what is the structure of
a module that is both projective and injective? Since we have just discussed
injectives over principal ideal domains, the question may seem peculiar. For
principal ideal domains, the only module that is projective and injective is (0):
If we think back to semisimple rings, however, we see another picture altogether.
Every module over a semisimple ring is both projective and injective.
Our experience with injective modules suggest that we begin by asking for
the structure of uniform projective injective modules.
Observation 1: The uniform projective injective left R-modules
are precisely those isomorphic to indecomposable injective direct sum-
mands of R.

Veri cation: Let A be a uniform projective injective left R-module. Since

A is uniform and projective, it is isomorphic to a left ideal of R by Observation
4 of Section 1.2. Since A is injective, this left ideal is a direct summand of
R. Since A is uniform, this left ideal is indecomposable. Now let A be
isomorphic to an indecomposable injective direct summand A0 of R. Since A0
is injective and indecomposable, it is also uniform. As a direct summand of R;
it is certainly also projective.

For left noetherian rings, this observation extends to a structure theorem for
arbitrary projective injective modules.
Theorem 4: If R is a left noetherian ring then the projective injec-
tive left R-modules are, up to isomorphism, precisely the coproducts
of indecomposable injective principal left R-modules.

Proof: Since R is left noetherian, every coproduct of injective principal

Chapter 9. Structure of injective modules 139

left R-modules is injective and, of course, also projective. Since a R is left

noetherian, each projective injective left R-module is of the form Ci ;
where the Ci are uniform injective left R-modules and, each of the Ci must
also be projective. By Observation 1, each of the Ci is therefore isomorphic to
an indecompable injective principal left R-module:

It is possible to display the uniform injective left ideals of a left noetherian

ring in a rather neat manner. Since the class of injective left R-modules over
a left noetherian ring R is closed under the formation of unions of nests, we
know that R contains a maximal injective left ideal A: Thus R = A B
for some left ideal B of R which contains no nonzero injective M submodules.
Since A is injective, it is semiuniform, and so we have A = Ai : Thus
hM i i2
R = Ai B: Since R is cyclic, it is only nitely decomposable.
Thus h is nite,i and we may assume that = f1; : : : ; ng: Thus we have
R = Ai B; where the Ai are uniform projective injective left
ideals of R: Any nonzero uniform projective injective left R-module C is
isomorphic to a left ideal of R and must, by its uniformity, be isomorphic to a
submodule of some Ai : (Recall Observation 4 of Section 1.1.) Since the image
of C hin Ai is injective,
i we must have C = Ai by the uniformity of Ai : Thus
R= Ai B provides a complete display (possibly with repetitions)
of the isomorphism types of uniform projective injective left R-modules. Then
we have the following observation.
Observation 2: If R is a left noetherian ring then, up to isomor-
phism, there are only nitely-many uniform projective injective left

There is a widely-studied class of rings, the quasi-Frobenius rings, that have

been characterized in many ways. A close examination of these rings would
carry us in a direction tangential to the basic program of this book. However, the
structure of the projective and (?) injective modules over quasi-Frobenius rings
is known and is available to us instantly if we will set down the following highly
unorthodox de nition of a quasi-Frobenius ring. In spite of the peculiarity of
the de nition, it is actually equivalent to the various other de nitions in common
De nition: A ring R is a quasi-Frobenius ring if the class of projective left
R-modules coincides with the class of injective left R-modules.
Note that semisimple rings are quasi-Frobenius since each module over a
140 Chapter 9. Structure of injective modules

semisimple ring is both projective and injective. It is not very dif cult to verify
that proper factor rings of principal ideal domains are always quasi-Frobenius.
One of the stimuli to the development of the theory of quasi-Frobenius rings has
been the following fact, which we will not prove: if the characteristic of a eld
F is a prime that divides the order of a nite group G; then the group ring
F [G] is not semisimple but is quasi-Frobenius.
In order to derive the structure of the projective (= injective) modules over
quasi-Frobenius rings from Theorem 4, we need only two simple observations.
Observation 3: Every quasi-Frobenius ring is left noetherian.

Veri cation: If R is a quasi-Frobenius ring then, by de nition, the class of

all injective left R-modules is closed under taking coproducts.

Observation 4: If R is a quasi-Frobenius ring then every principal

left R-module is injective.

Veri cation: If R is a quasi-Frobenius ring then it is injective as a left

module over itself and hence so is any direct summand of it.

We now have the following immediate corollary to Theorem 4.

Corollary: If R is a quasi-Frobenius ring then the projective (=
injective) left R-modules are, up to isomorphism, precisely the semi-
principal left R-modules.

Notice that as a special case of our earlier

Mndiscussion, we have for each quasi-
Frobenius ring R a decomposition R = A; where each Ai is a uniform
projective injective left R-module and every uniform projective injective left R-
module is isomorphic to at least one of the Ai : The situation here strongly
resembles the special case in which R is semisimple.

Exercise 1: Let R be the ring of integers modulo pn ; where p is prime

and n is a positive integer.
(a) Classify the uniform injective left R-modules.
(b) Apply Theorem 3 to show that the injective left R-modules are precisely the
free left R-modules.
(c) Conclude that all projective left R-modules are free.
(d) Show that R is a quasi-Frobenius ring.
(e) Generalize (a) through (d) to the case in which R is a factor ring of an
Chapter 9. Structure of injective modules 141

arbitrary principal ideal domain modulo the ideal generated by a nonzero power
of a prime element.
Exercise 2: Let R be a quasi-Frobenius ring.
(a) Show that every left R-module is isomorphic to a submodule of a projective
(free) left R-module.
(b) Show that every left R-module is isomorphic to a factor module of an injec-
tive left R-module.
Exercise 3: Verify the following assertions concerning a ring R :
(a) Each left R-module is isomorphic to a submodule of a projective (free) R-
module if and only if each injective left R-module is projective.
(b) Each left R-module is isomorphic to a factor module of an injective left
R-module if and only if each projective (free) left R-module is injective.
Exercise 4: Show that if a ring is both left hereditary and quasi-Frobenius,
then it must be semisimple.
Example 5: A left R-module is continuous if and only if the following two
conditions are satis ed:
1. Any submodule of A is a large submodule of some direct summand of A;
2. Any submodule of A which is isomorphic to a direct summand of A is
itself a direct summand of A:
Show that a ring R is quasi-Frobenius if and only if every projective left R-
module is continuous.

Notes on Chapter 9
Chapter 9 as a whole is based for the most part on the work of Matlis [74]. At-
tention was drawn to the class of modules that are simultaneously projective and
injective by Jans [55]. Our unusual de nition of quasi-Frobenius rings can be
connected to the traditional de nition of Nakayama [79] by means of the results
in [24] and [29]. Also see [60]. Note that we do not say “left quasi-Frobenius
rings”. Although the de nition if a quasi-Frobenius ring R is in terms of left
R-modules, these rings turn out to be precisely the same rings satisfying the
corresponding de nition for ring R-modules.
Observation 2 of Section 3 is a special case of a more general result known as
the Krull-Remak-Schmidt-Azumaya Theorem, which does not deal with injective
modules but rather with modules isomorphic to a coproduct of modules having
local endomorphism rings. For proofs of this more general result, see [102], on
which the approach here is based, or [2].
From [24] and [29], we can show that the following seven assertions are
142 Chapter 9. Structure of injective modules

equivalent for a ring R :

1. Every left R-module is isomorphic to a submodule of a free left R-module.
2. Every left R-module is isomorphic to a submodule of a projective left
3. All injective left R-modules are projective.
4. R is a quasi-Frobenius ring.
5. All projective left R-modules are injective.
6. All free left R-modules are injective.
7. Each left R-module is isomorphic to a factor module of an injective left
Further characterizations of quasi-Frobenius rings have been found in [64], [82],
[98] and [107].

Chapter 10. Finitely-generated

1. Introduction
We will begin our considerations of nitely-generated modules by asking the
following question. For any arbitrary ring R; what closure properties does
the class of nitely-generated left R-modules have? Any factor module of a
nitely-generated left R-module must be nitely generated. Consequently, the
class of nitely-generated left R-modules is closed under taking factor modules
and direct summands. The coproduct of a family of nonzero nitely-generated
left R-modules will be nitely-generated if and only if the family is nite. In
Chapter 11, countably-in nite coproducts of nitely-generated modules will be
examined and used. Rings differ with regard to the property of submodules of
nitely-generated modules being necessarily nitely generated.
Observation 1: A ring R has the property that each submodule
of a nitely-generated left R-module is nitely generated if and only if
R is left noetherian.

Veri cation: If each submodule of a nitely-generated left R-module is

nitely generated, then, in particular, every left ideal of R must be nitely
generated, and so R is left noetherian. Now suppose that R is left noetherian.
Then, by Observations 1 and 2 of Section 8.4, we see that each submodule of a
nitely-generated left R-module must be nitely generated.

The preceding veri cation of Observation 1 allowed us to review the powerful

machinery of injectivity that was developed in Part Two. In Exercises 1 through
3, we have outlined a traditional proof of this observation that uses only elemen-
tary concepts. For one particular class of left noetherian rings, the structure of
nitely-generated modules has long been known. In the next section we will
prove this structure theorem by a method that continues our review of the theory
of injective modules.

146 Chapter 10. Finitely-generated modules


Exercise 1: Let A be a submodule of a left R-module B: Suppose that

U is a subset of A that generates A and V is a subset of B for which
fv + A j v 2 V g generates B=A:
(a) Show that U [ V generates B:
(b) Show that if both A and B=A are nitely generated, then so is B:
Exercise 2: For an arbitrary ring R; a left R-module A is said to be
noetherian if A and each of its submodules is nitely generated.
(a) Show that factor modules of noetherian left R-modules are noetherian.
(b) Show that a left R-module B must be noetherian if it contains a submodule
A for which both A and B=A are noetherian.
Exercise 3: Let R be a left noetherian ring.
(a) Use Exercise 2(b) and nite induction to show that each free left R-module
with a nite basis is noetherian.
(b) Use Chapter 5 and Exercise 2(a) to show that if R is left noetherian then
each nitely-generated left R-module is noetherian.
Exercise 4: Let A be a nitely-generated left R-module having an injective
hull E which is also projective. Show that E is nitely-generated.

2. For principal ideal domains

We are going to embark on a discussion of the structure of nitely-generated
modules over principal ideal domains. Before we do so, however, we must rst
make the following observation, the proof of which is left as an exercise.
Observation 1: If R is a principal ideal domain having eld of
fractions K then every nonzero nitely-generated R-submodule of
K is isomorphic to R:

Now we are ready to state our main result.

Theorem 5: If R is a principal ideal domain, then a nonzero R-
module A is nitely generated if and only if it is a direct sum of a
nite family of cyclic submodules, each of which is isomorphic either
to R or to R=Rpn for some prime p of R and some positive integer

Proof: One direction is trivial: if A is a direct sum of a nite family of

cyclic submodules then it is certainly nitely generated. The hard part is proving
the converse direction.
Chapter 10. Finitely-generated modules 147

Since principal ideal domains are surely noetherian, the previous section has
provided us with the following tools to be used in our discussion: A can contain
no submodule that is a direct sum of an in nite family of nonzero submodules
and, in particular, every independent subset of A is nite. According to the
following argument, it will be suf cient to show that each such A has a direct
summand of one of the speci ed types. If we assume that every nonzero nitely-
generated R-module contains a direct summand of the desired sort, then we can
decompose successively, with nonzero summands Ci of the desired type, to

A = C1 B1 = C1 C2 B2 = C1 C2 C3 B3 = : : : .
This process must terminate in an equality A = C1 : : : CnM for some positive
integer n since otherwise A would contain a submodule Ci ; where
each Ci is nonzero. Thus, we proceed to show that A has a nonzero summand
isomorphic either to R or to R=Rpn for suitable p and n:
Let U = fa1 ; : : : ; ak g be a maximal uniformly-independent subset of A:
For each 1 i k; let Rai ! Ei be an embedding of the cyclic submodule
Rai of A into an injective hull. The R-monomorphism
k a
Rai ! Ei
i=1 i=1
ak ak
may be enlarged to a map :A! Ei since Ei is injective.
i=1 i=1
Since R is left noetherian and since U is a maximal uniformly-indepndent
subset of A; we know that Rai is large in A: But
" #
ker( ) \ Rai = (0)

and so is an R-monomorphism. Consequently, from this point we may

regard A as a submodule of E = Ei , where each Ei is an injective
hull of a nonzero uniform cyclic R-module. In Section 9.4, we found that the
nonzero uniform cyclic R-modules are precisely the modules that are isomorphic
to R or R=Rpn for suitable p and n: In Section 7.5, we determined that
the injective hulls of these modules are K and R(p1 ); where K is the eld
of fractions of R and R(p1 ) was constructed as the union of a certain nest of
cyclic R-modules. For each 1 i k; let Ci be the image of A under the
148 Chapter 10. Finitely-generated modules

projection E ! Ei : Now let us consider the nature of the Ci : Each nonzero

nitely-generated submodule of K is isomorphic to R by Observation 1 and
each nonzero nitely-generated submodule of R(p1 ) is isomorphic to R=Rpn
for some nonnegative integer n; by Observation 4 of Section 7.5. Consequently,
from this point on, we may regard A as a submodule of Ci ; where each
Ci is either a copy of R or of R=Rp for some prime p 2 R and some

positive integer n and where, moreover, the projection of A onto each Ci is

an R-epimorphism.
By rearranging the indices if necessary, we may assume that one of the fol-
lowing is the case:
1. C1 = R; or
2. C1 = R=Rpn and there is no Ci for which Ci = R or Ci = R=Rpn+t
for some positive integer t:
In the rst case, the kernel of the projection from A to C1 is A \ B;
where B = Ci : The image of this projection is C1 = R; which is
projective. Consequently, A = C (A \ B) for some submodule C of A
isomorphic to R:
In the second case, let q be an element of R that is not divisible by p; but for
which qCi = (0) for for all Ci not of the form R=Rpt for any positive integer
t: We will make use of the following elementary fact. Since q is not divisible
by the prime p; there exist elements u and v of R such that 1 = uq + vpn :
Now choose an element c = (x1 ; : : : ; xk ) of A such that Ci = Rxi for each
1 i k: Then x1 = 1x1 = uqx1 + vpn x1 = uqx1 : Let C be the cyclic
submodule of A generated by qc = (qx1 ; : : : ; qxk ); and let B = Ci :
Then C \ B = (0) because any element r of R that satis es rqx1 = 0
also satis es rqc = (0; : : : ; 0): It follows that the projection of C to C1 is
an R-monomorphism, and it must also be an R-epimorphism since x1 = uqx1
is the image of uqc: Thus C = C1 = R=Rpn : To complete the discussion
of the second case, we nned only verify that A = C + (A \ B) : To do this,
observe that for any element a = (y1 ; : : : ; yk ) in A there is an element r 2 R
for which y1 = rx1 = ruqx1 ; and consequently a = ruqc + (a ruqc) 2
C + (A \ B) :
Reuniting the two cases, we have A = C (A \ B) ; where C is
isomorphic either to R or to R=Rp for some prime p and some positive

integer n; as desired.

If p is a prime element of a principal ideal domain R; then an R-module A

Chapter 10. Finitely-generated modules 149

is p-torsion if and only if each nonzero element is annihilated by some positive

power of p: We can apply Theorem 5 to completely describe the structure
of nitely-generated p-torsion R-modules. Suppose that we are given such a
module A: If A = (0) then there isn't more to be said, so we might as well
assume M that A is nonzero. Then, by Theorem 5, we can write A as a direct
sum Ai of cyclic submodules. Since each element of A (and so,
in particular, each element of each of the Ai ) is annihilated by some positive
power of p; we see that each Ai must be of the form R=Rpk(i) for some
positive integer k(i): It does no harm to rearrange the summands if necessary
and assume that k(1) k(2) ::: k(n) 1: Thus we have shown that
every nitely-generated p-torsion module may be assigned a nite nondecreasing
sequence of positive integers. But is this assignment unique? After all, it seems
at rst glance perfectly
Mm plausible that we could decompose in some other manner
as a direct sum R=Rph(j) ; with h(1) h(2) ::: h(m) 1
but with no necessary relationship between the k(i) and h(j): The following
observation shows that this cannot, in fact, happen.
Observation 2: Let p be a prime element of a principal ideal
domain R and let A be Man nitely-generated
Mm p-torsion R-module
which can be written as Ai and Bj ; for submodules
i=1 j=1
Ai and Bj satisfying:
(1) Ai is isomorphic to R=Rpk(i) for 1 i n;
(2) Bj is isomorphic to R=Rph(j) for 1 j m;
(3) k(1) k(2) : : : k(n) 1 and h(1) h(2) ::: h(m)
Then n = m and k(i) = h(i) for all 1 i n:

Veri cation: If A is a p-torsion R-module then the smallest positive integer

e satisfying pe a = 0 for all a 2 A is called the p-exponent of A and denoted
by e(A): If A has direct-sum decompositions of the above form, then both
k(1) and h(1) must equal e(A) and so must equal each other. We now
proceed to verify the observation by induction on the p-exponent of A:
First, assume that e(A) = 1: Then k(i) = 1 = h(j) for all i and j:
Moreover, A is a vector space over the eld R=Rp the dimension of which
is n (if one looks at the rst decomposition) or m (if one looks at the second
decomposition) and so we must have n = m:
Now assume, inductively, that e(A) > 1 and that the observation has been
veri ed for all nitely-generated p-torsion R-submodules having p-exponent less
than e(A): There are integers n0 n and m0 m such that k(i) 2 if
150 Chapter 10. Finitely-generated modules

and only if i n0 and h(j) 2 if and only if j m0 : Also, we note

that A = fpa j a 2 Ag is a submodule of A which can be written as
Mn0 Mm0
R=Rpk(i) 1 and as R=Rpk(j) 1 : Moreover, e(A0 ) < e(A) so,
i=1 j=1
by the induction hypothesis, n0 = m0 and k(i) = h(i) for all 1 i n0 :
Since A=A is just a vector space over R=Rp; the dimension of which is

n (if we look at the rst decomposition) and m (if we look at the second
decomposition), we see that n = m and h(i) = 1 = k(i) for all n0 < i n:

Now let us return to an arbitrary nonzero nitely-generated R-module A: By

Theorem 5, we see that either A is free or there exist prime elements p1 ; : : : ; pt
of R such that A = , where A0 is either a free submodule of A or is
(0); and where each Ai is a pi -torsion submodule of A the structure of which
is completely rescribed, as shown in Observation 2, by a nite nonincreasing
sequence of positive integers.

Exercise 1: Let R be a principal ideal domain having eld of fractions K;

and regard K as an R-module.
(a) Show that each nonzero cyclic submodule of K is isomorphic to R:
(b) Show that, for elements a=b and c=d of K (a; b; c; d 2 R), the module
R(a=b) + R(c=d) is R(g=bd); where g is the greatest common divisor of the
elements ad and bc in R:
(c) Use (a) and (b) and nite induction to verify Observation 1.
Exercise 2: Let R be a principal ideal domain that has (essentially) only
one prime; that is, each prime of R divides each other prime of R: The ring of
rational numbers expressible with odd denominators is such a ring. Reread the
proof of Theorem 5 and nd those points in the discussion that can be simpli ed
for such a ring.

Notes for Chapter 10

The results proven in this chapter are very old and are proven in many texts and
even in some introductory texts in modern algebra. For this reason, we have felt
free to give unusual proofs that are likely to be new to the readers. For more
traditional proofs, see [50], [90], and [101]. In particular, you may want to refer
to the proof of Theorem 5, based on a technique of Rado, given in [117]. The
veri cation of Observation 2 in Section 2 is based on the elegant argument in
Chapter 11. Countably-generated

1. Introduction
What are the closure properties ot the class of countably-generated left R-modules?
Since a homomorphic image of a countably-generated left R-module must be
countably-generated, the class of countably-generated left R-modules is closed
under taking factor modules and direct summands. The coproduct of a family
of nonzero countably-generated left R-modules will be countably generated if
and only if the family is at most countably-in nite. Direct sums of arbitrary
families of countably-generated left R-modules will be studied in Chapter 12,
and the results applied in Chapter 13. Rings differ with regard to the property of
submodules of countably-generated left R-modules being necessarily countably
Observation 1: A ring R has the property that each submodule
of a countably-generated left R-module is countably generated if and
only if each left ideal of R is countably generated.

Since we will not be using this observation, we will leave its veri cation
as an exercise. Probably the simplest countably-generated left R-modules are
coproducts of countable families of nitely-generated left R-modules. We will
study these modules in the next section.


Exercise 1: Let R be a ring.

(a) If A1 and A2 are left R-modules each having the property that all of their
submodules are countably generated, show thata1A1 q A2 also has this property.
(b) Let B be a submodule of a coproduct Ai of left R-modules. Show
[1 h ak i i=1
that B = B\ Ai :
k=1 i=1
(c) Show that if each left ideal of R is countably generated then each submodule

152 Chapter 11. Countably-generated modules

of each free left R-module with a countable basis is countably generated.

Exercise 2: Use Exercise 1 to verify Observation 1.

2. Coproducts of nitely-generated modules

The countably-generated modules that are direct sums of nitely-generated sub-
modules are easily characterized.
Observation 1: A countably-generated left R-module A is the di-
rect sum of nitely-generated submodules if and only if each nitely-
generated submodule of A is contained in a nitely-generated sum-

Veri cation: If A is the direct sum of nitely-generated submodules then

the second condition is clearly satis ed. Conversely, suppose that the contain-
ment is satis ed for a countably-generated left R-module A: If A is nitely
generated, no veri cation is needed. Therefore assume that this is not the case.
Thus we can nd a countable sequence a1 ; a2 ; : : : of elements of A such that
A is generated by U = fa1 ; a2 ; : : :g but by no nite subset of this countably-
in nite set. Let A1 be a nitely-generated direct summand of A which contains
Ra1 ; and let A = A1 C1 : Let B2 be a nitely-generated direct summand
of A that contains Ra2 + A1 ; and let A = B2 C2 : Since A1 B2
and A1 is a direct summand of A; we see that A1 is also a direct summand
of B2 : Let B2 = A1 A2 : Then A = A1 A2 C2 : This process can
be continued. Thus, there exists a nitely-generated direct summand B3 of A
containing A1 + A2 + Ra3 : This yields decompositions
A = B3 C3 ;
B3 = A1 A2 A3 ; and
A = A1 A2 A3 C3 :
Continuation yields a submodule Ai of A: For each of the generators
Mh M1
ah ; we have ah 2 Ah : Consequently, U Ai and so A =
M1 i=1 i=1
Ai : Finally, each Ah is nitely generated, since it is a homomorphic
image (direct summand) of the nitely-generated left R-module Bh :

If we recast the previous observation only slightly, so that it will refer to

singleton subsets rather than to nitely-generated submodules, we will produce
a more effective tool.
Chapter 11. Countably-generated modules 153

Observation 2: A countably-generated left R-module A is the di-

rect sum of nitely-generated submodules if, for each direct summand
B of A; each element of B is contained in a nitely-generated direct
summand of B:

Veri cation: The veri cation of this observation is similar to that of Obser-
vation 1, with some slight changes. We make the decomposition A = A1 C1
as before. The decomposition A = A1 A2 C2 will be arrived at as follows:
Let a2 = x + y; with x 2 A1 and y 2 C1 : Now choose A2 to be a nitely-
generated direct summand of C1 containing y: Letting C1 = A2 C2 ; we
will have A = A1 A2 C M2 and a1 ; a2 2 A1 A2 : Continuing in this fashion
will yield, as before, A = Ai :

Observation 2 yields a powerful tool for the investigation of projective mod-

ules. The power of this tool will be further enhanced once we have Kaplansky's
Theorem, which appears in the next chapter. The tool referred to is expressed in
the following observation.
Observation 3: A ring R has the property that each countably-
generated projective left R-module is the direct sum of nitely-generated
submodules if and only if each element of each countably-generated
projective left R-module is contained in a nitely-generated direct sum-

Veri cation: The necessity of the containment condition is clear. The

suf ciency can be obtained from Observation 2.

In the next section, we will use this observation in the process of determining
the countably-generated projective left R-modules over one more class of rings.

3. Semihereditary rings
In Chapter 4 we introduced the broadest class of rings for which we could reduce
the structure problem for submodules of free modules to the study of left ideals.
This was the class of left hereditary rings. The left hereditary rings belong to
a larger class for which the structure problem of arbitrary submodules of free
modules has not been reduced to the study of left ideals, but for which the
structure problem for nitely-generated submodules of free modules has been
so reduced. This larger class is de ned as follows.
De nition: A ring R is left semihereditary if each nitely-generated left
ideal is projective.
154 Chapter 11. Countably-generated modules

Although we cannot handle arbitrary submodules of free modules over left

semihereditary rings, those that are nitely generated are very easily handled by
means of the techniques of Chapter 4.
Theorem 6: If R is a left semihereditary ring then each nitely-
generated submodule of a free left R-module is isomorphic to a direct
sum of nitely-generated left ideals of R:

Proof: Notice rst that a nitely-generated submodule of a free left R-

module is always contained in a nitely-generated free submodule. Thus, we
begin by aassuming that A is a nitely-generated submodule of a free left R-
module Ri : If n = 1; then A is a nitely-generated left ideal of
R = R1 : Now assume, inductively, that the theorem holds for all nitely-
generated submodules of free left R-modules having bases of n 1 elements.
Let be the projection of A onto R1 : Then im( ) is a nitely-generated left
ideal of R and is therefore projective.
an Consequently, A = A1 ker( ); where
A1 = im( ): Since ker( ) Ri ; we see that ker( ) is isomorphic to
a direct sum of nitely-generated left ideals of R by the induction hypothesis.
Thus A is isomorphic to a direct sum of nitely-generated left ideals of R; and
by nite induction the proof is complete.

This theorem has ve corollaries. The rst four are immediate and the
fth uses Observation 1 of Section 4.4. The second and third corollaries are
characterizations of left semihereditary rings.
Corollary 1: If R is a left semihereditary ring then a nitely-
generated projective left R-module is isomorphic to a direct sum of
nitely-generated left ideals of R:

Corollary 2: A ring R is left semihereditary if and only if each

nitely-generated submodule of a free left R-module is projective.

Corollary 3: A ring R is left semihereditary if and only if each

nitely-generated submodule of a projective left R-module is projec-

Corollary 4: A ring R has the property that each nitely-generated

submodule of a free left R-module is free if and only if each nitely-
generated left ideal of R is free.

Corollary 5: A commutative ring R has the property that each

nitely-generated submodule of each free left R-module is free if and
Chapter 11. Countably-generated modules 155

only if it is an integral domain in which each nitely-generated ideal is


You are now prepared for the main result of this chapter, the theorem that
justi es the introduction of semihereditary rings.
Theorem 7: If R is a left semihereditary ring then each countably-
generated projective left R-module is isomorphic to a direct sum of
nitely-generated left ideals of R:

Proof: By Observation 3 of Section 2 and by Corollary 1, to prove this

theorem it is enough to show that each element of each projective left R-module
is contained in a nitely-generated direct summand. Thus, we will assume that
A is a projective left R-module and that a is an arbitrary element of A: It
is remarkably easy to produce the required nitely-generated summand of A;
containing a; once A has been embedded as a direct summand in a free left
R-module: since A is projective, there is a free left R-module F satisfying
F =P A B: If U = fui j i 2 g is a basis of F; then we can write
a = i2 ri ui ; where the ri belong to R and there exists M
a nite subset
of such that ri = 0 for all i 2 r : Let F1 = Rui and
M i2
F2 = Rui : Then F = F1 F2 ; where a 2 F1 \ A: We will show
i2 r
that F1 \ A is a nitely-generated direct summand of F and consequently also
of A: Let be the projection of F1 onto B with respect to the decomposition
F = A B: The kernel of is F1 \ A and the image of is a nitely-
generated submodule of the projective left R-module B: By Corollary 3, im( )
is projective, and consequently F1 = (F1 \ A) C for some submodule C
of F1 isomorphic to im( ): Then F1 \ A is nitely-generated, since it is a
homomorphic image (in fact a direct summand) of F1 ; and
F = F1 F2 = (F1 \ A) C F2
shows that F1 \ A is a direct summand of F and therefore also of A; as

Perhaps the most transparent examples of semihereditary rings that are not
hereditary are found among the rings of sets that constitute the subject of the
next section. In order to study them, we need to make an additional observation
on semihereditary rings, the veri cation of which will be left as an exercise.
Observation 1: If R is a ring having the property that every cyclic
left ideal is a direct summand, then R is semihereditary. Moreover,
156 Chapter 11. Countably-generated modules

every countably-generated left ideal of R is semiprincipal.


Exercise 1: Let A be a left R-module having the property that each of its
cyclic submodules is a direct summand.
(a) Show that if A = B C and a = b + c for elements a 2 A; b 2 B; and
c 2 C; then A = B Rc D for some submodule D of C:
(b) Show that each nitely-generated submodule of A is a direct summand of
(c) Show that each countably-generated submodule of A is a direct sum of
cyclic summands of A:
Exercise 2: Verify Observation 1.
Exercise 3: Show that a ring which is both left semihereditary and quasi-
Frobenius is semisimple.

4. Rings of sets
Let U be an arbitrary set and let P (U ) be the power set of U: That is, P (U )
is the set of all subsets of U: It is easy to verify that P (U ) is a commutative
ring, when we de ne addition and multiplication by
W +Y = (W [ Y ) r (W \ Y ) and
W Y = W \Y
for all W; Y 2 P (U ): The identity element of P (U ) with respect to multipli-
cation is U itself. Each ideal L of P (U ) is closed not only under addition
and multiplication, but also under union, since W [ Y = W + Y + W Y: The
object of this section is to show that the ring P (U ) is always semihereditary but
not always hereditary. That P (U ) is always semihereditary is a consequence
of the following observation, which contains extra information as well.
Observation 1: Each nitely-generated ideal of P (U ) is a cyclic
direct summand of P (U ):

Veri cation: For any arbitrary subset W of U; the ideal of P (U )

generated by W is the set P (W ) of all subsets of W and, since
P (U ) = P (W ) P (U r W );
every cyclic ideal of P (U ) is a direct summand. Now let L be an ideal of
P (U ) generated by a nite number of subsets, W1 ; : : : ; Wn of U: Then L
Chapter 11. Countably-generated modules 157
must contain W = Wi and, since the ideal generated by W contains
each of the Wi ; we have L = P (W ): Thus the nitely-generated ideals of
P (U ) are precisely the cyclic direct summands of P (U ):

From this observation and from Theorem 7, we can arrive at a very clear
description of the countably-generated projective modules over a ring of the form
P (U ):
Observation 2: Each countably-generated projective P (U )-module
is semiprincipal, and each principal P (U )-module is of the form P (W )
for some subset W of U:

If the set U is nite, then P (U ) is semisimple and therefore certainly

hereditary. However, if U is in nite then P (U ) is not hereditary. Since the
countably-generated ideals of P (U ) are always projective, by Observation 1 of
Section 3, it is dif cult at this stage to show that P (U ) is not hereditary when
U is not nite. However, in Section 13.1 we will prove an extended version of
Theorem 7, namely that if R is a left semihereditary ring then every projective
left R-module is isomorphic to a direct sum of nitely-generated left ideals. If
we accept this result now, we conclude that:
Observation 3: Every projective P (U )-module is semiprincipal.

This will allow us to obtain the following result.

Observation 4: If U is an uncountable set, then the ideal I of
P (U ) which consists of all countable subsets of U is not projective.

Veri cation: Suppose that I is projective. Then it must be semicyclic,

and hence there
Mis a family fWi j i 2 g of countable subsets of U for
which I = P (Wi ): By the directness of this decomposition, distinct
pairs chosen from fWi j [ i 2 g are disjoint. Since each singleton subset of
U is in I; we see that Wi = U: Thus fWi j i 2 g is a partition
of U into countable subsets. The index set must therefore[be uncountable.
Now let be a countably-in nite subset of ; and let W = Wi : Since
W is countable, it belongs to I: By the construction of W; it cannot be
expressed as the union of a nite number of subsets from the various Wi : Thus,
the direct decomposition of I is contradicted, and we conclude that I cannot
be projective.

The class of rings of the form P (U ) constitutes a special subclass of the

158 Chapter 11. Countably-generated modules

class of boolean rings, where a ring R is boolean if r2 = r for all r 2 R:

The following observation is left as an exercise.
Observation 5: Boolean rings are semihereditary.

Boolean rings are, in turn, a subclass of the class of rings regular in the sense
of Von Neumann, where a ring R is regular in the sense of Von Neumann if for
each element r 2 R there exists an element r0 2 R satisfying rr0 r = r:
Observation 6: Rings which are regular in the sense of Von Neu-
mann are semihereditary.


Exercise 1: Verify Observation 5.

Exercise 2: Suppose that R is a ring containing elements r and r0 for
which rr0 r = r: Show that r0 r is an idempotent element of R and that
Rr = Rr0 r:
Exercise 3: Show that a ring is regular in the sense of Von Neumann if and
only if each of its cyclic left ideals is a direct summand.
Exercise 4: Verify Observation 6.
Exercise 5: Let U be a nite nonempty set having n elements. Show that
P (U ) is isomorphic to the ring direct product of n copies of the eld Z=(2) of
integers modulo 2.
Exericse 6: Let U be a nonempty set.
(a) Show that distinct cyclic ideals of P (U ) cannot be isomorphic as left P (U )-
(b) With each nite (indexed) nest W a1 W2 ::: Wn of subsets of
U; associate the left P (U )-module P (Wi ): Show that each nitely-
generated projective left P (U )-module is isomorphic to the module associated
with precisely one such nest.
Exercise 7: Let R be a division ring and let A be a left R-module. Show
that the ring of endomorphisms of A is regular in the sense of Von Neumann.
Exercise 8: Let R be a boolean ring.
(a) Show that r + r = 0 for every element r of R:
(b) Show that R is commutative.
(c) If I is a maximal ideal of R; show that R=I is isomorphic to the eld
Z=(2) of integers modulo 2.
Exercise 9: Let R be a boolean ring and let r be a nonzero element of R:
(a) Show that r 2 = R(1 r):
Chapter 11. Countably-generated modules 159

(b) Let A be the set of all ideals of R containing R(1 r) but not containing
r: Let M be a maximal nest in A; and let K = [M: Show that K is a
maximal ideal of R that does not contain r:
Exercise 10: Let R be a boolean ring.
(a) Use Exercise 9 to observe that each nonzero element of R lies outside at
least one maximal ideal of R:
(b) Let r and s be distinct elements of R and let I be a maximal ideal of
R that does not belong to r + s: Show that precisely one element of fr; sg
belongs to I:
(c) Let U be the set of all maximal ideals of R: Let ' be the function from
R to P (U ) de ned by ' : a 7! fI 2 U j a 2 = Ig for all a 2 R: Show that
' de nes an isomorphism of the ring R with a subring of P (U ):
Exercise 11: Prove that every prime ideal of a boolean ring is maximal.
Exercise 12: Show that a ring which is both regular in the sense of Von
Neumann and left noetherian is semisimple.
Exercise 13: Let R be a ring.
(a) Show that R is regular in the sense of Von Neumann if and only if every
cyclic left ideal of R is a direct summand.
(b) Show that R is regular in the sense of Von Neumann if and only if every
nitely-generated left ideal of R is a direct summand.
(c) If R is regular in the sense of Von Neumann, show that any factor ring of
R is also regular in the sense of Von Neumann.

Notes for Chapter 11

Observation 3 of Section 2 is due to Kaplansky [57]. Theorem 6 appears in [15].
Theorem 7 (and its extended version, which appears in Section 13.1) is due to
Albrecht [1]. As a guide to further results related to Theorem 7, see [18].
Rings regular in the sense of Von Neumann are interesting not only in their
own right, but also have important applications in functional analysis and other
elds of mathematics. The best source of further information about such rings
is [39].
Exercise 10 of Section 11.4 culminiates in the Stone Representation Theorem
for boolean rings [105].
Chapter 12. Coproducts of
countably-generated modules

1. Introduction
In his study of the structure of projective modules, Kaplansky [57] found that
every projective left R-module must be the direct sum of countably-generated
submodules. He obtained this fundamental result as a corollary to a theorem
that is the subject of the present chapter: the class of coproducts of countably-
generated left R-modules is closed under taking direct summands. The present
chapter is an exposition of Kaplansky's proof of this closure property, and the
next chapter consists of structural consequences for projective modules that are
derived through the use of this closure property.
If we wish, we may regard Kaplansky's closure theorem as a structure the-
orem in its own right – that is, as a structure theorem for direct summands of
coproducts of countably-generated modules. However, since we will not develop
any further structural insight into arbitrary coproducts of countably-generated
modules, the fundamental role played by the closure theorem in our study is that
of a very powerful lemma for the investigation of projective modules.

2. Kaplansky's Theorem
The purpose of this section is to prove that a direct summand of a coproduct of
countably-generated left R-modules is again a coproduct of countably-generated
left R-modules. We begin with the following setting: Let R be an arbitrary
ring, and let C be a left R-module M for which we have two direct-sum decom-
positions: C = A B and C = Ci ; where each submodule Ci of
C is countably generated. We ask what the second decomposition can tell us
about A: The approach we take to this question will lead us to consider nests of
subsets of : We can describe the construction of these nests most clearly after
introducing (purely for expository purposes) the concept of an ordinal embed-
ding. The next paragraph is a description of this concept. Following the notion
of Section 11.4, the set of all subsets of will be denoted by P ( ):

162 Chapter 12. Coproducts of countably-generated modules

We will use the fact that an ordinal number may be identi ed with the set of
all ordinal numbers that precede it. By an embedding of an ordinal k in P ( );
we mean a function f from k to P ( ) that is one-to-one and preserves
all unions (or at least upper bounds) that exist in k: This requirement that f
preserve unions can be intepreted very easily by describing the effect of this re-
quirement on the nature of the image im(f ) of f: The indexed family of subsets
im(f ) = ff (h) j 0 h < kg is a nest for which [ f (h) is a proper subset of
f (h ) whenever h < h and for which f (h ) =
0 0 0
f (h) whenever h0 is a
limit ordinal preceding k: Each ordinal
M embedding f : k ! P ( ) determines
a nest of direct summands Ch = Cj of C (0 h < k ) that will be
j2f (h)
fundamental to our discussion. To prevent ambiguity in the meaning of Ch ; we
assume that the index set contains no ordinal numbers. We will be concerned
not with arbitrary ordinal embeddings, but only with those that are appropriate
for the work to be done with respect to the speci ed decomposition of C: We
say that an ordinal embedding f : k ! P ( ) is appropriate if three conditions
are satis ed:
1. 1 k and f (0) = ?;
2. Ch = [A \ Ch ] [B \ Ch ] for all 0 h < k; and
3. f (h + 1) r f (h) is countable for all 0 h < h + 1 < k:
Notice that when we work with appropriate ordinal embeddings, we have
numerous summand relationships. For 0 h < k; the left R-module A \ Ch
is a direct summand of Ch and therefore also of C and of A: If h + 1 < k
then A \ Ch is also a direct summand of A \ Ch+1 : This multiplicity of
summand relationships is at the heart of the “appropriateness” of our specially-
selected ordinal embeddings. Speci cally, we make the following observation.
Observation 1: If f : k M
+ 1 ! P ( ) is an appropriate ordinal
embedding, then A \ Ch = Dh ; where each Dh is chosen so
that A \ Ch+1 = [A \ Ch ] Dh :
Veri cation: The sum Dh is direct since any violation of directness
would violate the directness of the decomposition
M A \ Ch+1 = [A \ Ch ] Dh
for some 0 h < k: The containment Dh A \ Ch is clear from
h<k M
the choices of the Dh : Since C0 = (0); we have A \ C0 Dh : Now
M h<k
suppose that A \ Cj Dh for all j < j 0 k: If j 0 is a limit ordinal,
Chapter 12. Coproducts of countably-generated modules 163

then we see that

" #
[ [ M
A \ Cj 0 = A \ Cj = [A \ Cj ] Dh ;
j<j 0 j<j 0 h<k

and if j 0 is not a limit ordinal, then j 0 1 is de ned and

A \ Cj 0 = [A \ Cj 0 1] Dj 0 1 Dh ;

which completes the veri cation.

We have some valuable knowledge about the direct summands Dh which

appeared in Observation 1.
Observation 2: Referring to the direct summands Dh (0 h < k)
in Observation 1: M
(1) Each Dh is isomorphic to a diret summand of Cj ;
j2f (h+1)rf (h)
(2) Each Dh is countably generated.

Veri cation: Assertion (1) follows from the following sequence of isomor-
Cj = Ch+1 =Ch
j2f (h+1)rf (h)

= [(A \ Ch+1 ) (B \ Ch+1 )] = [(A \ Ch ) (B \ Ch )]

= [(A \ Ch+1 ) = (A \ Ch )] [(B \ Ch+1 ) = (B \ Ch )]
= Dh [(B \ Ch+1 ) = (B \ Ch )] :
Assertion (2) follows form assertion (1), the countability of f (h + 1) r f (h);
and the countable generation of each Cj :

We have already observed that an appropriate ordinal embedding of the form

f : k + 1 ! P ( ) provides a direct decomposition of the associated submodule
A \ Ck of A. The next natural step would be to try to arrange for A \ Ck
to be as large as possible. We will say that an appropriate ordinal embedding
f : k ! P ( ) is maximal if its graph is not properly contained in the graph of
any other appropriate ordinal embedding.
Observation 3: If f : k ! P ( ) is a maximal appropriate ordinal
164 Chapter 12. Coproducts of countably-generated modules

embedding then k is not a limit ordinal.

Veri cation: If k were a limit ordinal,

[we could enlarge f to a function
f : k + 1 ! P ( ) by de ning f : k 7!
0 0
f (h): A thoughtful rereading
of the de ning conditions of an appropriate ordinal embedding will show that f 0
would be an appropriate ordinal embedding properly enlarging f:

Observation 4: There exists a maximal appropriate ordinal em-

bedding f : k ! P ( ):

Veri cation: There is always at least one appropriate ordinal embedding,

namely the function t : 1 ! P ( ) de ned by t : 0 7! ?: Let F be
the family consisting of the graphs of the appropriage ordinal embeddings into
P ( ): Let M be a maximal nest in F; and let G be the union of M: If G
is the graph of an appropriate ordinal embedding f; then f must be maximal,
due to the maximality of M: The set of rst coordinates of G is a subset of
the set of ordinals and is in fact an initial segment of ordinals. Thus, letting k
be the least ordinal that strictly exceeds the ordinals in this initial segment, G
is the graph of the function f : k ! P ( ): We need only show that f is an
appropriate ordinal embedding.
Case I: Suppose that k is not a limit ordinal. Then k = h + 1 for some
ordinal h; and h must be in the domain of an appropriate ordinal embedding
f 0 : h0 ! P ( ) having its graph in M: From the choice of k and the
de nition of f; it follows that h0 = k and f 0 = f: In particular, f is an
appropriate ordinal embedding.
Case II: Suppose that k is a limit ordinal. A contradiction will follow by
Observation 3 if we show that f is an appropriate ordinal embedding. Let h be
any ordinal preceding k: From the construction of k and the hypothesis that k
is a limit ordinal, it follows that there is an ordinal kh for which h + 1 < kh < k
and an fh : kh ! P ( ) having its graph in M: The conditions required for
f to be an appropriae ordinal embedding are satis ed because they are satis ed
by each fh for 0 h < k:

The preceding four observations will suggest how to approach the problem
of proving the following theorem.
Theorem 8 (Kaplansky's Theorem): For any ring R; each direct
summand of each coproduct of countably-generated left R-modules is
itself a direct sum of countably-generated submodules.

Proof: Let C be a left R-module having direct-sum decompositions C =

Chapter 12. Coproducts of countably-generated modules 165
A B and C = Ci ; where each Ci is countably generated. By
Observations 3 and 4, there exists a maximal appropriate ordinal embedding f :
k + 1 ! P ( ): If weM can show that f (k) = ; then by Observation 1 we will
have A = A \ Ck = Dh ; and we will know that each Dh is countably-
generated by Observation 2. Thus we will prove the theorem in the following
manner: we will assume that f (k) is a proper subset of ; and contradict the
maximality of k by constructing an appropriate ordinal embedding g : k + 2 !
P ( ) that enlarges f:
We will begin by locating the single source of dif culty that arises in the
construction of an appropriate ordinal embedding g : k + 2 ! P ( ) that
enlarges f: We must choose a nonempty countable subset of ; not
contained in im(f ); in such a manner that g(k + 1) = f (k) [ ; together with
g(h) = f (h) for all 0 h k; will de ne an appropriate ordinal embedding.
A review of the de nitions of ordinal embedding and of appropriateness will
show that any such will be satisfactory to meet all requirements save one, and
that one is Ck+1 = (A \ Ck+1 ) (B \ Ck+1 ) : The procedure will be to choose
an arbitrary j in r f (k) and then build by adjoining additional elements
of to fjg as needed to insure that Ck+1 = (A \ Ck+1 ) (B \ Ck+1 ) : For-
tunately, it will turn out that only a countable subset of needs to be adjoined
to fjg to produce this decomposition, and thus the theorem will follow.
Choose an arbitrary j in r f (k): We will build an in nite matrix [xuv ]
consisting of elements of C by choosing its rows in succession. The rst row
[x11 ; x12 ; x13 ; : : :] is chosen to be a sequence of elements that forms a generating
set for Cj :
The second row is chosen as follows: Let x11 = aM + b; with a 2 A
and b 2 B: With respect to the decomposition C = Ci ; we have
P P i2
a = i2 ai and b = i2 bi ; where ai = bi = 0 for all but nitely-many
elements i of : The set (1; 1) = fi 2 j ai 6= 0 or bi 6= 0g is nite.
The secondM row is chosen to be a sequence of elements that forms a generating
set for Ci :
i2 (1;1)
ThePthird row is chosen as follows: Let x12 = a + b; a = i2 ai and
b = i2 bi ; where a 2 A; b 2 B; and ai ; bi 2 Ci as before. Let
(1; 2) = fi 2 j ai 6= 0 or bi 6= 0g: This set is again nite. The
M row is chosen to be a sequence of elements that forms a generating set for
Ci :
i2 (1;2)
In choosing the fourth row, we proceed in a similar manner. We do not,
however, work with x13 but rather with x21 : The pattern will be to proceed
166 Chapter 12. Coproducts of countably-generated modules

down diagonals. At this step, we produce a nite set (2; 1):

The remaining rows are chosen in the same manner. The succession of
elements treated is x11 ; x12 ; x21 ; x13 ; x22 ; x31 ; x14 ; : : : ; and the corresponding
nite subsets of are
(1; 1); (1; 2); (2; 1); (1; 3); (2; 2); (3; 1); (1; 4); : : : .
We are now ready to de ne and complete the proof. Choose
"1 1 #
= fjg [ (u; v) :
u=1 v=1

With this choice made, the ordinal embedding g : k + 2 ! P ( ) is speci ed

by adding g(k + 1) = f (k) [ ; and we proceed to verify that in fact Ck+1 =
(A \ Ck+1 ) (B \ Ck+1 ) : Our basic tool will be the pattern of construc-
M of our in nite matrix and theM fact that the elements of the matrix generate
Ci : Since Ck+1 = Ck + Ci and Ck = (A \ Ck ) (B \ Ck ) ;
i2 i2 M
we need only verify that for each x 2 Ci we have a 2 A \ Ck+1 and
b 2 B \ Ck+1 such that x = a + b: To make this last veri cation, it is enough
to consider the special case in which
M x is one of the elements of our generating
set fxuv j u; v = 1; 2; : : :g of Ci : Thus, consider xuv = a + b and ask
if a and b are in Ck+1 as required. Because of the use of the diagonal pattern
in the construction of the matrix [xuv ]; at some nth step, for n (u + v 1)2 ;
the decomposition xuv = a + b is taken up, and the submodule generated by the
M chosen at this step contains both a and b: In fact, a and b both belong to
Ct Ck+1 ; as required. This completes the proof of the theorem.
t2 (u;v)

Some interesting generalizations of Kaplansky's Theorem have been proven

and applied to the study of algebraic questions that are outside the scope of this
book. Carol Walker [112] has given the following generalization: For a ring
R and an arbitrary in nite cardinal k; a summand of a coproduct of left R-
modules, each of which has a generating set of cardinality not greater than k; is
itself a direct sum of submodules each of which has a generating set of cardinality
not greater than k: A generalization that moves into the setting of nonabelian
groups has been given by Hill [46].
Chapter 13. Projective modules

1. Introduction
The two previous chapters have left us in a pleasant position. We can draw
some substantial conclusions about the structure of projective left R-modules
with virtually no effort. Since a projective left R-module is a direct summand
of a free left R-module and a free left R-module is certainly a coproduct of
countably-generated left R-modules (even cyclic left R-modules), Theorem 8
yields the following result.
Theorem 9: For any ring R; every projective left R-module is a
direct sum of countably-generated submodules.

By this theorem, the problem of determining the structure of the projective

left R-modules for some ring R is reduced to the special case of countably-
generated projectives. For some rings, Observation 3 of Section 11.2 will then
allow this problem to be reduced to the nitely-generated case. Speci cally,
Theorem 9 allows for an immediate improvement on Theorem 7.
Theorem 7 (completed): If R is a left semihereditary ring, then
every projective left R-module is isomorphic to a coproduct of nitely-
generated left ideals of R:

Does it seem likely that a theorem on the structure of modules over left
semihereditary rings will give us new insight into the internal features of left
hereditary rings? The following corollaries are immediate consequences of
Theorem 7. Other consequences are indicated in the exercises.
Corollary 1: Each left ideal of a left hereditary ring R is a direct
sum of nitely-generated left ideals.
Corollary 2: A hereditary integral domain is noetherian.

We can make use of Theorem 9 to get an even stronger result for modules
which are both projective and injective. First, however, we need to make an
additional observation.

168 Chapter 13. Projective modules

Observation 1: Let A be a nitely-generated left R-module having

an injective hull C which is also projective. Then C is nitely-

Veri cation: Since C is projective, there is an R-monomorphism fro

C to a free left R-module F: Since A is nitely-generated, there is a nitely-
generated free direct summand F 0 of F containing A : Let : F ! F0
be the projection of F onto F 0 : Then A \ ker( ) = (0) and so, since A
is large in C; it follows that ker( ) = (0) and hence C is isomorphic to a
submodule of F 0 : Since C is injective, it is isomorphic to a direct summand of
F 0 and so is nitely generated.

We can now conclude the following.

Theorem 10: If A is a left R-module which is both projective and
injective then it is a direct sum of nitely-generated submodules.

Proof: By Theorem 9, it suf ces to prove the assertion for the case that A is
countably-generated. Observation 2 of Section 11.2 provides the tool we need.
Let B be an arbitrary direct summand of A and let b be an element of B:
We need only show that b is contained in a nitely-generated direct summand of
B: Since A is injective, the same is true for B: Consequently, B contains an
injective hull C of Rb: But C is also projective since it is a direct summand
of A: From Observation 1, it follows that C is nitely-generated. Thus C is
the desired nitely-generated direct summand of B containing b:

The remainder of this chapter is devoted to determining the structure of pro-

jective modules over local rings.

Exercise 1: Let U be a nonempty set.

(a) Show that if A is a proper projective ideal of P (U ) and A is not of the
form P (U r fug) for any u in U; then A is properly contained in a proper
projective ideal of P (U ):
(b) Let L be the set of all nite subsets of U: Verify that L is an ideal of
P (U ):
(c) Assume now that U is in nite. Show that no maximal ideal of P (U ) that
contains L can be projective.
(d) Show that P (U ) is hereditary if and only if U is nite.
Exercise 2: A function f from the eld C of complex numers to itself is
an entire function if it possesses a derivative at each z 2 C:
Chapter 13. Projective modules 169

(a) Verify that the set E of all entire functions forms a commutative ring with
respect to addition and multiplication de ned by

7 f (z) + g(z) and

f +g : z !
f g : z! 7 f (z)g(z):

(b) When are two cyclic ideals of E isomorphic?

(c) Describe the nitely-generated ideals of E: (See [44] for the solution).
(d) Show that E is semihereditary.
(e) Describe the projective E -modules.
(f) Show that E is neither hereditary nor regular.

2. Local rings
In a division ring, the zero element is the only element that is noninvertible, that
is, does not have a two-sided multiplicative inverse. Thus, in a very trivial way,
a division ring has the property that its set of noninvertible elements elements is
a two-sided ideal. A number of other rings have this property. For each prime
integer p and each positive integer n; the noninvertible elements of the ring
Z=Zpn constitute the principal ideal generated by the coset p+Zpn : For the ring
consisting of those rational numbers that are expressible with odd denominators,
the noninvertible elements constitute the principal ideal generated by 2:
The name “local” originates with one of most important examples of a local
ring, coming from analysis. Let J be an open interval on the real line containing
0 and let R be the ring of all continuous functions from J to R; with addition
and multiplication being de ned elementwise: (f + g) : x 7! f (x) + g(x)
and f g : x 7! f (x)g(x): De ne an equivalence relation on R by saying
that f g if there is some open subinterval J 0 of J (possibly very small)
containing 0 such that f (x) = g(x) for all x 2 J 0 : Denote the equivalence
class of a function f by f and let the set of all such equivalence classes be
denoted by R: Then we can turn R into a ring by de ning addition and
multiplication as expected: f + g = f + g and f g = f g This ring is a local
ring, called the ring of germs of real-valued continuous functions at 0: Indeed,
to see that this ring is local, we note that f is invertible if and only if f (0) 6= 0:
Indeed, if this condition is satis ed, then, by continuity, there is an open interval
around 0 on which the function x 7! f (x) is de ned, and this function can be
enlarged to a function g 2 R giving rise to a germ g such that f g is the
germ of the constant function x 7! 1 (which is the multiplicative identity of
R). Therefore the sum of two noninvertible elements of R (namely germs of
170 Chapter 13. Projective modules

functions which take the value 0 at 0) is again noninvertible, proving that R

is local.
Additional examples of local rings are included in the exercises. These
examples motiviate having another look at those rings having the property that
their noninvertible ideals form a two-sided ideal, namely the local rings which
we introduced brie y in Section 1.2.
Let R be a local ring, and let L be the ideal of all noninvertible elements
of R: Surely, any left (or right) ideal of R that is proper must consist of
noninvertible elements. Thus, L is the unique maximal left ideal of R; the
unique maximal right ideal of R; and the unique maximal two-sided ideal of R:
Since L is the unique maximal left ideal of R there is, up to isomorphism, only
one simple left R-module, namely R=L: Since L is a two-sided ideal, R=L
is a ring. From the simplicity of the module R=L it follows that the ring R=L
is a division ring. By Observation 4 of Section 2.4, any two bases of the same
free (R=L)-module must have the same cardinality. Observation 6 of Section
2.4 now applies to give one of the pleasent features of local rings.
Observation 1: Any two bases of a free module over a local ring
must have the same cardinality.

We may think of a local ring R as a close relative of this division ring R=L:
For an arbitrary left R-module A; it may be appropriate to regard A as a
similarly-close relative of the associated left (R=L)-module A=LA: That this
intuition is appropriate for projective modules is shown by the following theorem
of Kaplansky.
Theorem 11: Each projective left R-module over a local ring R is

Proof: By Theorem 9, we may restrict our attention to countably-generated

projectives. By Observation 3 of Section 11.2 and a brief re-examination of the
direct sum decomposition made in Observation 2 of that section, we see that to
prove the theorem it suf ces to demonstrate that if R is a local ring then each
element x of a countably-generated projective left R-module P is contained
in a nitely-generated free direct summand of P: Since P is a countably-
generated projective, it is a direct summand of a countably-generated free left
R-module F = P Q: The procedure for nding a direct summand F 0 of
P that contains x will be to construct Mna basis V = fc1 ; c2 ; : : :g of F for
which, for some n; we have x 2 Rci and fc1 ; : : : ; cn g P: The
required basis V will be constructed by modifying a basis U = fb1 ; b2 ; : : :g of
F; which we will choose with particular attention to x:
Chapter 13. Projective modules 171

LetPU = fb1 ; b2 ; : : :g be a basis for F with respect to which the represen-

tation i=1 ri bi of x has the smallest number of Pnonzero coef cients ri 2 R:
Let the indexing of the basis be chosen so that x = i=1 ri bi ; where r1 ; : : : ; rn
are all nonzero. The desired basis V = fc1 ; c2 ; : : :g of F is constructed by
altering only the rst n elements of U: For each 1 i n; decompose b i
according to F = P Q to obtain bi = ci + di : Then we have

n X
n X
x= ri b i = ri ci + ri di :
i=1 i=1 i=1

Pn fx; c1 ; : : : ; cn g and since fd1 ; : : : ; dn g
P: P Q; we in fact have
i=1 r i di = 0 and so x = i=1 r i c i : Now let F 0
be the submodule of P
generated by fc1 ; : : : ; cn g: Then we have x 2 F 0 P and, to complete the
proof, it will suf ce to verify that fc1 ; : : : ; cn ; bn+1 ; bn+2 ; : : :g is a basis of F:
First we must lay out an important tool. The choice of the basis U gives us a
condition on the coef cients ri ; namely that no ri is a right linear combination
of the remaining coef cients. To justify this assertion, it is enough Pn to1 consider the
notationally most-convenient case, rn : Suppose that rn = i=1 ri ti ; where
the ti are elements of R: Then
n 1 X
n 1 X
n 1
x= ri b i + ri ti bn = ri (bi + ti bn )
i=1 i=1 i=1

and we have written x as a linear combination of n 1 vectors in F with

nonzero coef cients. Moreover, the set

U 0 = fb1 + t1 bn ; : : : ; bn 1 + tn 1 bn ; bn ; bn+1 ; : : :g

can be mentally veri ed to be a basis for F; contradicting the choice of U: This

contradiction justi es our assertion.
For each ci (1 i n) we have a unique representation

ci = rij bj + di ;

where di belongs to the submodule of F generated by fbn+1 ; bn+2 ; : : :g: We

need some information
Pn about thePcoef cients rij 2 R: To get it, replace each
ci in the equation i=1 r i c i = i=1 i bi by its expansion in terms of the basis
U: Equating coef cients of each bi ; then gives us a system of n equations of
172 Chapter 13. Projective modules
the form h=1 rh rhi = ri for 1 i n: Rearranging gives
i 1 X
rh rhi + ri (rii 1) + rh rhi = 0
h=1 h=i+1

for 1 i n: Since no ri is a right linear combination of the others, we con-

clude that the elements of R of the form ri ; : : : ; r(i 1)i ; rii 1; r(i+1)i ; : : : ; rni
are all noninvertible. Since this conclusion is valid for each 1 i n; we may
summarize that rij is noninvertible if i 6= j and that 1 rii is nonivertible
for each i:
So far, our discussion has been valid for arbitrary rings. We now make our
rst use of the fact that R is local: since 1 = rii + (1 rii ) and 1 rii is
noninvertible, we conclude that rii is invertible for each i:
To complete the proof of the theorem, it is suf cient to verify the following
assertion: if R is a local ring, if U = fb1 ; b2 ; : : :g is a basis for a free left
R-module F; and if we have a system of equations
ci = rij bj + di (1 i n)

for which rij is invertible if and only if i = j and each di is in the submodule
of F generated by fbn+1 ; bn+2 ; : : :g; then fc1 ; : : : ; cn ; bn+1 ; bn+2 ; : : :g is
also a basis of F: This will be proven by induction on n: Assume that the
corresponding assertion in which n is replaced by n 1 is true. Since rnn
is invertible, it is mentally veri able that fb1 ; : : : ; bn 1 ; cn ; bn+1 ; bn+2 ; : : :g is a
basis for
P F: (This also veri es the assertion for n = 1:) Moreover, the equation
cn = nj=1 rnj bj + dn can be solved for bn and the result substituted in the
preceding equations, to produce a system
n 1
ci = sij bj + ei (1 i n 1)

where each ei belongs to the submodule of F generated by the set

fcn ; bn+1 ; bn+2 ; : : :g:
In order to employ the induction hypothesis, we must show that sij is invertible
if and only if i = j: But we can compute that sij = rij rin rnn1 rnj for
1 i; j n 1: Therefore rin rnn1 rnj is noninvertible and so rij rin rnn1 rnj
is invertible if and only if rij is invertible. Thus sij is invertible if and
only if i = j: We can now employ the induction hypothesis and conclude that
Chapter 13. Projective modules 173

fc1 ; : : : ; cn ; bn+1 ; bn+2 ; : : :g is indeed a basis of F: This completes the proof

of the theorem.

Exercise 1: Let R be a ring. By a formal powerP1 seriesi in an indeterminate

X over R; we mean an expression of the form i=0 ai X ; where the ai are
elements of R: The set of all formal power series in X over R will be denoted
by R[[X]]: Addition and multiplication of elements of R[[X]] are de ned by
! !
1 X1 X1
i i
ai X + bi X = (ai + bi )X i and
i=0 i=0 i=0
! ! !
X1 X1 X1 X
ai X i bi X i = aj b k X i:
i=0 i=0 i=0 j+k=i

(a) Verify that R[[X]] is aP ring under these operations.

(b) Show that an element i=0 ai X of R[[X]] is invertible if and only if a0

is invertible in R.
(c) Show that R[[X]] is local if and only if R is local.
Exercise 2: Let R be a division ring.
(a) Show that all projective left R[[X]]-modules must be free.
(b) Show that submodules of free left R[[X]]-modules are necessarily free.
Exercise 3: Let R be a division ring and let X and Y be indeterminates
over R: Let R[[X; Y ]] denote the ring (R[[X]]) [[Y ]]; that is, the ring of formal
power series in the indeterminate Y with coef cients in the ring R[[X]]:
(a) Show that projective left R[[X; Y ]]-modules must be free.
(b) Show that any two bases of a free left R[[X; Y ]]-module must have the same
(c) Show that the left ideal of R[[X; Y ]] generated by fX; Y g is not projective.
Exercise P 4: In Exercise 1, we denote the elements of R[[X]] by formal
P1 i=0 ai X : Now let us look at all formal expressions of the form

i= 1 ai X : Addition of such expressions can be deP ned as before, but the de-

nition of multiplication breaks down, since the sum j+k=i aj bk may involve
an in nite number of nonzero summands P1 and therefore may fail to be de ned.
Let R hXi consist of those elements i= 1 ai X for which the there exists

some integer m 0 such that ai = 0 for all i < m: Then multiplication of

such elements is de ned in a manner analogous to that of R[[X]]:
(a) Verify that R hXi is a ring.
(b) Show that R hXi is a division ring if and only if R is a division ring.
174 Chapter 13. Projective modules

(c) Let R be a division ring. Since R hXi contains R[[X]] as a subring,

it can be regarded as a left R[[X]]-module: Show that the left R[[X]]-module
R hXi is an injective (divisible) hull of the left R[[X]]-module R[[X]]: (Help
is available in [75].)
Exercise 5: Show that a commutative ring which is both local and hereditary
is a principal ideal domain.
Exercise 6: Let K be a eld and let n be a positive integer. Let R be
the subring of the full ring of all n n matrices over K consisting of those
lower-triangular matrices [rij ] for which r11 = r22 = : : : = rnn : Show that
the noninvertible elements of R are precisely those matrices having 0 on the
diagonal, and hence that R is a local ring.
Exercise 7: Let R be a local ring and let H be a proper two-sided ideal of
R: Is R=H a local ring?

Notes for Chapter 13

Theorems 9 and 10 are due to Kaplansky [57] and Theorem 7 is due to Albrecht
[1]. The dependence of Chapters 11, 12, and 13 on Kaplansky's paper can
hardly be overemphasized. These three chapters are essentially an embedding
of Albrecht's paper into Kaplansky's with the result being incorporated into the
program of the present book.
Among the most important classes of commutative rings are Dedekind do-
mains. These rings may be de ned in several ways; the de nition most in tune
with our approach here is the following: a Dedekind domain is a hereditary
integral domain. We have already encountered these rings in Corollary 2 to
Theorem 7. The problem of describing the structure of the projective and in-
jective modules over a Dedekind domain is reducible to considerations involving
ideals of R : by Theorem 7, every projective left R-module must be isomorphic
to a coproduct of (necessarily nitely-generated) left ideals of R: Moreover,
since R is an integral domain, every left ideal of R must be uniform and
consequently the projective left R-modules are also semiuniform. By Corollary
2, R is noetherian and consequently, by Theorem 3, each injective left R-module
is semiuniform. Therefore each uniform injective left R-module is isomorphic
to the injective hull of R=P for a unique prime ideal P of R:
In [15] or [91], Dedekind domains are de ned in terms of “invertibility” of
ideals. In [19] or [118], you will nd a proof of the observation that each ideal
of a Dedekind domain is uniquely expressible as a product of prime ideals. This
theorem explains the long-standing interest in Dedekind domains, which harks
back to the work of Dedekind on Fermat's Last Theorem. Also, in [118] you
Chapter 13. Projective modules 175

will nd the interesting result that each ideal of a Dedekind domain can actually
be generated by two or fewer elements.

Chapter 14. Torsion and torsionfree

1. Introduction
One of the fundamental constructions of commutative ring theory is that of the
classical ring of quotions at a multiplicatively-closed subset of the ring. Speci -
cally, if R is a commutative ring and S is a nonempty multiplicatively-closed
subset of R r f0g; then one can construct the ring S 1 R by the following
sequence of steps:
1. De ne an equivalence relation on the set R S by setting
(r; s) (r0 ; s0 ) if and only if there exists an element s00 of S such that
s00 (s0 r sr0 ) = 0: Denote the equivalence class of the pair (r; s) by r=s;
and denote the set of all such equivalence classes by S 1 R:
2. De ne addition and multiplication on S 1 R as follows: if r=s and r0 =s0
are elements of S 1 R; then

r=s + r0 =s0 = [s0 r + sr0 ]=ss0 and

(r=s) (r0 =s0 ) = rr0 =ss0 :

Moreover, if A is a left R-module then we can construct the left (S 1

module S 1 A by the following sequence of steps:
1. De ne the equivalence relation on the set A S by setting
(a; s) (a ; s ) if and only if there exists an element s00 of S such that
0 0

s00 (s0 a sa0 ) = 0: Denote the equivalence class of the pair (a; s) by a=s;
and denote the set of all such equivalence classes by S 1 A:
2. De ne addition and scalar multiplication on S 1 A as follows: if a=s and
a0 =s0 are elements of S 1 A then

a=s + a0 =s0 = [s0 a + sa0 ]=ss0 :

If r=s is an element of S 1
R and if a0 =s0 is an element of S 1
A, then
180 Chapter 14. Torsion and torsionfree modules

de ne
(r=s) (a0 =s0 ) = ra0 =ss0 :

In the most common application of this construction, one takes S to be

R r H; where H is a prime ideal of R: If R is an integral domain and
S = R r f0g; then S 1 R is precisely the eld of fractions of R: Indeed,
the motivation of this de nition comes from the way the rational numbers are
constructed from the integers.
When one checks the above construction in detail, one sees that the commu-
tativity of the ring R is vital in making it work (see Exercise 1) and so it is not
obvious at all how to extend it to arbitrary noncommutative rings. (For some
noncommutative rings one can use this method; see Exercises 3 and 4.) As in
may cases we have already discussed in this book, it turns out that the best way
to attack this problem is not “internally” – by looking at the elements of the ring
– but “externally” – by looking at injective and projective modules over the ring.
The key to this approach lies in Section 7.5, where we noticed that if K is the
eld of fractions of a principal ideal domain R then, considered as a left R-
module, it is an injective hull of R: Perhaps rings and modules of fractions can
be constructed as (submodules of) injective hulls.
This approach indeed works, though it will take us three chapters to complete
it. In this chapter, we begin the construction by considering what, at rst glance,
is a totally different problem, that of the notions of torsion and torsionfree mod-
ules. In Chapter 15 we will use these to construct modules of auotients, and
nally in Chapter 16 we will construct the ring of quotients of the ring and show
that we in fact obtain what we were looking for.


Exercise 1: Let R be a commutative ring and let S be a nonempty

multiplicatively-closed subset of R r f0g:
(a) Verify that S 1 R; with addition and multiplication as de ned above, is
indeed a ring.
(b) If A is a left R-module, verify that S 1 A; with addition and scalar
multiplication as de ned above, is indeed a left (S 1 R)-module.
Exercise 2: Let R be a commutative ring and let S be a nonempty
multiplicatively-closed subset of R r f0g:
Let A be a nitely-generated left R-module. Show that S 1 A = (0) if and
only if there exists an element s of S satisfying sA = (0):
Exercise 3: Let R be an arbitrary ring and let S a nonempty multiplicatively-
Chapter 14. Torsion and torsionfree modules 181

closed subset of R r f0g satisfying the following conditions:

(a) No element of S is a zero divisor in R; and
(b) If r 2 R and s 2 S then there exist elements r0 2 R and s0 2 S such
that s0 r = r0 s:
Show that the ring S 1 R can be constructed by the classical method described
Exercise 4: If R is a left noetherian ring satisfying the condition that
rr0 6= 0 for all nonzero elements r and r0 of R and if S a nonempty
multiplicatively-closed subset of R r f0g; show that the ring S 1 R can be
constructed by the classical method described above.
Exercise 5: A commutative semihereditary integral domain is known as a
Prüfer domain. If R is a Prüfer domain and if S is a nonempty multiplicatively-
closed subset of R r f0g; show that S 1 R is also a Prüfer domain.

2. Equivalent injective modules

To begin our program, we are going to look at classes of injective modules which
are, from a homological point of view, equivalent. These classes will form a
basis for our later constructions.
De nition: Injective left R-modules E and E 0 are equivalent if each one
of them is isomorphic to a submodule (and hence a direct summand) of a direct
product of copies of the other.
Observation 1: Injective left R-modules E and E 0 are equivalent
if and only if, for any left R-module A; there exists a nonzero map
from A to E when and only when there exists a nonzero map from
A to E 0 :
Veri cation: Suppose that E and E 0 are equivalent and let be a nonzero
map from a left R-module A to E: Then there exists a family Y fBi j i 2 g
of copies of E and an R-monomorphism
:E !B = Bi : Since
im( ) is a nonzero submodule of E; there exists an element h of such
that im( ) h 6= (0); where h is the projection of B onto Bh : Thus h
is a nonzero map from A to E 0 : Reversing the roles of E and E 0 ; we see,
in a similar manner, that if there is a nonzero map from A to E 0 we must also
have a nonzero map from A to E.
Now assume, conversely, that this condition is satisifed. Let
H = HomR (E; E 0 )
and, for each 2 H; let B be a copy of E 0 : Then there is a nonzero map
182 Chapter 14. Torsion and torsionfree modules
from E to B = B de ned as follows: if x 2 E and 2 H;
then x : 7! x : If K = ker( ); then HomR (K; E ) = (0) since any

nonzero map from K to E 0 can be enlarged to a nonzero map from E to E 0 :

By hypothesis, this means that HomR (K; E) = (0): But K is a submodule
of E; and so this implies that K = (0): Therefore E is isomorphic to a
submodule of a direct product of copies of E 0 : A similar argument shows that
E 0 is isomorphic to a submodule of a direct product of copies of E; and so
these two injective left R-modules are equivalent.

It is easily seen, using this observation, that any two injective cogenerators
are equivalent.
Our basic tool for the construction of rings and modules of quotients will
be classes of injective modules in the above sense. Surprisingly, there are not
that many such equivalence classes: as we shall verify later (see Exercise 10 of
Section 14.4), the family of equivalence classes of injective left R-modules is in
one-to-one correspondence with a set, and therefore has cardinality. We would
like to say that it is a set, but strictly speaking, that is not the case. A set cannot
have elements which are proper classes. However, this result implies that there
is no harm in informally considering it a set.
The following observation is important, in that it shows that each equivalence
class of injective left R-modules contains at least one member of a very special
type, which we will need later.
Observation 2: Any injective left R-module is equivalent to a left
R-module which is cyclic when considered as a right module over its
endomorphism ring.

Veri cation: Let E be an injective left R-module and let fAi j i 2 g be

a set of nonisomorphic cyclic left R-modules such that any cyclic submodule of
an injective
a left R-module equivalent to E is isomorphic to one of the Ai : Let
A= Ai and let C be an injective hull of A:
We rst assert that C is equivalent to E: Suppose that there exists a nonzero
map from a left R-module B to C: Then there exists a nonzero element b
of B such that b is a nonzero element of A and so there exists an i in
such that b i 6= 0; where i is the projection of A onto Ai : But Ai is
a cyclic submodule of an injective left R-module E 0 equivalent to E and so
there exists a nonzero map from B to E 0 : By Observation 1, there then exists
a nonzero map from B to E: Conversely, suppose that there exists a nonzero
map : B ! E and let b be an element of B such that b is a nonzero
element of E: Then Rb is isomorphic to Ah for some h 2 and so there
Chapter 14. Torsion and torsionfree modules 183

exists a nonzero map from Rb to Ah and hence from Rb to C: By injectivity,

this map can be enlarged to a nonzero map from B to C: This veri es the
assertion that C is equivalent to E; by Observation 1.
We are left to show that C is cyclic as a right module over its endomorphism
ring S = HomR (C; C): Let I be the subset of R consisting of those elements
r satisfying rx = 0 for all x 2 C: Then I is a two-sided ideal of R: For
each x in C; let Cx be Ya copy of C: Then we have a map from the left
R-module R to C = 0
Cx de ned by r : x 7! rx for all r 2 R
and all x 2 C: The kernel of this map is precisely I; and so the left R-module
R=I is isomorphic to a cyclic submodule of C 0 : But C 0 is equivalent to C
and hence to E and so, by the construction of A; there is some h 2 such
that R=I is isomorphic to Ah : In particular, we have an R-monomorphism
: R=I ! A C:
Since I is a two-sided ideal of R; we see that R=I is a ring and that C
is a left (R=I)-module with scalar multiplication de ned by
(r + I)x = rx
for all r 2 R and all x 2 C: In fact, any R-endomorphism of C is also
an (R=I)-endomorphism and any (R=I)-endomorphism of C is surely an R-
endomorphism. Thus we can identify the rings HomR (C; C) and HomR=I (C; C):
We will denote both of them by S:
By Observation 3 of Section 0.5, we see that HomR=I (R=I; C) is a right
S -module isomorphic to C: Consider the S -homomorphism of right S -modules
from S to HomR=I (R=I; C) which sends an element of S to : We
claim that this is an S -epimorphism. Indeed, an immediate application of Baer's
Criterion shows that C is injective as a left (R=I)-module since it is injective
as a left R-module. Therefore, for any map : R=I ! C there is an (R=I)-
endomorphism of C satisfying = : Thus HomR=I (R=I; C) is
a cyclic right S -module. Since C is isomorphic to it, it too is a cyclic right
S -module, which is what we needed to show.

3. Torsionfree modules
If E is an injective left R-module; then a left R-module A is E -torsionfree if
and only if it is isomorphic to a submodule of an injective left R-module equiv-
alent to E: In other words, A is E -torsionfree if and only if it is embeddable
in a direct product of copies of E:
Observation 1: If E is an injective left R-module, then the class
of E -torsionfree left R-modules is closed under taking submodules,
184 Chapter 14. Torsion and torsionfree modules

direct products, isomorphic copies, and injective hulls. Moreover, if F

is a nonempty class of left R-modules closed under taking submodules,
direct products, isomorphic copies, and injective hulls then there exists
an injective left R-module E satisfying the condition that a left R-
module A belongs to F if and only if it is E -torsionfree.

Veri cation: The rst part of the observation is immediate. Now consider
a nonempty class F of left R-modules closed under taking submodules, direct
products, isomorphic copies, and injective hulls, and let fRbi j i 2 g be a set
of nonisomorphic cyclic left R-modules having the property that every cyclic left
R-module in F is isomorphic to one Y of them. For each i 2 ; let Ei be an
injective hull of Rmi : Then E = Ei is an injective left R-module that is
a member of F: Therefore any E -torsionfree left R-module, being embeddable
in a direct product of copies of E; is also a member of F:
Conversely, if A is a member of F which has an injective hull C; then C
is also a member of F: For each element c of C; there is a direct summand
Dc of C which is an injective hull of\ Rc: Let c be the projection of C onto
Dc in this decomposition. Clearly ker( c ) = (0) and so we have an
Y c2C
R-monomorphism from C to Dc de ned by x : c 7! x c for all
x 2 C: This direct product is, in turn, embeddable in a direct product of copies
of E: Therefore C (and hence A) is E -torsionfree.

Observation 1 characterizes classes of torsionfree modules in terms of certain

closure properties. These are not the only closure properties that such classes
De nition: A class of left R-modules is said to be closed under extensions
if a left R-module A belongs to the class whenever there exists a submodule B
of A such that both B and B=A belong to the class.
Veri cation of the following observation is left as an exercise.
Observation 2: If E is an injective left R-module, then the class of
E -torsionfree left R-modules is closed under extensions.

Let us consider an example. Let F be the class of all left R-modules A

satisfying the condition that, for any nonzero element a of A; there exists a map
2 A = Hom(A; R) for which (a )a 6= 0: The class F is immediately seen
to be closed under taking submodules, direct products, and isomorphic copies. In
general, it is not closed under taking injective hulls. However, let us consider
the case that the ring R is itself an injective left R-module. Let A be a left
Chapter 14. Torsion and torsionfree modules 185

R-module in F contained in an injective hull C: If c is a nonzero element of

C then, since A is large in C; then exists an element r of R such that rc
is a nonzero element of A: Therefore, there exists a map 2 Hom(A; R)
satisfying [(rc) ](rc) 6= 0: Since R is injective, the map from A to R given
by a 7! (a )r can be enlarged to a map : C ! R: Then 0 6= (rc) c =
r [(c )c] and so (c )c must be a nonzero element of C: This shows that C
also belongs to F . Thus, by Observation 1, we note that when R is injective,
there exists an injective left R-module E such that a left R-module A is in F
if and only if it is E -torsionfree.

Exercise 1: Verify Observation 2.

Exercise 2: Let R be an integral domain. Show that there exists an
injective left R-module E satisfying the condition that a left R-module A
is E -torsionfree if and only if ra 6= 0 for every nonzero element r of R and
every nonzero element a of A:
Exercise 3: Let p be a prime element of a principal ideal domain R: Show
that there exists an injective left R-module E satisfying the condition that a
left R-module A is E -torsionfree if and only if pi a 6= 0 for all nonnegative
integers i and all nonzero elements a of A:
Exercise 4: A left R-module A is nonsingular if, for each nonzero element
a of A and each large left ideal L of R; there exists an element r of L
satisfying ra 6= 0: Show that there is an injective left R-module E satisfying
the condition that a left R-module is E -torsionfree if and only if it is nonsingular.
Exercise 5: Let R be a commutative ring and let H be a prime ideal of
R: Let E be an injective hull of the left R-module R=H: Characterize the
E -torsionfree left R-modules.

4. Torsion modules
Given an injective left R-module E , a left R-module A is E -torsion if and
only if there are no nonzero homomorphisms from A to E: By Observation
1 of Section 2, we see that a left R-module A is E -torsion if and only if it is
E 0 -torsion for any injective left R-module equivalent to E:
Observation 1: If E is an injective left R-module, then the class
of E -torsion left R-modules is closed under taking submodules, ho-
momorphic images, coproducts, and extensions. Moreover, if T is
a nonempty class of left R-modules closed under taking submodules,
homomorphic images, coproducts, and extensions then there exists an
186 Chapter 14. Torsion and torsionfree modules

injective left R-module E satisfying the condition that a left R-module

A belongs to T if and only if it is E -torsion.

Veri cation: The closure of the class of E -torsion left R-modules under
taking submodules from the injectivity of E : any nonzero homomorphism from
a submodule of a left R-module A to E can be enlarged to a nonzero homo-
morphism from A to E: The closure of this class under taking homomorphic
images, coproducts, and extensions is immediate. Now consider a nonempty
class T of left R-modules closed under taking submodules, homomorphic im-
ages, coproducts, and extensions. Let B be the class of all left R-modules B
satisfying the condition that there is no nonzero map from any member of T to
an injective hull of B: Let fRdi j i 2 g be a set of nonisomorphic cyclic
left R-modules in B such that every cyclic left R-module in B is isomorphic
to oneY of them. For each i in ; let Ei be an injective hull of Rdi and let
E= Ei : Then E is injective and, by construction, every left R-module
in T is E -torsion. We are left to show that every E -torsion left R-module
belongs to T :
Let B be an E -torsion left R-module and let U = fb 2 B j Rb belongs to
T g: This set is nonempty since 0 2 U: Moreover, if Ba 0
is the submodule of B
generated by U; then B is a homomorphic image of
Rb and so, by the
closure conditions on T ; also belongs to T : We are done if we can show that
B 0 = B: Assume that this is not the case. If x 2 B r B 0 and if [Rx + B 0 ]=B 0
belongs to T then, by the closure of T under extensions, we conclude that
Rx + B 0 belongs to T ; contradicting the choice of B 0 : Therefore no nonzero
submodule of B=B 0 belongs to T : Let C be an injective hull of B=B 0 : Since
B=B 0 is large in C; it follows that no nonzero submodule of C can belong
to T : Since T is closed under taking homomorphic images, this implies that
there is no nonzero map from any member of T to C: Thus, B=B 0 belongs
to B: But this implies that there are no nonzero maps from B to C; which is
impossible unless B = B 0 : Thus B belongs to T :

Given an injective left R-module E; the class of all E -torsion left R-

modules need not be closed under taking injective hulls, though it may be so and
indeed is so in many important cases. For example, in Exercise 4 of the previous
section, we saw that there exists an injective left R-module E satisfying the
condition that a left R-module is E -torsionfree if and only if it is nonsingular.
It is straightforward to verify that, for this E; the class of all E -torsion left
R-modules is closed under taking injective hulls.
The veri cation of Observation 1 also contains the clue to the relationship
Chapter 14. Torsion and torsionfree modules 187

between the classes of E -torsion and of E -torsionfree modules. In fact, these

classes can be used directly to de ne each other.
Observation 2: If E is an injective left R-module then:
(1) A left R-module A is E -torsion if and only if there is no nonzero
map from A to the injective hull of any E -torsionfree left R-module
(2) A left R-module B is E -torsionfree if and only if there is no
nonzero may from any E -torsion left R-module A to any injective
hull of B:

Veri cation: (1) Let A be an E -torsion left R-module and let B be

an E -torsionfree left R-module having anY injective hull C: Then there is an
R-monomorphism from C to E = 0
Ei for some nonempty set ;
where each Ei is a copy of E: If there were a nonzero map : A ! C
then there would be an i in such that i is nonzero, where i is the
projection of E onto Ei : But this is impossible if A is E -torsion: conversely,
if there is no nonzero map from A to an injective hull of any E -torsionfree left
R-module then, in particular, there is no such map from A to E; and so A is
E -torsion.
(2) Let B be a left R-module having an injective hull C: If B is E -
torsionfree and if A is an E -torsion left R-module, then there is no nonzero
map from A to C by (1). Conversely, assume that B satis es the condition
that there is no nonzero map from any E -torsion left R-module to C: Let H =
HomR (C; E) and, Y for each 2 H; let E be a copy of E: Then we have a
map from C to E de ned by c : 7! c for all c in C and all
in H: Let K = ker( ): Then, by the injectivity of E; any map from K
to E is the restriction of one of the memembers of H and so is the zero map.
Thus there are no nonzero maps from K to E and so K is E -torsion. But
K is a submodule of C: By the assumption on B; this means that there is no
nonzero map from K to C; which is impossible unless K = (0): Therefore
is an R-monomorphism and so C is isomorphic to a submodule of a direct
product of copies of E; proving that C; and hence B; is E -torsionfree.

In particular, we note that if A is an E -torsion left R-module and if B is

an E -torsionfree left R-module, then there are no nonzero maps from A to B:
Also, as a consequence of the previous two observations, we see the following.
Observation 3: If E is an injective left R-module and if A is
an arbitrary left R-module, then there is a unique submodule A0 of
188 Chapter 14. Torsion and torsionfree modules

A satisfying the condition that A0 is E -torsion and A=A0 is E -

Veri cation: Let H = HomR (A; E) and take A0 = ker( ): As
in the veri cation of Observation 2, we see that there are no nonzero maps from
A0 to E; and so A Y is E -torsion. On the other hand, A=A is isomorpic
0 0

to a submodule of E ; where each E is a copy of E; and so is

E -torsionfree.

Note that the submodule A0 of a left R-module A de ned in Observation

3 must contain all E -torsion submodules of A; for if A00 is an E -torsion
submodule of A not contained in A0 ; then [A0 +A00 ]=A0 is a nonzero submodule
of A=A0 which is E -torsion since it is isomorphic to a homomorphic image of
A00 : But E -torsionfree modules cannot have nonzero E -torsion submodules, so
we have a contradiction. Thus we have veri ed the following observation.
Observation 4: If E is an injective left R-module and if A is
an arbitrary left R-module, then A has a unique maximal E -torsion

We will denote the unique maximal E -torsion submodule of a left R-module

A by TE (A): Note that a left R-module A is E -torsionfree precisely when
TE (A) = (0):
The veri cation of the following observation is left as an exercise.
Observation 5: Let E be an injective left R-module and let B
be a submodule of a left R-module A: If A0 is the unique maxi-
mal E -torsion submodule of A; then the unique maximal E -torsion
submodule of B is precisely A0 \ B:

This observation is important in establishing the following result, which shows

that if a left R-module A having an injective hull C satis es the condition that
C=A is E -torsionfree, then A satis es a weak injectivity condition. We will
need this observation in Chapter 15.
Observation 6: Let A be a left R-module having an injective hull
C and let E be an injective left R-module. Then C=A is E -
torsionfree if and only if any map from a submodule B 0 of a left
R-module B to A can be enlarged to a map from B to A whenever
B=B 0 is E -torsion.
Veri cation: Suppose that C=A is E -torsionfree and let B 0 be a submod-
Chapter 14. Torsion and torsionfree modules 189

ule of a left R-module B satisfying the condition that B=B 0 is E -torsion: If

: A ! C is the inclusion map, and if is a map from B 0 to A, then
can be enlarged to a map from B to C: Moreover, induces a map 0 from
B=B 0 to C=A de ned by 0 : b + B 0 7! b + A for all b 2 B: But B=B 0
is E -torsion and C=A is, by assumption, E -torsionfree so, by Observation 2,
is the zero map. Therefore im( ) A:
Now, conversely, assume that the stated condition holds, and let C 0 =A =
TE (C=A): We are done if we can show that this left R-module equals (0);
namely that C 0 = A: By the given condition, the identity map : A ! A can
be enlarged to a map from C 0 to A; which must be an R-monomorphism
since A is large in C (because it is large in C ) and ker( ) \ A = ker( ) =

(0): Moreover, A = im( ) im( ) A; so is an isomorphism. This can

happen only if C 0 = A and = ; which is what we needed to show.

Notice that we don't really need all submodules B 0 of B such that B=B 0
is E -torsion in Observation 6. A slight modi cation of the proof of Baer's
Criterion, which we leave as an exercise, will show that all that is necessary is
to be able to enlarge all maps from L to A; where L is any left ideal of R
satisfying the condition that R=L is E -torsion.

Y 1: Let fEi j i 2 g be a family of injective left R-modules and
let E = Ei : Show that a left R-module is E -torsion if and only if it is
Ei -torsion for all i 2 :
Exercise 2: Let I be a prime ideal of a commutative ring R and let E
be an injective hull of R=I: Show that a left R-module A is E -torsion if and
only if for each element a of A there exists an element r of R r I satisfying
ra = 0:
Exercise 3: Let R be an arbitrary ring. Show that there exists an injective
left R-module E satisfying the condition that a left R-module A is E -torsion
if and only if every factor module of A is projective.
Exercise 4: Let R be a left noetherian ring. Show that there exists an
injective left R-module E satisfying the condition that a left R-module A is
E -torsion if and only if every factor module of an injective hull of A is injective.
Exercise 5: Let E be a left R-module satisfying the condition that every
nonzero E -torsionfree left R-module has a nonzero projective submodule. Show
that the class of E -torsion left R-modules is closed under taking injective hulls.
Exercise 6: Verify Observation 5.
190 Chapter 14. Torsion and torsionfree modules

Exercise 7: Let E be an injective hull of R: If L is a left ideal of R

satisfying the condition that R=L is E -torsion, show that L is large in R:
Exercise 8: Let R be a commutative noetherian ring and let E be an
injective left R-module. Show that the class of all E -torsion left R-module is
closed under taking injective hulls.
Exercise 9: Let A be a left R-module contained in an injective hull C and
let E be an injective left R-module. Show that C=A is E -torsionfree if and
only if any map from a left ideal L of R to A can be enlarged to a map from
R to A whenever R=L is E -torsion.
Exercise 10: Show that injective left R-modules E and E 0 are equivalent
if and only if a cyclic left R-module is E -torsion when and only when it is E 0 -
torsion. Conclude from this that the family of all equivalence classes of injective
left R-modules is in one-to-one correspondence with a set (of sets of left ideals
of R):
Exercise 11: Let R be a principal ideal domain. Show that there exists an
injective left R-module E such that, for any left R-module A; the E -torsion
submodule of A is fa 2 A j ann(a) 6= (0)g:
Y 12: Let fEi j i 2 g be a family of injective left R-modules and
let E = Ei : Show that a left R-module is E -torsion if and only if it is
Ei -torsion for each i 2 :

Notes for Chapter 14

The notions of torsion and torsionfreeness at an injective left R-module were
rst developed systematically by Gabriel [33] and Dickson [21]. For material
on semiprime modules, see [120]. More detailed systematic treatments of this
theory can be found in [66], [34], or [35].
Chapter 15. The module of quotients

1. Introduction
In this chapter, we move from the notions of modules torsion and torsionfree with
respect to an equivalence class of injective left R-modules to the construction of
modules of quotients at such an equivalence class. The construction is done in
two stages: beginning with a left R-module A; we rst move via the natural
map to a torsionfree factor module of A; then we embed this factor module
in a certain submodule of its injective hull. What is surprising, and de nitely
not clear at this stage, is that such a construction is, to use a term from category
theory, “functiorial”. Not only can we assign to each left R-module a module of
quotients but also we can assign to each map between left R-modules a unique
map between their modules of quotients, and these maps behave in a nice manner.
The module of quotients thus constructed is hard to envision. It is a submod-
ule of an injective hull and, since for the latter we have only an existence proof
but not, in general, an explicit method of construction, we do not know what it
looks like. In Section 4, however, we will show that the module of quotients can
always be considered as a submodule of a very speci c (though still extremely
large) module of homomorphisms. This will be important in Chapter 16 for the
representation of the ring of quotients in a speci c form.

2. The module of quotients de ned by equivalent injective mod-

We are now going to construct the module of quotients of a left R-module A
with respect to an equivalence class of injective left R-modules. Since this
procedure is somewhat complicated, we will do it in stages. In de ning our
construction, we will use a particular injective left R-module E: However,
not that at each stage the construction would not be altered if, at that stage,
we replaced E by any other injective module equivalent to it. Therefore the
module of quotients depends only on the equivalence class of E; and not on the
particular representative chosen from this class.
Let us begin therefore with an injective left R-module E and an arbitrary

192 Chapter 15. The module of quotients

left R-module A:
1. In Observations 3 and 4 of Section 14.4, we have seen that there is a unique
maximal E -torsion submodule TE (A) of A: Then TE (A) is E -torsion
and A=TE (A) is E -torsionfree. For the purposes of this construction, we
will denote the module A=TE (A) by A(1) :
2. Choose an injective hull C of A(1) and consider the factor module
A(2) = C=A(1) :
3. Now set QE (A)=A(1) = TE (A(2) ):
The module QE (A) which we have thus de ned is the module of quotients of
A at the equivalence class of E:
Again, let us emphasize that QE (A) depends not on E but only on the
equivalence class of E: Also, the only choice we had in the above construction
was the choice of the injective hull C: Since injective hulls of modules are
unique up to isomorphism, this means that QE (A) is de ned uniquely up to
isomorphism. We also note that the above construction also provides us with a
map E (A) : A ! QE (A) which is formed by the composition of the natural
map A ! A(1) and the inclusion map of A(1) into QE (A):
We now want to make a series of observations concerning some striking
properties of the module QE (A) which we have constructed. The rst of
these is an immediate consequence of the construction of QE (A):
Observation 1: If E is an injective left R-module and if A is an
arbitrary left R-module then:
(1) ker( E (A)) is E -torsion.
(2) QE (A)=im( E (A)) is E -torsion
(3) QE (A) is E -torsionfree.
(4) If C is an injective hull of QE (A), then C=QE (A) is E -

The second observation shows a crucial property of QE (A):

Observation 2: Let E be an injective left R-module and let A
be an arbitrary left R-module. Let B 0 be a submodule of a left R-
module B satisfying the condition that B=B 0 is E -torsion. Then
any map from B 0 to QE (A) can be uniquely enlarged to a map from
B to QE (A):

Veri cation: Let be a map from B 0 to QE (A) and let : QE (A) ! C

be the inclusion map, where C is an injective hull of QE (A): By (4) of
Observation 1 and by Observation 6 of Section 14.4, the map can be enlarged
Chapter 15. The module of quotients 193

to a map from B to QE (A): We are left to show that is unique. Indeed,

assume that and 0 are maps from B to QE (A), both of which enlarge
; Let be the map from B to QE (A): Then ker( ) contains
B 0 and so de nes a map 0 from B=B 0 to QE (A) by 0 : b + B 0 7! b
for all b 2 B: But, by hypothesis, B=B 0 is E -torsion while, by Observation
1, QE (A) is E -torsionfree. Therefore, by Observation 2 of Section 14.4, 0 is
the zero map, proving that = 0 :

The next observation shows that the properties listed in Observation 1 essen-
tiall characterize the module of quotients.
Observation 3: Let E be an injective left R-module and let A be
an arbitrary left R-module. If : A ! B is a map of left R-modules
satisfying the following conditions:
(1) ker( ) is E -torsion;
(2) B=im( ) is E -torsion;
(3) B is E -torsionfree; and
(4) D=B is E -torsionfree whenever D is an injective hull of B
then there exists an isomorphism : B ! QE (A) satisfying E (A) =

Veri cation: Let TE (A) be the unique maximal E -torsion submodule

of A: Then, by (1), ker( ) TE (A): On the other hand, TE (A) is
an E -torsion submodule of B: Since B is E -torsionfree, this means that
TE (A) = (0) and so TE (A) ker( ); establishing equality. Therefore,
since TE (A) is precisely the kernel of E (A); it suf ces for the rest of the
proof to replace A by A=TE (A) and so assume that A is E -torsionfree and
that the maps and E (A) are R-monomorphisms.
Since B=im( ) is E -torsion, we know by Observation 2 that E (A) can be
enlarged uniquely to a map from B to QE (A) which satis es E (A) = :
On the other hand, QE (A=im( E (A)) is E -torsion by Observation 1 and the
same argument used in verifying Observation 2, together with (3) and (4), shows
that E (A) can be enlarged uniquely to a map 0 : QE (A) ! B which
satis es = E (A) 0 : Then 0
must be the unique R-endomorphism
of B satisfying = and must be the unique endomorphism of
QE (A) satisfying E (A) = E (A) : This means that is the identity map
on B and 0 is the identity map on QE (A); which suf ces to prove that
is an isomorphism and that 0 = 1 :

We want to be sure, of course, that this construction really generatizes the

construction of S 1 A; as de ned in Section 14.1, in the case that R is a
194 Chapter 15. The module of quotients

commutative ring and S is a multiplicatively-closed subset of R r f0g: So

consider such a subset S of R and let A be a left R-module. Then we
have a map : A ! S 1 A which sends an element a of A to the element
sa=s of S 1 A: (here s is any element of S; they all, clearly, yield the same
element of S 1 A). By Observation 1 of Section 14.4, we note that there is an
injective left R-module E satisfying the condition that a left R-module B is
E -torsion if and only if for every element b of B there exists an element s
of S satisfying sb = 0: In particular, if a 2 ker( ) then sa=s = 0 and
so there exists an element s00 of S satisfying (s00 s)a = s00 (sa) = 0; which
shows that ker( ) is E -torsion. If a=s is an arbitrary element of S 1 A then
s(a=s) = (s=1)(a=s) = sa=s 2 im( ) and this implies that S 1 A=im( ) is
also E -torsion. On the other hand, assume that a=s 2 TE (S 1 A): Then there
eixsts an element s0 of S satisfying s0 a=s = 0: But then a=s = 0=s0 = 0
and so a=s = 0: Thus S 1 A is itself E -torsionfree. Finally, let S 1 A be
contained in an injective hull C: To show that C=S 1 A is E -torsionfree, it
suf ces, as we observed at the end of Section 14.4, to show that if L is a left
ideal of R satisfying the condition that R=L is E -torsion, then any map from L
to S 1 A can be enlarged to a map from R to S 1 A: Let : L ! S 1 A be
such a map. Since R=L is E -torsion, there exists an element s of S satisfying
s(1 + L) = 0 + L and so s 2 S \ L: Therefore s = a=t = s(a=st) for
some elements a of A and t of S: If r is an arbitrary element of L
and if r = a0 =s0 for some a0 2 A and s0 2 S then, by commutativity,
sa0 =s0 = s(r ) = (sr) = (rs) = r(s ) = rs(a=ts) = s(ra=ts) and so
a0 =s0 = ra=ts in S 1 A: This shows that r = r(a=ts) for all r 2 L and
so the map from R to S 1 A which sends an element r0 of R to r0 a=ts
enlarges : We are now in a position to apply Observation 3 and to conclude
with the following observation.
Observation 4: Let R be a commutative ring and let S be a
multiplicatively-closed subset of R r f0g: Let E be an injective left
R-module satisfying the condition that a left R-module B is E -torsion
if and only if for each element b of B there exists an element s of S
satisfying sb = 0: Then S 1 A = QE (A) for any left R-module A:

3. The module of quotients de ned by equivalent projective

In the previous section we de ned the module of quotients of an arbitrary left
R-module given by an equivalence class of injective left R-modules. Can we
carry out a smilar construction for projective left R-modules? First we need an
Chapter 15. The module of quotients 195

appropriate de nition of equivalence.

De nition: Projective left R-modules P and P 0 are equivalent if each of
them is isomorphic to a homomorphic image (and hence a direct summand) of a
coproduct of copies of the other.
If this condition looks somewhat familiar, it is because we have already en-
countered it in Chatper 5. In fact, we can now restate Observation 4 of Section
5.2 as follows:
Observation 1: Projective left R-modules P and P 0 are equiva-
lent if and only if they have the same trace.

If P is a projective left R-module and A is an arbitrary left R-module, we

will say that A is P -torsion if and only if ra = 0 for all a 2 A and all
r 2 tr(P ): Observation 1 then assures us that A is P -torsion if and only if it is
P 0 -torsion for any projective left R-module P 0 equivalent to P: We notice the
Observation 2: Let P be a projective left R-module. The class
of all P -torsion left R-modules is closed under taking submodules, ho-
momorphic images, direct products, and extensions.

Veri cation: The closure of the class of all P -torsion left R-modules under
taking submodules, homomorphic images, and direct products is an immediate
consequence of the de nition. Now suppose that B is a submodule of a left
R-module A satisfying the condition that both B and A=B are P -torsion.
We are done if we can show that A is P -torsion. If a is an element of B
then we know that ra = 0 for all r 2 tr(P ): If a 2 P A r B and r 2 tr(P )
then, by Observation 3 of Section 5.2, we see that rP = ni=1 si ti ; where the si
and ti are elements of tr(P ): Therefore ra = i=1 si ti a: Since A=B is
P -torsion, we see that ti a + B = ti (a + B) = 0 + B for all 1 i n; and
so ti a 2 B for all 1 i n: Therefore si (ti a) = 0 for all 1 i n;
proving that ra = 0: Thus A is also P -torsion.

Since the coproduct of a family of left R-modules is a submodule of their

direct product, we see from Observation 2 that if P is a projective left R-module
then the family of all P -torsion left R-modules is also closed under taking co-
products. We can therefore apply Observation 1 of Section 14.3 and note that
there exists an injective left R-module E(P ); determined up to equivalence
of injective modules, which satis es the condition that a left R-module is E(P )-
torsion if and only if it is P -torsion. We say that a left R-module is P -torsionfree
when it is E(P )-torsionfree. For any left R-module A; we can construct the
196 Chapter 15. The module of quotients

module of quotients of A at E(P ); which we will denote by QP (A) and

call the module of quotients of A at the equivalence class of the projective left
R-module P: As it turns out, this module can be described in a rather nice way.
Observation 3: Let P be a projective left R-module and let A be
an arbitrary left R-module. Then QP (A) is isomorphic to
HomR (tr(P ); A=TP (A));
where TP (A) is the unique maximal P -torsion submodule of A:

Veri cation: Let B = HomR (tr(P ); A=TP (A)): We note that the left
R-module R=tr(P ) is P -torsion and so, by Observation 2 of Section 15.2, any
map 2 B can be enlarged to a unique map form R to QP (A): The
function from B to QP (A) which sends a map to 1 can be easily
veri ed to be a map of left R-modules, which is well-de ned by the uniqueness
of : If 1 1 = 1 2 for elements 1 and 2 of B; then 1 2 induces a
map from R=tr(P ) to A=TP (A); which must be the zero-map since R=tr(P )
is P -torsion and A=TP (A) is P -torsionfree. Therefore 1 = 2 and we have
shown that the function is one-to-one. If x 2 Qp (A); then x determines a
map : R ! Qp (A) de ned by : r 7! rx: Let
: Qp (A) ! Qp (A)= [A=TP (A)]
be the natural map. Then im( ) is P -torsion, and thus so is R=ker( ):
This implies that tr(P ) [R=ker( )] = (0) and so tr(P ) ker( ): If is
the restriction of to tr(P ); we see that 2 B and, by uniqueness, = :
Therefore x = 1 = 1 ; showing tha the map is an R-epimorphism and
hence an isomorphism.

Exercise 1: Let E be an injective left R-module satisfying the condition that

the class of all E -torsion left R-modules is closed under taking direct products.
Show that there exists a projective left R-module P such that a left R-module
is E -torsion if and only if it is P -torsion.
Exercise 2: For an injective left R-module E; show that the following
conditions are equivalent:
(a) There exists a projective left R-module P satisfying the condition that a left
R-module is E -torsion if and only if it is P -torsion.
(b) The set of all left ideals L of R satisfying the condition that R=L is
E -torsion has a unique minimal element.
Exercise 3: Let R be a commutative noetherian ring.
Chapter 15. The module of quotients 197

(a) If I is a nitely-generated ideal of R satisfying I 2 = I; show that I = Re

for some idempotent element e of R:
(b) Let P be a projective left R-module. For any left R-module A; show that
the unique maximal P -torsion submodule of A is a direct summand of A:

4. A representation of the module of quotients

Let E be an injective left R-module having an endomorphism ring S =
HomR (E; E) and let A be an arbitrary left R-module. As we say in Section
0.5, both E and HomR (A; E) are right S -modules. Similar reasoning leads us
to see that HomS (HomR (A; E); E) is a left R-module which, for simplicity,
we will denote by BE (A): For each left R-module A; there is a standard map
E (A) from A to BE (A) de ned in the following manner: if a is an element
of A; then a E (A) is the S -homomorphism which sends an element of
HomR (A; E) to a :
Observation 1: If E is an injective left R-module and if A is
an arbitrary left R-module, then the kernel of the map E (A) : A !
BE (A) equals TE (A):
Veri cation: If a 2 TE (A) then Ra is E -torsion. Since E is E -
torsionfree, this means that a = 0 for any in HomR (A; E) and so
a 2 ker( E (A)): Conversely, assume that is a map from ker( E (A)) to
E: Then can be enlarged to a map from A to E: If is not the zero
map, then there exists an element x 2 ker( E (A)) satisfying x 6= 0 and so
x 6= 0: But x = (x E (A))( ); contradicting the assumption that x belongs
to ker( E (A)): Therefore there are no nonzero maps from ker( E (A)) to E
and so, by Observation 2 of Section 14.4, ker( E (A)) is E -torsion and so is
contained in TE (A): Thus TE (A) = ker( E (A)).

This observation leads us to the following very important conclusion

Observation 2: If E is an injective left R-module and if A is
an arbitrary left R-module, then there is a unique R-monomorphism
"E (A) from QE (A) to BE (A) satisfying E (A)"E (A) = E (A):
Veri cation: Let S = HomR (E; E) be the endomorphism ring of E:
Then N = HomR (A; E) is a right S -module. We know that there exists
a free right S -module Y1 and an S -epimorphism '1 : Y1 ! N: Moreover,
there eixsts another free right S -module Y2 and a corresponding S -epimorphism
'2 : Y2 ! ker('1 ): The map '1 induces a homomorphism of left R-modules
1 : HomS (N; E) ! HomS (Y1 ; E) which sends 2 HomS (N; E) to
198 Chapter 15. The module of quotients

'1 : (Remember that these functions are written as acting on the left, since we
are talking about right S -modules!) Since '1 is an S -epimorphism, 1 is an
R-monomorphism because '1 can be the zero map only when is. Similarly,
'2 induces a homomorphism of left R-modules
2 : HomS (Y1 ; E) ! HomS (Y2 ; E):
Since im('2 ) = ker('1 ); it is not dif cult to check that ker( 2 ) = im( 1 ):
The free right S -modules Y1 and Y2 are isomorphic to coproducts of copies
of S and so, by using the right-left inversion of Observation 2 of Section 0.6, we
see that HomS (Y1 ; N ) and HomS (Y2 ; N ) are isomorpic to direct products of
copies of E: In summary, what we have shown is the following:
1. BE (A) = HomS (N; E) is isomorphic to a submodule C of a direct
product D of copies of E.
2. D=C is also isomorphic to a submodule of a direct product D0 of copies
of E:
The rst of these conclusions simply says that HomS (N; E) is E -torsionfree.
Since D is injective, it contains a submodule C 0 containing C which is an
injective hull of C: Therefore C 0 =C is isomorphic to a submodule of D0 and
hence is E -torsionfree. By Observation 6 of Section 14.4, this means that if B 0
is a submodule of a left R-module B satisfying the condition that B=B 0 is
E -torsion, then any map from B 0 to BE (A) can be enlarged to a map from
B to BE (A): If 1 and 2 are two such enlargements, then 1 2 induces
a map from B=B 0 to BE (A); which must be the zero map since B=B 0 is
E -torsion and BE (A) is E -torsionfree. Therefore such enlargements are in
fact unique.
Since ker( E (A)) = TE (A) = ker( E (A)); we see that E (A) induces
an R-monomorphism from A=TE (A) to QE (A) with image A0 such that
QE (A)=A0 is E -torsion. Also, the map E (A) induces an R-monomorphism
from A=TE (A) to BE (A) which, by the above, can be uniquely enlarged
to a map "E (A) from QE (A) to BE (A): Moreover, "E (A) is an R-
monomorphism since A0 is large in QE (A): By construction, E (A)"E (A) =
E (A):

Thus we have seen that QE (A) is always isomorphic to a submodule of

BE (A): These modules are not equal in general, but they are in one very impor-
tant case, the veri cation of which we leave as an exercise.
Observation 3: Let E be an injective left R-module and let A be
a left R-module satisfying the condition that QE (A) is isomorphic to
Chapter 15. The module of quotients 199

a subset of a direct product of nitely-many copies of E: Then "E (A)

is an isomorphism.


Exercise 1: Verify Observation 3 by checking through the proof of Obser-

vation 2 very carefully, for such left R-modules A:

Notes for Chapter 15

Not every equivalence class of injective left R-modules contains a member of the
form E(P ) for some projective left R-module. For example, there does not
necessarily exist a projective left R-module P such that E(P ) is equivalent
to the injective hull of R: However, if R is a nite-dimensional algebra over a
eld K (for example, if it is a full ring of n n matrices over K ) then such a
projective module exists [106].
The material in this chapter is all based on [33], [21] and [66]. For general
expositions of this theory, see [34] or [35].
Chapter 16. Rings of quotients

1. Introduction
We are almost nished. Having shown how to construct the module of quotients
QE (A) for any left R-module A at the equivalence class of an injective left R-
module E: we are left only to show that QE (R) is in fact a ring and that QE (A)
is, in a natural way, a left QE (R)-module for every left R-module A: We do
this by a trick: namely we show that QE (R) is isomorphic, as a left R-module,
to its own endomorphism ring RE : Finally, we use the representation theory of
the quotient module developed in Section 15.4 to give a characterization of this
ring, namely we show that any injective left R-module E is equivalent to an
injective left R-module E 0 having endomorphism ring S such that RE is
isomorphic, as a ring, to HomS (E 0 ; E 0 ):

2. Rings of quotients
If E is an injective left R-module then, for any left R-module A; we have
already seen how to construct the module of quotients QE (A) at the equivalence
class of E: In particular, we can do this for the ring R; considered as a left
module over itself. Then HomR (QE (R); QE (R)) is a ring, which we will call
the ring of quotients of R at the equivalence class of E: We will denote this
ring simply by RE :
Many examples of rings of quotients have been studied in the literature. One
of the most natural is the ring RE ; where E is an injective hull of R; consid-
ered as a left R-module. this ring is called the maximal ring of quotients of R
and was rst studied by Johnson [56] and Utumi [109].
Observation 1: For any injective left R-module E; the ring RE
has the structure of a left R-module isomorphic to QE (R):

Veri cation: An element q of QE (R) induces a map q : R ! QE (R)

which sends an element r of R to rq: Since QE (R) is E -torsionfree, we
know that TE (R) ker( q ) for any such q: Therefore each q induces a
map from R=TE (R) to QE (R) which, as a consequence of Observation 2 of

202 Chapter 16. Rings of quotients

Section 15.2, can be uniquely extended to an R-endomorphism q of QE (R):

If r is an element of R, we will denote the element r+TE (R) of R=TE (R)
by r: Then we can de ne the structrue of a left R-module on RE by setting
r = r : (The proof that this does in fact turn RE into a left R-module is
straightforward but tedious, using the uniqueness of q ; we will leave it to you
to complete the details.) Let : QE (R) ! RE be the function which sends
an element q of QE (R) to q : We claim that this is an R-homomorphism.
Indeed, if x; y 2 QE (R) then x +y and (x+y) both extend the map from
R=TE (R) to QE (R) induced by x + y and so must be equal. Similarly,
if r 2 R and x 2 QE (R) then r(x ) and (rx) are equal. This establishes
the claim. We note, in fact, that is an R-epimorphism for if 2 RE then
is the image of 1 under : Finally, is also an R-monomorphism since
x 6= 0 implies that 1 x = x 6= 0 and so x is not the zero map. Thus, is
the isomorphism we want.
Observation 2: If E is an injective left R-module and if A is
an arbitrary left R-module, then QE (A) is, in a natural way, a left
RE -module.

Veri cation: If x is an element of QE (A) then x de nes an R-

homomorphism from R to QE (A) which sends an element r of R to
rx: Then TE (R) is contained in the kernel of this map, since QE (A) is
E -torsionfree, and so we have an induced R-homomorphism from R=TE (R)
to QE (A) which, by Observation 2 of Section 15.2, is uniquely extendable
to a map x from QE (R) to QE (A): If 2 RE ; de ne x to be
(1) x 2 QE (A): A straightforward veri cation shows that this de nes the
structure of a left RE -module on QE (A):

We will end by constructing a more interesting representation of the ring of

quotients of a ring R at an equivalence class of injective left R-modules. Let
E be an injective left R-module having endomorphism ring S = HomR (E; E)
and let T = HomS (E; E): This ring is called the biendomorphism ring of E:
Then E is a left T -module. Moreover, there exists a homomorphism of rings
: R ! T de ned as follows: if r 2 R then (r) is the S -endomorphism of
E which sends an element x of E to rx: This homomorphism of rings also
induces the structure of a left R-module on T : if 2 T and if r 2 R; we set
r = (r) :
Now suppose that E is a cyclic right S -module, say E = xS: Then we
have an R-homomorphism from T to E which sends an element of T to
x: This map is an R-monomorphism since x = 0 implies that y = 0 for
Chapter 16. Rings of quotients 203

all y 2 E and so is the zero map. Also, we know that the right S -modules
E and HomR (R; E) are isomorphic and so T is isomorphic, as a left R-
module, to HomS (HomR (R; E); E) = BE (R): Thus we see that BE (R)
is isomorphic to a submodule of E: By Observation 2 of Section 15.4, we see
that QE (R) is isomorphic to a submodule of E and that, by Observation 3 of
Section 15.4, we must have an isomorphism between QE (R) and T: Therefore
RE and T are isomorphic as left R-modules. We leave it as an exercise to show
that they are isomorphic as rings.
We now recall two very important points:
1. All of our constructions do not depend on the particular injective module
chosen, but only on the equivalence class of this module; and
2. By Observation 2 of Section 14.2, every injective left R-module is equivalent
to an injective left R-module which is cyclic as a right module over its
endomorphism ring.
Putting all of these pieces together, we conclude with the following characteriza-
tion of quotient rings.
Theorem 12: If E is an injective left R-module then there exists
an injective left R-module E 0 equivalent to E such that RE is
isomorphic to the biendomorphism ring of E 0 :

Let us end with an example to illustrate this result. If R = Z and E = Q;

then RE = Q: Moreover, by Exercise 10 of Section 0.4, we know that the
endomorphism ring of the left Z-module Q is isomorphic to Q: Therefore the
the biendomorphism ring of Q is also isomorphic to Q: Thus we see that Q is
the ring of quotients of Z at the injective left Z-module Q; which is what we
certainly would expect.

Exercise 1: Let E be an injective left R-module and let A and B be

arbitrary left R-modules. Show that any R-homomorphism from QE (A) to
QE (B) is also an RE -homomorphism.
Exercise 2: Let E be an injective left R-module and let A be a left R-
module. Show that QE (A) is injective as a left RE -module if and only if it is
injective as a left R-module.
Exercise 3: Let E be an injective left R-module having endomorphism
ring S and let T = HomS (E; E):
(a) Show that the ring homomorphism from R to T induces a ring isomorphism
between R=TE (R) and a subring T 0 of T .
204 Chapter 16. Rings of quotients

(b) If E is cyclic as a right S -module, show that RE and T are isomorphic

by showing that the R-module isomorphism between them constructed above ex-
tends the ring isomorphism between the subring of RE isomorphic to R=TE (R)
and T 0 : (Use repeatedly the uniqueness of extensions of maps, as was done in
the veri cation of Observation 1.)

Notes for Chapter 16

The material in this chapter is based primarily on the work of Lambek in [66]
and [67] and of Morita [78]. Other expositions can be found in [34] or [35].

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